(199) "Cannibalism in the Church"

What is the difference between an intercessor and a gossip? Back-biting, criticism, gossiping, and offense are rooted in the flesh. Sharon and Philip share a download from the Holy Spirit about dealing with “flesh flashes” from ourselves and other Believers and the urgent need for spiritual maturity in the Body of Christ. Now is the time for Believers to get close to the Father so we can leave behind the things of the flesh and grow up in the Spirit. Only then can we treat each other the way we’ve been called to — with Love. The enemy wants to keep us divided, but Jesus prayed that we would be One as He and the Father are One. Join the Busses as they dig into the scriptures for practical keys to taking the “high road” and growing up into mature sons of God.
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when the Holy Spirit comes on us, He gives us the grace to overcome. He gives us the grace to take
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the high road. He gives us the grace to stop talking about one another, to stop backbiting,
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to stop this cannibalism in the church, to stop biting and devouring one another,
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because if you don't check that, it will ruin the church.
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God promises in Joel 2, 28 to pour out His Spirit on all humanity. Welcome to Global Outpouring,
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where we contend for that promise outpouring, we equip for that outpouring, so that we may engage
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in that very outpouring. I'm Philip Bus. And I'm Sharon Bus. Welcome to the podcast today.
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We're so glad that you're with us. The Holy Spirit has been speaking to us about something
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that is on His heart, and He wants us to talk about cannibalism in the church.
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Thank you so much for tuning in today. This is going to be an amazing podcast today. The Holy
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Spirit has given us quite a download to share with you. But before we get started, we want to
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encourage you to go to our website so that you can catch up on what's going on with us. It's
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globaloutpouring.net. And if you've got any feedback for us, we would love to hear from you.
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Let us know where in the world you're listening from. It's really fun to hear what nations are
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being reached with this, that our voices are getting out there where we've never been before.
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And we just want to encourage you to let us know how the Holy Spirit is using this ministry for
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you to help you grow up, because that's really what's in our hearts. And that's what this podcast
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is going to be about, the need for maturity in the body of Christ. So go to our website and make
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sure that you have signed up for our email lists so that we can stay in contact with you. We want
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to establish a relationship with you, and we hope that you want to do that with us. So today,
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Cannibalism in the Church, what a title. The Holy Spirit gave that to me. Some days ago,
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I had a thought came up in my spirit from Galatians chapter 5, and verse 15, it says,
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but if you bite and devour one another, take heed or watch out that you be not consumed one of
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another. And that, let me put that in context. I'll start with verse 13. For brothers and sisters,
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you have been called to liberty. Only don't use liberty for an occasion to the flesh,
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but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word. Even this,
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you shall love your neighbor as yourself. But if you bite and devour one another, take heed,
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or watch out, be careful that you be not consumed one of another. This I say, verse 16, this I say
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then, walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust, the desire of the flesh. For the flesh
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lusts or desires against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. And these are contrary one to
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the other. So that you cannot do the things that you would. But if you be led of the spirit,
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of the spirit, you're not under the law. So this, this idea of biting and devouring one another,
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that's the picture that I'm seeing, you know, the bickering that might go on.
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Especially with social media, the way it is anymore. Oh my goodness. You know, there's things
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people, you know, don't need to know about a person or that because, you know, one accusation
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that may not be true, but out there could destroy a person. It's true. And he's seen that happen.
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And even discussing things to do with politics or even a doctrine, things like that. People have
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opposing views. You know, people say things on social media that they wouldn't say to a person's
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face. You know, you just get bold because they can't see you. You can't see them. And you know,
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it just causes the flesh to rise up and just get rude and snarky and mean. And, and you know,
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that's not what we've been called to do. We shouldn't be eating one another. That's the
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cannibalism that I think the Holy spirit is talking about that we're, we're back biting,
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you know, and sometimes it's not on social media. Sometimes it's just in the church in general,
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on a phone call. And did you hear about so-and-so and what they're doing? And I'm just telling you
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so that you'll pray. You know, that reminds me back when my parents moved to this kind of rural
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area of Arkansas was in 1975 and they had a, it was like a three party line or party line. I mean,
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you get on the phone. Yeah. I mean, you have two or three other people over there and they could
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just eavesdrop on your, your message or something like that. I mean, we're back in time a little
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bit. And so they know what's going on and that's how rumors get started. That's how rumors. Oh my,
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the rumors that can get started. Oh, shall we tell the rumor? Come on, let's tell the
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Okay. So when we induct someone into our ministry, we generally have them wear white because it's a
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sign of purity. And in order to join, they do a 21 day fast and they dedicate themselves to the Lord.
