Nov. 5, 2024

(237) “One of Heaven’s Best-Kept Secrets—The Joy of Serving” with Dean Braxton

(237) “One of Heaven’s Best-Kept Secrets—The Joy of Serving” with Dean Braxton
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Global Outpouring

“Servanthood is a key to faith and authority that we don’t even realize!”

Dean Braxton joins the Busses to share what he learned in Heaven about being a servant. In eternity, we will be ruling and reigning with Jesus forever, and but that actually means serving each other with the joy and love of our Father. Greatness in the Kingdom requires that you be a servant of all, just like Jesus. And in serving God by serving each other, you unlock the power and authority to do what God has called you to do on Earth and in Heaven. This discussion is full of life-changing revelation, and you won’t want to miss it!


Dean’s Links:





231: “Give Your Bod to God” (Pt 1)

232: “Give Your Bod to God” (Pt 2)

234: “Does Jesus Dine with You?”

Previous Episodes with Dean Braxton:

230: “Rest to Increase Your Authority”

210: “We Don’t Celebrate Jesus Enough”

200: “Healing Rays from Jesus”

191: “Our Father Is Teaching Us How Heaven Operates So We Can Operate on Earth!”

183: “Eternal Light vs. Temporary Darkness”

155: “Consuming Fire Worship in Heaven—and More!”

104: “Deeper Things from Heaven”


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Think about this, Sharon. Just think about this. Here it is. God's telling you to do something,

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lay hands on somebody. All right? You're thinking, do I have the faith to do it?

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Doesn't matter if you have the faith to do it or not, if you're a servant.

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Beautiful. Beautiful.

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All of a sudden, you have the faith in the one that told you to do it.

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And because he told you to do it, then you get the results.

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Because you're serving.

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God promises in Joel 2, 28 to pour out his Spirit on all humanity. Welcome to Global Outpouring,

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where we contend for that promise outpouring. We equip for that outpouring so that we may engage

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in that very outpouring. I'm Philip Bus.

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And I'm Sharon Bus. Welcome to the podcast today.

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We have with us one of our very favorite guests, Dean Braxton. And we're going to talk about his

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experience in heaven. And he's going to share with us one of the best kept secrets of heaven,

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the joy of serving.

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Thanks so much for joining us today. Before we get started with this really exciting podcast,

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we want to make sure that you have gone to our website, and that you have

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you. Please give us some feedback about these podcasts. It's so encouraging to us and it gives

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us something to go on for continuing. And you know, if you're being blessed by these podcasts,

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would you consider giving a donation so that you can help us fund this project? We consider this

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a missions project. It's going out to the nations. And if you're listening to us from one of the

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nations, we would love nations other than United States, even in United States, we want to hear

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from you. We want to hear where you're listening from. But let us know what's going on in your

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heart and how we can help you. We want to serve you with this ministry and with this podcast.

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Oh, Dean, it's so good to have you back with us again. We are just delighted that we get to

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do this a little more often in the days that are coming ahead. And, you know, we've kind of hung out

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on the subject that we that we did the last podcast we had with you. And we'll put a link

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in the show notes to that podcast in case people didn't get a chance to hear it. But you were

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talking about the importance of rest being a significant part of your authority and walking

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in that and about how the Lord spoke to you to give your body to him that you hadn't done that

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you'd given your spirit to him. You were working on your soul realm, giving him that by praying

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and by reading the word and, and lining up your soul with him, but you hadn't ever given your

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body to him. So we've since then done two podcasts on give your body to God. And then we did one on

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the feasts. And then we did another one on does Jesus dine with you and about how to take care of

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your body in terms of what to eat and letting Jesus show you, let the Holy Spirit teach you how

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to eat. So I want to just go back to Romans chapter 12 and verse one, and just kind of review that

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before we do a springboard into the next topic. Sure. I'm reading from the, from the Amplified

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Classic. I appeal to you therefore brethren and beg of you in view of all the mercies of God

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to make a decisive dedication of your bodies, presenting all your members and faculties as a

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living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable,

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rational, intelligent service and spiritual worship. Yes. So the question I want to ask you is

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what about service? Is there something that you learned in heaven about our reasonable service?

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I love your book, Deep Worship in Heaven, and I really highly recommend everybody read that one

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and your other books as well. But that one I'm just soaking in that it's our reasonable service

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to worship, but there's something about service that I feel like the Lord wants to open up to

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us today. Would you just take us there? Well, I can't take you there and thank you Sharon and

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Phil for having me. It's been great to be able to share like this. So as I emphasized, I think the

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last few times I'm an evangelist. And so my major goal is to go out and share the gospel so people

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come to know Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. Amen. But with you guys, I get to go a little bit

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in a different direction, deeper in the sense of teaching some of the things that I experienced

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with the Father and Jesus in heaven. And so I really thank God to have this opportunity. That's

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not that I get to do it everywhere. Just recently I was just telling you, the Lord was re-emphasizing

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I'm an evangelist first, heaven is second. Talking about heaven is second. So my major goal was to

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go out and get people to know Jesus. And then recently I even said, because I love to pray,

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and I spend a lot of time in prayer, He said, you know, you're an intercessor. And I love to spend

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time praying and interceding for people. I just can't even, maybe someday we'll get into that.

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I have so much joy when I'm praying for people and interceding for people. You know, it just brings

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a joy in me like I can't even describe. And some of the people out there that are listening to this,

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it's probably the same thing. So I have this intercession, evangelistic, and then heaven.

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You know what I mean? Where some people want it to be the other way around. No,

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those are the things that I get to do for the kingdom of God. But one of the things that hit

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me when I got to heaven was I always thought that when it said we would rule and reign with Him,

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that literally we would have parts of heaven that we would be in charge of.

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Oh my.

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And that I would literally have that crown that I was going to be given. And I would be like a king

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in my sense, and you would be the queen in your sense. And we would rule a section of heaven.

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And heaven is huge. So it isn't that people would not have a place that they would rule or not.

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Right? And it's expanding every moment. You know, I always tell people it's larger now than it was

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when I was there years ago. Because God is life and life expands. It doesn't stay stale or shrink.

