(250) Answering Listener Questions with Dean Braxton (Part 1)

Our listeners have sent us many questions for our friend Dean Braxton, so he has joined the Busses to tackle a few with a Heavenly perspective. They discuss questions like:
- What are some ways you can serve each other in Heaven?
- Can someone who has been chosen by God go to hell?
- What is the most important thing in your relationship with God?
- Do you experience grief in Heaven if your loved ones choose not to come?
- Does God allow bad things to happen so He can be glorified?
Tune in to hear Dean’s unique insights on these topics and more from his experiences in Heaven!
EMAIL: feedback@globaloutpouring.org
WEBSITE: https://globaloutpouring.net
Upcoming Events:
Global Outpouring Convention 2025 Info – Registration coming soon!
Generation Awakening Youth and Young Adult Retreat 2025
School of the Supernatural – Translation by Faith 2025
Dean’s Links:
Previous Episodes with Dean Braxton:
(244) “The Love of God from Heaven’s Perspective” with Dean Braxton
(241) “Around the Throne” with Dean Braxton
(238) “Enhancing Worship into Expansion and Revival” with Dean Braxton
(237) “One of Heaven’s Best-Kept Secrets—The Joy of Serving”
(230) “Rest to Increase Your Authority”
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You're saying, God's going to send some people to hell, but they're never going to have a choice.
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You understand what I mean? No. Everybody on this planet is going to get the opportunity to choose God.
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Every person on the planet that has been in the past has had the opportunity to choose God.
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Our limited mind says, how can that be? He's God. He can do that. That's outside of our thinking.
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God promises in Joel 2, 28 to pour out His Spirit on all humanity.
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Welcome to global outpouring where we contend for that promised outpouring.
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We equip for that outpouring so that we may engage in that very outpouring.
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I'm Philip Bus and I'm Sharon Bus. Welcome to the podcast today. We're so glad that you're with us.
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We have with us our dear friend, Dean Braxton, and he's going to take some questions from our listeners
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so that we can go deeper into the understanding of how it is in heaven so we can have on earth as it is in heaven.
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Thank you so much for joining us today. We're really delighted that you're with us.
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And I know that this is going to be a really, really exciting time to get to hear the things that the Lord puts on Dean's heart
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to share with us in answer to the questions from our listeners.
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But before we get started, we want to encourage you, if you haven't already done so,
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that you go to our website globaloutpouring.net and that you make sure that you are on our email list
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so that we can stay in touch with you. And we'd love to hear back from you.
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If you want to give us some feedback, you can fill out the feedback form on that page, globaloutpouring.net,
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or you can send us an email feedback at globaloutpouring.org.
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And we want to remind you that Dean is going to be one of the speakers at our convention 2025,
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May 21st through 24th at the St. Louis Airport Marriott Hotel.
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And it's going to be a time of glory, a time of going deep into the things of God.
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You will find your tribe there. And I really want to encourage you to come and bring your family.
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It's going to be like a family camp, something for every age group.
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And it's going to be a time for growing in God and growing in relationships,
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building new relationships that will go on for eternity.
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So be there with us and you'll have an opportunity to do questions and answers with Dean Braxton
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at the convention. We'll have a wonderful time doing that as well as all the other glorious things,
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glorious worship, tremendous intercession. The word of God will be open to us in such a deep and
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wonderful way. I know that you'll be blessed. Well, our dear brother Dean, it's such a blessing to
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have you with us again today. Thank you, Sharon and Phil for having me.
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We are so excited about what God is doing and how he's recalibrating our thinking
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regarding heaven and regarding on earth as it is in heaven, because I'm convinced that
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Jesus said those words. He taught us those words in a prayer that we would pray your kingdom,
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come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And the fact that we are earthlings,
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you know, our bodies are made from this earth. There's some kind of a connection that God wants
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to do with heaven coming to earth. And when he's flowing in us for heaven to flow in us,
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the more we get heaven flowing in us, the more we're going to be some usefulness on the earth.
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Yes. So a few weeks ago, we received some feedback from one of our listeners. And she made a comment
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and she was telling us because, you know, I say frequently in our introduction, you know, we'd love
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to hear from you. Tell us what the Lord is doing in your heart. Tell us, tell us what what podcast
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have been a blessing to you. So she comes back with this and it gives me the idea to do this.
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Questions from listeners. So I'd like to start with hers. This is our friend Cheryl. And she says,
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of course, one of my favorites is hearing Dean Braxton. I just love hearing everything he shares.
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He was talking about in heaven, how everyone wanted to serve each other. So that was an episode we did
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a while back and we'll put a link to that in the show notes so that you can go back and find what
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that was. She says the example he used was to assist in worship. I wanted to ask him, what were
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some ways you could serve each other in heaven? I was trying to imagine that. Oh, so the question is
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what some ways you could serve each other in heaven? Yeah. Yeah. What does that look like to
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serve each other in heaven? I can tell you, Sharon and Phil, what it was for me because I was there
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and everything was serving everything. It was just serving good was the talk. So I don't know how to
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express that in the seriousness that it really is on the planet here. I think because of the fall,
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that's the only reason I could think of it, is we have a mindset of how do we get served.
