Feb. 8, 2024

S5E6 - 7 Tenets of Reformation, Part 2

S5E6 - 7 Tenets of Reformation, Part 2

This week, Ken and Grant discuss Reformation. They unpack the first two tenants of seven to help us define Reformation. We look forward to what God has in store for all of us living and working in His Kingdom. 

Tune into Episode 6 of Season 5 of God is Not A Theory. We long for your Faith to be encouraged and the fire of the Holy Spirit to ignite in your life by hearing these testimonies. Live up to the Holy Spirit's potential in you and prove to your world that God Is Not a Theory. 

Thanks for listening to God Is Not A Theory, a podcast of Orbis Ministries. For more information, visit orbisministries.org (http://orbisministries.org/). If you'd like to hear more from Ken or join the Orbis Ministries community, you can download the free Orbis Ministries Mobile App here: https://get.theapp.co/kjwz (https://get.theapp.co/kjwz)

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Tenets of Reformation: 

  1. Heartfelt Spirituality 
    1. Salvation by Faith alone 
  2. The Bible is the center of things 
    1. The Bible governs our thinking, believing, and leadership.
    2. The Bible is a benchmark for what's in bounds and out of bounds, not only doctrinally but also behaviorally. 
    3. What does the Bible call for? 
    4. What's normative in the Bible, and are we doing it? 
    5. The Bible is over church tradition.
  3. No more Financial Excess
    1.  Removing ties to conflicts of interest. 
    2. We can't demand anything from the Lord, but we can ask. 
    3. People can not be viewed as a means to the end, but we are to view people as made in the image of God. 
    4. No more manipulation. 
  4. No more Sexual Excess 
  5. The Christianity we articulate needs to be consistent with historic Christianity 
    1. Fight for our historic forms of Faith. 
    2. How was the Faith practiced? 
    3. Continue to lift up the supremacy of Scripture as we keep our eye on tradition.  

"There is no place in the spiritual where male on male, female on female, or in that manner cross-dressing is spoken about in a favorable manner." - Ken Fish 

"All of us are called to refrain from sexual relations outside of the bounds of marriage." - Ken Fish 

"The Bible is over church tradition." - Ken Fish 

"Salvation comes through Faith in Christ alone, AND there is a clear understanding that a believer's life is to change." - Ken Fish

"One of our values at Orbis is that we do not manipulate people." - Ken Fish  

"Be careful demanding things from a Holy God." - Grant Pemberton 

"We don't use dreams and vision to write doctrine; that's where we draw the line." - Ken Fish 

"This is that" https://www.amazon.com/This-That-Experiences-Writings-McPherson/dp/1534896058/ref=sr_1_2?crid=35L1BGUZGA2WC&keywords=amy+simple+mcpherson&qid=1707366424&sprefix=This+is+that+by+Amy+sim%2Caps%2C389&sr=8-2

"I have heard you quote more Latin this hour than my entire life." - Grant Pemberton