Jan. 30, 2024

(197) “Life-Changing Heavenly Encounters” with Debbie Young (Part 3)

(197) “Life-Changing Heavenly Encounters” with Debbie Young (Part 3)
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Global Outpouring

(Part 3 of 3) Sharon and Philip welcome back their dear friend, Debbie Young, for a third episode! In the first and second episodes, she shared how she came to Jesus from witchcraft and then was led into children’s ministry. Now she tells of being drawn into Heavenly encounters with the Lord and some of the amazing things she learned and experienced there.

Heavenly encounters are available to you too! Pure worship is the gateway and childlikeness is the key to experiencing Jesus in realms of Glory, and He’s expectantly waiting for you there.

EMAIL: feedback@globaloutpouring.org

WEBSITE: https://globaloutpouring.net

Arthur Burt Prophecy

Books by Debbie Young:

Realms of Glory

There Is a River: Preparing for the coming Outpouring, Revival and Harvest in the Arkansas River Valley (Paperback)

There Is a River: Preparing for the coming Outpouring, Revival and Harvest in the Arkansas River Valley (Kindle Edition)

Books for Children:

Earthsuit: Learning to love and appreciate our bodies; a wonderful gift from God.

The Little Lump of Clay

The Bible Is A Book Like No Other


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I had gone a while without experiencing a God encounter and I was riding my lawnmower one day

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and I said, Lord, what's happened? I want to have another encounter with you and be caught up to

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heaven. And he said, when you get closer to me than you are to this world, the veil is just right

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there. Just step over. All you have to do is step over. I'm right there. Just step through the veil.

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God promises in Joel 2-28 to pour out His Spirit on all humanity. Welcome to Global Outpouring,

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where we contend for that promised outpouring, we equip for that outpouring, so that we may engage

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in that very outpouring. I'm Philip Bus. And I'm Sharon Bus. Welcome to the podcast today.

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We are welcoming back our friend, Debbie Young. And it's a wonderful thing that we get to have

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three episodes with her. I don't know that we've ever done three episodes with anybody,

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but that's because she has something so important to share with us today about

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heavenly visitations and how you can be impacted by something from heaven.

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Welcome to the podcast today. We are so delighted that you're with us.

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This is going to be a wonderful, wonderful experience for you to get moved into a deeper

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place in God, because that's what this podcast is all about. It's about contending and equipping

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and engaging in the outpouring. And Debbie has been doing that. She has been contending.

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She's been equipping and she's been engaging in outpouring. And she's going to share with us today

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what God has been doing in her life. But before we get started, I want to encourage you to go

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to our website if you haven't already done so and make sure that you are connected to us by our email

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subscription. Just go to our website globaloutpouring.net and click on that green teal

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colored button that says subscribe and make sure that you get onto as many lists as you want to be

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on. Some reach out more often than others. And we've got blogs that you can read and we've got

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a connection to our YouTube channel and our Facebook page and our bookstore and so, so much

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that's out there available to you that we want to help you grow in God to be ready to engage in

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what God is about to do in the earth and what he's already begun. Hallelujah. Every time a wave of

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revival rolls in, something new happens in the earth. And we know that we are on the verge of that

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wave rolling in that is not going to ebb out again. Before we get started with you, Debbie,

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I just want to quote a prophecy that is from 1934, 1935 that goes something like this.

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There shall come a breath and the breath shall bring the wind and the wind shall bring the rain

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and there shall be floods and floods and floods and torrents and torrents and torrents.

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Souls shall be saved like leaves falling from mighty oaks in a hurricane. Arms and legs will

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come down from heaven and there shall be no ebb. Hallelujah. That wave is going to come in and it's

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not going to go back out. It's like when the tide comes in, it stays for a little while and then it

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ebbs back out. And that's the way it is with every revival that's ever been on the planet so far.

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But the one that we're about to see, the one that has begun, it has already begun, the breath has

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already begun, the wind has already begun, the rain has already begun. The torrents of. I think

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the torrents are about to be here if they're not here already. And we're just about to see these

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arms and legs coming down from heaven. We're about to see these souls being saved, you know, like a

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tree will be stripped in a moment in a hurricane. It'll be completely stripped. All of the leaves

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are gone and that oak is stripped. It's completely stripped. That's how souls are going to come in,

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every single one. And this one isn't going to ebb back out. Hallelujah. So, so Debbie, we're really

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glad that you're with us today and we are excited about what God is doing and what he's about to do

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in a greater measure. And you have experienced some amazing things in the presence of the Lord.

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We've had you on two previous episodes and you described to us how you got saved. And in the

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first episode and you described for us how you got into children's ministry and how the Lord

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moved on your life and transformed you in the outpouring that happened in Pensacola at Brownsville

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assembly. And then something else happened to you. Wow. Tell us about your experience in

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heaven. Okay. Into the praise arena. How did that happen? Yes, ma'am. Well, Sharon and Philip,

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it's very good to be back with you. I'm just honored and blessed to be here. And,

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and I've been very excited about sharing some of my God encounters that I've had. Um, in the last

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podcast, we talked about, um, a vision that I had where I was laying on the floor at Brownsville,

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assembly of God in Pensacola. And God was commissioning us to, um, launch a new ministry.

