June 26, 2023

I Survived A Plane Crash By God’s Grace, Joke Yakubu's Story

I Survived A Plane Crash By God’s Grace, Joke Yakubu's Story
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Her God Story with Jodie Chiricosta

Joke Yakubu survived a plane crash! But as she lay buried in the rubble, she asked, “God am I going to die?” Years earlier Joke had put her faith in Christ when He spoke to her, “it’s not about just going to church. It’s about allowing Me to take your life and every aspect of it.” She willingly embraced God’s plan, diligently applying His Word in her life. And in the midst of her crisis – she had peace. Listen as Joke recounts her story, and discusses with host Jodie Chiricosta how she has experienced God’s faithfulness time and again. You’ll be fascinated by her story, encouraged to be fruitful where God has placed you and inspired to count your blessings too!

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Want to help Widows and Orphans? Join our growing company of women meeting special needs of parentless children and nurturing their unique gifts so they can be ALL God has in mind for them!  And help meet real needs of women who have given a lifetime of service to God! Support the Somebody Cares Widows and Orphan fund today!  



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Hey friends, welcome to the Her God Story podcast where you will always hear a good story to build

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your faith and encourage you in your walk with the Lord. I'm your host, Jodie Chiricosta, ministry

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leader at Somebody Cares America International, author and traveler on this journey of faith.

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In this episode, you'll hear how God spared my guest's life when she was in a plane crash.

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And there's a lot more to her story, so welcome. I'm so glad you tuned in. Hey, have you heard about

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Listen to the same episode, download our prepared podcast questions from hergodstory.org, and then

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discuss over your favorite refreshments. And you can even invite friends who don't know Christ yet,

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include them in the conversation and see what God will do. Listening to an episode takes much

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less time than reading most books. And we think you'll have a lot of takers. So gather some friends

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and try it out. When you do email us at prayer at somebodycares.org to let us know so we can be

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praying for you. You know, when the apostle Paul was in Athens, he shared some rather startling

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truth with the people there. In Acts 17:24-28, he declares that the God who made the

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world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by

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human hands. And he's not served by human hands as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself

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gives everyone life and breath and everything else from one man. He made all the nations

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that they should inhabit the whole earth. And he marked out their appointed times in history and

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the boundaries of their lives. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out

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for him and find him that he is not far from any one of us for in him, we live and move

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and have our being. Have you ever really stopped to think about that? What does it mean for you

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and for me to live and move and have our being in God? My guest, Yoko Yokubu had a revelation of

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that and it changed the course of her life. Born in the Netherlands, she now leads literacy programs

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in rural Ghana, where she lives with her husband and two sons. In fact, she's zoomed in today

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over the internet from Ghana to share with us how God has worked in for and through her. Welcome,

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Yoko. Tell us a little about your childhood and how you came to Christ. Yes, well, as a child,

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I had the privilege to being raised in a Christian family. My parents were Christians,

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my grandparents were Christians. From my childhood onwards, we used to visit a Bible believing

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Baptist Church. So I grew up with the gospel and with loving and caring people who showed their

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Christian faith to me. I think especially my grandmother was very vocal. As a child, I always

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knew Jesus is my friend. So whatever troubles I had as a child, I still remember on my bicycle,

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I would pray or I would say Jesus is my friend. So really from my very young age, God really planted

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a seed in my heart. And maybe also to mention my mother was sick because she felt sick when I was

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at the age of eight. She had multiple sclerosis. And I think I also found that comfort in Jesus

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and I could also see how my parents really held on to the strength they received through Christ

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and through God being present in their life. So that all prepared me. And I think one day,

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one Sunday, I was really touched by the gospel and I knew I have to give my life to Christ myself

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and not just follow my family. And at the age of 13, I was baptized. So that was my early.

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Yeah. And you know, as is often the case with those who put their faith in Christ when they're

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young, you had a deeper revelation of what Christianity is all about when you were a young

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adult. What was that? And how did it change your view of things and even your relationship with

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God? As a child, when I gave my life to Christ at 13, I knew I was a Christian. There was no doubt

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about it. And I did things church people do, go to church, go to Bible studies, join a choir,

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all those things you do. But at the age of 18, I was invited to a youth camp from a Christian

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organization. And there, I mean, God's Spirit really spoke to me, not only to me, to a few other

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members of this youth group from the church, where God really revealed himself to me in a way where

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God said, Jokah, it's not about you going to church, but it is truly, truly about you allowing me

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to take your life, every aspect of your life. And that is why this verse from Acts, where,

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you know, in him we live and move and have our being. God wants to be part of it all. And not

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that alone, but he also wants us to give that joy and that satisfaction and that motivation,

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you know, to live our life for Christ. And that he may come first in everything we do in our

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conversations, in our work we do, in even the small interactions we have. And not that I'm perfect,

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make a lot of mistakes. But yes, that is where I really was so much touched by God. And that

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made me so much fuller of Christ and so much more wanting to commit all I could for the sake of the

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kingdom of God. Yes. Yeah. And around that time, you also went on to university for further studies.

