March 17, 2025

(256) “Transformed in the Glory” with Olivia Buie

(256) “Transformed in the Glory” with Olivia Buie
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(256) “Transformed in the Glory” with Olivia Buie

“You don’t have to have a perfect or good heart to run with God, just a willing one.”

Olivia Buie has an amazing testimony of salvation and overcoming rejection, which she shared in a previous episode. Now she joins the Busses to talk more about what life was like as she walked out being transformed in the Glory. Olivia’s story will encourage you to not be ashamed of where you’ve been or what you’ve been through. Even when you fall, you can just keep running to the loving arms of Jesus and let Him transform you into who He’s made you to be.



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Global Outpouring Convention 2025 Info and Registration

Generation Awakening Youth and Young Adult Retreat 2025

School of the Supernatural – Translation by Faith 2025

Related Links:

Podcast Episode 214: “Overcoming Rejection” with Olivia Buie

Unashamed Podcast with Olivia Buie


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You don't have to be perfect to run with God.

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You have to have a heart. Not a good heart. You

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just have to have a willing heart. Yeah. A heart

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that's willing to let God work on it. Amen. That's

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it. Yep. Not perfect. Just willing. God promises

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in Joel 2 .28 to pour out His Spirit. on all

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humanity. Welcome to Global Outpouring, where

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we contend for that promised outpouring, we equip

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for that outpouring, so that we may engage in

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that very outpouring. I'm Philip Buss. And I'm

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Sharon Buss. Welcome to the podcast today. We're

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so glad that you're with us. We have with us

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again our dear friend Olivia Bowie, and she's

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going to continue telling us more of her testimony.

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We started out with her about how she overcame

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rejection, and we're going to talk today about

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what happens in the glory. Thank you so much

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for joining us today. You're going to really

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enjoy this podcast. But before we get started,

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we want to make sure that if you haven't already

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done so, that you've gone to our website, globaloutpouring

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.net, and that you've signed up for our email

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list so that you can stay in touch with us, we

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can stay in touch with you. And you can give

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us some feedback on our feedback form there,

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or you can email us at feedback at globaloutpouring

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.org. And you're going to see on our website

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that we have the This wonderful event that's

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coming up, our convention, 2025, May 21st through

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24th at the St. Louis Airport Marriott Hotel.

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It's going to be a glorious time of an outpouring

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that the Holy Spirit is going to do with us.

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He always shows up. It's just so amazing. And

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you're going to enjoy this time. You'll find

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people that are hungry for God like you are.

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And you're going to meet people and get new experiences.

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And it's a family camp. Bring the whole family.

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Every age group is going to have something special.

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And we have our speakers all lined up. Siggy

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Oblander will be opening for us. She's a mighty

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woman of God with a depth of revelation in the

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Word and a prophetic gift. Tony Kemp will be

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speaking. He's got such a depth in God and follows

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the leading of the Holy Spirit, bringing all

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kinds of wonders out of the Word and out of the

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gifts of God that operate in his life. Dean Braxton

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will be speaking and also having question and

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answer times so you can find out more about what

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happened to him when he was outside of his body

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for an hour and 45 minutes. Jean Little will

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be ministering in our special Israel evening.

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And Jeff Simons is going to be bringing a message

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that is on his heart that the Lord has given

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to him. He's been used of God in so many ways

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in the prophetic gift and in teaching and in

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bringing miracles, signs and wonders, ministering

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in the streets, all those kinds of things. And

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I will be bringing the message for the session

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when we're going to be bringing. new members

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into this ministry. So plan to be there. So Olivia,

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we're so glad that we have you with us again

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today. This is just a real blessing that you've

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come to spend a few days with us at Angletall.

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I'm blessed and thankful to be here. Thank you

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for having me. Okay. So the last time that you

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were here, we had a wonderful discussion about

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how the Lord really delivered you in a great

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way from rejection. You had been through some

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awful, awful things in your life, and we'll put

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a link to that so we don't have to retell the

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story today. But we did talk about how the Lord

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really transformed your life at the Brownsville

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Assembly in Pensacola. a number of years ago.

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I guess it's quite a few years ago now, and how

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you went to the school there, and then you went

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on to be trained elsewhere. And I just want you

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to talk a little bit about what the glory of

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God has done in your life. That was a real outpouring

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of the Holy Spirit in that church, and so many

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thousands of lives were changed, and you were

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one of them. Tell us what God did. You know,

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at the time, I really wanted God. And I wanted

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him to make himself real to me. And so I was

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so hungry. During that time, I'm still hungry.

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I think it just blew me up. No matter what, I'm

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hungry for years now. Never lose it. Never lose

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it. So I was married to a man that was, you know,

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into drugs and dealt drugs. And I'd still smoked

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weed at the time. I didn't see anything wrong

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with it. I didn't see anything wrong with being

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who I was. And I was a Christian. I loved the

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Lord even then. Until the Holy Ghost dealt with

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you otherwise. Yes. You know, God has a way.

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Yes, he does. He knows what he's doing. And I

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always question God, how come I'm not experiencing

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the change that I see other people experiencing?

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Because no matter how hard I tried to be free

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or to be right in life, I always like a dog to

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his vomit, right? You go right back to your old

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ways, your old paths. You forget, you know, how

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good God is. And you just kind of go back and

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forth like a ping pong ball. And so I learned

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in time, you know, that we all have this compass,

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this thing where you have to find balance. So

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I went to Brownsville Revival and I was just

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wanting God. And I was sitting in the audience

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and Steve Hill started talking about the Father's

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love. And we all know that's where my rejection

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came from. That's where the, you know, that's

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where I needed. the most. So when I heard the

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father's love, I was just like, wow, who is this

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father? Like I knew God, but I didn't know God.

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I knew I didn't know God if he was a father.

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So I ran up at the altar and I just threw my

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face up there and was like, I surrender. I want

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to know this good father. And Steve Hill. put

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his hands on me and I just went out in the glory.

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And of course it wasn't no, I didn't give him

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no courtesy fall for sure. I fell. And my little

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baby was two years old at the time, Sarah. And

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she sat on top of me while God just, it was like

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fire from the top of my head to the bottom of

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my feet. And it just resonated up and down, up

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and down. And I felt that love, that genuine

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I love you. I accept you. You can change. I've

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got you, baby. You're mine. You know, it was

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just another transforming. You know, it was that

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beginning of my transformation. It was the very

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beginning. Right. And I remember just laying

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there and crying and realizing that. No matter

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what I've done in life, God accepted me. Yes.

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And he received me. Yes. And from that day on,

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I think Charity was the young lady's name that

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sung that song. Come running. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

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Come running. Yeah. Come running to the mercy

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seat. Yes. And when I heard that, it was like

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I realized I have empowerment now. There was

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a change in me that I realized now I know the

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Father. Yes. I know that I know that I know.

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Yes. That I belong to the Father. Yes. And so

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from that day forward, I learned how to fall

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and get back up. Yes. I learned how to fall.

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And get back up. And I was just this little baby

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toddler trying to run in the spirit. And I was

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falling and getting back up and falling and getting

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back up. And I became so hungry that I wanted

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everybody to know this loving father that I've

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just met. So after that, I went and got my son.

