Nov. 26, 2024

(240) “The Covenant of Glory” with James Stone

(240) “The Covenant of Glory” with James Stone
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Global Outpouring

Can others see the Glory of the Covenant in you? The Busses are joined by their dear friend, James Stone. James serves his community as a plumber, and he has some amazing stories to share about the Glory of God falling in the homes of people who would not typically be open to Christianity. He simply shows up for work and lets the Glory shine out of him wherever he goes and the Holy Spirit touches their lives!

God wants to release His glory in the earth, and He wants to do it through you. As the Bride of Christ, the covenant of Glory is inside of you. Are you letting the glory of that covenant shine out? Tune in as James shares some keys about how living as the Bride of Christ, and not His “girlfriend,” can help you to do your part.



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Global Outpouring Convention 2025 Info – Registration coming soon!

Podcast Episode 203: “The Praying, Prophesying Plumber” with James Stone

Friday Night Live Worship with James Stone


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in that covenant that was fading, he had to wear a veil. So how much greater should the glory be

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in this covenant, in a covenant where the glory is ever increasing? So we should be looking around

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saying, where's all the shiny Christians? You know, not the polished bald heads, you know,

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but the shiny Christian, those walking in the glory of God.

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God promises in Joel 2, 28 to pour out his Spirit on all humanity. Welcome to Global Outpouring,

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where we contend for that promise outpouring, we equip for that outpouring so that we may engage

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in that very outpouring. I'm Philip Bus. And I'm Sharon Bus. Welcome to the podcast today.

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We have with us a good friend, James Stone. We did an episode with him, I think it was episode 203,

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and it's really ministered to a lot of people. We called it the praying prophesying plumber.

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And so we have this same man with us today. And we're going to talk about things like

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the covenant of glory. Thank you so much for joining us today. We really appreciate you

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tuning in. And we want to encourage you if you haven't already done so to go to our website

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opportunity to hear from us and we'll have an opportunity to stay in tune with you to stay in

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touch with you. And we also want to encourage you to be with us May 21 through 24 2025. For our 50th

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annual gathering. This is the global outpouring convention 2025, where we're meeting together

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at the St. Louis Airport Marriott. And we're going to have a glorious time in worship and in the word

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and intercession, reaching out to the Lord for his heart for the nations, and just meeting and making

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new relationships with people who are just like you. It's going to be family camp. There's something

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for every age. And we want to encourage you to come and bring your family. Come and bring someone

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that is hungry for God, because we're going to have an appointment with God in that place.

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We really realize that we are on the threshold of the outpouring that the Lord told about in

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Joel 2 28. And this is the theme of this convention. We hope that you'll be able to be with us. It will

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be life changing for you. And you'll begin to make relationships that will go on for eternity. So

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James, thank you so much for being with us today. It's good to be here. We really appreciate you.

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We appreciate you coming alongside and helping us out with plumbing. But we also appreciate the

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anointing that you bring and the word of the Lord that you bring because you're a deep well. And we

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Oh, I guess that's sort of a plumbing thing too, isn't it? No pun intended, but it's there. So I

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do want to say this that that the podcast that we did with you before episode 203 was really,

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really well received, particularly by our young people. And I was just so encouraged how they

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have picked up on that and getting the idea that you can be a really anointed man of God and still

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be doing kind of mundane sort of things, but you're, you're being used of the Lord. You can

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get into places that you might not otherwise get into if you've got our EV in front of your name.

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Well, the tool bag will open doors that a Bible will not.

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That's well put. Well put. But to carry the Bible with you in your heart.

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Yes, ma'am. So tell us what the Lord has been doing since we had you on it with us last.

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Well, he's doing Lord stuff. I love it. You know, he has all the authority. Yes. And you know,

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he's not afraid to let you know that if you'll listen. And so the really cool thing about it is

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I have control of my own life. And if I submit the control of my life to his authority, then he moves

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in and he brings everything he has with him. Amen. You know, and so there's no limit to what he can

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bring. You know, I cannot begin to tell you. I mean, and I don't have to, you know yourself

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how amazing it is to walk through, you know, as you would say mundane task and hearing the heavenly

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host, you know, just singing in your heart, speaking in your ear, you know, and you're

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walking into somebody's life that, you know, they've not seen anything positive or good.

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They're watching the news or looking at the political situation. The world's falling apart

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at the seams and everything's just going crazy. And they have a plumbing problem,

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which is just another issue in their otherwise messed up mundane life that, you know, they're

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just waiting for it to all be over. Yeah. So I come in there and I'm not looking to be a minister.

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I'm not looking to take up an offering. I'm not looking to get somebody on a newsletter or a

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mailing list or invite them to a church or a function or an event or a conference. I'm going

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there to make money. You know, I'm going there. I have a skillset and training. I know how to fix

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plumbing issues. I go in there and then all of a sudden I begin to hear the voice of the Lord and

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I see into the heart of that individual that I'm talking to and the compassion of heaven begins to

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break me. And sometimes none of that happens. It's just heaven is there. And since I carry heaven

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with me, the demonic entities in that person's life that's screaming 24 seven in their heart and

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in their mind is suspended from activity. And they get peace while I'm there. It took me a long time

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to figure that out. Okay. But that's just really amazing because I can say thanks to people in that

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setting and they look at me and they say, I never thought about it that way before. And all of a

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sudden they're receptive now because they're thinking at something from a different perspective.

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Right. And if you only look at math as a challenge because you hate math,

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you know, but yet if you can look at it from a different angle, all of a sudden something

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clicks. Now it's not a problem anymore because you understand it. And it's just been really amazing.