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It grows and it grows and it grows. And we see that even on the planet because that nature or

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that ingredient was put here on the planet. When things are alive and they get what they need to

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live, they expand. They just do it. They just get bigger and bigger and bigger. And then,

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yeah, because of the planet deterioration and all that stuff, then they die. But in heaven,

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nothing is dying. So everything is expanding and expanding in such a way in order, not out of order.

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It's like chaos there. It's in order. But saying that to you, here I am in heaven and I'm coming

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to the grass that serving good is the tops. And everything, serving each other there is the tops.

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I won't say it's more important than anything because there are so many things that you don't

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think that this is more important than this and this is more important. There's no rating of those

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type of things in heaven. It just is. And serving is highly quality in heaven that I try to express

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here on the planet many times. Years ago, I used to have this DVD that I put together called

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Serving Hood in Heaven. It was kind of funny because I put it on the table with other things

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that I had and one was consuming fire worship, which now is deep worship. But back in the day,

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I called it consuming fire worship. And I remember having that on the table with Serving Hood in

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Heaven and I had a stack of them on there and stack of everything else would go. That Serving

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Hood in Heaven would stay stacked. Maybe someone picked it up and put one down. That's about it.

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But in the reality of it, people don't want to know you go to heaven and serve.

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We're going to be a servant. People want to know that if you got to heaven, you were going to be

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served. That type of thing.

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It's not going to rule in rain.

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Yeah, if you're going to rule rain, you're going to want to be in charge of things. And then you

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think about the mansions. And if you think about a mansion, you got to have servants. And so all

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this stuff. And here I am in heaven. It's not that way. And I come to understand, just like Jesus

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said, if you want to be a servant in his kingdom, that is the best. That is the toms. Even when

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pastors are out there, they're called shepherds. And shepherds are what? Servants.

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They're the under shepherd. We got Jesus Christ, which is the shepherd. And he serves us. And not

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in the sense of we command him or those type of things, but in the sense that he wants to see the

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best for us all the time. The Bible said he came that we may have life and life more abundantly.

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What is that? He's serving us more life. Is that cool? Is that cool?

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Oh, yes.

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When you think about it.

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Beautifully. Serving us more life.

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So here I am in heaven. And this what really got me was when I come up to somebody,

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the way we would greet somebody, here on the planet, we greet how you're doing now today and

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all this type of stuff. In heaven, the greeting was, how can I serve you? That was what came out.

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And it wasn't so much you could talk if you wanted to, but it was thought to thought.

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If we were in heaven, Phil, and you came to me, my first communication would be, how can I serve you?

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And you would say, how can I serve you? That would be the bottom line of everything. And so that

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really got me because I'm thinking, you know, no one really talks. We talk about it. It's part of

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the body that we're supposed to serve each other. But a lot of times we talk about body in the sense

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of I want my part and I want to do my part. And it's not looking at how do I serve in this part.

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You know what I mean? It's I'm going to do my part, you know, that type of thing. And here it is in

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heaven. No, you are serving each other all the time, every moment. And not only are you serving

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each other, you know how it says, we were rule of rain. I came to rule this. It's going to get some

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people. It's going to go against the grain. People are looking forward to having their crowds and

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their jewels and you know, all that type of stuff. And yet I came to understand true reigning and

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lording over people is not like you think it is. It is serving people. You're going to have places

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in heaven that you're going to be serving. And that's how you rule in your reign. It's through

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servanthood. I know that doesn't even sound right. You understand? But that's what Jesus did.

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He put on the towel so that he could wash his disciples feet and demonstrate for them

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servant leadership. And Peter reacted. So one of the scriptures when I came back to the planet,

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I was laying in the hospital room and I was thinking that came to me was found in Luke,

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the 17th chapter, the fifth through the 10th verse. And I'm going to read it to you. I'm reading it

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out of the, I think it's the new English translation, but I just want to read this to you.

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So the apostle said, I'm going to start here because this is such a key. And when I say it,

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some of you are going to grab what I'm getting ready to say right off the bat. Some people are

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going to, I'm going to have to go into it and explain it a little bit more, but some of you're

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going to grab what I should get ready to say. The apostle said to the Lord increase our faith.

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Remember that. That's what they were asking for, increasing their faith. So the Lord replied,

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if you had faith, the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this black mulberry tree,

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be pulled out by the roots and planted in the sea and it would obey you. Okay. Listen to that.

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Okay. Here it is. Then look what he says right after that. Now that's interesting. This is still

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part of answering that question that people don't realize. Yeah. Would anyone of you say to your

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slave who comes in from the field after plowing or shepherding sheep, come at once and sit down

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for a meal. Won't the master instead say to him, get my dinner ready and make yourself ready

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to serve me while I eat and drink. Then you may eat and drink. He wouldn't thank the servant

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because he did what he was told. Will he? Listen to this. So you too, when you have done everything

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you were commanded to do, it should say, we are slaves, undeserving of special praise.

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We have only done what was our duty. How does this link in with faith and authority?

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Okay. Come on. How does this link in with faith and authority? It is a key to faith and authority

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that we don't even realize. Servanthood is such a power gaining substance in the kingdom of God

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that most people pass it by. I was recently listening to William Braniff, the guy that went

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out and did the miracles and everything like that. He said he would listen to the angel and the angel

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would tell him what to say and who to say it to and who to lay hands on. I don't know what people

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think about Braniff or not because sometimes people look at the Braniff Knights and yes, he

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got off on some things he probably shouldn't have. But in reality, that angel was serving him

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and he was serving the angel. Oh, that's good. That's good. Come on.

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Because the angel was directing him what to do. Right. Right. Okay. And a lot of times we

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don't realize it that when God is directing us to do something, lay hands on somebody,

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talk to somebody, say a certain word to somebody, we are in the servant mode at the moment.

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We are serving the other person. You know what I mean? We're serving God also by serving the

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other person. Oh, you got to grab what he said there. Very, very true.

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You know what I mean? So it got me that servanthood was huge. And when people say to me,

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sometimes I would go out and I minister and people with lives would be changed. You guys know what I

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mean? Their lives are going to be changed. Sure. If you bring Jesus, people's lives are going to

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be changed. And then they would come up to me and they would thank me or shake my hand or something

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like that. And I would think, I am not deserving of this. I just did what the master told me to do.

