March 24, 2025

(257) “Restoring Purity in the Body of Christ” with Jeff Symons

(257) “Restoring Purity in the Body of Christ” with Jeff Symons
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(257) “Restoring Purity in the Body of Christ” with Jeff Symons

The Busses are joined by their dear friend Jeff Symons to discuss some things the Lord is showing him about restoring purity to the Body of Christ. There’s a lot of exposure happening right now, especially in the Charismatic movement, but correction is not rejection. God is shaking everything that can be shaken so what cannot be shaken will remain, and if we have the right heart posture, the end result will be a Bride without spot or wrinkle. Tune in for more of this encouraging message.

Jeff Symons will be one of the speakers at Convention 2025, May 21-24! Registration is open and we hope to see you there!



Upcoming Events:

Global Outpouring Convention 2025 Info and Registration

Generation Awakening Youth and Young Adult Retreat 2025

School of the Supernatural – Translation by Faith 2025

Related Links:

Podcast Episode 204: “The Building of Miracle Ministry” with Jeff Symons

Jeff Symons’ Podcasts:

Podcast Episode 237: “One of Heaven’s Best-Kept Secrets—The Joy of Serving” with Dean Braxton


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Nobody ever takes accountability for those inaccurate

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prophecies. And I think that we all have known

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that those things have been an issue. It's just

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coming to the surface now where I actually think

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it's the Lord refining us in a way that we can

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have purity in the Spirit again. God promises

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in Joel 2 .28 to pour out His Spirit on all humanity.

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Welcome to Global Outpouring, where we contend

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for that promised outpouring, and we equip for

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that outpouring so that we may engage in that

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very outpouring. I'm Philip Buss. And I'm Sharon

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Buss. Welcome to the podcast today. We're so

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glad that you're with us. We have with us today

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our friend Jeff Simons, who is going to be one

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of our speakers at the convention 2025 coming

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up in St. Louis. And we encourage you to be there

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with us. But we're going to have a discussion

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about the things that the Lord is showing him

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and leading him to bring to the body about restoring

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purity in the body of Christ. Thanks for joining

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us today. If you haven't already done so, before

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we get started, we want to encourage you to go

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to our website, globaloutpouring .net. Make sure

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that you're on our mailing list, our email list.

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so that we can stay in touch with you, keep you

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informed of what we're doing. While you're out

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there, you can also look at the event page for

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Convention 2025. We have all of our speakers

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lined up now. We're going to have Siggy Oblander

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opening for us, and Tony Kemp will be ministering,

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and Dean Braxton, and Jeff Simons is one of our

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speakers. Jean Little, and I'll be speaking also,

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and we're just going to have a glory time in

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the presence of the Lord. His presence is always

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so amazingly manifest at this convention because

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He just loves to connect with us, and we love

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to connect with Him. We'll have deep worship.

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tremendous intercession and we'll have flags

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of the nations around the room and you can pray

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over the nations. There's tremendous intercessions

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going to go on and opening the word, it'll be

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deep and glorious and you'll be able to make

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new friends and relationships that'll go on for

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eternity. So we want to encourage you to plan

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to be with us May 21st through 24th in St. Louis.

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at the St. Louis Airport Marriott Hotel. It's

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going to be a glory time. Please make your plans

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to be there. Well, Jeff Simons, it's such a pleasure

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to have you with us on the Global Outpouring

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Podcast again. It's been about a year or so since

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we've had you with us and since you had us with

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you on your podcast. So welcome. We're glad you're

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with us. Well, thank you very much. It's good

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to be here. We were chatting before we started.

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on this, just trying to get the mind of the Lord

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of what direction he wants to take us. First

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of all, I just want to say that we're looking

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forward to having you with us at Convention 2025

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at the St. Louis Airport Marriott Hotel, because

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I feel like there's such a connection in the

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spirit. When we connected a year ago, I just

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really felt like there's a real connection. And

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then you came here for the Eclipse event that

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we had in April of last year. And we just felt

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like family right from the get -go. So I don't

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know if you have any leading yet as to what you're

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going to be ministering on at the convention.

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But if it comes out in this conversation, that

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would be good. But we just want people to get

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to know you. And we'll encourage folks to go

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back to the recording that we did a year ago.

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And we'll put a link to it in the show notes.

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So you have your own podcast, the Kingdom Awakening

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podcast. That's the name of your ministry. Oh,

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and tell us that little piece that you told us

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a year ago about. of the names that you were

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possibly considering for your ministry. What

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was one of those? Well, there was outpouring

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international. There was global outpouring was

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one of the ones that I was considering. And those

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two are what we were considering too. Isn't that

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a stunning thing? I just love that. Yeah. That

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is so amazing. So you have that podcast and you

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have a podcast with John Mark Baker called Minor

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Prophets. And I've listened in on some of the

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things that you have been tackling, talking about

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the stuff that's going on, the exposures that

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are going on in the church, in ministries where

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people who have not been acting according to

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the word of God are being exposed for it. What

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I heard that you and John Mark were sharing together,

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I appreciate how you handled it. Just give us

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a little bit of your heart about that subject.

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Well, first, thank you for appreciating how we

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handled it. Not everybody had that response.

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It's interesting because it's dancing a fine

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line, right, where there's entire camps that

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have been publicly stating things against charismatic

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ministers for a long period of time. They don't

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have an audience to the charismatic church because

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they denounce all things charismatic and cessationist

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and things like that. And we're coming in saying,

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OK, we're not in that camp, but we are acknowledging

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that there's issues in our own stream of the

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body. And and then the other extreme of that

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is those that have. I'm going to use my language,

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that have idolized individuals to such an extreme

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that they have a hard time acknowledging when

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one of those leaders or ministries does something

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that is either unbiblical or wounding of people.

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And we're not in that camp either. We need to

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be able to discern rightly. And there's places

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where we're trying to address. unbiblical practices

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that we have in the charismatic movement. As

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people that are in that movement, I speak in

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tongues and prophesy and pray for the sick and

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have encounters and miracles. My salvation story,

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I got saved and shortly after went to heaven.

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So I don't know what the different levels of

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charismatic are, but I have a shofar and I have

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a tallit. So that puts me up there. You may not

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catch me with the flags, but I'll think about

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it. So it really started, John Mark came as a

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guest onto my podcast on Kingdom Awakening. And

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we found that we both had a heart for seeing

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purity come back to the charismatic movement.

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Yes. And we started to find these areas where

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the things that we were quoting and saying didn't

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align biblically. Come on. And it was hard because

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you kind of have to distinguish between, okay,

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am I, we'll just take prophecy, for example,

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right? So in 1 Corinthians, we are commanded.

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One prophesies and the others judge the prophecy.

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Now, it doesn't mean you judge the prophet. It

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means you judge the prophecy. Well said. And

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the challenge that we have is we need to be able

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to say, okay, this is good. This is bad. That's

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accurate. That's inaccurate. And a lot of times,

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depending on somebody's background in our movement,

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they have their identity connected to certain

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aspects of this. So to them, if you judge...

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a prophecy, oh, you're judging, you're saying

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I'm not a prophet. And we're actually, we're

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not making any statements about, you know, offices

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or titles or anything like that. But we're saying,

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okay, we need to judge prophecy. We're supposed

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to be doing this. Yes. And it's a clear example

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of what we have lost. And I want to make sure

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that I'm clearly stating this is my opinion.

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I believe that we have significantly lost credibility

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to the world. We lost a lot of credibility in

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2020. We've lost credibility since then, where

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there are certain prophetic voices that are saying

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that they're going to heaven and seeing Santa

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Claus and fictional characters. Which, okay,

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so we have a bunch of bad things that are out

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there. That wouldn't be an issue. if we were

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actually calling balls and strikes. If we were

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saying, okay, for example, say that our podcast

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existed two years ago and we had people that

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were on and sharing the prophetic word for the

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year and things of that nature. And somebody

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said, in this next year, we're going to have

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World War III by the end of 2024. And then 2024

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rolls, comes through in the end of 2024. I then

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have a responsibility to the audience. to clarify

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and say, we have this person on, and we can't

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particularly speak to what they were hearing

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or not hearing, but we know that that word did

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not come to pass. And it means that we need to

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then view future words with a higher degree of

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scrutiny. It doesn't mean that we fully discredit

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the individual. Oftentimes, it's a learning experience.

