May 22, 2023

God Saved My Place As I Was Mom, Nadine Naisbitt's Story

God Saved My Place As I Was Mom, Nadine Naisbitt's Story

What if? A NASA scientist and Mom, Nadine Naisbitt was trained to think of all the “what if” scenarios that could go wrong in space. That thinking bled into her personal life. Living in fear of the “what ifs'' kept her from stepping out in faith. But then God gave her a revelation that set her free! He showed her that as a believer, she has the same anointing that Jesus did! When she stepped away from a thriving career to be a Mom, she never thought she could go back. But God miraculously made a way! Listen as Nadine and host Jodie Chiricosta share how God always makes a way for those who trust Him. You’ll gain a new understanding of how to apply the power, love and sound mind that God has given us in your own life. It will change your life!

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Her God Story with Jodie Chiricosta

Nadine is a Space Operations Safety Engineer working to support the International Space Station. Early in her career, she worked for NASA, training astronauts, and then in Mission Control, supporting the Space Shuttle flights. This brilliant woman is also a wife and mother of three. She interrupted her career to homeschool her children and has seen God do remarkable things as she has followed His leading. Nadine has a story of God’s power to save and set us free to walk in His fullness.

Key Thoughts and Scriptures:

Isaiah 41:10 NIV So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

  • At a very young age, Nadine developed an awe and respect for God.
  • But she really didn’t have a clue that she could ever have a personal relationship with Him.
  • Nadine’s standard for righteousness was really based on what her parents expected of her.

There’s power in the name of Jesus.

Isaiah 64:6 NIV All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

Romans 3:23 NIV For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

  • “Well, I thought I didn’t sin. I was a good girl.” 
  • “What can I do to be saved?”

2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

  • God wanted Nadine to have women friends and He provided them.
  • Once you see and experience the power of God, you never walk away. You know that it’s real and He’s real, even during those tough times that come in all of our lives. You know the power of God is going to prevail.
  • As Nadine trained astronauts, she was really training herself to think of the next worst thing that could happen in her life. And so instead of breaking free from the fear she was actually reinforcing it.

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

God wanted to retrain Nadine and transform her mind to walk in faith not fear.

  • “Do people have visions of hell before they go there?” “I think they do.”

Ephesians 4:11-12 NKJV …for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry…

  • A lot of discipleship is done over the dinner plate or over a cup of coffee. And it really creates that safe place to share and deal with things that might be swept under the rug in a larger setting.
  • “We were attending a church on Sunday, but our spiritual growth happened in a home church type group that met midweek.”
  • We who have been walking with the Lord need to take time and befriend others and share our faith journey so new believers and those struggling with different issues know the power of God and know that He can help them too.
  • God gave Nadine a deeper revelation of His love and His desire to set her free from the struggle she had with fear.
  • He has given us a spirit of power (dynamis)

Acts 1:8 NKJV But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

  • God’s given us a spirit of love, so we can love others freely without fear of rejection.
  • If somebody doesn’t receive your love it’s okay. You’re still loved by the Father. So you just go on to the next assignment knowing that He’s still at work.
  • We can make wise choices without fear of failure.
  • God and science are not mutually exclusive.

Proverbs 18:16 NKJV A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.

“Charles, I know you don’t think God is real. But there’s one way that you can know without a doubt that He is real, that He loves you and that He wants you to spend eternity with Him. You can know that God is real because He sent me to you to tell you about Him.” – Nadine

  • Nadine had been following God’s lead and sowing into her family. So when it was the right time, He opened the door for her that nobody else could have opened.

Key truths to know in your journey with the Lord:

  • First, we are all on this journey of transformation with God.
    • Romans 8:15 NKJV For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”
    • He is your daddy, you are his daughter (or son) and knowing whose you are and who you are is foundational in walking in your God-given purpose.
  • Secondly, God has chosen us to partner with Him.
    • The Spirit of the Lord is upon you because he has anointed you to love and influence others for Him. (Isaiah 59:21 NKJV)

Lydia’s Story

Acts 16 NKJV 

  • When Lydia is first mentioned in the Bible, she is described as a worshiper of God, or rather a God-fearer. Yet at that time, she didn’t know Jesus.
  • She became an influencer for God in her own family as well as in the city of Philippi. 
  • And she supported the ministry of Paul financially and through her hospitality. 
  • It was in Lydia’s home that the church of Philippi first gathered, so she had a home church. 
  • She showed boldness and courage by receiving Paul and Silas into her home after they were released from prison, even though the people of Philippi were still angry with them.

Romans 8:11 NKJV But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

  • God wants His power to flow out of us to minister to others and to give others hope.

Ephesians 1:17 NKJV That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him

Philippians 4:7-9 NIV And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.



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Somebody Cares Prayer Line (855) 459-CARE (2273)


Want to help Widows and Orphans? Join our growing company of women meeting special needs of parentless children and nurturing their unique gifts so they can be ALL God has in mind for them!  And help meet real needs of women who have given a lifetime of service to God! Support the Somebody Cares Widows and Orphan fund today!  



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Hey friends, welcome to the Her God Story podcast where you will always hear a good story

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to equip, inspire, and encourage you in your walk with the Lord. I'm your host Jodie Chiricosta,

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ministry leader at Somebody Cares America and International, author and traveler on this journey

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of faith, and I am delighted that you have joined us. Isaiah 41 10 is a wonderful encouragement and

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promise from God. In the NIV it reads, so do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for

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I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

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You know fear can hamper our life in so many ways. Worst of all, fear can keep us from following the

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Lord. But when we know God is with us and will strengthen us, help us, and even uphold us,

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we can walk forward with him without fear. My guest Nadine Naisbitt has learned this truth and

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it has transformed her life. Nadine is a space operations safety engineer, that's a mouthful,

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working to support the International Space Station. Early in her career she worked for NASA training

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astronauts and then in mission control supporting the space shuttle flights. This brilliant woman

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is also a wife and mother of three. She interrupted her career to homeschooler children and has seen

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God do remarkable things as she has followed his leading. Nadine has a story of God's power to save

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and set us free to walk in his fullness. Welcome Nadine. Thank you Jody. I'm really delighted to

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be here today. Nadine you have quite an impressive resume working on both the space shuttle and the

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International Space Station projects. But tell us a little about your background, your growing up

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years. What was Nadine like as a little girl? How were your interests and your faith fostered when

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you were young? I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to two loving families. I have a brother and a

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sister. My father was the son of immigrants from the Carpatho-Russian area of Eastern Europe and

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my mother was the daughter of immigrants from Serbia. So it was a very ethnic home, hard-born

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languages in my home. But my parents were both educated. My dad was a metallurgical engineer.