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Amen. That was my duty. It was my reasonable duty. Why would I get praise for my reasonable

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duty? Right. You understand what I mean? Right. And that's what really got me was here it is

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in the sense of this servanthood, it was huge. You know, I'm going on, I think, 19 years of

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ministering now. You guys are a lot longer than me in that area. You know, but one of the things

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that I try to do wherever I go is be a servant. You know, I know people love to serve me. I've

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even gotten in trouble because people want to serve me so bad and I'm doing everything to serve

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them. You understand what I mean? But the reality of it, I believe that releases the power that God

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gives me to be able to move and how he wants me to move because now I am serving instead of being

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served. I had an incident happen to me one time. I don't know if I shared it with people on this

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podcast before, but I must share it this time and it was in New York, upstate New York.

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And I was at a church and I was getting ready to minister. And I always think, guys, I don't know

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about you guys, but when you have a lot of things that happen in the kingdom of God, people start

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putting you on a pedestal. They start lifting you up and making you, and you know who you are and

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how you think and all that type of stuff. And I've never done well with trying to be on the

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pedestal. Sometimes I think maybe I should be on the pedestal because people put me on the pedestal.

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But the reality of it, I've never done well on the pedestal. And I like to be that person that just

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shakes your hand or give you a big hug or just very personal, just that type of thing. One of

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the things I had to tell the Lord recently was I like doing this because I like meeting people.

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It's not because it gets me something. It's because it adds to me just being nice and kind

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and learning about people and those types of things. I really like it. And so here I am in

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this church in upstate New York and this person named Pamela Bolton, you guys are going to meet

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her someday and some of you out there listening may know. She opens up the door for me to minister

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in upstate New York and also Vermont. I've done hundreds and hundreds of churches because of her

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in that area. And so she's sitting right next to me and she comes to me and the service has started

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and they're doing the music. And she comes to me and she says, the pastor wants you to stop

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in between your message and open it up for her to offer. And I'm thinking that just ruins the

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beat. I got a beat that I'm going on and that just ruins the beat. And if he does that, if I do that,

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it's going to be harder to get back up and do what I'm supposed to be doing because God has a plan.

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I know some of you hear me says, yeah, that sounds really good. So here I am. She tells me that. I

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look at her and say, well, I may do it. I may not do it. And I hear the Holy Spirit says, who put

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you in charge? I had moved out of the servant hood. You hear what I'm talking about? And I had moved

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into you were my servant hood. And that's what happens a lot of times with lots of people because

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we think we got it figured out the way and God is a God of life and he's going to change how we do

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things because he's going to get the most bang out of whatever's going on. You understand I'm

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talking about? And so then after I said, I looked at her, I said, Pamela, forgive me. I was wrong.

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And the service went well and a lot of people came to know Jesus. A lot of lives were changed.

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But what if I had forged my way into that instead of being the servant of God that I was called to

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be? That's my reasonable service is to do it his way. There's a scripture I want to share here

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that I think is really cool on this. It's found in Romans, the first chapter, listen to what Paul

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said, Paul, a bond servant of Christ Jesus called as an apostle. Remember he couldn't be an apostle

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unless he was a servant, set apart for the gospel God. All right. He couldn't even be set apart

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unless he was a servant. You guys gotta grab this. I think one of the examples I try to give people

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is to be that servant. Here we are reading in Romans, the 12th chapter says, we're to present

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our body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service.

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So this body is, if I'm going to utilize it the best way I can, it's going to present to you,

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it's going to be presented to Phil, it's going to be presented to anybody out there as a servant.

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And God, because of that, because some people, they come up to me and they probably have done

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you guys this too. They say, oh, you're so humble. You're so humble. I'm saying, I don't even know

00:20:49,120 --> 00:20:57,840
what that is. All I know is I'm serving. I'm being honest. I just know I'm serving. That's

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what I'm doing. My goal is to go anywhere and be a servant. And as I am serving, God can use me.

00:21:06,560 --> 00:21:13,680
I'm serving others. I'm serving Him and He can use that. And that's one of the things that really,

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really got me. So have the power of God, the faith of God. Think about it. Think about this, Sharon.

00:21:19,680 --> 00:21:25,040
Just think about this. Here it is. God's telling you to do something, lay hands on somebody.

00:21:25,040 --> 00:21:29,760
All right. You're thinking, do I have the faith to do it? It doesn't matter if you have the faith

00:21:29,760 --> 00:21:35,760
to do it or not, if you're a servant. Beautiful. Beautiful. All of a sudden you have the faith in

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the one that told you to do it. Yes. And because He told you to do it, then you get the results.

00:21:41,040 --> 00:21:50,000
Yes. Yes. Because you're serving. Yes. You know, if you think that way, you know, I think it links

00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:58,480
back into why the enemy of God wants to deteriorate us. Do you know what I mean by that? He wants us to

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become weaker physically because I cannot serve when my body is physically weak. If it's got things

00:22:09,680 --> 00:22:17,680
going on, most of the time, I'm wanting people to serve me. Because I'm the one that needs the help

00:22:17,680 --> 00:22:23,200
and everything like that. But I'm not saying that that shouldn't happen with some people.

00:22:24,160 --> 00:22:29,600
My wife is a great server. She serves me greatly. She always tells me, I'm your helpmate. That's

00:22:29,600 --> 00:22:36,800
what she tells me. I think we say that to each other now and then. We do. Yeah. Well, that's cool

00:22:36,800 --> 00:22:45,440
because she says it to me. I'm going to do it. She says, no, I'm your helpmate. Yeah. Yes. Yes.

00:22:45,440 --> 00:22:51,120
Which is really what? Serving. Right. If you think about it. Right. Serving each other. Yeah.

00:22:51,920 --> 00:22:56,960
Here's another one that just came to me. You know how we're to be subject unto each other?

