(255) Answering Listener Questions with Dean Braxton (Part 2)

Dean Braxton, our dear friend who spent 1 hour and 45 minutes in Heaven, joins the Busses again to answer some more questions from our listeners from a Heavenly perspective.
They discuss questions like:
- “Mansions” in Heaven? What does that really mean?
- What form does Jesus take in Heaven?
- How different did it feel being outside of time, and then being back in time?
- Is space and distance limitless in eternity?
- If someone goes to Heaven early, what about the things they left undone?
Tune in to hear Dean’s unique insights on these topics and more from his experiences in Heaven!
EMAIL: feedback@globaloutpouring.org
WEBSITE: https://globaloutpouring.net
Upcoming Events:
Global Outpouring Convention 2025 Info and Registration
Generation Awakening Youth and Young Adult Retreat 2025
School of the Supernatural – Translation by Faith 2025
Dean’s Links:
Previous Episodes with Dean Braxton:
(250) Answering Listener Questions with Dean Braxton (Part 1)
(241) “Around the Throne” with Dean Braxton
(238) “Enhancing Worship into Expansion and Revival” with Dean Braxton
(237) “One of Heaven’s Best-Kept Secrets—The Joy of Serving”
(230) “Rest to Increase Your Authority”
(210) “We Don’t Celebrate Jesus Enough”
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this is going to be a short lived time on the planet. The Bible says it's like a vapor.
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Vapor, yeah.
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So we need to at least do what we can do in this short period of time
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so that others could come to know Jesus, so that we're all together in eternity together, forever.
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God promises in Joel 2.28 to pour out his Spirit on all humanity. Welcome to Global Outpouring.
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Are we content for that promise outpouring? We equip for that outpouring so that we may
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engage in that very outpouring. I'm Philip Buss.
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And I'm Sharon Buss. Welcome to the podcast today. We have with us again
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our dear friend Dean Braxton, and he's going to answer some more questions from our listeners
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so that we can learn how it is in heaven so we can practice it here on earth.
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Thank you so much for joining us today. It is such a delight to have you with us.
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We just want to encourage you, if you haven't already done so, that you go to our website,
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globaloutpouring.net, and that you make sure that you're on our email list so that we can
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stay in contact with you. And we always love to hear from you. We really appreciate it when
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you give us feedback. You can send an email, feedback at globaloutpouring.org, or you can
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fill out the feedback form there and let us know what God is doing in your life and give us prayer
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requests. We pray for people when they write to us. And if the Lord puts it on your heart,
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we always appreciate it when people hear from God to stand with us and help us and pay it forward
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as we prepare these podcasts because it's kind of costly. So, just help us. Pay it forward. Just
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obey the Holy Spirit. We're not begging for money. We're asking for you to hear from the Holy Spirit
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because He always just wants us to join with Him in doing the things that He's doing. So, just follow
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His leading, and if you feel led to give, there's a donate button on our website, and you can always
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send a check. And that address is on our website too. It's P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Arkansas, 72641.
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And we just appreciate anyone who joins in with that. And we'd like to partner with you,
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and if you'd like to partner with us. And we also want to make sure that you're making your plans
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to come to the Global Outpouring Convention 2025, May 21st through 24th at the St. Louis
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Airport Marriott in St. Louis, Missouri. It's going to be a time of growing in the deep things of God.
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And we have our speakers all lined up. Siggy O'Blander will be opening for us. She's a mighty
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woman of God with a depth of revelation in the Word and a prophetic gift. Tony Kemp will be
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speaking. He's got such a depth in God and follows the leading of the Holy Spirit, bringing all kinds
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of wonders out of the Word and out of the gifts of God that operate in his life. Dean Braxton
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will be speaking and also having question and answer times so you can find out more about what
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happened to him when he was outside of his body for an hour and 45 minutes. Gene Little will be
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ministering in our special Israel evening. And Jeff Simons is going to be bringing a message that
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is on his heart that the Lord has given to him. He's been used of God in so many ways, in the
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prophetic gift and in teaching and in bringing miracles, signs and wonders, ministering in the
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streets, all those kinds of things. And I will be bringing the message for the session when we're
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going to be bringing new members into this ministry. It's going to be a wonderful time and
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we just encourage you to come and bring your family, come and bring people that you know are
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hungry for God. It's going to be a life-changing experience. God will speak to you there and you'll
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just be changed when you go home. If you're looking for some way to grow in God, this is
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a real leg up. That's an expression for helping you get up on the horse. This will be a way for you to
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get into a new understanding, a new way of life, even a new way of thinking, a new way of operating
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into a deeper anointing in God. Well, thank you so much, Dean, for being with us again to answer
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some of our questions from our listeners. It's just exciting to me to let the heavens open.
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That's really what happens when we have these conversations is that we may understand some
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things from the Word, but out of your experiences that go along with the Word, I've listened to you
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over and over again, shared experiences and then where it's found in the Word. So, I just love the
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fact that the Word of God is alive and powerful and it shows up in these experiences. So, you can
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help us to grow. God is working in our spirits to grow. So, thanks so much for being with us again.
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Well, it's great to be back. It's great to be back.
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Yeah. We appreciate you so much. We really, really love you. So, I have another question from
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Cheryl. She was the one that kind of initiated this, but I only used one of her questions.
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She says, something I have always wanted to know, what are mansions in heaven used for? And she
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puts mansions in quotes. People are always referring to what it looks like and people who've
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been to heaven make reference to seeing their mansion or someone else's. I know that cooking
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and cleaning will not be the same. Houses on earth seem to be places for our body where we can cook,
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eat, sleep, but what do we use houses in heaven for? Well, that is a great question.