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You know, we have a prayer of dedication that they pray and we usually wear white for that. Right.
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And we had one lady on our staff for a while that wound up going to Israel to
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intercede at the wall, the Kotel, the wailing wall. It's sometimes called the retaining wall,
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the retaining wall of the temple mount. And that was her calling. She was to go there and she was
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to pray. And then at one point she wound up joining the civil guard in her neighborhood,
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where at night she would go out and patrol. If she wasn't patrolling in prayer at the wall,
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she was out patrolling in her neighborhood. And Israel was only a nation about 30 years at this
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point. Yeah. Yeah. This is still way back in the seventies. And in order to be patrolling,
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she had an Uzi, you know, a machine gun. And actually the, you hear the name Uzi and that's
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the maker. It's a, it was an Israeli that invented that gun. Okay. Name was Uzi. Okay. And that's how
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it got its name. So anyway, that was the real story about this gal. So one of our dearest, dearest
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people in her simple innocence, guilelessness would tell this story to folks. And the rumor got
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started around here that down here in this valley, we had a lady in a white dress sitting on top of
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a wall with a machine gun guarding the place. And that was back in the late 1970s. Yeah. And
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that rumor is still going around. We just heard it recently and it grew into that now she's in a
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wedding dress. That's how rumors get started. And they evolve. Yes. So the point is here that
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sometimes things get told that aren't true. And sometimes people just get all excited about
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getting the news. I want to, I want to know the first one to tell this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
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But here's my question. What's the difference between a watchman on the wall who's looking
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out for trouble on behalf of the body of Christ and a critic or a gossip? Well, I'm just a watchman
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on the wall. And so I'm going to point out what's wrong. Wow. Okay. Maybe. But a real watchman is an
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intercessor. Yes. And a lot of times intercessors, they don't always share things as far as, you know,
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it's like kind of like keeping God's secrets. In fact, our founder, Gonshal, wrote a book on that,
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you know, keeping God's secrets. Yeah. Kind of like we've said before, her husband was retired
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Air Force, loose lips sink ships. Yeah. You know, and that's what would happen in war. Yeah. You
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know, some person says the wrong thing and the other side can get the information and use it
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against you. Right. So you have this tendency that is from the flesh. Okay. We've talked a number of
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times about having flesh flashes and it's a real thing. It's a real thing. I mean, come on, Philip,
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you and I are married. Yes. And every now and then not so much you, but more me, there's flesh flashes,
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you know, I guess hormones are, nevermind. It can be anything, but you're more likely to have flesh
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flashes when you're hungry or you're angry or you're lonely or you're tired or you're sick or in pain.
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Yeah. Okay. Those things, when any of those things are happening in your body,
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it tends to swing you over into letting things out your mouth that shouldn't be there. But it
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starts with things that are in your mind and that drops down into your heart and out of the abundance
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of the heart, the mouth speaks. Yeah. You can see how it takes, you know, like salvation can come in
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an instant, but a renewed mind takes a while. Yes, sir. And it shows up a lot of times when you at
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least expect it. So if you're young in the Lord and then if you used to have a bad swearing habit
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or something, but something catches you off guard and all of a sudden it comes out like, no, you
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know, it's still, it's just like you can go down the aisle of the store somewhere and you're hearing
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this old song from your teenage years, you know, and all that. And then all of a sudden you realize
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you realize it's playing on the intercom. You didn't realize it, but you heard it and it can
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bring back the memories with it, even though if it was like 30, 40 years ago, and it can bring back
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the pain that was initiated with it, if it wasn't dealt with. And so it is with your flesh. That
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renewed mind doesn't happen overnight. No, that's true. And we shouldn't expect it of one another
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either. Yeah. So this fighting and devouring and then backbiting and telling stories and, you know,
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it usually comes from becoming offended about something. And, you know, we are far too easily
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offended. I mean, our flesh is easily offendable. Let's put it that way. The spirit is not easily
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offendable. Yeah. But the carnal flesh, carnality, it means fleshliness. 1 Corinthians 3, 3, would
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you read that from the Passion Translation, Philip, please? For you are living your lives dominated by
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the mindset of the flesh. Ask yourselves, is there jealousy among you? Do you compare yourselves with
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others? Do you quarrel like children and end up taking sides? If so, this proves that you are
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living your lives centered on yourselves, dominated by the mindset of the flesh and behaving like
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unbelievers. For when you divide yourself up in groups, a Paul group and Apollo's group, you're
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acting like people without the spirit's influence. Yeah. Divisions. It's division causing, but it
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comes from the flesh. So that word carnal or fleshly, as used in the Passion, is the Greek word
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sarkeikos. And it means having the nature of flesh under the control of like your animal appetites,
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governed by mere human nature, not by the spirit of God. Yeah. And actually, earlier we were looking
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this up thinking maybe the word came from snarky. Because there's some similarities there. Yeah,
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it comes from the word sarx, which means flesh. So, snarky, maybe it was a derivative of that.