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And so we're always looking at, did you do a good job? When I go to a restaurant and someone is
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serving me food, I'm literally judging their serving. The food could even be not that good,
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but if their serving is good, it makes a big difference even in that. But if you can have
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great food and bad service. And so we are always coming across on how are you serving me?
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And in heaven, it's the other way around. How am I serving you? So the mindset is I'm here,
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yes, I'm with the Father in Jesus, with the Holy Spirit residing on the inside of me.
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Everything is going great and getting greater every moment, moving from glory to glory.
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But how can I serve you? How can I make your, I don't know how to put it any other way,
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how can I make your stay even greater here? It would be the way to say it. Even though we know
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that Jesus Christ makes our state greater every moment we're there, the desire within me was how
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can I make your state greater? And I remember that when I was there, I was being served. When I first
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came into that realm, serving me was the priority of everything there that saw me.
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Wow. So how did they serve you? Did they just make you feel welcome?
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Well, first it was the welcome. Just serving me by the welcome. And as I say, they accepted me.
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And you got to remember, I said that one time and people look, oh, they accepted the bad things
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about you and the good thing. No, they accepted me with the fullness of Christ radiating out of me.
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Okay? So I didn't have any bad things to be accepted. You know? That all got left behind.
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That got all left behind. So that was one of the things. The other thing is they knew my desire
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was to see Jesus. And here we go. I know where Jesus is. So I'm moving in that direction where
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he is. And as I'm moving in that direction, the trees served me by parting out of the way.
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Wow. They get out of my way. The ground literally comes up and makes a path before me.
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It serves me in the sense of making a way for me to get to where Jesus is. The rush of creation
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around, the flowers, the grass, everything around me in that book, I Need You There,
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St. Nikim is a coloring storybook. It kind of gives you this vision or this view of what I
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experienced. And everything is saying, he's going to see the King. He's going to see the King.
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So they're all encouraging me by serving me, by encouraging me to keep on moving forward to go see
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the King. And they're excited. And I remembered how I was feeling at that moment. Okay? I was
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excited. I was excited because they were excited. And I was excited because I was going to see the
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King. So they were serving me with their excitement. Now, if you think about it when it's worship,
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how many times have you been in worship with people and they're singing and you look around
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and you see somebody really just worshiping and it excites you, whether you realize it or not,
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they just served you. They're excited of praising the Lord. It brings you to it. You even said this,
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remember when we did the worship seminar at your church, okay? And as we were doing it,
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we were talking about when one person moves up in their worship, everybody else moves up also.
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Remember that? How you said that to me. And I remember watching it. That's serving. You know,
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whether you realize it or not, you're serving because as you move up and you're praising the
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Lord, it makes others excited and they move up. That's serving. You're giving them a gift. And
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that's all that serving is, is giving them a gift. Okay? So that's one of the ways that I was being
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served there too, was when we had that worship around the throne of God, deep worship,
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consuming fire worship, whatever you want to call it. I can remember watching others. When that first
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group got up off their hands and knees and praise the Lord, I remember how excited I was at that
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moment, but that was serving me. They raise up the excitement on the inside of me in that moment.
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And we don't realize that, you know? So there were so many different ways that I was being served,
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but I was being served a hundred percent all the time. How do you describe a hundred percent of
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being served in a moment? The grass was serving me. The trees were serving me. The ground was
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serving me. The atmosphere was serving me. And then you talk about the different creations there
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that are animals. They were serving me. And then you got people that, you know, were redeemed. They
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were serving me. Everything around me was serving me. And yet, guess what? I was serving everything
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around me. I was giving back, you know, as they were giving, I was giving back. And it wasn't a,
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you give me, I give to you. No, I was going to give whether they gave or not. I was going to serve
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them. I remember I wanted to serve them so much. You know, one of the best ways that I served,
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I think, was I smiled. I just smiled. If you think about it, smile gives joy.
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Yes, it does. It brings joy to people. They even say, I remember when I worked for the government,
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and they would tell us that when you're talking on the phone, smile, because they can sense your
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smile when you're talking on the phone. That's very true.
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And it diffused a ton of issues. People would call up, they're upset, they're mad and everything,
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and you're smiling. And after a while, they're calming down and you're not even in front of them.
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But what would you do? And you were serving them, you know, as they say, serving with a smile.
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It goes a long way. So I'm in my head right now, just picturing that movement toward the throne of
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God, and how I was moving through the forest, as you went up in the trees, and how everything was
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just looking at me and just smiling, you know, and some people say, did they have a face? Did
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they have this? I can't describe, but I knew they were smiling at me. You know?
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I love it.
