Oct. 31, 2023

(184) Faith Is in the Spirit, Not in the Flesh

(184) Faith Is in the Spirit, Not in the Flesh
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Global Outpouring

Your spirit is the real you and that’s where faith resides. The Busses take up the subject of faith and how it relates to the spirit realm. Enjoy a fresh look at faith along with some captivating stories of walking it out. Building your faith on the Word of God is actually a matter of life and death.EMAIL: feedback@globaloutpouring.orgWEBSITE: https://globaloutpouring.netCONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIAGlobal Outpouring Facebook PageGlobal Outpouring on InstagramGlobal Outpouring YouTube ChannelGlobal Outpouring on Twitter

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And the Lord spoke to this Christian woman, a Bible woman, teacher of the Bible, and the Lord

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said, go raise Gramaton from the dead. So the in-coffining service was happening at that time.

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And the Bible woman walked in, laid hands on Gramaton and prayed, and Gramaton sat up.

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And the first thing she said was, take that Buddha down off of the wall. This family is going to

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serve Jesus Christ. I just met him. God promises in Joel 2, 28 to pour out his spirit on all humanity.

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Welcome to Global Outpouring, where we contend for that promise outpouring,

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we equip for that outpouring, so that we may engage in that very outpouring. I'm Philip Bus.

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And I'm Sharon Bus. Welcome to the podcast today. We have a wonderful study of a really huge

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subject. We're going to talk about something that was suggested to us by one of our listeners,

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and that subject is, Faith is in the Spirit, not in the flesh.

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Thanks so much for joining us today. We are so glad that we can be together once again,

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and we just thank you for being a listener. And we want to encourage you that you can

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stay in touch with us, and we can stay in touch with you if you want to go to our website, if you

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haven't already done so, and signed up for our email blasts. We have a very special

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thing that you can be involved in receiving, whether you want to hear from us once in a while,

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or more frequently, we can keep you posted on things that we're doing, and keep you informed.

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And if you're an intercessor, we have special things for the intercessors, because one of the

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things that we do is contend. Contend in prayer, contending for the outpouring. You know, if you

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are a friend of the Holy Spirit, you know, and you want to spend a little time, you know,

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for the outpouring, contending for the things that God wants to do in this earth. And right now,

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I know that depending on when you're listening to this, it may be over, but right now there is

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a war going on in Israel, and so we have special prayer going on for that. And if you're interested

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in joining us on a Zoom call for that, send us an email at feedback at globaloutpouring.org,

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or you can go to globaloutpouring.net. And down at the bottom, there is a form that you can fill

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out for feedback, and that will come to us, and we can send you the link if you're interested in

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praying with us daily. We're praying daily together for Israel. So today, we're going to do something

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that I think is really, really fun. You know, we keep asking you for feedback, and I want to thank

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those of you who have written to us to give us feedback. It's really meaningful because this is

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a real faith ministry. You know, when you're preaching in a congregation, you can get people's

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reaction by what's going on on their face, or if they're falling asleep, or if they have their arms

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crossed like, you know, you can get a reaction, or if they're smiling, or if they're laughing,

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or if they're serious, or whatever. But we can't see you. We can't see you. So when you write to us,

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it's really meaningful. We really, really appreciate it. We recently received an email from

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someone named Arif, Arif, I suppose it would be pronounced, from Indonesia. And this is really

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fun because Philip and I love Indonesia. We have fond, fond memories of our times ministering there

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with our founder, Sister Gwen Shaw, and when she was still among us. And later we went with another

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team to Sumatra. So we've been to Sumatra, and we've been to Java. And this is the, I'll read part

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of the email that says, Arif here from Indonesia. I've been listening to your podcasts on Spotify,

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and I really enjoy it. The Lord uses global outpouring to impart heavenly understanding

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through the podcast. I've received a lot of new concepts from the episodes, Glory to the Lord.

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This morning, after I finished praying, I felt the Lord wanted me to write to you about a topic for

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discussion in podcasts. What was given to me was along the lines of faith is in the spirit,

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not in the flesh. It is the spirit that has the faith, not the physical body. I said, okay, Lord,

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I will write to global outpouring. So yeah, here I am writing to you. The Lord blesses global

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outpouring, abundantly glory to the Lord. So thank you so much Arif for sending that to us.