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I've literally had people fall out in the spirit while I'm working on their kitchen sink, you know,

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and I'm like, God, you should, you know, he's like, I'll do what I want to do. You know,

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and you know, so I come out and there they are now that maybe on their knees or crying, weeping,

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whatever. And the difference between crying and weeping is mucus, you know? So the kitchen's a

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good place to be because there's lots of paper towels. And so, you know, and you come out and

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you begin to minister to this person in a way that they would never get in church. Yeah. Yeah.

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Because number one, they're not going to pull down their guard because they're guarding against those

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people that hurt them the last time they were in this church. Oh, you know, but that wall that you

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put up in your heart to keep people from hurting you, whether it's relational hurt or professional

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hurt or governmental hurt, whatever that, that same wall keeps Holy Spirit out of that place

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where he needs to be because there's a wound there. Amen. You know? So God spoke to me several years

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ago and said he would make me a Trojan horse and I would carry him into places in the church belt,

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basically, where he's not welcome. And the next thing I know, I found myself being a plumber

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doing service calls and getting encounters like that where I've ministered to heathens

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and I've ministered to pastors, Pentecostal preachers, Baptist preachers, Methodist preachers,

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you know, deputies, doctors, you know, lawyers of people from all walks of life. If you have plumbing,

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I'm your guy. And so, okay, you know, I get to go in there and if I see heaven do something,

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I can respond to that. And sometimes I don't even know what God's doing. And I get a phone call a

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year, two years down the road and they'll say something like, Hey, is this James Stone? And

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I was like, yeah. Well, you worked on my shower, you know, two years ago and I'm thinking, Oh my

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gosh, he's fixing to tell me that it's been leaking ever since I left and the floor fell through, you

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know? And no, it goes like this. Well, while you were at my house, you prayed for my husband.

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And after you left, God healed his back. Glory to God. And my husband got saved. Thank you. Now

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he's working a full-time job. He's off of disability and he's led his entire family to Jesus.

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Hallelujah. And we're having a family reunion and my husband wanted me to reach out to you to see

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if you would come and sit with our family at the park and minister to our family. And so I've got

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to do that a couple of times and that's fun to minister to actually a family group, you know,

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and they will bring you anything, literally anything you want to drink, you know, and they'll

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just keep you going. And I went to one, it was like three hours, I sat there and ministered and

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50 some odd people come to the Lord. I mean, it was amazing. And I thought you said he led his whole

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family to Jesus, but yet here's all these people unsaved, but it's a whole extended family. Of

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course it's Arkansas. So some people that are just looking for a date, but, and then all of a sudden

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they have an encounter with Jesus. And so it's just an amazing life to be able to live. And I

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remember one time we're living in a place, my wife and I, and we didn't get any cell signal where we

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lived. And so if the phone rang inside the house, it was kind of an amazing thing. Well, my wife will

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be mad when she, she won't be mad, but she's not going to be happy when I share it like this, but

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we were actually in a fight, you know, if you've been married a long time, you've disagreements

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happen. Yes, yes. We were in a disagreement. Okay. And it wasn't pretty and I didn't want to be there.

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She didn't want to be there, but yet we were both going to die on that hill. You know how it is.

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And my phone rang and I answered it and I stepped out on the front porch and I was hoping it was a

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service call. It was just so I could exit. And this guy says, Hey, this man, and he gave me a name.

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He said, he gave me your number and said you could help. And now I'm immediately thinking plumbing.

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Yeah. I knew the other guy through plumbing and he says, I said, okay, what you got? He says,

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my brother's been in a wreck and he's laying on the side of the road and he's dying. Can you come

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and pray for him? Yeah. And I looked at Renee, I walked back in, my wife's name is Rachel Renee.

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Okay. So if I say Rachel, it's the same woman as Renee, but I looked at her and I said, Renee,

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I said, I've got to go. And she saw my face and she knew, and she's, you know, her own testimony to me

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because I left and she said, when I saw his face, I just started praying. Okay. And I get my work

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truck and I drive 45 minutes one way. Oh, wow. And I get to this accident scene where this young man

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had rolled his truck and he got hung up in the steering wheel or something and he partially

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ejected and couldn't be fully ejected. So he was literally crushed five or six times before he got

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thrown clear of the truck. And so this was, I'm not going to try to describe it, but it was the

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ugliest scene I've ever walked up on. Okay. So, you know, I saw the family and I walked up to the

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family and they said, he's over here. And I said, okay. So I began to walk that way. And there was

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a couple of paramedics, they weren't paramedics, they were first responders, but they didn't have

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a paramedic license, but they were doing CPR on this young man. And once you start CPR on somebody,

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you can't stop until somebody official relieves you. Right. You know, but I walked up there and

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they said, sir, you need to stay back. And I said, look, I'm a minister and the family's asked me to

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come pray. And they said, look, this guy was probably dead when we got here, but he's certainly

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passed away now. So there he's beyond prayer. And I said, look, this will make this family feel a

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whole lot better. If they know I came up here and prayed over their brother, please let me do what

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I drove over here to do. They said, man, you don't want to see this. I said, look, I've been a

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firefighter. I've been in scenes like this. It'll be okay. They said, well, do what you want. So I

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walked around them and got where his head was. And I got on my knees and sat on my feet. And I just

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put my hands just kind of out in front of me over his shoulders. And I began to just pray. And it's

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not a prayer that you would write in a book and sell a million copies. I'm not Jay Dez. You know

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what I'm saying? And I'm just James. And I just said, God, give this man a chance. He needs your

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help. And suddenly he sucks in a breath. Now this is hard to explain without being really graphic.