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He was two months old during that time. And I

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went back to my house and I walked in. And of

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course, I'm smoking a joint. not thinking nothing

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about it. I'm like, hey, smoking my joint, you

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know, talking to everybody. And I tell them,

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I want you to meet a man. And his name is Jesus.

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He is the best thing ever. And man, by then everybody

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was ruined. They were so upset with me. And I

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didn't save not one person that night. And man,

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it was a disappointment because I had so experienced.

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Did they lose their high? They did. I ruined

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it. I ruined it. And here I was excited, you

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know, and smoking right along. I wasn't doing

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anything different than them. I was just excited

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about who I met. Just a change of heart. You

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know, the Toronto move, which happened, was just

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previous to that. You know, that was known as

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the Father's heart. Yeah. John Arnott, the Father's

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heart. That's what God was pouring out at that

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time. And we still need that. And we have so

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many fatherless nowadays. Yes. And nobody really

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knows what a good... father is. Nobody knows

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what it is to be corrected by a good father,

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to be accepted by a good father, to be corrected

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and accepted by a father. A father doesn't have

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to hate you to correct you. A father can love

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you and correct you too. That's the way it should

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be. Exactly. And I don't think people know a

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true father. And it was almost like God says,

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when your mother and father forsake you, I will

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raise you up. I'll take you in, Olivia. You belong

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to me. And man, when I got that revelation, it

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was just like, oh, now I have a good daddy. He

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can teach me things. He can bring me into a place.

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And I had a good father. I'm not telling you

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that my daddy was a bad daddy. My real dad worked

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hard and he was a car salesman. And I never want

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to dishonor him or disrespect him in any way.

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I just think he didn't know. Sometimes we just

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don't know because We're caught up in our own

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world. We don't know. Yeah. And what did Jesus

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say from the cross? Father, forgive them. They

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don't even know what they're doing. They don't

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even know. And so it's not anything against my

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father. I want to make sure that I don't dishonor

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my own father because he did the best he knew

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how to do. And even God has dealt with me in

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those areas where you have to remember people

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are raised themselves. And that's all they know.

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Right. And if it's your father or your mother,

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God didn't say they had to be right for you to

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honor them. That's true. And it's the only covenant

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in the Bible with promise. It's true. So it's

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so important that we really honor our parents,

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regardless of how good or how bad they raised

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us. So I just, I really want to clarify that.

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I don't want to drag my family through the mud

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or make them feel like. They didn't do anything

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right. That's not how I'm putting this at all.

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I just want to make that clear. I'm glad. That's

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good. So how did the Lord deal with you to put

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away the pot? How did he do that? Yeah, how long

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did it take? Yeah, you know, the next day I got

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in a fight with my husband the next day, and

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he was like, where is she? I want my old wife

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back. Bring back Olivia. I'm like, well, you

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didn't even love that, Olivia. You know, what

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are you trying to say? And I looked at him and

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I said, I can't change. This is permanent. Wow.

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I don't even know what happened. But Olivia's

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not the same Olivia. Something grew. Wow. And

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I knew it. And I couldn't go back. Yeah. And

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something escalated. We ended up getting a big

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fight and all that good stuff. It ended up, you

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know, I couldn't take it anymore. I tried to

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stay married. I actually stayed married for two

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more years after that incident. We separated.

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I went back and forth with it for a long time.

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I'd go and get counsel from pastors and ask them

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what they thought and ask them to pray. And I

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stood in the gap for him. I really stood for

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him to be saved, that we could get along because

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what good is light and darkness together, right?

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You can't abide with someone that's going to

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beat you up and attack you and have so much darkness

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in them and not willing to run after God with

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you. So I still had to protect myself, you know,

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and that was hard. hard that was my first separation

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that i understood that god was separating it

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and even though it was divorce i could not change

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yeah the scenario the situation i mean he broke

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my nose and black my i mean i had i had physical

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things happening to where i had to protect my

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children i had to protect you know things happened

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so i mean in those scenarios you have to separate

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from it yeah i can't stand it when Religious

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people tell you to stay with someone that's trying

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to kill you. Right, right. That doesn't make

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sense. No, it doesn't. Yeah, they weren't in

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your shoes. No. So then how did the Holy Spirit

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deal with you about the pot? I want to know this

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story. So what happened was the Lord told me,

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he said, I want you to throw it down the toilet,

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pour it out in the toilet. And I said, God, what

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are you saying? And I've seen people smoke and

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be saved. Oh, sure. Some people smoke, you know,

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and whatever. And I thought, well, you know,

00:14:04.620 --> 00:14:07.519
my spiritual mother smoked when I met her. I

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had a spiritual mother who smoked. The glory

00:14:10.159 --> 00:14:12.080
of God hit her before and this and the other.

00:14:12.100 --> 00:14:14.919
She went back to smoking. But I know we can get

00:14:14.919 --> 00:14:17.580
religious and think that those things don't happen,

00:14:17.639 --> 00:14:21.460
but they do. I loved her and she taught me a

00:14:21.460 --> 00:14:24.200
lot in the Lord. But when God told me to lay

00:14:24.200 --> 00:14:27.399
down the pot, it was like that was my security.

00:14:27.659 --> 00:14:30.759
That was the hard part because I found a lot

00:14:30.759 --> 00:14:33.360
of security in smoking weed because it took me

00:14:33.360 --> 00:14:37.679
out of the world. It took me out. I didn't have

00:14:37.679 --> 00:14:40.879
to think. It was affecting you and making it

00:14:40.879 --> 00:14:43.320
not hurt so much. You were really self -medicating.

00:14:43.740 --> 00:14:46.559
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Drinking and all.

00:14:46.600 --> 00:14:48.720
I did it all. So, I mean, it wasn't just smoking

00:14:48.720 --> 00:14:51.879
weed. But at the time I had chilled out on other.

00:14:52.139 --> 00:14:54.679
My life was hard. You know that from the last

00:14:54.679 --> 00:14:57.679
episode. But, you know, that was my chill out

00:14:57.679 --> 00:15:01.379
area was pot's not that bad. It's grown. Right.

00:15:02.120 --> 00:15:06.360
You know, those are your thoughts. And so. But

00:15:06.360 --> 00:15:08.500
the Holy Spirit didn't didn't do that right away.

00:15:08.779 --> 00:15:11.950
No, it took four months. It was about four months

00:15:11.950 --> 00:15:14.649
after the fact. The Lord said, are you going

00:15:14.649 --> 00:15:18.269
to lay that down? And I said, okay, I'm going

00:15:18.269 --> 00:15:22.169
to lay it down. So I poured the pot out, you

00:15:22.169 --> 00:15:27.450
know, and I've never went back. I've never had

00:15:27.450 --> 00:15:33.649
a desire for it again. But I'm glad that I continued

00:15:33.649 --> 00:15:38.360
to run after God. Because I think people... Don't

00:15:38.360 --> 00:15:40.759
understand how important it is to continue to

00:15:40.759 --> 00:15:44.960
run into the arms of Jesus. Right. Because, yeah,

00:15:45.000 --> 00:15:47.059
that was the first step pouring down the toilet.