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And we took that to the Lord and we've been praying into it. And I've just been enjoying

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the study that has come out of this. We've probably got way more notes than what we can even cover,

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but we're going to cover what the Holy Spirit gives us as we're doing this. I know that that's

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really how most of our podcasts go. We really depend on Holy Spirit to bring forth the things

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that are on his heart. And I always have it in my heart to pray that whether we speak the words or

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not, that you will hear the words that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you. We might not even use

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those same words, but you'll get something in your spirit that helps you to grow. So we're going to

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talk about faith is in the spirit, not in the flesh. And I love the fact that in the last 50 or 60

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years, there has been a vast increase in the number of people that have died. I'll say it that way,

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or had death experiences or near death experiences as they call it, that have come back to tell us

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what they saw on the other side. And it's interesting too, our last episode was with Dean

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Braxton and we really love our brother Dean. He's really special to us and he's kind of taken a

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liking to us. So that's really exciting to me and we're probably going to be doing more podcasts

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with him because there's so much that he needs to download to us that the Lord downloaded to him in

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heaven. But the point I'm trying to make here is that we're talking about a spiritual thing. And

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when you die, you leave your flesh, right? The way that how does Dean express it?

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It says my body died. I left and then my body died. Yeah, I left my body and it died. So when you're

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trying to figure out what's in the flesh and what's in the spirit, it's interesting to listen to those

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people who have gone outside of their bodies and their body isn't living anymore. And the experiences

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that they have in the spirit. So looking down on their body as they. And it's also interesting,

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I'm really excited about this movie that's coming out. By the time you hear this podcast,

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it will be available in theaters. The movie After Death is a documentary that goes into the fact

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that there is life after death and telling people's experiences and thousands and thousands of people

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have been interviewed that have had these kind of experiences. So we're learning things about the

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spirit realm from these people and they all say something like I was more alive when I came outside

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of my body than I was in my body. Yeah, just like your senses, everything is so super sharp. Right.

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So your senses and your thinking are all in your spirit. We think of our senses as being something

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that would be physical and we have a physical nose that smells and we have physical eyes that see,

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etc. But there are senses in the spirit. So why am I saying all of these things? Before I get

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too deep into this, I want to actually tell a story of someone in Indonesia because of our listener

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that gave us this thought to do this podcast. Our founder, Sister Gwen Shaw, learned this story

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from the lady who had the experience. She called her Grandma Tan. I'm not sure exactly where on the

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island of Java that she was, but she was from a Chinese descent family. There were a lot of

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Chinese refugees that ended up in Indonesia and they were all Buddhist and she died.

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And the Lord spoke to this Christian woman, a Bible woman, teacher of the Bible, and the Lord said,

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go raise Grandma Tan from the dead. So the in-coffining service was happening at that time

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and the Bible woman walked in, laid hands on Grandma Tan and prayed and Grandma Tan sat up.

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And the first thing she said was, take that Buddha down off of the wall.

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This family is going to serve Jesus Christ. I just met him.

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And that's astounding to die a Buddhist and somebody must have been praying.

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But as a result of that, the whole family, because it was a very influential family,

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the whole family got saved and the sons and the grandchildren too were serving God in ministry

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with some big churches in Java. It's true. It's true. And so, you know,

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here's the point. There's something going on in the spirit realm that has to do with what you

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believe. And what you believe is your faith. That your faith is that substance. What you're hoping

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for. Yeah. And the evidence of things not seen. What you don't see. And the Bible says that

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what we see is temporary. And what we don't see is eternal. So the seeing of something that you

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can't see is the basis of faith. And the hearing about that thing that you can't see is what brings

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faith. We have Romans 10, 17 that says faith in the King James that we grew up with, faith cometh

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by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Now it's interesting to hear some of the different

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translations of that. What does the passion translation say for Romans 10, 17?

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Faith then is birthed in a heart that responds to God's anointed utterance of the anointed one.

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Beautiful. The Young's literal translation says, so then the faith is by a report and the report

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through a saying of God. The Aramaic Bible in plain English says, therefore faith is from the

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hearing ear. Remember how many times Jesus said, if any man has ears to hear, let him hear.

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Okay. So, so just like we said at the beginning, the senses that you have are in your spirit.

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And so they're somehow connected to our physical senses, but there's a hearing that is in the

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spirit that's connected to your heart. So faith, back to Aramaic Bible in plain English, therefore

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faith is from the hearing ear and the hearing ear is from the word of God. So what we hear that comes

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from the word of God, it comes from, remember in John chapter one, it says in the beginning was the

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word and the word was with God and the word was God. And even our friend Dean Braxton says that

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when he got to heaven, this blows me away because it doesn't agree with anything I ever heard before.