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But every bone in his body was broken. His jawbone was broken. His orbital bones were

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just non-existent. That's over the eyes. Yeah. It was just, it was terrible. It was horrible to look

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at. Okay. And when he took in a breath, his chest, instead of rising and falling like yours or mine

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would, you could just see that air coming through his skin, through his clothes. Oh my. You know,

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because he was completely crushed, destroyed. And of course these first responders, they absolutely

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went nuts. Okay. And they come alive and they start talking to him and they're calling him by name.

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And they said, Hey, you've been in an accident. We're helping you and help is on the way. And it

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was at that very moment that I heard a siren way off in the distance. Okay. And then they pushed

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their thumb toward me and said, this guy here is a minister and he's been praying for you. And his

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eyes pointed back at me. He couldn't move his neck. He couldn't, even when he talked, his mouth

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couldn't move, but he, his eyes shot up in the top of his head and he looked at me and he says, help

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me. And I said, man, I said, I can't help you. I said, I'm praying for you, but you need to ask

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Jesus for help. You have to have Jesus help you right now. And he said, Jesus, help me. Jesus

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saved me. And then he just that he said, save me. And he took another breath and it just escaped

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his body and he quit breathing. Wow. And I'm going to tell you in that few seconds where he was

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talking. I mean, me and this guy, we were already on our way around the world with the testimony

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that nobody would believe in my mind. I'm just being honest. Okay. And when he breathed out,

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I was devastated, you know, and I know, I know that he went to heaven and that was the main thing.

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But in that moment I'm emotional too. Okay. But I was able to go back to that family and I said,

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Hey, I'm sorry, but your brother has passed away. But before he passed away, he asked Jesus to save

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him. If you ever want to see your brother again, you need to bring Jesus into your heart and make

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him your savior. So it was in that moment that I walked away. They didn't ask me to come to the

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funeral. Okay. But a year or so later, this young man calls me and this is a separate time, but

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wasn't the time I told you about before, but he calls me and says, please come to Mountain View

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to our family reunion. We're having a family reunion at city park. So I go, and this was a

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complete terrible drug culture family. Okay. So I go and I minister to them one at a time.

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And these big drums, these 55 gallon drums, I have those in that park. And with those big black

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trash bags, they filled up a whole 55 gallon trash bag full of drugs and drug paraphernalia,

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of drugs and drug paraphernalia, pornography, you know, this whole family. So they all leave

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and I'm by myself. I can't leave these drugs. Right. But I don't want to put them in my car,

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you know, throw them in the back of my truck and take off down the road. So I don't know what to

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do. So I called a buddy of mine, worked for the county and I said, look, this is what's happened.

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I told him the family. I said, now, if you're not on duty or you're on duty and you can't,

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I said, don't even come down here and don't do a report because I don't want people investigating.

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I said, you know, let this play out, you know, let these people, the ones that really made a

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transition in their life with Jesus, let this play out. I said, if you can't help me, I'll call

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somebody in state. I said, I'll have to wait here longer, but I'll wait for him. So he said, look,

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I'll be there in a minute. And he come, he says, my gosh, he said, that's a lot of stuff. You know,

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he's looking at this. He said, I'll deal with it. And he just put it in the trunk of his cruiser

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and he left. And I had a conversation with him. He's not a deputy there anymore, but later he told

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me, he says, this year, this was two years later, he said, this year in that family, he said, they

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were the worst family in the county. He said, but this year there's going to be two people out of

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that family graduate from high school. And they're the first two people. He says, as far as I can look

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back, that's got out of high school without a criminal record. You know, and he says they've

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become one of the pillars of our county now and they're, they help out in every way they can.

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They're not in jail. They're not, he said, they still got some bad apples, you know,

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but in large parts, that whole family has been transformed. Wow. You know, so I just think it's

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amazing. And the weird thing about it, the encounter that I had with the other man that

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met this guy that day was on a plumbing call. And all I did was release the kingdom of God into his

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life. And I didn't know him outside of that, but I remembered him. He saw this guy in need and said,

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look, I know a guy that'll help you. Here's his number. I love it. And so maybe being a plumber

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is not the most glamorous thing, you know, and, you know, manly men don't raise their daughters

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up to look for plumbers to marry, you know, and young men don't grow up, but you know, they want

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to be doctors and lawyers and astronauts and race car drivers and movie stars. Nobody at eight says,

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I want to be a plumber, you know, I didn't, you know, I didn't become a plumber until I was in my

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late thirties. So it's just been an amazing thing. And, but the weird thing about it is you don't

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have to be a plumber to do this. I'm not a Christian plumber. You know what I'm saying? I'm a plumber

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who happens to be a Christian. You know, I don't believe in Christian athletes, you know, and things

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like that. If you're an athlete, you happen to be a Christian, then be kingdom wherever you're at.

00:18:00,400 --> 00:18:06,400
Amen. You know, so it's an amazing life to live and I would probably like it to be different.

00:18:06,400 --> 00:18:10,720
I don't always like being sweaty and dirty and work long hours and get called out in the middle of the

00:18:10,720 --> 00:18:16,320
night. But at the same time, I've had so many encounters with God doing this. I don't know if

00:18:16,320 --> 00:18:23,200
I'd want to change it. Wow. So now you're also heading up healing rooms. Tell us about that.

00:18:23,200 --> 00:18:27,520
Well, we're a part of the International Association of Healing Rooms and it's based in Spokane,

00:18:27,520 --> 00:18:33,520
Washington. Yeah. So that's, you know, Cal Pierce heads up that organization, really fine fellow.

00:18:33,520 --> 00:18:39,120
Yes, we were there when he opened the rooms in Spokane. That's amazing. And so we, I have a lot

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of respect for Cal and for the people in the office there and Elaine and those guys, they work really

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hard to make sure we have what we need. But there's several thousand healing rooms around the world.

