Exchange Satan’s Lies for God’s Truth, Christianne Debysingh's Story

Embrace the liberating power of truth! Christianne Debysingh once sought to chart her own path, only to find herself trapped by the weight of past traumas. It wasn't until she surrendered to God that she discovered her true identity in Him and broke free from the shackles of her past. Through faith and setting righteous boundaries, she experienced the freedom that Christ offers to all believers. Join Christianne and host Jodie Chiricosta as they delve into Christianne's journey of faith, from childhood aspirations to navigating new beginnings, forging a new career, and answering the call to ministry and caregiving. Christianne's story serves as a testament to God's unwavering faithfulness. Tune in to discover how to exchange the enemy's lies for God's truth, and experience genuine freedom in your own life.
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Hey friends, welcome to the Her God Story podcast where you will always hear a good story to encourage and inspire you in your walk with the Lord.
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I'm so glad you tuned in. I am your host, Jodie Chiricosta, ministry leader at Somebody Cares America and International, author and traveler on this journey with Jesus.
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Did you know you can download a free six-week devotional on women of the Bible at
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God will use it to minister to you in so many ways, so I encourage you to check it out.
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We also have a 12-week devotional on women of the Bible that you can purchase for just $12 and all the proceeds go to our Widow and Orphan Fund.
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The Reverend Benny Hinn has said, "If you choose righteousness, you choose liberty. If you choose sin, you choose bondage."
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That truth is explained over and over again throughout the Bible.
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In the Old Testament, when the Israelites sinned, they ended up in bondage to other nations. When they chose to live God's way, he sent deliverers.
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The books of Proverbs and Psalms are also full of scriptures that support that truth.
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And if you read through Proverbs chapter 4, you'll see the importance of setting righteous boundaries in your life to avoid all kinds of problems.
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I'm going to read a few verses of Proverbs 4 in the NLT, portions from verses 10 through 27.
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My child, listen to me and do as I say, and you will have a long good life.
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Take hold of my instructions. Don't let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life.
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Don't do as the wicked do, and don't follow the path of evildoers.
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Don't even think about it. Don't go that way. Turn away and keep moving.
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For evil people can't sleep until they've done their evil deed for the day.
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They can't rest until they've caused someone else to stumble.
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Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
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Avoid all perverse talk. Stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead.
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Fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet.
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Stay on the safe path. Don't get sidetracked. Keep your feet from following evil.
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In the New Testament, you see the same message.
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Romans 6 verses 15 through 18 in the Message Bible reads,
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So, since we're out from under the old tyranny, does that mean we can live any way we want?
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Since we were free in the freedom of God, can we do anything that comes to mind? Hardly.
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You know well enough from your own experience that there are some acts of so-called freedom that destroy freedom.
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Offer yourselves to sin, for instance, and it's your last free act.
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But offer yourself to the ways of God, and the freedom never quits.
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All your lives, you've let sin tell you what to do, but thank God you've started listening to a new master,
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one whose commands set you free to live openly in his freedom.
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My guest, Christianne Debysingh, understands that truth very well.
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Once bound by sin, she now lives in the freedom for which Christ set her free.
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Christianne and I first met when we worked together at Operation Blessing, facilitating humanitarian relief around the world.
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She is now a highly sought after public relations professional with over two decades of public relations and media experience,
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having served as publicity manager for Harvest House Publishing, working with Moody Publishing, as well as many well-known authors and public figures.
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She's also very active in her church, discipling new believers, among other things.
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Welcome, Christianne.
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Thank you. It's nice to be here and to just reconnect.
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Yeah, Christianne, you were born and raised in Trinidad, where you and your family first met Jesus.
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Tell us about those early years, how you met Christ, and what that meant for your life.
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I would say, first of all, I'd start off by just, I grew up in church.
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I was born into a family who were believers.
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And from my earliest recollection and memories, I was always in church with my family.
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Now, that being said, my family came from a pretty diverse background in that my dad grew up in the church, but he was in the church, but didn't really have a faith and a belief.
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My mom was Hindu, and her family, you know, just a long legacy of Hinduism in that family.
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And so it was a miracle, and I know it was God, that brought my parents together, because that was not done back in that time, you know, back in the 1950s, when they first met, to have people from two different religious affiliations come together.
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And culturally, it just wasn't done. But despite all of that, God brought them together.
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And when I'm the youngest of five siblings, and when I was born, my parents had come to know the Lord that year.
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And one of the things that happened for me was when I was born and my dad wanted to have a name that reflected there, my parents' new commitment to Christ.
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And so that's how I got my name, Christiane, and the particular spelling, which has both Christ and Christian in it.
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And so I grew up in church and loved church, loved Sunday school.
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This is when we had Sunday school hour before big church, as we called it.