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My mom was a librarian but she also taught classes at the University of Pittsburgh. She actually

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could speak five languages. I didn't get that gene. Wow. No I did not. I was going to say did you pick that up?

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We moved to Texas when I was about five years old and we lived in various regions of the state. We

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first moved to the Houston area. Then we moved to the Wild West of Midland Texas where tumbleweeds

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were not only a thing in the movies but we also saw them going down our street. We later moved to

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Dallas area where that's really where the bulk of my growing up happened. My parents were both

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of the Eastern Orthodox faith, the Christian faith, which I would describe as a very liturgical

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expression of the faith. Very formal, a lot of rote prayers, that type of thing. So when I was

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growing up they took me to the Russian Orthodox Church and much of the service was in Russian.

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We also attended the Greek Orthodox Church which is the same except that it was in the Greek

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language. So you got to hear both Russian and Greek growing up. At a very young age though, Jody,

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I can tell you that just going in this formal environment I really developed an awe for God

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and respect for God. So I always had that in the back of my mind, that God was someone who to be

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revered. But I really didn't have a clue that I could ever possibly have a personal relationship

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with Him. I really just kind of grew up wanting to please God in everything I did. I wanted to

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please my parents. I didn't want to do anything that ever hurt their feelings or made them not be

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proud of me. So I really developed this attitude of just being a people pleaser and also I was the

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quintessential good girl. I grew up making the right choices, making my parents proud,

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and when I look back I see that my standard for righteousness was really based on what my parents

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expected of me. As I was growing up my father was really influential in my life. He taught me how to

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fix things around the house. So when I decided to go to college I wanted to become an engineer like

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my dad. So I went to Texas A&M where I studied chemical engineering. But much to my dismay is

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when I graduated I was on my first interview and they talked about wearing steel-toed shoes and

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I was just simply horrified and thought that is just not me. I can't do that. So God had a different

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direction and plan for my life. A friend of mine set me up with an interview with Rockwell

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International who was a contractor for NASA at the time and they were actually looking for a woman

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to train astronauts and I fit the bill and that sounded exciting to me. I went on the interview,

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they hired me on the spot and I actually was their first female hire in the astronaut training

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division. Wow that must have been amazing. Yes it was. Just six years later I wanted to do

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something new so I interviewed for a position with NASA to support space shuttle operations

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from what was called the ECOM console in mission control. ECOM was responsible for environmental

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control and life support systems. So that was a whole new level of challenge and it was really

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quite fun too to tell you the truth. So I was blessed to have that as a career. So you got to

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sit in mission control when the space shuttles were flying. Is that right? Oh yes absolutely.

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I supported them from both the back room and the front room and the front room is the people that

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you see on the news and they communicate with the flight director. It was a very exciting job to

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have. Nadine you mentioned that you were really the quintessential good girl as you called it and

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being scientifically minded you had a brilliant career path ahead of you and from the outside it

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may have appeared that you didn't even really need God. You had it all together but you had some

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startling supernatural encounters when God became very real to you. He was no longer the far

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distant God that you might have had a sense of when you were young. Share how you came to put

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your faith in Christ. What happened? I didn't know that I needed God at the time. I was a NASA

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engineer who frankly thought she had it made but I still had that underlying desire to please God

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and I think the Lord honored that desire. He opened up an opportunity for an encounter that

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eventually led me to that place of surrender and knowing him. Well I was in my mid to late 20s when

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a young man invited me on a date to a place called Magic Island and it was an entertainment type

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venue where they had magic shows, illusionists. They also had a room where they had what I describe

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now as different occultic services that they offered. They had a tarot card reader, there was a

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Ouija board table that you could play, there was a place to get your palm read, all that type of

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stuff that was in there. My date had decided to get his palm read and he wanted me to do it with

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him but quite frankly that dark atmosphere kind of creeped me out and so I declined you know but he

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went ahead and did it but later that night after I came home I turned the lights out in my room and

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was just settling into falling asleep when all of a sudden demonic creatures appeared in my room.

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I could see them physically with my eyes. I hadn't been drinking, I didn't do drugs, they were a

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reality. They were there, they were right in front of my face so something followed me home that day

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and there were a lot of small creatures that were flying around the room but there was one large head

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that appeared at the foot of my bed. I would describe it now years later as the face that you

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would see on one of those orcs from Lord of the Rings. It was very grotesque, very ugly, and very

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scary so that kind of freaked me out. And so what did your scientific mind think? I didn't know what

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to think. I just got up out of bed, I turned on the lights, I was scared quite frankly and so what I

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did was I had a bible. It was one of those bibles with the zipper around the edges and I put it on

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the pillow next to me because I thought it would protect me. You know I did I never opened it,

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it was still zippered up but it was on my pillow next to me for protection and then I decided to

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turn on the tv to Christian Channel. I just had that Christian Channel on and I slept that way for

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close to a year. I had the Christian TV going on in the background. I never really sat down

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to listen to it. It was on there on because I thought that would offer me some protection.

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Yeah so I mean deep in your heart you knew that there was a spiritual realm but you didn't really

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want to go there. Right exactly I didn't want to investigate. I didn't know how to investigate

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and I never heard of anything like that before so yeah you're right. So but one day often did ship

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work working in mission control because you work around the clock supporting shuttle missions and

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I had one of my colleagues that lived in the same apartment complex and he noticed that my light was

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on all night. You know every time he passed by my apartment after his shift was over he would notice

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I don't know why he would notice my light was on so he actually stopped me one day at work and said

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Nadine are you afraid of the dark? Well yes but I couldn't tell him that so I decided that I was

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being crazy and I decided that night I was going to turn my light off and sleep like a normal person

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and when I did those demonic creatures reappeared in my room but this time they were I would say

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more aggressive. They actually came to me as I laid in bed and I felt a shove. I felt and I actually

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my body was moving so they there was some kind of real entity in my room shoving me moving me. So

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even though all that time of having that Christian tv on the tv I never sat and listened to it I was

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hearing it. I was hearing what they were saying and one of the things I remembered in that moment