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True. I remember there was a time, and this was

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fairly early in my, and my growth in the prophetic

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where I had a friend call me and he said, Hey,

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give me a, give me a word from the Lord. And

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you know, if you, you get a reputation and people,

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it's well -intentioned and you know, they just

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want clarity from the Lord on a particular subject.

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And I, I saw a picture of somebody running. So

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I, you know, I immediately spiritualize it and

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said, OK, well, the Lord is saying that you're

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running your race and that you need to persevere

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and endure and you're going to run your race

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well. And, you know, I forget what all I said

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because it was wrong. But he said, well, I'm

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going to receive your interpretation. I was I

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was asking the Lord what I needed to do to lose

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weight. And so it was a literal word that I spiritualized

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rather than just taking what I heard and communicating

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that. So I'm not saying that we can't miscommunicate

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things, but we have made the exception the rule.

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And I think this is true in a lot of different

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things, actually, where we have exceptions biblically

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for a conditional versus an unconditional prophetic

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word. There's times where you have an option

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whether or not you see the fulfillment of the

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word. So an example of that is Agabus giving

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the word to Paul and Paul says, you know what,

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I'm going to go to Jerusalem anyway. He didn't

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have to. He had a response to seeing that fulfillment.

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The problem is most of the time the people that

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teach on conditional prophetic words never get

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an unconditional prophetic word and they don't

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get them accurate. So it's creating a loophole

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where I'm never accountable for anything prophetic.

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So I think that we have to get back to authentic

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prophecy, to not trying to be the next superstar

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of prophetic and have the next gigantic word.

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Because like I was talking to one of the leaders

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from International House of Prayer, and he was

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talking about the challenges that he's had with

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individuals that have sold their homes and relocated

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based on doomsday prophecy. from certain ministries.

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And he said, it's so damaging to these families

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to have those types of things. I'm like, yeah,

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you're right. And he said, and they never get

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fixed up. They never get cleaned up. Nobody ever

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takes accountability for those inaccurate prophecies.

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And I think that we all have known that those

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things have been an issue. It's just coming to

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the surface now where... I actually think it's

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the Lord refining us in a way that we can have

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purity in the Spirit again. Absolutely. You know,

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I have continually been repeating the Scripture,

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everything that can be shaken is being shaken,

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so that that which cannot be shaken will remain.

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And that's a good thing. It's a wonderful thing

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that our Father cares enough about us to bring

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us correction. You know, correction is not rejection.

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Right. And we have to have correction or else,

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you know, Paul says we're bastards. If you don't

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get the correction, you know. He disciplines

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those he loves. Exactly. He who he loves, he

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chastises. Exactly. So we have to embrace these

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things. And God said, I'm starting at my church.

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But he's wanting to shake everything. everything

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is being shaken. And we're seeing more of that

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now, that everything is being shaken so that

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that which cannot be shaken will remain. And

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it's a good thing. We just have to say thank

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you to our Father and run to Him, run to that

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mercy seat, because that's where we get back

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on the purity train, you know, the righteousness

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train. That's the path. It's the path. It's the

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derrick. It's the way. And our father spelled

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it out for us so clearly in his word. It's Isaiah

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35, 8. And a highway shall be there, and it shall

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be called the way of holiness. The unclean shall

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not pass over it. It shall be long to those who

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walk on the way. Even if they are fools, they

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shall not go astray. So even the very simplest

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of people, if they'll just get into line with

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the word. You're not going to fall off the way

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if you get where you understand there is a soulish,

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fleshly way, and there is a spirit way, Holy

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Spirit way, a word way. And what does Romans

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8 say? Verse 14, for all who are led by the Spirit

00:14:06.110 --> 00:14:09.529
of God are sons of God. And that word sons is

00:14:09.529 --> 00:14:12.629
the mature sons, the ones that are old enough

00:14:12.629 --> 00:14:15.669
to... have been working with dad long enough

00:14:15.669 --> 00:14:19.429
that they know how he thinks and they've been

00:14:19.429 --> 00:14:22.350
trusted with the checkbook and the keys to the

00:14:22.350 --> 00:14:26.830
office and they can write contracts for dad and

00:14:26.830 --> 00:14:29.629
sign contracts for dad and dad will say, yeah,

00:14:29.730 --> 00:14:32.549
I'll stand behind that, you know, because they're

00:14:32.549 --> 00:14:34.970
mature. They've worked with him long enough.

00:14:35.309 --> 00:14:39.149
That's where we've slipped a lot, where we have

00:14:39.149 --> 00:14:42.389
not. I mean, the whole point of the fivefold

00:14:42.389 --> 00:14:45.909
ministry is to bring up everybody in the congregation

00:14:45.909 --> 00:14:50.409
into a place of ministry rather than being out

00:14:50.409 --> 00:14:54.129
there as, you know, I'm the hero. And I'm not

00:14:54.129 --> 00:14:57.169
saying that specifically about anybody, but there

00:14:57.169 --> 00:15:00.350
can be that tendency to think of ourselves more

00:15:00.350 --> 00:15:03.330
highly than we ought to think. Right. And one

00:15:03.330 --> 00:15:05.330
of the themes that's kind of come up a few times

00:15:05.330 --> 00:15:10.690
recently is the sins of Eli. And, you know, that's

00:15:10.690 --> 00:15:13.649
something that's been repeated from multiple

00:15:13.649 --> 00:15:16.269
different sources that have said, I feel like

00:15:16.269 --> 00:15:18.750
we're dealing with the sins of Eli. Yes. And

00:15:18.750 --> 00:15:22.970
while I think that's true, I also think the Lord

00:15:22.970 --> 00:15:25.990
impressed upon me one time that Samuel, when

00:15:25.990 --> 00:15:30.809
Israel first cried out for a king, it was because

00:15:30.809 --> 00:15:39.500
of the wickedness of Samuel's sons. to deliver

00:15:39.500 --> 00:15:42.840
Israel from under the sins of Eli through Samuel,

00:15:43.100 --> 00:15:46.980
Samuel repeated the same thing. It's very true.

00:15:47.159 --> 00:15:50.639
That Samuel still didn't train up his sons to

00:15:50.639 --> 00:15:54.820
walk after the Lord. And you could look not to

00:15:54.820 --> 00:15:57.399
identify any particular ministry, but you could

00:15:57.399 --> 00:16:00.460
go back to the Kansas City prophets and say,

00:16:00.559 --> 00:16:04.100
okay, they identified issues with Paul Cain and

00:16:04.100 --> 00:16:06.480
with Bob Jones, and they had the courage to confront

00:16:06.480 --> 00:16:09.940
those leaders at that time. And now those same

00:16:09.940 --> 00:16:12.179
ministries that had the courage to confront then

00:16:12.179 --> 00:16:15.740
are the ones that are being challenged now. And

00:16:15.740 --> 00:16:19.000
I think that in many ways, and I've said this

00:16:19.000 --> 00:16:21.679
to several other ministers in this process, we

00:16:21.679 --> 00:16:24.179
need to be able to say what's true and say what's

00:16:24.179 --> 00:16:26.740
false, say what's good and say what's bad. And

00:16:26.740 --> 00:16:30.039
at the same time, not think of ourselves as more

00:16:30.039 --> 00:16:34.820
highly than we ought. It's not like we are incapable

00:16:34.820 --> 00:16:38.320
of making the same error. And we need to make

00:16:38.320 --> 00:16:41.000
sure that we don't rebuild the thing that the

00:16:41.000 --> 00:16:44.850
Lord seems to be tearing down right now. the

00:16:44.850 --> 00:16:49.830
removal of idols, again, using my language, idols

00:16:49.830 --> 00:16:52.029
in the church where we have worshiped people

00:16:52.029 --> 00:16:54.269
instead of worshiping the Lord. And we will take

00:16:54.269 --> 00:16:57.610
a person's word and elevate it. If we're honest

00:16:57.610 --> 00:16:59.590
with ourselves in times, we'll elevate a quote

00:16:59.590 --> 00:17:02.309
from a certain minister above clear scripture.