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But he said that all the redeemed call God father and everyone else calls him the word.

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The word. Wow. So that shows you how one Jesus is with the father because we understand

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that the word is Jesus, right? Yes. So the hearing of your ear, if you have an ear to hear,

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you're going to get something that you can latch onto in the spirit. Yeah. It's like, you know,

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beginning of the gospel of John, in the beginning was the word and the word was God.

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The word was with God and the word was God. And so Jesus was that living word. But now that the

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living word is not physically there, it's spiritually in us. Right. If you've invited him in. So it

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originally was in the flesh with Jesus coming, but now it's in us. Right. And before he became flesh,

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it was already in heaven. Already in heaven. So it was already a spiritual thing. It was always in the

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spirit. Right. So the word that we latch onto, that we make a part of ourselves,

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is what causes faith to be. And it comes into the spirit from the spirit. It's a spiritual thing.

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And it's not something that you can drum up by your flesh. You know, we understand the importance

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of learning the word of God and reciting the word of God and making statements about the word of God.

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But it's not like lip service that your body itself is doing without your heart being engaged.

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Yeah. It's of no use if it's not from the heart. Just like Jesus said to the woman of Samaria at

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the well, he said that God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and

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in truth. So our worship comes from our faith. Our worship is in the spirit. Yeah. And it's like we

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receive Jesus in our hearts by faith. It's not having your name written on a roll of a denominational

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church that gets you to heaven. Right. Because it's by faith. Yeah. You know, I was listening recently

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to a Zoom call that was done with some of these people that are participating in the movie After

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Death. And one of them actually died a Buddhist. He was Korean and he found himself falling into

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hell. And I don't know the rest of the story. I'm waiting to see the movie. Yeah, I have to see the

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movie. That was a teaser. Yeah. But he talked about how somehow or other he met the Lord,

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or somehow or other he came back. Maybe it was later that he met the Lord. I don't know the whole

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story. But he talked about how there is this God place in us. Maybe it wasn't one of the others,

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that there's a space in us that God created in us for himself. Wow. Okay. And that only he can fit

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that. We know that. Fill the void. Only he can fill that spot, that void, that vacuum. And we try

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all kinds of things to fill that vacuum, but we never ever can do it in the flesh. It's like we're

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created. And this is something Saru Selvaraj says, you know, we're created as worshipers. Right. He

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says, in the East, people worship idols. He says, but here in the West, people worship themselves.

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Oh, and how do you worship yourself? By doing what you want to do. True. You know, maybe if you,

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I mean, you have to keep balance in all things, and that's by listening to the Spirit. I mean,

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it's not a sin to go to a ball game or things like that, to play golf and things like that.

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But you have to listen to the Holy Spirit, because there are those that are deeply involved in a lot

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of things. And the closer they get to Jesus, then those other things just, they lose interest.

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That's very true. And that's through the Spirit keeps you on track. You know, what do you need to

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let go of, you know, that's keeping you from a strong relationship with the Lord? Because when

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it comes to an eternal perspective, you want to be everything you're called to do. But if you're not

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walking in a place to hear, you won't fulfill that. That's very true. Of course, you're preaching

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to myself too. I think all of us need a little of that encouragement once in a while. While you're

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talking about the difference between the East and the West, and the difference between cultures in

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whole regions, the powers of darkness have always been trying to keep us from establishing a complete

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relationship with our Father, which is that faith that's in the Spirit. And so he's had ways down

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through the centuries and millennia to try and keep everybody in bondage. And in the East,

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there's been a lot of idolatry, keeping people engaged in worshiping idols.

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A couple thousand years.

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More than a couple thousand. And then you get into like the African countries, and there's a whole

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lot of spiritual understanding there. And they're a little bit, I mean, everywhere there's witchcraft,

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but you know, there's a lot of witchcraft and a lot of... But there's a knowledge in the African

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nations and in the Asian nations. There's an actual knowledge of the Spirit realm, that there is a

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Spirit realm. So this whole region of the West that was the first receivers of the Word of God,

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well, the powers of darkness are going to try and squelch the understanding and the knowledge

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of the truth that comes through Jesus Christ, the truth that comes from the Bible. And so what he

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has done in recent centuries is the same thing that he did to Adam and Eve in the garden where

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he caused them to doubt. Oh, God didn't really mean that.