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was someone had said on that Christian tv that there's power in the name of Jesus so I called

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out I shouted Jesus and the instant I did those creatures left my room they were gone in an instant

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it was very very powerful display of the power of the name of Jesus and you still didn't know him as

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your savior but just the use of his name just the use of his name was so very powerful. When that

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happened I jumped out of bed of course because now I was excited because I had learned the power of

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Jesus name and so I thought I need to know more about this Jesus. Bolted out of bed turned on the tv

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and there was Paul Crouch on tvN and he was quoting from Isaiah 64 he's saying all are righteous acts

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are like filthy rags and then he quoted from Romans 3 23 for all have sinned and fallen short

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of the glory of God. Well I was arrogant enough to just have this thought come into my head that

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he couldn't be possibly talking about me. Well I thought I didn't sin I was a good girl you know

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what is he talking about when have I ever sinned these are the questions that were going in my mind

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and then it happened I found myself in a white room with God sitting on his throne in front of me

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I didn't actually see God I just knew that it was God that was sitting in front of me. The Lord

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suddenly gave me a life review it started with my childhood it seemingly lasted for hours but I had

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these flashbacks of every place that I had fallen short of the glory of God and it just wrecked me

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it just left me on the floor in a puddle weeping I was having some carpet time at that time and it

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really did seem like it went on for hours and hours as you can imagine a life review would but

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then I started feeling a sense of despair like what can I do now and so that's what I asked I said

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well what can I do now and what can I do to be saved and just as I was thinking that I heard

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Paul Crouch's voice and he said you might be thinking right now what can I do to be saved

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and then he led in a prayer of repentance and of salvation so that night I became a new creature

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in Christ when I prayed that prayer and asked the Lord to become my Lord. Wow. I knew him personally

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now. And did those creatures ever come back? They never came back never never never no. So Nadine what

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changed after you became a Christian I mean you're still a good girl you were always a good girl so

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you know there there might not have been necessarily behavioral changes but how did you grow in your

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faith and and how did you you know what did you experience as a new believer? Well interestingly

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enough that same week a woman at work approached me and her name was Debbie lover to death she's

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still my very close friend but she said that she had heard I had become a Christian and that she

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wanted to be my friend so I was kind of blown away by that because I hadn't told anybody but somehow

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she knew and at the time really most of my friends were men you know I had studied engineering where

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most of my fellow students were men most of my colleagues at work were men but I believe God

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wanted me to have women friends and he provided them. So Debbie became a mentor to me she was

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awesome she taught me about water baptism and she said have you been water baptized I said sure I

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was water baptized no honey you have to be water baptized sensibly so she led me in that she taught

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me about Holy Spirit baptism she taught me about evangelism she she taught me how to pray she took

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me to church I learned scripture from her she was just an amazing woman of God that really set me

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on a course of really loving the word of God and loving God's people at the time though because

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you know my parents didn't know anything about what was happening I was still connected to the

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Greek Orthodox Church so I was still going to that had one foot there because it was a cultural

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thing it's like oh how do I tell them I'm leaving this you know that was a very hard thing to do

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but what I would do I was part of a group there a young adult singles type group and so everything

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I learned from Debbie I shared with them and so it was a really powerful time of me being an evangelist

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even though I was a young believer in the Lord so it was a lot of those people came into a relationship

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with Jesus so Debbie was the one who also introduced me to Doug Stringer and his outreach

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endeavors that he had and she was the one that introduced me to the late night street witnessing

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in the lower manchos and for those who don't know for those of you who don't know Doug Stringer is

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the founder of somebody cares which sponsors and hosts this podcast and started on the streets of

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Houston and Nadine go ahead and tell what you guys used to do on the streets of Houston okay well I

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was still struggling with fear but Debbie literally drugged me to the streets the first time I went

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but God really did an amazing thing the first time I had told you how I had returned to the

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Greek Orthodox group and that church was actually in the lower Montrose area of Houston and one of

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the girls in that group asked me to pray for a young man named Billy Zorba that week Debbie

00:16:35,600 --> 00:16:42,640
prevailed and I joined her and Doug Stringer's team on the streets and and there we were while

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this huge burly scary looking tall young man covered in tacks came walking up to us and yes

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it was Billy Zorba the young man I had been praying for that week so we talked with him we

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shared the gospel with him we prayed a prayer protection over him he wasn't quite ready to turn

00:17:05,600 --> 00:17:12,320
his life over to Jesus yet he still allowed us to prayer prayer protection over him and I actually

00:17:12,320 --> 00:17:17,360
told him I'd bring him a new Bible if he would meet me at that Greek church the next Sunday so

00:17:18,000 --> 00:17:24,560
dutifully I came with my gift and waited and waited for him to show up and finally the priest

00:17:24,560 --> 00:17:32,160
noticed me sitting alone on the pew after everyone had gone home and he said uh can I help you and I

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told him I had met Billy on the streets and was bringing him a Bible and the priest shared with me

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that Billy had been shot five times the night we prayed for him and my eyes started to well up with

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tears I thought oh my goodness we'd missed it but he said don't don't cry Billy's fine because he

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shared with me how you all prayed for him and and even as he was being shot he saw angels protecting

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him and he knew it was because of our prayers it took a while but Billy eventually surrendered his

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life to Christ so that was a very powerful first encounter on the streets wow yeah even as a young

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believer you got to experience and really witness the power of God which absolutely is is remarkable

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because once you see and experience the power of God you know you never walk away you know that

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it's real and he's real even during those tough times that come in all of our lives you know the

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power of God is going to prevail so you know friends there are a lot of hurting people who

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need Jesus and as a company of women we can do so much to help those who are orphaned and widows who

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have served the Lord all over the world many have special needs that we as a company of women can

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meet together would you consider joining us with a special gift to help just go to

00:18:48,240 --> 00:18:53,520
and click on the widow and orphan tab at the top of the page so Nadine after you accepted the Lord

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you were still dealing with fear you haven't talked about how you you dealt with fear in the past but

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you that's not something that went away immediately uh you're right Jody I was struggling with fear

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and I believe it was because it was really something that I had learned from a young age

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you see my mom was a chronic warrior she was filled with a lot of fear she was

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a helicopter mom to the maximum she worried about everything and um and everything and I just picked

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up on that so I too from a young age started to have those feelings of fear and worry and on top