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And this ministry was going to be, um, just ministering to little children, boys and girls

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that were, um, just kind of left behind. Yeah. And after I was caught up to heaven and I saw

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the souls that would be there as a result of this ministry, we came back home and it seemed like that

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vision just catapulted us into what God had called us to do. And part of that vision was, and this

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leads up to what I'm about to tell you. Part of that vision was that I was in a field and there

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were vines all through the field and every vine had fruit on it. Well, over the next decade,

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over the next 10 or 15 years, every time we were about to see a tremendous harvest of souls,

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I would find myself back in that field and I'd have a basket on my arm and I would be harvesting

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the fruit. And every time I would find myself in that, I knew that we were in for a harvest of

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souls. So we would take our big purple castle and we would go down the road and we would hold a

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four night children's revival and we would see the altars just flooded with not just boys and girls,

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but teenagers and sometimes even adults because it was such a simple gospel message. Many times

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that's what people are searching for is something simple. And so we went on that vision for many,

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many years. So it was around 2011 and I was really tired because I had just spent a summer of very

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intense ministry with church camp and vacation Bible school and children's revivals. And we were

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operating and directing a camp for the foster children of our area. So usually by September,

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when my calendar had kind of cleared a bit, I tried to have a month of consecration every September

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where I just would slow down and reflect and do some fasting and just try to, you know,

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just try to renew from such a busy summer that I had just had. So I found myself praying that

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summer of 2011, it was the middle of September and I found myself praying for a fresh vision.

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I said, Lord, I just need a fresh vision. I had been so excited about my trip to heaven and

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all that it entailed and everything that happened to us because of that, but I just needed a new

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vision. So in the middle of that month of consecration, I was at my church and it was on

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a Wednesday night and I felt the Lord whisper to me during the end of the service I was in,

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he said, I want to show you something. So I went to the altar to pray like I normally did. And that

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kind of came and went, and I knew that everybody was leaving church. And I kept hearing the Lord

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say, I just want you to hang around. I want to show you something. And so I could hear the last

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few people walking out the door and I hollered at him and I said, lock me in and shut off all the

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lights except one, leave the PA going. I just want to stay here and pray and I'll lock up when I

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leave. And the Lord said, I want you to get comfortable. So I got up from the altar area

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and I went down at a chair and I felt like he just had a big, huge smile on his face in anticipation

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of what he wanted to show me. And so I got comfortable and I felt like I had drifted out

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of my body and I was into the spirit realm and everything around me just kind of went by the way

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side except the music that was on the PA and I could still hear it. I was just really tired

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just from being, you know, children's ministry is pretty tiring. And so I said, Lord, I just need

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refreshing and I just need a new vision. First of all, I felt like I had just climbed up into the

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big lap of Jesus and he was rocking me and he was just kind of comforting me. And he said for the

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weary to come to him and I will give you rest. And so he was just comforting me and pouring into me

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and he was just smiling like he had something up his great big sleeve. And the song on the PA came

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on, which was a Carrie Job's song. Now I can't think of the name of it. The Revelation song that

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Carrie Job had just started singing and it was pretty popular right about that time in 2011.

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That song came on the PA and I could hear behind me in the corner of the sanctuary at the front,

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I could hear angels joining in to sing that song. It just like was a heavenly choir all of a sudden

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started joining in. And so I turned around toward the sound. I had my back to that sound and I turned

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around to see if I could, it was just kind of a spontaneous gesture. I didn't even really think

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about it. I just turned around to follow the sound and immediately I saw in the spirit realm,

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a large curtain part, the curtain parted and I found myself on a glass floor. It was like a sea

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of glass and it had kind of a golden tint to it, light golden tint. And it was miles deep. The

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floor just went on infinitely and there was a beautiful glow inside of the floor. And I was

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kneeling on the floor and I looked up and to my left was Jesus standing beside a throne and he had

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the same robe on that he was wrapping me in when I was sitting in his lap and when I was back in the

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sanctuary at my church and he had a lamb in his arms. And I looked up and just several yards in

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front of him was a row of angels and the angels made a circle around the room. It was a huge,

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huge room and there were hundreds of these angels and they were shoulder to shoulder standing on the

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floor in this arena. And I knew that they were angels and they had every outline of their robes

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and of their facial features, their hands, every part of their body and their clothing was outlined

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in light. It was kind of a light that was alive. It was kind of pulsating and glittering.

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And they were all standing on the floor and just directly above them in a little balcony,

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not very far above them was another row of angels and this row of angels had wings and some of them

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were singing and some of them were playing instruments. And then just directly behind them,

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a little bit above them was another row and another row above them. And it didn't angle back

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like an arena that we know of, but it was straight up. And these balconies went as far as I could see,

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even beyond what I could see. And as that song was playing on the PA and I could hear that song

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with Carrie Job singing the revelation song. And as it was playing the angels that were standing on

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the floor that circled all around the thrones in this heavenly praise arena is all I know what to

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call it. They would put one arm up and one arm down and they were twirling and they were going

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around the room like a wave. It's one, they would raise their arm up and one arm down. And as they

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twirled the light that their clothing was made out of and the light that was on their features

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was coming off of them. And it was going up into the air like sparkles that were pulsating. And it

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was like the sparkles were alive and energized somehow. And so this wave went clear around the

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arena as fast as the speed of light almost. I could see it happening, but it was like,

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and it almost made a like a sound because it just went so fast. And as soon as it got back to the

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angel that started it, it traveled to the next balcony and those angels didn't do a wave,

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but they would move somehow to where all of their praise would dissipate into the air as the

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sparkles and the sparkles were different colors, but they were all lit up. And then as soon as

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that row finished, the next row would go, then the next row and the next row, when it went all

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the way up and when it went up to where it was beyond what I could even see, it came back down.