00:17:03.149 --> 00:17:06.289
And, you know, so it's idolatry. And actually,

00:17:06.309 --> 00:17:08.589
it doesn't help that minister either. You know,

00:17:08.589 --> 00:17:11.720
that when Israel. Forgive me for bouncing around

00:17:11.720 --> 00:17:14.099
a little bit. But, you know, when Israel, when

00:17:14.099 --> 00:17:16.319
they come out of Egypt, right? The Israelites,

00:17:16.480 --> 00:17:18.859
right when they come out, they go to their neighbors,

00:17:19.059 --> 00:17:21.980
the Egyptians. They are given all this gold and

00:17:21.980 --> 00:17:24.400
all the blessing and everything. And they plundered

00:17:24.400 --> 00:17:27.160
Egypt, right? Yeah, right. So then they're out

00:17:27.160 --> 00:17:30.779
in the wilderness. It's been a minute. And they're

00:17:30.779 --> 00:17:33.079
waiting at Sinai. Moses is up there. And the

00:17:33.079 --> 00:17:35.339
very thing that was a blessing to them, given

00:17:35.339 --> 00:17:38.420
to them by the Lord, is what they melted and

00:17:38.420 --> 00:17:41.099
made an idol out of. The thing that was meant

00:17:41.099 --> 00:17:43.480
to be a blessing to them and to their household,

00:17:43.720 --> 00:17:46.480
they turned it into an idol. And I think we've

00:17:46.480 --> 00:17:49.740
done the same thing. The ministers of our day

00:17:49.740 --> 00:17:52.180
are meant to be a blessing to the body, to contribute

00:17:52.180 --> 00:17:56.099
to the body, and to serve and undergird us. But

00:17:56.099 --> 00:17:58.740
in many ways, we've turned them into idols, which

00:17:58.740 --> 00:18:02.559
was, it's to their detriment and to ours. I think

00:18:02.559 --> 00:18:05.039
we have to be intentional to avoid repeating

00:18:05.039 --> 00:18:10.029
that same mistake. Yes, absolutely. Before we

00:18:10.029 --> 00:18:12.450
hit the record button, we were talking about,

00:18:12.529 --> 00:18:16.690
you made a comment that I thought was quite amazing.

00:18:17.490 --> 00:18:20.329
You said we're gaslighting ourselves and calling

00:18:20.329 --> 00:18:24.250
it faith. Can you explain that? I think that's

00:18:24.250 --> 00:18:29.690
just a huge, huge statement. Well, gaslighting

00:18:29.690 --> 00:18:32.509
is kind of a buzz term, buzz word right now.

00:18:32.630 --> 00:18:34.549
Explain that, because not everybody will know

00:18:34.549 --> 00:18:37.490
that word. Back when we had gas stoves, if somebody

00:18:37.490 --> 00:18:39.869
asked you, did you leave the stove on enough

00:18:39.869 --> 00:18:42.950
times, even if you had turned it off, you might

00:18:42.950 --> 00:18:46.029
start to think that you had left it on because

00:18:46.029 --> 00:18:48.910
somebody tells you enough times. Gaslighting

00:18:48.910 --> 00:18:51.470
is essentially, I tell you something as though

00:18:51.470 --> 00:18:53.670
it's not true and just keep saying it over and

00:18:53.670 --> 00:18:57.069
over until you believe it. Sounds like the media.

00:18:57.250 --> 00:19:00.309
Yeah, I think the term maybe originally started

00:19:00.309 --> 00:19:04.230
when we had gas lights before electricity. And

00:19:04.230 --> 00:19:06.829
the first story that I've heard about is that

00:19:06.829 --> 00:19:08.950
this man was trying to convince his wife that

00:19:08.950 --> 00:19:11.109
she was going crazy. And he would turn the lights

00:19:11.109 --> 00:19:14.589
down and make her think that he wasn't being

00:19:14.589 --> 00:19:16.450
truthful and trying to make her think she was

00:19:16.450 --> 00:19:19.910
crazy. Gotcha. It's essentially lying over and

00:19:19.910 --> 00:19:23.259
over. Contradictory to what you know to be true.

00:19:23.640 --> 00:19:26.519
Yes, to make you think you're crazy. Right. If

00:19:26.519 --> 00:19:29.480
it's to somebody else, it's to convince them

00:19:29.480 --> 00:19:33.039
of whatever it is that you're lying about. You

00:19:33.039 --> 00:19:35.140
know, the sky is green, the sky is green, the

00:19:35.140 --> 00:19:38.119
sky is green, whatever. We gaslight ourselves

00:19:38.119 --> 00:19:41.359
and we call it faith. And there are certain teachings

00:19:41.359 --> 00:19:46.079
that can be incorrectly applied in a way that

00:19:46.079 --> 00:19:50.559
cause people to practice this. For example, a

00:19:50.559 --> 00:19:54.079
friend of mine had his marriage blew up recently,

00:19:54.180 --> 00:19:58.539
and he got divorced, not to his own fault. But

00:19:58.539 --> 00:20:02.200
in this process, he started to realize, oh, there's

00:20:02.200 --> 00:20:04.900
things I've done wrong in my marriage. And he

00:20:04.900 --> 00:20:08.140
starts to acknowledge these different areas of

00:20:08.140 --> 00:20:10.559
his heart where he had prioritized ministry or

00:20:10.559 --> 00:20:14.440
prioritized other things other than his marriage.

00:20:14.460 --> 00:20:17.539
Again, it doesn't. mean that that was necessarily

00:20:17.539 --> 00:20:20.619
the the only thing happening right but then all

00:20:20.619 --> 00:20:22.660
of a sudden he said i heard this message and

00:20:22.660 --> 00:20:25.740
i realized oh i'm righteous by faith i'm you

00:20:25.740 --> 00:20:27.940
know father thank you so much that i am i am

00:20:27.940 --> 00:20:30.420
by faith i'm right and and i said hang on a second

00:20:30.420 --> 00:20:33.700
you were having a moment where you were authentically

00:20:33.700 --> 00:20:38.220
repenting and you just shortcutted yourself from

00:20:38.220 --> 00:20:40.960
that process to say that because the reality

00:20:40.960 --> 00:20:44.339
is repentance can be painful Oh, yeah. Sure.

00:20:44.579 --> 00:20:47.480
Humbling. Humbling. Very humbling. It's acknowledging

00:20:47.480 --> 00:20:49.640
that you have done something wrong, that you

00:20:49.640 --> 00:20:53.099
have some way affected somebody else. And if

00:20:53.099 --> 00:20:56.799
it wasn't somebody else, another human, the Lord,

00:20:56.900 --> 00:21:00.980
and acknowledging ways that you have wounded

00:21:00.980 --> 00:21:05.619
somebody. It's not a fun process, but it is part

00:21:05.619 --> 00:21:09.910
of the process to acknowledge how our... decisions

00:21:09.910 --> 00:21:13.890
and actions and words have affected others. And

00:21:13.890 --> 00:21:17.410
if you shortcut that process and say, you know

00:21:17.410 --> 00:21:20.049
what, by faith right now, everything is perfect.

00:21:20.250 --> 00:21:22.930
That doesn't change the reality of what you've

00:21:22.930 --> 00:21:26.009
done. It doesn't change your inner heart even.

00:21:26.410 --> 00:21:29.029
What it is, is you're lying to yourself so that

00:21:29.029 --> 00:21:31.809
you feel okay. It's a way of trying to appease

00:21:31.809 --> 00:21:34.809
your conscience rather than actually doing the

00:21:34.809 --> 00:21:37.940
harder work of acknowledging. what the root issue

00:21:37.940 --> 00:21:39.960
was going on in your heart when you were doing

00:21:39.960 --> 00:21:43.480
those things. Right. Yeah. I've said for years

00:21:43.480 --> 00:21:47.619
that we all want to be humble, but we don't want

00:21:47.619 --> 00:21:50.019
to have to go through humiliation to get there.

00:21:50.819 --> 00:21:53.940
Right. So that's why it's important that we humble

00:21:53.940 --> 00:21:57.799
ourselves rather than. He'll exalt you in due

00:21:57.799 --> 00:22:02.079
time. Yeah. It's not right away time. Yeah. You

00:22:02.079 --> 00:22:03.640
got to walk through the whole thing. You got

00:22:03.640 --> 00:22:07.880
to finish the process. Absolutely. And I heard

00:22:07.880 --> 00:22:10.920
a story of a pastor the other day who he was

00:22:10.920 --> 00:22:15.180
sharing of how when he was early on to becoming

00:22:15.180 --> 00:22:18.640
a pastor, he had significant pride in his heart.