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of that when I started my career training astronauts one of the ways that we would train

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astronauts is through simulations and when I was in that training role I would have to think of

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failure scenarios that the crewman would have to respond to and I would have to think in terms of

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the next worst failure that could happen it happens so without realizing rising it as I was

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training astronauts I was really training myself to think of the next worst thing that could happen

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in my life and so I was instead of breaking free from the fear I was actually reinforcing it

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and so when I first came to the Lord the very first scripture that he spoke to me through

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where I knew it was personal for me that had his signature mark all over it was from second

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Timothy 1 7 for God has not given you a spirit of fear but a power of love and a sound mind

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and he was wanting to retrain me he was wanting to transform my mind and he wanted me to walk in

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faith not fear so you continued to work at NASA and you were very involved in outreach and fellowship

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of Christians through Doug Stringer's ministry at the time and which birth somebody cares and when

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you met a man that you would eventually marry and it's really quite a story share that with us oh

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it's a beautiful story yes I was volunteering with the Doug Stringer's ministry attending weekly

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uh weekly Bible studies that he led and at that time Doug was sponsoring and hosting a spiritual

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impact conference men and women from really all over the world would come to glean from Doug's

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wisdom and experience and others that he had called alongside him too that had the same vision

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since I was working at mission control at the time Doug asked me to take a few groups on a tour of

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Johnson Space Center and one of the guys that was in the group was Russell who was from New Zealand

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and who is now my husband we hardly exchanged any words on that tour but when he got home

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he was sharing photos of the trip with some Fijian pastors that were living with him at the time they

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were going to Bible college in Auckland where he lived and so he was hosting them in his home

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and so it was back in the days where we didn't have digital photos so he had the physical photos

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and when he turned up a photo of me he had a thought come to him that I was going to be his wife

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and when he passed the photo to one of the pastors that lived with them they promptly said I think

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this girl is going to be your wife so that set him on a path of prayer to seek out the Lord's will

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and he's in New Zealand at this time he's in New Zealand and you're in this time I'm in Houston so

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it just so happened though that later that same year I was scheduled to join Doug's team that was

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going to New Zealand and Fiji on a mission trip and then the night before my departure I had a

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friend call me and said she had a dream and the dream basically was that she saw me sitting in a

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field with flowers all around the perimeter of the field that there was a man with me and that he

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laid a blanket or something down on the ground and we sat on the blanket together and the man

00:23:04,720 --> 00:23:10,800
proceeded to ask me to marry him so she said that she thought the Lord had given her that dream and

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that I was gonna meet my husband on this trip so okay I put it in the outponder it pocket you know

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and went on this trip and Russell asked me out to lunch and after lunch he invited me to go on a walk

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with him and we found ourselves in a field that was actually a park that was next door to the

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restaurant and surrounded by flowers just on the perimeter just like the dream and he wanted to sit

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down so he took off his sweater and laid it on the ground because the ground was a bit damp

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and he invited me to sit on the ground with him and I realized at the time that sounds very much

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like that dream that my friend had had and he just cut to the chase he said he had prayed about it

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and wanted to court me with the intention of marriage so there you have it in the moment I

00:24:03,200 --> 00:24:08,880
was like wow this really great this is the dream and then I realized I don't know this person

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I don't know anything about him so I pretty much shut down and he said okay well we can start over

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where do you want to start and I said hello my name is Nadine so but we corresponded through

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letters and through long distance phone calls at the no cell phones at the time and so we got to

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know each other that way and I just been praying about Lord do you want this man to be my husband

00:24:34,480 --> 00:24:39,760
if you do you got to I know this sounds like a very shallow prayer but he had these glasses

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that I really didn't like they were I thought they were kind of goofy looking so so I said

00:24:45,200 --> 00:24:49,920
Lord if you want me to be with this guy you're gonna have to do something about those glasses

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so a week later on our weekly phone call Russell's talking to me and he said you'll never believe

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what happened to me last week and I'm like what's that he said well I was driving down the road and

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my glasses split in two so I had to get new ones and I'm thinking oh Lord you didn't he broke his

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glasses in two so that he he would have to get new ones and I said well did you pick them out

00:25:15,280 --> 00:25:21,680
yourself he said no I had a friend pick them out this time I'm like wow thank God for friends so

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anyway it was a series of those amazing kind of confirmations that the Lord brought us together

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that's amazing by the time you were married you were in your mid-30s and you're you're wanting a

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family you started having children right away and you and Russell talked about raising children

00:25:39,280 --> 00:25:44,000
and you felt like the Lord was leading you to home school I mean you're a rocket scientist

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and now you're thinking of just walking away from it all and home schooling your children

00:25:49,760 --> 00:25:54,560
did you have any hesitations at all about leaving your career and how did you come to that decision

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and why well the Lord put it on both Russell's and my heart to home school and we really did from the

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get-go have agreement about that the Lord confirmed it to us by sending me various women who were

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veteran home schoolers they just I just found myself connecting through church and actually

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through work with other women that were home schooling so they pretty much taught me the ropes

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some of those ladies like I said they were my colleagues at NASA that had done gone-behind

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me and quit their jobs so that they could home school too and I really wanted to have my kids

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to have a Christian worldview and so that was really the primary purpose that we home schooled

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the transition from being a career woman to being a home school mom wasn't all that difficult for me

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it really felt quite natural I was 37 when I had my first child so by that time I had been a career

00:26:49,280 --> 00:26:57,840
woman for a while I had really reached the peak of being an ecom if I wanted to do something else

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and a new challenge you know that would mean I would have to embark on a new path so I was

00:27:03,680 --> 00:27:09,600
coming to a close and the peak of the of the path that I was on so it seemed like a natural time

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and so I really had the thought that I really felt blessed to be able to experience both worlds so

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it wasn't really a difficult transition for me to make mentally the only hesitation I had was how

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was I going to explain this to my parents and my siblings that was the single most thing that proved

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to be a challenge because they basically thought I was nuts for leaving my career to home school my

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children as you said you know your family family can can play a big you know they do play a big

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part in our life in in our in our decisions and in how we perceive what we're doing but years later

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you had the opportunity to lead your mom to the lord and then she understood your decision share

00:27:53,920 --> 00:28:01,280
that story that was a very powerful story my mom had had a colonoscopy gone bad the physician had

00:28:01,280 --> 00:28:08,160
punctured her colon and she ended up in icu she survived the ordeal but russell and i packed up