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The wave around every balcony went around and around. When it got to the bottom floor,

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they would raise one arm, one arm down and they would twirl and all of that was visible.

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All of that was visible. And then it was reflecting in the glass floor. So it went

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as far down beyond what I could see. And I was kneeling on that floor and I had my head look,

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I was looking up and I was seeing this heavenly wave go up and down and up and down as this song

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continued. And all of these sparkles went up into above the throne. And that's what formed a circle

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rainbow above the thrones that were in the middle of the arena. So the rainbow was made up of

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visible praise. And as the angels were not only doing these movements and playing these instruments,

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but they were singing the song with Carrie Doe. And they were singing the exact same song at the

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same time. And every word that came out of their mouth turned into these sparkly praises that were

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making the rainbow. And it was so much to take in. And that song, I knew the song was about to be

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overt on the PA. And as soon as that song was over, the next song started and it was in the

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church on the PA, but it was in heaven. And it was the song, Holy, Holy, Holy. And then I saw myself

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stand up and Jesus sat down on his throne and I saw four beings in front of the thrones. And the

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angels were still doing the wave around and the praise was coming off of them. But what I was

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focused on were the four beings. And I saw that each being had beautiful, I can't even describe

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the wings that were on their sides and they were worshiping the Lord with their wings. And the only

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thing that I can really describe that I've ever seen the likeness of is when people worship with

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flags. It was so similar. And I've seen people worship with their hands or their hands are in

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just heavenly movements that they're not even in control of. That was very similar to how these

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four beings on the floor were worshiping the Lord with their wings. And it was the wings were

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fanning a fragrance onto the beings, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

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in their thrones in the center of the arena. There was a heavenly fragrance that was being

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fanned toward them much to their delight. And so when that song was over, I found myself back in

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my body on the floor of that church. And needless to say, I had to lay there quite a while before I

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was able to pick myself up. And I don't even remember driving home. I somehow let myself out

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of the church and locked up. And that's all I could think about Sharon for the next days and weeks.

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I could not think about anything else. I was not there, but I couldn't stop remembering being

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there. And I never in a million years could have dreamed something like that up. And I can't even

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really describe it because there were colors and fragrances that I've never seen before.

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There were just sites just beyond description. And my poor English cannot begin to come up with

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the words to describe it. Well, it has nothing to do with your poor English. It has to do with the

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fact that English is poor for description. A human language is poor for describing something

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that's not human. You're right. But when I got home that night, I went straight to my journal and I

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tried to record everything that I could think of because I didn't want to forget one single detail.

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But I found myself asking and pleading to the Lord to let me go again, because there was some

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details to it. I couldn't take it all in at once. And I felt like I needed to go again to

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bring some of it into sharper focus. So it was about three weeks, three or four weeks later.

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I went to our river Valley camp meeting revival that we had every year and the church was packed.

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It held thousand people and it was just heaven. I mean, the glory was coming down. We were singing,

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praising, worshiping the Lord. And I had that yearning in my heart and I was standing up with

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everyone else with my hands raised and the exact same song started being sung. Yes, from the stage.

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So that's a trigger now. Yeah. So the revelation song, only this time it wasn't coming over the PA.

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The praise team was singing it. And immediately the first note of that song, I was whisked out of my

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body. I was standing there between the pews with my arms raised, but I was not on this earth. And

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I was back in the heavenly praise arena. You were by locating. Yes. And the same thing was going on.

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They were singing our songs. I used to think that we sing heavenly songs, but I found out that

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day that they're singing our songs. They're joining in with our songs. Sweet. And it's an honor and a

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privilege to them to join in with us. And so I was determined that I was going to try to look around

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and see some things that was just kind of too overwhelming from before. And I was going to try

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to learn some new things. So the same wave that was going on before with the angels was going on

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this time. But what I noticed was as the wave went clockwise, the sparkly praise went up into the

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air and formed the beautiful rainbow over the thrones. And the rainbow was swirling counter

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clockwise over the thrones. And the thrones were revolving very, very slowly in the arena. They

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were going clockwise. The wave that the angels were doing was going very quickly. And then the

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rainbow was swirling around the thrones, but the thrones were going slowly. And during that visit,

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I noticed that in one corner of the arena was a section that was reserved for people that have

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gone on, the saints that have gone on. And they're allowed to join in the heavenly praise arena

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so that they can enjoy some songs that they already knew from earth. They were getting to join in and

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sing and to watch all of this pageantry going on in this heavenly praise arena. And then the song

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ended. And then I was back standing there between the pews with my arms raised. I don't think I

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noticed anything else that happened during the rest of the service. I was just sitting there,

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numb and tingling and thinking about what had happened. I wanted to see more. So I felt led

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of the Lord to ask to be taken there again. And not very many weeks later, since I was on staff

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at church, I was there just about every morning. And we started the morning with a prayer time in

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the sanctuary and I was laying on my face in the floor and I was taken there again. I don't

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remember what song was playing, but they were joining in with our song. But the thing that the

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Lord showed me during this third visit to the heavenly praise arena was something that I had

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seen before, but I didn't understand it. There was a river that was coming from the throne area in

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the center of the arena. And it wasn't the crystal clear river that I believe flows from the throne

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of God. I think there's a lot of different places in heaven. This is only one of them.

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And I know that there's a river clear as crystal that flows from the throne, but this river,

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it wasn't clear and it wasn't blue. It was golden and it was kind of moving slowly and it was

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ripply like it was thick. And I remember asking someone there in the arena what that was.

