Oct. 1, 2024

(232) "Give Your Bod to God" (Part 2)

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Global Outpouring

Our spirit is our true self, so why did God give us physical bodies made of earth? The answer is revelatory! In part two of this series inspired by Episode 230 where Dean Braxton* tells how he received a challenge from the Lord to truly give Him his body, the Busses go even deeper into what it looks like to let God be in charge and why it’s vital to His purposes in the Earth being accomplished. Our Father wants to work through us, but we need our spirit, soul, and body unified so we can be in sync with Him in Heaven and on Earth. The more we give our bodies to God, the more He can bring us into a place of maturity where we can flow with Him and allow His power to work through us. Tune in to find out more about what it means to “give your bod to God!”

*Dean Braxton was clinically dead for an hour and forty-five minutes. God sent him back to Earth as an evangelist.

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WEBSITE: https://globaloutpouring.net

Related Links:

Convention 2025 – Registration coming soon!

May 21 - May 24, 2025.

St. Louis Airport Marriott Hotel

(230) “Rest to Increase Your Authority” with Dean Braxton

(231) “Give Your Bod to God” (Part 1)

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the more we give ourselves, but the more we give our body to God, the spirit, soul and body, really,

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the more he's going to be able to bring us into that place of maturity and bring us into that

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place where we're flowing with him and we're letting his power work through us.

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God promises in Joel 2, 28 to pour out his Spirit on all humanity. Welcome to Global Outpouring.

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Are we content for that promise outpouring? Are we equipped for that outpouring so that we may engage

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in that very outpouring? I'm Philip Bus. And I'm Sharon Bus. Welcome to the podcast today.

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We're going to continue with the subject that we started really two episodes ago with Dean Braxton,

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where he was explaining what happened when he had another episode where we almost lost him and how

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God challenged him. You haven't ever given your body to me. So our last episode was give your body

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to God part one. And this is give your body to God part two. Thank you so much for joining us today.

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We want to just bless you with the goodness of God as we start this podcast today. And we want

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to encourage you before we get started that if you haven't already done so, please go to our website,

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globaloutpouring.net. Make sure that you're on our email list so that we can stay in touch with you

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and you can find all kinds of things out there on our website. Our blogs are really good. You can

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find our things that we've recorded for our Friday night live worship services and events

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that we've had in the past. They're out there on our YouTube channel and our Facebook page. And

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there's links to both of those on our website. So we want to encourage you and make sure that

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you get it on your calendar that we're going to be in St. Louis, Missouri at the St. Louis Airport

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Marriott for Convention 2025, May 21st through 24th. It's going to be an amazing time. We're

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starting on a Wednesday night, going through Saturday night. And it's going to be a time of

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worship, a time of fellowship, a time of going deep into the Word and prayer. Wow, we have some

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tremendous intercession every year and getting connected to the nations and getting connected

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to people. It's time to build some new relationships that will last for eternity. So be sure to put that

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on your calendar and join us at that event. Start saving your money now. It's going to be an amazing

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time. So today we're going to talk some more about Give Your Body to God. Just to review, last time

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we were talking about how Paul said to the Romans in chapter 12 verse 1, I appeal to you therefore,

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brethren, and beg of you in view of all the mercies of God to make a decisive dedication of your

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bodies, presenting all your members and faculties as a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated,

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and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable, rational, intelligent service and spiritual

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worship. Is that amplified? It sure is. How could you tell? And we also talked about how in 1st

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Corinthians 6, 19, specifically, it talks about our bodies being the temple of the Holy Spirit

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and how that word temple actually is the word that's used in Greek to express the Holy of

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Holy's place. That's just amazing. Yeah. So when he comes to live inside of us, we don't want to

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put him in a closet. We want to put him in the most important, most significant, most exalted place

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in our lives. And lots of times we haven't been so good about keeping him at the very center of

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things, but he wants us to understand that he designed us. He made Adam in his image.

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Mm-hmm. We are sons and daughters of Adam. Yes. And we are also in our father's image. And he

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designed us in the most amazing, remarkable ways to work with us, for us to be co-laborers with him,

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to co-operate in the earth with him. And so much of the time we have missed it. And we just,

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we just think in earthly terms. We think of the worldly way of thinking. Yeah. Even in the churches,

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it's just like, unless you really studied the scriptures or hear it from the pulpit,

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you know, the dedication that God really expects what Paul did, went through and what he did and

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what he became and what was he doing making disciples. Right. And so, you know, there's

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denominations, well, disciples of Christ were called that or something like that, but are they?