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Probably not, but it's fun to think about. So, let's look at 1 Corinthians 6, 6 through 11. I
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think it's really good in the Passion too. It's not right for a believer to sue a fellow believer,
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and especially to bring it before the unbelievers. Don't you realize that when you drag another
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believer into court, you're providing the evidence that you are already defeated?
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Wouldn't it be better to accept the fact that someone is trying to cheat and take advantage of
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you and simply choose the high road? At times, it is better to just accept injustice and even to let
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someone take advantage of you, rather than to expose our conflicts publicly before unbelievers.
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But instead, you keep cheating and doing wrong to your brothers and sisters,
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and then request that unbelievers render their judgment.
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Surely you must know that people who practice evil cannot possess God's kingdom realm.
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Stop being deceived. People who continue to engage in sexual immorality, idolatry,
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adultery, sexual perversion, homosexuality, fraud, greed, drunkenness, verbal abuse, or extortion,
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these will not inherit God's kingdom realm. It's true that some of you once lived in those
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lifestyles, but now you have been purified from sin, made holy, and given a perfect standing before
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God, all because of the power of the name of the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, and through our union
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with the spirit of our God. Amen. Beautiful.
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Now, do you understand what this passage is saying? You were once like those folks that are not going
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to inherit the kingdom. All of us at one time were on that path, not inheriting the kingdom.
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So we're really not better than those folks that are that, except we are better because Jesus
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fixed it. We've been redeemed.
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We've been redeemed. Jesus fixed it, but our flesh is just as bad, or it was just as bad,
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but we've been completely renewed. We've been cleansed. So let's stop behaving that way.
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Let's grow up. God wants us to grow up.
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God wants us to grow up. You want to be used, especially in ministry. It takes time.
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It takes time and circumstances. It's just like, if you're a fighter pilot, you want your wingman
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to be a novice. That's true.
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You might get shot down. It's true. I'm reminded of something that
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the Lord spoke to John Arnott in Toronto. Help me with the name of the church.
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Catch the Fire. There were a lot of things going on that were not typical in church.
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The Holy Spirit was moving in an amazing way. There were things that were going on. There was
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one lady that started crowing like a rooster. He went to her and he said, what is the Lord saying?
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And she said, it's a new day. So it was highly unusual, but there was a prophetic picture going
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on. There was a guy roaring like a lion. And he was from China. And the Lord was saying that
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here's these people that have been dominated by the dragon and the lion of Judah is roaring over
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them to bring them out of bondage. Yes. And 20 years later, when they interviewed him,
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they had found the underground church just exploded in China.
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Thousands. At that time. At that time. That was the fastest growing church in the world,
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was the underground church of China. At that time. At that time it was exploding.
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So the thing that the Lord said to him was, I am offending your mind to show you what's in your
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heart. And sometimes the Lord is trying to deal with us about our carnality, about our fleshliness,
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about our flesh flashes. And he's trying to get us to grow up. You know, the scripture you just read
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about here's brother taking brother to court in front of unbelievers. As though it's right for
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them to make a judgment over something that's in between believers. We should be able to judge
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these things ourselves. Right. And I love the way the Passion Translation put it, that wouldn't it
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be better to take the high road and just say, okay, you know, go ahead. And here's the thing.
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If we would start to intercede for the person who's offended us, you got to start by forgiving.
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That's the first thing. First, first, first, before you put your head on your pillow, forgive.
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Got to get your heart right.
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Got to get your heart right. And the easiest way for me to get my heart right when someone has
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offended me is immediately. I mean, it's taken years to get to where it was immediate. Okay.