00:24:13,040 --> 00:24:20,720
And they said that it was milk and honey that flowed from the throne. And the praise that we

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give the Lord in our time of worship goes up to make up the beautiful rainbow. And then it rains

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on the thrones and as they are blessed by our worship, that is what ushers out the river of

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milk and honey from the thrones. It's like if the more, the purer our praise, the deeper the river

00:24:47,440 --> 00:24:55,840
of milk and honey and the river of milk and honey had healings and miracles and signs and wonders,

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the gifts of the spirit, all of that was flowing from this river of milk and honey that was coming

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from the heavenly praise arena. And then I found myself back on the floor in the church praying.

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And after that third visit, I never did really feel led to ask the Lord to take me there again.

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But each time I would go to my journal and I would try to record as much as I possibly could.

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And not long after that, I started trying to share this experience with people. So I got invited to

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a few churches to come and share from the pulpit what I had seen. And after those times,

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we would have mighty miracles. It was just like the miracles were there as people just were getting

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into that praise arena and just in those simple services. But it was life changing for me. And

00:25:55,120 --> 00:26:01,680
I feel like the Lord allowed me to experience this because I had such a hunger for a fresh vision.

00:26:02,800 --> 00:26:08,880
I don't think if I had not been praying for a fresh vision, Sharon, I really don't think that

00:26:08,880 --> 00:26:15,360
I would have experienced that. But I was so hungry for more. I felt like the heavenly

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experience that I had had, I guess it was about 14 or 15 years earlier,

00:26:21,680 --> 00:26:30,320
I had gone on that one for so long. I needed a new one. I mean, not saying that I didn't stay

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connected with the Lord on a daily basis, but you know what I mean? That was such a powerful

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experience. When we have those encounters with God, they're like signposts in our life. And it's

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like they change us and they almost change the trajectory of where we're going. And it's usually

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something that God sends because of that, because he's turning us turning a new chapter into our

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lives and we need that extra function. But I know that there are so many experiences to be had in

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heaven and we're going to have all of eternity to explore and to see all of the vastness and the

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multifaceted things that he has to show us. But he doesn't want us to have to wait until then.

00:27:22,400 --> 00:27:28,800
That's right. Because he's got a little taste of it here for us. And I love that verse that says,

00:27:28,800 --> 00:27:35,360
I have not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of those that love him.

00:27:35,360 --> 00:27:41,920
The things that he has prepared for us. But then that next verse, so many people leave that next

00:27:41,920 --> 00:27:48,480
verse off. That's right. They're quoting Isaiah when they stop and Paul is quoting Isaiah. And

00:27:48,480 --> 00:27:55,120
then he adds, yes, because we're in the age of grace and all of this that's coming. He says,

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but God has revealed them to us according to his spirit by his spirit. And I did a word study on

00:28:02,320 --> 00:28:10,480
that word revealed and that means to lift the lid. That's right. And what that used to make me think

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of was, you know, when at Christmas time, when your children were little or maybe your grandchildren

00:28:17,280 --> 00:28:23,920
that you have now and you get them a gift and you're more excited about that gift than they are,

00:28:23,920 --> 00:28:31,920
because you know what it is. And so on Christmas day, I'm more excited about that gift than I am

00:28:31,920 --> 00:28:36,720
more excited than they are, because I know what they're about to see and I know how thrilled that

00:28:36,720 --> 00:28:42,800
they will be. And they just think they're excited. They're not nearly as excited as I am or you are.

00:28:43,760 --> 00:28:51,840
And so you're so tempted to just a few days before Christmas, you can't wait. It's just

00:28:51,840 --> 00:28:57,840
so exciting about what you prepared for them that you want to call them over to that gift under the

00:28:57,840 --> 00:29:03,440
tree and say, come here, I just want to give you a little peek and just lift the lid for a second,

00:29:03,440 --> 00:29:09,360
put it back down real quick so that they can be as excited as you are. Well, that's what that word

00:29:09,360 --> 00:29:15,360
revealed means in that verse. He's just lifting the lid a little bit so we can take a peek.

00:29:16,080 --> 00:29:22,000
And he's, he's wanting to show us just a little taste of what he's got prepared for those that

00:29:22,000 --> 00:29:28,160
love him. Beautiful, beautiful. Now he's so good. You said something that I want, I want you to

00:29:28,160 --> 00:29:33,040
circle back and give us just a little bit more. If you've got something, you said something about

00:29:33,040 --> 00:29:41,120
what you saw with this river of milk and honey, the purer the price, yes, the greater. What was

00:29:41,120 --> 00:29:48,800
the next part? The thicker and greater the flow of the milk and honey from the thrones. And that's

00:29:48,800 --> 00:29:57,200
where our healings come from and the gifts of the spirit come from and all that the Lord has for us

00:29:58,000 --> 00:30:05,200
when we praise him, if we want to see more miracles and we want to see more of the glory of

00:30:05,200 --> 00:30:14,080
God and all that he has for us here on earth, then our praise should be more pure because when we

00:30:14,080 --> 00:30:22,400
praise him, our praise in heaven in that praise arena is visible to everyone in that praise arena.

00:30:22,400 --> 00:30:30,000
It comes out of our mouths just like it did the angels with sparkly praise that dissipates into

00:30:30,000 --> 00:30:36,240
the air and it forms this beautiful gigantic rainbow that were made up of colors. I've never

00:30:36,240 --> 00:30:42,720
even seen before. I can't even describe it, but it wasn't a arch of a rainbow. The rainbow that goes

00:30:42,720 --> 00:30:51,520
above the thrones is a circle and it was flowing counterclockwise and as it filled up with praise,

00:30:51,520 --> 00:30:59,120
it was raining praise down onto the Trinity and it was in the form of the glitter that went up into

00:30:59,120 --> 00:31:07,600
it and it circled and it was raining down and it delighted the Trinity so much. That's what came out

00:31:07,600 --> 00:31:17,760
of their delight was the golden ripply river of milk and honey and all the goodness that God has

00:31:17,760 --> 00:31:24,560
for us here on earth. It flows directly into our surfaces. So it's really a cause and effect.