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And so we would just go to church on Sundays. And as we got older, our parents would just drop us off for Sunday school, and then they would come back to get us later.
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And sometimes they didn't always make it to church themselves, but we were always there, all my siblings and I.
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And so we just loved it. And just in every part, you know, they had whenever they would have Christmas plays or Easter programs and things like that, we were always a big part of it.
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And when I was 11, I remember being in church. It was a Sunday night. And I was listening to our pastor speak.
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And as he spoke, I just felt this conviction in my heart at 11. And I don't think I necessarily fully understood what that was, but it was the Holy Spirit working in my heart.
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And I just felt this tug and this need to go forward for the altar call. And so I did at 11, and I gave my life to the Lord, officially, you know, even though I had been in church.
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And ever since that point, it's just, you know, God's led me on this path. And I've been on this path of just being more involved. I was passionate about Jesus.
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When I went into high school, I was involved in our Christian ministry in high school with our Youth for Christ ministry, became the president of that.
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And then after high school, you know, ended up going on to college, and I moved from Trinidad to the States, which I know we'll get into a bit here later.
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But in the midst of all that was going on for me with my family, and just we were very close knit, there was turmoil in my family still.
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And, and even though we were in church, we were part of church, we were active, there were all these things going on. My father had a secret battle with alcohol.
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And it stemmed later in life I found out more about the background for how that all came about. And he was not like an everyday drinker, we never had alcohol in our house, but he was a binge drinker, and he would be fine for months, and then stress or whatever would happen.
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And he would drink outside of the home, and he would go on a binge for a couple weeks and then, you know, or so and then straighten up again and then we just kept doing life.
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But it was a secret battle in that while some of our extended family knew about it from our church family and other things is, it was people did not know because you know there was a lot of shame involved in that as well.
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And it was in typical codependent behavior, you, you know you hide.
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And so that was going on in the background but yet at the same time, my siblings and I, we loved Jesus, and we just kept moving forward in our walk with Jesus and God was moving in our lives.
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So yeah, you were on the right track. And when you graduate from high school you mentioned you followed your other siblings your older siblings to Bible school in the states, and you even had a desire to be a missionary one day, but when college ended.
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And you stepped out into the world on your own you were suddenly faced with choices that you had not known before. What happened.
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Well, I think part of it goes back to the fact that growing up the way I did with a family that was very close knit, and you know the end it was, I don't think it was a conscious decision but it was almost this underlying it's us against the world.
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And so we were very very close knit. And, and so, within that, I was very insulated. And I didn't realize at the time, how insulated I was and so I go to Bible college on continue to be on fire for the Lord wanting to serve I always had this heart
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for missions, and we would always have in our church going up missionaries that came in from overseas and I was always fascinated and so I just felt this call. But then, when I was in college, things went well during those years, but then, when I left college.
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I didn't know what came next. I had thought I would be involved in missions and go on to do ministry and and so on. But I went ended up having to get a job and I got a job in, quote unquote, the real world the secular world.
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And as I, as I did that, I, you know there was this whole different frame of reference for me from everything that I had experienced at that point, and honestly I was still pretty naive because I was still pretty young.
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And I was very naive about life. And, and so I ended up in a job and was working that ended up meeting a friend of a co worker who became friends with him.
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And he was just a fun guy, and we just developed a friendship. Well, pretty soon that friendship turned into more turned into a relationship, and over time, it turned into an ungodly relationship.
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And it just took me away from my first love, which was the Lord. And, you know, and later in life I after I came through all of it I realized that the enemy had set a snare for me, he had set a trap for me, and I was young enough and inexperienced enough that I didn't see it for what it was
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in that period of time, my heart grew hard, and I was going through the motions, I would go to church every Sunday, I had since moved away from my family I was living in a different city.
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And I was going through the motions of work of life of church of everything, but my heart was far from the Lord, even to the point that I even though I was still going to church one day I actually remember saying to the Lord, just leave me alone.
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I want to do things my way.
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So, what caused you to turn around, I mean you were being you were actually successful I mean you had, you were doing really great in your job and yes you know on the outside from this, from the world's viewpoint, you were living life well.
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Yes. So what changed. I was, I was, you know, in the field I was I at the time I became.
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I was just in my field in the state. I was getting some notoriety and things like that people recognizing that I was quote unquote gifted and talented.
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Life was going well on that level, but there was an emptiness inside of me, and it came to a head when all of a sudden things I had changed, and I, I saw it in myself in the midst of all of this.
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I had changed I look in the mirror, and I was not the same person that I had been. And, and with that, I was not happy. I was not happy with who I was the person I had become.
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And in that season after great success.
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My job fell apart.
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My relationship fell apart, even moved on got another job, but there was just this emptiness that was growing in me. And at the same time, in that period of time with with the relationship and all of that.
