April 28, 2020

Global Outpouring (Ep. 1)

Global Outpouring (Ep. 1)
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Global Outpouring

The great Global Outpouring of the Holy Spirit as described in Joel 2:28 and initiated on the day of Pentecost, is on its way from Heaven, and when it gets here in fullness, we will see unprecedented miracles and harvest beyond our imagination. Sharon and Philip Buss share a vision, Word of the Lord, and scripture to encourage the Body to pray into God’s heart like Elijah and Daniel did to see the Word fulfilled.

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Welcome to Global Outpouring. This is Sharon Bus and I'm Philip Bus and we're your hosts

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for this podcast. Today we're going to be discussing a wonderful vision that the Lord

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gave to me some years ago that gives us a glimpse into what God wants to do in His body

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of believers that will step out and obey Him in these days of His great outpouring that

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He promised in Joel 2.28. So stay tuned.

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Joel 2.28 says, And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out of my spirit

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upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream

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dreams, your young men shall see visions. We are praying and contending for this outpouring

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and we want to see God do the thing that He says He's going to do. It's kind of like when

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Elijah prophesied after he had slaughtered all the prophets of Baal and God had proven

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Himself to be the real God. You know, Jehovah is the Lord. He is the God. This Baal stuff

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doesn't work. And he slaughtered all the prophets of Baal and then he prophesies that God is

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going to pour out a rain. And then what did he do? He went to pray and he prayed it through.

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How many times did he pray? I think it was seven times. Yeah. And every time he would

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send his messenger out there, his servant, he was sending him out to check and see is

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there any evidence. And there was nothing. Until the seventh time. And a cloud the size

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of a man's hand. And it was just enough to give him the faith to tell Ahab run for it.

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Go for it. Hitch up your chariot and run. Because there's a huge rain coming. And there

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was. Yeah. But it's because he prayed through what he had prophesied. Yeah. Same thing happened

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for Daniel that when he had been, he was an old man by this time and he saw that it had

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been 70 years that they'd been in captivity and he was reading from the prophet Jeremiah.

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And Jeremiah's words were that there would be 70 years in the desolation of Jerusalem.

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And so he went to fasting and praying and repenting on behalf of his people for the

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sins even though he was probably the most righteous of them all. And he prayed through

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for the release of the children of Israel from Babylonian captivity. Yeah. And in every

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revival there is someone that has prayed through for that. Or a group of people. And you don't

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always see them. True. You don't see when there's a move of God and it's in churches

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and that. All you see is what's on the platform. You see the pastor. There might be one instrument

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that God is using to spearhead the revival. The revival may just be in that church. It

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may be affecting a whole city. It can affect a whole nation. But many times you do not

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see the groundwork that was laid for that move of God to happen. It was like Charles

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Finney. When he was coming into town, the convicting power of the Holy Spirit would

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start falling even when he was miles out. It's true. And I've read his autobiography,

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you know Finney, and a tremendous book on revival. It's like a day to day account almost

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of what it was like. And he would come to a city but he wouldn't come in, blow in, blow

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up and blow out. He was there. He would stay until revival come. Even if it took a year,

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a year and a half. But what I didn't know was in another book is he had an intercessor.

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Yes. Father Nash. Father Nash. And he was the one that was praying, praying through.

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And he had a hotline to heaven. That's right. The intercessors have a hotline to heaven.

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But they don't get any credit this side of eternity. Pretty much. You know it will be

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mentioned in a book. This was my intercessor. This person was praying for me. But there

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are those that have no recognition. And they are the ones that will have the great rewards.

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Yeah, that's true. You know that we don't see. But behind every move of God there are

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those that are praying through fasting for God to move. And we know in this next big

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move that is going to happen that there are many people praying. Many people fasting.

