Season 1

Aug. 22, 2023

Out of Chaos Into Freedom Part 3 of 3 - God Opened The Wall

Are you under lockdown? Do you have walls in your life? We all know the joys and freedom when the walls come down. Here’s what happened to me!
Aug. 12, 2023

Out of Chaos Into Freedom Part 2 of 3 The Transition - The Big Steel Doors

Change is tough! Trust God in the transition. Be brave and sure footed!
July 29, 2023

Out of Chaos Into Freedom Part 1 of 3 “Terror In The Night”

What do you do in a time of chaos? Listen how Belma’s grandparents assessed the signs and decisively carried out the plan. You can too!
March 19, 2023

Yielding To The Unknown

When you say to God, Change me, and do whatever it takes , watch what happens!
March 18, 2023

A Surprise Defender

God showed up through a defender! God used a man that we least expected to bring a breakthrough!
Feb. 18, 2023

Living Branches

What happened when a tree hugged a workshop attendee? Jesus surprised us!
Feb. 18, 2023

God’s Weight Loss Plan

Sometimes God does impossible things. Usually we don't get to see them personally. In this case we did.
Feb. 15, 2023

Everywhere All At Once

Things didn't go the way I expected, and I got upset. It was the wrong thing to do.
Jan. 8, 2023

Dance From The Heart

Jan. 1, 2023

A Hug from God!

An answer to prayer can become an unexpected encounter with God if we are willing to trust Him.
Dec. 26, 2022

A Christmas Miracle

God talks to us many ways. Hear how he redeemed Christmas for Belma and an artist through her drawing!
Dec. 3, 2022

Empty Cupboards, Full Hearts!

God connects with us through our thoughts. How do you handle His nudges? Here’s what Belma did when she heard Him say…” Buy Elizabeth milk and empty your cupboards!"
Nov. 27, 2022

God's Invading Power

Belma shares in this online conference --the topic: “Revival Intercession”. Hear stories where God divinely intervened and invaded different situations in the most delightful ways!
Nov. 13, 2022

Surviving the Berlin Wall Part 2

“Forgiveness, Honour and Freedom!” A continuation of our gripping 4-part testimony! Separated from her father and the her mother for 19 years, hear how Belma’s painful experience is setting others free to have divine encoun…
Oct. 28, 2022

Surviving the Berlin Wall Part 1

Listen to this gripping 4-part testimony! Arise Brantford 93.9 FM CFWC.FM--FM93.9 Online Radio Canada interviews Belma Vardy and we hear a story of the brutal & terrifying events with being Berlin Wall massacre survivors ….f…