00:31:24,560 --> 00:31:31,760
Exactly. Our praise to him, our pure praise and it's so easy. Come on, let's be honest. It's so

00:31:31,760 --> 00:31:38,320
easy when you've got so much going on in your head and life has been happening to you and you get to

00:31:38,320 --> 00:31:43,360
church or you get to your personal praise time and it kind of takes a little while to get out from

00:31:43,360 --> 00:31:48,800
under all the cobwebs and to push all those other thoughts out of your head and focus.

00:31:51,760 --> 00:31:58,640
The more you practice it, the quicker you'll get there. I heard an illustration the other day

00:31:58,640 --> 00:32:04,080
about if you enter a dark room for the first time, you've never been in that room before,

00:32:04,080 --> 00:32:09,680
but you have a pretty good idea that somewhere there's a light switch and you go groping around

00:32:09,680 --> 00:32:14,560
in the dark to find the light switch and when you find the light switch, you turn the light switch

00:32:14,560 --> 00:32:20,160
on and everything comes on and you can see what's going on and then the next time you enter that

00:32:20,160 --> 00:32:25,680
room, it's not going to take you as long to find the light switch because you found it once before

00:32:25,680 --> 00:32:31,200
and then the more you practice finding the light switch, the faster it's going to be that you can

00:32:31,200 --> 00:32:38,400
get there. You don't even have to think about it. Yeah, it's a matter of practice. You just keep

00:32:38,400 --> 00:32:46,400
engaging, just keep coming back to the Lord so many times. There's between our flesh and

00:32:47,200 --> 00:32:52,960
there's some interference out there in the atmosphere that's trying to keep us from getting

00:32:52,960 --> 00:33:00,320
connected and the more we just keep our focus towards the Lord, that stuff falls off.

00:33:01,840 --> 00:33:08,080
You could waste a lot of time trying to chase darkness with a broom and all you have to do is

00:33:08,080 --> 00:33:14,080
get connected to the light in the darkness leaves. Yeah, that's very good. Sharon, I heard a statement

00:33:14,080 --> 00:33:21,440
where someone said that there's no such thing as complacent worship and that is so true if you

00:33:21,440 --> 00:33:28,960
find yourself, your mind wandering with your arms raised and your mouth moving, singing a praise,

00:33:28,960 --> 00:33:36,080
but your mind is wandering in a complacency, then that's not worship. You cannot claim to have

00:33:36,080 --> 00:33:43,600
worshiped the Lord. There's no such thing. It's an oxymoron. Complacency and worship are the opposites.

00:33:43,600 --> 00:33:47,920
Right? Yeah, there's a scripture about that. What comes to my mind is they that worship him must

00:33:47,920 --> 00:33:53,600
worship him in spirit and in truth. Maybe you've got another one. It was a different one, but it's

00:33:53,600 --> 00:33:59,360
like a double-minded man is unstable. That double-minded man is unstable. It's kind of being

00:33:59,360 --> 00:34:06,560
double-minded so you're not really connecting. I heard something, I think it was from Priscilla

00:34:06,560 --> 00:34:13,200
Shrier in one of her Bible studies where we were talking about the armor of God and the shield of

00:34:13,200 --> 00:34:20,240
faith that quenches all the fiery darts. She said that when you think about the pioneers that were

00:34:20,240 --> 00:34:27,760
going across the United States in their covered wagons and if a group of Indians came with flaming

00:34:27,760 --> 00:34:36,400
arrows, they would shoot the wagons and what they were doing was distracting. They knew that the

00:34:36,400 --> 00:34:42,560
flaming arrows that were catching their wagons on fire was not going to defeat the pioneers.

00:34:43,200 --> 00:34:48,000
That was not going to defeat them. All that was doing was distracting them from the real battle.

00:34:48,000 --> 00:34:58,640
Right. And so her point that she made was the fiery darts are just distractions. Whenever we're

00:34:58,640 --> 00:35:04,560
holding up the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts, the enemy uses distractions way more than

00:35:04,560 --> 00:35:11,360
most people realize. One of the ways is during our worship time because he knows more than we do how

00:35:11,360 --> 00:35:19,200
powerful a pure worship is. Right. And he doesn't want us to get there. Yes. If anyone knew, he

00:35:19,200 --> 00:35:26,160
would know because of where he fell from. Very true. So he will shoot the flaming arrows not to

00:35:26,160 --> 00:35:32,560
try to, he knows they're not going to defeat us, but he uses them as distractions. Well put.

00:35:32,560 --> 00:35:38,080
Well put. Well, so we've got to hold up the shield of faith and where we get that is through the word.

00:35:38,720 --> 00:35:43,520
Amen. That's what increases our faith. Yes. So I have one more question for you.