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Yeah. It's not one of those questions that I like answering sometimes because I don't want to
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disappoint people, you know. But, you know, the truth will set you free. And so, if we even look
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at that, I don't go to the scripture because this one is one of those that I think is very important
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that we show it in scripture too. And that's John, can I quote it all the time? I quote this scripture
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a whole lot when I'm sharing, mainly because I believe it captures mostly everything I experienced
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when I was with the father of Jesus in heaven. And, you know, it's found in John the 14th chapter,
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one through six. So, I'm reading on the New King James Version. It says, let not your heart be
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troubled. You who believe in God, believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions.
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If it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a
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place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself. That where I am, there you may be also.
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And where I go, you know in a way you know. Thomas said to him, Lord, we do not know where
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you're going. How can we know the way? Jesus said to him, I'm the way, the truth, and the life.
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No one comes to the Father except through me. And I use that as a foundation verse, usually when I'm
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speaking, especially when I'm out evangelizing in different places. Mainly I'm looking at it in the
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sense that this scripture is saying, hey, Jesus wants us to be with him. And that he's prepared a
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place for us so that we can be with him. Now, this scripture can be looked at in two different ways.
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You know, he's also prepared a place on the planet for us to be with him here. And a lot of times,
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we don't look at it from that point of view, but we do look at it from the heavenly point of view.
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We're going to be with Jesus in heaven, and he's going to prepare a place for us. And the word
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mansion here, you know, in the Greek really means dwelling places. Most of the time, people don't
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realize it doesn't just mean a house, like a building, you know, like we think. Matter of fact,
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when I went to Bible school, I'll never forget it. This is way before this happened to me. And they
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told me what mansion meant. I thought to myself, that's what it means. I really don't want to be
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there. And the guy that when he described it to me said it was like apartments. And I don't want
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to be in that whole apartment. A part of heaven did he go to. You know, so the reality of it. But
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when I got there, I came to really understand this phrase here in the scripture, in my father's house
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are many mansions. It really means there's a place in heaven for you that no one else could fulfill,
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but you. It's not a building as we think it's going to be. It is a place and I don't even know
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how to describe it because we think a building is going to satisfy us. And it's not. It's not even
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going to come close to satisfy us. What's going to satisfy you is that Jesus Christ has placed a
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place in heaven for you that no one else could fulfill, but you. It's not a physical place,
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like you're standing in line and if you get out of line, you don't have a place anymore. It is a
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place in the family of God. I wish people get excited to know that God has placed you in his
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family and no one can take that place. It's your place. And Jesus Christ has created that place
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for you. And that's really what this is talking about when it's talking about these mansions.
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It's really if you break it down, I broke it down in the Greek, it really means a space.
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There's a space in heaven for you that no one else can fulfill for you. It's not a physical
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space. It's a space in the family of God. And I like to even use an example like this.
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In my family, my mother and my dad, and then I have three brothers, and I have an older brother,
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then there's me, and then I have two younger brothers. I'm the second oldest, okay? And then
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being the second oldest, if I was to leave the planet today, my number three brother,
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the one right underneath me, would not move up and say, now I am the second oldest. You understand?
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Right. Right. He would always be number three in our family. That's his space. That's where he was
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born. That's what was created for him. It's the same thing in heaven. God has a space for you that
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no one else could fulfill but you. Now, are there structures in heaven? Yes. You know, we talked
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about it in a previous show, the different structures there. The structures are alive.
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And I know that went outside of some people's boxes right now. You know what I mean? They're
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alive. That means they can communicate with you. They can move around. I'm doing that on purpose,
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so they're stretching some of you right now. But nothing in heaven is dead. Everything's alive.
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Everything's got a personality. Everything in heaven is what you call a creative being, a creation,
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I sometimes say, because it's hard to really describe that from an earthly point of view,
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because we've got things that, yes, they are not alive, you know, but the reality is everything's
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alive. Everything's intelligent. Everything. So there are structures there that are what we should
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call alive. And they move around. They don't stay in the same place. They move all over heaven.
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And heaven is huge. So don't think it's a crowded place. We're all crowding in one area like,
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you know, New York City or when I went to Singapore, Singapore, you know,
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those types of things. It's fast in that sense. But I'm going to go a little bit further than I
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usually do. But I'm doing it on a podcast right now. And this is kind of like risky to me to a
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certain extent, because some people are going to listen to this and think, oh boy, that guy is way
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out there. But in each and every building, it's a whole new realm. We talked about it before.
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Oh, yeah.
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A whole new realm. So when you go into a building, you can say I'm going into my house or my mansion,
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which is really not, you know what I mean? But let's say you say that when you get in there,
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it's a whole different realm. I mean, a whole different realm. It's like you went into a whole
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different world all together. It will look different. It would have different things going
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on in it. And you've got multitudes upon multitudes upon multitudes of these different
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realms within heaven. I can't say it's a thousand. I could say a billion, maybe it's a trillion
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of different realms within the realm of heaven that you get access to by going into these
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so-called buildings. Okay, no one calls them buildings in heaven. They're not structures
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like you think. And now you ask me about people that have these visions, are they out of body
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experiences and then they come back. Well, they're trying to do the best they can to describe what
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they saw. I would probably do the same thing, but what God had me do a lot is filter it through the
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Word of God. And so in filtering through the Word of God, I had to conform to how the Word of God
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says it. And that helps me and then that helps you. It helps you in the sense that if I give you a
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scripture reference, then you could go read it and the Holy Spirit on the inside of you
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can take it and go further. Okay. It opens up more. But trying to explain it in this realm
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from an earthly point of view is hard. It's just hard to do it that way. That's why the Bible many
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times when they're describing things from heaven, you can go read these things. It says L-I-K-E,
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it says like this. It doesn't say this is what it is. This is the closest that person could come
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and describing it on the planet. Now they may not use the word like, they may say I saw this in heaven
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or I saw that. Because that's what's coming out of them interpreting what they experienced.