00:28:08,160 --> 00:28:13,920
the kids loaded up the car so that we could go spend some time with her to care for her while she

00:28:13,920 --> 00:28:19,440
was recovering in dallas one night while we were there i saw that russell i walked into the room

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and russell was talking with my mom and he gave a very serious look at me and said it's time to tell

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your testimony to your mom and i was back there uh no i'm not gonna do it i know what that's gonna

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you know i know we're gonna have an argument no we're not doing that and then i looked and saw

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my mom and she had tears in her eyes and i found out that she had just asked russell a serious

00:28:44,800 --> 00:28:51,760
question do people have visions of hell before they go there his answer to her was quite blunt

00:28:52,320 --> 00:28:58,640
i think they do and so that really sent her in a tailspin so come to find out my mom had had a

00:28:58,640 --> 00:29:07,040
similar experience in icu with demons surrounding her like i had had so many years earlier so i

00:29:07,040 --> 00:29:13,120
shared my story with her and when i got to the part where i told her about paul krauts leading

00:29:13,120 --> 00:29:19,920
me in a prayer she said now what was that prayer i realized at the time mom do you want me to pray

00:29:19,920 --> 00:29:25,120
that prayer with you now and she burst into tears it was so beautiful that was the moment that god

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breathed new life into her it was an honor to be a part of that but every day for the next week

00:29:32,320 --> 00:29:38,560
she would pray with me and as the lord was leading her she just wanted to repent of things from her

00:29:38,560 --> 00:29:43,600
past so one thing after another she would come like we need to pray with the pray about this we

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need to pray about that and it was absolutely a beautiful time a real bonding time but one of the

00:29:49,520 --> 00:29:54,800
things that she had mentioned in that week that i spent with her she said that the lord had opened

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her eyes and told me she understood now why i homeschooled my kids so it was really quite amazing

00:30:01,760 --> 00:30:08,720
yeah the lord just gave you that stamp of approval of course you always had his stamp of approval

00:30:09,360 --> 00:30:13,440
but we like to have that from our parents too don't we yes we don't always get it but the lord was

00:30:13,440 --> 00:30:20,000
gracious to allow you to experience that oh absolutely and while you were homeschooling

00:30:20,960 --> 00:30:26,000
god led you and russell to start a house church for about 10 years and that's kind of a unique

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thing as well what was that like and and what did you see god do through you that was a beautiful

00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:38,240
time as well we had been attending a mega church at the time where we were serving we were growing

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and really quite frankly we were being equipped and russell i have always always had a heart for

00:30:45,280 --> 00:30:50,720
small groups and for hospitality so it was just a natural thing for us when the lord called us out

00:30:50,720 --> 00:30:58,400
into starting a home church and i really feel like a lot of discipleship is done over the dinner

00:30:58,400 --> 00:31:05,920
plate or over a cup of coffee and it really creates that safe place to share with your friends

00:31:05,920 --> 00:31:12,160
and deal with things that might be swept under the rug in a larger setting so initially we thought

00:31:12,160 --> 00:31:18,800
our house church would be used to bring in the unchurched like our neighbors sort of an urban

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missions type ministry as we started the lord began to just bring partners to help lead it but

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he also brought young christians he brought timid christians and he brought wounded christians

00:31:33,200 --> 00:31:40,240
and he brought wounded christians to us so in the long run i believe our house church became like

00:31:40,240 --> 00:31:46,960
an incubator for people it was instrumental in developing the giftings and callings in those who

00:31:46,960 --> 00:31:53,680
attended and it was also a healing place for the wounded i'll give you an example of how we were

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used to reach the needs of people that might not be able to be reached and in a larger church

00:31:59,840 --> 00:32:06,480
setting on occasion we had a man come his name was dale and he had done time in prison as a sex

00:32:06,480 --> 00:32:13,360
offender and while he was in prison he had given his life wholly to jesus and was actually when he

00:32:13,360 --> 00:32:19,680
got out he actually got involved in prison ministry someone in our group invited a friend from work

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and as it turned out this new person had a son who was on trial as a sex offender and that night

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dale was able to minister to this father who was distraught about his son the man would not

00:32:35,280 --> 00:32:41,520
in my mind would not probably been able to open up to somebody in a larger regular church setting

00:32:41,520 --> 00:32:46,320
but in the comfort of our home while being surrounded with people who would pray and love

00:32:46,320 --> 00:32:54,480
on him and stand with him it was just an incredible display of of ministry the one on one ministry so

00:32:54,480 --> 00:32:59,760
we have many many stories like that that happened while we had the house church yeah you know when

00:32:59,760 --> 00:33:04,720
i was growing up after we got saved we were in a house church setting for a long time we were also

00:33:04,720 --> 00:33:11,280
attending a church on sunday but really our spiritual growth happened kind of in a group

00:33:11,280 --> 00:33:18,080
home a home church type group that met midweek and we still have relationship with those people 50

00:33:18,080 --> 00:33:24,480
years later right um they are you know they are our christian family i mean they feel just like

00:33:24,960 --> 00:33:33,280
normal family and i think that is miss i think so many believers miss are missing that um sense

00:33:33,280 --> 00:33:42,320
of connection um not because churches are trying to keep people apart but it's it's the culture of

00:33:42,320 --> 00:33:48,880
the world and we get swept up and don't stop long enough to say hey let me take you in like like

00:33:48,880 --> 00:33:53,600
you know your friend at work who i don't know the lord might have told her you were a believer she

00:33:53,600 --> 00:33:57,920
might have seen a new sparkle in your eye and she came over and said hey let's be friends right um

00:33:57,920 --> 00:34:05,120
you know when we truly believe there's going to be a mighty harvest coming soon with a lot of people

00:34:05,120 --> 00:34:12,080
getting saved and we who have been walking with the lord need to take time to get to the Lord

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time and befriend them and share our story which is really one of the reasons i do these podcasts

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in the first place to to share our faith journey to share other women's faith journeys so new

00:34:25,280 --> 00:34:30,880
believers and struggling people who are struggling with different issues know the power of God you

00:34:30,880 --> 00:34:36,560
did the house church for about 10 years and after that you got involved in another ministry uh and

00:34:36,560 --> 00:34:41,440
this one's called trace diaz is that is that right i think you just did a trace diaz weekend last