00:22:18.859 --> 00:22:21.819
And he would go to this donut shop for these

00:22:21.819 --> 00:22:24.599
leadership meetings with his leaders and he was

00:22:24.599 --> 00:22:27.500
meeting there every week. But he was so prideful

00:22:27.500 --> 00:22:30.839
and dictated to them what they should do that

00:22:30.839 --> 00:22:33.799
he got fired shortly after, after being on staff

00:22:33.799 --> 00:22:37.259
at this church. He gets a job at the donut shop.

00:22:38.160 --> 00:22:43.200
And one day he sees the leadership group come

00:22:43.200 --> 00:22:46.660
in that he used to lead. And the owner tells

00:22:46.660 --> 00:22:49.579
him, I want you to go wash the windows. He says,

00:22:49.680 --> 00:22:52.220
no, please, anything but washing the windows,

00:22:52.339 --> 00:22:55.519
anything else. And the owner said, no, you need

00:22:55.519 --> 00:22:59.460
to wash the windows. And the Lord told him. First

00:22:59.460 --> 00:23:01.400
window, second window, and he gets to the window

00:23:01.400 --> 00:23:03.859
in front of him. And the Lord told him, it wasn't

00:23:03.859 --> 00:23:06.740
humiliation that I desired for you. It was humility.

00:23:07.539 --> 00:23:11.539
And I think that humiliation, it's one of the

00:23:11.539 --> 00:23:14.440
ways that we get it. But it doesn't have to be

00:23:14.440 --> 00:23:17.740
that way. Right. If we're stubborn, if we double

00:23:17.740 --> 00:23:21.220
down in pride, the reason humility is a requirement

00:23:21.220 --> 00:23:23.839
is it creates space for us to receive his grace.

00:23:24.400 --> 00:23:28.160
Oh, that's beautiful. But if I'm full of pride,

00:23:28.440 --> 00:23:31.019
I actually can't receive the grace that God wants

00:23:31.019 --> 00:23:34.400
to bring to me. Very true. And I was just looking

00:23:34.400 --> 00:23:37.220
up at scripture, you know, humble yourself. In

00:23:37.220 --> 00:23:38.279
the sight of the Lord. In the sight of the Lord,

00:23:38.299 --> 00:23:41.000
he'll exalt you in due time. And that due time

00:23:41.000 --> 00:23:44.579
is Kairos. Oh, there you go. So it's a season.

00:23:44.720 --> 00:23:49.339
Yeah, it's a certain moment of opportunity that

00:23:49.339 --> 00:23:52.940
isn't always there. How long is your season depends

00:23:52.940 --> 00:23:56.890
how. Humble you are. How quickly. How quickly

00:23:56.890 --> 00:24:00.089
you admit that you need help. Because really,

00:24:00.170 --> 00:24:03.490
we can't do this, even this on our own. It's

00:24:03.490 --> 00:24:07.269
a work of getting into agreement with the Holy

00:24:07.269 --> 00:24:10.329
Spirit when he's trying to polish and root out

00:24:10.329 --> 00:24:13.470
things that don't belong there. And, you know,

00:24:13.529 --> 00:24:15.990
iron sharpens iron. So sometimes he puts us with

00:24:15.990 --> 00:24:19.769
other kind of people that are just. Way too similar

00:24:19.769 --> 00:24:23.730
to ourselves. What are they used to polish diamonds

00:24:23.730 --> 00:24:26.589
with? Other diamonds, yeah. Other diamonds. Yeah.

00:24:26.670 --> 00:24:30.509
Oh, wow. It's just as hard. Let your light shine.

00:24:30.730 --> 00:24:33.269
You've got to go through some polishing. That's

00:24:33.269 --> 00:24:36.130
true. Never thought of it that way. But it's

00:24:36.130 --> 00:24:39.730
worth it. Yeah. Absolutely. Anything Jesus does

00:24:39.730 --> 00:24:43.710
for us is worth it. Yeah. Yeah. And I see that

00:24:43.710 --> 00:24:46.769
out of all of this correction that the Lord is

00:24:46.769 --> 00:24:50.589
bringing us. He's going to bring us into a place

00:24:50.589 --> 00:24:53.930
where we're going to be more palatable as believers

00:24:53.930 --> 00:24:58.069
to people who don't know Jesus. You know, there's

00:24:58.069 --> 00:25:01.069
a movement out there of people who are, they

00:25:01.069 --> 00:25:05.109
call themselves ex -evangelicals because of church

00:25:05.109 --> 00:25:08.069
hurt or whatever. And I heard a quote recently

00:25:08.069 --> 00:25:13.210
that there's no hate like Christian love, where

00:25:13.210 --> 00:25:18.000
people have encountered fleshly Christians. instead

00:25:18.000 --> 00:25:19.920
of Christians that are flowing in the love of

00:25:19.920 --> 00:25:24.400
God. The love of God is real. But the soulish

00:25:24.400 --> 00:25:27.740
nature, that's the part that we have to work

00:25:27.740 --> 00:25:32.839
out our own salvation in. Applying the finished

00:25:32.839 --> 00:25:35.700
work of Jesus, applying that grace, receiving

00:25:35.700 --> 00:25:38.920
that grace so that we can humble ourselves and

00:25:38.920 --> 00:25:41.740
admit that we're wrong and get back on the wagon

00:25:41.740 --> 00:25:48.599
of rolling with Jesus. Right. Sometimes we want

00:25:48.599 --> 00:25:52.700
the Lord to directly say everything to us. We

00:25:52.700 --> 00:25:56.220
only want to receive it from Him. And sometimes

00:25:56.220 --> 00:25:58.759
it can be harder to receive when it's, like you

00:25:58.759 --> 00:26:01.420
mentioned, that other person, that iron sharpening

00:26:01.420 --> 00:26:06.779
iron. So I have a practice that I do for my ministry.

00:26:06.880 --> 00:26:09.759
And I had a friend that just challenged me to

00:26:09.759 --> 00:26:12.440
increase the way I do it. It's actually, I covered

00:26:12.440 --> 00:26:15.380
it briefly. my book, which is the importance

00:26:15.380 --> 00:26:18.680
of correction. So every once a year, I ask all

00:26:18.680 --> 00:26:22.460
of the board members for our ministry to seek

00:26:22.460 --> 00:26:25.460
the Lord intentionally asking him correction

00:26:25.460 --> 00:26:28.000
that he has for me. It can be personal. It can

00:26:28.000 --> 00:26:30.880
be, it can be for the ministry. It can be any

00:26:30.880 --> 00:26:33.500
of it, anything. And inviting that correction

00:26:33.500 --> 00:26:38.500
where if I can get that practice down. I won't

00:26:38.500 --> 00:26:41.880
be shocked when people give me feedback of you

00:26:41.880 --> 00:26:44.960
did something wrong here or you need to correct

00:26:44.960 --> 00:26:48.359
this where it can become part of where I'm more

00:26:48.359 --> 00:26:52.500
receptive to correction from the Lord. And I

00:26:52.500 --> 00:26:54.460
had a friend who I was sharing this with him

00:26:54.460 --> 00:26:56.160
and he said, I would challenge you to have your

00:26:56.160 --> 00:26:59.160
kids ask you too. And I was like, oh, that's

00:26:59.160 --> 00:27:04.240
good. That's a really good idea. And I did ask

00:27:04.240 --> 00:27:06.619
my son. I don't remember if he had something.