00:18:49,680 --> 00:18:54,240
I believe we did take a hit during COVID. We lost a lot of people quit, you know, their funding

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dried up. People wouldn't volunteer, you know, through the lockdowns and things like that. But

00:18:58,400 --> 00:19:02,480
it's bouncing back and it's really good. So we have a good time with that, but we're the state

00:19:02,480 --> 00:19:08,240
directors here in Arkansas and regional directors for region 12. So we have a good time with them.

00:19:08,240 --> 00:19:14,080
So you don't have to do plumbing for them? Not the healing rooms. But you just get to do the God

00:19:14,080 --> 00:19:19,360
stuff. Yeah. Well, I mean, if you can pardon the pun, I tell people when I go minister in churches

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and stuff, well, hey, I'm a minister and I minister prophetically. So if you got some stuff, you're

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probably going to get to deal with it today. But I'm a plumber in my secular life. So my job,

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whether I'm here or whether I'm on the job is to get the crap out. So if you got some of that,

00:19:34,640 --> 00:19:41,440
and most of us do, get ready, you know? And so being a minister is a lot like being a plumber.

00:19:41,440 --> 00:19:45,360
You deal with people at their worst. Yeah, that's true. And sometimes you get to deal with people

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in the best case scenarios. And so, and it's not much different. It really isn't because if you get

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down to where I can remember an old joke where the deacon board comes to the pastor and they're

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discussing a problem and they're like, we've tried this and we've tried this and we've done all these

00:20:01,280 --> 00:20:07,120
options. Yeah. Yeah. I guess we really need to pray. And the pastor's like, has it come to that

00:20:07,120 --> 00:20:13,200
already? So a lot of people in their life, when we go and we do ministry, you know, if you're in

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conference life, a lot of times people that attend conferences, they're a little bit further along in

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their walk, hopefully. And so you may not run into this a lot, but you do some. But it daily,

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Sunday morning, Wednesday night, people walk in off the street into your churches. You're coming

00:20:28,080 --> 00:20:33,200
into people that are on their last leg and they come there because, you know, Hey, we're going to

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have to pray. It's come to that already. You know, that's all we have left. And if God don't do

00:20:37,760 --> 00:20:42,720
something, this is going to not end well. So we get to deal with people a lot like that when they

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come to healing rooms, you know, a lot of times they've tried everything else. They've been to

00:20:46,880 --> 00:20:52,000
the doctor. They've been to the specialist. They've been to the hospital that specializes in their

00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:57,120
thing. They've had prayer from their church and they've had prayer from their pastor. And they

00:20:57,120 --> 00:21:01,920
went to the evangelist and the, and the healing conference and the deliverance conference and

00:21:01,920 --> 00:21:07,520
nothing's worked. So now here's these weird people down here. Let's go see them, you know,

00:21:07,520 --> 00:21:12,320
because I heard somebody got healed when they went. So we get to deal with those kinds of folks a lot,

00:21:12,320 --> 00:21:16,960
you know, but a lot of times we deal with people that they're physically, they're fine, but spiritually

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they've been injured. So we get to deal with that as well. And, and it's a lot of fun. It's a lot of

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fun. We have a lady that's kind of come alongside us over the last few months, but she's 52, I think

00:21:28,800 --> 00:21:36,080
49 to 52. And she's been in drug addiction for over half of her life. Okay. And she got radically

00:21:36,080 --> 00:21:42,160
saved, but she came down to healing rooms. She was having a meeting there. And guess what?

00:21:42,160 --> 00:21:46,720
She went through deliverance and four demons came out of her. And this happened in a Baptist church.

00:21:48,720 --> 00:21:54,640
And one of the Baptist folks is like, that's weird. One of them is like, boy, we need more of this.

00:21:55,360 --> 00:22:01,120
Well, it's biblical. Yes. Yes. So it's just really cool because a lot of times it's not just fat

00:22:01,120 --> 00:22:06,480
people that like to go to a buffet. You know what I'm saying? You'll find some skinny people in

00:22:06,480 --> 00:22:10,960
there too. So when we look at Christianity as a whole, we see a lot of people who make snap

00:22:10,960 --> 00:22:15,840
judgments and say, well, they're not going to go for this, but you know what? They may. If they see

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the hand of God, whether it's in a meeting or an encounter, or it's on, maybe you're a salesman

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and you get that word in their life and they've never believed before, but because of that

00:22:27,360 --> 00:22:33,440
transition from, I need your services to, oh, I need your services. You know what I'm saying?

00:22:33,440 --> 00:22:37,360
All of a sudden they're seeing it from a different perspective. And now they're looking into heaven

00:22:37,360 --> 00:22:41,680
in a way that they didn't know they could before. Beautiful. That's what God uses me to do.

00:22:41,680 --> 00:22:49,120
Beautiful. So talk to us a little bit about covenant glory and how this revelation has

00:22:49,120 --> 00:22:54,880
impacted your ministry. Well, it started with me when my whole life I read the Bible. I've been

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reading the Bible since I can remember, and I've always enjoyed reading and history always fascinated

00:23:01,520 --> 00:23:07,840
me. So I started out reading Samuel and Kings and Chronicles and I was like, wow, this is a lot of

00:23:07,840 --> 00:23:14,640
repeat. And then I realized it's timeline stories, but I've always enjoyed that. But I was reading in

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second Corinthians one time and I got down to that last verse where it said I'm transformed into what

00:23:20,720 --> 00:23:28,960
I look at. And I was like, hmm, because my whole life I'd been studying the Bible to preach.

00:23:28,960 --> 00:23:35,520
And I'm figuring out ways, not consciously, but just as you read, this will preach this way.