00:22:56,960 --> 00:23:04,880
Yes. By serving each other. By serving. Exactly. Exactly. You know, and so in saying all that to

00:23:04,880 --> 00:23:10,720
you, you know, one of the scriptures that I also want to bring out is Romans the 8th chapter, the

00:23:10,720 --> 00:23:15,600
16th through the 17th verse. Now, if you've got anything you want to ask me, go ahead because

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I'm on this projectory of really pointing out this servanthood so that people out there,

00:23:21,200 --> 00:23:26,800
I really believe this, that somebody needs to start serving more and that physical healing that

00:23:26,800 --> 00:23:34,080
they want will come. Beautiful. You know? Yeah. I remember having to pray for somebody one time,

00:23:34,080 --> 00:23:38,480
and I think I said it on this podcast before, but I'm going to say it again, but I'm going to

00:23:38,480 --> 00:23:44,240
bring it from a different view. I remember a person coming up to me and saying to me,

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I need prayer for my hearing because they couldn't hear. And the person behind them got up to

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catch them if I laid hands on them. And as that person I was praying for about the hearing,

00:24:00,480 --> 00:24:07,120
okay, all of a sudden was, you know, getting their hearing back, the person behind them

00:24:07,120 --> 00:24:14,080
had a hearing problem also. And because the person got up behind them to serve, listen to what I get

00:24:14,080 --> 00:24:21,200
ready to say, God healed them. Wow. He healed them in such a way that I remember the guy said,

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I can hear, I can hear. And I said, wait, wait, wait, wait, I'm praying for her right now. We'll

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talk about you later, but I'm praying for her right now. But he got healed because he got up to

00:24:35,440 --> 00:24:42,000
serve. Beautiful, beautiful. This is talking to somebody right now. Somebody you say, oh,

00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:46,640
I got to do this. I can't do this. And one of the ways that you can serve it by just praying,

00:24:47,600 --> 00:24:53,120
you know, intercession is the foundation for me. I don't know about anybody else out there,

00:24:53,120 --> 00:24:57,840
but for me, for me to move forward in the kingdom of God, I have to have prayer.

00:24:58,720 --> 00:25:04,240
It just, I believe in that. Now I believe that's where everybody that's going to do something in

00:25:04,240 --> 00:25:09,920
the kingdom of God, but that's servanthood. That's servanthood. It's such servanthood that most

00:25:09,920 --> 00:25:15,120
people don't get recognized for it. Oh yeah. You know, unless somebody brings it up and says,

00:25:15,120 --> 00:25:19,920
this person, this person, unless they get to pray out in public and they usually have beautiful

00:25:19,920 --> 00:25:25,520
prayers when they do pray out in public, but the reality of it is it's servanthood, you know,

00:25:25,520 --> 00:25:30,080
and it's your reasonable service. Oh, somebody very proud of what I just said there. It's your

00:25:30,080 --> 00:25:36,720
reasonable service. But let me read this scripture here to you. It's Romans 8, 16 and 17.

00:25:36,720 --> 00:25:45,760
The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. And if children,

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we are heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. If so, be that we suffer with him,

00:25:55,680 --> 00:26:05,120
that we may be also glorified. Somebody very proud of what I just said. Together. I know a lot of

00:26:05,120 --> 00:26:10,480
people going after glorification and what glorification. And I'm telling you the way

00:26:10,480 --> 00:26:16,800
to get there is to be servants. Beautiful. It's to be servants. It's fun, you guys.

00:26:16,800 --> 00:26:23,440
Serving others is fun. It really is. It's to joy the Lord. The Lord, see, because I know we

00:26:23,440 --> 00:26:29,040
think of God as almighty and all powerful, which he is, and he can do so many things and all this,

00:26:29,600 --> 00:26:36,000
but all that he has and he serves us. Because all blessing is, is him serving us.

00:26:38,080 --> 00:26:44,640
It's that simple. You know how the Bible, I say it and the Bible says it, it says we're completing

00:26:44,640 --> 00:26:50,880
him. You know, how are we completing him by serving each other? Beautiful.

00:26:50,880 --> 00:26:55,520
Beautiful. You've got certain gifts that he's given you. I have certain gifts that he's given

00:26:55,520 --> 00:27:00,640
me. Phil has certain gifts that he's given him. And when we come together, we serve each other

00:27:00,640 --> 00:27:05,920
with the gifts we have and we are complete. Beautiful. Is that cool? Is that cool?

00:27:05,920 --> 00:27:08,160
Yes. It's tremendous.

00:27:10,240 --> 00:27:16,240
I know you want me to talk about that authority sometimes, but servanthood is a foundation for

00:27:16,240 --> 00:27:22,560
the authority we have with Christ. Servanthood is a foundation for we're airs with Christ.

00:27:22,560 --> 00:27:29,120
Servanthood, literally serving each other. And if you think about it, it is to not everybody,

00:27:29,120 --> 00:27:33,760
but a lot of people don't want to be served, especially those that want to be in the eyes

00:27:33,760 --> 00:27:39,520
of others and everybody people look at them and lift them up. You know what I mean? And then

00:27:39,520 --> 00:27:46,560
they're very self-centered, you know, and they want to be served. And it's, you know, I think you guys

00:27:46,560 --> 00:27:52,720
tell me what you think about this. I think a person that is seeking for people to serve them

00:27:52,720 --> 00:27:58,480
are after that, which service we can give you. Wow. Think about it.

00:27:58,480 --> 00:28:05,840
Yeah. They don't realize the path to authority or path to greatness is through servanthood.

00:28:05,840 --> 00:28:10,320
If you want to be- Yeah, Jesus said, if you want to be great in the kingdom of God,

00:28:10,320 --> 00:28:16,720
be the servant of all. But they're trying to get people to serve them. They get what

00:28:16,720 --> 00:28:22,720
they only can get if they serve. Is that interesting? It just came to me. They're

00:28:22,720 --> 00:28:29,200
going backwards, but that would be like the enemy. He would do that. He would say, oh, you want that

00:28:29,200 --> 00:28:33,680
joy that you get from servanthood, then you have to have all these people serve you, you know,

00:28:33,680 --> 00:28:39,360
look up to you, make you. And then, and what happens to a lot of the people when that happens?