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There's tribulation all over the earth. There's persecution in many nations. And it's like

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in the scripture and revelation. How long Lord? How long? How long? And we are earnestly

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waiting for this next move of God. And it's what all the prophets were waiting for. This

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is the day they are looking for. This season. This time. This Kairos time. When everything

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is just kind of wrapping up and in the kingdom of God being made manifest. And we are here

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to be a part of it. Amen. And we are here to pray it through. Amen. And the other parts

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that we are dedicated to is equipping people for this outpouring. And to engage in the

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outpouring as it's happening. And there's outpourings happening everywhere. We are hearing

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lots of things for many years of outpourings here and there and here and there. Revivals

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here and there. But there's coming a great worldwide revival. And the Lord gave me a

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vision a number of years ago. We were on a ministry trip to Argentina. And I was just

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having a casual conversation with one of the sisters on the group. And she was telling

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me about an acquaintance of hers that had come into the charismatic move and come into

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the things of the Holy Spirit. And she decided that she wanted to go back to her denominational

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church because it was predictable. And she didn't like the idea of not being able to

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know what's the next thing that's going to happen. Because the Holy Spirit was, you know,

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the Holy Spirit, when you give the Holy Spirit an opportunity, He's going to do things that

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we don't expect. And so I was pondering that and remembering the people that I've seen

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through the years that have said yes to God. And they've said yes to God. And then at some

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point God asks them to do something and they say, no, I don't want to go there. And they

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get stuck. They get stuck at that point. And they, you know, they're just only going to

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go that far and no farther. And that's where they are for the rest of their life unless

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God helps them get a breakthrough. So, you know, these are the kind of people that are

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sort of like the children of Israel that wandered for 40 years in the wilderness because they

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couldn't get with the move of the Holy Spirit. That God was trying to take them in right

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away. Even though they saw the glory of God. They saw Mount Sinai. They saw the fire, the

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lightnings, the thunder. They heard the trumpets. The shofar's blowing. You would think an experience

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like that and they were scared. They were afraid. But then they had a fear of God at

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that moment. But when circumstances came in the way like we need water, you know, rather

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be by the Nile and our leeks and our onions. You know, that's when rebellion arose in them

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because they forgot the experience. They forgot the Red Sea. Can you imagine walking through

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the Red Sea? I don't know how high the water was at that spot they went through. But looking

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on the left and looking on the right and the water is however many feet high and you're

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going through on dry ground. Right. And the path was made for you and then watching the

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Red Sea close behind you. Really. How many miracles does it take for you to see God is

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alive. He is real. Yeah. And many times a move, that's why a move of God will come.

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But if you don't stay plugged into the Holy Spirit and just keep pressing into him, then

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you'll turn cold eventually. Yeah. Dry up and blow away. You have to keep persevering.

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That's true. That's true. So I have had a burden for many years about these people that

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have said no to God. But I felt like, you know, especially the ones that have out and

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out backsledden. But what I'm seeing and what I've been seeing for years is that the move

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that's coming is going to be so intense and so fast and so big that it's going to require

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all hands on deck, including those that have been sidelined by the enemy. They were talked

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into compromising in some way. And so as I was pondering this with this discussion with

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my friend, I was taken into a vision and I saw an atomic cloud, like the mushroom cloud

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from an atomic explosion. And I was reminded that I'd been told that there were people

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who were at that ground zero area that the expression that was used then was they were

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vaporized and that their shadow was actually left in the pavement and in the walls of,

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you know, depending on where they were and the angle of where they were in relation to

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the bomb blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that they were vaporized. Well, now people

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have decided that it's not possible for a human being to be vaporized, even though we're

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mostly water. But they say that they must have been incinerated. Okay, whatever. They

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disappeared into ashes or into almost nothing. And they were lost in the ashes of the fire

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that burned there. But their shadows are still there. So I saw this mushroom cloud and then

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the Lord began to speak to me. So I excused myself from my friend and I went and got my

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journal and began to write. And this is what I wrote from the Lord. I believe it was from

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the Lord. We are at ground zero of an atomic explosion of God's mighty heretofore unseen