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And they're relying on their own knowledge or their own way of describing things to be able to
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express what they experienced there. And so I say that to you. And it's very hard. And Sheridan
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Fields heard me say this many times. I can tell you what I saw. I can tell you what I heard.
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I can tell you what I experienced. That means I felt. But I can't tell you what it tastes like.
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And I can't tell you what it smelled like. And everything there has a smell and it has a taste.
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And you may say why can't you Dean? Because on the planet, for me to try to describe it in those
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frame of taste and smell, we have something we're tasting all the time and something we're smelling
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all the time and it's called deterioration. Things are falling apart. Things are dying.
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And whether you realize it or not, you got used to the smell. But that smell does not exist in
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heaven. Let's say I have an encounter with a tree there. Well, the tree is not dying. There's
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nothing falling apart on it. How do I describe that in the sense of giving you that description
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of that tree here on the planet, when every tree here has got fallen leaves on it, mostly maybe not
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evergreen trees, but fallen leaves, but they lose their needles. You know what I mean? So they got
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deaf too. Or the bark is rotting, or all that stuff. When there's none of that existing there.
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So now I come back and I say, I see trees in heaven. What do you do? You say, okay, you look
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at the trees that are around right now and you say, okay, no, it's not like the trees here.
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You understand what I mean? The trees there don't deteriorate. So how do I describe that? Because
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I can't tell you how they really smell. And I can't really tell you how they taste, because
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there's a taste that comes off of a mouthful. You go up in the forest and see if you don't get a taste.
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You know what I mean? You taste the pie in the air. So I'm saying that to you so that you understand
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that people, when they have these experiences, they go over it and now they come back and
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interpret it the best way they can with the knowledge that they have from the planet that
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we live on. But the best way to really describe it all is really go through the word of God.
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And to say this, this is Dean Branson. Some of you may agree with me, you may not. If God describes
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it different than what you think it is, you have to go with what he says.
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That sounds like wisdom.
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The source.
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That's hard for us to do sometimes, you know? Because we would like to say we got it down and
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we described it the best way and that's the way it is, you know? How do I describe the living water
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there? John said he saw the sea in it and it's like glass. He said like glass. He didn't say it was.
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How do I describe that? I remember going over the Columbia River there and watching the state to
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Oregon and it was clear day and it was beautiful. And I'm looking at and the sun is setting. I'm
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looking at that water and I'm watching the reflection from the sun on it and it looked like glass.
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Was it glass? No. But it looked like glass.
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There you go.
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And so I don't want to get anybody to come back and share these things with people because they're
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doing the best they can with the knowledge that they have. I just want to say to them, you got to
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filter it through the Word of God. And I think that was one of my mandates to come back and do
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that. Just a little bit more because I didn't know I was going to be able to share this. I was going
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to share earlier but there wasn't an opportunity and now the opportunity has come.
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Okay, go for it.
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In 1990 is when I was prophesied to have this experience. Didn't have it until 2006, 16 years
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later. But in 1990, a prophet laid hands on me at a vineyard church there in LA. You know, I'm not a
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courtesy dropper. If you lay hands on me and I fall, that means the Spirit of God really came upon
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me. I ain't falling because you laid hands on me. I'm falling because the Spirit of God hit me.
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Come on.
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And the Spirit of God hit me and I was falling. But I remember what this prophet said to me. The
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first thing he said, you will be a pillar in my church. That's what he said first. He said,
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you will be a church and you'll be a father to the fatherless. And then I hit the floor. Okay.
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And I remember getting up off that floor and thinking to myself, I know what a father to the
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fatherless it means because I worked in the juvenile justice system and I worked with a lot
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of kids that didn't have fathers. And I became their father in that situation. But I didn't know
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what he meant by pillar in my church. And I really got off the floor saying to myself,
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I'm no Kenneth Copeland. I'm no Kenneth Hagin. I'm no this guy. Because those people are smart.
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And I'm thinking in my head, I don't have all that that they have, you know. 16 years later,
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I leave the planet or die and go to be the father of Jesus and I come back. And I remember laying
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in the bed afterwards and I'm just thinking about all these things I experienced with my father Jesus
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in heaven. And I'm looking up at the ceiling and I hear him say, this is what I meant by a pillar
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in my church. And what he was saying to me was that I could take this experience and I had to
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filter it through the Word of God. Okay. And then filtering through the Word of God, didn't bring
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it back and share it with people. That's what he meant. Because a lot of times we have spiritual
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experiences and we don't filter it through the Word of God. We just believe that's just the way
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it is. And then I hear people all the time say, not everything that God has done is in His Word.
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You know, and they're correct. I go and say they're not. But everything that we're supposed to know
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is in His Word. That's what I tell people, you know. And 99% with that attitude, 99% of everything I
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experienced with the Father in Jesus, I can find in the Word of God. And I always tell people,
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I saw some way out things. There's unicorns in heaven. You know, we think that's a mythological
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creature, you know. And yet, you could go in the Bible, you could look it up. Just Google it.