00:28:39,920 --> 00:28:45,840
Most of them cannot handle it. And then they fall apart and they become evil people. They

00:28:45,840 --> 00:28:51,840
just become evil people. You think about all these people that become famous over time, Frank,

00:28:52,400 --> 00:29:00,800
you know what I mean? And their lives just are tore apart because of the arrogance that they have and

00:29:00,800 --> 00:29:06,720
thinking they're better there. And in servanthood, we don't think we're better than,

00:29:06,720 --> 00:29:12,560
we think that I should be able to serve you. And God wants us to look at it as that's my child,

00:29:13,200 --> 00:29:22,320
you know, that you're the serve that person. So that was one of the things that I really got

00:29:22,320 --> 00:29:27,840
from heaven, as you could see. And if I can give anything to anybody out there when it comes to

00:29:27,840 --> 00:29:34,080
ministry, it would be go into it as a servant. And I don't mean as a servant just for God,

00:29:34,080 --> 00:29:39,600
but where you go, you know, when I get to go to these different churches, I walk into that building

00:29:39,600 --> 00:29:46,160
and I think into myself, now, how can I serve them? You know, and I think sometimes how can I out

00:29:46,160 --> 00:29:55,760
serve them? And that may be me sitting in the back of the church and talking to the people back there.

00:29:55,760 --> 00:30:02,880
Mm hmm. I have so much fun going into a church and they don't know I'm the speaker. Oh yeah.

00:30:02,880 --> 00:30:07,520
And I'm sitting in the back and I'm just communicating with them, having a great time

00:30:07,520 --> 00:30:13,040
with them. And then I get to go up front and speak. You know what I mean? That's a surprise.

00:30:14,080 --> 00:30:21,600
But to me, I get to serve at that moment. Yeah. You know what I mean? I get to be able to just

00:30:21,600 --> 00:30:27,120
be who God has called me to be at the moment to serve the person that I'm serving with.

00:30:27,680 --> 00:30:34,400
And I enjoy that so much. You know, Sharon, I found out Jesus is the only one that gets you

00:30:34,400 --> 00:30:42,640
into heaven. Nobody else. Yeah. You know, and once you really realize that Jesus is the only

00:30:42,640 --> 00:30:47,600
one that gets you in there, you can be free to be who he wants you to be. Yeah. You know, yesterday

00:30:47,600 --> 00:30:53,920
I was I was in Wal-Mart and I was just leaving and and there's this guy sitting there. He's got a

00:30:53,920 --> 00:30:59,120
veteran's hat on. You know, he joined the army and I looked, he had had an operation on his knee and

00:30:59,120 --> 00:31:06,720
all that. And so I'm talking to him and yes, I do know Jesus, you know, and he was so convinced

00:31:07,360 --> 00:31:12,800
that his works will get him into heaven. Oh, my. I've never encountered anyone like that. And he

00:31:12,800 --> 00:31:19,120
has a pastor that he talks to. And so I prayed, I think I'll keep praying for you and I just

00:31:19,120 --> 00:31:24,320
thank you that you have a pastor that keeps talking to you. But he just believes his works.

00:31:24,320 --> 00:31:30,080
Wow. You know, serving. Well, he's serving others is what he's doing by doing works, but

00:31:30,720 --> 00:31:35,600
but he doesn't know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. And I thought, Lord, please reveal yourself.

00:31:35,600 --> 00:31:41,520
Yes. He needs to know you. Yeah. You know, so it's all about Jesus. Absolutely.

00:31:41,520 --> 00:31:46,320
Phil, and I think what you just said is, it's not just serving others, it's serving God.

00:31:46,960 --> 00:31:52,800
We get the opportunity to serve him. You know, in that book, Deep Worship in Heaven, I talk about

00:31:52,800 --> 00:31:58,640
the inward praise and the outward praise. You know what I mean? And that when we're praising the Lord,

00:31:58,640 --> 00:32:05,280
our praise is going outward to the atmosphere, you know, but it's also going inward to where we are.

00:32:05,280 --> 00:32:12,400
And both are in up in eternity. Well, it's the same thing with servanthood. There's the outward

00:32:12,400 --> 00:32:17,840
serving of others that we can do, but at the same time, we're serving God. You know what I mean?

00:32:17,840 --> 00:32:25,200
That's where the authority and the power come from, by my serving the Lord. And that tree or the faith

00:32:25,200 --> 00:32:30,320
as a mustard seed. You know why I could have faith as a mustard seed and literally this tree

00:32:30,320 --> 00:32:36,800
would be uprooted and thrown into the sea is because if that's what the Lord told me to do,

00:32:36,800 --> 00:32:45,200
and he said, do that, then literally I can go ahead and be the servant that God wants me to do,

00:32:45,200 --> 00:32:49,280
to be rather, to get the results of the tree getting into the ocean.

00:32:50,000 --> 00:32:56,640
I think a lot of times we want to see the tree go in the ocean and then we want to serve. Serve

00:32:56,640 --> 00:33:03,920
God first. And I think, John the Baptist, this reminds me of John the Baptist. Here comes John

00:33:03,920 --> 00:33:09,520
the Baptist and Jesus said he was the greatest prophet there was. There wasn't a prophet that

00:33:09,520 --> 00:33:15,520
was greater than John the Baptist, but we don't see him doing like Elijah, our Elijah. We don't

00:33:15,520 --> 00:33:19,760
see any of those miracles. We don't see like a lot of the miracles that the prophets did.

00:33:19,760 --> 00:33:27,520
Oh, you know, and yet he was the greatest. Why? Because he was a servant. He did what his father

00:33:27,520 --> 00:33:32,880
told him to do. And we could say, well, he was announcing that Jesus was coming. Why was he

00:33:32,880 --> 00:33:37,920
announcing that Jesus was coming? Because his father, his heavenly father told him to do it.

00:33:37,920 --> 00:33:45,040
Yes, exactly. Exactly. I know this is a key for some of you out there right now that are

00:33:45,040 --> 00:33:50,480
searching in your ministry. What should we do or where should we go? I'm saying just go after being

00:33:50,480 --> 00:33:55,840
a servant. God, how can I serve? How can I serve more? Yes. You know, Sharon, you had brought up

00:33:55,840 --> 00:34:00,560
about me in the schools in California. I have more high schools that opened up for me this next year

00:34:00,560 --> 00:34:05,120
and I'm looking forward to going, you know. Glory to God. Praise God. Tell the story of how you got

00:34:05,120 --> 00:34:11,280
there. Yeah. What did the Lord say? Well, what happened was I want to start, my dad was leaving

00:34:11,280 --> 00:34:17,040
the planet going to be with Jesus. And this was in California and I would happen, I didn't happen.