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But now I'm at the point where it's immediate. I mean, within, if not seconds, but then certainly
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within minutes. Usually I try to do it within seconds. Sometimes it takes a few minutes.
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Yeah. And don't borrow someone else's offense.
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Right. But if I get offended, the first thing I do is I say, father, I'm asking you to forgive
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that person because if I start to intercede for that person before the Lord, because what they've
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done wasn't right, then it's easier for me to forgive if I'm asking him to forgive. I'm coming
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now as an intercessor. I'm asking now, father, please, please have mercy. And then I might think,
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you know, I could have done the same thing. Okay. I am flesh too, you know, I've had flesh
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flushes and I have to ask right away, please forgive me. You know, I've tried to, I try to
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be pretty quick about asking, don't I darling? Yes, you are. You really are. I realize right away.
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I realize right away when I've had a flesh flush, you know, the Holy Spirit kind of is quick.
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Thank you. Thank you. That's like that. Not like in a game show and it's like,
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and that's what you just met. Right. The buzzer goes off in your spirit. Like
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I shouldn't have said that. Right. So this is how we can begin to process and dial down this
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inclination to bite and devour one another in the church. Let's get rid of the cannibalism in the
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church. And while we're at it, you know, this idea of let's take the high road. Here is a high road
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scripture that I think most of Western Christians would have to scratch their head about. And that
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is in Hebrews 1034. It says, you sympathized, I'm reading from the Berean Standard Bible,
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you sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property,
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knowing that you yourselves had a better and permanent possession. Here's from the Berean
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Literal Bible. For both you sympathized with the prisoners and you accepted the plundering of your
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possessions with joy, knowing yourselves to have a better and abiding possession. Now, obviously we
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know that this is talking about, you know, we've got heaven to look forward to, right? Yes. This
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is all temporary. All of this stuff here is temporary, but we get so wrapped up with our
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materialistic stuff. Like we've strived, we got to get that one thing that we want that, you know,
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you fill in the blank. What is the one thing that you want, right? But this is saying, and the writer
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of Hebrews, whether it's Paul or somebody else, is commanding these people because they've recognized
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that when their stuff got taken away, that it was just stuff, you know, and accepting it joyfully.
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I think that's something we need to sit and ponder. We really need to sit and ponder,
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like we've been through a fire, right? Yeah. It was our office. It wasn't our home, but our entire
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office building in 1990 burned to the ground. And there were things in my office that I've still kind
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of, I'm sad about, you know, I had some paperwork there that was important, my birth certificate
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and baby pictures. I'd just gotten my baby pictures from my dad. And they burned real good.
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They burned real good. You know, our guitars, our Bibles, that was the worst thing. Our Bibles
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were burned, but I've got a better Bible. I mean, that was a good Bible, but I've got a better one.
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Yeah. You know, when you begin to mature in the Spirit, you begin to see things more from
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heaven's point of view. You can't take joyfully the spoiling of your goods or confiscation of
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your property or the plundering of your possessions. You can't take that with joy unless you have the
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Holy Spirit working in you. That's a God thing. But that is a picture of what it looks like when
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you've grown up in the Spirit. Wow. Okay. I think that's a challenge for every one of us that are in
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kind of Western society where, you know, okay, we're here in the United States of America.
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And the American dream is, help me out here. Oh, having a bigger house. It used to be a two-car
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garage. Now it's a three-car garage. That means you'd have a boat in the third bay, maybe.
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Well, it's like the standard of life has increased on goods. Right. Back when we were younger.
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Now sports car or this or that, you know, things have just become more grandiose. Yeah. And it's
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supposed to be life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The American way. Yeah. But the
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pursuit of happiness has become materialistic. Yeah. That's really not the source of happiness.
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What you have is not the source of happiness because you can't take it with you. That's right.
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I mean, it can burn in a moment. That sports car or that house. Yeah, that nice Porsche in your garage
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can go up in a fire that goes and you know, in some of these towns where the pine trees explode.
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Yeah. And they can't get anything out. They get out with their lives and there goes your $80,000
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Porsche. Yeah. You know, or whatever it costs. Or whatever you had, it could be a rare instrument,
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anything rare. And it can go just like that. Right. It can go in a flood. Right. We never had a flood
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here before, you know. Thank God. Thank God. I mean, referring to someone might say, we've never
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had a flood before and all of a sudden there was one. Right. Right. So. Yeah. So we can't put our.