00:15:47.299 --> 00:15:51.740
But the next step is never going back. Yes. You

00:15:51.740 --> 00:15:54.360
got to leave the past in the past. Burn the bridges.

00:15:54.879 --> 00:15:57.320
And move forward. Yeah. And that is the hardest

00:15:57.320 --> 00:16:00.419
thing in the world when you're experiencing transformation.

00:16:01.100 --> 00:16:03.320
Right. Because you don't understand why these

00:16:03.320 --> 00:16:06.159
people are rejecting you now. You don't. Yeah.

00:16:06.240 --> 00:16:09.259
Like it happened like a suddenly. Now my husband

00:16:09.259 --> 00:16:12.519
at the time. Did not want me around. He couldn't

00:16:12.519 --> 00:16:15.340
stand me. And I was having a lot of conflict

00:16:15.340 --> 00:16:17.620
there. Couldn't stay with my mom. I mean, I had

00:16:17.620 --> 00:16:20.919
to separate from my family and could not even

00:16:20.919 --> 00:16:23.299
live in my dad's houses because I felt attacked

00:16:23.299 --> 00:16:26.500
a lot. And so at some point I had to completely

00:16:26.500 --> 00:16:30.399
separate in Pensacola where I'm from, where my

00:16:30.399 --> 00:16:34.259
family was. And I could still only. handle so

00:16:34.259 --> 00:16:36.980
much with them because they did not understand

00:16:36.980 --> 00:16:40.220
me and I didn't understand me to some degree

00:16:40.220 --> 00:16:43.460
I mean how do you understand this suddenly you

00:16:43.460 --> 00:16:47.200
know and God is a God of suddenlies yes so I'm

00:16:47.200 --> 00:16:49.700
just not even the same Olivia I'm having I'm

00:16:49.700 --> 00:16:52.720
learning new things you know gone through rejection

00:16:52.720 --> 00:16:55.919
and God started me I started street preaching

00:16:55.919 --> 00:16:59.360
yeah how far along in your in your walk did you

00:16:59.360 --> 00:17:03.710
start street preaching Probably two years. Okay.

00:17:03.750 --> 00:17:05.809
Probably two years after when I was going to

00:17:05.809 --> 00:17:08.470
Brownsville. Yeah. Somebody paid for me to go

00:17:08.470 --> 00:17:10.589
to Brownsville. People were starting to pay for

00:17:10.589 --> 00:17:12.849
me to go to school, to ministry school. Glory

00:17:12.849 --> 00:17:15.869
to God. Glory to God. I got my degree in missions

00:17:15.869 --> 00:17:19.670
through Globe Missions in Pensacola, Florida.

00:17:19.970 --> 00:17:22.509
And I got my degree. I did not get my degree.

00:17:23.279 --> 00:17:26.140
at Brownsville. I was the last class there, but

00:17:26.140 --> 00:17:29.880
somebody paid for that too. So everything I was

00:17:29.880 --> 00:17:32.519
doing, God started paying for things for me to

00:17:32.519 --> 00:17:35.559
go because it was just, I guess people just saw

00:17:35.559 --> 00:17:38.160
it on me, saw something different in me. God

00:17:38.160 --> 00:17:41.420
spoke to them, no doubt. Absolutely. And Kathy

00:17:41.420 --> 00:17:44.500
Winfrey, she was one that really, she watched

00:17:44.500 --> 00:17:47.779
my children for me. She helped me in so many

00:17:47.779 --> 00:17:51.920
ways. And I do thank God for her wanting to yield

00:17:51.920 --> 00:17:55.700
and see God's transforming power more in my life.

00:17:55.720 --> 00:17:58.140
Just the change that needed to happen. And so

00:17:58.140 --> 00:18:02.240
I'm thankful. God kept sending counselors. He

00:18:02.240 --> 00:18:04.640
would just send them. And they would do it for

00:18:04.640 --> 00:18:07.240
free. Like, let me call them in the middle of

00:18:07.240 --> 00:18:10.619
the night. You know, and it has always been.

00:18:11.160 --> 00:18:14.279
Wow. That way in my life. Glory to God. So you've

00:18:14.279 --> 00:18:17.619
gone from glory to glory to glory. And every

00:18:17.619 --> 00:18:21.779
time the glory comes, it burns up some of the

00:18:21.779 --> 00:18:24.460
stuff that doesn't belong there. That's just

00:18:24.460 --> 00:18:29.779
how it works. The glory fire. And he's so kind.

00:18:31.609 --> 00:18:35.589
And he's so thorough, but he doesn't do it all

00:18:35.589 --> 00:18:40.190
at once. Oh, he'd die if he did. Oh, yeah. That's

00:18:40.190 --> 00:18:41.970
what he told to the children of Israel when they

00:18:41.970 --> 00:18:44.150
were taking the promised land. He said, you're

00:18:44.150 --> 00:18:46.970
not going to take it all at once, but take it

00:18:46.970 --> 00:18:48.569
little by little. Because if you took it all

00:18:48.569 --> 00:18:51.690
at once, you don't have enough people to populate

00:18:51.690 --> 00:18:54.609
the place. The wild beasts would take over. So

00:18:54.609 --> 00:18:58.119
you just, here's your first block. Take this,

00:18:58.339 --> 00:19:01.140
and then every generation is supposed to keep

00:19:01.140 --> 00:19:03.859
going. And see, that's the place where they fell

00:19:03.859 --> 00:19:06.559
down. They learned from the people that had been

00:19:06.559 --> 00:19:10.579
left alive and started into idolatry, and they

00:19:10.579 --> 00:19:13.359
didn't follow through with what God said. But

00:19:13.359 --> 00:19:16.059
all I'm saying is that in one person's life,

00:19:16.259 --> 00:19:20.259
you just keep taking ground and you keep letting

00:19:20.259 --> 00:19:23.640
the Holy Spirit take ground in you. And that's

00:19:23.640 --> 00:19:26.099
humility because it is embarrassing sometimes.

00:19:26.220 --> 00:19:28.180
It can be. You know, especially in the beginning

00:19:28.180 --> 00:19:30.740
when, you know, I'd be running really hard for

00:19:30.740 --> 00:19:35.029
God and then I'd fall. I'd fall. I'd do something

00:19:35.029 --> 00:19:38.269
wrong or I'd run away or I'd get scared, like

00:19:38.269 --> 00:19:40.430
started getting scared of what God was going

00:19:40.430 --> 00:19:43.549
to do next. And so I'd run. I'd run like that.

00:19:43.569 --> 00:19:45.950
I was rebellious. I was like, no, you're not.

00:19:46.069 --> 00:19:48.650
And I'm like, I was gone. You run like Jonah.

00:19:49.769 --> 00:19:54.490
Get a ticket somewhere else. Yes, I would run.