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Well, I mean, it's just like we've lost the contents of what that means. It's not just a

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name on it while I'm a believer and, you know, but it's to give your body to God. Yes. 24-7,

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be available for him. Right. And you don't hear that, not even in big circles. No, no. And it's

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about a whole dedication, spirit, soul and body. Yeah. And so many times, like the Lord said to

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Dean, you have given me your spirit a hundred percent. You've given me your soul a hundred

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percent. You're working on it. You're working on, on it by reading the word and praying and things

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like that and getting your soul regenerated, but you never gave me your body. Yeah. And the reason

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we can say these things is just through our, my 40 years over a ministry, you know, here with

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Endtime Handmaidens Global Outpouring, we have met hundreds, hundreds of people that have

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visitations out of body. I mean, some were dead on the slab, you know, came back and

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somewhere, somebody was praying for them. Sure. You know, lots of those. There's a lots of those.

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And the stories we hear, you know, of the, those that just have a, they just know Jesus, well,

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he lives in their heart and that it was like in Tremuros. Everybody loves the book. That book

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that we published, we published that. And, but when Jesus approached her, she didn't even recognize

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him at first. She did not have a real strong relationship. She knew Jesus, but she didn't know

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him. Right. And then there's those, we have that book Paradise, the Holy city, the glory of the

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throne, those that deeper relationship, you know, they're in the Holy city, but those that had that

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real relationship and worship, it's like they have visa to the throne room, right? Because it's an

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invitation thing. Right. You know, I've said before, it's just like the blood of Jesus Christ

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is your passport to heaven. You know what it is when you try to go to another nation, you can't

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get out of your own or into another one, you know, unless you have a passport, but many of those,

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you have to have a visa and that's an invitation, you know, from another country for you to come

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and disembark on their shores, but to come to the throne room, that's a relationship with Jesus that

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we're just all pressing. And for those that have been there, just their experiences, everything on

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earth, the things that this world grow strangely dim in the light of his glory. Yeah. Turn your eyes

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upon Jesus. Right. You know, and that's what we're trying to impress on everyone. This life on earth

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that you're living right now, this is nothing but a boot camp. Right. You know, this is preparing

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for all the eternity here. You get your four, your three score, four score and 10, but all the

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eternity is with the father. Right. And you try to wrap your mind around that. That's a, you can't

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do it naturally. It's a spiritual thing. That's true. It's because God is outside of time. Yeah.

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So give your body to God. Right. Why you can. Right. Because here's the thing he wants to work

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with us and through us. Yeah. And that includes our entire being, our spirit, soul and body.

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We've got to realize that we're supposed to be unified in our giving of our life to him.

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And you know, sometimes you just have to stop and think, okay, so if I'm not really in charge of my

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body and I've given it to him, what is, what does that look like? You know, I think it has to do

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with how we live. It has to do with, as I mentioned to Dean, you know, the word that the Lord spoke to

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Derek Prince. I don't know how old he was when he won. The Lord said it to him, but he said,

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I have a lot of work for you to do, but if you don't change the way you eat and the way you

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exercise, your body will not be able to survive long enough to do all of those things that I have

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for you to do. So he's looking at all of the aspects of our lives and he wants to make sure

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that we are working with him on those things. The one thing the Dean said was that he's trying to

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let the Holy Spirit guide him as far as what to eat, for instance. Okay. And I'm working on that.

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I'm working on exercise. I'm trying to, you know, I've let things go soft, you know,

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my life is so, my work is so sedentary. You know, I sit at a desk or I sit here in our podcast studio

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or we sit in the car when we're driving someplace to go administer. It can be hours and hours. It

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can be hours and hours and I just don't get enough exercise. I'm trying. Sometimes at the rest areas,

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I would just go jog. Yeah, yeah, I just go just take off jogging to get some in there. Right. So

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we're going to talk a little bit more about some of those things, but I want to point out here

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that where Paul is talking about Jesus being the head over the body, that, you know, that our bodies

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are a part of the body of Christ. Yeah. And that was part of the point in first Corinthians six,

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where, you know, he says, don't you understand that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?

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Don't get involved with a prostitute because, you know, your body doesn't have any business being

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attached to somebody else's body that isn't part of the body of Christ. Your marriage is head and

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body. You know, the husband is the head over the wife. Amen. Yeah. Amen. But we have, we're well

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balanced. Well, we are, but you know, I want to make it clear that just because I do most of the

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talking doesn't mean that I'm not that I'm the head of the house because I'm not. But anyway,

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the point is that if we can get it into our understanding that our bodies belong to him

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and that makes him the head. Yeah. We've got this head that runs our bodies, right? Yeah. I mean,

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you have to have your head. Right. So, you know, life kind of ends when you, when it gets lopped

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off unless you're one of those really good martyrs that, that picked up their head and walked away

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and then laid down, you know, that's another story. We'll see if we can find that one and, and, and

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put it in the, either the show notes or whatever. Anyway, you know, what happens in a body if there's

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a brain injury or what happens if there's a spinal cord injury where the communications between the

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brain and the body are not working properly? Yeah. And that happened to me in our accident

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because I had my seat back leaning when we went off 70 miles an hour cruise control into the median

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and we hit something and I was flung forward. Airbag didn't go off because it, it didn't crunch

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the bumper, which would set off the airbag. So I went forward with like a snap to my neck

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and I blacked out because my spinal cord got pinched. Right. So, so it, it blacked out your,

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your consciousness. You were, you became unconscious for a moment. Yeah. So that's one of the things

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that can happen when there's a spinal cord injury, when there's a worse spinal cord injury, you lose,

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you can become a paraplegic or quadriplegic or things like that. Or if there's a brain injury,

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you know, there can be a stroke. It can affect your body, you know, a tumor in the brain can affect

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your body. So what I'm trying to say is that the body and the head belong together. And just like

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we learned from Romans chapter 12 verse one, it says, present your bodies a living sacrifice.