00:23:36,080 --> 00:23:41,200
And you immediately in your mind, you draw lines to other passages in the Bible that'll couple

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with this. So you can build a platform for a foundation for a message. And I didn't realize

00:23:47,600 --> 00:23:53,760
it at that time, but my entire life I'd only ever studied the Bible to preach, also known as studying

00:23:53,760 --> 00:24:00,720
the Bible to prove what I already know. And I'd never studied the Bible to live.

00:24:00,720 --> 00:24:03,680
Oh, wow. Come on, preach to us.

00:24:03,680 --> 00:24:10,000
It's kind of like politics in our nation. We have government officials that'll tell us what to do,

00:24:10,000 --> 00:24:14,400
and they pass laws for us to abide by. And then you find out they're violating those laws.

00:24:15,920 --> 00:24:20,560
But they have immunity or they're untouchable for whatever reason, they don't get called to account

00:24:20,560 --> 00:24:26,160
by the government. And they're violating the very laws that they're upholding. It really hurts me

00:24:26,160 --> 00:24:31,040
sometimes when I see a law enforcement officer driving 10 or 15 miles an hour faster than the

00:24:31,040 --> 00:24:37,360
posted speed limit, just because they can. No running lights, no blue lights, no red lights,

00:24:37,360 --> 00:24:42,320
no siren. They just drive faster than everybody. And they're supposed to be upholding the law.

00:24:42,320 --> 00:24:47,680
And so I've been griping about that a little bit, but the bottom line is this. I'm actually

00:24:47,680 --> 00:24:53,520
supposed to be upholding the law too. And I'm way more guilty of violating what I teach than what a

00:24:53,520 --> 00:24:58,400
law enforcement officer is. And God says, you need to leave them alone and just focus on James,

00:24:59,040 --> 00:25:04,720
because you are transformed into what you look at from glory to glory to glory. So if I'm only

00:25:04,720 --> 00:25:09,760
focused on what everybody else is doing that's wrong, then what I wind up doing is I become

00:25:09,760 --> 00:25:15,760
judgmental and biased. And I may very well judge somebody as something that they're not,

00:25:15,760 --> 00:25:20,480
and miss out on the very opportunity that God has set up for me to release him into their lives,

00:25:21,200 --> 00:25:26,240
because I'm upset about something that really don't matter. And that comes out of studying the

00:25:26,240 --> 00:25:31,760
Bible to prove what you know, rather than studying the Bible to live. And so I change that parameter

00:25:31,760 --> 00:25:39,120
in my life. And I begin to reread a lot of the stuff, including 2 Corinthians 3. So verse 18

00:25:39,120 --> 00:25:46,960
says that when I look in a mirror, I behold the Lord. And I got to thinking about that. I've never

00:25:46,960 --> 00:25:53,840
seen God when I looked in the mirror. I've seen my overweightness. I've seen my balding head. I see

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a lot of things. When I was younger, I looked for pimples. When I was really younger, I was looking

00:25:58,880 --> 00:26:04,240
for whiskers. I was wanting whiskers to come in so I could be a man. There's a lot of things I saw

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in the mirror, but you know what? I never really saw God. So I begin to ask the Lord, how do I see

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you when I look at me? And that's a tough question, because we don't really want to…it's like,

00:26:18,640 --> 00:26:23,920
what's your greatest strength? That's hard to answer sometimes, because you don't want to sound

00:26:23,920 --> 00:26:29,600
braggadocious. You know what I'm saying? But yeah, you don't want to say, well, I have no strengths.

00:26:29,600 --> 00:26:35,360
That's a lie. You know you're strong at some things. That's false humility, which is another

00:26:35,360 --> 00:26:42,080
subject for another time. So how do I see Jesus? So I look at it like this. If I can't see anything

00:26:42,080 --> 00:26:49,600
else when I look at me, what is the eternal gift of Jesus Christ? It's eternal life. I'm a Christian.

00:26:50,720 --> 00:26:57,760
I'm immortal. This old body is going to rot away, but me as a conscious individual, this old body is

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going to live forever with Him. And so if I can't do anything else but look at that when I look at

00:27:06,480 --> 00:27:14,160
me, if I consciously make that choice, then guess what? Every time I do that, that becomes stronger

00:27:14,160 --> 00:27:20,720
in me, because I'm being transformed into what I behold from glory to glory to glory. And then

00:27:20,720 --> 00:27:26,640
once you finally get over that realization that, you know what? I have eternal life, and this stuff

00:27:26,640 --> 00:27:31,520
out here really don't matter. It's just for a short time. It's what Paul said. These troubles are just

00:27:31,520 --> 00:27:38,960
for a spell. They're going to go away pretty quick. And then once you realize that, then you can begin

00:27:38,960 --> 00:27:45,200
to see into heaven a whole lot more for yourself. And you realize that, oh my gosh, when Jesus moved

00:27:45,200 --> 00:27:51,280
into my heart, He brought a bunch of stuff with Him. And the Holy Spirit comes in, He's got these

00:27:51,280 --> 00:27:56,720
nine gifts that Paul talked about. Well, guess what? He's got a lot more than nine. Paul just taught

00:27:56,720 --> 00:28:01,680
about nine of them. And so there's a lot more there. And so then I begin to be transformed into what

00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:07,920
He desires for me to be. And so I studied this glory out because I realized what Paul said there.

00:28:07,920 --> 00:28:14,000
He talked about the covenant that Moses walked in. And when he come down off the mount after being in

00:28:14,000 --> 00:28:18,720
the presence of God, he wore a veil over his face, because the people couldn't look at him.