00:27:07.480 --> 00:27:11.420
If he did, I wrote it down, but, um, actually,

00:27:11.519 --> 00:27:13.140
no, I remember he hasn't got back to me yet,

00:27:13.160 --> 00:27:20.900
but the, um, it's teenagers. Yeah. Maybe dad,

00:27:20.940 --> 00:27:23.559
you didn't let me borrow the Mustang to go drive

00:27:23.559 --> 00:27:30.000
when I wanted to, you know, but, um, but really

00:27:30.000 --> 00:27:32.289
what we, what. if we can get this as a common

00:27:32.289 --> 00:27:35.289
practice, what we start doing is we give people

00:27:35.289 --> 00:27:37.769
permission to say the things that have been going

00:27:37.769 --> 00:27:41.130
on that they've been feeling or negatively experiencing

00:27:41.130 --> 00:27:43.490
us because not everything is, is something that

00:27:43.490 --> 00:27:45.150
you're doing intentionally. You may, I mean,

00:27:45.150 --> 00:27:46.849
in all likelihood you're doing it. You're not

00:27:46.849 --> 00:27:48.849
aware of it. You're not aware of how other people

00:27:48.849 --> 00:27:51.210
are receiving you. Yeah. That's why Jesus said,

00:27:51.289 --> 00:27:52.809
father, forgive them. They know not what they

00:27:52.809 --> 00:27:54.750
do. Most of the time people don't know what they're

00:27:54.750 --> 00:28:00.079
doing. Right. Some of. you know, call it in the

00:28:00.079 --> 00:28:02.640
charismatic, we call it Jezebel and in psychology,

00:28:02.819 --> 00:28:08.019
they call it narcissism. Okay. Call it what you

00:28:08.019 --> 00:28:10.519
want. Most of the time when people are operating

00:28:10.519 --> 00:28:12.359
in those things, they don't know that they are

00:28:12.359 --> 00:28:15.599
like that to them. It's normal. This, this is

00:28:15.599 --> 00:28:17.599
what they experienced and this is normal for

00:28:17.599 --> 00:28:22.079
them. And if they can have enough humility to

00:28:22.079 --> 00:28:24.599
ask the question of, okay, am I doing something

00:28:24.599 --> 00:28:28.430
that is contrary to how the Lord would have me

00:28:28.430 --> 00:28:30.849
either lead or, you know, whether it be a family,

00:28:30.869 --> 00:28:33.410
a ministry, whatever, then you can start to adjust

00:28:33.410 --> 00:28:36.210
those things and not assume. And this is what

00:28:36.210 --> 00:28:38.309
most of us do, right? We assume that we're doing

00:28:38.309 --> 00:28:41.710
everything correctly and we just keep going until

00:28:41.710 --> 00:28:44.549
the Lord says something or we hit a dead end

00:28:44.549 --> 00:28:46.190
and we're like, oh, wait, what was that? You

00:28:46.190 --> 00:28:48.569
know, and it doesn't have to be that way. Right.

00:28:49.230 --> 00:28:52.210
Absolutely. What else is the Lord speaking to

00:28:52.210 --> 00:28:55.950
you about besides that? kind of thing, looking

00:28:55.950 --> 00:28:59.670
at the body of Christ and seeing where we need

00:28:59.670 --> 00:29:01.829
improvement. What else is the Lord saying to

00:29:01.829 --> 00:29:04.410
you? Well, one I've just been asking the Lord,

00:29:04.430 --> 00:29:07.710
a lot of times He'll speak to you even through

00:29:07.710 --> 00:29:12.769
people's accusations. If we can get an ear for

00:29:12.769 --> 00:29:17.329
it, where even somebody that doesn't have the

00:29:17.329 --> 00:29:19.930
Lord's heart on something, there can still be

00:29:19.930 --> 00:29:23.089
elements of truth in it. that if we can humble

00:29:23.089 --> 00:29:25.549
ourselves and listen to. So I've been asking,

00:29:25.670 --> 00:29:28.470
since we've done the Minor Prophets podcast,

00:29:28.609 --> 00:29:31.089
we've had a handful of negative responses that

00:29:31.089 --> 00:29:34.450
I actually, I enjoy taking those before the Lord

00:29:34.450 --> 00:29:36.549
and asking, Lord, okay, what of this? Because

00:29:36.549 --> 00:29:38.769
it's actually, if we can, again, if we can have

00:29:38.769 --> 00:29:42.230
that right heart posture, then it means that

00:29:42.230 --> 00:29:44.609
negative things can quickly be turned around

00:29:44.609 --> 00:29:47.980
into refinement of character. Beautiful. So I've

00:29:47.980 --> 00:29:50.140
been asking the Lord, okay, Lord, is my heart

00:29:50.140 --> 00:29:53.180
right when I said this, when I did that, those

00:29:53.180 --> 00:29:57.640
types of things. And interestingly, as you mentioned

00:29:57.640 --> 00:29:59.740
before, the Lord is shaking everything that can

00:29:59.740 --> 00:30:03.720
be shaken. And humility is the key right now.

00:30:04.960 --> 00:30:06.619
Judgment is coming to the house of the Lord.

00:30:06.680 --> 00:30:09.190
The Lord is the one doing it. And I also believe

00:30:09.190 --> 00:30:11.509
that the Lord is restoring authentic shepherds

00:30:11.509 --> 00:30:14.670
to the body, those that care primarily about

00:30:14.670 --> 00:30:18.230
the people, not about building followings. And

00:30:18.230 --> 00:30:20.470
I'm not saying that we haven't had that because

00:30:20.470 --> 00:30:24.049
I believe that we have. Yes. I think it's really

00:30:24.049 --> 00:30:27.690
the minority that have had these issues, right?

00:30:27.789 --> 00:30:30.630
I hope. I hope it's not the majority. You know,

00:30:30.670 --> 00:30:34.170
I'm reluctant to say just because. a lot of times

00:30:34.170 --> 00:30:36.970
and i'm sure you guys have seen this for me anyway

00:30:36.970 --> 00:30:39.190
i assume when i get a word from the lord that

00:30:39.190 --> 00:30:42.210
it somehow it has some broad meaning to everybody

00:30:42.210 --> 00:30:45.009
and you know or at least i did at some at one

00:30:45.009 --> 00:30:47.769
point and i don't think that's necessarily representative

00:30:47.769 --> 00:30:50.309
of the entirety of the body so just because he

00:30:50.309 --> 00:30:52.630
says something to me about the you know the stream

00:30:52.630 --> 00:30:56.109
that i'm in it may not apply to others i don't

00:30:56.109 --> 00:30:59.079
know is what I would say. I think that we have,

00:30:59.140 --> 00:31:01.200
there's plenty of authentic pastors that are

00:31:01.200 --> 00:31:03.819
just serving in their local church and doing

00:31:03.819 --> 00:31:06.539
their best to build up people on a weekly basis.

00:31:06.920 --> 00:31:10.019
Yes, absolutely. It's interesting. You know,

00:31:10.039 --> 00:31:13.680
one of the words that was coming or swirling

00:31:13.680 --> 00:31:17.279
around was the spirit of accusation or the accuser

00:31:17.279 --> 00:31:19.960
of the brethren, right? And I was asking the

00:31:19.960 --> 00:31:21.900
Lord, I'm like, Lord, where are these? Are these

00:31:21.900 --> 00:31:24.380
happening right now? And is this something that...

00:31:24.759 --> 00:31:27.279
am I functioning in any kind of accusation? And

00:31:27.279 --> 00:31:30.359
he kind of walked me through, okay, what is an

00:31:30.359 --> 00:31:33.339
accusation? Accusation is a false witness. So

00:31:33.339 --> 00:31:36.259
something that never happened. An accusation

00:31:36.259 --> 00:31:38.259
is something that's been redeemed. So you've

00:31:38.259 --> 00:31:41.339
repented for it. It's under the blood, but the

00:31:41.339 --> 00:31:44.380
enemy, this is what we see with the accuser,

00:31:44.380 --> 00:31:46.000
the brethren standing when he's standing before

00:31:46.000 --> 00:31:51.279
Joshua, right? And he's accusing him, but the

00:31:51.279 --> 00:31:54.890
Lord then changes his robes, right? So something

00:31:54.890 --> 00:31:56.970
that's already been redeemed or it's something

00:31:56.970 --> 00:31:59.529
true. And the intention or motive is to tear

00:31:59.529 --> 00:32:03.329
down. And when he said that last one, I was like,

00:32:03.390 --> 00:32:05.910
okay, when we're having these conversations about

00:32:05.910 --> 00:32:08.329
hard subjects, our goal is never to tear anything

00:32:08.329 --> 00:32:12.289
down. But that voice is going out there right

00:32:12.289 --> 00:32:14.869
now where there are those that are trying to,

00:32:14.910 --> 00:32:20.170
to tear things down. And unfortunately it's usually,

00:32:20.230 --> 00:32:22.670
and I'll just use this example because it's already

00:32:22.670 --> 00:32:25.849
known. for example, with Mike Bickle and IHOP,

00:32:26.009 --> 00:32:28.730
it was the people that were trying to silence

00:32:28.730 --> 00:32:32.589
all of these victims. They were accusing them

00:32:32.589 --> 00:32:36.450
of, you're just trying to take over IHOP, or

00:32:36.450 --> 00:32:38.210
you're just trying to tear down Mike Bickle.

