The Asbury Outpouring Is More Contagious than Covid! (149)

God called Dr. Hong Too Leow, a seminary professor from Malaysia, to leave his job and go to Asbury University to pray in revival. His assignment lasted nearly three years, and he was led to leave in May, 2022. God wanted him out of the picture when He sent His outpouring so he wouldn’t become proud and take credit for it, for our Father had many praying! He joins Philip and Sharon to share his heart, what he’s learned along the way, and what he hears God saying now about this move of the Holy Spirit.
He shares:
- How God called him to come to Wilmore, Kentucky, to fill his “job” position of praying for the revival.
- How God humbled him by speaking to him in a way he used to preach against!
- How God anointed him to pray powerfully when he received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
- What he sees in Revelation about these last days and why he believes that this is the Third Great Awakening -- “There shall be no ebb!”
- “This revival will be like COVID, you’ll get it sooner or later!”
“Releasing the Greater Glory” Seminar, March 23-25, 2023 – more information and registration.
Ivan Tuttle’s Comments on the Asbury Outpouring
The Chapel Service that Started the Outpouring
Global Outpouring Facebook Page
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