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It's like Dino watching his grand piano go down the river when his house flooded. Yeah. Dino,
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the, what was his last name? Kartanakis. Yes. He had a theater in Branson and had a big flood
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in the river and his house got flooded. He watched his boys in Dorfer piano float down the river.
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And that's a very expensive piano from Austria. I think it is. Yeah. I'm just saying anything that
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we have in this world is temporary. It's all temporary. And when we begin to walk in the spirit,
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we can even come into that place of rejoicing when our stuff is taken away. Yeah. It's all
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wood, hay and stubble. Right. Of course, wood could be a house, hay, you know, could be your barn,
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but stubble is anything made out of the ground, which is everything else.
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Steel, plastic, whatever. Yeah. It's all temporary. It's all temporary. It's all temporary. Yeah.
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So this whole idea of being carnal, I love Romans chapter seven that talks about the war that's
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going on. Paul is talking about how he wants to do the right thing, but he finds he's not doing
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the right thing and he wants not to do the wrong thing. And he finds he's doing the wrong thing,
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and he's not doing the wrong thing. But he comes to this conclusion that the real you is your spirit
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and your spirit is what is renewed by Jesus. So this whole fleshly wrestling, all of this battle
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that goes on in the flesh is a battle between your worldly thinking, your fleshly thinking,
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and the spirit. And if you want to be grown up in the spirit, you have to yield to the spirit.
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Let's go on to Romans eight, where it talks about the sons of God. Romans eight, chapter two says,
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for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
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And it goes on to talk about verse four, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us
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who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. And it goes on to say, to be carnally minded or
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fleshly minded is death. But to be spiritually minded is life and peace, because the carnal mind
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is hostile against God, for it's not subject to the law of God and it cannot be. So then they that
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are in the flesh cannot please God. So that's why we've got to get rid of this cannibalism in the
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church. All of this is fleshly and it's required of us, if we're filled with the Holy Spirit,
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especially it's required of us that we walk in the spirit. Verse nine says, but you are not in the
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flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that the spirit of God dwell in you. Now, if any man have not the
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spirit of Christ, he is none of his. That's pretty strong. That's very strong. But it goes on to talk
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about verse 14 says, as many as are led or governed by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
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And that word sons, it's the same word that's used in Matthew five, nine that says blessed are the
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peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. And that word children or son in Romans
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eight 14 is the word Yos. Now you might hear some people pronouncing it wheels because that's what
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it looks like H of course it's written in Greek. So it uses different letters. But when you
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transliterate it into our letters, it's spelled H U I O S but it's pronounced Yos and it means son.
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There's another word for sons that is Tecna or Tecnon. And that refers to those who are born of
00:27:40,760 --> 00:27:50,040
God. But Yos or whatever the conjugation of it is refers to those who show maturity acting as sons.
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Yos gives evidence of the dignity of one's relationship and likeness to God's character.
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The expression son of God, that's the Yos is used of Jesus as a manifestation of his relationship
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with the father or the expression of his character. So it's about having the character of our father.
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Yeah. So that's how we become sons, mature sons is by our relationship with our father. You know,
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with our father. You know, I was thinking about, we've been talking about the law of the spirit
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of life in Christ Jesus sets us free from the law of sin and death. This law of sin and death
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is expressed in the Old Testament through the word of God to Moses, like a set of rules. A lot of
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people think about it as a whole bunch of do's and don'ts. Yeah. But it's really designed to be
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like an illustration of here's how a person behaves who loves the Lord their God with all their
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heart, with all their soul, with all their mind, with all their strength. Yeah. Our father is
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looking for lovers. He's looking for sons and daughters who love him and who let him love them.
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We didn't realize, you know, we grew up singing, Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me
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so little ones to him belong their week, but he is strong. We grew up with that. But you know,
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it's taken a while to really wake up to the fact that God loves me. You know, I don't know about
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you, but it was, Hey, come on, let's be real here. Our upbringing in church, and I'm not talking
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about church hurt for me. I don't think I really had a whole lot of it. I had a little, I suppose
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everybody does because you're still dealing with people who haven't fully grown up and fully
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matured yet. So church hurt usually comes from somebody having a flesh flesh and having a wrong
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attitude and not behaving like Jesus. You know, I want to write a meme and put it on my Facebook.
