Doug Stringer, founder of Somebody Cares America,  frequently says, “Those who tell the story, define the narrative.” And the narrative we believe, impacts the way we act and the decisions we make.

Growing up, I was surrounded by stories of God at work in the world. I loved to read biographies like: The Hiding Place, Tramp for the Lord, Of Whom The World Is Not Worthy, God’s Smuggler, Bruchko, The Cross and the Switchblade, A Chance to Die, In His Steps and many others. Those tales of men and women of faith, as well as the stories I heard of what God was doing in the lives of fellow believers helped shape my view of the world. They also gave me practical insight on how to approach issues I may face in life. Seeing what God did in, for and through them caused my faith to grow; and inspired me to see obedience to God as a delight.

What Will We Believe

Today the world is filled with stories of gloom and doom. Falsehoods, or at the very least, inaccuracies are touted as truth. TV shows, movies, and social media streams are often dark, perverse, and foul on numerous levels. Without a steady stream of positive input, our narrative or worldview become clouded. And while we can get Biblical teaching at church and if we know where to look online, it rarely includes detailed stories of how God is moving in the lives of people today.

The Bible, itself, is filled with stories of how God worked in the lives of the just and the unjust. We learn what God says to them, how they react, and the outcome of their choices. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. We know He still works in people’s lives leaving a witness of His power. In fact, I have personally met many of them!

A Podcast is Born

Several years ago the Lord prompted me to create an avenue for these God stories, particularly of women, to be heard. As I prayed about this, He directed me to begin a podcast for that purpose.  Doug Stringer and the Somebody Cares Board agreed!

The birthing of the Her God Story podcast was a team effort; from choosing the name and creating the graphics, to recording and then editing the interviews. We are excited to be part of the Charisma Podcast Network. The podcast streams on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music as well as others!

Launched in May of 2021, we have some amazing stories of how God takes ordinary women and does extraordinary things in and through them!  Rev. 12:11 reminds us, “they overcame him <Satan> by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” So, we are confident the Holy Spirit will empower these God stories to change the narrative believed by listeners!

Podcast Helps Widows & Orphans

As part of the show, we invite listeners to live what they believe! James 1:27 reads, “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” In response, Somebody Cares has started a Widow and Orphan fund.  Working with partner organizations, Somebody Cares provides for the special needs of orphans as well as widows in need who have served the Lord alongside their husbands. As part of a company of women supporting widows and orphans, together we can meet many needs.

We invite you to pray for the podcast. Ask God to anoint each interview and use them to encourage, equip and inspire multitudes of women to step out in faith as He directs.

Please tune in to Her God Story on your favorite Podcast service. And be sure to follow or subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!  Please also share the podcast with all the women in your life.