Her God Story with Jodie Chiricosta


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Seasoned, Substantial, Shareable
These podcasts have been used by the ladies of our church to prompt their own group conversations. I have listened to many myself; Jodie Chiricosta interacts with her guests in a special way that brings out the truth of God’s Word in a non-threatening format. These are very timely and seasoned testimonies offering challenging and substantial discussions, They are very sharable making them a great evangelistic tool as well.

Every episode is life-giving!
Every episode is incredibly inspiring and encouraging! No matter what your current challenge is or who or what you might be praying for, the women on Her God Story will give you hope as they share their stories of God's faithfulness.

So Encouraging!
This podcast is so encouraging. Whatever you're facing, you will be inspired to continue on in your faith. The guests are ordinary women like you and me doing extraordinary things. Give it a listen. You won't be disappointed.

Mary Nelson
What a joy to hear about your family's legacy! Jodie brings out Biblical truths through the lives of others.