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Yeah. And when you read that, I remember, I think it was Dean saying, yeah, Ivan Duddle said,

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so this, there wasn't something that just happened. This has been going on for a while.

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You know, this...

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This causing to doubt.

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Causing to doubt. It wasn't just a one-time thing.

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Because he saw all this when he was in heaven, when he had his experience.

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Right. So what happens is that doubt begins to wear away at faith.

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Yeah. What does the media do? It keeps feeding you stuff until you believe it.

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Right. And that's what has happened in especially the last couple of centuries,

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maybe three, four centuries in Western culture that has caused people to say,

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well, we're going to go with the science. We're not going to believe that old book.

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You know, we don't even believe there is a God.

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And it's caused doubt to grow like mold and destroy faith. And faith is that thing that's

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in the spirit. Now, here's the thing that I've heard probably at least two people that have had

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death experiences have said that when they got outside of their body, and especially when they

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got to heaven, there was no doubt. They had no unbelief. There was no wrestling about is this

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true? There is that true. There was no wavering in their faith because they were in that place

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of the spirit where faith is pure. And so they didn't have any doubt. So doubt is unbelief.

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And if you don't have the Holy Spirit to quicken you, because I mean, when I was backslid,

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I knew about the Holy Spirit. I never had the experience, but I only went to a church

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where I knew he wasn't there. You didn't go to the hot church.

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I didn't go to the hot church. No, I went to the one that in my opinion was safe.

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There was no conviction there. If I went to the hot one, it's just like, is that minister going to

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get a word of knowledge over me? I'm not walking where I should.

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Yeah. So one of the things that we have talking about faith and talking about faith in the spirit

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realm, we know that God is love. And we know that God is a spirit. Okay. So love must be

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in the spirit. Right? And I'm toying with the idea of doing a series on this, but we see in Galatians

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5, 6, that faith works by love. So when you have this infusion of the Holy Spirit into you, you have

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this opportunity to let the Holy Spirit grow his fruit in you. So all of these fruit,

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our products of the Holy Spirit living inside of us, the Holy Spirit comes and fills that void place

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when we welcome the Lord to come into our lives. Our spirit receives that presence of God.

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And he fills that void place and he fills our spirit. And I loved what what Dean said in our

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last episode about how the Holy Spirit just, he gets into all parts of you. Your spirit is

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in everything of you and his spirit is one with your spirit. So his spirit is in your fingers and

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his spirit is in your ears and his spirit is in your eyes and his spirit is in all of you.

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So every part of you has him in it. And then you are also in him. Now I've been meditating on

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this subject for years and years and years, and I really feel like the more we meditate on this,

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the more he is going to help us to overcome our flesh. That fleshly part of us that always wants

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to disagree, that fleshly part of us that always wants to doubt, it always wants to question,

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it always wants to be rebellious, it always wants to have its own way, but the things of the spirit

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want to have God's way. And the more we yield to him, the more we yield to his love. Remember

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what did Jesus say is the first and greatest commandment. I shall love the Lord thy God with

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all thy heart, mind, and soul. Exactly, and all your strength. And then he said, on this hang all

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the love of the prophets. That's right. So everything in everything that God built in the

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whole Old Testament hangs on loving God and God loving you. So when Jesus was sleeping in the boat,

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when he told the disciples to go over to the other side, the storm rose and it came and it

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came and it came and it rose and it can be really strong storms there. And they were sure that they

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were going to drown. So they woke him up in panic and fear. Okay. Panic and fear are in the flesh.

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And it can affect your spirit, I think, I think there's, because God has not given us a spirit

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of power and love and a strong sound mind. But Jesus calms the sea. And then he says to them,

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this is from Mark four, and I'm going to read 39 through 41. It says he arose and rebuked the

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wind and said to the sea, hush now, be still muzzled. And the wind ceased, sank to rest as

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if exhausted by its beating. That's so beautiful. And there was immediately a great calm, a perfect

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peacefulness. And he said to them, why are you so timid and fearful? How is it that you have no

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faith, no firmly relying trust? And they were filled with great awe and feared exceedingly and

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said one to another, who then is this that even the wind and sea obey him? They were still,

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you know, in the large way, they were still walking in the flesh. Yeah. And they didn't have the

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faith that came by the spirit because they hadn't yet received the spirit. And Jesus was in the boat

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with them. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe they waited. They should have woke them up earlier. Well,

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he was thinking that by this time they would have gotten it, that they could do these things that

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he did because they did so many of the things that he did. Remember they went out by faith.