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Share about that season in life, because God was certainly at work with you, in you at that time,

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really showing you some, expanding your horizons and showing you new things about

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him and about the body of Christ. Yes, definitely. Of course, when I grew up,

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I grew up in a Baptist church and it was kind of very protective. I didn't see much outside the

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church, so all the churches. And when I started my studies, I moved to a different town and I joined

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a Christian student organization. And there, of course, I got in contact with so many people

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with different church backgrounds, maybe different ideas, different opinions. And it made me to

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realize, yes, we can be so different. There can be so much diversity. And yet we are all united in

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Christ. We all love each other. We all love Christ. And that really opened my perspective on the body

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of Christ. There's so much diversity and it is also so beautiful. God's body is so diverse,

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so many different people. And yet we all have that same bonding. It doesn't matter where you are from.

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Once you know Christ, you find that unity, you find that oneness. Yes. Yeah. And then in the course.

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Yeah, I was going to say, and in that same time period, you have really your first introduction

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to missions. Yeah, right. Yes. So God continued to work with me, as you said, and keep planting

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things in my heart towards missions. So I really had the desire to share God's love with more

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people and learn more about how do you do that. Then I decided to join Operation Mobilization for

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a summer, for summer evangelism. And we went to Berlin. Again, I got into contact with an

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international group of believers. So God was expanding my horizon again. And in interacting

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with these people and being part of the team, I really also got really kindled that desire in me

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to know God's word better, to get a deeper understanding of what he wants to tell us through

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his word. So that also, again, increased my love for the word of God. You really did have a hunger

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to learn more about God's word and more than simply going to church or reading it yourself.

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You really wanted to delve into what it meant. So after you graduated from university, you even

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went on to Bible school. Yes. How did that time impact you? I finished my university course. And

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as I said, the desire was still there. So I joined a Bible school from Torchbearer Bible Schools in

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the UK. And I thought when I went there, I really thought, okay, I now learn a lot of theology and

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I don't know what I was thinking. But actually, the focus of the Bible school was again, to yes,

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to study the word of God, but to study the word of God and let God really speak to you through his

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words. And although we can use other sources, we can use books, we can use teachers. You know,

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I remember the first meeting we had with the principal was he really encouraged us, take the

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Bible. Your first source is the word of God in you yourself and let God speak to you. Meditate on the

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verses and let God speak to you and then, you know, gather other sources for you to maybe get

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more understanding or deeper understanding. So what it did to me was to really, really again,

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to understand how rich God's word is for us. You know, you can read the same passage again and

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again, and all the time you find something new in it and something encouraging. And it also,

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also, all the reason I went there was with the desire to go into missions that God would also

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tell me, or maybe after the Bible school, he would tell me what to do or where to go. And he didn't

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do that. Yeah. So, you know, it's thinking about applying God's word, you know, as we read God's

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word and we really read the full word of God, I mean, Old Testament, New Testament, all of it,

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we can start understanding what's happening in the world and in our lives in light of God's word. It

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changes our perspective. You know, it kind of removes the filter that we might have from

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that we might have from faulty thinking and gives us the right perspective. So, you know,

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when we are confused about what's going on in the world, when we get into God's word,

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he does speak to us and give us clarity that helps us even in some challenging situations.

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Yeah, definitely. Definitely. It opens up so much. And well, today's day, it's still the same,

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like whenever you are in difficulties or choices you are making, or even if you are so happy,

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that word of God has so much to say to us. Yeah. Yeah. So after Bible school, you didn't have

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direction really on missions. So you went home and you started working. But God was really

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working in you even then, giving you a desire to do something different, but revealing truth to

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you in the midst of your work. What were you doing? And what was God's word during that time?

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I got a job at a job center where I worked as a career counselor. And I was working with people

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who had been unemployed for many years and immigrants. And for most of them, the situation

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was quite desperate. It was really hard to get a job. I remember one time the wife of one of my

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clients called me and told me, Joke, if my husband doesn't get a job within the coming week or so,

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he will kill himself. And I mean, this was the extreme desperate situation, but there were others

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as well who were so struggling with their lives. And I had a desire, I said, Oh, I wish I could

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share Christ with you. But here I was, I was in a public place and there was no way I was allowed

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to do that. But it showed me again and it's kindled again the desire in me to be able to share

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God's love with others. And yeah, so that was the situation. I was there, I was okay, but I knew this

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cannot be it. So Joke, after Bible school, the Lord didn't show you really what mission he wanted you

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to be involved in. So you went back home and you started working. But God was also showing you and

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talking to you through the work you were doing. What were you doing and what was God impressing

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on you during that time? I went back to the Netherlands and I had a job at a job center

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where I was working with people who had been unemployed for many years and immigrants.

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And actually their situation was very dire. I mean, they were far away from a job. So a lot needed

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to be done in terms of education or skills training or whatever. But it was actually a lot of despair

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among some of them. They were to take care of their families, had a lot of responsibilities.

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And there was one case where the wife of one of my clients called me, had never met her anyway.

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And she told me, Joke, my husband tells me that if he doesn't get a job within now in a week or a

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month's time, he will kill himself. And I mean, this lady was serious. It was not just saying it.