00:28:18,720 --> 00:28:24,480
Yeah, it was too bright. But he said in the covenant that was fading, okay, so at that time,

00:28:24,480 --> 00:28:30,000
the greatest glory on the earth was in the garden when man had communion with God.

00:28:30,000 --> 00:28:34,160
Right. And everything was perfect. And then they ate themselves out of house and home.

00:28:34,640 --> 00:28:39,520
Literally. You know, I mean, that's exactly what happened. And they get booted from the garden.

00:28:39,520 --> 00:28:47,600
And that glory began to fade from that decision until the cross. Yes. And that covenant was over

00:28:47,600 --> 00:28:54,560
the day Jesus died. And a brand new covenant got established that day. And Paul said in that

00:28:54,560 --> 00:28:59,760
covenant that was fading, he had to wear a veil. So how much greater should the glory be in this

00:28:59,760 --> 00:29:05,920
covenant, in a covenant where the glory is ever increasing? So we should be looking around saying,

00:29:05,920 --> 00:29:12,080
where's all the shiny Christians? You know, not the polished bald heads, you know, but the shiny

00:29:12,080 --> 00:29:18,080
Christian, those walking in the glory of God. Okay. Well, James, I need more of a scripture for

00:29:18,080 --> 00:29:24,000
that because that seems like a lot of conjecture. Well, Habakkuk 2.14, it says that the knowledge of

00:29:24,000 --> 00:29:28,560
the glory of the Lord will cover the earth, the waters cover the sea. That's right. And I've been

00:29:28,560 --> 00:29:35,040
to the sea. It's pretty covered with water. You know what I'm saying? Nowhere where there's supposed

00:29:35,040 --> 00:29:40,720
to be sea is there not sea. I mean, it's all there. You know, and so I believe that God wants to

00:29:40,720 --> 00:29:47,520
release his glory in the earth. You know, my goal is to let Romans 12.2 as well, let my mind be

00:29:47,520 --> 00:29:54,960
transformed so I can look, okay, in that mirror of life and see the glory of God, the presence of God

00:29:54,960 --> 00:30:00,400
be transformed into that so I can then carry that glory into my part of the world. Wherever that's

00:30:00,400 --> 00:30:05,360
at, everybody that encounters me should be able to walk away from that and saying, you know what,

00:30:05,360 --> 00:30:11,440
either that guy's really weird or I just saw Jesus. You know, and I might've had to pull my

00:30:11,440 --> 00:30:16,080
britches up too if I was plumbing. You know what I'm saying? As you crawl around enough, you'll all

00:30:16,080 --> 00:30:21,040
be able to get exposed. But the best thing about that is when you're human to people is when they

00:30:21,040 --> 00:30:26,720
can see Jesus in you the most. You know, Jesus looked at Peter. He wasn't Peter yet. He was still

00:30:26,720 --> 00:30:32,960
Simon. And he says, who do you say that I am? Well, they aren't to Christ. Well, flesh and blood

00:30:32,960 --> 00:30:39,920
hasn't revealed this to you. That's a revelation. Okay. And the thing about that is this. What is

00:30:39,920 --> 00:30:45,680
that? What does that mean? Surround yourself with Christian activities. You may really believe

00:30:46,240 --> 00:30:51,680
because everybody's saying, well, he's God, he's Jesus, he's the savior of the world. But if you've

00:30:51,680 --> 00:30:59,360
not had that personal revelation, then you've not got to where Peter was on that day where Jesus said,

00:30:59,360 --> 00:31:04,640
flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my father, which is seven. So now thou art Peter,

00:31:04,640 --> 00:31:11,040
you're the rock and I'm Christ. And upon the knowledge of, you know who I am and I know you.

00:31:11,040 --> 00:31:17,680
Yes. Now I'm going to build my ecclesia, my church, my, you know, ecclesia, meaning governmental

00:31:17,680 --> 00:31:23,120
legislative body. So if the government's going to be on his shoulders and we're the body of Christ,

00:31:23,120 --> 00:31:30,240
then his government should be on us. So our job as releasing glory is actually governmental in nature.

00:31:30,240 --> 00:31:35,840
It's not just religious in nature, right? You know, and so that you have to shift from that.

00:31:35,840 --> 00:31:42,160
And you don't learn this by studying to preach. You learn this by living out what you teach,

00:31:42,160 --> 00:31:47,600
you know, and understanding that God didn't give me this revelation so I could go make people feel

00:31:47,600 --> 00:31:53,120
bad about their lives, you know, and about how bad they sin. He gives me this revelation so that I

00:31:53,120 --> 00:31:58,640
could actually be a better Christian, a better son, you know, and a bride, believe it or not,

00:31:58,640 --> 00:32:03,200
because he's coming back after a bride without spot or wrinkle. And I'm telling you, we need to

00:32:03,200 --> 00:32:10,000
have an irony mission in the church, you know, because it's the bride that's wrinkled. It's the

00:32:10,000 --> 00:32:15,040
bride that's wrinkled. You know, if it's my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves

00:32:15,040 --> 00:32:20,800
and pray and turn from their wicked ways, which says people that are in God can do wicked things.

00:32:20,800 --> 00:32:27,520
It's true. And we can do it and not feel bad about it if we're not careful. So I believe that he

00:32:27,520 --> 00:32:31,040
wants to release this glory. And I believe he wants me to have a good attitude about it.

00:32:31,040 --> 00:32:39,680
Yes, yes, absolutely. Wow. Beautiful. You know, I've just been meditating in a whole new way,

00:32:39,680 --> 00:32:46,720
the last few days about the bride and being his bride. And, you know, we have these moments of

00:32:47,600 --> 00:32:54,080
revelation and inner walk. Sometimes we're occupied with the revelation of God as our father

00:32:55,280 --> 00:33:01,920
and us as his children. And that the whole purpose of life is to grow us up into maturity

00:33:02,720 --> 00:33:08,720
and to be childlike, but not childish. You know, it's like all of a sudden, the Lord is coming

00:33:08,720 --> 00:33:16,560
and the Lord is just kind of awakening a new revelation about walking with him as his bride.