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I knew deep down inside, I knew that what I was doing wasn't the right path, I knew it wasn't right. And, and I know that that is a testament to the Holy Spirit pursuing that God was pursuing me.
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And, and so even though I was justifying things in my mind on the inside, I was empty and and my soul was crying out for more.
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I was ignoring it. And of course, when we're living a double life the way I was living you know on the surface everything great but inside things are falling apart.
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At some point those two things intersect.
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And it comes to a head. And so that's what happened, and I, as all those things ended and I was continuing I was going through the motions I remember one Saturday morning.
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I was at home, and I was making breakfast, and all of a sudden, I just, you know, it wasn't like this audible voice or this voice in my mind, but it was just almost like the Lord was standing there, and just there, and not saying a word, but his
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presence was there. And I remember just turning away from the stove, and I just threw my hands out, and I looked up to the ceiling, and I said, fine, I give up you when I will do things your way.
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And that was the turning point for me. So how did you do it, how did you turn away after several years of walking on the wild side so to speak. Yes, what did you practically do to get your life back on track with God.
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It's one thing to say okay I give up I'll do things your way. But at that point, I didn't necessarily know what the next steps were going to look like, because I was also dealing with a lot of shame and guilt.
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And, and of course you have the voice of the enemy, saying to you that you're not good enough that this isn't real. And, and so there were all those conflicting emotions within me, but what I did was, I got plugged in to my church I had been going, but I all this time
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I had still been going to church, but I ended up instead of just being, you know, taking up space on a pew. I got involved, I volunteered, and I started working in the kids ministry as a volunteer.
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And I began to just spend time in the word, and just dig in and read and got you know I had, you know, we all have multiple Bibles at home I'm sure, but I had different versions and so I would spend time just reading in the word.
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And I would understand I'd go to a different version to read a different, you know form of it and how it was said and, and I just began to just seek the Lord in that way.
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Just studying getting involved in church, I began to spend time at church. And it's through the children's ministry we had a lot of other teachers and volunteers that were older, I began to spend time with some of them, and, and just kind of watched
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their lives and I just became a big observer of other people. And I had an amazing pastor who was dealing with chronic illness and he had who had leukemia, and he had been in remission, but it would come and go and and just watching how he walked his life
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and I became a great observer of other people. And I began to think about okay Lord, what, you know, what is it about them that, you know, that causes them to in the midst of all of this to stay on track.
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And, and so as I did that I began to just one of the things the biggest things for me in in that season was putting up new guardrails around my life, and going back, you know, to my childhood I began to realize that there were some things that they were strongholds
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that had been in my life. And so, and even during those that three year period when I was in an ungodly relationship, and so on. I had allowed things into my life that had affected me and had changed my thinking and or put me on that path that took me away from God so I became,
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you know, a boundary for myself from the things that I read the things that I would watch even on TV, and things that I would listen to be music or, or, you know, just whatever else was going on, whoever listen to.
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And I became very very guarded with my life, and, and with what I would let into my life so that I could focus and hear the Lord and, and it wasn't that there was somebody that I was, you know that I had a mentor in my life at that point that was walking me through
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and it, it was really the Lord just directing me at that time and, and I didn't at the time recognize how precious that was, because today, obviously we have a lot of mentors we have people in our lives and there were people there as well.
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But I just didn't see, and I didn't tap into some of those things, because I, because of the shame and the guilt and all those things that I had been feeling. So, a lot of it was just setting up really good boundaries and setting up guardrails around my life.
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Yeah, boundaries are hard to, you know, hard to set up when you've, when you've passed them already right. Yes, because the people that you know expect you to do things that you're not going to do anymore.
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So, just give us one concrete example of a boundary that you set just for our listeners out there who might be saying, Oh, you know what kind of boundary could could help me in my life.
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One of the biggest boundaries for me that I had set up in my life at that time was with my thought life, growing up in a society where I was protected in a lot of ways, but there were also because of extended family who were not believers, and we were close to
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family, I would go, we would visit our family, a lot and we've spent time with other people. And so, one of the things that had been a big part of my life or not my life personally but in around me was was pornography.
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And I would go to relatives homes, and they would be showing, they would put on movies in front of us, even as kids of material like that. And, and so I saw these images, and, and even though I was not comfortable with those things that I was seen as a child
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and I would leave the room. You know once you see something it's hard to unsee something. And so there were those images in my mind. And, and then, of course, going into a relationship that, you know, did not remain pure.
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And all those things that I needed to renew my mind. And, and so that was one of the things I did so I became very very careful about, you know, all you have to do is turn on the TV to see a lot of inappropriate things anymore.