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How many scriptures talk about unicorns? They call it unicorns or unicorns. They're in their
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scripture. I saw them in heaven. They were there, you know. So, I'm not coming back and telling you,
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oh, I saw unicorns in heaven. No, it's in the Word of God. There were creatures that we would say,
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so I always get the questions from kids about dinosaurs. Are there dinosaurs in heaven? I go
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to so many schools with young kids and I always get, are there dinosaurs in heaven? And I say,
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there are creatures that you could say were dinosaurs, but they're not really dinosaurs.
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That's what I said. And yet, you can say, how many scriptures talk about dinosaurs? And they're
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there. They're in the Word of God, you know. And so, over and over, I could find these things that
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were things I found in heaven, or saw in heaven, rather, and yet, they're in the Word of God. And
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what am I going to do? I'm going to conform to the Word of God, because the Word of God is life. And
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like I said earlier, you probably heard me say on other shows, I'm going to give you that. You know
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why? Because I'm way short in describing what I really experienced. But if I can give you the Word
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of God, you can read it in the Holy Spirit. Listen to what I'm saying. And the Holy Spirit, I'm not
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saying that because it sounds good, all right? I'm saying it because I really believe this is what
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the Holy Spirit is saying to you right now. And the Holy Spirit will show you more. If I can give
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you the scripture, you can read it and watch what God shows you. It will be much more that I have
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said. Is that good news, or is that good news? That is such good news. It's a little scary to me when
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you say, you know, when you prophesied you're going to be a pillar, you know. And I had a prophetic
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word over me about the third year that I joined the ministry at our World Convention. Someone came
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up and says, I see you as a pillar in this ministry. So I hope I don't have the same experience.
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No, darling, you only are a pillar in the ministry.
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And I should, Phil, I should go back. And what God really wanted me to do is to draw the line
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and say to people, you can have these experiences, but they must be filtered through the Word of God.
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And I'll be honest with you, many people have the experiences, but they don't filter it through the
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Word of God. They filter it through their own filter, instead of going through the Word of God.
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And a lot of my colleagues do it. A ton of them do it. You know what I mean? Some of them that do
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filter it through the Word of God do it for the wrong reason. And the wrong reason is I'm doing it
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so that I can prove to you I'm right. That's not, anytime I give you a scripture, it's not to prove
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that I'm right. I get to go to heaven whether you think I'm right or wrong. Yes, I do.
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It doesn't matter. It's all about Jesus. The reason that I'm giving you the scripture is so
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that God could show you more. That's the only reason.
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Beautiful. Beautiful. Build on the good foundation.
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00:23:31,920 --> 00:23:38,880
Okay. Well, I've got another question from Daniel. Did Jesus have the same form the Father has
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at the moment before he was born into a human body?
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You know, and Daniel, to be honest with you, I can't tell you that. And the reason I can't tell you
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if he had that form before he was born into a human body, because the form I saw him is the
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one that he wanted me to see him in.
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Oh, I love that.
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And so that's the form that I saw him in. You know, I'll go a little bit further. No one's really
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worried about his form in heaven, to be honest with you. What they're thinking about, he's Jesus.
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He's the Lord. As I say, really, they don't even say Jesus or Yeshua or any of those names. They
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say Savior. That's what comes across.
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You know, this is actually a question I had for you. You just hit my confirmation button,
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because I've been understanding that we don't get the meaning of names. In English, it's like
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you have to look it up in a baby book or online to find out what a name means, most of the time.
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I mean, you might name a baby, a little baby girl, Hope or Joy or Charity. And those are
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understandable words. You might, like our pastor has named one of his sons Valor and another one
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Arrow. You know, those are very clear names. You understand what they mean. But so many times we
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don't understand the names. And in Hebrew, if you could read the Hebrew, you would understand,
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like when Leah was naming her sons, Leah and Rachel were naming their sons, they made a statement
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and used a word. And then they grammatically adjusted that word with the same letters and sounds
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to name that person. Like remember the prayer of Jabez that they did some years ago. So Jabez was
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named Jabez because it means causes pain, because his mother had had pain when she delivered him.
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But the idea of Jabez, the prayer of Jabez was partly, Lord, don't let me cause pain.
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Because all of his life he'd been called pain causer, you pain causer, come on, pain causer,
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wash your hands, it's time for supper. Pain causer, go help your dad. You know, so what I'm saying is
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that in heaven, because I asked you once before about God's name. And I really think that we
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totally lose the impact of his name by arguing about what his name is. Instead of translating
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it into the language we understand, like the father, his name means he who was, he who is,
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and he who is to come. And Yeshua means savior. So if you were hearing him being called savior,
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rather than Yeshua or rather than Jesus or Esu or the many different ways that it's translated into
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different people's languages, they're transliterated. You know, they take the name from the original and
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they fit it into their language. It really means savior. And I think we would get so much more
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out of our experience in worship if we would embrace him as who he is, what he is,
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rather than focusing on how to pronounce his name.
00:27:00,000 --> 00:27:05,280
Yeah. I'm with you on that one, because they did it when I was there with the father and Jesus in
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heaven. You know what I mean? They didn't concentrate on how this, they just knew he was savior. And
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I don't know, every time I've ever said that inside of me, I always, the next thing I say to
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myself is I need a savior. That's what I said to myself. Oh wow. That's so beautiful. Wow.
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Whenever I say it out, the next thing inside, I always say I need a savior.
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So when you talked about when you were experiencing the father,
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you were calling him father, right? Yes. And you said Holy Spirit was inside of you.