00:19:54.630 --> 00:19:57.549
I ran away from my spiritual mother. I ran away

00:19:57.549 --> 00:20:00.269
from her. I was so guilty feeling for that. I

00:20:00.269 --> 00:20:03.789
ran away for two years. I lived back in the world

00:20:03.789 --> 00:20:06.670
for a little bit. You know, it's scary. But you

00:20:06.670 --> 00:20:09.390
came back. But I came back. You don't want to

00:20:09.390 --> 00:20:15.150
be whale food. No. Like Noah. No, not Noah. Like

00:20:15.150 --> 00:20:18.930
Jonah. Right. Yeah. Amen. Yeah, you'll learn

00:20:18.930 --> 00:20:21.670
your lesson. Yeah, you go in your detour sometimes,

00:20:21.789 --> 00:20:25.150
but you have to always know in the back of your

00:20:25.150 --> 00:20:28.730
mind, God is calling you to something higher.

00:20:28.930 --> 00:20:32.390
Yes. God is taking you somewhere. And it's a

00:20:32.390 --> 00:20:35.190
destiny written on your heart, especially when

00:20:35.190 --> 00:20:37.369
that new creature comes up, because it's not

00:20:37.369 --> 00:20:40.430
the same person. Now this new creature knows.

00:20:40.769 --> 00:20:43.990
Well, it's your spirit. Yes. Your spirit is the

00:20:43.990 --> 00:20:47.890
real you. Yes. And the one that is contrary is

00:20:47.890 --> 00:20:51.970
the one that has to be reigned in and made one

00:20:51.970 --> 00:20:54.849
with the Holy Spirit, just like your spirit is

00:20:54.849 --> 00:20:56.750
one with the Holy Spirit. It's a training. It's

00:20:56.750 --> 00:21:01.450
a transformation process. Amen. And there was

00:21:01.450 --> 00:21:04.210
a lot of junk there. Yeah. Well, God, but God

00:21:04.210 --> 00:21:08.650
is thorough. And, you know, and he takes us as

00:21:08.650 --> 00:21:12.480
we are. But he doesn't leave us that way. Amen.

00:21:12.539 --> 00:21:16.460
And I'm glad he didn't. Yeah. You know, he's

00:21:16.460 --> 00:21:18.759
still in the process with all of us. I'm so glad

00:21:18.759 --> 00:21:21.559
he kept taking me back. You know, I'm so glad

00:21:21.559 --> 00:21:25.599
that I had the trust in him. Right. Because I

00:21:25.599 --> 00:21:28.539
don't think people have trust. Yeah. They really

00:21:28.539 --> 00:21:31.259
think that they're that dirty when they make

00:21:31.259 --> 00:21:34.119
mistakes, that there's something that wrong with

00:21:34.119 --> 00:21:37.160
them, that they can't just crawl back in Daddy

00:21:37.160 --> 00:21:40.700
God's lap. But that's just not true. Well, that's

00:21:40.700 --> 00:21:43.559
the accuser. It is. The accuser starts out as

00:21:43.559 --> 00:21:46.920
the tempter, and he tempts you, and you fall

00:21:46.920 --> 00:21:50.640
into the slime, and then he berates you for being

00:21:50.640 --> 00:21:54.259
all slimy. Yes. It makes you feel awful that

00:21:54.259 --> 00:21:57.019
you're all slimy and muddy. Slime pit. Yeah.

00:21:57.440 --> 00:22:00.200
But all you have to do is repent. Truly repent.

00:22:00.460 --> 00:22:03.500
Yes. From your heart. Right. And you just return

00:22:03.500 --> 00:22:07.000
to God. Yes. Amen. You just keep on going back.

00:22:07.259 --> 00:22:10.220
So you've kept on going back all these years.

00:22:10.680 --> 00:22:13.259
And tell us more about being a street preacher.

00:22:13.880 --> 00:22:16.480
What have you seen? What kind of experiences

00:22:16.480 --> 00:22:20.099
have you seen? What transformed lives? We were

00:22:20.099 --> 00:22:24.690
wild. We were so wild. I loved it, though, because

00:22:24.690 --> 00:22:26.890
it really is innately in me. I'm a little bit

00:22:26.890 --> 00:22:31.789
of a wild stallion. So I like the fire that's

00:22:31.789 --> 00:22:35.630
involved in it because you see people as you're

00:22:35.630 --> 00:22:38.430
standing on the sidewalk and they're walking

00:22:38.430 --> 00:22:41.630
by you. And every word that's coming out of your

00:22:41.630 --> 00:22:44.470
mouth is either hitting or missing. And you can

00:22:44.470 --> 00:22:47.049
tell when people are being turned. Something's

00:22:47.049 --> 00:22:49.329
happening to them. You can tell that they turn

00:22:49.329 --> 00:22:53.289
suddenly or they're responding. They're not wanting

00:22:53.289 --> 00:22:57.190
to, but they're responding. And there's something

00:22:57.190 --> 00:23:00.069
about street preaching. And I know people, oh,

00:23:00.089 --> 00:23:02.220
it's a bad taste in some people's mouth. But

00:23:02.220 --> 00:23:04.680
I think that it was created to be a bad taste

00:23:04.680 --> 00:23:08.019
in some people's mouth. I truly do, because I've

00:23:08.019 --> 00:23:10.299
heard people get so mad at street preaching.

00:23:10.819 --> 00:23:13.940
But inevitably, street preaching is like a hammer.

00:23:14.119 --> 00:23:16.700
It just comes in. And guess what? You're not

00:23:16.700 --> 00:23:18.500
going to come to us. We're going to come to you,

00:23:18.539 --> 00:23:20.619
whether you like it or not. We're not going to

00:23:20.619 --> 00:23:22.579
a church. You know, we've got to meet them where

00:23:22.579 --> 00:23:24.579
they're at. Yeah. And it's kind of like spanking

00:23:24.579 --> 00:23:28.299
a rebellious child. You know, my grandmama has

00:23:28.299 --> 00:23:31.240
been praying for years for me. One man said to

00:23:31.240 --> 00:23:35.990
me, for years. Can you imagine the rebellion

00:23:35.990 --> 00:23:39.890
that someone has to be in? And they're 50 years

00:23:39.890 --> 00:23:43.410
old and their grandmother had been praying for

00:23:43.410 --> 00:23:48.009
them for years. Decades by that time. Yeah. And

00:23:48.009 --> 00:23:50.509
he comes up to me and he says, thank you. I'm

00:23:50.509 --> 00:23:53.130
going to church tomorrow. Wow. And I'm preaching

00:23:53.130 --> 00:23:56.609
at a bar. Wow. And at this time I'm having to

00:23:56.609 --> 00:23:59.740
deal with this. so -called preacher next to me

00:23:59.740 --> 00:24:02.480
holding up a sign that says I'm with stupid.

00:24:02.819 --> 00:24:07.960
So I'm having to really press through and make

00:24:07.960 --> 00:24:11.279
up my mind that this is where God had me stand.