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Well, what does verse two say? So verse two, again, from the Amplified Classic,

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do not be conformed to this world, this age, fashioned after and adapted to its external

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superficial customs, but be transformed, changed by the entire renewal of your mind by its new ideals

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and its new attitude so that you may prove for yourselves what is the good and acceptable

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and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect in his sight for

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you. So if it has to do with the renewing of your mind, picture this, that your brain, your physical

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brain in your physical body can be transformed by the presence of the Holy Spirit. As you

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pour the word of God into your brain, it will rewire how you think. Yes, it does. It absolutely

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does. When you pray in tongues, it'll rewire things in your head. It'll rewire even things that have

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happened to you in the past that have been painful. I love what Dr. Caroline Leaf talks about.

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That's the brain lady. The brain lady. She's so amazing. And she talks about how painful,

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bad memories look like a thorn tree or a thorn bush in your brain. And you can renew your mind

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by bringing the word of God to bear over it and praying. And the Holy Spirit can actually change

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the physical nature of what's going on in your brain as he changes your mind. So the Lord wants

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to work with us to heal us of things that have happened in the past that are even affecting our

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health. Lots of the things that go on in our body are a result of traumas that have happened in our

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lives. You just have to look not very far to see that a huge amount, I think it's actually in the

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90% area, that 90% of the things that go wrong in our bodies like diseases and so on are a result

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of how we think. So God really wants to rewire that. He wants us to really get it, that he really is

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the healer. That's why speaking the word of, see Kenneth Hagen had the revelation of that. The Lord

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said, teach my people faith. And it's believing the word. Everything is all believe what is written

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in the Bible. Right. Because that's the truth. That's the truth and then quote it. Right. And

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don't have doubt. Right. Jesus said to the woman at the well, the time is coming and now is. When

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you're not going to worship here on this mountain, which is what the Samaritans were doing. They were

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worshiping on Mount Gerizim and neither is it going to be that we worship in Jerusalem, but those who

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worship God are going to worship him in spirit and in truth. Amen. So even our bodies are going to

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get involved in our worship. So I just want to think about what it is that God has us on this

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planet for in the first place and why we have bodies. Okay. We've talked about this before

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that because our bodies are made of the earth, we are the earthlings and we are the ones that

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have the authority in the earth. The devil can't do anything without the help of an earthling.

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And neither can God. He set it up so that he says in the book of Psalms that the heavens

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of heavens belong to the Lord and the earth he's given to the children of men. So it's not really

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true that Adam and Eve gave over their authority to the devil. That's one of those doctrines of

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devils that we need to purge out of our thinking because it's not true. That gives power under

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unbelief. Yeah. You're empowering unbelief. Yeah. You're also stepping back from your authority.

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You're stepping back from what you should be doing. If you think that the devil has the authority,

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he doesn't. Yes, he's the prince of the power of the air, but that doesn't give him authority over

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the earth. The air and the earth are two different things. Oh, that's good. So we're earthlings. So

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we have earth authority. And we're not airlings. We're earthlings. There you go. But our bodies,

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our spirit, I mean, excuse me, our spirits, our spirit and our spirits are connected to heaven

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when we make Jesus our Lord. Okay. So we're trying to, the thing we're talking about now is

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this unification of our spirit, soul and body so that we're in sync with our father. We're in sync

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with what he has for us to do it then on the planet because he needs us to do something.

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He's put every single one of us here with a purpose and he needs us to co-operate with him

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in this. Like Abraham, we've used this illustration before, but Abraham on Mount Moriah where he was

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given instructions to go and sacrifice his son, Isaac. It wasn't because God wanted to kill Isaac.

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That wasn't what that was about. It was about Abraham's willingness, obedience, to be obedient

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to our father and trust him that even though he was going to kill his offspring, that God said,

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the promise is going to come through Isaac. So it took faith for Abraham to be able to say, well,

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I guess if he wants me to kill him, he's going to raise him up again. It was a picture of expectation

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of resurrection, but he did that on Mount Moriah so that he could do on earth the picture of what

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God was going to do on earth. Our father was going to offer his son on that very same Mount

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in that quarry that it was quarried out to build the temple up on top of the mountain.

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But that's where the execution spot was in that quarry. So I just get excited about our

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position and God's desire for our participation in what he wants to do when we fully give ourselves

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to him. So here's a couple of thoughts. Like what are the three things that everybody needs to live?