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They were so happy I was there, and he was serving in his self. And I know it sounds simple,
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and people think always, okay, there's got to be some kind of movement, like I gave you something,
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I did this to you, I did that. No, just your presence will serve somebody. You know? Have you
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ever, I just thought about that, and you probably, you ever gone to an event and they're just glad
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you showed up? And that served them. It literally brought joy because you, our grandchildren,
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think about that. You go to a grandchild's event. You know what I mean? And when you're there,
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and they're glad you served them by being there.
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That helps to clarify this. So when you're thinking thought to thought, and you're asking each other,
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how can I serve you? Do you ever get an answer back as to, do you reply and say, you know,
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I'd really like for you to do something? Does that happen?
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You know, the closest I could come to that was when I came up on this one creation,
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a being, redeemed person, and they were, I wouldn't say a garden, but it's not, they were
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dealing with the plants there in heaven. Okay? And in heaven, you're going to serve the plants.
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You know, we say rule and reign, and rule and reign is really serving good, to be honest with
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you. And if you think about any king, we just had the president, you know, they're really putting
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those offices to serve the people. Okay? Not all of them do it. They look at serving them,
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but in reality, they're really put there to serve the people.
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And so, in the sense of heaven, you're going to be given tasks to do, and they're going to be good
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tasks. They're going to be joyful tasks. And in doing those tasks, I may come along and say,
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how can I serve you? And you may say, well, my task, your gift there will add this to my task.
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Oh, okay. And so, whatever your gift is that God has given you to be able to have there in heaven,
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gifts, I should say, not just gifts, but gifts with an S on it, okay? You're going to be able
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to partner with somebody there to better make it even greater for what they're doing, you know?
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And there's no lack there. So, it's hard to explain that. It's already great. But then you're
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going to make it greater, which makes it seem like there's something not as great. But no,
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it's not that way. I can't even explain it. It's not that great. It's not that great.
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I can't even explain it. There's no deficits. It's just moving forward.
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Right. But you're enhancing.
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You're enhancing. And even enhancing, the word means there's something needs to be. No,
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it's just that that's the way God has it, you know? And I can remember this one creation of God,
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this person, and they were in the trees, they're in the garden, and they were serving in that area.
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And I remember coming up to them and saying, how can I serve you? You know what I mean? As we were
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greeting. And the person said, well, you could stand here under this tree and help this tree
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move in this direction. So, I did.
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That's what I did. And did the tree need help? I don't know. All I know is that was serving.
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And I just remember moving with those trees, I'm moving with that tree, which was moving with a
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bunch of trees in a certain direction. And when we hit where we're supposed to be, I went on.
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And it was just that way. Now, that's the first time I told that story.
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Oh, wow.
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So, people that are listening to this, you know, they're going to say, wow. And I would say,
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yeah, that's the first time I told that story. Because everything's alive. There's nothing dead.
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And I always tell, bring up the scriptures and the MI and the ninth chapter and, you know,
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all that type of stuff. But the reality of it is, is that's what I was doing. And the person
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did thank me. And I say thank you, thank you, but it's hard to describe the way that they thank you.
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You know how sometimes you see in the Asian culture, they bow?
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That's what mostly the thank yous came across as like bowing.
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Oh, okay. You know what I mean? And so, and you took that to heart. I can remember always,
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I felt great when someone bowed and I took it to heart. You know what I mean? And they weren't
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bowing to worship me like we would do the Father Jesus with the Holy Spirit. But they were bowing
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in me in the sense of respect or honor. Maybe honor is a good way of saying it, you know?
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Yeah. And I just felt good. And I went on to the next, I was moving because I was believing at that
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moment I was staying in heaven. So, I wasn't trying to rush around and get everything done
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so I can go back to the planet. But those were some of the ways that I was being served there.
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But it was 100% all the time that people were serving, I shouldn't say people, all creation
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was serving me. And yet I was also serving 100%. Yes. Wow. I hope that answered the question.
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I think that was very good. Very good for an answer.
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Well, and we do it here on the planet quite a bit, but we don't realize we're doing it,
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you know? And sometimes it's just second nature that we're doing it. And we don't realize we did
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it, you know, that we're serving somebody. But God counts every moment of servitude as golden.
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And so let's say me and Philip are working on a vehicle because I know Philip works on vehicles.
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And I just pick up a screwdriver, you know, or pliers and I hand it to him. For him it's no big
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deal, okay. But in God's eyes, that's huge. Serving good is huge. We take as miners things,
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it's huge in God because serving good is the tops. Amen.
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When we went to Japan, I remember our pastor, we went onto the church and sent a taxi cab,
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to pick us up. And the taxi comes, backs in, the doors open automatically, the rear doors.
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The taxi driver gets out dressed in a beautiful white uniform, white hat,
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gloves, white gloves, and bows, you know? And you get into the taxi and the whole taxi was
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immaculate on the inside. It's just like, wow, that was very impressionable. That was his service
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because that's what his job is. It's just, you know, the Japanese culture is very
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honoring. We saw that in many ways. Yeah, yeah, that was tremendous.