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power. All the known and expected of God's power, including all the miracles of the Bible,

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like the parting of the Red Sea, the sun standing still in the Valley of Ayalon, the creative

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miracles of the Gospels and the Book of Acts, will be like the commonly known atoms before

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they are split to release the energy of the atomic bomb. When that explosion takes place,

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everything at ground zero, everything normal, will be vaporized and a pillar of the expected

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slash known slash biblical miracles will billow or shoot upward. But then a splitting of those

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known atoms will occur, releasing the unknown power of God to form the top of the mushroom

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cloud billowing out above the pillar of the known, to reach far beyond the known into

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the reaches of the domain seen by Ezekiel, Daniel, and John the Revelator into that which

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Paul described as unlawful or impossible to be uttered in 2 Corinthians 12 2 to 4. Those

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who will cling only to the normal slash predictable will be vaporized and disappear from the scene.

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And I feel like I'm just putting a parenthesis in here. I feel like this is spiritually,

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not necessarily physically, but their ministry is going to be, you know, just they'll disappear

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from the scene. Those who will lay aside, this is cool, those who will lay aside their

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need to control and will yield to God will reach into this explosion of God's glory and

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be catapulted into miracle ministry. And those who will be willing to let God shatter and

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smash their preconceived understanding of God will be changed into the image of the

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resurrected Christ. They will receive their glorified bodies with their anatomical structure

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rearranged at the atomic or molecular level, restoring the power of God to each atom. They

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will come and go like the wind and pass through walls like Jesus in his glorified body. These

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will be used in the power and demonstration of God's unknown power to be vessels of miracles

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heretofore unknown. This power goes beyond reason. This place is for those who will go

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beyond the fear of death and die that they might live. Those that will submit to the

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grace of God to pass through total weakness and dependency upon God to allow the strength

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of God to be perfected or fulfilled within. So that's what the Lord spoke to me. And then,

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you know, I remembered, I guess I probably did some digging after that and I looked into

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Luke chapter 5. Philip, you want to just read some of that story or tell the story?

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Well, this is the story about the man that was on the stretcher and there was such a

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big crowd in the house that they could not get in to be where Jesus was. You know, that's

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what you want to do whenever you're in a meeting. You want to get up to the front row when you

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know the power of God's moving. And so they did the unheard of. I don't know what the

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construction of roofs were like back then, but they proceeded to take apart the top of

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the roof right above and I'm sure things were falling down to straw and mud maybe and all

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that. And they lowered him down because their faith was so strong that they knew if they

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would just get him right there where Jesus was that God would heal him. Can you think

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of doing something like that for somebody to, if you went into a church, what would

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you do to get up to the front row in order to get your stretcher, your wheelchair up

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there? But they just had chutzpah. Yeah, that's what it was. They had chutzpah and they used

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it and they opened the roof up and they just lowered him down. And of course you have the

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scribes and the Pharisees that are all there too. They're watching everything happen. And

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so what happens, he's lowered down in the stretcher through the tiles into the midst

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in front of Jesus. And this is from the Amplified Version. And when he saw their confidence

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in him springing from their faith, he says, man, your sins are forgiven you. And the scribes

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and the Pharisees began to reason and question Sam, who is this man who speaks blasphemies?

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You can forgive sins but God. But Jesus, knowing their thoughts and questionings, answered

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them, why do you question in your hearts? What's easier to say? Your sins are forgiven

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you or say arise and walk. But that you may know the son of man has the authority and

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right on earth to forgive sins. He said to the paralyzed man, I say to you arise, just

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pick up your bed and go to your own house. And instantly the man stood up before them,

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picked up what he had been lying on and went away to his house, recognizing and praising

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and thanking God. Hallelujah. An overwhelming astonishment and ecstasy seized them all.

