Jan. 31, 2023

“Releasing the Greater Glory” with Ivan Tuttle Part 1 (145)

“Releasing the Greater Glory” with Ivan Tuttle Part 1 (145)
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Global Outpouring

Ivan Tuttle was dead for three hours. A demon yanked him from his bed and took him to Hell. But God had a promise to keep to Ivan’s mother, so the demon had to let him go. Instantly he stood at the gates of Heaven and was given a tour by an angel. And now, after waiting 35 years for the “green light” from God, Ivan has an assignment to share what he experienced in those very real eternal places and to release the greater glory in this global outpouring.

Ivan will be with Sharon and Philip for a seminar at Global Outpouring March 23-25, 2023, and you will not want to miss what God has for you there!

Here, Ivan and the Busses discussion includes:

  • How Ivan went from a kid who loved God and loved church to a drug-addicted young adult.
  • In Hell, everyone knows every single sin you’ve ever committed - a very embarrassing moment for Ivan!
  • The timeline of the earth, from creation to far into the future. He shares some of what he saw concerning the end-times glory outpouring that will be carried by the people, not just the leaders.
  • The glory is available for anyone to walk in - even brand-new believers!

EMAIL: feedback@globaloutpouring.org

WEBSITE: https://globaloutpouring.net


Ivan Tuttle Ministries

“Releasing the Greater Glory” Seminar, March 23-25, 2023 – more information and registration.


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