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Wow. Well, like I said, we do a lot of it on the planet. We just don't recognize it sometimes.
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But the good thing about it is there, there's nothing negative. And so what happens is we don't
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have something to say, oh, we're doing a better job here because we're serving here. There's nothing
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to compare it with. We're just doing it, you know, that type of thing.
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Yeah. Okay.
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I want to go on to another one of our listeners, Anir. He's asking, if God chose us, can we go to
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hell? Can we go there? You know, he chose us, but I always tell people when I was there, I came to
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understand how important choice is. You still have a choice there. You know, I always thought, well,
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when you get there, really, you wouldn't have that much of a choice, but you still do. The thing is
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that we don't have a choice to do evil because no longer evil exists. You know, and most people
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don't realize that here on the planet, because we have evil, the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
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we don't know what it would be like to not have it. So the choices that you'll make there will be
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your choices, but they will all be all the right choices. You know, I know how people want to be
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right all the time. Well, you will be right all the time. You understand? So in saying that to you,
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there's still that choice to choose whether you will be with Jesus or not. He will never ever take
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that away from you. And yes, he's chosen you. You know, I've chosen my kids to do a lot of things
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that I would like them to do, but they still have a choice to do what they want to do. And there's
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consequences for their choices. One of the consequences for not choosing Jesus is the choice
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of not being with him forever, which is meaning that you be in damnation or in hell, you know what
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I mean? On the lake of fire. You know, that is a choice that people make. And I know some of you
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think, well, some people don't know. So you're selling God short. I have to stop there. There's
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almost an anger gets up on the inside of me of how can you sell God short, that he's not going to
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reach everybody on the planet that gives them the choice? You know, it's like you're saying God's
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going to send some people to hell, but they're never going to have a choice. You understand what
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I mean? No, everybody on this planet is going to get the opportunity to choose God. Every person
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on the planet that has been in the past has had the opportunity to choose God. Our limited mind
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says, how can that be? He's God. He can do that. That's outside of our thinking. You know, no
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testimony, my friend, Sion, that you guys met and I talked about, you know, he came to know Jesus
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Christ as Lord and Savior when he was a Muslim. You know, that's what he was, a Muslim. But God
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showed up in his life to give him the choice. Now he could have chose to still be a Muslim. Do you
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understand what I mean? And not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. And then I would say,
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receive the consequences for that choice, which would have been being separated from Jesus. I say
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that first, which means going to hell. Okay? And then into the lake of fire, the Bible calls it
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damnation. All right? I'll put it that way. But the reality of it is, God still showed up in his
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life. Everybody that we come in contact with, God has revealed himself to that person sooner or
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later. Now they have a choice whether they're going to follow God or not. You know, even when we read
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in the Bible, when Paul said in Greece, remember, he said, I got a God here that I'm talking about.
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It's this unknown God that you guys know about. Right. Right. You know, he's the real God. Do
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you understand what I mean? And so you kind of think God's showing up everywhere, any place,
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all the time, you know, because he has chosen us. He just wants us to choose him. Yes. And he's
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given us that opportunity. And people are going to have that mindset, I want to be God, because
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that's the separating mindset that keeps people separated from God. And even when they come up with
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their own gods, you know, they're talking about, they came with that God. They put that God into
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place. You know what I mean? Because they want to be able to define God. So they had to create a
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God so they could define God. Wow. That's amazing. Yeah. Which most of us don't realize then they're
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become their God or God, because then they're telling that God what he can do and he can't do.
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Control over their own God, right? That's a funny one.
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Oh, I got to do this because this God said, but how do you know that? Because the God, this God,
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we got history on that, you know? And then what the ultimate was with the Caesars, you know,
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with the Pharaohs, all of a sudden they became God. That's right. That's right. And so I'm just
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saying, you know, but God, our God, he is giving everybody on the planet, I don't care where they
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are, I was there. I looked into his eyes. I saw it. He wants us so bad, but he loves us so much that
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choice is the ultimate. To me, it is the foundation for love. Choice is. And most of us don't realize
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how that choice is the foundation of love. You want to say you love somebody, give them a choice.
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Wow. Yeah. There was a saying back in the seventies, if you love something, let it go. And if it comes
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back to you, it was yours to begin with. And if it doesn't, it wasn't. It's something along those lines.
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I think that's kind of the idea that you're saying that the choice of, okay, I'm going to let you go.
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Let's see how much you really love. Sharon, can you elaborate a little? I was looking at that question
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and the person writing it was giving a little history of what they're dealing with.
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At the time that this person wrote to us, he was really dealing with a terrible struggle against the
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enemy. And he just wrote today, I think it was, or recently that he's found a good church fellowship
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and he's doing much better. Okay. I didn't know that. He was under terrible torment at the time that he
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was writing that. But he also asked this, what is most important in our relationship with God?
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Jesus told us that. To love the Lord well, your heart, mind and soul. That's what he said.