00:33:17,360 --> 00:33:23,840
And we see in 1 John where it talks about he that has this hope in himself will purify himself.

00:33:24,640 --> 00:33:31,200
As we have this hope, it's about submitting to the presence of God, submitting to the Holy Spirit,

00:33:31,200 --> 00:33:38,080
submitting into allowing him to work the fruit of his presence, the character traits

00:33:38,080 --> 00:33:43,680
of who Jesus is. You know, he was anointed with the Holy Spirit, and it was out of that anointing

00:33:43,680 --> 00:33:50,400
that he did all of his ministry. And we are Christians and Christ means anointed one.

00:33:50,400 --> 00:33:56,480
So we're to be walking in that same anointing that comes from his Holy Spirit. So it's that

00:33:56,480 --> 00:34:02,880
process of getting the wrinkles out and getting the spots out. And think about the love relationship.

00:34:02,880 --> 00:34:07,920
I've been working on a daily devotional out of the Song of Solomon, and I'm just getting started

00:34:07,920 --> 00:34:17,120
on it. But it's kind of opening my spirit up in a new way to his love and to his passion for us.

00:34:17,920 --> 00:34:22,640
The word beloved, you know, where it talks in Song of Solomon about I am my beloved,

00:34:22,640 --> 00:34:29,840
my beloved is mine. That comes from a root word that means to boil. And my grandmother used to do

00:34:29,840 --> 00:34:36,400
part of her laundry was washing my grandfather's hankies, his handkerchiefs, because he didn't use

00:34:36,400 --> 00:34:42,720
Kleenex. He's old school, you know, he had his handkerchiefs. And she would put a certain pot,

00:34:42,720 --> 00:34:49,280
it was just for that, on the stove. And she would boil those hankies with oxadol.

00:34:51,520 --> 00:34:58,800
And I'm just saying that there is a boiling that takes out spots, and it kills germs.

00:34:59,520 --> 00:35:06,240
And it makes your hankies nice and clean again. And I'm thinking about the boiling point of

00:35:06,240 --> 00:35:14,720
his love that is a passion for us, that is a passion to help us become bridal, and not just

00:35:15,440 --> 00:35:20,560
good cookie cutter Christians that are doing the stuff that we learned in Sunday school to do.

00:35:21,360 --> 00:35:28,640
But like you're talking about, letting the Word of God dwell in us richly, that will be life changing.

00:35:29,280 --> 00:35:34,960
Yeah, the Bible said he who finds a wife finds a good thing. Okay, and the same applies to husbands,

00:35:34,960 --> 00:35:40,720
okay? The problem is, most people before they get married live in boyfriend-girlfriend mentality.

00:35:42,000 --> 00:35:45,760
Right. Okay, literally, and I'm talking to all the people that are not married,

00:35:46,800 --> 00:35:53,360
begin to live like you're married. Okay, I'm not talking about having breaking a marital vow,

00:35:53,360 --> 00:35:58,480
I'm not talking about that kind of life, but begin to live as if you're already married,

00:35:58,480 --> 00:36:04,640
and be a wife as a course of life. Be a husband as a course of life, and then when you get married,

00:36:04,640 --> 00:36:10,240
you don't have to transition and figure out who you are now. Yeah. Okay, the same is true for the

00:36:10,240 --> 00:36:16,560
bride of Christ. Okay. Okay, we are the bride of Christ, we've not been to the marriage supper

00:36:16,560 --> 00:36:22,640
of the lamb yet, but yet many Christians are living like girlfriend mentality with Jesus Christ.

00:36:22,640 --> 00:36:27,120
Come on. Does that make sense? Come on. We're not ready to be the bride yet.

00:36:27,120 --> 00:36:33,120
Bride yet. And he's not marrying a girlfriend, he's marrying a wife, because he who finds a wife

00:36:33,120 --> 00:36:39,360
finds a good thing. And it's a complete different mentality than just living out here. You had 10

00:36:39,360 --> 00:36:46,320
virgins, five of them were living like a wife, five of them had a girlfriend mentality. We're

00:36:46,320 --> 00:36:50,720
all doing the right stuff, they were virgins, they kept themselves chaste, they were saving themselves

00:36:50,720 --> 00:36:56,880
for marriage, which you should. Okay, but five of them were living like girlfriends, five of them

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weren't ready. The other five were living like the wife already. And I think it's amazing,

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because one of the funniest things my dad ever told, and he said this in public, he's behind the

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pulpit when he said it. He said, I was praying the other day, and I was complaining to God about my

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wife. My mom, you know. He said this in church. Yeah. And he said, the Lord spoke to me and said,

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look, you're my bride, how frustrated you think I am. And so that was so funny, because my dad's

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not a humorist, you know what I'm saying? He's not funny. And not like that. And so he wasn't

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trying to tell a joke, he was really being serious. So how many times have we taken issues with our

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spouse to heaven? And if we really got quiet before the Lord, he was like, you know what?

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Did you do that for me? You know, heaven's hand, I'm having to have a lot of grace with you too,

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you know? And so maybe you should get the beam out of your own eye before you try to take the speck

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out of your spouse's. So live as if you're already married to Jesus. And you have access to things

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you don't have access to. Because see, a girlfriend is out running around when the groom comes around

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to be with the soon to be bride. She's over here doing her own thing. So the things that he gives

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this group that's been waiting for him, this group don't get. And so there's a relationship aspect,

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if you're living as a wife already, that you just get more, you know? And so there's more covenant,

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there's more glory. And plus, when he comes, you're ready to go. Yes. You know, and so it's an amazing

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thing to think about the glory of God and the bride ship, because it's all about covenant.