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That's oxygen, water, and food.

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Right. So if you don't have oxygen for, they say three minutes,

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you're already going to lose some brain cells, just three minutes without oxygen.

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And for water, you can go for about three days without water. Some people have gone longer than

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that, but I would recommend if you're going to fast that you just do like Esther did three days.

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And I don't think it's wise to go beyond that. Some people do by the leading of the Holy Spirit,

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but you got to really know you've heard from God. And then the other thing is that you have to

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know you've heard from God and then you can go without food. Well, we know we've fasted a

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number of days. You know, we know we can go 21 days. We know lots of people have gone 40 days.

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There's an anointing to do that.

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Yes. And you have to have the leading of the Holy Spirit. You don't just do it.

00:20:20,000 --> 00:20:21,600
It's not a starvation diet.

00:20:21,600 --> 00:20:22,100

00:20:22,100 --> 00:20:24,080
It's from the leading of the Lord.

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Right. But here's what the Holy Spirit kind of led me into that. Okay. So we learned from

00:20:31,200 --> 00:20:38,880
Dean Braxton that oxygen is the love of God and it's all around us and we can't live without it.

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And you can't sense it with your senses either, but you have to have oxygen. You have to have

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the love of God. It's just part of life. Okay. It's the breath of life. God gave us the breath

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of life. So what's interesting to me is that we have this natural picture, but there's also

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a spiritual picture of it. So you've got in Genesis 2, 7, it says, the Lord God formed man

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out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life and man became

00:21:09,920 --> 00:21:15,360
a living soul. So breath came first. Our father, it's like, it's like he kissed him

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and did mouth to mouth for suss, well, mouth to mouth, suscitation, because it wasn't resuscitation.

00:21:22,960 --> 00:21:27,280
He hadn't been in before. It's the first suscitation. I don't know if that's a word

00:21:27,280 --> 00:21:36,000
or not. And then it's interesting that in Genesis 6, 17, the Lord says, behold, I, even I do bring

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a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh. Wherein is the breath of life from under

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heaven and everything that is in the earth shall die. So the breath of life is under the control

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of our father. It had become so evil, so, so evil. Everything had gotten so out of line with what

00:21:59,840 --> 00:22:07,680
the plan was. So Noah went into the ark with two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of

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life. And of course he had seven of the clean animals as well. And I remember what Dean said

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when he came back to earth. He says, the whole earth smells of death. Because even we see all

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the beauty of all the green, it's eventually going to die. And that's what he, in the spirit,

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because he was so sharp in the spirit when he came back to earth. And that just kind of lit up in

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this verse out of Genesis, everything that is in the earth shall die. Death came because of sin.

00:22:35,920 --> 00:22:44,000
And if you look at a tree, I remember trying to search for perfect specimens of autumn leaves

00:22:44,000 --> 00:22:49,680
some years ago. And you know, you go and you're trying to find perfect specimens so that you can

00:22:49,680 --> 00:22:54,800
maybe like put them in between wax paper or something. Remember how we used to do that?

00:22:55,920 --> 00:23:03,040
Iron it. Yeah, it was great. So I began looking and I never ever found one leaf that was perfect.

00:23:04,560 --> 00:23:13,120
Every leaf I found had some flaw, you know, whether an insect had nibbled off of it or whether it was

00:23:13,120 --> 00:23:18,640
dying a little bit or, you know, it had some kind of spot on it or whatever. So, you know,

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everything's broken here. But the more we give ourselves, but the more we give our bod to God,

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spirit, soul and body, really, the more he's going to be able to bring us into that place of

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maturity and bring us into that place where we're flowing with him. And we're letting his power work

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through us. Okay. So you've got the breath of life and then you've got this water of life.

00:23:46,320 --> 00:23:54,640
And Genesis one, one and two, it says that the earth was without form and void and darkness was

00:23:54,640 --> 00:24:02,400
upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. So the spirit of

00:24:02,400 --> 00:24:09,600
God had to move on the face of the waters, because there was no life there. So the spirit came over

00:24:09,600 --> 00:24:18,080
the and hovered over the waters in order to restore life to the waters so that they could later when

00:24:19,040 --> 00:24:25,040
one father would say to them, bring forth fish. Yeah. If there wasn't any light, there wasn't

00:24:25,040 --> 00:24:30,400
anything to make oxygen. Right. As the light helps to make. Well, there probably wasn't any oxygen.

00:24:30,400 --> 00:24:36,560
Yeah. And maybe that's what happened when the spirit hovered over. Maybe it was giving it

00:24:36,560 --> 00:24:41,760
oxygen. Remember we had fish tank we have when we were kids and we had some of these plants that

00:24:41,760 --> 00:24:47,040
you buy and put in there and the light shining in it. And you could see the bubbles coming off the

00:24:47,040 --> 00:24:53,200
plants, making oxygen. That's amazing. I thought, wow, that's making what we need. Right. You know,

00:24:53,200 --> 00:25:00,240
this little tiny plant, you know, in my aquarium with all these fish, it's supplying oxygen helps

00:25:00,240 --> 00:25:06,960
supply oxygen to the fish. Yeah. It's true. It was a really, I mean, that's a real creation thing.