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But in doing that, I remember leaving my body and going to be with the Father of Jesus.
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And from an earthly point of view, I thought it was one way. But when I got to heaven, I found out it was a whole
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different way. And the struggle I had was I put a lot of energy into it. But when I got to heaven, I just had to
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rest in him, relax in him. And it probably comes down to one word that I brought back and he said to me over
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and over, trust me. That's good. Because I know when you trust him, you got to give all those other things
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up to trust you. That's true. And I say it in such a way that I know he loves me so much that I can trust
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him. You know what I mean? And in doing that, I'm showing him I love him.
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And in showing that you love him, you're serving him.
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That's right. That's right. And saying that to you, that would be Jesus has told us what to do in that.
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But it's really coming down, trust me. And I know that's hard for a lot of people on the planet to trust the
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Lord, to trust him. And especially when we don't think he's done it our way. And again, that's us serving our
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authority over him. I don't understand everything. I just went through a situation recently in the
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scripture that came to me, all things work together for good to them. They love God to them, that are called
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according to his purpose. And my earthly mind wants to say, how can this work out for good? Well, the only
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way it can work out for good is I trust him.
00:27:18,360 --> 00:27:22,360
That's right. Trust. That's the bottom line.
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Trust and obey. There's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. Amen. In the old song?
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Yes, I remember that old song. Wow, that's good. Thank you.
00:27:33,360 --> 00:27:42,360
Daniel wrote to us and said, did Dean see King David's sons, Absalom, Amnon, or Adonijah in heaven?
00:27:42,360 --> 00:27:43,360
Oh, wow.
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And then there's an additional question that goes with it. If not, wouldn't that cause David grief as it did to him on the planet?
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Number one is that they're there. I can tell you that right now.
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Oh, thank you, Jesus.
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People don't realize repentance is between God and them. And sometimes we may not see the repentance when we think it's taking place.
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You'd be surprised how many people repent right at the last moment.
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But they're there. And so I want to deal with this grief part. When you're there, you don't have grief.
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On the planet, for me to say it even bothers me because here I have grief.
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Not to see my son or my daughter or any of my family members there would bring me great grief on the planet.
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But in heaven, I don't have the grief. And that's sadder than anything to me because when I get there,
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that which I would have had here on the planet for them, do you understand what I mean? Will not exist there.
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Yeah. OK. And so the grief will be there. So it doesn't exist.
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I can't tell you. I won't even go back and say, oh, I remember on the planet I would have grieved over this. It does not exist.
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Wow. You wouldn't even think that way. You wouldn't think that way.
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You wouldn't think of it to think that way, would you? You wouldn't even think of it to think that way. You're right.
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And so that I don't like you talking about that because I want everybody there.
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I want everybody to be there. I want every family member of everybody, family to be there.
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There's not a person on the planet that I don't want to be there. I know the cruelest person on the planet.
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You know, God will forgive them. And we won't think about it there in heaven.
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It won't even be there. And there's some people that have done some cruel things. But he died on that cross for all of that.
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That's what he died for. And so I can't take that away from him.
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You know, I can't go and say, God, I'm going to take this away. Or Jesus, I'm going to take this away.
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You died on the cross, but I'll take it away. And these people ain't going to go.
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I know there's people on the planet that people don't like that because they hurt us and it hurts bad.
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But the reality of it is I'm not the one that died on that cross for all that. He did.
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You know, and there's people that have done horrific things. You know, when I worked in the juvenile justice system, I would read the reports.
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And I didn't know human beings could be as cruel as they could be. You know, but they can be.
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And I have to say, I believe some of them probably were demonic. Yes. But I do know this.
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And if they would ask Jesus to forgive him, he would because he died on that cross for all of that. Sure.
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And we don't know how desperately harmed they were as children. Yeah.
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You know, that would cause them to have that kind of entrance to a devil.
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Yeah. Most of them, when you read their stories, at least from a lot of them, I shouldn't say most of them, but a lot of them.
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And you read their family's history and then you find the parents were just as abused, if not worse than what the child was.
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You know, so I don't want to use that as an excuse, you know, because evil is evil. Right.
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But the reality of it, Jesus died for all of that. Right. And if they are even at the last minute asked Jesus to forgive him, he's going to forgive him.
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Yes. And I'm dealing with a mom that had to hold her son.
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I'm praying her through this because that's the best thing you could do. A few months ago, she held her son as he was shot in front of her yard.
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And he died within her arms. Do you understand what I mean? And she's going through all the things of what could I have done?
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Could I come out here sooner? Could I have done this? All this stuff. And he was like 18, 19 years old.
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So he wasn't that old of a guy and he had a good reputation and everything like that.
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And for her, you know, I know she would want the guy that killed her son to burn in hell forever.
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You understand what I mean? Because it's a great pain. You know, even though her son is with Jesus, he's with Jesus.
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You know what I mean? But still for her, it was a painful situation.
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But the reality of it is Jesus died for the guy that shot the guy.