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I was in a public place and not only this client, but the other clients as well, where you felt like

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if only you knew Christ, not that all problems would be solved, but at least to have an anchor

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or to have something or somebody to console you and strengthen you. But I was in a public place

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and I was not allowed to share Christ there. So it really made me to think I want more. I don't want

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to be restricted in how I relate to people. Yes. So you finally had an opportunity to attend a

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missions conference and God gave you direction that you've been seeking. Share how that happened.

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So I joined a very big mission Congress in the Netherlands. And during one of the services,

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God really spoke to me and I can't remember exactly what happened. The only thing I knew

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during that meeting, God was telling me, I know you're the sire of missions. Today is the time

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to choose, which was very scary because I was like, Oh, do I want this? Do I have to choose?

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And I was imagining myself, God wants me to go into mission. Does it mean next week I'm at the

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airport with my suitcases going someplace? I don't know. So it was very scary, but because I knew

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God had really spoken to me, I said, I have to talk with somebody about this. I have to share it

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with somebody who might be able to guide me. So at a mission Congress, there were counselors.

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So I decided to go to one of them and I shared my story with her and she asked me a lot of questions.

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I also can't remember much about this conversation, but at the end of the conversation,

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she asked me, can I pray for you? Sure. And then after she finished the prayer,

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she asked me, Joke, have you ever thought about Wycliffe Bible Translators? And truly I was angry.

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I was disappointed. I was like, did you really listen to what I was telling you? I don't know

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what I told her, but I just had this imagination of a Bible translating, sitting at a desk,

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you know, with books all around him or her and being in writing. And I thought, no, that is not

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something which fits me. So I was even angry with God. I went, now, here I am, I'm ready. And this

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is all you have for me. So I walked down the stairs and there were all mission organizations

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represented at that mission Congress. I mean, more than hundreds, I believe so. So I walked down the

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stairs and right at the bottom of the stair was a big sign Wycliffe Bible Translators. And I was

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like, OK, it doesn't hurt to just go and talk to the people and see. And I came there, I met a lady

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and she asked me all kinds of questions about myself, what I had been doing. And it's, oh,

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have I ever thought about literacy work, literacy work? I never knew about literacy work in

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relation to Bible translation. And she said, yes, of course, if people put the language of scripture

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on paper and they start translating the scriptures, how will people read the Bible? And I was like,

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of course. And as she shared a lot about literacy work and there just clicked. I knew, yeah, this

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was something God really wanted me to investigate. Maybe not that I knew this was really it, but I

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even remember calling my parents after that, said, OK, this is what happened. And I said,

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yes, and this is what I believe God wants me to do. So it was really something that God really,

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really spoke to me. And I think what I also love so much about Wycliffe Bible Translators

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was these verses from from Romans 10. How, you know, how do people come to believe? How then can

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they call on the one they have not believed in and how can they believe in the one of whom they have

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heard and how can they hear without somebody preaching to them? And how can anyone preach

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unless they are sin as it is written? How beautiful are the feet of those who bring God's

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news? And then consequently, faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard

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through the word about Christ. And I thought, yeah, this is what I want to do. I want to make

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the word of God available in the language of the people's heart. And yes, some will do the

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same, but let me be part of the literacy work and teach people to read the word of God. So so it all

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then came together and I knew this this was the right direction. Yeah. So you were a single woman

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and you were taking a huge step to become a missionary. And so many questions come to mind.

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I mean, how did you prepare for that? What was the process? What were your concerns along the way?

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How did you know where to go? I mean, you knew who you were going with, but there's a whole

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wide world out there. And I could go on and on, but I'll let you talk. Yeah. So we had a very

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what shall I say? A very well, I can't find the word now. Well, then application process,

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which was was quite thorough. So there are a lot of stages you had to go through

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and a lot of interactions with people at a weekly office to to interact with you,

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to understand you, to know whether what you're thinking fits within the organization.

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And then there were some courses, pre-courses I had to take to see whether I could

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whether my level of education would be OK for literacy work. So I took an unpaid leave. I

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remember from my job and said, OK, I have to go to this. I might come back. I might not come back

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if they accept me for weekly Bible translators. You will not see me again, but otherwise I would

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love to come back after two or three months. He said, oh, I can continue with the courses.

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I was accepted by weekly. And then I had to do a one year linguistic and literacy training.

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But of course, as you said, there are so many places weekly is breaking. So then the next

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question was, where would I go to? And the only thing I knew was that I would have preference

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for an English speaking country because I didn't want to learn French myself or another language.

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And the second thing was that I felt more attracted to Africa. Don't ask me why,

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but that is how I felt. So I said, well, probably an English speaking country in Africa. That's all

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I knew. But I had no idea. And then one weekend I went to stay with my brother,

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who was actually going to the same church as my parents did and as I did before I went to university.

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And he said, oh, today we're not going to the Baptist church, but we go to a different church

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because our two churches together will go to Romania for a mission trip. And I knew all my

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friends were also going to part of the mission trip. So I said, okay, let me join you in that church.

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And I was in the church and during the church service, one lady got a prompt and she was

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sharing about literacy work in Ghana. So, okay, I was attentive to what she was saying, but it still

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didn't fall into place completely. But then there was an offering for Wycliffe Bible translators.

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And then I was like, wow, this lady is working for Bible translators as a literacy worker in Ghana.