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They went out preaching the good news and they healed the sick. I don't know that they raised

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the dead or not, but they were healing the sick and seeing miracles and casting out demons.

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And their faith failed them at this point. But, you know, we see in the book of Acts that they

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got their act together. But here's this wrestling between the flesh and the spirit, the flesh

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and the spirit. And we have this wrestling. We see that in Galatians 5. We mentioned earlier about

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faith working by love. But it goes on in Galatians 5 to talk about this struggle that goes on between

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the flesh and the spirit. And Paul says in verse 16, walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill

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the lust of the flesh. So walking in the spirit is a walk of faith. It's the location of the faith.

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Your faith is in your spirit. Your faith is in your heart. Your heart is the center of you.

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If you're talking about you're going to go to the heart of the city, what part of the city are you

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going to? You're going to the downtown. Yeah, the center of the city. So your heart is the center

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of your being. It is where your spirit resides. It's where that it's the place where God resides

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in you when you've invited him in. So then it goes on to talk in verse 17. I'd like to read it in

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in the Amplified Classic. Verse 16 says, but I say walk and live habitually in the Holy Spirit,

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responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit. Then you will certainly not gratify the

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cravings and desires of the flesh of human nature without God. For the desires of the flesh are

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opposed to the Holy Spirit and the desires of the Spirit are opposed to the flesh, the godless human

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nature. For these are antagonistic to each other, continually withstanding and in conflict with each

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other so that you are not free, but you are prevented from doing what you desire to do.

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But if you were guided, led by the Holy Spirit, you're not subject to the law. And then it goes

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on talking about the practices, the works of the flesh. And I don't want to take time for that,

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but it's it goes into idolatry and sorcery and strife and jealousy and anger and envy and

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drunkenness and carousing and so on, the party spirit. But then it goes on talking about the

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fruit of the Spirit, which I mentioned earlier. But it's this war that goes on between the flesh

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and the Spirit. And you see that also in Romans 7 about this war that's going on. But we have the

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Holy Spirit to help us to establish this faith and the faith grows. And you can't get faith into your

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flesh first. What goes on in your spirit can become a reality in your flesh to cause you to walk.

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I mean, you're you're walking is something that you do in the flesh, right? You take your feet

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and your legs to make you walk, right? But if you're walking in the Spirit, you're not going to

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fulfill the desires of the flesh and your feet aren't going to take you where your flesh doesn't

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belong if you're walking in the Spirit. So there's a place where God wants us to go, where we are so

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united with Him because we love Him and united with Him because He loves us. That love that causes

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faith to work. Your faith will continue to work. Your faith will continue to grow as you let the

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love of God transform you, as you let His presence transform you. And as you do that, it causes a

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transformation in your body. You know, you can anchor your faith in the Word of God to bring

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forth healing into your body, for instance. And sometimes it requires us to even speak those words

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and speak over our body and command it. Like Paul said, I keep my body under subjection. Yeah.

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So that is a faith move from the Spirit to cause your body to come into alignment with the Word of

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God. And what happened with Paul, that one time he was stoned. Usually when they stone you, you're

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dead, you know, but he got up and then went to his next meeting with the rest of the disciples,

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or whatever it was, the people. I mean, he was stoned and got up. He was raised from the dead.

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He was raised from the dead. Yeah. Because you didn't survive stoning back then. They want to

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make sure you're dead. They left him for dead for sure. But the disciples had gathered around him

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and prayed. And that faith that works by love, they loved Paul. They saw a miracle right there,

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because it wasn't Paul's time. God sent him back. I mean, maybe he actually left his body. Maybe

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that was the time when he was caught up into paradise and saw things that were unlawful or

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unutterable. He couldn't even speak the things that he saw. And the people that are in this

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movie are talking about the hardest part is coming back to earth and using earth language

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to be able to express something that's inexpressible. You can't describe it. Yeah,

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that's what everyone says who's been there. There isn't human words to describe everything they saw.