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And so if that guy repents and asks God to forgive him and accept him as Lord and Savior, he's going to be in heaven.
00:32:21,360 --> 00:32:24,360
Yeah. Yeah, that's true.
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I am going to be honest with you. I'll be glad when everything is gone on this planet that's evil and we're all with the Father Jesus forever.
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So we won't even think about these things. Yes.
00:32:37,360 --> 00:32:44,360
Hallelujah. And we'll look at people that are there in heaven and we won't have to worry about their background.
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You know what I mean? Or what they were like. Yeah.
00:32:49,360 --> 00:32:56,360
I am looking forward to that more than most people. I just want to make sure I get as many people on the planet there as possible.
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That's my goal. Amen. Amen.
00:32:58,360 --> 00:33:07,360
So that's what I want to do is get as many people to know Jesus as possible so that we can enjoy that. The Father wants them there.
00:33:07,360 --> 00:33:11,360
Sure. Beautiful. Well, I've got another question.
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This one comes from Linda and she's quoting John 9, 2 through 5, where it says, And his disciples asked him, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?
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Jesus answered, It was neither that this man sinned nor his parents, but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
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We must work the works of him who sent me as long as it is day. Night is coming when no one can work. While I'm in the world, I am the light of the world.
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And then the question is, people have a tendency to read this verse and think that God caused the blindness so that he could glorify himself.
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But we know that God does not cause sickness. So can you explain what Jesus was saying from his point of view?
00:33:56,360 --> 00:34:06,360
I can explain in the sense of what I experienced with the Father of Jesus in heaven. And in backing up, there's no sickness in heaven. No one's sick.
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There's no loss of anything. You know what I mean? I always tell people you're more alive there than you're here on the planet, no matter how healthy you are.
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You're just more alive there. So God can't give something he doesn't have to give. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,
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that will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So there's no sickness in heaven to be able to give to on the earth.
00:34:32,360 --> 00:34:47,360
OK, we go back to just the biblical understanding, Adam's sin and the third chapter of Genesis that in sin, which is deterioration that caused all the issues we have on this planet that are bad.
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We live in that. OK, we can be protected by following the will of the Lord in our lives, you know, but the reality of it is we live in that.
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So bad things are going to happen to people. You know, I think, Sharon, to be honest with you, I think there would be more bad things that happen to me because of some of the places I go.
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I get into some places because of the story, you know what I mean? And what I mean by that place is that you you wouldn't think I would be able to get into.
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And I know that makes the enemy of God not happy, which is Satan, the devil, because I'm disturbing his his plan, you know, and he doesn't like that.
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And yet, then the answer, which I have very little repercussions. And you would say, why?
00:35:36,360 --> 00:35:46,360
I really believe because I have people praying for me. Yes. And I have enough people praying for me in the sense of they're praying over me that I feel like I'm protected in a bubbles.
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A lot of times doesn't mean I don't have things that that don't go wrong in my life, but I know it'd be a lot worse if I didn't have that bubble.
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That's why I say to many people that are doing the will of God, you got to have more people praying for you.
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You know, and I say it's part of the armor of God out of Ephesians, the sixth chapter, when Paul says in the 18th and 19th verse, he said two things that I think are very prominent that I really got when I came back here on the planet.
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But I experienced there with the father and Jesus in heaven. And that is after we talk about putting on the full armor of God, he says in the 18th verse that he's going to pray for people.
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I believe praying for people is part of the armor and said he says did pray for me. You know what I mean? And you can read that in other parts.
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He says pray for me that I will be able to go out and share these things with other people.
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And I believe that is why when I go out and minister in many places that I got a bubble around me and it's like I protect it.
00:36:52,360 --> 00:37:04,360
You know, I think the first time I really realized this protection was in South Carolina, ministering at a church that never had an African American or a black person ministering.
00:37:04,360 --> 00:37:12,360
You know, I may have told you the story once before and the place was very racist and very prejudiced. You understand what I mean?
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And yet God protected me there and moved in my life to impact the people in that area. And so I knew it was here. I felt it.
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But I really believe it's because of that protection of prayer around me.
00:37:26,360 --> 00:37:40,360
So I say that because there are things in this world, not just stating me a God, but things in this world that are put in place that are for deterioration, for falling apart, for things not completing the will of God.
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You know, it's like a disease or a virus in a computer. You know what I mean?
00:37:46,360 --> 00:37:53,360
You get in that computer and the virus comes in there and it's going against what the computer was created for.
00:37:53,360 --> 00:38:04,360
Think about that. You know? And there are things on this planet that were put into motion because of what Adam did that go against for what we were created for.
00:38:04,360 --> 00:38:15,360
Right. So I say that to that person there that think about that. Yeah, Jesus doesn't cause it. He's not there. And we're to go against it.
00:38:15,360 --> 00:38:22,360
Right. I mean, I can't understand. I can't give you all the details of the nuances. Why and where and all that stuff.