00:35:43,520 --> 00:35:52,160
Yes, ma'am. You said that this experience of these three visits to the heavenly praise arena

00:35:52,160 --> 00:36:00,800
was life changing. Yes. Tell us how it changed your life. The first time that I was caught up to heaven

00:36:00,800 --> 00:36:06,080
was when I was called into the ministry. The second time I was caught up into heaven was when he

00:36:06,720 --> 00:36:15,120
catapulted us in to a new ministry. And this heavenly praise arena experience where I

00:36:15,120 --> 00:36:23,040
got to go three times brought a depth to our ministry. I mean, we were still in full-time

00:36:23,040 --> 00:36:32,160
ministry just as fast as we could go, but it brought more of an awareness of the glory of God,

00:36:33,040 --> 00:36:40,480
of just the fact that if we can get into that pure praise, then we're going to see more signs

00:36:40,480 --> 00:36:47,920
and wonders and healings and things that God has for us, gifts of the spirit. And not only that,

00:36:47,920 --> 00:36:54,480
but the fruit of the spirit. All of the things that God has for us comes, like you said, cause

00:36:54,480 --> 00:37:02,080
and effect. It comes through God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit as a result of

00:37:02,080 --> 00:37:08,320
our connecting to him in a pure way. Beautiful. So did that change your relationship with God?

00:37:08,320 --> 00:37:17,840
I wouldn't exactly say that it did because I was already so heavenly minded. I was no earthly good.

00:37:18,880 --> 00:37:21,840
No, you're probably more earthly good because heavenly, when did you were?

00:37:21,840 --> 00:37:29,680
Yeah. I do know that every time that we have access to heaven, it just makes it easier to

00:37:29,680 --> 00:37:36,880
step through the veil. Yes. And after that time that I experienced with him, I used to,

00:37:36,880 --> 00:37:41,040
on further in my book, Realms of Glory, as I described what I just described,

00:37:42,160 --> 00:37:47,120
I described several other encounters where I've been caught up to heaven. It seemed like

00:37:47,120 --> 00:37:53,200
before I had that visitation where I was able to experience the heavenly praise arena,

00:37:53,760 --> 00:37:59,280
I would see myself in the congregation where Jesus would come up to me and offer his hand.

00:37:59,760 --> 00:38:04,800
And he would say, may I have this dance? And I would give him my hand and I would always be in

00:38:04,800 --> 00:38:12,640
a long flowing robe, long flowing gown, and he would whisk me away. And I would always be in the

00:38:12,640 --> 00:38:19,440
sanctuary at the church, but we would be up in the air dancing above everybody to the music. Well,

00:38:19,440 --> 00:38:26,480
after this heavenly praise arena experience, all of that changed. I would be in a worship service

00:38:26,480 --> 00:38:34,320
to any church that I would be in. And instead of him appearing to me in the sanctuary, I would

00:38:34,320 --> 00:38:41,520
find myself going through a garden gate. And as I opened the garden gate, he would be sitting on a

00:38:41,520 --> 00:38:49,280
bench and he would say, I've been waiting for you. And then he would take my hand and every time I

00:38:49,280 --> 00:38:55,680
would have on a different, beautiful, long flowing gown. And we would go dancing through flowers and

00:38:55,680 --> 00:39:08,160
orchards and butterflies and hills. And I wouldn't even be in any earthly realm. And that is what

00:39:08,160 --> 00:39:16,240
changed for me from then on. Just about any time that I would enter into a pure worship, I would

00:39:16,240 --> 00:39:22,560
find myself at that garden gate. And I've had several experiences where the Lord showed me

00:39:22,560 --> 00:39:28,960
something while we would stop dancing in heaven. And he would show me in one instance. And I wrote

00:39:28,960 --> 00:39:35,440
about this in my book. We were dancing on a garden path and there were flowers all around and they

00:39:35,440 --> 00:39:41,920
smelled beautiful and there were butterflies. And I said, Jesus, I love flowers. And he said, I know.

00:39:43,120 --> 00:39:49,520
And that's always why he always took me to flower gardens in heaven. And it didn't look like flower

00:39:49,520 --> 00:39:57,200
gardens on earth at all. He stopped dancing with me and he stood and looked beyond my shoulder,

00:39:57,200 --> 00:40:04,240
past my shoulder. And he looked sad. And I turned around to see what he was looking at. And we walked

00:40:04,240 --> 00:40:09,600
a little ways and there was a cliff. There was a drop off there in the garden path that we were

00:40:09,600 --> 00:40:16,400
standing on. In the drop off, I could see the earth spinning in darkness at an outer space. I could see

00:40:16,400 --> 00:40:25,040
the sphere of the earth and it had black soot all over it. And I could see a tear coming down his

00:40:25,040 --> 00:40:32,400
cheek. And he said, that is because men and women's hearts have turned so far away from me

00:40:33,040 --> 00:40:41,440
and from God. And then all of a sudden, the earth that I was looking at came a little closer and I

00:40:41,440 --> 00:40:47,280
could through the soot as the earth was spinning, I could see the continent of the United States.

00:40:47,280 --> 00:40:53,280
I could see North America and I could see the United States, just the outline of it.

00:40:53,280 --> 00:40:58,800
And it got closer and closer and I could see right over the church that I was in when this was

00:40:58,800 --> 00:41:06,880
happening. I could see Arkansas and it zeroed on into where I was at. And all of a sudden,

00:41:06,880 --> 00:41:15,840
there was a hole that was punched up through the soot that was over the world. And I looked a little

00:41:15,840 --> 00:41:21,680
closer, I could see down through that hole and there was a whirlwind that the people in the

00:41:21,680 --> 00:41:29,920
church were praising him. And it came up through that soot like a whirlwind. And then I could see

00:41:29,920 --> 00:41:35,840
closer and people that were having church all over the world were punching holes through that soot.