00:25:06,960 --> 00:25:10,320
It sure is. It sure is. Let the scientists figure that one out.

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And if you remember now, see, there's a physical and there's a spiritual. So John 737,

00:25:20,560 --> 00:25:25,520
when Jesus was at the feast of Tabernacles and at the end of the feast, there's that last great day

00:25:25,520 --> 00:25:33,040
of the feast and there's a ceremony that goes on. That's a pouring out of water. And it says there

00:25:33,040 --> 00:25:39,040
in John 737, in the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried saying,

00:25:39,040 --> 00:25:48,560
if any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He's trying to say, I am the source of the living

00:25:48,560 --> 00:25:56,000
waters. And I remember Pastor Tony Kemp talking about a vision that he had a number of years ago

00:25:56,000 --> 00:26:04,720
where he was caught up into heaven and he saw like just the arm and leg of the father sitting on the

00:26:04,720 --> 00:26:12,400
throne. And he saw this water coming out from him. The living water was actually coming from his being.

00:26:12,960 --> 00:26:18,160
And we know from the book of Revelation that it comes out from under the throne.

00:26:18,160 --> 00:26:22,800
Yes. That the living waters come forth from the throne. And people who have been to heaven

00:26:23,440 --> 00:26:30,160
will say that, you know, it's not like water. It's actually life. It's life. Yeah. It's not just

00:26:30,160 --> 00:26:39,520
living waters. It's waters of life. It's actually life flowing from him. So when we give our body to

00:26:39,520 --> 00:26:50,240
God, he is also giving us life in exchange. Life of the spirit. Yeah. In Revelation 22,

00:26:50,240 --> 00:26:58,400
1, and he showed me a pure river of water of life. Yes. Yeah. Coming from? Coming from the

00:26:58,400 --> 00:27:04,080
out of the throne of God and the lamb. And then Revelation 21, verse 6. And he said unto me,

00:27:04,080 --> 00:27:09,760
it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is the thirst

00:27:09,760 --> 00:27:17,760
of the fountain of the water of life freely. Exactly. Water of life. Right. So if we go back

00:27:17,760 --> 00:27:24,560
to John 7, verse 38, it says, he who believes in me, Jesus has just said, if any man is thirsty,

00:27:24,560 --> 00:27:30,800
let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on me,

00:27:30,800 --> 00:27:37,520
as the scripture has said from his innermost being shall flow continuously springs and rivers of

00:27:37,520 --> 00:27:43,920
living water. But he was speaking here of the spirit whom those who believed trusted, had faith

00:27:43,920 --> 00:27:50,640
in him were afterward to receive for the Holy Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus was

00:27:50,640 --> 00:27:57,840
not yet glorified or raised to honor. So it required his death and burial and resurrection

00:27:57,840 --> 00:28:03,920
to be glorified. That's another whole podcast. Isn't that kind of what happens to happen to us?

00:28:03,920 --> 00:28:10,320
Yes, we have to we have to keep laying down our lives. We have to keep giving our body to God. We

00:28:10,320 --> 00:28:16,160
have to keep saying yes to him and no to our own desires of how things should be. I think Paul

00:28:16,160 --> 00:28:22,560
word and I killed the old man when she was referring to his flesh. Right? Yeah. And that's

00:28:22,560 --> 00:28:26,480
what we have to do. That's the start. That's the first thing you have to do. Yes. You got to let

00:28:26,480 --> 00:28:32,880
the old man and you die. The thing that controlled you and that held the whip over you because you

00:28:32,880 --> 00:28:38,240
didn't have enough power to you have enough Holy Spirit in you to overcome the come of the flesh.

00:28:38,240 --> 00:28:44,000
And it's like it like it whips you. Right. You know, then it then devil torments you. You can't

00:28:44,000 --> 00:28:50,800
do this. You can't quit this. You know, see, you broke your fast. You had that little slice of that

00:28:50,800 --> 00:28:56,320
orange. You've you forgot in the morning you got up that you were fast and you made a piece of toast.