00:38:22,360 --> 00:38:37,360
But I can tell you, I remember, I think I told you this, Sharon and Phil, when I first came back, I wouldn't pray for anybody that was dying or sick that I knew was a Christian and could go to be with the Father in Jesus in heaven.
00:38:37,360 --> 00:38:40,360
You want him to go there as quick as possible.
00:38:40,360 --> 00:38:42,360
This is too good of a thing.
00:38:42,360 --> 00:38:49,360
I'm thinking, yeah, I'm thinking to myself, why would I stop them from going to be with the Father in Jesus, you know?
00:38:49,360 --> 00:38:58,360
And knowing this, that sickness or that pain or it's going to be over with. It's just for the moment on the planet.
00:38:58,360 --> 00:39:07,360
Do you understand me? I came back then you can go through that because when you get over there, you ain't going to have no more pain and no more sickness and all this stuff.
00:39:07,360 --> 00:39:16,360
I knew that. And I remember people come up to me and say, D, can you pray for so-and-so? And I half-heartedly would put into it.
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Do you understand me? I would put my whole heart into praying because I'm thinking, if they leave, it's better that they go than they stay here on this planet.
00:39:25,360 --> 00:39:32,360
But I wouldn't tell the people that asked me to pray now until the Lord said something to me.
00:39:32,360 --> 00:39:38,360
He said, you always pray for healing. I'm the only one that knows when it's their time to go.
00:39:38,360 --> 00:39:42,360
Oh, there you go. That's the word of the Lord.
00:39:42,360 --> 00:39:48,360
That's what he said to me. So from that moment on, I knew my responsibility is to go against it.
00:39:48,360 --> 00:39:54,360
To go against every bit of it on the planet. You know, does the outcome come always like I would like it?
00:39:54,360 --> 00:39:59,360
No. But I can tell you, I know what might. I get up, I'd still go against it.
00:39:59,360 --> 00:40:08,360
And there's been many people that I probably through the prayers that me and others have prayed that their lives have been prolonged on the planet.
00:40:08,360 --> 00:40:15,360
Do you understand what I mean? I would think, well, you got a job to do. So, you know, you're going to have to finish your job.
00:40:15,360 --> 00:40:23,360
All this stuff is deteriorating all the time. I mean, put a plant out in the desert with no water. What's going to happen?
00:40:23,360 --> 00:40:29,360
And did the plant sin? No. You know, it's just in that environment.
00:40:29,360 --> 00:40:34,360
Well, there you go. And the fact that the healing comes is for the glory of God.
00:40:34,360 --> 00:40:40,360
That's right. It doesn't have anything to do with a person's sin. Now that helps to sort that out.
00:40:40,360 --> 00:40:49,360
Well, Jesus said, he said something that I think we are also given the same mandate. He said he came to destroy the works of the devil.
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That's right. That's what he said we came to do, destroy the works of the devil.
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I remember before this happened to me, I was in the healing ministry. That's what I did.
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You know, I believed in healing and me and my wife, we pray for a lot of people. We saw lots and lots of people get healed.
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Lots of people get healed. And a friend of ours, Ruben, Howard Ruben, I'll never forget the guy, great person in my life,
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went into the hospital for an operation and ended up getting septic. The same thing that killed me.
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And he suffered for about two weeks. And I remember going into the hospital and laying hands on him and praying for him.
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And he seemed to get better every time I prayed, every single time I got prayed.
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But I remember the last time I went in the hospital to pray for him, he looked at me, he said, no more, stop, no more.
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That's what he said to me. I left that place crying like a baby because I loved the man a whole lot.
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But I also knew that maybe someone would say it was wrong of me, but I didn't go back. And he left the planet within the next two weeks.
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You know what I mean? He just, he looked at me, said, stop, no more. He was ready to go home.
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Ready to go home.
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Did he go home early? Probably did. I'm not going to say he did. And one of my first visions, after that, I was in my garden working on it.
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And I was thinking about Howard, maybe a week later, and I heard him from heaven saying this to me.
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I got to see him when I got there myself, to be honest with you. He came to greet me in.
00:42:28,360 --> 00:42:29,360
Oh, wow.
00:42:29,360 --> 00:42:37,360
This is before the day. I heard him say, man, you should see it up here. It is great.
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So that was before you went there.
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Definitely before I left the planet. And I remember looking up and just getting this. He said, man, you got to see this.
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00:42:49,360 --> 00:42:54,360
And I heard that. And I remember sharing it with his wife and then sharing it with his children.
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And this is before I left the planet, you know, or, you know, died myself and went to be with the Father Jesus in heaven.
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And then when I got there, guess who came to greet me in?
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Do you think Howard had any influence in helping you get there?
00:43:09,360 --> 00:43:11,360
I don't, I don't think so.
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He might have been serving you.
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Yeah, I think it was all Jesus, but he was glad to see me. He had a big smile on his face.
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He did give me a message for his wife, you know, that I never got to deliver it.
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She did not want to hear it. And so I never got to deliver it to her.