00:31:28,320 --> 00:31:36,240
It's true. It's true. So in this fighting of going back and forth between the spirit and the flesh

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and in this idea of the word, you know, the word can become flesh in us when we give ourselves

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to the word and put the word in our heart. It can cause these changes in our flesh and cause

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changes in our even in our attitudes, changes in the way we think. You know, I started to say

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earlier about this intellectualism that is like a ruling spirit over the West. It causes people

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from the West to not even be able to think in terms of a spirit world. They just think that

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that's some kind of myth or some kind of legend. Yeah, that's true.

00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:26,400
But it is. What do you have? In Colossians, the second chapter, this is verses six and seven.

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In the same way you receive Jesus our Lord and Messiah by faith, continue your journey of faith,

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progressing further into your union with him. Your spiritual roots go deeply into his life as you are

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continually infused with strength. Encouraged in every way, for you are established in the spirit

00:32:47,760 --> 00:32:55,680
you have absorbed and enriched by your devotion to him. So it's our devotion to him that is our

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level of faith and our devotion to him. We are devoted to him as much as we love him.

00:33:03,280 --> 00:33:11,920
Yes. Amen. So faith works by love and love is in the spirit as well as faith being in the spirit.

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There are times when you need to have the word of God as your guide. I remember Sister Gwen,

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our founder, telling the story of a man that was the editor of the Fukien Times.

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I'm honestly not sure which Asian nation it was, but it was during the World War II era when

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Japan had occupied so many of the islands there in the Pacific. And he was, I think he's Chinese

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background because that's what Fukien Times was, it was a Chinese newspaper. And he was writing

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things that were contrary to the Japanese occupation. And so they were coming after him and he had to

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flee. But he was a believer in the Lord and he had this little group of people with him. And he was

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a little group of people with him. And what he would do every day, every morning he would get up

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and they are like in the mountains trying to stay safe. Hidden. Trying to stay hidden from

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the Japanese who were looking for him. Sort of like David, you know, when Saul was looking for

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him. And every day he would get up and he would have his devotions and he would read a scripture.

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And whatever that scripture was gave him guidance as to what they were to do. Whether they were to

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move, whether they were to stay, whatever they were supposed to do. And it worked amazingly.

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They were over a thousand days running from the Japanese. There was a book about it years ago and

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I wasn't able to find it when I was looking for it to tell more of the story. But there was one

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occasion where some of the people that were with him did not believe that he had heard right. They

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were absolutely sure that he was wrong. Like maybe it was something like he knew that they were

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supposed to stay put. And these people wanted to move on. And so whoever agreed with that little

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group, that man who rose up to say you're wrong, you're wrong, this isn't the right thing to do.

00:35:22,240 --> 00:35:26,960
I don't think he was a believer in the Lord or he probably would have had the Holy Spirit showing

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him that yeah, this is right. So the story goes that this man and whoever decided he was right

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went and did what they thought they were supposed to do, whether it was to stay or to move on,

00:35:38,240 --> 00:35:43,360
I don't remember. And they got caught by the Japanese. I don't know what their end was,

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but this man who was following the leading of the Holy Spirit, his faith that was reserved

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that was residing in his spirit was residing in the word. His faith was anchored in the word.

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And the more we put the word into our heart, the more sure we're going to be, the more our faith

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will be solid, the more our faith will be able to stand up no matter what things look like around

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us. We will be able to walk in the spirit with the spirit by faith knowing, and that's part of what

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faith is. It's that knowledge. It's that knowing that you know the truth and the truth entering in

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you. You know, Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me.

00:36:37,280 --> 00:36:45,120
Yeah. And it's our trust in that. It's the anchoring of our soul in that. That's something

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that's in the spirit. It is definitely not in the flesh because the flesh has the capability of

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doubting. The flesh is the one that rises up and says, nah, I don't think so. And the flesh is

00:36:57,120 --> 00:37:06,080
always wrong. The spirit is always right. The Holy Spirit is helping us. So I want to close with

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a word that Cheryl Simpers gave to us. And you might remember Cheryl Simpers from some of our

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other wonderful podcasts. We've had some tremendous interviews with her. But she received this word

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from the Lord in August of 2023. And here's what she said. I was standing before our Lord Jesus.

00:37:27,360 --> 00:37:34,320
He said, I always do what I promised when you believe and receive what I said. Every promise

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of God is yes and amen in me by you. Second Corinthians 1 20. You need to agree with what

00:37:43,680 --> 00:37:54,160
I say in my word. That agreement comes into your spirit by my word. It is established in your heart.

00:37:54,720 --> 00:38:02,880
Then your mouth speaks what is in your heart. My word is spirit and life. John 6 63.