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So after the church service, I went to her, we started talking. She wasn't furlough. So after

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a few days, I visited her in her house. And then she was not only working there for Wycliffe Bible

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translated, but she was also looking for a partner to work with her in literacy work.

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So she went back to Ghana and then we started writing letters. That was the time before email.

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And I really felt, yeah, this is the right place to go to. So that is how God

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directs me to God. It reminds me of Psalm 37 verse 23, which says,

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the Lord directs the step of the righteous. I mean, that's really true. He did that for you.

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And the way he connected you with your initial Wycliffe partner in Ghana is really proof of that.

00:22:01,200 --> 00:22:07,120
So tell us about your life and work those first few years in Ghana. I mean, you were in a completely

00:22:07,120 --> 00:22:16,880
different culture. You had left home and some dreams behind. What did God show you during that

00:22:16,880 --> 00:22:23,600
time? It was kind of scary. It was exciting. The first times could also be lonely because you get

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into a kind of vacuum. You don't have new relationships yet where you are. But when I

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got involved with many of the Ghanaian people and the Dagomba people, of whom only five to ten percent

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is Christian and who are really especially at that time. Now it's a little bit less,

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but I really opposed when they become Christians. I learned so much about that strong faith people

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had. You couldn't be like a church member who was neither cold or hot. You had to stand for Christ

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either to choose and take the opposition or you go back to the other group of people. You couldn't be

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in the middle somewhere. No, no warmness at all. You couldn't be. And then also, of course,

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the communities where I worked were fairly poor. People were in need and that strong faith people

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had just for their daily needs. Jesus said, OK, you know, don't worry about tomorrow,

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worry about today, you know, and the daily bread they were praying for and people literally so,

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honestly, in the beginning, I learned so much the contentment of people with a little they had,

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but just be so joyous and happy. And it really taught me and of course, I was also in a position

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I was in a quite remote place where there was little healthcare. You know, it was not an easy

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time was not much choice of food, but to depend on God for everything. And yeah, that that is

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really what God showed me those first years to depend on him like my Canadian brothers and sisters.

00:24:12,400 --> 00:24:18,720
So I learned a lot from them. Yes. Yeah, you know, friends, there are a lot of widows and orphans

00:24:18,720 --> 00:24:24,640
in places like Ghana and all over the world who need to experience the tangible expression of

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God's love right now. Many have special needs that we as a company of women can meet together.

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Would you consider joining us with a special gift to help? Just go to her God story.org and click

00:24:36,400 --> 00:24:42,560
on the widow and orphan tab at the top of the page. So Yoko, God had a surprise for you in Ghana.

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You were willing to sacrifice your desire for marriage and for family to follow God, but that

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is where you met and married your husband, which that's a story on itself. So how did you actually

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meet and eventually marry? Yeah, so I was posted in a what I said, a fairly remote place at that

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time. Yeah, because that time they're also bad. And I was working there in adult literacy to teach

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people to read and write to be able to read the word of God, but also for people who are not

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Christians, but just to encourage them to learn to read and write and then give them the word of

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God as a big book they could read. So my now husband's Abukhari, he moved to Yendi after I'd

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been there for a while. And actually, the day he came to Yendi, he went to the pastor's house and

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the pastor was also a close friend of me. So when he went to Yendi to the pastor's house to ask him

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where I could find accommodation in Yendi, I just walked out of the house. And Abukhari knew,

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okay, that is going to be my wife. Of course, I didn't know anything, it was going on furlough.

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But when I came back, he came to our office and said, we have some some we have some small

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churches, but none of the people in the church can read. Can your office help us to teach the

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people how to read to train some volunteers? I said, sure, we can do that. So we went to some

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of the community churches. And that is how we started to talk. And I realized he was a very

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good in language and he was a new language teacher. So he became a language teacher.

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And then we became very good friends. And then somehow it clicked more than that. And yeah,

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so we yeah, then then the culture of Ghana is different in the sense that dating and all the

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things we know in the West is different there. So at some point, Abukhari asked me,

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Yoke, do you want to marry me? And I was like, marry you? Yes, I like you very much. You're a very

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good friend. But don't we miss dating periods? And it was really difficult because cultures were

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there so different in Ghana. You really have studied somebody you think you want to marry

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that person, you know, you you agree to that. And then you work towards it. And it doesn't mean that

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it cannot go wrong at some point. So for me, that was very, very difficult. But our guy is a bit

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pushy, he's a very determined person. So he was he didn't give up. I need to know your answer.

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So I shared it with some few very, very close friends and said, this is what is happening.

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And I said, I think I can say yes. And I just pray that God will work towards the process with

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us so that everything will work out. So that is. And I think when I left the Netherlands,

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the pastor of my church asked me, Joke, I was running away from the fact that you're being

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single. How what do you see? And I said, yes, well, I still have the desire to marry. But

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the person I marry should have that same desire for sharing the word of God with people.