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But he did to give a message. But the bottom line is we're to always pray for people to be healed.
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I will not not pray for people to be healed.
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And if it happens today and I meet a Howard that says, don't come around, I'm still going to pray for people to be healed, the person to be healed.
00:43:44,360 --> 00:43:45,360
00:43:45,360 --> 00:43:47,360
You know, I'm not going to stop.
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You know, beautiful.
00:43:48,360 --> 00:43:54,360
What are they going to do? Get mad at me because they got healed?
00:43:54,360 --> 00:43:59,360
Yeah, I remember when we prayed Sister Gwen back from the gates of heaven.
00:43:59,360 --> 00:44:00,360
Yeah, yeah.
00:44:00,360 --> 00:44:03,360
And she came back and she said, don't you ever do that again?
00:44:03,360 --> 00:44:08,360
Oh, yeah. But that's different than. Yeah, she was ready to die.
00:44:08,360 --> 00:44:12,360
Most people that have that experience don't want to come back here.
00:44:12,360 --> 00:44:13,360
00:44:13,360 --> 00:44:17,360
Now, the ones that go to hell, they want to go ahead.
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Yeah. And I think that's that's maybe the more important thing when when we have the opportunity to pray for people to be raised from the dead.
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I think those are the ones we need to be raising so that they can have that on the planet.
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They get they get another chance. I remember this one guy, he was telling me his heavenly story of one, not heavenly story, hailey story, because he wasn't born again.
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And he was in the operating room and he remembered falling off the table.
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And and he said, I fell off the table and I just went down, down, down, down, down. Now, physically, he didn't fall off the table.
00:44:50,360 --> 00:44:52,360
It was the spirit. Right.
00:44:52,360 --> 00:44:59,360
He said he was going down and all of a sudden he looked up and as he's in this dark area, things are pulling down.
00:44:59,360 --> 00:45:03,360
This hand came through and grabbed him and pushed, pulled him back up and put him on the table.
00:45:03,360 --> 00:45:07,360
Wow. And what it was, was his mom was praying for him.
00:45:07,360 --> 00:45:10,360
I've heard stories like that.
00:45:10,360 --> 00:45:13,360
And he said, you know, he gave his life to the Lord after that.
00:45:13,360 --> 00:45:18,360
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely.
00:45:18,360 --> 00:45:24,360
Well, we have some more questions, but I think it would be good for us to save those for another episode.
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And if you'd just like to close with prayer right now, praying for our listeners, and we'll have another session with some more questions another time.
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Well, Father, thank you for this time that we can have together.
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You know, you say, but two or three of us are gathered here in our midst.
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And even though this is electronic, you know, in the sense we're sharing and feel is and where I am,
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the reality of it is that you're still in our midst.
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Distance is not going to stop you being in our midst.
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So, Father, I thank you for being in our midst.
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And because you are in our midst, Lord, I thank you for what you've done on this show to be able to reach people.
00:46:01,360 --> 00:46:03,360
Oh, yes, Lord, for your kingdom.
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I thank you, Lord, that people have been encouraged.
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I thank you people are being uplifted.
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And I thank you, Lord, people have been getting excited to share their faith, their belief in you with others
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so that others can come to know you as Lord and Savior.
00:46:17,360 --> 00:46:23,360
Many questions today that were asked, Lord, were questions that people have within their heart.
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And I thank you that you answered them from your heart.
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So, Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you right now that their lives are being changed.
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I thank you that healing has taken place physically in their bodies.
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I thank you, Lord, that their emotions are being, yes, Lord, and coming into that area where we can have self-control.
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You know, the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit has, they have the fruit of the Spirit, so they have self-control.
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And I thank you, Lord, that they will be a light in their families, a light on top of the hill, so that their families will be drawn to you.
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I thank you, Lord, that they have more hope right now that you will move inside of their families than they have ever had in a long time.
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I thank you in the name of Jesus right now that those that don't know you, that are listening to this, they don't even know why they're listening.
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I can tell you why they're listening.
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You're listening because Jesus Christ loves you and He has chosen you.
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He just wants you to choose Him.
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So if you could just confess your sins, just say, Father, I've done wrong.
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I messed up.
00:47:27,360 --> 00:47:32,360
I did do the things that I should do according to how you want them to be done.
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Will you forgive me and ask Him just to forgive you?
00:47:35,360 --> 00:47:36,360
He will forgive you.
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And then ask Him to come into your life.
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Ask Jesus Christ to come into your life and be Lord of your life.
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And listen, there will be a change, not because I said it, because He has already done it.
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So I thank you in the name of Jesus that this is a commitment that you will be making.
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Yes, right now, right now, make that commitment and watch how your lives will change.
00:48:02,360 --> 00:48:04,360
In Jesus' name, amen.
00:48:04,360 --> 00:48:18,360
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Until next time, this is Sharon Buss.
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And I'm Philip Buss.
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God bless you with this overwhelming, loving presence.