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And they recognized and praised and thanked God. And they were filled with and controlled

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by reverential fear and kept saying, we have seen wonderful and strange and incredible

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and unthinkable things today. And when looking at the word reverential fear, it's just when

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you're in a meeting when the Holy Spirit is moving, it's just like you're just so tuned

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to it. It's like you put everything else out of your mind. You're just locking in the presence

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of God is there and what's going to happen next? What is going to happen next? And we

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know in this next move of God, because the Holy Spirit is unpredictable. And just when

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you think, we think we have him all figured out, something happens and he does something

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different or he can just take it in another direction. That's right. And that word that

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I appreciate the amplified going into the details where it says, we've seen, what does

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it say? We have seen strange things. We've seen wonderful and strange and incredible

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and unthinkable things today. Yes. So that word in the Greek is paradoxos. It's Strong's

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number 3861 in case you want to go look it up. And it means according to this Hebrew

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Greek key study Bible in the lexical aids in the back of it by Spiros Zodiades, it means

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to go beyond expectation or to go beyond opinion, something beyond one's expectation, a miracle

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in Luke 5 26, which is what Philip just read. It was used to express new things, miracles

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not hitherto seen and thus beside and beyond all opinion and expectation of men. And so,

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you know, nobody, they were seeing Jesus doing miracles all the time. They were seeing him

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doing healings, but they had never heard of any man saying your sins are forgiven you.

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And that was beyond their expectation, beyond their opinion. And Jesus made it very plain

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if it's not, which is harder to say, you know, get up and walk or to say your sins be forgiven

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you. But he was proving that he had the authority for that. So this is the kind of miracle that

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I believe God wants to do is something that's unexpected. This is the only place in the

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scripture that that word paradoxos is used. So Jesus promised his disciples in John 14

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12, that they were going to do greater works. He said, the these same these works that I

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do show you do and greater works. And this word greater can mean it can be greater or

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more numerous in quantity, or it can be used of intensity and degrees. And so I think probably

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it, it could mean both, both of those things. But I think more so it can mean things that

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Jesus didn't do that are greater than what Jesus did, which that already kind of goes

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beyond our heads. You know, we would think that Jesus would do the greatest works. But

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John at the end of his gospel, in John 21 25, he said, and there are also many other

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things that Jesus did, which if they were written by one by one, I suppose that even

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the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. So good. But when you

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read the gospels, and then you go through that you go through all through Matthew or

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Mark, Luke and John, and you're covering three years of his known ministry in those chapters.

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Yeah. And so there is so much more we don't know if Jesus was doing miracles every day,

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probably everywhere he went, something was happening. Right. So you take every day 365

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days times those three years, you know, and there's just so many things happening, but

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we only have recognition of what is in the in the gospels, not knowing of all the other

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things that Jesus has done. And I think we would be surprised, you know, when when we

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know when we would know the rest of the story, right. So we see that that in the book of

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Acts, when the disciples began to operate under the power of the Holy Spirit that was

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poured out on the day of Pentecost, you know, there's there's no record of Jesus shadow

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healing anyone. But we have a record of Peter's shadow, healing somebody healing people, they

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lined people up in the streets so that his shadow could go could go past them and heal

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them. They'd be healed. And and we don't have any any record of of Jesus sending handkerchiefs

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or aprons to people so that they could be healed. But that happened in Paul's ministry.

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Yeah. They were led by the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit did stuff. And sometimes it

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may not be the the speaker, the one that God is using and might and power that has the

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revelation to you know, for something new. I want to share a story. This was in an R.R.

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Shambach, RW, RW Shambach. Sorry about that. And this lady went up to him before he ministered

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and says, I have a sister that's in the insane asylum. I can't get to visit her hardly. And

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she's just very, very well locked down. And but I can bring her candy. And would you take

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this package of M&Ms, put them in your pocket and just minister and, you know, go through

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the service and preach and give them back to me at the end. And he was kind of puzzled

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by that. He says, Well, OK, I'll do that. So he did that. He put that package of M&Ms

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in his coat pocket and did the service. And after the service, he the lady came up and

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got them. And it was about two months later, I believe it was that this lady came up with

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someone with her and says, I want to introduce you to my sister. She is the one that I gave

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that package of M&Ms to that you had in your pocket. And when she ate the M&Ms, she became

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into her right mind. Glory to God. I mean, that was and that was not something that RW

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Shambach thought of. You know, that was this was some it was a revelation given to some

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to someone out there because they had the faith for it. Exactly. It's like the woman

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with the you know, if I could just get the hem or the you know, the fringe of his garment,

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you know, going through the crowd, pressing through everything to do that, I'll be healed.