00:32:38.369 --> 00:32:40.089
None of those things were true. There was no

00:32:40.089 --> 00:32:41.990
evidence of any of those things. It was just

00:32:41.990 --> 00:32:45.250
throwing accusation out there to try to draw

00:32:45.250 --> 00:32:48.630
attention away from the real thing that was happening,

00:32:48.730 --> 00:32:52.400
which was unfortunately significant. misconduct.

00:32:52.420 --> 00:32:55.960
Bad behavior. Yeah, yeah. We don't want the censor

00:32:55.960 --> 00:32:58.779
overlords to get us, but yes. Right. Horrible,

00:32:58.799 --> 00:33:02.400
horrible behavior. So is the spirit of accusation

00:33:02.400 --> 00:33:05.000
out there? Yeah, it is. And we need to be aware

00:33:05.000 --> 00:33:07.259
of it. That's why we need to speak the truth

00:33:07.259 --> 00:33:09.119
and speak it in love. But that doesn't mean that

00:33:09.119 --> 00:33:10.599
we don't speak the truth and it doesn't mean

00:33:10.599 --> 00:33:14.000
that we stop loving. Right. Yeah. And we're going

00:33:14.000 --> 00:33:15.359
a little over time, but I'm going to throw this

00:33:15.359 --> 00:33:19.880
at you anyway. You know, it's interesting. Have

00:33:19.880 --> 00:33:22.160
you ever thought about how You know, when Paul,

00:33:22.319 --> 00:33:25.859
when he's brought in front of, I believe it was

00:33:25.859 --> 00:33:28.440
in front of the Sanhedrin's Acts, it's Acts 23,

00:33:28.759 --> 00:33:34.519
where he actually intentionally sows discord

00:33:34.519 --> 00:33:37.880
between the Sadducees and the Pharisees. Start

00:33:37.880 --> 00:33:44.119
a riot. Where he used that because their ability

00:33:44.119 --> 00:33:48.160
to attack one another actually caused a disruption

00:33:48.160 --> 00:33:52.559
and it exposed an issue. Right. I actually think

00:33:52.559 --> 00:33:54.220
that we're seeing some of that happening right

00:33:54.220 --> 00:33:57.380
now in the church where there's some of the conflict

00:33:57.380 --> 00:34:00.500
that's happening is the Lord is allowing it because

00:34:00.500 --> 00:34:04.980
it's exposing things. Yes. Yes. You know, he's

00:34:04.980 --> 00:34:09.300
after a pure bride without spot or wrinkle. Right.

00:34:09.539 --> 00:34:14.139
That's really the bottom line. And when we are

00:34:14.139 --> 00:34:19.420
not focusing on his heart, on his ways, on...

00:34:20.079 --> 00:34:23.119
I remember hearing somebody say that there are

00:34:23.119 --> 00:34:26.300
rabbis, Orthodox rabbis, that will not marry

00:34:26.300 --> 00:34:29.179
a couple unless they look like brother and sister

00:34:29.179 --> 00:34:32.760
because they need to be that much alike in order

00:34:32.760 --> 00:34:36.400
for them to have a successful marriage. One of

00:34:36.400 --> 00:34:39.420
the things that I always tell young people that

00:34:39.420 --> 00:34:44.300
are considering, where's Mr. Right, where's Miss

00:34:44.300 --> 00:34:47.280
Right? I'm looking for the one that I want to

00:34:47.280 --> 00:34:49.579
spend the rest of my life with. And I tell them

00:34:49.579 --> 00:34:53.380
how God put Philip and me together. And we have

00:34:53.380 --> 00:34:57.119
a very successful marriage. Mostly, I think,

00:34:57.219 --> 00:35:01.679
well, mostly because God's in it. But a lot of

00:35:01.679 --> 00:35:04.260
it has to do with the fact that we were raised

00:35:04.260 --> 00:35:08.900
in a similar way with similar thought patterns.

00:35:08.940 --> 00:35:14.519
Our parents raised us in church. I was not raised

00:35:14.519 --> 00:35:18.090
Pentecostal like he was. But I got into it when

00:35:18.090 --> 00:35:22.090
I was 13. Well, you got filled with the Holy

00:35:22.090 --> 00:35:25.030
Spirit before I did. Yeah, right. But you had

00:35:25.030 --> 00:35:27.329
been exposed to it and I hadn't. But anyway,

00:35:27.429 --> 00:35:31.849
my point is that our lifestyle and our upbringing

00:35:31.849 --> 00:35:34.349
was very similar. And I'm not saying that you

00:35:34.349 --> 00:35:36.989
can't have a successful marriage if you don't

00:35:36.989 --> 00:35:39.889
have that. But what I'm saying is that our father

00:35:39.889 --> 00:35:45.070
is looking for someone just like his son to be

00:35:45.070 --> 00:35:47.610
able to marry him. and the body of Christ is

00:35:47.610 --> 00:35:51.389
meant to be that, that we're being refined by

00:35:51.389 --> 00:35:55.750
the Holy Spirit, like Galatians 5, where you've

00:35:55.750 --> 00:36:01.389
got all of this long list of fleshly works, and

00:36:01.389 --> 00:36:04.130
then you've got this list of the fruit of the

00:36:04.130 --> 00:36:07.190
Spirit. And if you read the fruit of the Spirit,

00:36:07.309 --> 00:36:10.500
you're looking at the character of Jesus. Right.

00:36:10.579 --> 00:36:14.960
So he's after us to work those things out in

00:36:14.960 --> 00:36:20.059
us. And the more we yield, the easier the process

00:36:20.059 --> 00:36:23.900
will be. And if we're really honest with ourselves,

00:36:24.000 --> 00:36:26.480
it's the only thing that really matters. Yes.

00:36:26.719 --> 00:36:31.000
And I was having a conversation with a friend

00:36:31.000 --> 00:36:33.599
the other day, and we were talking about the

00:36:33.599 --> 00:36:40.190
unspoken caste system. And Christian ministry.

00:36:40.389 --> 00:36:43.269
And I said, you know, at the top, it's itinerant

00:36:43.269 --> 00:36:46.030
minister if you're full time itinerant. And then,

00:36:46.030 --> 00:36:48.210
you know, if you're not if you're a pastor and

00:36:48.210 --> 00:36:50.070
you have an occasional conference here and there,

00:36:50.190 --> 00:36:52.389
then, you know, you're you're slightly below

00:36:52.389 --> 00:36:53.969
that. You know, people want to hear what you

00:36:53.969 --> 00:36:55.869
have to say, but you're not quite to that top

00:36:55.869 --> 00:36:59.030
tier where you get to travel all the time. And

00:36:59.030 --> 00:37:01.429
then, you know, below that, it's just, you know,

00:37:01.429 --> 00:37:03.429
full time local pastor. Your needs are taken

00:37:03.429 --> 00:37:06.389
care of. And, you know, people have a they have

00:37:06.389 --> 00:37:09.340
a need for. for you to shepherd over them, but

00:37:09.340 --> 00:37:12.380
you know, it's, and you get paid that way. But,

00:37:12.460 --> 00:37:15.059
and then below that, it's, well, a lay pastor,

00:37:15.099 --> 00:37:17.780
you know, you're, you're doing, or lay minister,

00:37:17.840 --> 00:37:20.380
you know, where you have a job and it's, you

00:37:20.380 --> 00:37:22.119
got to take care of your family, but your ministry

00:37:22.119 --> 00:37:25.739
thing isn't doing well enough that you're fully,

00:37:25.820 --> 00:37:29.159
you know, and it's, it's interesting how, and

00:37:29.159 --> 00:37:30.980
I see it as somebody that has a full -time job,

00:37:31.039 --> 00:37:33.400
you know, and it doesn't, it doesn't matter to

00:37:33.400 --> 00:37:35.960
me. Sometimes people will receive you differently.

00:37:36.480 --> 00:37:42.239
when they find out you have a job. Or if you're

00:37:42.239 --> 00:37:44.579
an itinerant minister, you show up and they're

00:37:44.579 --> 00:37:49.159
like, oh, they're finally here. The anointing

00:37:49.159 --> 00:37:54.280
has arrived. And some of them are scoundrels.

00:37:54.880 --> 00:38:00.260
Right, right. And I think you can have honor

00:38:00.260 --> 00:38:02.480
and hear what I'm saying, not what I'm not saying.

00:38:02.659 --> 00:38:04.800
There's something right about honoring people

00:38:04.800 --> 00:38:07.960
and things. Absolutely. In that we have actually

00:38:07.960 --> 00:38:11.199
in some passive way, we've communicated that

00:38:11.199 --> 00:38:14.480
when you're a really high performing Christian

00:38:14.480 --> 00:38:18.159
or you're really, really super spiritual, you're

00:38:18.159 --> 00:38:21.860
preaching conferences and or doing big crusades.