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And so I became very guarded about what I would watch, or even what I would read because as a teenage girl, you know with other girls and as young woman you know their romance novels there all those types of things that you read, and they feed you with these
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realistic expectations of what love and relationships should be. And so I had to learn what what was healthy. And so I began to read good books that would give me what a godly perspective was about who I was as a woman, and what is the scripture say, what do some
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of those books say, and so I that was one of those things that was really big for me in renewing my mind was to make a complete break and to put up boundaries that I would not look at or read or see or expose myself to a lot of those things and even from movies,
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TV shows and sitcoms and so on, but even the types of movies, even though overall the movies may have been innocent. Overall, because you know maybe it's an action flick and there's not really a sexual component to it.
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There's always innuendo, and there's a lot of things and so that was one of the ways that I had to protect myself and I have to protect my mind.
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Yeah, boundaries. Yeah.
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And once you were dedicated yourself to following the Lord. He also led you into freedom from a past trauma you had experienced.
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Will you share about that too. When I was young growing up as I mentioned growing up in Trinidad where we had good family and people that loved us.
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There were a lot of, you know, ungodly things around us as well. And during that time when I was was pretty young. I was sexually molested by extended family member, and it went on for a period of a few months.
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And, and I was young enough that I didn't recognize, you know, I didn't, I realized that this was not right. I didn't like this it was not. This was something that was not comfortable for me.
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But as a kid, I didn't have the skills or the tools to know how do I get away from this, how do I pull away how do I put even protect myself.
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And I did not also because of, you know, shame, and these were things that weren't talked about in our culture. And, and so it wasn't like I was able to go to my parents so go to someone else and say, hey, this is happening.
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And so during that period of time that I walked away from the Lord, a lot of those feelings, a lot of the inadequacy that I felt and one of the things that came up out of that time.
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When I came through that time and God began to do a healing work within me was one of the things that I recognized was that going back and the Lord took me back to that time and who had protected I think my mind from it for quite a bit of season was I had to
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go through that trauma. And as I began to process it, I began to recognize that they were things that came out of it when I began to realize that this was wrong I, I did everything within my power as a kid to stay away from that individual.
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I mean, they were in the room and other people were there, fine, but if other people were leaving, I would make sure I left the room, and so that there was no opportunity for me to interact one on one with that person.
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And so I did all of that I began to and when I came to realize that what happened to me was wrong. Nobody ever said, you know, that you were a victim, I didn't understand that concept.
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I didn't understand that because I had done something wrong. And so there was within me this level and it went back to that time that the Lord showed me of perfectionism, and in that perfectionism, I had to live a perfect life I had to be the perfect kid
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after that, I had to do things to the best of my ability and if I didn't do it right, I would beat myself up.
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And so then of course I go into this relationship as an adult, and that's a failure. A lot of things have failed and so I come out of that, and I'm dealing with all of these emotions and the feelings, and it took time, because I began to realize that I had to renew
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my mind. And so God was renewing my mind in that season, and I began to understand more of who my identity in Christ, where it came from, and to strike that journey took years I'm a recovering perfectionist is what I tell people of being
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able to walk, give up that standard of that was unrealistic because the only perfect human was Jesus. And so I would never attain that in this life, and so I had to learn how to not beat myself up when things didn't go well.
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And I still do that and I have to keep reminding myself of who I am in Christ. And during that period I recognized and I was able to read some good resources, one of the books that was very instrumental in my life was the bondage breaker by Neil T.
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Anderson, who started freedom in Christ ministries, and that did a lot for helping me to walk through steps to freedom, which he outlines in the book.
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And so I was able to do that and that began just an amazing healing journey in my life. After the Lord brought a deep healing in you.
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He began to open up new opportunities for you as well share how he fulfilled the childhood dream of yours in college that desire to be involved in missions had always been there and then of course when I left college and they weren't any of these opportunities
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to do more in that field at that point, I realized, you know, God had to do a work in my life he had to prepare me.
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And after I went through this season of just renewing my mind and coming to a new place in my relationship with Christ because I became radical for Jesus.
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And in that season God began to open new doors for me. And one of them through a mutual friend of ours was the opportunity to move to Virginia. So I moved from one coast to the next, and to go work at Operation Blessing.
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And so it became this opportunity to fulfill a childhood dream that I had where I thought I was going to work overseas and be in missions and and part of that was, you know, just with that whole family dynamic of being close to my family and so on, having
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them give their blessing as well. And it was kind of miraculous because I never expected my family to say yeah we think you should move away from us to the other side of the country. And God just did this amazing thing in all of us that we sat down and we began to
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think about it, and what this was what you know that I had had this dream, and, and, lo and behold, my family from my mom, my dad, my all my siblings, even my nieces and nephews who were young, they were all like, we don't want you to go, but we feel
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that you need to do what you need to do, and we feel God is opening a door here for you. And so you need to explore this. And so that was that was miracle number one.
