Dec. 27, 2022

“Walk Perfectly Before God? Yes! You Can!” (140)

“Walk Perfectly Before God? Yes! You Can!” (140)
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Global Outpouring

God spoke to Abram and said, “Walk before Me and be perfect.” So is it possible to walk before Him and be perfect? The Busses discuss what it really means and how to go there—it takes PRACTICE! Can you do it? Yes, you can!


  • This is the season of the Glory.
  • Walk habitually in front of God and gaze upon His faces.
  • Don’t beat yourself up when you realize that you have been distracted—just return.
  • Walking before God means to walk toward Him, keeping your eyes on Him.
  • It's not our action of walking that makes us perfect. It's our direction.
  • When you receive God’s love, He gives you the grace to love Him back.
  • The flesh and spirit are in conflict, but the Holy Spirit will help you overcome the flesh.
  • As we obey God, it makes His name known to all the earth.




Etienne Blom: New Identity—New Life Session 1

Etienne Blom: New Identity—New Life Session 2

Etienne Blom: New Identity—New Life Session 3

The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence Audio on YouTube

The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence Free PDF Download


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