00:34:41,440 --> 00:34:47,200
weekend yes so tell us briefly about that ministry how you got involved and and how God gave you

00:34:47,200 --> 00:34:53,680
really a deeper revelation of second timothy 1 7 which you touched on earlier right oh i just

00:34:53,680 --> 00:35:00,400
absolutely love the trace diaz ministry it's a it's a three-day weekend hence the trace diaz that

00:35:00,400 --> 00:35:06,320
has the goal of bringing people in a closer relationship with the lord Jesus Christ and

00:35:06,320 --> 00:35:12,880
it also has the goal of raising up servant leaders we've been involved with trace diaz for eight

00:35:12,880 --> 00:35:19,760
years now and we are also involved in the youth version so they have a adults and for youth the

00:35:19,760 --> 00:35:26,080
three-day weekends are often life-changing for most people who attend because they get a real

00:35:26,080 --> 00:35:33,600
tangible display of the love and grace of God after you've attended a trace diaz weekend for

00:35:33,600 --> 00:35:39,520
the first time that you can come back and serve with the ministry so when you attend as a participant

00:35:39,520 --> 00:35:45,120
for the first time you are loved on you experience all this when you come back you get to pour out

00:35:45,120 --> 00:35:53,040
into others who are attending so it's just a very exciting ministry they train you um to be a servant

00:35:53,040 --> 00:35:59,440
leader so you are trained to follow instructions you're trained to lead small teams you're trained

00:35:59,440 --> 00:36:07,440
to lead larger teams and eventually you're trained to lead a whole team which consists about 140

00:36:07,440 --> 00:36:14,560
people that includes team and participants this ministry trains men trains women trains young

00:36:14,560 --> 00:36:22,000
adults we train them to write and deliver talks that include biblical teachings and we we train

00:36:22,000 --> 00:36:27,840
people how to share their personal testimonies which is really powerful when you combine that

00:36:27,840 --> 00:36:34,480
with the word of God there's multiple avenues of growth in this ministry you can serve on

00:36:34,480 --> 00:36:39,440
a prayer team so some people come and they've never prayed out loud before and so they learn

00:36:39,440 --> 00:36:45,120
how to do that they learn how to do spiritual warfare you can serve on a chapel team a mobile

00:36:45,120 --> 00:36:50,800
or logistics team a music or tech team a dining and kitchen so you learn hospitality

00:36:50,800 --> 00:36:59,120
a fellowship team it really teaches you how to be Christ hands in action which is so important it's

00:36:59,120 --> 00:37:05,840
just it gives you those tangible tools you need to go out into your environments into your spheres

00:37:05,840 --> 00:37:11,680
of influence and pay it forward and to to help others and when you first got involved you were

00:37:11,680 --> 00:37:16,240
actually I mean you had been a believer for many years now you'd let a house church yes but when

00:37:16,240 --> 00:37:23,200
you first went as a participant you got a deeper revelation from the Lord I did I did even as a more

00:37:23,200 --> 00:37:29,840
mature believer I did I did not only did I give God a deeper revelation of his love and his desire

00:37:29,840 --> 00:37:37,200
to set me free from that fear he also helped me through this ministry build my confidence and help

00:37:37,200 --> 00:37:44,000
me overcome that struggle that I did have fear and so just this last fall I was blessed to be

00:37:44,000 --> 00:37:49,920
able to to be the director and the visionary for the weekend where I was responsible for management

00:37:49,920 --> 00:37:57,360
of that entire team for this scaredy cat to move into that place of responsibility it was quite

00:37:57,360 --> 00:38:05,360
freeing for me and it really instilled in me just a new courage and new confidence but going back to

00:38:05,360 --> 00:38:12,320
the second timothy 1 7 for God has not given you a spirit of fear but a power of love and a sound

00:38:12,320 --> 00:38:20,160
mind for years I had just focused on that first part God has not given you a spirit of fear and I

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didn't really think about the second part you know but the the Lord has been drawing me to that

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second half he has given me a spirit of power and the Greek word there for power is dunamis it's the

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same word that Jesus uses in Acts 1 8 when he said but you will receive power when the Holy

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Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem in Judea and Samaria and to the ends

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of the earth so I can witness without fear or persecution I can move forward and tell people

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about Jesus so that was really powerful for me to get that revelation that I don't have to be

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bullied by fear I don't have to be intimidated at all because God has given me that power that I can

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witness and then he's given me a spirit of love I can love others freely without fear of rejection

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and that's powerful because you know when you're a shy scaredy cat you fear rejection but coming

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into that place where you can love like he loves where you're not expecting anything in return and

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if somebody doesn't receive your love it's okay you're still loved by the father so you just go

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on to the next assignment knowing that he's still at work and whoever it was that he had called you

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to share love with in the first place and then the third part of that scripture he's given me a sound

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mind some versions say he has given me self-discipline so I can make wise choices without

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fear of failure so that was really powerful for me that wow the Lord is on my side I can make

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you know and even if I do fail he'll he'll bring a course correction so I don't have to have fear

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yeah so as you're walking out this new understanding that God has given you his power and his love and

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a sound mind you said you've started stepping out in faith how how just give us a story of how you've

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applied that in your life and what you've seen God do I will tell you this sweet story I love this

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sweet story I was taking my friend to her chemo treatments and sitting with her because she wanted

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somebody to sit with her after she started her treatment she fell asleep so there I was in this

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room full of other people receiving their treatments as well and so I just asked the Lord you know who

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in the room needs to know you and who in the room needs to feel loved I looked around the room and I

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saw this elderly man there he must have been about 85 years old and he had on a hat that had hot dogs

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all over it so I affectionately called him hot dog hat man I somehow was not fearful went over to him

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and and struck up a conversation and the moment he started talking I noticed his accent it was a

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Pittsburgh accent so we really connected right there in the beginning because I was born in Pittsburgh

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as I told you earlier and it just really opened up the door for him to be I don't know he just

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trusted me from the beginning and he started sharing with me his joys and his struggles

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and I learned along the way that he was actually of Eastern European descent he had been a chemist I

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was a chemical engineer he had worked at NASA I had worked at NASA he had worked on the space shuttle

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life support systems and I had worked on the space shuttle life support system so we kind of just

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made these connections with us right off the bat we just had an ease of talking with with one another

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which was unusual for me but I had stepped out in you know that spirit of power to be able to talk