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Yeah. Like you couldn't see the Holy Spirit. But I'm just thinking about how we get so concerned
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about the names. And I have a thing about the proper pronunciation of the name of God, but
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I think getting it for what it really means is what God's trying to get to us.
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Yeah. Well, you know, we could go into that, but I want to go back to Daniel's question.
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Yeah, I'm sorry. Go ahead. Beg your pardon. I didn't mean to interrupt that.
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Maybe we need to do a whole show on that again. You know, to be honest with you,
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there's a lot I can say on that. But I just wanted to make sure he knew that when I experienced Jesus,
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I saw him as he wanted me to see him. And one of the ways that I saw him was probably, it's been
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one of the hardest ways for me to describe him. You know, I was just with Akeana, you know, a few
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months ago in Texas, and she painted that picture, the Prince of Peace. And people have asked me that
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Jesus looked like that when I was there. And I tell them, no, he didn't look like that when I was
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there. But Jesus will show himself to people as he wants them to see him. So I cannot deny that she
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didn't see Jesus that way, or other people that have seen Jesus the way they think they saw Jesus.
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Because I know that he will show himself as we want to see him. That's just the best way I could
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describe it. When I was in heaven, there was no more showing me in the way I wanted to see him.
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It was showing me in the way he is. The Bible says we will see him as he is, you know, and the
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description I try to describe him as when I looked at him, he looked almost liquid to me. And I don't
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I don't like saying that sometimes, because I'm way short, but because he seemed to be changing
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every moment as I looked at him. And what I mean by that, he looked one way one second, and the
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next second, he looked another way. The other thing that was amazing is what was coming out of
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him was like rainbow lights, beautiful. And the closest I could come is like if you have a crystal
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and you have a prison in and then that light shines through it, and it comes out with different
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colors, in him it was coming out that way. There was no light shining through him. That's what was
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coming off of him, not only with the white light. But I remember looking at him and he seemed to be
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looking different every moment. Now, you know, I brought this up here already before, you know,
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the scripture in the 16th chapter of Mark, the 12th verse, where it said, and he took on a different
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form when he was talking to the man that was walking on the way to the maus, which let me know
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that he can transform himself to look as we think he should look. We all have this image of him.
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And so I look at it as love. This may not go over with some people, but I look at it as love.
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He loves us so much that when he reveals himself to us on this planet, he reveals himself in the
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way that we think he should look, you know, and that's love. But in heaven, no longer is it that
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way. He's going to reveal himself as he is. And so when you get there, you're going to find out
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a lot of the descriptions we have of him on the planet are not going to fit with what you see when
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you get to heaven, because you're going to be able to see him in pureness of who he is. And there's
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nothing going to impede you with your own analysis of what he should look like. I know that recently,
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you know, they did this image of the cough that Jesus was supposed to be buried in.
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And they come out with this image recently of this man that what is supposed to be looked like,
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you know, how we got so smart, we can now tell you, you know, that type of stuff.
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That's always going back, I want to be God, you know. But the reality of it is that all the things
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that we get on the planet are going to be impure compared to what he really is like. And he's even
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more than that. When I saw him enter into the Father when we were worshiping, you know, he
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literally walked into the Father. And he was no longer there like I thought he would be there.
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I can't even describe it. I can't say dissolved inside the Father, but he was no longer there
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like I thought he should be. So that when we were worshiping around that throne, and we were giving
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God praise, Jesus was there. The Holy Spirit was there. The seven spirits of God were there,
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but they were all one. Right. You understand what I mean? I love that. And then when we were done,
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he came out of the Father. But how do you, how do you, there's nothing on the planet I can even
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come close to trying to describe that. And I'm looking always for some way to do that.
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You know, probably some scientists out there probably could say, well, that sounds like,
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and they'll tell you the formula that it sounds like and how it happens and all that stuff, you
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know, you know, which tells me, okay, there's God again, but it seemed that he is God, you know,
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but the reality of it is no, I couldn't tell you what he was like before that moment, because
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he's no longer that way. He doesn't exist like that any longer. You know, that's something to
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think about. Once he took on the form of a man, you know, he did not give it up to go back to
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be in the way he was before he took on the form of a man. Wow. That's tremendous. And that's really
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for our advantage. Anybody who's listening to me, that form he took on as a man, he kept for our
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theirs. That's love. Again, that's just love. I'm telling you. I don't know about anybody else,
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but that's just love, you know? Beautiful. And I think in Philippians, the second chapter,
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starting at that first verse, where it says he gave up all that, you know, for us, and he didn't
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return back to it. He just gave it up and he gave it up for us. You know, I wonder if this is just
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me asking a question. I wonder if he would have denied going to the cross, you know,
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in the Garden of Gethsemane. He said, not my way. Would he have gone back to being what he was like
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before he became the Savior of Jesus? Yeah, I wonder. I'm not saying that's just way off on
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the side. Doesn't get no one saved, you know what I mean? Doesn't put no one in hell. Right, right.
00:34:34,880 --> 00:34:40,800
It was just like, but I think as a man, but if you think about, if he had the opportunity to return
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to be like he was before it and not go through the cross, do you understand what I mean? That
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should tell us the Lord loves us. Yes. Yes. Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.
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Yeah. Thank you. It was so that he could redeem us. That was a great joy for him.
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That was a great joy. Oh man, I just get excited thinking about that.
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We know what he gave up, you know, but if you think about if he had the opportunity to go back
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to it and he chose not to, whoa. I'm not saying he did and Jesus didn't tell me that in heaven,
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so nobody out there say, well, Dean said in heaven, he had and he, no, I'm just,
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that was just me asking that question. So you have questions too.