00:41:35,840 --> 00:41:41,440
Yeah, that's really awesome. That's great. And it was whirlwinds. And after that experience,

00:41:41,440 --> 00:41:48,480
I began to think about the rushing mighty wind that was in the upper room in the book of Acts,

00:41:48,480 --> 00:41:55,920
chapter two. And I had always before that pictured maybe a door blowing open or a

00:41:56,800 --> 00:42:03,920
window shutters blowing open and the wind blowing through the room and out the other door. But what

00:42:03,920 --> 00:42:12,240
I began to think of after that experience was that there was a tornado like wind inside that room.

00:42:13,360 --> 00:42:22,400
And like a swirl of a wind and just the fact that everything was revolving in the heavenly praise

00:42:22,400 --> 00:42:32,640
arena on a spiral, the angels spiraling up with their way, spiraling back down, the rainbow spiraling

00:42:32,640 --> 00:42:40,800
and everything on a spiral. And then I believe that the ladder that Jacob saw the angels ascending

00:42:40,800 --> 00:42:48,320
and descending on, I believe that was a spiral. Absolutely. And I think things happen. Even our

00:42:48,320 --> 00:42:59,440
DNA is a spiral. Everything that is made that is alive is made up of spirals. And I just can't help

00:42:59,440 --> 00:43:06,640
but think that that rushing mighty wind was a whirlwind, like a spiral. When you read the book

00:43:06,640 --> 00:43:12,480
of Ezekiel, because you look up and what it says whirlwind and that's just what it means.

00:43:12,480 --> 00:43:20,080
And it was a fire catching itself. It's like a holy tornado. Yes. Absolutely. Yes. It all fits

00:43:20,080 --> 00:43:25,520
together and just makes so much sense. Yes. And as you study some of the words in the old

00:43:25,520 --> 00:43:32,880
testament that mean praise, there is a circular motion implied. And come on, look at Israeli dances.

00:43:33,840 --> 00:43:41,680
Yes. And the word rejoice means to twirl. It means to twirl. So there's so much in praise and worship

00:43:41,680 --> 00:43:48,640
that is in that spiral shape, that circular shape. And I believe it's like a drill. I do too. That

00:43:48,640 --> 00:43:56,880
will drill up through that. I think eternity is like that. And I think that when God created

00:43:56,880 --> 00:44:03,760
the universe and it's continuing to go on and on, I think it's a spiral. Yes. And another thing

00:44:03,760 --> 00:44:10,400
here on earth, when this is kind of crude, but when you flush the toilet, there's a spiral.

00:44:12,480 --> 00:44:18,320
And then you can go south of the equator and it spirals the other way. That's true.

00:44:18,320 --> 00:44:25,120
It goes clockwise. Yes. Yeah. It's fascinating. Yeah. And even scientists haven't figured that

00:44:25,120 --> 00:44:31,360
out yet. Yes. Well, I think God already knows. Yes. It's all going to fit together so perfectly.

00:44:31,920 --> 00:44:38,240
Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, before we close, Debbie, I would like to ask you to pray for our

00:44:38,240 --> 00:44:46,160
listeners because I feel like there's an invitation that the Lord wants to give them that, that as

00:44:46,160 --> 00:44:51,920
they walk through whatever gate it is that they go into for you, it was into a flower garden.

00:44:51,920 --> 00:44:58,560
And Jesus was saying, I've been waiting for you. Yes. Would you pray for our listeners to open up

00:44:58,560 --> 00:45:06,160
that gate to, to have that appointment with Jesus that he's been waiting for? I would love to. Can

00:45:06,160 --> 00:45:13,840
I preface this prayer with just a, just a simple observation. I've had people read my books and

00:45:13,840 --> 00:45:19,920
they said, how can you experience these God encounters? Is there a catch to it? Is there a

00:45:19,920 --> 00:45:27,120
key? Is there a secret? And I said, well, actually I believe there is. And I think it's because since

00:45:27,120 --> 00:45:33,040
I've taught children about Jesus for over 40 years, I've tried to learn to see things through

00:45:33,040 --> 00:45:39,520
a child's eyes. Yes. And I think that most adults make things too complicated.

00:45:39,520 --> 00:45:47,440
And I think to have a simple childlike faith and there's a difference in childlike behavior

00:45:47,440 --> 00:45:55,520
and childish behavior. We don't like it when children behave childish, but God likes it when

00:45:55,520 --> 00:46:04,480
we keep from losing our childlikeness. And part of that is that it's simple, spontaneous, and that

00:46:04,480 --> 00:46:10,560
it children are not skeptical. I think so many times people nip it in the bud when the Lord tries

00:46:10,560 --> 00:46:14,720
to show them something and they're skeptical. They want to analyze it and look at it from all

00:46:14,720 --> 00:46:21,600
different ways. Just be like a little child and amazing wonder, just let the Lord show you with,

00:46:21,600 --> 00:46:28,160
with a childlike delight and wonder at what he wants to show you and experience it instead of

00:46:28,160 --> 00:46:34,720
taking it all apart. So I believe that's kind of the key. And I think a verse that goes with that,

00:46:34,720 --> 00:46:40,080
blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. And I'm not saying that I have a pure heart.

00:46:40,080 --> 00:46:45,040
I'm not, I wouldn't even begin to say that about myself, but I do know that children

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have pure hearts and I think God wants us to try to become more childlike. In fact,

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that's the only way we're going to enter into the kingdom of God is to be more childlike.