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In that situation there were other miracles in my life, but that was miracle number one.
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And coming to Operation blessing going there that desire to be admissions got refined from not just thinking I was going to be a missionary stationed in a country, sharing the good news of Jesus to us working together and going to multiple countries
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around the world, and doing ministry, and you know looking back on that and going, me, how did I get here, you know that feeling of, wow, you know, this, this is so much bigger than I am.
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And, and in that season, also looking at people and recognizing, because of what I had gone through and what I had been through, and, and the strongholds that had been in my life.
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And I look at people differently, and and look at these people in other countries having grown up in another country myself and look at them with a lot more compassion, and just love for them, and the struggles that they were facing and and recognizing
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that while we were meeting a lot of physical needs, the ultimate need for them was a need for Jesus. And it was during that period, you know as well that God brought back to me I totally forgotten about it.
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But when I was eight years old, I loved, I always loved the maps I still do. And when I was eight years old, I remember looking at a map of the world, and had all these different countries and I remember dreaming as an HRL girl pointing
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to different countries saying one day I want to visit this country and here and here and I would point these different places. And, and then I forgot about it as I grew up and it was during that time that I was in Virginia, that God brought back to me that moment
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as a child as an HRL child. And one of the things that he said to me is he says I am a fulfiller of dreams.
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That's so good. And so that was just a very powerful moment that here's this dream of an HRL girl that you know basically 38 years later or so or 30 years later, whatever, that God brought the dreams of an HRL.
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Yeah, I remember waking up in different places around the world around that same time Christian and I would think, God, do you remember who you sent here do you remember it's just me, me.
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And he would have to remind you, me. Hey, I'm in you. You're my vessel.
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I'm like, okay, God, I guess you know what you're doing, don't you.
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And we just felt so inadequate. Yes, absolutely. That's exactly what I was going to say just feeling inadequate that God this is so much bigger than me. This is not about me this has to be about you.
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Because I am so not in myself equipped to do this, you know, and I, and, you know, I'm thinking about the fact that when we were I'm thinking about some of the countries you went to, where we would be sitting down before community and government leaders, sharing the vision, and, and it's like you want to pinch yourself, I might really hear.
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It's surreal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but God, you know, when we make ourselves available to God. He takes us at our word and he'll use us in ways that we didn't imagine and you know but like you said he puts those dreams in our hearts when when we're young.
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And like you I woke up different places and thinking, I always wanted to do this, Lord, you're letting me do this. It's amazing. So, Christian you lived and worked in Virginia for eight years, and then God had something new for you.
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What was the process of you realizing what it was and where did he take you, you know, after my time at Operation Blessing came to an end and and that was really sad for me because I was living my dream, you know, the dream that God
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had given me as a kid, and I did not want to leave. But I remember being before the Lord when I felt that stirring that it was time to do something else. And I remember just saying to the Lord one day I said Lord, this has been my dream, and this has been amazing,
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I would be content to do this for the rest of my life. Nevertheless, I choose to do what you want me to do, where you lead, I will follow. And, and so when I left Operation Blessing, I actually didn't leave Virginia right away I stayed for another two years,
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and I ended up God took me on staff at my church. And I'll be honest with you, that was the last thing I ever wanted to do with the on staff at the church. But I remember saying to the Lord, God, this is not what I want to do this is not where I would ever envision myself being.
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But you are leading me here and so I am trusting you in this, and I will walk in obedience to what it is that you want me to do. And, and so I was on staff for about two years before I began to, I felt this need to this urge and prompting to fast, and I went on a fast
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it started off as a seven day fast and soon it ended up after seven days of praying and seeking the Lord, I still didn't have an answer and I said, Okay, what do I do and he's like, keep going so then I went another seven days.
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Then, after that, I still didn't know, and I went another seven days. And so I ended up doing this 21 day fast. And, and I came to the end of the fast and I felt this. Okay, you're done, and I was like, Okay, so what was this fast about.
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And I hadn't still had no idea at that point. And so I remember the fast ended on a Friday, that following Monday I flew back to the west coast to visit my family because I had a niece that was getting married.
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And I flew back. And as I was flying in, and we're coming into land on that last flight. I was looking out the window of the plane, and I was looking at the mountains because it was back in Oregon and I was looking at just beautiful scenery I was looking
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at it. And, and I just heard this voice in my mind that whispered that said, your home.
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And it was in that moment that I realized that that's what this 21 day fast had been about God was setting my next direction. And, and so as I came back, he said, it was him saying, it was time for me to be back home in Oregon.
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With, you know, and so, so after eight years, I moved back to Oregon, and, and during that week that I was in Oregon. It was interesting because I never said anything to anyone but as I had time with each of my family.