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You should have that mission heart. And here was our carry a former Muslim who had become a Christian,

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went to Bible school, was put by the church in the same area. I was working to preach the word of

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God, to train church leaders, to plant new churches. So I mean, it's going to have more beautiful

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than, you know, coming together as a good that that love for the word of God, that love for the

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people around us really, really was something we had so much in common. Yeah. And I love stories

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like yours. I've heard them. You know, I've heard others like this, that you're following God and

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you just you sacrifice your own desires to follow God. And he fulfills those desires because he put

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them in you, put them in you in the first place. But as we follow him, he fulfills them in a way

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that we never could have imagined on our own. Right. No, no, not at all. I mean,

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not at all. I mean, Jenny, of all places at that time, I mean, it was remote, it was nothing there.

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So how could I have found my husband in in this place? You know, yeah, it's amazing how God works.

00:28:59,680 --> 00:29:05,920
Yeah. Yeah. So you did get married and a couple days after the wedding, you left for a honeymoon

00:29:05,920 --> 00:29:13,680
on the coast, but it didn't turn out as you expected. What happened and what did God show

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you through this quite harrowing experience? We flew from the northern part of Ghana, like

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it's a one hour flight to the south, to the coast and getting closer to the airport. We were warned

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instead of going to be some turbulence because there is a rainstorm above Accra. So OK, we

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tightened our belts and we were waiting. But then as we were landing and approaching the airport,

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well, of course, I don't know all that happened, but at some point it was a big bang and the plane

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crashed. It actually landed in front of the tarmac in the mud. The plane had appeared, so the wing had

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touched the ground and then so the plane broke into two. We were actually the second row behind

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behind the cockpit and right behind where we were seated, the plane broke into two. So there was

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something which was going through my mind, I still remember very vividly, was that when I heard the

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big bang and all the noise and whatever happened, I thought, oh God, am I going to die? That was

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what I was thinking. And I thought, oh, if I was going to die, but now I should have, I don't know

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where that comes from, that idea, but my whole life should pass in front of me and it didn't. So I was

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like, OK, I'm not going to die. That's how I knew. But what I really also realized is though, Abakary

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was sitting right next to me, but if I was going to die, there's nobody who can do anything for you.

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If it is your time, it is your time. If you are to die, you are to die. And that really made me so

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conscious of the fact that you can't change it anymore at that time. So as people, we have to know

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where we stand in relation to God. Do we know Christ? Do we know that through him we have

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access to God? Or are we not all that sure what will happen after we die? And that was some of the things

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I really realized that is how it is. Nobody can, apart from God, who can save you out of death,

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which he did. Anyway, so then after the crash, Abakary found himself next to the plane,

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one foot up in the air, stuck in the plane and his other foot in the mud. And he said,

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Jokar, I still don't know what happened. Somebody came at the back of me. He, you know, he kicked my

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he kicked my leg out of the, or used his hand to get his foot out of the plane. And he said,

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there was a standing with two feet in the mud, looking at the plane crash where I had just

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been seated in. And he said, put people trying to come out of the plane. And I heard him pray. I

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heard him pray next to the plane. So I know, okay, Abakary is there. He'll find me. So Abakary was

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looking for me. He couldn't find me. A rescue team came. There were contract workers working

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at the airport, who came with a big machines and everything. So once they had taken all the people

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who were on top of the plane, and they were trying to use some machines to lift the plane up the

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tail up so they could enter the opening of the plane where it was broken. And as Abakary was

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still looking for me, he saw a piece of my white leg. And of course, there were some few white people

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on the plane, but they were not so many. So he knew that was my foot. So he went to the commander,

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it was under the military, the airport. He went to the commander and said, there are still somebody

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there. And the commander said, no, we have taken everybody. And well, those who know Abakary,

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you know, he will not just take like that. He just grabbed the man's arm, pulled him to where he had

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seen my foot and said, look, there is still somebody. And then the commander was like, oh,

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white foot, white foot, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. So then they found me and there were some

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few others still with me under the luggage and the chairs and the debris of the plane.

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They pulled me out. They tried to use some machines to, my legs were stuck. And anyway,

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we got, kept me conscious to be able to give people directions what to do and not to do,

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because some people broke their legs when they pulled them out of the plane. There was so much

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panic and everything. So truly, later when, you know, the people came to us to greet us

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after the plane crash, they say, oh, God has saved you twice. You know, he saved me when we

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crashed and then he also saved me again when Abakary found me there. And yeah, that was quite a

00:33:51,040 --> 00:33:57,760
different honeymoon than we had expected it to be. But I can also still, during the service,

00:33:59,520 --> 00:34:07,840
the pastors were called to pray for us. And I remember so well that they prayed for us that God

00:34:07,840 --> 00:34:13,680
would put a wall of fire around us to protect us. This is during your wedding? That was during the

00:34:13,680 --> 00:34:18,800
wedding ceremony. Yes, exactly. That was during the wedding ceremony. The people who, of course,

00:34:18,800 --> 00:34:23,280
the communication at that time was very difficult. So once people heard the plane had crashed and

00:34:23,280 --> 00:34:28,000
they knew we were inside, all the people thought we were dead. On the day of the marriage, there

00:34:28,000 --> 00:34:32,800
was a big celebration at Abakary's family house. And then when they heard about the plane,

00:34:32,800 --> 00:34:38,720
people gathered there. It was like a house of mourning because all of them thought who would

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survive a plane crash. And it was only later when a journalist interviewed Abakary, like,

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what happened? How did he get out of the plane? He said, oh, yes, I'm Pastor Abakary from

00:34:51,440 --> 00:34:58,880
Yendi and Tamalei. And he shared with them how Jesus had saved us. And then everybody knew, oh,

00:34:58,880 --> 00:35:05,360
Yoke and Abakary, they are still alive. Wow. So you ended up at the hospital and so did Abakary.