00:28:56,320 --> 00:29:03,680
Oh, I forgot I was fasting and the devil never let you forget. Right. But the more we yield to God,

00:29:04,880 --> 00:29:11,200
the easier it gets to overcome. Yes. The more we say yes to him, the easier it is to say no to the

00:29:11,200 --> 00:29:19,600
flesh. And the more we get our flesh enjoying his presence, the easier it is for the flesh to

00:29:19,600 --> 00:29:27,280
participate in the goodness of God. Yes. The more we have meditated, the more I have meditated on

00:29:27,280 --> 00:29:35,760
what we discussed with Dean, the more I find myself enjoying the presence of God because I

00:29:35,760 --> 00:29:41,840
keep giving my body to God over and over. You know, I keep I keep I keep coming back to that thought,

00:29:41,840 --> 00:29:47,760
you know, yes, Lord, I yield to you. Yes, Lord, I yield to you. And it's like all of a sudden in

00:29:47,760 --> 00:29:54,400
that moment, I'm more aware of the spirit. I'm more aware of his leading. You know, we're walking

00:29:54,400 --> 00:29:59,520
through the same process, listener, that that we're encouraging you to do. But but because we're

00:29:59,520 --> 00:30:05,120
doing it, we're saying, hey, we can do this, you can do this, too. So we've got the the breath of

00:30:05,120 --> 00:30:13,600
life. And we've got the water of life. Jesus came to be the bread of life. Okay, yeah. So let's look

00:30:13,600 --> 00:30:22,800
at John chapter six, John chapter six, verse 28 in the passion. They replied, So what should we do

00:30:22,800 --> 00:30:28,800
if we want to do God's work? Jesus answered, The work you can do for God starts with believing in

00:30:28,800 --> 00:30:34,640
the one he has sent. They replied, Show us a miracle so we can see it. And then we'll believe

00:30:34,640 --> 00:30:40,720
in you. Moses took care of our ancestors who were fed by the miracle of manna every day in the desert,

00:30:40,720 --> 00:30:46,400
just like the scripture says, he fed them with bread from heaven. What sign will you perform for

00:30:46,400 --> 00:30:53,040
us? The truth is, Jesus said, Moses didn't give you the bread of heaven. It's my father who offers

00:30:53,040 --> 00:30:58,800
bread that comes as a dramatic sign from heaven. The bread of God is the one who came out of heaven

00:30:58,800 --> 00:31:04,480
to give his life to feed the world. Then please, sir, give us this bread every day. They replied,

00:31:04,480 --> 00:31:10,720
Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. Come every day to me and you will never be hungry.

00:31:11,360 --> 00:31:16,080
Believe in me and you will never be thirsty. Yet I've told you that even though you've seen me,

00:31:16,080 --> 00:31:20,960
you still don't believe in me. But everyone my father has given to me, they will come.

00:31:20,960 --> 00:31:26,560
And all who come to me, I will embrace and will never turn them away. And I have come out of heaven

00:31:26,560 --> 00:31:33,200
not from my own desires, but for the satisfaction of my father who sent me. Yes, yes. You know,

00:31:33,200 --> 00:31:37,920
you know, it's funny to me that if you take the context of what happened earlier in the chapter,

00:31:37,920 --> 00:31:45,120
so this is just after the feeding of the 5,000. He has just multiplied bread, five loaves of bread.

00:31:45,120 --> 00:31:51,440
He has multiplied for 5,000 and they're still asking him to do a miracle. Maybe they weren't

00:31:51,440 --> 00:32:02,640
there. So they were standing afar off. Yeah. Go to verse 47 and read through 58. I speak to you

00:32:02,640 --> 00:32:09,760
living truth. Unite your heart to me and believe and you will experience eternal life. I am the

00:32:09,760 --> 00:32:16,160
true bread of life. Your ancestors ate man in the desert and died. But standing here before you is

00:32:16,160 --> 00:32:20,320
the true bread that comes out of heaven. And when you eat this bread, you will never die.

00:32:21,120 --> 00:32:26,160
I alone am this living bread that has come to you from heaven. Eat this bread and you will

00:32:26,160 --> 00:32:31,680
live forever. The living bread I give you is my body, which I will offer as a sacrifice so that

00:32:31,680 --> 00:32:38,320
all may live. These words of Jesus sparked an angry outburst among the Jews. They protested saying,

00:32:38,320 --> 00:32:45,440
does this man expect us to eat his body? Jesus replied to them, listen to this eternal truth.

00:32:46,080 --> 00:32:51,040
Unless you eat the body of the son of man and drink his blood, you will not have eternal life.

00:32:51,760 --> 00:32:56,480
Eternal life comes to the one who eats my body and drinks my blood and I will raise him up in the

00:32:56,480 --> 00:33:04,000
last day. For my body is real food for your spirit. See that's it. My body is real food for your

00:33:04,000 --> 00:33:10,320
spirit and my blood is real drink. The one who eats my body and drinks my blood lives in me and

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I live in him. The father of life sent me and he is my life. In the same way, the one who feeds upon

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me, I will become his life. I am not like the bread your ancestors ate and later died. I am the living

00:33:24,960 --> 00:33:32,000
bread that comes from heaven. Eat this bread and you will live forever. So when we get saved,

00:33:32,000 --> 00:33:36,320
we are really eating his body and drinking his blood. Yeah, that's what the communion is. That's

00:33:36,320 --> 00:33:42,880
what communion is. And you know, it's just amazing to me how much power there is in the Holy Communion.

