Jan. 17, 2023

Learning to Follow Holy Spirit with Sheryl Simpers Part 1 (143)

Learning to Follow Holy Spirit with Sheryl Simpers Part 1 (143)
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Global Outpouring

Sheryl Simpers started learning how to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit from the beginning of her walk with Jesus. She shares some amazing stories with the Busses of how He leads her into Divine appointments wherever she goes as a missionary and an intercessor, and how you can do the same!

She talks about:

  • “Just get quiet so you can hear My voice.”
  • How she overcame fear and extreme caution to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
  • Holy Spirit took her to the nations in prayer first. Now she goes with her feet.
  • The angels wait for the Word of the Lord through you (Psalm 103:20)!
  • Don’t give power to the enemy’s agenda with your tongue!
  • Want to be used prophetically? Get the Word inside you!
  • “Go get some milk.” A story of how the Holy Spirit sent Sheryl to the store to encounter someone with His love during the pandemic lockdowns.
  • What does it feel like to be led by the Holy Spirit in prayer and intercession?
  • You can ask God for Divine appointments wherever you go!


EMAIL: feedback@globaloutpouring.org

WEBSITE: https://globaloutpouring.net



You Can Be Victorious Over Abuse, Beginning Today, Even If You Have Been Really Hurt!” with Sheryl Simpers (91)

Let Jesus Launch You into a New, Supernatural Walk with Him Today, Even if You Know You Have Baggage! with Sheryl Simpers (92)



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