00:38:21.860 --> 00:38:25.820
And that is so contradictory to what we see in

00:38:25.820 --> 00:38:28.940
the gospel, you know, that we should be storing

00:38:28.940 --> 00:38:31.659
up treasure. in heaven not treasure on earth

00:38:31.659 --> 00:38:34.739
yeah and and what we do for the least of these

00:38:34.739 --> 00:38:37.199
what i if i give a cup of water to a child that's

00:38:37.199 --> 00:38:39.780
and i do that in his name that is doing it as

00:38:39.780 --> 00:38:43.760
unto him right and The things that we do, and

00:38:43.760 --> 00:38:46.000
this is a big part of the Sermon on the Mount,

00:38:46.059 --> 00:38:49.920
is the distinction between you say, but I say,

00:38:50.000 --> 00:38:53.739
you say, but I say. And you go and pray for people

00:38:53.739 --> 00:38:56.639
publicly to be seen by men so that they may honor

00:38:56.639 --> 00:38:58.980
and esteem you. But I say when you pray, go into

00:38:58.980 --> 00:39:01.079
your closet where your Father is the only one

00:39:01.079 --> 00:39:04.849
that can see you. Yes. You know, so we've made

00:39:04.849 --> 00:39:07.309
the Christian and I think we've, we've communicated

00:39:07.309 --> 00:39:09.429
kind of passively. I don't think that anybody

00:39:09.429 --> 00:39:12.590
would, would actually say, you're really, you

00:39:12.590 --> 00:39:14.409
know, you're really a super Christian when you

00:39:14.409 --> 00:39:17.030
have a book deal with destiny image, you know,

00:39:17.030 --> 00:39:21.829
and I'm not knocking destiny image or, you know,

00:39:21.829 --> 00:39:27.010
I'm just, I'm making jokes, but the, but what

00:39:27.010 --> 00:39:29.449
gets communicated to people is they start to

00:39:29.449 --> 00:39:33.150
think, oh, I want to be as spiritual as. Heidi

00:39:33.150 --> 00:39:35.590
Baker and a Bill Johnson. And those things are

00:39:35.590 --> 00:39:38.590
okay. Paul says, follow me as I follow Christ.

00:39:38.949 --> 00:39:42.869
But we need to, in that pursuit, recognize that

00:39:42.869 --> 00:39:46.230
this is not about becoming the next big speaker.

00:39:46.849 --> 00:39:51.170
The gospel is about how do I steward my time?

00:39:51.530 --> 00:39:55.150
How do I take care of the coworker that I'm interacting

00:39:55.150 --> 00:39:58.150
with? How did I steward that relationship? What

00:39:58.150 --> 00:40:01.230
did I do when I drove past the same homeless

00:40:01.230 --> 00:40:04.230
person that's begging for food money every day

00:40:04.230 --> 00:40:07.030
at the corner you know so those things actually

00:40:07.030 --> 00:40:10.849
matter more in heaven than whether or not you

00:40:10.849 --> 00:40:14.429
had an itinerant gig and and i say that as somebody

00:40:14.429 --> 00:40:16.329
it's one of my favorite things to do by the way

00:40:16.329 --> 00:40:18.809
is preaching conferences and i'm super excited

00:40:18.809 --> 00:40:22.750
to to be with you guys in may i just i love it

00:40:22.750 --> 00:40:26.389
but i also don't over emphasize it and i have

00:40:26.389 --> 00:40:29.730
to have a check in my heart a guard rails in

00:40:29.730 --> 00:40:33.079
place you know so I want to make sure that the

00:40:33.079 --> 00:40:35.940
things that I do are primarily before the Lord.

00:40:35.980 --> 00:40:39.599
And the reason I do them is because I know their

00:40:39.599 --> 00:40:42.579
eternal significance, not just in a conference

00:40:42.579 --> 00:40:44.360
setting. It's important to be faithful there

00:40:44.360 --> 00:40:47.059
too, but also when I'm at home with my wife and

00:40:47.059 --> 00:40:50.780
kids and how I steward those relationships. Very

00:40:50.780 --> 00:40:54.699
true. Everything in between. Very true. You know,

00:40:54.800 --> 00:40:56.960
you're going to meet, have you met Dean Braxton

00:40:56.960 --> 00:41:00.219
before? I haven't. Okay. So you're going to meet

00:41:00.219 --> 00:41:03.119
him at this convention. And we've had a couple

00:41:03.119 --> 00:41:05.739
of podcasts with him that covered a subject because

00:41:05.739 --> 00:41:08.880
he spent an hour and 45 minutes outside of his

00:41:08.880 --> 00:41:11.500
body. His body was dead. The medical team was

00:41:11.500 --> 00:41:13.639
working on him for an hour and 45 minutes, and

00:41:13.639 --> 00:41:15.900
he finally came back. In the meantime, he was

00:41:15.900 --> 00:41:18.659
with the Father and Jesus in heaven. And one

00:41:18.659 --> 00:41:21.900
of the things that he tells, and we'll put links

00:41:21.900 --> 00:41:24.400
to the podcast where he's talking about it in

00:41:24.400 --> 00:41:28.929
the show notes, he talks about In heaven, they

00:41:28.929 --> 00:41:32.329
communicate thought to thought rather than speaking.

00:41:33.050 --> 00:41:37.530
And everyone greets each other with, how can

00:41:37.530 --> 00:41:42.130
I serve you? And it's all about service. It's

00:41:42.130 --> 00:41:45.349
all about how can I serve you? And everything

00:41:45.349 --> 00:41:51.190
in heaven is alive and intelligent and can communicate

00:41:51.190 --> 00:41:54.590
the grass and the flowers and the rocks and the

00:41:54.590 --> 00:41:58.119
atmosphere and the mountains. trees and you know

00:41:58.119 --> 00:42:01.360
everything is alive and and communicating and

00:42:01.360 --> 00:42:05.539
he talks about how like even the plants as he

00:42:05.539 --> 00:42:08.139
arrived were welcoming him and that's how they

00:42:08.139 --> 00:42:11.360
were serving him so my whole point here is that

00:42:11.360 --> 00:42:15.840
we have so often i think in the body is in our

00:42:15.840 --> 00:42:19.539
attempt to honor and and perhaps in in the idea

00:42:19.539 --> 00:42:23.780
of idolizing that we have put such an emphasis

00:42:23.780 --> 00:42:27.909
on serving the top echelon and not the one on

00:42:27.909 --> 00:42:30.469
the street that needs help. You know, how can

00:42:30.469 --> 00:42:34.469
I serve you? How can I serve you? And, you know,

00:42:34.489 --> 00:42:38.690
I just think it's so important for us to be tuning

00:42:38.690 --> 00:42:43.429
in to the Holy Spirit and not just do stuff because

00:42:43.429 --> 00:42:47.130
you see it with your eyes in the natural realm,

00:42:47.210 --> 00:42:51.590
but that we become so tuned to the Holy Spirit

00:42:51.590 --> 00:42:55.849
that we get that nudge. to speak to this person

00:42:55.849 --> 00:42:58.829
or to do something for that person or to serve

00:42:58.829 --> 00:43:02.289
them in a way that is beyond their expectation.

00:43:02.769 --> 00:43:06.090
Like to give the cup of water to a child, like

00:43:06.090 --> 00:43:09.050
you said. Those are things that we do on earth

00:43:09.050 --> 00:43:13.010
as it is in heaven. And it's our service to one

00:43:13.010 --> 00:43:16.130
another that God is looking for in ways that

00:43:16.130 --> 00:43:20.449
we don't really grasp that in our culture so

00:43:20.449 --> 00:43:25.690
much. But that's heaven culture. Yep. That's

00:43:25.690 --> 00:43:28.329
one of the things that is so much on my heart

00:43:28.329 --> 00:43:31.650
in this podcast is that we help equip people

00:43:31.650 --> 00:43:36.610
to do on earth as it is in heaven. Amen. It's

00:43:36.610 --> 00:43:39.110
like when Jesus was washing the disciples' feet.

00:43:39.429 --> 00:43:42.789
Yes. Being a servant. Right. I'm modeling this

00:43:42.789 --> 00:43:46.389
for you. Yeah. Here's what leadership should

00:43:46.389 --> 00:43:49.690
look like. Yeah. Remember our last night in China?