00:33:43,440 --> 00:33:51,520
Yes. You know, and think about this too. He was born in Bethlehem, which means house of bread.

00:33:51,520 --> 00:33:58,080
So the bread that came down from heaven came down to be born in the house of bread. In Bethlehem.

00:33:58,080 --> 00:34:03,840
Right. As the son of David. It's just really remarkable. So you have the breath of life

00:34:03,840 --> 00:34:09,040
that comes from him. You have the water of life that comes from him and you have the bread of

00:34:09,040 --> 00:34:14,720
life. Those are the three things that we need in order to survive. You got to have oxygen,

00:34:14,720 --> 00:34:20,000
you got to have water, you got to have food. And even the fourth thing is shelter. You know,

00:34:20,000 --> 00:34:27,200
you can die from exposure, but he's also our shelter. He's everything to us. He has provided

00:34:27,200 --> 00:34:35,440
for us so that we can have faith to give our body to God. And he is our spiritual shelter.

00:34:35,440 --> 00:34:41,440
Yes. He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

00:34:41,440 --> 00:34:48,160
Right. So there's that spiritual secret place that we have also. It's true. It's true. I just want to

00:34:48,160 --> 00:34:55,200
bring this towards a close to look at the idea of worshiping our Father in spirit and in truth,

00:34:56,000 --> 00:35:02,640
because our worship isn't only just singing songs. Yeah, that's right. That is one of the words for

00:35:02,640 --> 00:35:09,920
worship to sing. And another word for worship has to do with singing with instruments. But there are

00:35:09,920 --> 00:35:15,680
words that have to do with like prostrating yourself before the Lord. Get down on your face

00:35:15,680 --> 00:35:20,720
before him. Get down on your face before him. Bow on your knees. That's what happens when you have a

00:35:20,720 --> 00:35:26,880
real visitation. Yeah. When people have a visitation, it's like Isaiah says, what was me? I am undone.

00:35:26,880 --> 00:35:31,760
Right. And you're just like a blob on the floor in the presence of God. Been there, done that.

00:35:33,760 --> 00:35:40,400
But there's another thing that is about praising and rejoicing. And as I was meditating on this,

00:35:40,400 --> 00:35:45,600
the thought came to me about, and I've meditated on this before and got this thought. It's this

00:35:45,600 --> 00:35:53,200
isn't just new, but I've never brought it before where there is a part of our cells. Now, if you

00:35:53,200 --> 00:36:00,080
think back to your sixth grade biology book or, you know, round about that time, sixth, seventh grade,

00:36:01,120 --> 00:36:10,000
you learn about cells. Now our bodies have trillions of cells, trillions. So if we're going to

00:36:10,000 --> 00:36:14,560
give our body to God, we're going to give every single one of those trillions of cells to him,

00:36:14,560 --> 00:36:21,040
right? Because every single one of them is operating in life, right? Every cell until it dies.

00:36:21,040 --> 00:36:28,320
There's a thing that goes on in our cells that is like the power manufacturing part of our cells.

00:36:29,040 --> 00:36:35,360
I don't know if you remember the word mitochondria. Does that ring a bell? Yeah. Okay. It rings a bell,

00:36:36,800 --> 00:36:43,840
yeah. So, you know, it's usually pictured in those little sixth grade biology books as like something

00:36:43,840 --> 00:36:49,360
that's shaped like a jelly bean and it has this thing that goes on inside of it and they don't

00:36:49,360 --> 00:36:54,080
explain it. It's like an amoeba or something like that. Well, no, an amoeba has no shape in particular,

00:36:54,080 --> 00:37:02,800
but anyway, this is the powerhouse in our cells and different kinds of cells have more or less

00:37:02,800 --> 00:37:09,600
mitochondria in them. Now, like your skeletal cells might be three to eight percent mitochondria.

00:37:09,600 --> 00:37:15,040
Hmm. Okay. So that's not just a whole lot of mitochondria, but like your liver cells,

00:37:15,840 --> 00:37:19,600
they might have maybe 20 percent mitochondria because they've got more work to do.

00:37:19,600 --> 00:37:26,800
Yeah. A lot of stuff happens in your liver, but your heart, your heart muscle has 35 to 40 percent

00:37:26,800 --> 00:37:32,560
mitochondria because it's got to keep working all the time. Okay. So your mitochondria is there are

00:37:32,560 --> 00:37:38,080
all these little powerhouses that are producing, they're actually producing like electricity.