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You know, no one else told her to do that. That was her personal revelation. Yes. Amen.

00:23:23,320 --> 00:23:30,080
Absolutely. So on the day of Pentecost and Acts chapter two, we see that Peter was referring

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to that prophecy that I that I read earlier from from Joel. And in that prophecy, where

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he's quoting it, it's it's quoted from the Greek Septuagint, which was the translation

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of the Bible that was being used in that day among educated people. And and it's interesting

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how it says, God says, I will pour out of the spirit of me. Isn't that beautiful? I

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love that. But as as I was waiting on the Lord, a few months ago, the Lord spoke to

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me that he was that he wanted us to align ourselves, our hearts, our minds, our emotions,

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our expectations with his. He said the day of Pentecost was just the beginning. What

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took place there was the seed of the dream I have my ultimate intention. The book of

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Acts was the microcosm of the all flesh outpouring I'm about to do. When you focus on me and

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my plan, the details will fall into place as I lead you. The results will be beyond

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your imagination. It will be like the book of Acts on steroids. But don't focus on the

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results. Focus on me. So that's what we want to do. Just in closing, we want to talk about

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Isaiah's prophecy in Isaiah 64, four, and what Paul says about it. Yeah, we'll do the

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first verse. Okay. Oh, that you would rend the heavens that you might come down that

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the mountains might quake and flow down at your presence. As when fire kindles the brushwood

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and the fire causes the waters to boil to make your name known to your adversaries that

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the nations may tremble at your presence. When you did terrible things which we did

00:25:16,960 --> 00:25:23,040
not expect. There you go. Which we did not expect. Yes. You came down the mountains quite

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at your presence. For from of old no one has heard nor perceived by the ear nor has the

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eye seen a God beside you who works and shows himself active on behalf of him who waits

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for him. Beautiful. So then Paul quotes that scripture in first Corinthians chapter two

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and starting with verse nine, he says, but as it is written, I has not seen nor ear heard

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nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who

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love him. And I think it's interesting how in the Old Testament it says for those that

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wait for him. And in the New Testament it says for those that love him. And you can

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see how waiting on him and loving him really they look the same in action. This is the

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key part here. But God has revealed them to us through his spirit. This is the part that

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Paul adds. God has revealed those things the eye has not seen or ear heard and hasn't

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entered into our heads or our hearts. God has revealed them to us through his spirit.

00:26:32,320 --> 00:26:38,280
For the spirit searches all things. Yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the

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things of a man except the spirit of man which is in him. Even so no one knows the

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things of God except the spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world

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but the spirit who is from God that we might know the things that have been freely given

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to us by God. Those things we also speak not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which

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the Holy Spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man

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does not receive the things of the spirit of God for their foolishness to him nor can

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he know them because they are spiritually discerned. And I just want to close with this

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scripture in Proverbs 25 2. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of

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kings is to search out a matter. And when God wants us to be these these priests and

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kings in these days where we have gotten so connected to his heart that that we've just

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let go of our own ways and our own choices that that we just choose him. We want his

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way. We want to be with like Jesus in the garden where he said not my will but yours

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be done. And that's the kind of vessel that God can use in these days as we surrender

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to him. He's going to do amazing things as he pours out his spirit. If you enjoyed today's

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our online bookstore for amazing anointed material. Until next time. This is Sharon

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Busse and I'm Philip Busse. God bless you with his overwhelming loving presence.