00:24:11.519 --> 00:24:14.440
And this is where I'm going to preach. I learned

00:24:14.440 --> 00:24:16.799
a lot from street preaching. I learned people

00:24:16.799 --> 00:24:20.019
from street preaching. And so when that man,

00:24:20.059 --> 00:24:22.940
he was on a Harley Davidson motorcycle, he rebuked

00:24:22.940 --> 00:24:26.740
the guy behind you, told him not to be. attacking

00:24:26.740 --> 00:24:29.319
a woman of god because he said that the preaching

00:24:29.319 --> 00:24:32.980
is what turned him tonight and he told me he

00:24:32.980 --> 00:24:36.200
says i'm going back i'm going back to church

00:24:36.200 --> 00:24:38.819
i'm going to church you know charisma magazine

00:24:38.819 --> 00:24:42.240
some years back had an article on a lot of the

00:24:42.240 --> 00:24:45.420
old rockers that got saved you know I remember

00:24:45.420 --> 00:24:48.700
Mark Farner. That was Grand Funk Railroad. I

00:24:48.700 --> 00:24:51.619
loved to see him in concert and all that. In

00:24:51.619 --> 00:24:53.759
your early days. In my early days, yeah, thank

00:24:53.759 --> 00:24:58.259
you. He got saved. He had a steel band on his

00:24:58.259 --> 00:25:02.619
arm and all that. He was really cool. But he

00:25:02.619 --> 00:25:06.119
got saved, and he would play gigs. He went back

00:25:06.119 --> 00:25:09.359
into performing, and they'd do some of the music

00:25:09.359 --> 00:25:11.359
they wrote. Then he'd do songs the Lord gave

00:25:11.359 --> 00:25:14.559
him. And then he'd go to bars and places, you

00:25:14.559 --> 00:25:17.740
know, and he'd get criticized, you know, by some

00:25:17.740 --> 00:25:19.940
Christian. But he said, who was going to reach

00:25:19.940 --> 00:25:23.539
these people? Because that's where he was. Yeah,

00:25:23.539 --> 00:25:26.599
right. And that's a gift that's not for everybody.

00:25:26.839 --> 00:25:28.799
Right. You know, it's not for everybody. That

00:25:28.799 --> 00:25:31.720
was for you. That was that was perfect because.

00:25:31.900 --> 00:25:34.720
Well, we even went into bars. Yeah. Yeah. We

00:25:34.720 --> 00:25:36.700
went into bars and we got on the microphone.

00:25:37.119 --> 00:25:39.660
And one time we got surrounded. I thought we're

00:25:39.660 --> 00:25:41.460
going to get killed. What are we doing here?

00:25:41.460 --> 00:25:43.259
You know, like, what are we doing here? We're

00:25:43.259 --> 00:25:45.400
talking about Jesus on the microphone. They're

00:25:45.400 --> 00:25:47.559
just want to have a good time and sing. Yeah.

00:25:47.619 --> 00:25:50.299
But people were touched. Holy Ghost karaoke.

00:25:51.200 --> 00:25:57.000
It was Holy Ghost. It was. And, you know, the

00:25:57.000 --> 00:26:00.660
woman that actually taught me street preaching

00:26:00.660 --> 00:26:03.240
is still a street preacher to this day. Wonderful.

00:26:03.299 --> 00:26:06.480
She preaches all over the world. Wow. And her

00:26:06.480 --> 00:26:09.960
name is Angela Cummings. She's called the women's

00:26:09.960 --> 00:26:12.480
fire preacher or something. And she goes to Israel.

00:26:12.680 --> 00:26:15.539
She street preaches in Israel. Wow. She street

00:26:15.539 --> 00:26:19.220
preached. Greece, she straight preached all over

00:26:19.220 --> 00:26:21.599
this world. She lives in the nation. She don't

00:26:21.599 --> 00:26:24.980
even come back here. And so she felt like she

00:26:24.980 --> 00:26:29.059
was a real caveat of Steve Hill. I mean, that

00:26:29.059 --> 00:26:32.400
man was a huge influence. And when she when she

00:26:32.400 --> 00:26:36.359
talks to me or had talked to me. She looked like

00:26:36.359 --> 00:26:39.440
Steve Hill in the eyes. Like she took that anointing

00:26:39.440 --> 00:26:42.740
so seriously. Wow. And she's still out to this

00:26:42.740 --> 00:26:45.859
day preaching the word of God. Glory to God.

00:26:46.059 --> 00:26:49.640
So speaking of the nations, the Lord began taking

00:26:49.640 --> 00:26:52.880
you to the nations after a lengthy season of

00:26:52.880 --> 00:26:55.900
transforming and transforming and glory transforming

00:26:55.900 --> 00:26:58.779
and more glory and more glory. Then he started

00:26:58.779 --> 00:27:00.859
taking you to the nations. Tell us a little about

00:27:00.859 --> 00:27:05.220
that. So I went to mission school, got my missions

00:27:05.220 --> 00:27:08.019
degree. When in my 20s, I was raising my children,

00:27:08.140 --> 00:27:12.640
of course. And I was going to go to Africa at

00:27:12.640 --> 00:27:16.299
that time before I married my husband. So my

00:27:16.299 --> 00:27:19.299
heart was to go to Kenya, Africa and sit under

00:27:19.299 --> 00:27:24.019
and be mentored by a woman in Africa. So my plans

00:27:24.019 --> 00:27:27.880
got turned around. That often happens. It often

00:27:27.880 --> 00:27:30.400
does, doesn't it? Because our plans aren't always

00:27:30.400 --> 00:27:33.819
God's plans. Amen. Amen. And God knew I needed

00:27:33.819 --> 00:27:36.420
a husband and I needed my husband. I feel like

00:27:36.420 --> 00:27:40.279
God really put a true, I mean, he's my soulmate.

00:27:40.440 --> 00:27:42.599
He's everything that I needed. He's a wonderful

00:27:42.599 --> 00:27:45.779
man. He really is. And he's a gentle man and

00:27:45.779 --> 00:27:49.099
he's a good man and he's a loving man. You needed

00:27:49.099 --> 00:27:51.240
that. Yes. After all that you had been through.

00:27:51.710 --> 00:27:53.990
Yeah. And he has a father's heart. Beautiful.

00:27:54.009 --> 00:27:56.869
Like he has a true father's heart. And I don't

00:27:56.869 --> 00:27:59.509
see him as my father, but I just, I see it in

00:27:59.509 --> 00:28:01.569
him and the way he treats my own children and

00:28:01.569 --> 00:28:06.349
how he has given them a true sense. of a man,

00:28:06.450 --> 00:28:08.849
of what a godly man should be about. Thank you,

00:28:08.849 --> 00:28:12.349
Jesus. So God gave me that. And I really sat

00:28:12.349 --> 00:28:14.869
down for about seven years after we got married.

00:28:15.109 --> 00:28:18.609
I mean, I sat down. I let God cultivate our relationship.

00:28:18.930 --> 00:28:22.069
I was a little bit nervous about letting him

00:28:22.069 --> 00:28:25.970
know who I really was. Yeah, because I knew that

00:28:25.970 --> 00:28:29.650
on the inside, even my pastors told him. Be aware.

00:28:29.849 --> 00:28:32.730
Yeah. Because you've got a call of God in your

00:28:32.730 --> 00:28:35.430
life. Yes. And they made it very clear to him

00:28:35.430 --> 00:28:38.769
that I'm not a picket fence, White House woman,

00:28:38.930 --> 00:28:43.630
that I really was not going to settle for mediocrity.