00:37:38,080 --> 00:37:42,240
Uh-huh. Kind of like a, it's a natural pacemaker in your body. And yeah, well,

00:37:42,240 --> 00:37:47,680
put it that way. It's not really making the pace, but what it's doing is it's creating the fuel

00:37:48,880 --> 00:37:55,600
the mitochondria create a fuel called ATP. And I won't even try to pronounce what that stands for

00:37:55,600 --> 00:38:03,120
because I want to keep this real elementary, but it produces this ATP fuel that your body can burn

00:38:03,120 --> 00:38:09,200
that your body's going to use to make electricity to do whatever we need. Okay. So we measure

00:38:09,200 --> 00:38:16,720
electrical power in Watts, right? So your body, I've found a couple of different illustrations of

00:38:16,720 --> 00:38:23,040
this different facts. One website said, our bodies produce enough electricity to run seven,

00:38:23,040 --> 00:38:32,160
10 watt light bulbs. Now there's another one that says the human body at rest generates an average

00:38:32,160 --> 00:38:39,680
of about a hundred Watts of output. Wow. And during sports activities, it reaches 300 to 400

00:38:39,680 --> 00:38:46,320
Watts. So that's the equivalent of burning 2000 calories a day, or from a different perspective,

00:38:46,320 --> 00:38:54,240
the energy used by an led floodlight over a 24 hour period. Wow. Now they haven't learned how to

00:38:54,240 --> 00:39:00,000
plug a person in and light and light, but they, but they've started using the heat that our bodies

00:39:00,000 --> 00:39:07,280
produce to actually heat places in the winter. There's a, the Stockholm train station gathers,

00:39:07,280 --> 00:39:12,720
there's a machinery to gather the heat out of the air that our bodies produce. All the people,

00:39:12,720 --> 00:39:17,520
the thousands of people that go through there every day, it's gathering their body heat and

00:39:17,520 --> 00:39:23,920
it's heating a nearby office building. Oh, that's quite amazing. Isn't that amazing? So our bodies

00:39:23,920 --> 00:39:30,480
are producing all of this, but what I'm trying to get to is that the way that the mitochondria produces

00:39:30,480 --> 00:39:36,960
this and it's a whole really super detailed, lots and lots of steps to make it happen. I'm not going

00:39:36,960 --> 00:39:46,880
there, but there is a mechanism that actually turns to turn out those molecules as it's, as it's

00:39:46,880 --> 00:39:52,960
breaking down. It's what it's doing is it's taking the food we eat, our body digests it, and it breaks

00:39:52,960 --> 00:39:59,280
it down into a molecular structure. You know, what you put in your mouth is a whole mouthful, but it

00:39:59,280 --> 00:40:09,280
breaks it down into molecules. Your mitochondria can use either carbohydrates, sugars or fats or

00:40:09,280 --> 00:40:15,040
proteins to make this fuel. Now you might find it interesting since we're talking about giving your

00:40:15,040 --> 00:40:21,440
body to God and the importance of, of taking care of your body and giving a good fuel. You will find

00:40:21,440 --> 00:40:33,360
that one glucose or one sugar molecule will produce two of these ATP molecules. Isn't that wonderful?

00:40:33,360 --> 00:40:43,680
One glucose, but one fat molecule, depending on the kind of fat, but one fat molecule will produce

00:40:43,680 --> 00:40:53,120
something like a hundred to 120 of these ATP molecules. That's just amazing. So consider

00:40:53,120 --> 00:40:59,520
instead of eating pasta, eat some butter. Cause it's much better for you. Anyway, what I'm trying

00:40:59,520 --> 00:41:08,640
to get to is this circular motion that is going on producing this power. And as I have meditated on

00:41:08,640 --> 00:41:17,520
Lord, I want you to even be operating. I want my cells to be operating with you in producing praise

00:41:17,520 --> 00:41:23,520
because one of the words for praise, one of the words that is often translated rejoice is the word

00:41:23,520 --> 00:41:33,680
gil. And that word gil means to spin around. And it usually is translated rejoice or be glad or joy,

00:41:33,680 --> 00:41:41,600
be joyful, rejoice. The great Hebrew scholar from Germany in the 1800s, he says that it means to go

00:41:41,600 --> 00:41:48,480
in a circle or to leap for joy or to rejoice. So our mitochondria, when we give our body to God,

00:41:49,600 --> 00:41:56,320
our very mitochondria, we can, we can just tell them you, as you produce this power,

00:41:56,320 --> 00:42:03,440
do it in rejoicing, do it in joy, because you've been created to work with father.

00:42:05,120 --> 00:42:13,280
You can actually tell your body, get your body involved in this production of, of energy,

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this production of electricity, this production of power, the power of God can come into you.

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And so we've got this physical picture of something that he designed us for, he designed us with

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so that his glory can be seen in the things that are going on in the spirit can also be going on

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in the flesh, can also be going on in our bodies as we give our bodies to God. So father, we just ask

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you to enlighten our thinking that you will help us to renew our minds, to think about the connection

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between your spirit giving us life and your spirit giving us the waters of life and the bread of life

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that comes from Jesus, that our very bodies can be working with you and operating with you to bring

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you glory and to bring us into this place of rejoicing in the earth because we want it to be

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on earth as it is in heaven, even as Jesus taught us to pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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You can also browse our web store for life changing anointed books until next time.

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This is Sharon Buss and I'm Philip Buss. God bless you with this overwhelming loving presence.