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At various points, my family while they had been supportive of me being away they said to me, we think it's time you come home. And so, what God said to me he began to just confirm over and over and over again that week that I was there and I never told anyone
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so when I went back, I said okay Lord message received loud and clear, and, and I had to sit on everything for about a month. Before I was able to give my notice at the church and things like that because just because of things that were going on and, and my
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my boss, the senior pastor was was away and was traveling and so I had to wait, and I just continued to do what I needed to do, but just quietly began to get things ready at home, all those types of things at the end of that summer.
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At the beginning of September of that year, I moved back to Oregon.
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And then I've been back in Oregon ever since, and you when you went back, I mean you went back without a job, you just said, reside and move back, you know and immediately somebody didn't walk up and offer you a job, but eventually, God led you into a whole new career
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really share how that happened. So when I moved back.
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You're right, I didn't have a job I didn't have anything in mind. I actually moved in with one of my sisters and her family, and lived with them for about seven months while I figured out what came next.
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But in that, my one my oldest brother was is a business owner, and he said why don't you come work with me in the business, until you decide and figure out what it is you want to do.
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And so I began to do that. And then I came to. So that was it so about four months later.
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I had just made the decision well maybe this is where I'm supposed to be just be with family, and I was committing myself I was about to commit myself to just stay in the in the business and work with him.
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And he was giving me greater opportunities and so on as well, and it would have been good, but I came to the end of that year. And during that last week of the year.
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I just felt the Holy Spirit say it's time to get your resume updated and get things in order. And I was like, Okay, and so I did. And so committing into the new year I continue to work with my brother, but then I began to just start looking around at opportunities
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and saying Lord, where do you want me to be. And, and it was during that season. It was about three months into the new year, an amazing opportunity came up through, you know, just a friend of a friend, you know, and who had said hey, you know, this would be a great
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place for you to work and, and I, and so I remember applying for a position there, and, and through a series of events, it was kind of like I walked in handed in my resume, and I said would you give this to HR director and they did and a few days later
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they called me. And over the next two weeks I went through five interviews with this company. And, and they hired me. And so I thought, wow, this is great, and that started me in the world of publishing, and I was like, okay, so this is a different direction.
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However, you know, it's new to me their elements of it, I know I could do this and this some other things I'm going to have a learning curve and that's okay. But I ended up not realizing until later.
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After being at the company for a while that someone said to me, you know how I'm you, do you understand how unusual your hiring was and I said, What do you mean.
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And they said this company takes months before they hire people, because they spent a lot of time vetting the person they spent all this time doing a lot of background and figuring out, you know where's the right fit for this person.
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And so for you to come in and within two weeks be hired is is a miracle. So, so I knew okay God had gone before me, this was definitely another way that I saw God move in my life, even though I didn't realize it at the time.
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And so that started my work in publishing, and I learned a lot of new things learned a lot of new skills. I began to see that even my years at the church and at Operation Blessing had been preparing me as well for that field, because of working with
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working with authors working with celebrities working, you know, with people from all different walks of life that it was not some people, you could be intimidated by working with, you know, big name pastors or or celebrities and and and you're thinking,
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Oh, again, it was one of those moments of God you placed me where I'm doing what, but it was all God directed and and I'm still in that field today. Yeah. I mean took quite a bit of faith to quit your job, move back home not knowing what God had in store course he is faithful
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showed himself faithful for you.
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But that was just preparation for another step of faith. He asked you to take another 15 years later so tell us about that step. Yeah, so after 15 years with that publisher.
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I had been feeling a stirring in my heart and I had had some mentors in my life who had said, who had been saying to me, we think there's change coming for you.
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I had been feeling that stirring but I didn't know what that change involved. And so, eventually it came to a place where I felt like the Lord said, I, it's time for you to move on to something else.
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And, and I thought okay is this another career change. What does this change look like. And so after a lot of soul searching again, you know just prayer, some fasting.
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And I took a step of faith, just the Lord saying trust me, you know I kept hearing that just trust me, I will take care of you. So I took this a step of faith, where I had planned to resign, not knowing what was coming just knowing that I needed
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to do something about it. And it was in that season before I actually resigned that same mutual friends that brought me to Operation blessing that had was influential in me going to Operation blessing found out that I was thinking of making a change.
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So he and his wife reached out to me and told me what they were doing and they said, we could use your help. And so I ended up before even giving my notice had fall intensive purposes, I had my first customer, I had my first new client.
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And so God took me out of that traditional publishing world working for a publisher, just starting my own company. And so I began to do freelance work, and, and that's what I did so I had.
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And so I ended up I gave my notice finished out what I was doing working on some projects. And then I, and I remembered well I my last day at that job was on a Thursday, and I took the weekend off, and then that following Monday I officially started
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my company with a new with my first client.