00:35:05,360 --> 00:35:10,160
But you weren't anywhere near one another. So God even interviewed there, didn't he?

00:35:11,280 --> 00:35:17,280
Yes, he did. It was amazing. There was one lady, one of our colleagues knew, and she was a nurse

00:35:17,280 --> 00:35:22,960
working for the American embassy. And at that time there was no mobile phone, but she had two kind of

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Motorola's. So I said, Yoke, I knew her a little bit. I said, oh, Yoke, you take this one and I'll

00:35:28,160 --> 00:35:33,280
send the other one to Abakary. So we had the opportunity to converse a little, to hear

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each other's voices and knew we were fine. So that was really helpful. And people,

00:35:39,920 --> 00:35:46,320
I think in Ghana, people hear about these things. And what I loved so much at that time, I was in

00:35:46,320 --> 00:35:51,200
the hospital. I couldn't move. I couldn't walk. I couldn't get up. But people who had heard it on

00:35:51,200 --> 00:35:56,240
the news came to visit the hospital and said, we heard about the plane crash. I'm going to bring

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you food. I'm going to bring you clothes. I'm going to pray for you. And that was such a

00:36:02,320 --> 00:36:08,240
precious time for me, to know all these people were so concerned that they didn't even know them

00:36:08,240 --> 00:36:14,320
and how they showed the love of Christ and shared that compassion of Christ to me in a very

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physical way. It was beautiful. And you mentioned to me that during that whole process,

00:36:22,000 --> 00:36:29,280
you realized that God wasn't done with you. He saved you for a purpose. And now you've been

00:36:29,280 --> 00:36:37,200
serving and living in Ghana for more than 20 years. You have two sons. Share some other stories that

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you've seen about God's faithfulness and providing for you and caring for you and even protecting you

00:36:42,880 --> 00:36:51,200
and your family over the years. There are so many blessings we receive in working and receive through

00:36:51,200 --> 00:37:00,080
God. I think what is so beautiful to see is that in the work we are privileged to do in literacy,

00:37:00,080 --> 00:37:08,480
where some of the people who are now pastors actually learn to read in Dagbani, started to

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read the Word of God. And God's really speaking to them and putting that desire in them. We want to

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know more about this. And some of those people who are part of our adult literacy program then

00:37:21,680 --> 00:37:26,720
try to find some Christians in the area and would speak to them and became Christians themselves.

00:37:26,720 --> 00:37:33,280
And some of them are currently pastors, some of the local churches. That's just something that you

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actually get to see some of the fruit of your labors. I mean, not everybody does. God says some

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land, some water, some harvest. We don't always get to see the fruit of what we do, but God's

00:37:44,560 --> 00:37:51,360
given you a glimpse of at least some of it. Yeah, that's really beautiful. And that is also

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what keeps us going sometimes. The little wings of God and say, hey, I'm there and I am working,

00:37:58,720 --> 00:38:03,920
even if you don't see it. And I also remember in our literacy work when we did the adult literacy,

00:38:04,960 --> 00:38:12,640
because the percentage of Christians is very small, so we would engage a lot of non-Christians

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to become facilitators to teach reading and writing in the communities. And sometimes you

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would give out Bibles as just a gift to them. And I remember in one meeting where we were gathered

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with some of these facilitators, one of them was holding the Bible. He was not a Christian

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and most of the facilitators were not, was holding the Bible and was so excited. He said,

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I've been reading this book and everybody should read it. And I was smiling and I was like, well,

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here is a non-Christian telling non-Christians to read the Bible. It's so beautiful. And some of

00:38:50,960 --> 00:38:58,240
these facilitators too, last year or so, one of my coworkers was sharing with me that he went to a

00:38:58,240 --> 00:39:04,320
naming ceremony when a child is born to do a naming ceremony. And he said, this man had given the

00:39:04,320 --> 00:39:12,320
child Christian names. And the people in the village was like, but why are you giving this

00:39:12,320 --> 00:39:16,800
child these names? Because we don't know these names in this area. We don't use these names.

00:39:16,800 --> 00:39:22,480
He said, okay, he just wants to give his girl these names. So when my colleague also went

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and was part of that celebration, this man shared with my colleague, he said, yes,

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I've been reading the Bible. And he said, on the outside, I am still one of them, but on the inside,

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I've become a Christian. And these things are just so precious to see happen. But yeah, God has also

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taken care of us in many different ways. Our boys, especially when they were small, where we were,

00:39:51,840 --> 00:39:57,120
the healthcare was very poor. And at times we had to rush them to the hospital and

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it was not always a doctor, but anytime we came, there was a doctor to take care of them. And it

00:40:03,440 --> 00:40:09,200
always happened when Abba Kari was not around and maybe I wouldn't have a car. And then even, you

00:40:09,200 --> 00:40:13,520
know, doctors would say, oh, I'll take you back on my motorbike to the house. So that kind of

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love of God for us and that care and the provision of these daily things. And it has really taught me

00:40:22,480 --> 00:40:29,600
so much that in all we are dependent on God. You know, we might have tried to

00:40:31,040 --> 00:40:36,800
protect yourself against so many things, but we are dependent on God for everything.