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to Charles and so I asked Charles how can I be praying for him and he shut down immediately when

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I asked that question he didn't want to hear it he began to fidget uncomfortably and didn't want

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to talk to me so I changed the subject to food and he was instantly relieved but after about an hour

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of conversing with him it was time for him to go and he's he just paused and he said you know

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he goes I'm a scientist and science and God are not compatible and he just paused a minute

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and so I looked back at him and he goes well I'm a scientist too and I have found that God and science

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are not mutually exclusive so he kind of tilted his head and just let him he didn't get angry with me

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so as I was seeking the Lord of how to minister to him because I knew I'd be back with my friend

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and that he would be there at the same time the Lord gave me a strategy from Proverbs uh 1816 a

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man's gifts makes room for him so I thought wow I will start bringing him gifts Lord show me what

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gifts to bring so I bring him muffins I bring him little things like that and then the Lord showed

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me that I need to get him a book and it was a book from that was written by an astronaut

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and it was called my journey in space and faith as NASA's record-setting frequent flyer and so

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what happened was I was able to get this book personally autographed for Charles so I went a

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little extra mile there to get it personally autographed and it turns out that Charles was

00:43:59,600 --> 00:44:07,120
responsible for the system within these space suits that removed the carbon dioxide and this

00:44:07,120 --> 00:44:13,920
is probably too much detail Jerry Ross was an astronaut who did the extravehicular activity

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that just did the spacewalks outside of the vehicle so he wore the suits that Charles worked on

00:44:22,480 --> 00:44:27,760
so there was that connection right away so when I handed Charles this book and he saw that it was

00:44:27,760 --> 00:44:33,760
Jerry Ross the astronaut had written the book he was delighted to get this work book but he I said

00:44:33,760 --> 00:44:38,720
look Charles it's been autographed for you personally so he opened it up and this is the

00:44:38,720 --> 00:44:44,240
quote that Jerry signed he says Charles thank you for giving me fresh air to breathe in my

00:44:44,240 --> 00:44:52,800
space suit always trusting God signed Jerry L Ross PS please pay special attention to pages 213

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and 214 well I nearly fell over when I read those pages because on page 213 Jerry Ross had

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underlined underlined these words I have no problem combining science and faith they are not mutually

00:45:10,480 --> 00:45:18,480
exclusive wow those were the exact words the very words I had spoken to Charles on the first day

00:45:18,480 --> 00:45:26,560
I met so yeah I love it so did Charles come to know the Lord at some point yes I visited Charles

00:45:26,560 --> 00:45:33,040
for the next eight months and he was very resistant to the gospel the whole time but

00:45:33,920 --> 00:45:39,440
I just kept sewing into his life kept bringing his gift him gifts he wondered you know he goes

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he one day he says why do you visit me because you know I don't have any money

00:45:44,880 --> 00:45:51,360
you know I'm too old to date you and you know I mean it just could not figure out why I was so

00:45:51,360 --> 00:45:57,760
nice to him you know I was able to visit him on found out that he was on hospice care and I was

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able to visit him and this is a really powerful story I shared the gospel with him he didn't

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accept it and I thought well maybe he didn't understand so I shared it in a different way

00:46:09,120 --> 00:46:17,200
with a different approach he didn't understand so I just paused and asked the Lord to show me

00:46:17,200 --> 00:46:24,560
to show me you know how I can reach Charles and the words that the Lord gave me I just leaned

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over to Charles and I whispered in his ears Charles I know you don't think God is real

00:46:30,640 --> 00:46:35,760
but there's one way that you can know without a doubt that he is real that he loves you and

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that he wants you to spend eternity with him and so Charles eyes open wide he looked at me

00:46:43,600 --> 00:46:52,880
listened and I said Charles you can know that God is real because he sent me to you to tell you

00:46:53,680 --> 00:47:00,480
about him it was such a powerful moment and you could see the light bulb come on and so all the

00:47:00,480 --> 00:47:06,480
years that he and all the other people who had witnessed to him all it just came I just happened

00:47:06,480 --> 00:47:13,840
to be the closer it was so powerful and he and so I asked him if he wanted to acknowledge that

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Jesus was his Lord and Savior and he said yes and then he drew me into him so I could hear him and

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he said thank you thank you thank you Nadine after being home with your children for about 20 years

00:47:27,200 --> 00:47:33,600
they all went away to college as kids do and you found yourself with a lot of time on your hands

00:47:33,600 --> 00:47:40,080
and also some big college bills to pay so after praying you decided it was time to go back to work

00:47:40,880 --> 00:47:47,680
and God did some amazing things what was that once again God was so very faithful I had mentioned in

00:47:47,680 --> 00:47:54,640
my group of friends that I was looking for work I wasn't confident that I could go back to

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the space industry because I had been out for so long so I was told them you know I'm looking for

00:48:01,680 --> 00:48:08,400
maybe take a ship job or work at Aldi or maybe at the mall and so a friend of mine in that group

00:48:08,400 --> 00:48:16,400
asked me to put my resume together so I quickly put a resume together for her and it was a pretty

00:48:16,400 --> 00:48:23,280
weak resume I hadn't worked in 20 years except for a few administrative tasks that I did for my

00:48:23,280 --> 00:48:31,200
husband's company and so it was even hard to tell from my resume what I was even looking for in

00:48:31,200 --> 00:48:38,400
employment because it was so scattered and it was so sparse but despite the awful resume I found

00:48:38,400 --> 00:48:44,560
myself having an interview with KBR Kellogg-Brunnenrute who are a NASA contractor

00:48:44,560 --> 00:48:51,920
I interviewed with them and just a few weeks later I was employed as an operations safety engineer for

00:48:51,920 --> 00:48:57,120
the International Space Station and I also do safety assessments for the Gateway Project which

00:48:57,120 --> 00:49:03,600
is space station that will be circling the moon so that is I mean that was like a very coveted

00:49:05,440 --> 00:49:12,080
project to be working on in the space industry and God just opened that door as if you had never left

00:49:13,360 --> 00:49:18,560
he's so faithful it was amazing there was no concern for my age you know I'm in my 60s

00:49:19,280 --> 00:49:26,960
there was no concern for my 20-year hiatus and work history it was truly a door that

00:49:26,960 --> 00:49:33,680
God opened because my experience related only to the space shuttle and not to the space station so