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I have never done it, but I have it in my head to do that. Don't blame Jesus for the bad behavior
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of his people. He didn't do it. They're not behaving like they're supposed to. Don't blame
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him. Don't blame Jesus. Don't walk away from Jesus because somebody that bears his name hurt you.
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But when we were growing up, we were kind of put into this religious box. Here's how you do it.
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Here's how you be a Christian. And we watched our parents and you know, we kind of walked along
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with them or whatever. And it wasn't until we had our own experience with God that we began our own
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walk. Yeah, that's amazing. You know, the testimonies you're listening to from Muslims,
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once they realize that, you know, Yeshua, Jesus, because they don't say Yeshua, it's Isa, you know,
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I believe. Yeah. And Jesus really loves because Allah does not. Right. You're a slave to Allah.
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Right. It's true. I mean, we're a love slave to Jesus. But we have our own will. Yeah. You know,
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so depending on how much of a love slave you are, it depends on the individual. Yeah. On how close
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you want to get to the Lord. So as I've been pondering this, this illustration came to me
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that the law or how we were raised in church or, you know, our religious box
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is like the training wheels that you put on a child's first bicycle. Well, they learn to
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develop balance. You know, at first you're just learning to pedal, right? You haven't learned to
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balance yet. You're just learning to pedal. You're just learning to steer. And the wheels,
00:31:49,480 --> 00:31:55,480
those training wheels keep you from falling over. Yeah. You don't even have to keep a balance at
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all. Your bike isn't going to fall over because the training wheels are there. But until you get
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free of those training wheels. Yeah. When they're taken off the first time. Yeah. I mean, it's a
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little scary. I mean, I remember going through that and first they took off one and I still had
00:32:12,680 --> 00:32:19,160
one training wheel. Oh, okay. And then I learned how to do it without training wheels. And that's
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the picture that I'm seeing about growing up in God, that we have this sort of a religious
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system that we're training our children in. But I think we have failed somewhat in expressing
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that this is how you behave when you love God and when you realize how much God loves you.
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Spiritual training wheels. Yeah. And so I really feel like God is wanting to help us
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to grow up. There's such a need for a maturing in the body of Christ. And it's not just about
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how many years that you've spent. It's about how close you are to Father. Yeah. And you could be a
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deep revelator of the word. And I forget what evangelist it was. It was, I think it was Jack
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Coe was warned by different people that, you know, he had this tremendous healing gift. Yeah. But
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he didn't treat people very nice. No, he was mean. He was mean. And so you can have a deep,
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you know, study of the word and learn all the Greek and all the Hebrew and all that. But if you
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have not love, you're like a clanging brass and a noisy symbol and all that. And then if you get all
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spiritual, because there are those, I mean, they can look at a cloud and spiritualize it three
00:33:33,320 --> 00:33:37,800
different ways. You know what I mean? You know, it's just like, look, that ripper, you know,
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you can see it looks just like, and there's times there are things in the clouds, but don't base
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everything you have on them. You know, you have to walk, when you walk in the spirit of the Lord,
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you know, everything else is going to line up. It's like that saying that we had heard some time
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back, you know, if you have all word in you and no spirit, you know, that you dry up. But if you're
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all spirit and have no word, you blow up. But if you have that balance of the spirit and the word,
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you grow up. And that's who we have to be. Amen. Absolutely. You can't make your denomination your
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God. That's what I mean. I mean, you have to, there's denominations, different ones, they will
00:34:22,120 --> 00:34:28,440
emphasize different things. Now you take that, but when you get into the presence of God,
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it's his spirit that will keep you balanced. Right. Right. And it's his spirit that will help you
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to rise above things that will enable you to take the higher road, because that's not something that
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your flesh can do. The flesh doesn't know the higher road. That's only a spiritual thing.
00:34:46,360 --> 00:34:55,800
It needs help. Yes. And when the Holy Spirit comes on us, He gives us the grace to overcome.
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He gives us the grace to take the high road. He gives us the grace to stop talking about one another,
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to stop backbiting, to stop this cannibalism in the church, to stop biting and devouring one another.
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Because if you don't check that, it will ruin the church. A whole congregation can be ruined
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by people talking and being mean and having wrong motives. And the church is going to be ruined.
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And the church has to be in unity in these last days. Absolutely. Because when things happen,
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you know, when emergencies and things happen, all of a sudden, you're going to want another
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believer to talk to and not care what denomination they're out of. It's absolutely true. That's
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what's happened in persecuted nations. It's true. People don't tear each other down for what church
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they go to. They're just happy to have someone to fellowship that where you have common ground.