00:28:43.930 --> 00:28:47.690
And so they told him that straight up. That was

00:28:47.690 --> 00:28:50.990
good. Good pastors. And so he had to make his

00:28:50.990 --> 00:28:53.269
decision that day that he could deal with me.

00:28:53.349 --> 00:28:57.109
But it took me about seven years to really be

00:28:57.109 --> 00:29:01.140
comfortable. And saying, okay, you want to see

00:29:01.140 --> 00:29:04.700
me? Here I am. And he told me when he married

00:29:04.700 --> 00:29:08.039
me, the Lord told him I was a wild stallion and

00:29:08.039 --> 00:29:11.960
that I wasn't scared a lot of anything. I'm not

00:29:11.960 --> 00:29:16.859
scared. I'm not a fearful person at all. When

00:29:16.859 --> 00:29:19.400
I met my husband, we just took time and I know

00:29:19.400 --> 00:29:22.740
it was God in that season. And I kind of revamped

00:29:22.740 --> 00:29:25.380
myself and became a different person. Even then,

00:29:25.440 --> 00:29:28.839
you know, I started doing hair. I mean, I never

00:29:28.839 --> 00:29:32.099
thought I'd ever do hair. I don't do hair, but

00:29:32.099 --> 00:29:35.299
I did hair. And God used it for ministry for

00:29:35.299 --> 00:29:38.000
me. And I've been able, you know, I've used everything

00:29:38.000 --> 00:29:41.539
in my life for ministry. Beautiful. That's all

00:29:41.539 --> 00:29:44.599
it is about. I give a hundred percent. Of my

00:29:44.599 --> 00:29:47.740
life to God. Amen. You know, and that's the way

00:29:47.740 --> 00:29:50.119
even when I wasn't really telling Victor who

00:29:50.119 --> 00:29:53.640
I gave everything to God. Beautiful. But now

00:29:53.640 --> 00:29:57.900
these years later, it was like suddenly, suddenly

00:29:57.900 --> 00:30:02.619
there's a suddenlies again. I am going to Africa.

00:30:02.759 --> 00:30:05.799
I am going to the Philippines. Actually, Edith

00:30:05.799 --> 00:30:10.160
Stanley is the pastor that is over the church

00:30:10.160 --> 00:30:12.819
that I go to the Philippines in and bless her

00:30:12.819 --> 00:30:16.019
little heart. I knew her at Liberty Church. Me

00:30:16.019 --> 00:30:18.059
and her both went to the same missionary school.

00:30:18.279 --> 00:30:20.859
I still know a lot of missionaries from Globe

00:30:20.859 --> 00:30:24.859
Missions. I stay in touch with them. And she

00:30:24.859 --> 00:30:27.500
texted me one day. She said, are you ready to

00:30:27.500 --> 00:30:30.380
come? And it's like 15 years later. I mean, it's

00:30:30.380 --> 00:30:34.019
been a long time. It's not overnight, you know.

00:30:34.819 --> 00:30:37.079
And I was like, you didn't forget me. She's like,

00:30:37.180 --> 00:30:42.859
no. It's time, you know. So I went to the Philippines

00:30:42.859 --> 00:30:46.420
and I had the best time. Now, I didn't have the

00:30:46.420 --> 00:30:48.829
freedom I had. The second time I went to the

00:30:48.829 --> 00:30:51.349
Philippines, the first time was kind of like

00:30:51.349 --> 00:30:53.470
getting my feet wet. It was my first missions

00:30:53.470 --> 00:30:56.069
trip. I was really getting into it. It was exciting.

00:30:56.750 --> 00:31:00.470
And, you know, God supplied everything that I

00:31:00.470 --> 00:31:03.230
needed. And even when he didn't supply, it's

00:31:03.230 --> 00:31:05.750
so crazy. And I'm not promoting this, so I'm

00:31:05.750 --> 00:31:08.089
not trying to say, but like we've used credit

00:31:08.089 --> 00:31:15.180
cards and God has paid them back. Like if I'm

00:31:15.180 --> 00:31:17.680
obedient to what I know God is telling me to

00:31:17.680 --> 00:31:21.160
do, he's never let me down. And he's always come

00:31:21.160 --> 00:31:25.220
back with provision and protection. Just don't

00:31:25.220 --> 00:31:27.740
be presumptuous. Yeah, I'm not being presumptuous.

00:31:27.740 --> 00:31:29.700
Yeah, that's why I don't want to advocate that

00:31:29.700 --> 00:31:32.339
in any way. But we have done that, which most

00:31:32.339 --> 00:31:34.619
of it was paid, but we use some of it for the

00:31:34.619 --> 00:31:37.740
credit cards, right? Yeah. So I just found that.

00:31:38.299 --> 00:31:41.079
If you do what God tells you to do, he is always

00:31:41.079 --> 00:31:44.859
faithful to come back and say, here you go. I'll

00:31:44.859 --> 00:31:47.740
take care of you. And the word of God says you

00:31:47.740 --> 00:31:53.200
get blessings with persecution, too. So people

00:31:53.200 --> 00:31:56.000
miss that part. They want to knock out the persecution

00:31:56.000 --> 00:31:59.220
and just say the blessings. But they do kind

00:31:59.220 --> 00:32:03.440
of run hand in hand. And so I realized that this

00:32:03.440 --> 00:32:05.839
world will persecute you, even your finances,

00:32:06.079 --> 00:32:08.680
even the things of the world will persecute you

00:32:08.680 --> 00:32:10.900
as you're doing the things for God and try to

00:32:10.900 --> 00:32:14.200
hinder you and keep you from going forward. And

00:32:14.200 --> 00:32:17.099
you just have to keep your eyes on the mark and

00:32:17.099 --> 00:32:20.279
not let those things of this world hinder you.

00:32:20.440 --> 00:32:23.240
And that's what I'm learning by going to the

00:32:23.240 --> 00:32:26.000
nations is if there's not enough, by golly, God

00:32:26.000 --> 00:32:28.940
is going to take care of it. And I'm determined.

00:32:29.660 --> 00:32:32.380
And Victor said, I've seen crazy. He's like,

00:32:32.539 --> 00:32:35.920
I work at a crazy anointing. I do. Hallelujah.

00:32:35.960 --> 00:32:39.759
Where I just trust. I am a child. Let's put it

00:32:39.759 --> 00:32:42.619
that way. I am a child. Well, that's what pleases

00:32:42.619 --> 00:32:45.079
our Father. Yeah. When we behave like children,

00:32:45.319 --> 00:32:48.539
you know. It's not childish, but childlike. Yes.

00:32:48.539 --> 00:32:50.519
There's a difference. Childlike. The trust. Yes.

00:32:50.579 --> 00:32:53.700
I trust God with all of my heart because he's

00:32:53.700 --> 00:32:57.440
shown himself faithful. So many times in my life.

00:32:57.599 --> 00:33:00.380
Yeah. All the time in my life. Beautiful. I've

00:33:00.380 --> 00:33:03.200
never gone without because of God. Hallelujah.