00:35:32,720 --> 00:35:43,120
Yeah. Okay. I think we have time for one more question. Okay. Eternity is limitless. Yes.
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The word eternity in Hebrew is Olam and it comes from a root word that means concealed or secret.
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Has the Lord given you any way to express the difference that you felt being outside of time
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and then being back in time and is space or distance also limitless?
00:36:02,560 --> 00:36:10,880
You know, that was probably one of the hardest things for me to accept when I got back into this
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body, the limitations that I had. It seemed like outside of the body, I had no limitations.
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It seemed like if I wanted to stretch my arm, it would stretch as far as I wanted it to go.
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And there was no worry about it having any limits to it. It seemed like if I wanted to see,
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I could see as far as I wanted to see and there was no limit. So how far I could see everything
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about me had no limits at all, none at all when I was in eternity. Okay. The other thing that really
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got me about eternity, I knew I was connected to everything and everything was connected to me.
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And it was really securing to know that you belong to all God's creation and all God's creation
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belongs to you. I remember you were coming back to the planet and thinking how there's no really
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limits on us. We put limits on ourselves. You understand what I mean? You know, because in
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reality, we know the earth was created for us. But if you think about it, heaven was created for you
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too, because God don't need heaven. And it was limitless what we were created to be. I used to
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say this and these shoppers like this, men and women, I used to say we were created for newness.
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That's why things when they get old, we want something new. We were always created for
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something new, you know what I mean? And so, and saying that to you, that's when a guy that being
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in that eternal realm or that limitless realm is that we were created for it. It's our natural
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place. That's the real place that we're supposed to be in. When Adam and Eve were created, they
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were created to live forever. This dying in this body was never the full plan of God. It never
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became part of his doing because of Adam choosing to do what he did, you know? And so, and saying
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that to you, you know, I just remember coming back to this planet and then being put in this body
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and then understanding how powerful our spirit really was, you know? And I don't think,
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whether it's born again or not, our spirit is so powerful. Okay, I'll go ahead and say it.
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00:38:32,720 --> 00:38:38,000
I haven't said it. I remember watching people with a lot of weight walk around,
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you know, lots of weight on their body and thinking, man, that spirit sure is strong.
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That's what I was thinking. I remember that's what I would think when I was in the hospital room.
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When I first came back, how strong our spirit really is, because everything that operates in
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our body is operated by our spirit. And most of us don't realize that. But it's limited because
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it's in this body. It's limited in this body because of the limitations that we put on it.
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You know, you always wanted me to talk about the authority that we have. And I haven't reached over
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to that realm yet to bring that out, you know? But one of the things that I tried to describe is
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how powerful our spirit really is, the real us on the inside, and what limitations we don't have
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that we give ourselves, you know? And a lot of times we do that through words, because we speak
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it into existence, not understanding that we're speaking it into existence.
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00:39:43,680 --> 00:39:50,960
Right. You know, so, but in saying that to you, I remember how limited I became when I came back to
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the planet. And I would stand up and look out the window of my hospital room. And I was like, oh,
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I forget what floor, six-four, six-four, yeah. And I would look out the window and they were doing
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construction out there. And I would watch the man move around and thinking how powerful those
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spirit that they had on the inside and them was powerful, but how limited did they became
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because of being in this body, you know? And that was something for me to adjust to when I came back
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to the planet. My wife even could see that it was a hard adjustment for me. And I had to remember
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I was in this body many times. I laugh about it because I'm coming back, I forget I was in this
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body. I would forget it. One time we were driving, I was driving. I don't know if I told you this
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story before, but I'll tell you. And as we were driving, I was driving rather, I decided, I was
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thinking about having so deeply that I took my hands off the steering wheel. This is before we
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had the self-driving cars and all that stuff. And I crossed them, you know, on my chest and I was gone.
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And then I realized, oh, I'm driving. I have to hold my, I have to, I have to put my hands on the
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steering wheel. I had to remind myself. Thank you, Jesus, for angels here. And my wife looked at me
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and said, no, you didn't. That's what she said. Because I had to remind myself I was back in this
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body and held me, but it was, it was, it was old. And I remember I took up golfing just to be closer
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to my family, but I used to go golfing by myself. And then Marilyn would drop me off and then she'd
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come and pick me back up. And she told me one time she came to pick me up and I just didn't show up.
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And I just didn't show up. And I just didn't show up. And then finally, when I got there, she said,
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I thought you were gone. She thought I just left my body and went because that's, that's how I was
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operating. It took me a while to get used to being back in this body. That's probably why your wife
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drives more than you do. Just in case you check out. You've gotten used to it now though, haven't
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you? I got used to it, but I have to consciously sometimes tell myself some things. Yeah. Because,
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you know, I was outside the body and I was more like there than here. And it's a whole different
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story. You know, that's why sometimes I told you, I even look at the body and said, you got to act
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right or I'm leaving. I know this. I'm not alive because of my body. My body's alive because of me.
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I know it. And it's hard for people to realize that. I wish I could operate outside this body
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all the time and not have to be in it. But to have the authority on this planet, you need this body.
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And I love my Lord so much. I really do. I love him so much. I'll keep the body because I want to
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reach people on this planet. If I didn't have the love to want to reach people that Jesus had,
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I'd give it up in a moment. You know, that's why sometimes people do when they come back.
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I know people that come back and they, I remember this one guy out of New Zealand.