00:43:49.809 --> 00:43:52.559
Oh, yeah. One of those, the pastors. Came out

00:43:52.559 --> 00:43:54.940
with this. It was cold. It was about 48 degrees.

00:43:55.179 --> 00:43:57.760
Yeah, it was cold inside. In the church. And

00:43:57.760 --> 00:44:00.820
they came out with this hot water, stuck our

00:44:00.820 --> 00:44:03.579
feet in it, and they just started working all

00:44:03.579 --> 00:44:06.900
over on our muscles, our back, and the pastor.

00:44:07.420 --> 00:44:13.059
Yeah, washing our feet and massaging tight muscles.

00:44:13.219 --> 00:44:17.539
It was amazing. Wow. But it's a culture of service.

00:44:17.679 --> 00:44:22.449
Yeah. So I think we could learn a lot. about

00:44:22.449 --> 00:44:25.150
serving and humbling ourselves to serve one another.

00:44:25.289 --> 00:44:28.349
The reason why Peter said you shouldn't wash

00:44:28.349 --> 00:44:33.090
my feet, I believe, as you look at how the disciples

00:44:33.090 --> 00:44:36.710
were seated at the table, Peter was in the position

00:44:36.710 --> 00:44:38.989
where he should have been washing everybody's

00:44:38.989 --> 00:44:41.030
feet because there wasn't a servant to do it.

00:44:41.429 --> 00:44:44.050
If there's a servant, the servant does it. But

00:44:44.050 --> 00:44:47.610
if it's the last guy at the table, that should

00:44:47.610 --> 00:44:49.710
be washing people's feet and peter didn't feel

00:44:49.710 --> 00:44:51.510
like washing everybody's feet so he didn't and

00:44:51.510 --> 00:44:55.769
that's why jesus did it it's it's about learning

00:44:55.769 --> 00:44:58.929
to humble ourselves and serve one another in

00:44:58.929 --> 00:45:01.550
in ways that you know the world doesn't teach

00:45:01.550 --> 00:45:06.230
this right and you know i don't know about y

00:45:06.230 --> 00:45:08.449
'all but i'm i'm sure you've seen this too the

00:45:08.449 --> 00:45:10.289
place i see it the most is on the mission field

00:45:10.289 --> 00:45:15.699
you know when when you're in impoverished third

00:45:15.699 --> 00:45:19.400
world countries where being a leader is at your

00:45:19.400 --> 00:45:22.440
expense. It's pouring out of yourself. It's a

00:45:22.440 --> 00:45:25.760
service. That's where you get to see it really

00:45:25.760 --> 00:45:29.300
walked out. And for me, that's, well, one, that's

00:45:29.300 --> 00:45:33.099
where I come alive. I love missions. I know that

00:45:33.099 --> 00:45:34.940
I belong on the mission field. The most fulfilled

00:45:34.940 --> 00:45:40.599
I feel is when I'm out there. and eating awful

00:45:40.599 --> 00:45:46.519
things, but enjoying people that just love the

00:45:46.519 --> 00:45:51.000
Lord. And it's really maybe selfish isn't the

00:45:51.000 --> 00:45:54.280
right word, but I feel like when I come back

00:45:54.280 --> 00:45:57.099
from mission trips, I receive way more than I

00:45:57.099 --> 00:46:00.239
give. Yes, it's beautiful. And just experiencing

00:46:00.239 --> 00:46:04.869
the body in that way. Yes. And I'm hoping that

00:46:04.869 --> 00:46:07.489
we will have a good representation of people

00:46:07.489 --> 00:46:10.210
from many nations coming to this convention.

00:46:10.809 --> 00:46:13.809
I hope they'll be able to get visas to come and

00:46:13.809 --> 00:46:19.590
enjoy being together again like we have in years

00:46:19.590 --> 00:46:23.150
past. But these last few years have been difficult

00:46:23.150 --> 00:46:26.929
in terms of getting visas and so on. So we hope

00:46:26.929 --> 00:46:30.000
they have success this year. and that you'll

00:46:30.000 --> 00:46:32.559
get to meet some people from other nations that

00:46:32.559 --> 00:46:34.199
you haven't been to yet. I know you've been to

00:46:34.199 --> 00:46:37.880
several nations, and I love what God is doing

00:46:37.880 --> 00:46:42.019
in your life, opening doors to new nations. So

00:46:42.019 --> 00:46:46.099
before we close, would you pray for our listeners,

00:46:46.380 --> 00:46:50.440
just as the Holy Spirit leads? Sure. Heavenly

00:46:50.440 --> 00:46:56.699
Father, we thank you for the example that you

00:46:56.699 --> 00:47:00.219
gave us in Jesus. Yes, Father. Or the example

00:47:00.219 --> 00:47:04.300
of humility, of going low. Yes. Father, for those

00:47:04.300 --> 00:47:09.599
that are confused by exposure, by things that

00:47:09.599 --> 00:47:12.940
they've put their heart in, that ministries that

00:47:12.940 --> 00:47:14.920
they've put their trust in, that have let them

00:47:14.920 --> 00:47:17.840
down, Father, I pray that you would connect them

00:47:17.840 --> 00:47:21.559
to pastors, to leaders, to those that can encourage

00:47:21.559 --> 00:47:24.739
them in their walk and their destiny. Lord, let

00:47:24.739 --> 00:47:27.679
the real things that they experienced of you

00:47:27.679 --> 00:47:31.500
in those places, let those remain and let everything

00:47:31.500 --> 00:47:33.599
else that can be shaken, Lord, let it just fall

00:47:33.599 --> 00:47:36.960
to the floor. Yes. Yes, Father. Father, bring

00:47:36.960 --> 00:47:40.079
us back to this place of authentic Christianity.

00:47:40.679 --> 00:47:44.400
Yes, Lord. Forgive us for every way that we have

00:47:44.400 --> 00:47:48.780
idolized people, where we have overlooked the

00:47:48.780 --> 00:47:52.159
downtrodden. God, give us hearts. Like yours,

00:47:52.320 --> 00:47:54.480
Jesus. Lord, give us hearts to be near to the

00:47:54.480 --> 00:47:58.780
brokenhearted, to go low. Father, I pray that

00:47:58.780 --> 00:48:01.920
you would restore compassion to the body. Yes,

00:48:01.920 --> 00:48:05.659
Lord. Thank you, Father. And Lord, we thank you

00:48:05.659 --> 00:48:08.179
for what you're doing. We thank you for the move

00:48:08.179 --> 00:48:10.139
of the Spirit that we're seeing in high schools

00:48:10.139 --> 00:48:12.840
and college campuses. God, I pray that you would

00:48:12.840 --> 00:48:15.800
continue them, that you would increase it. Yes.

00:48:15.880 --> 00:48:18.630
Thank you, Father. Lord, let this be the time

00:48:18.630 --> 00:48:21.309
for a nameless and faceless generation to rise

00:48:21.309 --> 00:48:26.530
up. Yes. Lord, that a move of the Spirit would

00:48:26.530 --> 00:48:29.690
be released in our nation. Yes. Father, I pray

00:48:29.690 --> 00:48:31.929
for the Spirit of Elijah to come, to restore

00:48:31.929 --> 00:48:34.449
the hearts of fathers to sons and sons to fathers.

00:48:34.650 --> 00:48:38.010
Yes, Father. Restore relationship. Lord, I pray

00:48:38.010 --> 00:48:40.389
that Christianity would look like relationship

00:48:40.389 --> 00:48:43.469
again. Yes. Relationship with you and relationship

00:48:43.469 --> 00:48:46.460
with each other. Lord, we bless your name. And

00:48:46.460 --> 00:48:49.860
we magnify you. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

00:48:49.980 --> 00:49:14.849
Amen. Check out our website at globaloutpouring

00:49:14.849 --> 00:49:18.150
.org to find out more information, read our blogs,

00:49:18.289 --> 00:49:21.110
connect with us, and donate. You can also browse

00:49:21.110 --> 00:49:23.710
our web store for life -changing anointed books.

00:49:24.130 --> 00:49:27.530
Until next time, this is Sharon Buss. And I'm

00:49:27.530 --> 00:49:30.250
Philip Buss. God bless you with His overwhelming,

00:49:30.429 --> 00:49:31.429
loving presence.