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Yes. Unless we have to know, we have to agree on common ground. Amen. I mean, there's no denominations
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when Jesus walked the earth. Just Pharisees and Sadducees. So that spirit is still around.
00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:13,640
Yes. It's a division spirit. And the enemy of our souls is also the enemy of the church.
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And he's really just trying to keep us divided. But our Father wants us to be one. Remember the
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prayer that Jesus prayed at the end when he was having the last supper with his disciples.
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And he prayed, Father, that they may be one as you and I are one. Yeah, that's John chapter 17.
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And that comes by loving one another. You know, when you love the brethren, it doesn't mean that
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you have to agree with them about every little thing. You can have disagreements. I mean, there
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are a few things that you and I disagree on, but it's not anything that we would lose fellowship
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over. I mean, it's okay to have a different opinion about something. And we talk about it.
00:36:57,720 --> 00:37:02,360
We don't raise our eyebrows and, no, you're wrong. You're wrong. That's not right.
00:37:02,360 --> 00:37:08,120
No, we don't do that. We've never done that. No. But what I'm saying is it's okay to have different
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opinions. And, you know, as long as it's not something that we have to make a decision about,
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it's okay to, we don't ever have to resolve it. We don't want to give each other headaches. You
00:37:16,600 --> 00:37:21,400
know, way back when we were kids, there was excederant commercials. You know, the thing
00:37:21,400 --> 00:37:26,840
would go on. And I remember one, it was the mother-in-law says, I don't nag. Your mother
00:37:26,840 --> 00:37:32,600
nags, you know, and then plop, plop to, you know, to excederant going into a glass of water.
00:37:32,600 --> 00:37:34,600
I think it was Alka-Cells or something like that.
00:37:34,600 --> 00:37:40,360
Because it's upsetting in your stomach. So they had it. Well, then they had excederant headache
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and this, this and that. But if we can get that stuff out of the church, you know, where we can
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walk that place where you can help people that aren't in the church too, you know, to find the
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way because they, there's times they'll, you know, they need ministry and you can be just right there
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for them. Because love is patient. Yeah. And love is kind. Yeah. And love is not envious.
00:38:06,920 --> 00:38:11,960
And all of those things that are in first Corinthians 13, and all of those things that
00:38:11,960 --> 00:38:17,800
are the fruit of the spirit that are mentioned in Galatians five, all of those things are a result
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of the Holy Spirit working in us, helping us to overcome, helping us to grow up into the character
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of the Lord Jesus Christ. He walked on the earth as the son of God, as the son of man,
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in order to bring us up into the place of behaving like sons of God, as men and women, obviously.
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Yeah. And that's our goal. That's our goal. And anytime that we fall short of that, we quickly
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repent and get restored. Yeah. That's one of the signs of maturity is when you fall, how fast it is
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you get up. The faster you get up, the more mature you are. You know, if you blow it big,
00:39:05,640 --> 00:39:10,520
get over it in minutes. Yeah. Get over it. Like, especially if you blow it because somebody
00:39:10,520 --> 00:39:17,080
offended you. Get over it in minutes. Yeah. And it's possible because of the love of God,
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because of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's pray.
00:39:21,400 --> 00:39:31,160
Father, we thank you for what you are doing in your people to grow us up, that we can be
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us up, that we can be bright and shining examples of your life and your love that overcome,
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that as examples, Lord, we can be like you because you're living inside of us. Yeah. And we're living
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inside of you. And it's possible for people to see you in us because of the relationship in our walk
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with you and our yielding to you and our getting into agreement with you so that we can see people
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who are misbehaving as people that you love, as people that you want to draw into a deeper
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relationship with you, whether they're believers yet or not. We're asking you, Lord, to work in us
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by your spirit, every listener and Philip and me, Lord, that you will work your work in your people
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that will make us ready to minister in this outpouring that you have begun and that is
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growing and growing and growing. Lord, help us to rise up into that place of maturity
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that we can help others to grow up into that place of maturity in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:40:54,200 --> 00:40:55,160
Amen. Amen.
00:41:00,360 --> 00:41:06,520
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You can also browse our web store for life-changing anointed books. Until next time, this is Sharon
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Buss and I'm Philip Buss. God bless you with this overwhelming loving presence.