00:49:33,680 --> 00:49:38,640
so what looked like a 20-year professional gap was really nothing to God and you and you had been

00:49:38,640 --> 00:49:44,480
following his lead and sewing into your family so when it was the right time he opened the door for

00:49:44,480 --> 00:49:50,320
you that nobody else could have opened and and you see it as an opportunity we were talking the

00:49:50,320 --> 00:49:56,880
other day you see it as an opportunity to be a witness even in the workplace but Nadine as we

00:49:56,880 --> 00:50:04,160
kind of close out here what are one or two key truths that you want other people to know in their

00:50:04,160 --> 00:50:11,200
journey with the Lord well first of all you know we are all on this journey of transformation with

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God and so he can if he can take a scaredy cat like me and make me confident in him he can do

00:50:17,680 --> 00:50:24,800
that for anybody Romans 815 he hasn't given us a spirit of bondage that leads again to fear but

00:50:24,800 --> 00:50:31,040
rather a spirit of adoption by which we can cry out Abba father and I want women to know and

00:50:31,040 --> 00:50:37,600
everybody to know that he is your daddy and that you are his daughter and knowing whose you are

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and who you are is foundational and walking in your God-given purpose and secondly he has chosen

00:50:45,680 --> 00:50:54,400
us to partner with him that is mind-blowing and he has chosen us to reach others and so women of

00:50:54,400 --> 00:51:01,920
God who are listening the spirit of the Lord is upon you because he has anointed you to love

00:51:01,920 --> 00:51:08,880
and influence others for him you've got to live like that you will never never ever regret accepting

00:51:08,880 --> 00:51:17,360
that call so persist I would say carry on keep going move forward in him and allow him to show

00:51:17,360 --> 00:51:23,680
you just how faithful he is as we close Nadine would you share about a woman in the Bible who

00:51:23,680 --> 00:51:29,200
has inspired or encouraged or taught you something oh there's so many we've can certainly learn

00:51:29,200 --> 00:51:37,840
something from every woman in the Bible they're just amazing stories but I relate well to Lydia

00:51:37,840 --> 00:51:45,200
she was a business woman who sold highly prized purple cloth and when she is first mentioned in

00:51:45,200 --> 00:51:52,000
the Bible she is described as a worshiper of God or rather a God-fearer yet at that time she didn't

00:51:52,000 --> 00:51:59,360
know Jesus so it was a lot like my life God opened her heart to receive the fullness of the gospel

00:51:59,360 --> 00:52:05,760
and she became an influencer for God in her own family as well as in the city of Philippi

00:52:06,480 --> 00:52:12,480
and she supported the ministry of Paul financially and through her hospitality that's what I love

00:52:12,480 --> 00:52:19,520
about her it was in Lydia's home that the church of Philippi first gathered so she had a home church

00:52:19,520 --> 00:52:25,920
I'm inspired by her because she showed boldness and courage by receiving Paul and Silas into her

00:52:25,920 --> 00:52:31,840
home after they were released from prison even though the people of Philippi were still angry

00:52:31,840 --> 00:52:39,200
with them so that took just a sense of a boldness and courage for her for her to be able to do that

00:52:39,200 --> 00:52:46,080
she risked her reputation to do that and perhaps even her livelihood but she still showed no fear

00:52:46,080 --> 00:52:52,000
so Lydia is my champion yeah I hadn't really thought much about her life but you're right she

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was a bold bold courageous woman we've talked a bit about second Timothy 1 7 which encourages us

00:52:58,800 --> 00:53:05,040
to reject the spirit of fear and walk in the power and love and sound mind that God gave us

00:53:05,040 --> 00:53:12,560
and Romans 8 11 tells us that the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us

00:53:12,560 --> 00:53:20,000
we have that same power God wants his power to flow out of us to minister to others he wants

00:53:20,000 --> 00:53:26,720
to use you dear friends to give others hope like he's been using Nadine Nadine would you take a

00:53:26,720 --> 00:53:33,600
moment and pray for our listeners father I come before you in the name of Jesus lifting up all

00:53:33,600 --> 00:53:40,560
who are listening I ask the spirit of wisdom and revelation would rise up within them so that they

00:53:40,560 --> 00:53:48,320
can know the Lord Jesus in all his glory reveal to them Lord that you have not given them a spirit

00:53:48,320 --> 00:53:55,200
of fear but rather of power of love and a sound mind I asked that all my sisters would refuse to

00:53:55,200 --> 00:54:03,120
be bullied by their own fears or diminished in any way by their own insecurities father convinced

00:54:03,120 --> 00:54:09,440
them that the same spirit that was on Jesus is on them the spirit of the Lord is upon them giving

00:54:09,440 --> 00:54:16,640
them courage boldness wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge and fear of the Lord

00:54:16,640 --> 00:54:21,760
they have been anointed to share the gospel and bring the light of Jesus into darkness

00:54:22,400 --> 00:54:27,840
raise them up to be leaders and influencers in every environment that they are in let your

00:54:27,840 --> 00:54:34,800
grace be poured out in such measure that they have the desire to do your will and the supernatural

00:54:34,800 --> 00:54:41,760
ability to do it in the name of the Lord Jesus amen well thank you for tuning in check out our

00:54:41,760 --> 00:54:48,640
show notes at for scriptures links and other information and sign up there

00:54:48,640 --> 00:54:54,320
for our emails to get a free six-week devotional book that you can download on women of the bible

00:54:54,320 --> 00:54:59,840
or you can purchase a 12-week devotional on women of the bible for just 12 knowing that all the

00:54:59,840 --> 00:55:06,880
proceeds go to our widow and orphan fund we'd also love to pray with you on our 24 seven prayer and

00:55:06,880 --> 00:55:16,160
text line you can call or text anytime at 855-459-CARE or email us at prayer@somebody

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and now dear friends I bless you from Philippians 4:7 -9 may the peace of God which transcends

00:55:24,640 --> 00:55:31,520
all understanding guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus and may your mind be filled with

00:55:31,520 --> 00:55:39,520
the truth the note the true the noble the right the pure the lovely the admirable and things that

00:55:39,520 --> 00:55:46,400
are excellent and praiseworthy so that the peace of God will remain in you. Her God Story is a

00:55:46,400 --> 00:55:51,920
ministry of Somebody Cares America and international to find out more about or support the ministry go

00:55:51,920 --> 00:55:55,600
to somebody