00:33:03.500 --> 00:33:05.960
You know, He's a good God. He is. He's such a

00:33:05.960 --> 00:33:08.400
good God. He is. So you've been to the Philippines

00:33:08.400 --> 00:33:10.839
how many times? I've been four times now. Okay.

00:33:10.859 --> 00:33:14.519
And you've been to Uganda? Five times. Five times.

00:33:14.539 --> 00:33:17.299
And other places? I'm going to Costa Rica. And

00:33:17.299 --> 00:33:22.940
I've been invited to Nepal, India. Hasn't gone

00:33:22.940 --> 00:33:25.960
through yet. And I haven't felt. peace yet in

00:33:25.960 --> 00:33:28.799
the move of that. But I do want to go because

00:33:28.799 --> 00:33:31.920
I helped raise money for orphanage there. And

00:33:31.920 --> 00:33:34.700
I had all the pictures of the children from 20

00:33:34.700 --> 00:33:39.319
years ago. Wow. Now they're adults. Yeah. I know.

00:33:39.440 --> 00:33:43.180
Go meet the grown children. Yes. God will do

00:33:43.180 --> 00:33:45.200
it in His time. Yeah, I agree. He's faithful.

00:33:45.299 --> 00:33:48.200
He's absolutely faithful. So you also have a

00:33:48.200 --> 00:33:52.140
podcast. Tell us about that. So I called it Unashamed.

00:33:53.079 --> 00:33:56.519
I think the reason I named it Unashamed was I

00:33:56.519 --> 00:34:00.299
think that so many times we have a voice and

00:34:00.299 --> 00:34:04.680
we don't use it in concern about what people

00:34:04.680 --> 00:34:09.789
think. So I used the name Unashamed. To kind

00:34:09.789 --> 00:34:13.610
of express that I don't need to be ashamed about

00:34:13.610 --> 00:34:16.809
anything. Yeah. That this is a free nation. We

00:34:16.809 --> 00:34:20.789
all have the ability to say and be who we were

00:34:20.789 --> 00:34:25.369
created to be. So I think that, you know, I put

00:34:25.369 --> 00:34:29.130
this podcast out so that people, they can hear

00:34:29.130 --> 00:34:32.889
what I have to say and I can just be free. Yeah.

00:34:32.909 --> 00:34:35.610
Give what the Lord gives you. Give it, you know,

00:34:35.610 --> 00:34:39.579
and I hope it to be an encouragement. I hope

00:34:39.579 --> 00:34:43.699
it to help people grow closer to God and teach

00:34:43.699 --> 00:34:47.559
them not to run from God and teach them not to

00:34:47.559 --> 00:34:50.940
be ashamed. Right. Because that's what hinders

00:34:50.940 --> 00:34:53.559
us a lot of times. We're ashamed of what happened

00:34:53.559 --> 00:34:56.840
to us. We're ashamed of our backgrounds. That's

00:34:56.840 --> 00:35:00.800
that accuser. Exactly. And the accuser is more

00:35:00.800 --> 00:35:05.320
prevalent in some families than others. And I

00:35:05.320 --> 00:35:07.860
think that some people are underdogs. They feel

00:35:07.860 --> 00:35:09.760
like they're underdogs. They feel like they could

00:35:09.760 --> 00:35:14.019
never come up to a place where God can use them.

00:35:14.579 --> 00:35:20.699
So they stay in that place. It's hard. It's hard

00:35:20.699 --> 00:35:24.380
to say, okay, God, I can surrender what I'm dealing

00:35:24.380 --> 00:35:27.760
with. I can let you do this work in me. I can,

00:35:27.760 --> 00:35:32.019
you know, it's hard. And they have just as much

00:35:32.019 --> 00:35:35.900
of a capability to do this as me or you. It's

00:35:35.900 --> 00:35:38.739
just. You have to put it in your mind that you're

00:35:38.739 --> 00:35:41.980
not ashamed. You can come forth. You can let

00:35:41.980 --> 00:35:45.699
God do the work, you know, and that's what I

00:35:45.699 --> 00:35:48.039
want people to feel. I want them to put all the

00:35:48.039 --> 00:35:50.719
shame aside. Yes. There's not one person on this

00:35:50.719 --> 00:35:53.619
earth that is perfect. Right. Nobody's perfect.

00:35:53.699 --> 00:35:56.619
Right. God only has broken people to work with.

00:35:57.019 --> 00:36:00.719
Exactly. Exactly. I mean, I'm not going to tell

00:36:00.719 --> 00:36:02.960
you that I've got it all together and I'm not

00:36:02.960 --> 00:36:04.980
letting God still work on me and this, that,

00:36:04.980 --> 00:36:07.280
and the other. Only Jesus has it all together.

00:36:07.539 --> 00:36:10.480
Amen. Amen. And he spilt it all out so that we

00:36:10.480 --> 00:36:14.599
can be put back together. Exactly. Exactly. So

00:36:14.599 --> 00:36:17.019
I just, I want people to know you don't have

00:36:17.019 --> 00:36:19.420
to be perfect to run with God. You have to have

00:36:19.420 --> 00:36:23.280
a heart, not a good heart. You just have to have

00:36:23.280 --> 00:36:26.179
a willing heart. Yeah. A heart that's willing

00:36:26.179 --> 00:36:30.179
to let God work on it. Amen. That's it. Yep.

00:36:30.340 --> 00:36:34.760
Not perfect. Just willing. Beautiful. Yeah. Beautiful.

00:36:35.380 --> 00:36:39.219
So how often do you put out episodes? I've attempted

00:36:39.219 --> 00:36:42.099
to do it every week. So every seven days I'm

00:36:42.099 --> 00:36:45.409
putting out something. My last one was on. abortion.

00:36:45.590 --> 00:36:48.489
It was really hard on my heart. And I thought,

00:36:48.550 --> 00:36:51.869
you know, this nation is really split because

00:36:51.869 --> 00:36:56.349
of abortion. And, you know, I'm black and white.

00:36:56.570 --> 00:36:59.889
I do believe that abortion is a no -no. I feel

00:36:59.889 --> 00:37:04.190
like even if it was being abused or being raped

00:37:04.190 --> 00:37:07.050
or even incest, you know, if you think it's a

00:37:07.050 --> 00:37:10.449
shame to you, I have purposed in my heart to

00:37:10.449 --> 00:37:15.170
believe that abortion is always coming from a

00:37:15.170 --> 00:37:22.510
place of self. And mothers are not selfish. Yeah,

00:37:22.550 --> 00:37:24.750
they're not supposed to be. I mean, the real

00:37:24.750 --> 00:37:30.010
mother instinct inside of you is not selfish.