00:34:17,040 --> 00:34:22,880
I was there to take care of him by the grace of God. And so he was in one room and I was in another

00:34:22,880 --> 00:34:28,720
room. And I thought I heard him call me or say something. So I was running down a hallway. And

00:34:28,720 --> 00:34:35,440
as I was running down the hallway to be there, you know, I heard the Lord say this in an audible voice,

00:34:35,440 --> 00:34:42,080
I want California. I remember stopping in that hallway, because it was a pretty long hallway,

00:34:42,080 --> 00:34:46,720
stopping in that hallway, looking up, putting my hands out like, you know, like you would praise

00:34:46,720 --> 00:34:53,360
the Lord or something like that and saying, how can I help? That's what I said. How can I help?

00:34:54,000 --> 00:34:59,440
And there was no answer at the time. There was nothing that literally came to me and said,

00:34:59,440 --> 00:35:05,120
I want you to do this. I want you to do that. I kind of just threw myself and said, how can I

00:35:05,120 --> 00:35:10,800
help? Almost like you would say, I just said, I'm the servant Lord. Tell me what you want me to do.

00:35:11,680 --> 00:35:16,480
And sometimes I want to use this as an example, people that could sing so great,

00:35:17,040 --> 00:35:22,560
they have a beautiful voice. And when God tells them to do something, the first thing they have

00:35:22,560 --> 00:35:28,400
an answer for, oh, you must want to use my voice. You hear what I'm just saying? Okay. Or someone

00:35:28,400 --> 00:35:33,760
has this, oh, you must want to do this. Instead of going to them and saying, how can I help?

00:35:33,760 --> 00:35:40,240
Yes. You know, and he didn't come to me and say, I want you to do this. I want you to do that.

00:35:40,240 --> 00:35:46,240
I'm doing this. He just says, I want California. And when he said, I want California, all I could

00:35:46,240 --> 00:35:53,760
answer was, how can I help? Yes. You know, and I can't tell you, I could pat myself on the back

00:35:53,760 --> 00:35:59,760
and say, oh, that's a great way to answer God. It just came out. Yes. That was Holy Spirit operating

00:35:59,760 --> 00:36:08,000
in your spirit. Yeah. It just came out, you know? And when it came out, I was satisfied and I felt

00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:15,280
like he was satisfied. Not knowing the next weekend, I was going somewhere else in California to

00:36:15,280 --> 00:36:21,680
minister. I'm down there, this guy named Ralph Hernandez and Kathleen Hernandez want to meet me.

00:36:21,680 --> 00:36:30,240
And because of that servant hood attitude, I said, okay, you know, that's why I'm here for,

00:36:30,240 --> 00:36:36,160
why am I here? I'm here to serve. If these people want me to do something, I need to find out what

00:36:36,160 --> 00:36:42,320
it is. So I meet with them and they said, I remember them asking me, do you think you could

00:36:42,320 --> 00:36:50,640
come into school and talk to the kids? That's how they asked me. Like, I'm thinking, why wouldn't I

00:36:50,640 --> 00:36:56,880
want to go into this school and talk to the kids? Public schools, if you please.

00:36:58,000 --> 00:37:04,080
Public schools, you're right. No Pomo High School, you know, in California. It was the first school

00:37:04,080 --> 00:37:09,440
I went into. And he was like, what you think about coming into the schools? And I'm thinking,

00:37:09,440 --> 00:37:16,960
why wouldn't I? Okay. I just got this audible voice from God that said, you know, that he went to

00:37:16,960 --> 00:37:23,920
California. I'm in California and all of a sudden this door opens up and all I said was, how can I

00:37:23,920 --> 00:37:30,640
help? How can I serve you? That's really what, how can I serve you Lord? That's really what's coming

00:37:30,640 --> 00:37:37,040
out of my mouth. And here I go and this door opens and then I get to go to the Pomo High School and

00:37:37,040 --> 00:37:42,720
they had me in an auditorium and the auditorium is packed with kids because kids want to hear about

00:37:42,720 --> 00:37:49,920
this man that died. Okay. I didn't know how we were going to do this at the time. And so we show the

00:37:49,920 --> 00:37:55,600
video and the Lord said, I just want you to answer questions. Okay. I love it. People say, well,

00:37:55,600 --> 00:37:59,200
what do you mean answer questions? They ask questions. I don't know what the questions

00:37:59,200 --> 00:38:04,560
are going to be. I don't have all the answers to everything in the universe. I don't know

00:38:04,560 --> 00:38:08,960
all this stuff, but you know what God did? Well, it's the tree. It's the tree.

00:38:08,960 --> 00:38:14,880
It's about taking the tree and saying, move into the ocean. It's the tree. The reason I say this

00:38:14,880 --> 00:38:20,720
is because all I did was do what he said. And the next thing I know, I'm up there and he's

00:38:20,720 --> 00:38:28,000
giving me the answers to answer these kids. I'm just a servant. I'm serving the kids by

00:38:28,000 --> 00:38:34,000
answering the questions. I'm serving God by being there and being used in that way.

00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:38,960
And I just remember, and that just led to the next year I went there. Then I went to two more

00:38:38,960 --> 00:38:46,720
schools. Then I went to a junior high that had over 300 kids show up. And then I went to 300 kids,

00:38:46,720 --> 00:38:56,320
I should say 300 kids, two services. So it was a 300 kids, one service. It was at lunchtime,

00:38:56,320 --> 00:39:02,800
300 kids, one service and then 300 kids, another service. Okay. And then I got to go to what they

00:39:02,800 --> 00:39:07,680
call their boot camp where all their kids that are in trouble in that area. And they go to the

00:39:07,680 --> 00:39:13,360
boot camp. I got the minister to the men and the women there because they have women in there,

00:39:13,360 --> 00:39:19,760
the soldier type of thing. I've done that a number of years. And so I go back and I do it. And now

00:39:19,760 --> 00:39:24,400
we, in one of the schools I'm in, we have to go into the gym because it gets packed out in the gym.