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And one last thing, and then I will pray. I had gone a while without experiencing a God encounter

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and I was riding my lawnmower one day and I said, Lord, what's happened? I want to have another

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encounter with you and be caught up to heaven. And he said, when you get closer to me than you are

00:47:17,600 --> 00:47:23,040
to this world, the veil is just right there. Just step over. You just, all you have to do is step

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over. I'm right there. Just step through the veil. You know, if we get caught up in the cares of this

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life and the world is pulling us down, then there's a golf between us and God. But when you,

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you're closer to God than you are to the world, then just step on over. Beautiful. So let's pray

00:47:43,840 --> 00:47:48,960
heavenly father. We're so thankful, Lord, for all of the glories and riches that await us by the

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power of Jesus Christ and what he purchased for us through his blood. It's only through his blood.

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He is the door and Lord, as we are speaking to so many people, Lord, you know, their hearts and you

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know, their desires and some of them, their greatest desire that they've ever had is to

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encounter you in a deeper way and a deeper experience than they've ever had before. And

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they long for that and they have been praying and they have such a desire in their heart for that.

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And your word says that you would give us the desires of our heart when we delight ourselves

00:48:24,800 --> 00:48:32,960
in you. So I pray God that you would help people that are listening to this podcast today, that you

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would begin to help them to put their hand on the latch of that gate and to push that gate open with

00:48:40,640 --> 00:48:48,080
a childlike faith and to step into the glories and the riches that await us, because you long

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to just lift up that lid, just a little tiny corner to let us experience just a bit of what

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you have prepared for us, which is more glorious than our finite minds could ever even imagine.

00:49:01,120 --> 00:49:06,960
Finite minds could ever even comprehend, but you want to give us a little taste right now,

00:49:06,960 --> 00:49:13,120
because it just helps us to anticipate even more the glories that you have prepared.

00:49:14,000 --> 00:49:20,960
We're so thankful, God, that you love us, that you've created us to love you. You want to

00:49:20,960 --> 00:49:26,960
populate heaven with people that love you. That's why you created the world in the first place,

00:49:26,960 --> 00:49:32,880
that we love you because we chose to, because we want to. Lord, I pray that you would put the want

00:49:32,880 --> 00:49:40,320
to in all of these people to experience more. And I pray that as we praise you, that we would lift

00:49:40,320 --> 00:49:47,040
up a pure childlike worship, that everything worldly would just fall by the wayside and you

00:49:47,040 --> 00:49:54,640
would connect with us and we would connect with you in such a pure, pureness that we would be able

00:49:54,640 --> 00:50:00,800
to add to that beautiful rainbow that encircles the throne and rains down to your pleasure.

00:50:01,680 --> 00:50:08,320
And Lord, let that river of milk and honey flow our way, because we so desperately need

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the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit. We so desperately need our lives and our hearts

00:50:14,880 --> 00:50:21,040
and our minds to be healed. We need chains to be broken. We need signs and wonders for the

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people that have never heard and don't believe. Lord, let our praise be pure so that that river

00:50:28,560 --> 00:50:37,040
can flow so deep and so wide and people can swim in it. Thank you for the land of milk and honey

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that you've given to us. Thank you for all your wonderful, glorious riches and treasures that we

00:50:45,200 --> 00:50:52,160
can find in your word and through your Son and by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name we

00:50:52,160 --> 00:51:01,040
pray. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Well, thank you, Debbie, for being with us again today. Can you

00:51:01,040 --> 00:51:08,640
tell people how to get a hold of your books? Yes, I can. I have five books. Two of them are for

00:51:08,640 --> 00:51:16,560
adults. And one of them is called Realms of Glory. And in that book, it kind of tells my personal

00:51:16,560 --> 00:51:23,520
life story of how I was saved and our ministry. And then the last section of the book, there's

00:51:23,520 --> 00:51:30,080
a section of several times that I've had God encounters and I try to describe them in detail.

00:51:30,080 --> 00:51:37,040
And every one of them is taken from my journals that I recorded right after I was born. And

00:51:37,040 --> 00:51:43,120
recorded right after they happened. So I'm not going from memory. I'm going from right when it

00:51:43,120 --> 00:51:52,880
happened. My memory is not to be trusted. And then the second book for the adults is called

00:51:52,880 --> 00:51:59,280
There is a River and it's preparing for the outpouring and revival that is coming to the

00:51:59,280 --> 00:52:05,840
Arkansas River Valley, which is right through the middle of the state of Arkansas. And both of those

00:52:05,840 --> 00:52:11,840
books are available on Amazon. And then I have three children's books. One of them is called Earth

00:52:11,840 --> 00:52:18,160
Suit. One of them is called The Little Lump of Clay. And one of them is called The Bible,

00:52:19,280 --> 00:52:27,920
a book like no other. And I'm writing a book now that is called Blessed are the Pure in Heart,

00:52:27,920 --> 00:52:36,480
For They Shall See God Developing a Childlike Faith. And then I'm working on two or three more

00:52:36,480 --> 00:52:44,160
children's books. So the children's books also available on Amazon? Yes. Okay. All right. Well,

00:52:44,160 --> 00:52:48,800
thank you so much for being with us again. This has been a delight. We've really enjoyed it.

00:52:48,800 --> 00:52:59,360
Well, it's been my pleasure and my honor. Thank you so much. Amen. God bless you.

00:52:59,360 --> 00:53:04,560
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00:53:16,000 --> 00:53:21,360
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00:53:27,520 --> 00:53:31,680
Until next time, this is Sharon Buss. And I'm Philip Buss.

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God bless you with this overwhelming loving presence.