00:40:36,800 --> 00:40:43,200
And even fixing your car, right? Right, fixing our car. Yes. Like I remember,

00:40:43,200 --> 00:40:47,200
and it's not once happened, but one time we were traveling from north to south,

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through, from south to north, through also a quite remote area, a bad road. And our car got

00:40:55,440 --> 00:41:01,920
overheated in the middle of nowhere. It was a road where not many cars do pass. So we're standing

00:41:01,920 --> 00:41:06,960
there, the boys were still small, we're looking, okay, so what are we going to do? And then lo and

00:41:06,960 --> 00:41:13,120
behold, a pickup was passing and while people here in Ghana, when they see somebody in trouble,

00:41:13,120 --> 00:41:18,320
they would definitely stop. So this two people stopped and they were checking our cars. Oh,

00:41:18,320 --> 00:41:25,200
yeah, we are my car mechanics. Oh, yes, you need water. Don't worry. We'll go to the next

00:41:26,080 --> 00:41:30,560
to get water to cool down the engine. So they came back. They even did everything for us. I mean,

00:41:31,360 --> 00:41:38,000
and then they waited with us to make sure that the car would be able to, to finish its journey

00:41:38,000 --> 00:41:43,840
to the north. And at the end of it, we said, okay, so what can we give you? No, no, no, no,

00:41:43,840 --> 00:41:49,760
we just, this dude is out of love. So it was like angels just passing by to take care of this very,

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they look like small things, but they were big to us. And yeah, how God's, you know,

00:41:55,760 --> 00:42:02,960
provided and so many different ways for us. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, as we close, Joke,

00:42:02,960 --> 00:42:10,720
I want to share about a woman in the Bible who's inspired or encouraged or taught you something.

00:42:12,160 --> 00:42:21,600
Yeah. Yeah. I want to, I thought of Ruth, you know, Ruth, who was with Naomi, who was this

00:42:21,600 --> 00:42:31,760
mobile woman who had married the son of Naomi. And when the sons died and the husband died and more,

00:42:31,760 --> 00:42:37,600
but no one's going to go back to Israel to Bethlehem where she came from. And then Ruth,

00:42:37,600 --> 00:42:43,360
the sister-in-law wanted to follow her. And in those first days said, uh,

00:42:44,640 --> 00:42:48,640
Ruth said to Naomi, Naomi didn't want her to go back with her, but in the room said, okay,

00:42:48,640 --> 00:42:55,360
don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go, I would go where you stay.

00:42:55,360 --> 00:43:01,920
I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God's my God. Where you die, I will die.

00:43:01,920 --> 00:43:07,760
And then it will be buried. You know, and I, I was thinking about this, of course, in all the changes

00:43:07,760 --> 00:43:14,160
I went through, moved from one culture to another. And now we had nothing to offer Ruth because now

00:43:14,160 --> 00:43:20,000
we had nothing left. She had lost her husband. She had lost her sons, no prospect of offspring.

00:43:20,000 --> 00:43:24,720
Um, and here was the Ruth, this mobile woman who was probably not going to be loved in Israel

00:43:24,720 --> 00:43:32,240
because of the relationship between Israel and Ruth was determined to go, um, was willing to

00:43:32,240 --> 00:43:41,040
bring sacrifices and was willing to commit herself fully to God and, and follow him and commit

00:43:41,040 --> 00:43:48,320
herself to the lives of the people there. And of course, for me, maybe there has been sacrifices

00:43:48,320 --> 00:43:54,640
I've been making, uh, because I left my country and moved to Ghana, but we all make sacrifices

00:43:54,640 --> 00:44:01,680
as Christians. We all have to let go of certain things. Uh, and sometimes it comes with pain.

00:44:01,680 --> 00:44:07,840
Sometimes it comes with tears. Um, and I'm sure for Ruth, it would have been an easy journey,

00:44:07,840 --> 00:44:15,120
but then if you, you, you follow the story of Ruth, you see how God extends his grace to her

00:44:15,120 --> 00:44:21,280
and blesses her. And I think, yes, I, I hope the story of everybody, you know, when you commit

00:44:21,280 --> 00:44:29,040
yourself to Christ, it comes with sacrifices. And for me, it came with sacrifices moving from

00:44:29,040 --> 00:44:37,520
the Netherlands to Ghana. But if we fulfill God's calling, whatever it is, it can be, it can be

00:44:37,520 --> 00:44:46,240
mother, you can be, uh, administrator, whatever it is, you know, God will bless us and God will

00:44:46,240 --> 00:44:54,000
extend his grace to us. And I think, yes, that story, uh, resonated to me a lot. And, um, I have

00:44:54,000 --> 00:44:58,160
seen it in my life and I'm sure the sacrifices will not end. There will always be phases in our

00:44:58,160 --> 00:45:06,080
life. We have to make new sacrifices. We grieve again, but if we commit ourselves to God,

00:45:06,080 --> 00:45:13,520
if we commit ourselves, we are determined, uh, and the way God calls us, then God will definitely

00:45:13,520 --> 00:45:20,880
bless us. And, uh, yeah, that is what I, I wanted to share about through. Yeah.