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Yes. You know, it's all about covenant. And I don't think we understand enough about covenant

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and blood and faithfulness and loyalty. And I think a lot of gang bangers in these big cities

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know more about loyalty and covenant than what we do, because there are a lot of them are willing

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to lay down their life for nothing because of the covenant that they have with these other really bad

00:39:04,800 --> 00:39:11,040
guys. But yet we have Christian believers that we fall out over what we ate on eating Sunday.

00:39:12,080 --> 00:39:19,200
Well, he brought Popeye's chicken, you know, and not KFC. And so now all of a sudden we've got to

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fallen out over a meal that don't even matter. And when we fight over whether the rapture is

00:39:27,600 --> 00:39:32,160
going to happen pre-emit or post, and people divide over this stuff over something that hasn't

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even happened yet. You know what I'm saying? Why would we let ourselves be drawn into that kind of

00:39:39,520 --> 00:39:44,960
nonsense when there's so much glory to be had? Yes. You know, and where you add on that mountain

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of God is your business. Maybe God called you to this mountain and you need to be there right there

00:39:49,440 --> 00:39:55,280
in that place. Maybe he called you to climb up the mountain and go higher. But man, be at that place

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and release the glory that you've been given, because everybody in your life needs to see that

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and it needs to see the faithfulness of God to man. And that's how they see it is by you showing

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that, hey, God's been faithful to me. Yes. You know, and displaying that in your life.

00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:17,840
So kingdom authority, kingdom covenant, walking through a place and realizing that authority is

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with you everywhere you go. You don't have to make it happen. Right. Yeah. I've never went out into a

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peach orchard and heard the trees groaning, trying to push out some peaches. You know what I'm saying?

00:40:30,080 --> 00:40:35,920
They just get in the presence of the sun every day and they soak in the rain when it comes

00:40:36,640 --> 00:40:44,320
and they yield to the caretaking provided to them and they bear fruit. Yes. And if we'll get in the

00:40:44,320 --> 00:40:52,720
presence of Jesus and let the sun shine in our lives, soak in the water of the word and let the

00:40:52,720 --> 00:40:59,600
caretaker prune us where we need to be pruned, we will be bountiful in production of the fruit of the

00:40:59,600 --> 00:41:06,000
spirit. And we don't have to struggle for it. We don't have to fight for it. I know sometimes those

00:41:06,000 --> 00:41:11,520
people that make us angry really push us, but at the same time, you do not have to struggle to bear

00:41:11,520 --> 00:41:16,720
fruit if you'll just stay in the presence of God. Amen. That's all you have to do. Absolutely true.

00:41:16,720 --> 00:41:23,680
Would you pray for our listeners? Yes. Yes, I will. Lord, I pray for every person that will hear

00:41:23,680 --> 00:41:29,200
this podcast. God, even those that don't, there's people that's going to be in the next room of

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somebody else listening to this on an earbud. Maybe they're sneaking around listening to it

00:41:33,520 --> 00:41:37,760
because they live in a house where there's unbelievers. Lord, you send your word and heal

00:41:37,760 --> 00:41:44,080
their disease. And so Lord, we just send your word to every home, every vehicle, every subway,

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every train car, every airplane, every motorcycle, every ship, whatever mode that people's ever

00:41:52,240 --> 00:41:57,680
bicycle, people's traveling, they're listening to this, they're walking to the park. Lord, let your

00:41:57,680 --> 00:42:04,080
glory emanate from that place. Lord, even as people tried to get in Peter's presence so the shadow

00:42:04,080 --> 00:42:08,880
would fall on them. Lord, as people listen to this, I pray your presence would be there and that their

00:42:08,880 --> 00:42:15,040
shadow would release what's overshadowing them. And so in Jesus' name, I just pray for victory to come.

00:42:15,040 --> 00:42:21,600
I pray for healing, divine healing to come in Jesus' name to every person that hears this. Lord,

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we call their bodies into alignment with the blueprint of heaven. Jesus drew their blueprint,

00:42:27,440 --> 00:42:32,000
their body, soul, and spirit and how they're all connected together. And in Jesus' name, we call

00:42:32,000 --> 00:42:38,080
blood disorders back into alignment with Jesus. Bone structure, muscle structure, the neural

00:42:38,080 --> 00:42:42,880
structure, the neurological patterns in the brain, those synapses that's supposed to be firing

00:42:42,880 --> 00:42:47,440
properly. In Jesus' name, it's a timing thing, it's a rhythm thing, it's a frequency thing,

00:42:47,440 --> 00:42:54,240
and we call our bodies, everyone that listens to this, back into alignment with heaven in Jesus'

00:42:54,240 --> 00:43:00,480
name. Yes, Father. Thank you, Lord. Amen. Beautiful. Amen. Thank you so much, James. We

00:43:00,480 --> 00:43:05,840
so appreciate you coming and sharing with us on this. Well, it's an honor to be with you guys.

00:43:05,840 --> 00:43:09,360
Thank you for sharing this place with me. It's an amazing honor to be here.

00:43:09,360 --> 00:43:39,120
Thank you. God bless you.

00:43:39,520 --> 00:43:43,200
You can also browse our web store for life-changing anointed books.

00:43:43,840 --> 00:43:48,000
Until next time, this is Sharon Buss. And I'm Philip Buss.

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God bless you with this overwhelming, loving presence.