00:39:24,400 --> 00:39:29,360
Wow. You know, one side of the bleachers, we haven't hit the other side yet, but we've got

00:39:29,360 --> 00:39:34,320
one side of the bleachers, you know, and all of it's volunteer. Most people don't realize.

00:39:34,320 --> 00:39:39,440
It's not me going in there and it's an assembly and they're asking all the kids to show up.

00:39:39,440 --> 00:39:45,600
This is if you want to come. And because of that, then we get to do a couple of things. Number one,

00:39:45,600 --> 00:39:49,680
we get to ask people to know Jesus Christ as Lord Savior. So we get all these hands of people

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coming to know Jesus. Second that we get to do is that we get to hand out Bibles because I have

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people that donate Bibles and we get to hand out all these Bibles. And sometimes some of these kids,

00:39:59,920 --> 00:40:07,280
this is their first Bible ever. Their first Bible ever. And then here we go again, you know,

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I get to hand out the book in heaven and we give them the book if they want it, you know,

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none of this is forced on them, but they take it. Okay. Now here is a caveat that no one knows that

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I get to do at these schools that I'm going to share with you. Not only do I get to meet

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them, not only do I get to minister to the kids, but I get to go to the principals and pray for

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them. Oh, glory to God. I go in their offices, we shut the door and I pray for them. I get to

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minister to the teachers. So there's more that's going on and it's me talking to the kids. I get

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to serve, you guys get this? I get to serve the school there. Yeah, it's beautiful. Yes. I get

00:40:48,400 --> 00:40:55,360
to serve the school there. And so this next year I get to go back and I'm going into the same

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schools that I went in and then I get three new schools and I'm thinking, God, you're good. And

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that's opened up for me to do Florida. And I've done Illinois and West Virginia and some other

00:41:05,680 --> 00:41:13,120
schools around, but I'm just saying in California, I just remember he's saying to me, I want

00:41:13,120 --> 00:41:20,080
to go to California and all I could do is say, how can I help? And I've done, I mean, I can't

00:41:20,080 --> 00:41:25,760
tell you, there's so much, you know, and what are the places I love to go to as a school

00:41:25,760 --> 00:41:30,080
right outside of Sacramento? Really it's in Sacramento area, which is the capital of

00:41:30,800 --> 00:41:37,200
California, you know? And here are these kids going to this school and I get to minister to

00:41:37,200 --> 00:41:42,640
those kids and share. And I've done a number of schools in that area and it all comes down to

00:41:42,640 --> 00:41:52,640
how can I help? How can I serve you Lord? How can I serve you Lord? So to go back to all that we

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talked about in heaven, I just feel like I want to wrap it up here in this area. In heaven, when we

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come and we meet each other, we just don't say, hey, how you doing going on that stuff? We first,

00:42:06,320 --> 00:42:11,040
everybody, even your relatives say, when you get there, you're going to say, how can I serve you?

00:42:11,040 --> 00:42:16,640
And they're going to say to you, how can I serve you? And it's going to be the ultimate language

00:42:16,640 --> 00:42:22,560
of love. That is so beautiful. It's going to be serving each other. Beautiful. You know? Amen.

00:42:22,560 --> 00:42:27,840
So Sharon and Phil, that's, you know, getting close to our time here and. Well, I just want to

00:42:27,840 --> 00:42:34,560
make a couple of comments. Yeah, go ahead. So the scripture that you brought in, well, actually all

00:42:34,560 --> 00:42:40,240
of them that use this word servant, the first scripture that you read from a different

00:42:40,240 --> 00:42:46,880
translation, use the word slave. Yeah. Yeah. And the word in Greek there is doulos, which,

00:42:46,880 --> 00:42:54,880
which literally means slave. Okay. Paul talks about himself as being a slave of the Lord.

00:42:54,880 --> 00:43:00,880
Okay. Where he says, Paul called to be an apostle separated unto God. But he first, he says, first

00:43:00,880 --> 00:43:07,040
thing he says, Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ and this word doulos, the reason I'm bringing it up

00:43:07,040 --> 00:43:18,480
is that it not only means slave, but the word comes from a word that means to bind. Yes. Or to tie,

00:43:18,480 --> 00:43:26,240
or to fasten. Yeah. Okay. To fashion with chains and to bind, to put under obligation, duty. Okay.

00:43:26,240 --> 00:43:33,920
Duty. So it's our duty. It's our duty. But what I'm reminded of is that in the Old Testament,

00:43:33,920 --> 00:43:42,880
in Exodus chapter 21, it talks about if a Hebrew person sells himself into slavery or is sold into

00:43:42,880 --> 00:43:51,840
slavery, he can only serve for six years. And then he goes out in the seventh year free. But if his

00:43:51,840 --> 00:43:58,880
master has given him a wife and he has children, he gets to go out free, but they stay slaves.

00:43:58,880 --> 00:44:06,000
Yeah. That's right. So he has a choice if he wants to stay with his wife and children,

00:44:06,000 --> 00:44:13,280
because he loves them. And if he loves his master, he can say, I don't want to go out free.

00:44:13,280 --> 00:44:20,000
I'm going to serve the rest of my life. Yeah. And the idea of serving, what I was seeing is

00:44:20,000 --> 00:44:27,520
that we think about bondage as being a negative thing. But when we are bound to the Lord, we're

00:44:27,520 --> 00:44:34,800
bound to him with cords of love. And it's the love slave that we're talking about in Exodus 21.

00:44:34,800 --> 00:44:39,120
It's the love slave. He says, okay, I'm going to serve you the rest of my life. I'm going to put

00:44:39,120 --> 00:44:47,440
my ear up to the door. And he uses an all, puts a hole in the ear that shows this is my master.

00:44:47,440 --> 00:44:50,480
We used to sing that song. Yeah. Put my ear up to the door. I don't want to leave here anymore.