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And, and that was right before coded. Um, you know, I probably would have panicked had I known what was coming. But even through coded through all of that. There was no shortage of work, God just kept bringing clients after clients after clients.
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So it was a huge step of faith, and in that season it was also where my mom was also moving into a season my father had passed away, and my mom was needing some extra help and attention, and I had felt the stirring that I needed to be more available
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to her. And so I ended up.
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One of the changes that I made, while I started my new company in the midst of starting all of that and that first year was, I moved in with my mom and became her primary caregiver.
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Yeah, and in the midst of that busy career and caring for your mom. God opened some other doors of ministry for you as well, share about those.
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Yes, so in the midst of all of that, I began to just one get more involved at my church, I before that was involved but it stepped it up a notch.
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And because my schedule was my own, I could rearrange things as I needed it gave me the flexibility to do more. And so I had been mentoring young women through my church, and we have a program where people can sign up and then they pair them match
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them with a mentor. And over the period, a period of about six months you walk alongside someone, helping them to understand especially a new believer, what we believe why we believe it, understand the tenants of our faith, and, and then you be, you know you just
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become a friend and walk alongside them helping them with life issues, whatever it is, encouraging them so you become a cheerleader. And, and so I've been doing that for the last several years, and just amazing opportunities to speak into the lives of young women.
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But God's grown me through that as well so not just to meet investing in them, but I'm learning, I'm growing in that ability in that relationship of walking with them. And, and along with that I began to co lead a woman's Bible study and online
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study with women from all over the world. A former client of mine actually it's, she leads the study, and I did the study, and then she asked me to be a co leader, and so we do that a couple times a year, we have this 11 week program that we do.
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And, and it's just like with that mentorship program that we do is we walk people through, you know, what it is to walk and have freedom in Christ, and and some of the things that I learned when I was going through my journey of learning how to walk in freedom and,
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and understand who I was in Christ. We're now doing that with women from all over the world through this online study, walking them through freedom, teaching them the steps to freedom that came out of the book The Bondage Breaker, and that book that I had read all
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those years ago. And, and so it's, it's just been so encouraging for me because it continues to grow my faith when I see these women who are growing, who are coming free from the tangles that ensnare them.
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And, and then watching, watching them grow and watching them fly has just been amazing, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. You know it's been so fun for me to hear what God has done in your life since we served together years ago.
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But as you think about the freedom you have in Christ, what are one or two key principles or truths that you want to share with others to help them walk in freedom to, you know, as I was praying before coming into this time with you.
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And I was asking the Lord I said God, you've done so much in my life and there's so many things that I could say. But, you know, what is it that you would want me to share specifically because ultimately it's not about me, it's about you.
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And it's as for the people that listen to this, it's what's going to minister to them and I think one of the things that I really felt led to say is that when you're walking with when you choose to walk with the Lord.
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One of the biggest things and you talked about it at the beginning is truth and understanding truth and understanding where our truth comes from. We live in a world that has so many messages that your truth is your own.
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And, you know, that's true for you that's not true for me.
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But as a believer, our truth comes from one source, and that is the Lord, and because he is the truth. He is the truth, the way and the life. And, and so if our truth, if we want to walk in freedom.
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We have to go to the truth teller, and that is, that is God, and his word is where we find our truth and so like all those years ago when I came out of a dark period, and I began to rediscover who I was and who I was in Christ.
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And I began to learn from understanding more of who God was. And when I understood more of who he was and what he says, then that defined my identity. And so my identity comes from him and so truth is something that we have to God's truth is something that
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we have to live our lives by, and I would say to to anyone listening that when you choose to walk in truth. Don't be afraid to face the hard things, or the things that scare you, because that's how we find our freedom is by taking those things that scare us those
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things that are hard and holding them up to the truth of God's word and putting them in their right place and perspective, because scripture says in john john 832 that you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
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And so when we understand God's truth, and we take that truth and apply it to our lives and that's the lens that we look at everything through is God's word, we will find freedom.
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And one of the biggest things that I found in that process in my own life in in seeking out truth God's truth is that God renewed my mind. He gave me a new heart, and he gave me a new mind, and he's given me a new boldness and a new walk and a new
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mastery. And, you know, one of my I would say this is my life first this has become my life first in Second Timothy one seven where it says God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a power of love and a sound mind, or in some versions it says self control.
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And it's through the renewing of my mind through God's truth that he has given me greater boldness, given me power and greater love, and, and, and has changed my mind so that I'm focusing on the right things.
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And the last thing I will say on that I want to share one thing is that this.
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Worship music says what I struggle to find the words for. And when I look back on my life. And I see the scars, you know from early childhood trauma to adult wrong decisions.
