“You don’t have to have a perfect or good heart to run with God, just a willing one.” Olivia Buie has an amazing testimony of salvation and overcoming rejection, which she shared in a previous episode. Now she joins the Busse...
Dean Braxton, our dear friend who spent 1 hour and 45 minutes in Heaven, joins the Busses again to answer some more questions from our listeners from a Heavenly perspective. They discuss questions like: “Mansions” in Heaven? ...
Timothy Bence joins the Busses once again to open more of the Father’s heart to us out of his experiences in the Word. Timothy shares insights, looking at the life of Paul, on how the Lord orchestrates relationships as a “com...
The Lord began leading Timothy Bence into a supernatural relationship from the age of two, and his mother taught him to read the Bible as a small child. Over several years, he had read through the Word many times, but as a te...
Jeremiah 29:13 says, “And you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.” Now is the time to seek the Lord like never before! But how do we do that? Join the Busses for a Bible study on how and why t...
According to Dean Braxton, the question, “How can I serve you,” is used as a greeting in Heaven. But what does it look like here on Earth as we ask the Lord, “How can I serve you, Lord?” The Busses take a deep dive into this ...
Our listeners have sent us many questions for our friend Dean Braxton, so he has joined the Busses to tackle a few with a Heavenly perspective. They discuss questions like: What are some ways you can serve each other in Heave...
Sometimes in our daily walk, things get difficult. You may get discouraged or even be tempted to quit. But don’t lose heart! The Busses invite you into an encouraging discussion and look into the Scriptures to find strength a...
Did you know that as disciples of Jesus Christ, there is a simple pattern we all must follow to walk in our calling? In a time of personal devotions, Philip Buss received a revelation of this pattern throughout the gospels an...
Have you heard from the Lord yet about your orders for this year? The Busses are joined by their dear friend, Marylois Little, for a conversation about some exciting things that are ahead for Global Outpouring. They share how...
“Who is this that’s coming up from the wilderness leaning on her beloved?” Song of Solomon 8:5a Have you ever been through a “wilderness” experience? In the life of every Believer, there comes a time when you have to go throu...
Over the last couple of episodes, we’ve learned about navigating the law as Believers in Jesus by loving God and loving your neighbor, and we’ve learned about love as the atmosphere of Heaven. Now, the Busses weave these thin...
“I looked into His eyes, and saw the love He had for me like it would outlast me.” During his visit to Heaven when his body died for an hour and forty-five minutes, Dean Braxton got glimpses of Heaven’s perspective on many, m...
“The code of the law kills, but the Holy Spirit makes alive.” As Believers in Jesus, what do we do with the law? What is the law really, and didn’t Jesus come to abolish it? The Busses tackle this very important and controver...
Have you received some prophetic words that haven’t come to pass yet? When prophecy comes to us, we have a tendency to think that we will see an immediate fulfilment, and if we don’t, we can get discouraged. In this discussio...
“Everything that was done in Heaven was done in a circle.” The Busses are joined again by their dear friend Dean Braxton who experienced Heaven when his body died for an hour and forty-five minutes. Dean shares what it was li...
Can others see the Glory of the Covenant in you? The Busses are joined by their dear friend, James Stone. James serves his community as a plumber, and he has some amazing stories to share about the Glory of God falling in the...
What God is about to do in this Outpouring is unprecedented! So how are we going to manage when He pours out His spirit in ways that are outside of our theological box? The Busses pose this question and more in a conversion b...
“While worshiping in Heaven, not only were we enhanced to be able to express ourselves, but everyone was there to help each other express themselves even more.” Dean Braxton joins the Busses again to talk more about his exper...
“Servanthood is a key to faith and authority that we don’t even realize!” Dean Braxton joins the Busses to share what he learned in Heaven about being a servant. In eternity, we will be ruling and reigning with Jesus forever,...
We all probably have loved ones whose eternity is in question and their time is running out. So what hope do we have for these loved ones? The Busses are joined again by Shirley Smith, an intercessor and nurse for many years,...
“If He’ll do it for me, He can do it for you!” The Busses are joined by a dear friend and veteran missionary, Shirley Smith, who has seen the Lord do mighty things in her many years in ministry. Shirley has some amazing stori...
Revelation 3:20 says that Jesus is knocking on your door and He wants to come in and sup (or dine) with you, but what does that really mean? Continuing with the “Give Your Bod to God” series, the Busses look into Scripture an...
What’s the deal with the “Feasts” in the Bible? Are they supposed to just stay in the Old Testament, or do they have an even deeper meaning for Believers in Jesus? And if so, how do we participate? The Busses discuss these qu...