00:45:22,320 --> 00:45:29,520
Yeah. You know, in, in John 15 verses one, four and five, uh, we read about the vine and the branches.

00:45:29,520 --> 00:45:36,240
Jesus said, I'm the vine and my father is the gardener remain in me as I also remain in you.

00:45:36,880 --> 00:45:42,640
No branch can bear fruit by itself. It must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit

00:45:42,640 --> 00:45:51,040
unless you remain in me. I am the vine. You are the branches. If you remain in me and I, and you,

00:45:51,760 --> 00:45:57,680
you will bear much fruit apart from me. You can do nothing. And that reminds me of the verse we

00:45:57,680 --> 00:46:05,920
started with in Acts 17:28, we live and we move and we have our being because when we're in

00:46:05,920 --> 00:46:13,280
Christ, abiding in him, connected to him, we see his fruit in our lives and God doesn't call everyone

00:46:13,280 --> 00:46:20,400
to move to a faraway place like he did you, but he calls each of us to abide in him and be fruitful

00:46:20,400 --> 00:46:24,720
where he places us. Like you said, it could be as a mom, it could be as an administrator. It would be,

00:46:24,720 --> 00:46:29,920
you know, working in government, it could be serving in our military. It could be many,

00:46:29,920 --> 00:46:35,760
many places. But if God places you there and you abide in him, you'll bear fruit.

00:46:36,720 --> 00:46:39,920
Right. Right. Would you take a moment and pray for our listeners?

00:46:40,800 --> 00:46:43,840
Sure. I will. Yes. And let's pray.

00:46:45,680 --> 00:46:52,320
Father God, we are so grateful for this time together. Lord, to share your story,

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Lord to share your goodness, Lord to share the faithfulness you have shown to us in so

00:46:58,720 --> 00:47:07,600
many different ways. Lord, we want to thank you that wherever we are, you are with us. Lord,

00:47:07,600 --> 00:47:14,400
and I pray for all the people who are listening to this podcast, the women, or maybe even no women,

00:47:14,400 --> 00:47:19,760
but men. Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for them. Lord, we want to thank you for their lives.

00:47:19,760 --> 00:47:26,240
Lord, you know them, you know, each one of them, Lord, you know what is in their hearts, you know,

00:47:26,240 --> 00:47:32,720
what is in their lives, you know, what is troubling them. Lord Jesus, we want to pray that you want,

00:47:34,080 --> 00:47:42,560
will extend your grace to them, Lord, that you will speak to them in whatever way they will be

00:47:42,560 --> 00:47:49,280
able to hear that you are there with them. Lord, that you care for them, that you want them to live

00:47:49,280 --> 00:47:55,920
that full life in you, that they be encouraged, Lord, by your words and be taught by your words.

00:47:56,560 --> 00:48:04,320
Lord, I pray for all their needs as well. Lord, our needs can be coming to us in so many different

00:48:04,320 --> 00:48:12,000
ways, but Lord, in a special way, I pray that you will meet those which are, which need your

00:48:12,000 --> 00:48:18,000
your intervention, Lord. And I want to thank you for this beautiful program, and I want to thank you

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for you because Lord, without you, without being connected to this fine Lord, there is little we

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can do. And we want to thank you that you have shown yourself in so many different ways in our

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lives, but also in the lives of all the pastors who are currently listening. We want to thank you

00:48:36,160 --> 00:48:43,360
and bless you in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Well, thank you for tuning in. Check out our show notes

00:48:43,360 --> 00:48:49,040
at hergodstory.org for scriptures, links, and other information. And you can sign up there for

00:48:49,040 --> 00:48:55,280
our emails and get a free six-week downloadable devotional guide on Women of the Bible. Or you

00:48:55,280 --> 00:49:00,960
can purchase a 12-week devotional on Women of the Bible for just $12, knowing that all the proceeds

00:49:00,960 --> 00:49:07,280
will go to support our Widow and Orphan Fund. If God spoke to you through this episode, think about

00:49:07,280 --> 00:49:11,760
starting a podcast club. You can have friends, neighbors, or colleagues listen to it too, and

00:49:11,760 --> 00:49:16,000
then gather around your favorite refreshments to discuss what God's saying to each of you.

00:49:16,640 --> 00:49:23,520
We've suggested questions online at hergodstory.org under our podcast club section to help you. And now,

00:49:23,520 --> 00:49:31,200
dear friends, I bless you from 1 Chronicles 22: 11 -13. May the Lord be with you

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and give you success as you follow His directions. And may the Lord give you wisdom and understanding

00:49:37,280 --> 00:49:44,400
that you may obey all His law all the days of your life, for you will be successful if you carefully

00:49:44,400 --> 00:49:52,000
obey Him. Be strong and courageous. Don't be afraid or lose heart. Her God Story is a ministry

00:49:52,000 --> 00:49:56,960
of Somebody Cares America and international. To find out more about or support the ministry,

00:49:56,960 --> 00:50:08,240
go to somebodycares.org.