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And there's scars and we all live with scars.
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And there's a spirit that brings healing to those scars and those wounds in our lives. And as those scars come and develop.
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What keeps me walking in the truth is I can look back at those scars, and I see the testament of God's work in my life to God's truth. And there's this song this worship song that I love, I remind myself of this and I just a couple lines of it is
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is the song, and it says, So I'm thankful for the scars, because without them, I wouldn't know your heart. And if I know.
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And I know they'll always tell of who you are. So forever I'm thankful for those scars. So when I think about that I look back and I'm thankful for those scars in my life, because when I look back, it's a testament to God's truth in my life, creating
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healing, creating restoration and creating redemption, because he is ultimately a God of redemption. Amen. Christianne as we close, would you share about a woman of the Bible who's inspired or encouraged or taught you something.
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Well there are many women, but you know what different different women at different seasons, you know speak to us. And I think one that as I was praying about that, thinking about this, I think the woman that I would talk would refer to right now is I think about is the woman
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at the well.
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Her life was a mess. And I get it, my life was a mess. But Jesus came to her, and Jesus spoke truth to her. And, and in that truth, he gave her hope.
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And by drinking of the living water of her of God, and that comes only from God. Her past did not have to continue to define who she was, and coming to the truth in my life, my path no longer defines who I am in Christ.
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And that while our poor choices and her poor choices brought consequences that it's true the truth of God's Word and true a relationship with the Lord, that we have hope for a new and different future.
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And so when I look at her, and the mess of her life, you know, and and what God did in her life you know we don't know the story later on, you know, a year later or what happened in her life, but because of her encounter, an entire city was changed.
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And so, whatever the messes in our life in my life in your life, God can use our mess to change, not just us, but he can change those around us. And so her story is a great reminder of God's power and God's work in our lives and his work to heal and restore
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and redeem.
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You know the puzzle Paul in Galatians 513 writes, for you've been called to live in freedom my brothers and sisters, but don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.
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Christianne has certainly done that in her life she's talked about how God expanded her love for other people and allows her to connect and reach out. And you know you can do that too. Make sure it's a place where God's glorified and you are valued.
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But just ask the Lord how to serve, who to serve, where to serve, and you'll be filled with the joy of the Lord as you do. Christianne, would you take a moment and pray for our listeners.
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Definitely Father, we come to you today, Lord, and we acknowledge that you are the truth, the way, and the life.
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And Lord we desire to live by faith, according to your truth.
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And so Father, I thank you that your word says that your truth will set us free.
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And, but in many ways, Lord.
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I have.
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We all have deceived ourselves.
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And so Father, we come and we stand against the father of lies today.
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And, and we rebuke those lies in our lives, and over that have been spoken over us, and the ways that we have deceived ourselves because of those lies.
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And we choose instead Lord to walk in your truth to walk in your light, knowing that you love and accept us, just as we are.
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Father, we ask that you would reveal to us areas where we have deceived ourselves, and we invite your spirit of truth to guide us Lord each and every day.
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Father, we ask that you would protect us from all the deception, and that you would search us that you would know our hearts Lord.
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And then when we are given to anxious given into our anxious thoughts Lord, that you would calm our minds that you would give us a renewed mind, along with a renewed heart Lord, and that you would lead us Lord in in the everlasting way of life that only comes from you.
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And so Father I asked today for just healing, I asked for restoration, and I asked that we would know that you redeem and you restore.
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And no matter what has traumas or what has happened in our past, Lord, that you cover our past sins and our mistakes, and you give us a hope for the present and hope for the future.
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So we thank you, and it's in your holy and mighty name that we pray today, and we believe for just all that your that all your promises are true, and that your promises will come be will be fulfilled in our lives.
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And so we thank you God in your name I pray today. Amen. Amen. Hey, if you have not heard yet, the indoor bathroom for the girls home in Kenya has been completed, dedicated, and is now in use.
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And those precious girls are so excited. Thank you to all those who donated to our widow and orphan fund to help make that happen. You can go to her God to see photos, or to join us by supporting other widows and orphans all over the world who need
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a tangible expression of God's love right now.
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So if you haven't joined us, will you consider giving a special gift to help the widows and orphans through our fun. Just go to her God and click on the widow and orphan tab at the top of the page.
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And thank you for tuning in. Check out the show notes at her God for scriptures or other information we talked about and remember to get your free six week devotional on women of the Bible there, we would also love to pray with you on our 24 seven prayer
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and text line so give us a call or text anytime at 855-459 care or email us at prayer at somebody And now your friends, I leave you with a blessing adapted from Psalms 119 verse 45.
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May you walk in freedom as you devote yourself to God's commandments. Her God story is a ministry of somebody cares America and international to find out more about or support the ministry, go to somebody