00:38:02,880 --> 00:38:11,040
And is manifested in the physical realm when you agree with my word and speak it.

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That is why it is vital for you to study to show yourself approved, to meditate on my word,

00:38:19,280 --> 00:38:27,520
and to rightly divide my word. Don't be lazy. There are many who are lazy Christians when it

00:38:27,520 --> 00:38:35,280
comes to reading and studying my word. They do not understand it is a matter of life and death. And

00:38:35,280 --> 00:38:40,960
that's what it was for that man. Capture you. Yeah. Escaping the Japanese. Yes. That's life and death.

00:38:40,960 --> 00:38:49,520
It is a matter of life and death. I told you in Proverbs 18 21 that death and life are in the

00:38:49,520 --> 00:38:57,840
power of the tongue. And he who loves it will bear the fruit of what he speaks. If you are not eating

00:38:57,840 --> 00:39:05,120
of the seeds of my word daily, it will be very difficult to stand strong and courageous in the

00:39:05,120 --> 00:39:14,000
days ahead. It will be seen who stands on me and my word and who does not. How will you believe

00:39:14,000 --> 00:39:20,960
and receive my promises if you are not in my word to receive everything you need and everything

00:39:20,960 --> 00:39:29,360
that is already yours? My people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4 6. Are you seeking to know me?

00:39:30,080 --> 00:39:36,880
You cannot know me and the father apart from my word. The spirit brings revelation of us in the

00:39:36,880 --> 00:39:45,680
word to you. We long to impart to you what you will need in the days ahead. We long for you to draw

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close. So it's the drawing close to his word that builds our faith and that faith is in the spirit.

00:39:56,800 --> 00:40:05,360
And here's where the connection is to our flesh because we by an act of our will make our flesh

00:40:05,360 --> 00:40:14,080
connect through our mouth. Our mouth is flesh. So what God is putting into our heart as we study

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his word, what he's putting into our spirit through his spirit, through the word, what he's

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putting into our spirit through his spirit, through love, that faith that's being built,

00:40:27,360 --> 00:40:37,600
that that is the anchor of our soul in him. And that will cause us to walk even in the physical

00:40:37,600 --> 00:40:45,680
realm according to the spirit so that we can escape the Japanese occupation as it were.

00:40:45,680 --> 00:40:52,640
You know, whatever the thing is that's a trouble point, if we will anchor our souls in the word

00:40:52,640 --> 00:41:00,480
and anchor our souls in him, that faith that's in the spirit will enable us to overcome the flesh,

00:41:00,480 --> 00:41:08,480
those desires that are not according to the word of God. It will help us to walk in his ways and

00:41:08,480 --> 00:41:15,280
keep his charge. Yes. Amen. Do you want to close with prayer? Yes. Well, Father, we thank you, Lord,

00:41:15,280 --> 00:41:22,960
as we, our life on this earth, Lord, our boot camp as it is, Lord, it's training ground. It's

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training for all eternity, Father, what we do on this earth. So we thank you, Holy Spirit,

00:41:28,640 --> 00:41:35,200
as you're leading us and guiding us that we would just put things aside that would hinder,

00:41:35,760 --> 00:41:41,520
that we can hear your voice clearly knowing that it could be a matter of life and death.

00:41:41,520 --> 00:41:47,440
It could be a get off this exit right now, not knowing there's a fiery collision

00:41:47,680 --> 00:41:52,480
had going to happen right up ahead. That Holy Spirit would always keep an ear

00:41:53,200 --> 00:41:59,360
tuned to us as you are training us on a daily basis by staying in your word and staying in your

00:41:59,360 --> 00:42:06,400
presence, because in your presence is fullness of joy. And in your presence, Lord, is our direction

00:42:06,400 --> 00:42:13,280
and everything we need. So we thank you for your word that you have and that Lord Jesus,

00:42:13,280 --> 00:42:19,680
you live in our hearts. And so we just bless our listeners and that this word would be imparted to

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them in your name, Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen. If you enjoyed today's podcast, please subscribe, rate and review this podcast on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Your review helps the podcasting platform suggest this podcast to other listeners who are also looking for a great move of the Holy Spirit. Check out our website at globaloutpouring.org to find out more information.

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Read our blogs, connect with us and donate. You can also browse our web store for life changing anointed books.

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Until next time, this is Sharon Buss and I'm Philip Buss. God bless you with this overwhelming loving presence.