00:37:30.309 --> 00:37:33.929
I remember when we had our daughter, up until

00:37:33.929 --> 00:37:38.550
that point, I was cranky every morning. I was

00:37:38.550 --> 00:37:43.320
just cranky. I woke up cranky. She's not a morning

00:37:43.320 --> 00:37:45.219
person. I'm not a morning person. And just, you

00:37:45.219 --> 00:37:48.159
know, give me space until I really wake up. Okay,

00:37:48.239 --> 00:37:51.820
that's how I was. And I really would be cranky,

00:37:51.820 --> 00:37:55.579
wasn't I? Yes. I was. You were cranky. Maybe

00:37:55.579 --> 00:37:58.300
not. Consistently cranky. And having low blood

00:37:58.300 --> 00:38:00.380
sugar, low blood pressure, I couldn't give her

00:38:00.380 --> 00:38:02.340
a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. That

00:38:02.340 --> 00:38:05.199
didn't work. But when our daughter was born,

00:38:05.320 --> 00:38:08.820
something happened inside of me. And I thought,

00:38:08.840 --> 00:38:13.929
this child. does not understand why I would be

00:38:13.929 --> 00:38:17.849
cranky. I have to stop. Wow. And I lost that

00:38:17.849 --> 00:38:20.889
selfish place where this is just me. This is

00:38:20.889 --> 00:38:24.010
who I am. This is how I am. And you better just

00:38:24.010 --> 00:38:26.929
get used to it. I quit doing drugs every time

00:38:26.929 --> 00:38:28.989
I had my kids. I was like, I can't do drugs.

00:38:29.010 --> 00:38:33.610
I'm pregnant, you know. Yeah. So you make concessions.

00:38:33.610 --> 00:38:37.170
You make sacrifices for your children. It's a

00:38:37.170 --> 00:38:40.090
part of the instinct. But I think our society

00:38:40.090 --> 00:38:43.820
has become so broken. And the children that have

00:38:43.820 --> 00:38:47.940
grown up and they're adult in their bodies, but

00:38:47.940 --> 00:38:50.820
their emotions are so broken that they're stuck

00:38:50.820 --> 00:38:54.280
at whatever age they were traumatized at. I agree.

00:38:54.420 --> 00:38:58.300
And it keeps them selfish. And they've only been

00:38:58.300 --> 00:39:01.400
taught that this is okay, that it's been given

00:39:01.400 --> 00:39:05.420
to us on a silver platter. You can end this pregnancy.

00:39:06.360 --> 00:39:09.059
It's a pregnancy. It's not a baby. It's a pregnancy.

00:39:09.440 --> 00:39:12.699
And if you can think of it as a pregnancy, Then

00:39:12.699 --> 00:39:16.239
you can end it. Right? No. Or it's just tissue.

00:39:16.800 --> 00:39:19.199
Yeah. Yeah. But they've been lied to. They've

00:39:19.199 --> 00:39:21.679
been lied to. Well, I didn't expect to get on

00:39:21.679 --> 00:39:23.900
that subject. I didn't either. But, you know,

00:39:23.920 --> 00:39:27.519
it was very heavy. Yeah. And I did a quick podcast.

00:39:27.619 --> 00:39:30.000
I didn't even study it or nothing before I put

00:39:30.000 --> 00:39:32.619
it out there. So if I said anything, y 'all,

00:39:32.679 --> 00:39:36.380
I'm sorry. But, you know, I do feel that people

00:39:36.380 --> 00:39:39.980
should know to be at least responsible not to

00:39:39.980 --> 00:39:42.670
get pregnant. Yeah. You know, because it is another

00:39:42.670 --> 00:39:46.570
life. Absolutely. Absolutely. So we'll just encourage

00:39:46.570 --> 00:39:49.570
people to go to look for the Unashamed podcast

00:39:49.570 --> 00:39:53.409
by Olivia Bowie. Would you pray for our listeners?

00:39:53.769 --> 00:39:57.869
Yes. Lord, thank you, God. Thank you, Lord, that

00:39:57.869 --> 00:40:01.309
you love us so much that you will not leave us

00:40:01.309 --> 00:40:05.429
the same way we came to you, Father God. And

00:40:05.429 --> 00:40:08.469
Lord, I thank you, God, that you are a transformative

00:40:08.469 --> 00:40:11.710
God, that you will not leave us if we're hungry.

00:40:11.809 --> 00:40:15.429
God, if we are seeking your face, there is no

00:40:15.429 --> 00:40:19.929
way not to change. So, Lord, I pray, God, that

00:40:19.929 --> 00:40:23.889
every person that is listening, God, to us today,

00:40:23.989 --> 00:40:27.789
that, Lord, you will just lay it on their hearts

00:40:27.789 --> 00:40:32.329
to not be ashamed, but to run with a heart of

00:40:32.329 --> 00:40:36.909
repentance to God. Lord, run with a heart of

00:40:36.909 --> 00:40:40.710
repentance that his face is always looking at

00:40:40.710 --> 00:40:44.510
us. His face is never turned away. And it's only

00:40:44.510 --> 00:40:48.670
us that turns our hearts away. So, God, I pray

00:40:48.670 --> 00:40:52.010
that you would encourage people to just continue

00:40:52.010 --> 00:40:55.829
to get up and run to you and trust you, God,

00:40:55.909 --> 00:40:59.110
because you are a good, good father. And Lord,

00:40:59.230 --> 00:41:02.150
I pray, God, even for those that have had abortions,

00:41:02.150 --> 00:41:05.809
there's no condemnation in Christ Jesus. There's

00:41:05.809 --> 00:41:09.070
no condemnation if that's happened to you. The

00:41:09.070 --> 00:41:11.730
only condemnation that you would walk in would

00:41:11.730 --> 00:41:15.409
be if you continued to walk with an unrepentant

00:41:15.409 --> 00:41:18.940
heart. No. that that was a life, Father God.

00:41:19.599 --> 00:41:22.179
So, Lord, I pray that you would just bless every

00:41:22.179 --> 00:41:25.360
listener today. And I pray, God, that your glory

00:41:25.360 --> 00:41:27.980
would just fall on them, that they would just

00:41:27.980 --> 00:41:32.219
know that you love them and that it is your will

00:41:32.219 --> 00:41:36.320
and your way to bless them over and above and

00:41:36.320 --> 00:41:39.579
beyond what they can imagine or ask. But, God,

00:41:39.719 --> 00:41:43.260
you do have rules that you call your people to

00:41:43.260 --> 00:41:46.619
come by. So, Lord, I pray, God, that you will

00:41:46.619 --> 00:41:49.260
move by your Holy Spirit on the audience. God,

00:41:49.519 --> 00:41:53.179
in Jesus name, Lord, bless them all. Yes. And

00:41:53.179 --> 00:41:55.480
we thank you, God, that you are a good father

00:41:55.480 --> 00:41:58.320
and that you'll reveal yourself to them if they'll

00:41:58.320 --> 00:42:03.519
do these things. Yes. Jesus name. Amen. Amen.

00:42:08.579 --> 00:42:12.079
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00:42:12.320 --> 00:42:15.380
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00:42:23.619 --> 00:42:26.320
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00:42:26.320 --> 00:42:29.159
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00:42:29.159 --> 00:42:31.719
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00:42:34.760 --> 00:42:37.800
for life -changing anointed books. Until next

00:42:37.800 --> 00:42:41.099
time, this is Sharon Buss. And I'm Philip Buss.

00:42:41.179 --> 00:42:44.320
God bless you with His overwhelming, loving presence.