00:44:50,480 --> 00:44:55,280
Make me a love slave to Jesus, my Lord. Put my ear into the door. I don't want to leave here

00:44:55,280 --> 00:45:02,160
anymore. Make me a love slave forever to my Lord. Yeah. And so, so the idea of being bound by love,

00:45:02,160 --> 00:45:08,640
and I think that's really what you're seeing in heaven is you're not serving just because it's

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the thing that we do. You're serving because you are living in this place of love that is all about

00:45:15,920 --> 00:45:22,000
the love of God flowing through you, flowing into you. And you're, there's nothing outside of love,

00:45:22,000 --> 00:45:28,640
right? On the planet here, we have negative issues that cause us to get our backup about serving.

00:45:29,200 --> 00:45:34,240
But the environment of love that binds, we're bound by his love.

00:45:34,240 --> 00:45:39,840
Yeah. That's good. You know, it's something you said that because I had the meanings here

00:45:40,480 --> 00:45:48,960
of bond servant. Okay. And I remember reading this years ago on that scripture that Romans 1, 1,

00:45:48,960 --> 00:45:54,880
which it says slave, and then it also says bond servant. And it says the most accurate translation

00:45:54,880 --> 00:46:02,960
is bond servant, sometimes found in the American standard versions, okay, as slave. And then it

00:46:02,960 --> 00:46:13,600
says, in that it is often indicate one who sells himself into slavery to another. Yes. And I thought

00:46:13,600 --> 00:46:19,840
about that, you know, we, if we want to have the authority, listen to what I'm saying. If we want

00:46:19,840 --> 00:46:25,440
to have that authority and that faith that God wants us to have, we have to sell ourselves into

00:46:25,440 --> 00:46:31,920
slavery to him. Beautiful. Beautiful. And you're right. It's love. Do you understand what I mean?

00:46:31,920 --> 00:46:37,520
Yes. You know, and I think about, you know, that scripture says that his burns are light.

00:46:37,520 --> 00:46:40,720
My yoke is easy and my yoke is light. My yoke is easy and my, you know,

00:46:40,720 --> 00:46:46,160
and I remember that scripture and I never knew that that's what I desired.

00:46:48,160 --> 00:46:54,960
Until after I got to heaven and then I experienced, oh, this is what you really mean by serving you.

00:46:55,840 --> 00:47:02,800
Yeah. Yeah. And it is love. Yes. It is love. Yes. And that's why when we're married to each other

00:47:02,800 --> 00:47:08,400
and we love each other, it's so easy to serve each other. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. But we're married to Jesus

00:47:08,400 --> 00:47:13,920
too. We're married to Jesus. He gave his all for us. We should, we should only want to give our all

00:47:13,920 --> 00:47:19,200
for him. Yes. Amen. One more scripture that came to mind and you guys know it's found in Philippians

00:47:19,200 --> 00:47:23,840
second chapter, starting at the fifth verse. I don't know if Phil, you could find it before me.

00:47:24,560 --> 00:47:31,040
We'll see. This is King James. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,

00:47:31,760 --> 00:47:38,080
who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself

00:47:38,080 --> 00:47:45,040
of no reputation and took upon him the form of the servant and was made in the likeness of man.

00:47:45,840 --> 00:47:51,360
Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient onto death,

00:47:51,920 --> 00:47:58,960
even the death of the cross. Or for God also hath highly exalted him and gave him a name,

00:47:58,960 --> 00:48:05,440
which is above every name that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of things in heaven

00:48:05,440 --> 00:48:11,840
and things in earth and things under the earth. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus

00:48:11,840 --> 00:48:19,440
Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the father. Amen. Amen. There's that authority again. Yeah.

00:48:19,440 --> 00:48:24,880
Beautiful. Because he humbled himself to become a servant. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Sharon, that's,

00:48:24,880 --> 00:48:29,680
that's what I wanted to talk about this session, you know, in the sense of servanthood,

00:48:29,680 --> 00:48:35,920
because I just want that to get out there. And if anybody is ministry, please start putting

00:48:35,920 --> 00:48:42,240
yourself as a servant. Start doing it the way God wants you to do it with the people that God

00:48:42,240 --> 00:48:48,160
wants. And remember, there's certain people just honor people in such a way that you're serving

00:48:48,160 --> 00:48:52,240
them. Doesn't mean you always agree with them. Doesn't mean you even like some of the things

00:48:52,240 --> 00:48:57,440
they're doing. But if you're serving them, you know, it's almost like when he said, there's

00:48:57,440 --> 00:49:05,280
someone asked you to take a cloak, a mile, take it two miles. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

00:49:06,240 --> 00:49:12,080
He knows what he's doing. Yes. Would you pray for us to have that grace to serve?

00:49:13,200 --> 00:49:18,160
Well, father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you right now. I thank you for opening up our eyes to

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be able to see the importance of, um, first of all, coming to you. You know, I, I said something to

00:49:25,520 --> 00:49:31,600
you the other day about my body. And I said, Lord, you know, I give you my body, but it's not just

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giving you my body in the sense of just a physical, but also give me my body in the sense of serving

00:49:36,800 --> 00:49:42,640
to be able to use it to serve others, Lord. So I pray that others out there as they are listening

00:49:42,640 --> 00:49:48,320
to this would say, I give you my body, not only just in the physical aspect of eating healthy and

00:49:48,320 --> 00:49:54,400
doing, taking care of it, but also in the sense of serving others, that they would really look at

00:49:54,400 --> 00:50:01,600
using their body in that form of serving other people on this planet and serving you, Lord,

00:50:01,600 --> 00:50:07,120
in both areas. I thank you father right now. There's some people today were just, they were

00:50:07,120 --> 00:50:13,760
freed up things just all of a sudden changed in them. And they've been praying, they've been

00:50:13,760 --> 00:50:22,400
asking and they've been looking and you opened up their purpose father, you know, as my pastor said,

00:50:22,400 --> 00:50:27,360
where there's a purpose, there's a need. And so there must be a need for you, them to have the

00:50:27,360 --> 00:50:34,000
purpose that they have. So father, in the name of Jesus, I just pray that they use the purpose that

00:50:34,000 --> 00:50:39,680
they have right now to serve others. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

00:50:39,680 --> 00:50:40,880

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this is Sharon Buss. And I'm Philip Buss.

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God bless you with this overwhelming loving presence.