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He came back and it was hard for him. He left six months later. He didn't stay. You know,
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he said, I'm out of here. You leave your body and come back and see if you want to stay on this
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planet. It's hard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Deterioration is bad. It's just bad. It just,
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it just really is bad. People don't realize death and separation. It's just, there's none of that
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there. Yeah. You know, you're just anticipating people coming. Yeah. You're looking forward to
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that. You know, you know, like if a relative came or your grandchildren came, you, ah, good,
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I'm excited to come here, you know, on the planet. We're glad they come, but then some of them leave
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and we don't want them to leave. Yeah. And I mean, die. Yeah. Yeah. So that's a whole different
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story. Yeah. But each and every one of us, I think, experience it when we go to sleep and we close
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our eyes and all of a sudden we're just like, we're, I don't know how you feel, but I feel like I'm
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just stretched out. I'm everywhere. I'm all over the place. And then I open my eyes and I'm in this
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body. You know what I mean? Maybe that's only come because I had the experience, but I, I think I
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close my eyes and I'm just stretched out. My arms is longer than, than long could be. I could see
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things. I mean, seriously, I just go there, you know. Wow. Wow. That's amazing. You know,
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just to go back for a moment about what you said earlier about people who go to heaven before their
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time. Yeah. Obviously it leaves more, probably more grief on the planet for the family, but
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is there any kind of a, of a feeling in heaven that a person, I mean, obviously if everything is
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clear and perfect, you're not going to feel guilty that you came sooner than your time,
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but is there something left undone on the planet because you chose to go ahead and leave early?
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There's, yeah, there is. There's a lot of people that have left the planet earlier than they were
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supposed to. You know, we got gaps all over the place because of it. And Jesus, of course, is
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working to fulfill the gaps. And then we got those that never got born either because of miscarriage
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or abortion for some reason. You know what I mean? And there's gaps from those people also.
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Now they're with the father of Jesus in heaven. And so, but the reality of it, we got gaps in
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things and Jesus is doing what he needs to do to arrange so that we could fulfill as many gaps as
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possible. That's why some of us, I think are stretched very thin in some things is because
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there's gaps where there should have been another person here to fulfill that piece.
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There's always someone on the way, but you know, people got attitudes too.
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And so I don't know, you know, doing this as many years as I've done, and you probably got
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attitudes and sometimes I'm wondering, why do you get that attitude? This is about the kingdom of
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God. Oh, they offended me. Well, God said we're to forgive and move on. I mean, it's like, and now
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we got to go through this whole thing. And then the work isn't getting done because now we're
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dealing with the attitudes and there's a lot of attitudes that I just don't understand. And then
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people are impatient. Part of the fruit of the Spirit is patience. And we got people that,
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oh, God's called me to do this and they go and try to do it. I was the same way, so I couldn't
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get on nobody. And yet it's not the time to do it right there. I was getting here in the state of
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Virginia, we have to get our car inspected every year. And many states do that for their emissions
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and all that stuff. And I was getting my car inspected this month and went into the place I
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was doing and going to wait there. And this lady came in and she started talking to me and we talked
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for a long while and she's telling me about her life and her husband's life and how he passed away
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a few months ago. And I'm just listening to her and great story. Her name is Elaine. And so
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afterwards I asked the Lord, I said, should I give her some of my books? And I felt like the Lord
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said, yeah, could I ask? I'm not trying to promote myself, but I asked. And so I ran in there
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and she said, thank you and everything like that. And then when I was leaving, I was thinking,
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that's the only reason I came here today was to meet this lady. So that's how I got to know her.
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Yeah. So that I could comfort her and give her some books. And I think Jesus were that.
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And what if I had attitude, you know, and I waited, I get, I guarantee you, I waited about an hour and
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a half to do this inspection. You know what I mean? And you know, the Lord, just because he would love
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that lady so much had put me in the position and that place. So that, and some people call it divine
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appointments. And I think if you're born again, every appointment you have is divine. There isn't
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a special divine one. All of them are divine. You wouldn't be here. So when you say that about people
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leaving early, you know, there's people that left the planet early. No one's faulting them in heaven
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and saying, man, when you come, you know, you ain't supposed to be here until 10 years from now. Why
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are you here now? No one's doing all that, but it does leave a gap on the planet, you know?
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And Jesus is working to clean it up.
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And I tell people many times, especially those that grieve at something, especially when their
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loved one leaves and they really hurting hard and they want to go. I said, we need you still.
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Your family needs you here. That's who needs you. Number one is your family first.
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Yes. And I don't mean, need you in the sense of to do things for them. They need you to,
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so that you can intercede for them, pray for them. Once you leave the planet, there's no more people
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up there interceding for people. Like people think they're praising Lord for things that happen on
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the planet, but they're not interceding. That's given to us on the planet to intercede and stand
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in the gap. You look at the word in the words that has people interceding or standing in the gap for
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a lot of people. I think that most people, number one is just to pray for your family. If you just
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pray for your family, man, Sharon and Phil, this is what gets me. We don't think it's adequate
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enough just to pray for our family. We gotta be doing something else with the Lord that make it
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seem like we're doing something. And yet I believe the number one reason we're here on the planet,
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first of all, is to pray for our family. Beautiful.
00:50:07,120 --> 00:50:13,600
Wow. Second, all the other things. If I'm not praying for my family, then why am I here?
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And then I pray for other people. I pray for you and Phil, you know, every day. I don't miss a day
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I don't pray for you and Phil and your daughter and your grandchildren, all those people. I pray for
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them. But the reality is, why am I here? So that I can lift up people to the Lord
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and God can move in their lives because He won't do it without me opening that door.
00:50:40,880 --> 00:50:44,320
Some of you don't believe that and you may say, you're wrong about that. No,
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He's waiting for the invitation from us to move forward because He gave the planet to us.
00:50:50,480 --> 00:50:51,920
Yeah. Wow.
00:50:51,920 --> 00:50:55,600
You know, and He's not going to go against what He said He did.
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00:50:56,720 --> 00:51:04,320
And so we've got to stay on the planet. And I know some of you say, but it's bad, it's terrible.
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It's terrible. You know, we had a different president being printed. Some of the people out
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there would say, oh no, we got to go to summit. You say, we got this president. Oh no. I'm thinking,
00:51:14,160 --> 00:51:19,920
come on you guys. This is going to be a short lived time on the planet. It is going to be very,
00:51:20,560 --> 00:51:22,240
the Bible says it's like a vapor.
00:51:22,240 --> 00:51:23,200
Vapor, yeah.
00:51:24,240 --> 00:51:31,280
You know, so we need to at least do what we can do in this short period of time so that others
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could come and know Jesus. So that when we're all together in eternity together forever,
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you know, we won't even be thinking about the moments we had on this planet.
00:51:43,600 --> 00:51:44,000
00:51:44,000 --> 00:51:44,720
00:51:44,720 --> 00:51:47,520
Me and my wife just got done. You heard of Corey Taboon.
00:51:47,520 --> 00:51:47,840
Oh, sure.
00:51:47,840 --> 00:51:48,560
You remember her?
00:51:48,560 --> 00:51:49,920
Mm-hmm. Sure did.
00:51:49,920 --> 00:51:53,440
And me and my wife just got done listening to her book and what she went through and
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how we think like that, you know, and she's gone on to be with Jesus. But look at the impact.
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She still has all people on the planet.
00:52:00,640 --> 00:52:01,200
00:52:01,200 --> 00:52:07,600
And all the things she did right after the war and it helped the Germans people, you know,
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the very people that persecuted her, she ended up being a life giver for them.
00:52:13,120 --> 00:52:15,360
Hallelujah. That's wonderful.
00:52:15,360 --> 00:52:16,160
00:52:16,160 --> 00:52:18,160
I hope that answers the question though.
00:52:18,160 --> 00:52:23,120
That was tremendous, tremendous answers to good questions and we appreciate that.
00:52:24,080 --> 00:52:29,280
So before I ask you to close with prayer, I just want to remind everybody that we're
00:52:29,280 --> 00:52:34,720
putting in the show notes, we're putting Dean's website and his Facebook page and his YouTube
00:52:34,720 --> 00:52:41,680
channel and a place where you can get his books. And so please, please be sure that you are
00:52:42,240 --> 00:52:48,880
getting what is available to you to help you in your walk with the Lord and be sure that you come
00:52:48,880 --> 00:52:54,720
to our convention, Convention 2025, May 21st through 24th. Dean is going to be one of our speakers
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and we're going to have another question and answer session with him there. If you've enjoyed
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this question and answer session, I'm sure you're going to enjoy that one as well. And in person,
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that'll be really wonderful. So Dean, would you just, would you pray for our listeners before we
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00:53:11,680 --> 00:53:16,960
Father, I thank you for each and every person that's listening right now. That's a good thing
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about it, Lord. You just don't know them by face, but you also know them by name. And as Sharon
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has shared and talked about how important name is, you've given them a name that's an eternal name,
00:53:29,280 --> 00:53:34,160
Father. And I thank you for that Father. When you speak to them, I know you speak their name.
00:53:34,160 --> 00:53:40,640
And I love it because you said this, that nothing will come out of you that will return to you void
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so that everything that you say will accomplish what it's supposed to. So as you're speaking their
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name, which is really their purpose on this planet, they're being propelled to go forward
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to fulfill that purpose. So Father, I thank you for that right now. I thank you Father for
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sharing and feeling and what you're doing in their lives, you know, and the responsibility
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that you've given them on this planet to spread your word, not just to Arkansas or where they live,
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not just to the United States, but around the world. I thank you for their passion and their love
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for people and that they care. I thank you Father that you're taking care of their family
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as they are doing what they're doing, that you're taking care of their daughter and their
00:54:24,000 --> 00:54:29,920
grandchildren Lord and all those that are connected to their daughter and their grandchildren. Lord,
00:54:30,880 --> 00:54:36,720
I thank you for that. I thank you for the many people that have been blessed by the global
00:54:36,720 --> 00:54:43,680
outpouring. Lord, touch them personally even right now. Everybody that's ever been blessed by this
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ministry over the years, touch them right now. Just touch them. You know, whatever is their need
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or even what their wants are, just touch them in the name of Jesus. And Father, I just say to those
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out there right now that are listening that don't know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
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all you need to do is ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins. That's things that you've done wrong
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that is outside of His will. To ask Him to come into your life, that means to be Lord of your life,
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to be a part of your life, to have an influence in your life. And He will. That simple and He'll do
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it. And your lives will be changed. Thank you Father. I thank you Father that you have chosen
00:55:27,840 --> 00:55:35,040
many of them already. Yes Lord. And all they have to do is choose you. I thank you in Jesus name.
00:55:35,040 --> 00:55:37,360
Amen. Amen.
00:55:37,360 --> 00:55:48,560
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00:56:06,240 --> 00:56:11,840
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this is Sharon Buss and I'm Philip Buss. God bless you with His overwhelming, loving presence.