Sept. 4, 2023

Unstoppable Faith: Joan Hunter's God Story

Unstoppable Faith: Joan Hunter's God Story
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Her God Story with Jodie Chiricosta

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Joan Hunter, a woman of unwavering faith and a testament to the incredible power of God. Prepare to be captivated by His Divine intervention and the profound resilience that stems from trusting Him in every area of our lives.

Join me as Joan tells of the miraculous power of God's love and grace. Throughout her journey, she has weathered life's storms with a steadfast spirit, relying on His unwavering love.

In every chapter of her life, she has witnessed the hand of God moving miraculously, bringing healing, restoration, and hope to those in need. From witnessing remarkable physical healings and financial miracles to experiencing spiritual transformations, Joan's story will stir your soul and reignite your own faith.

And, you’ll be encouraged and inspired to invite God to use you in incredible ways too!

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Want to help Widows and Orphans? Join our growing company of women meeting special needs of parentless children and nurturing their unique gifts so they can be ALL God has in mind for them!  And help meet real needs of women who have given a lifetime of service to God! Support the Somebody Cares Widows and Orphan fund today!  



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Hey friends, you know I love a good story, especially when it's a God story that

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equips, encourages, and inspires us in our walk with the Lord. I'm your host, Jodie Chiricosta,

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ministry leader at Somebody Cares America International, author and traveler on this

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journey of faith. Welcome, I am so glad you tuned in. Hey, have you heard about our Her

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God Story podcast clubs? You can start one. It's really easy. Just gather together some

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few friends, neighbors, colleagues to talk and encourage each other in your walk of faith.

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And it's very simple. Listen to the same episode, download our prepared episode questions from

00:00:35,920 --> 00:00:41,920, and then discuss over your favorite refreshments. It's also a really great way to

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reach out to friends who don't know Christ yet. Include them in the conversation and see what

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God will do. Gather some friends and try it out. When you do, email us at prayer at

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to let us know so we can be praying for you. You know, Acts 1.1 says that the Book of Acts is the

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story of what Jesus began to do and to teach. The miracles and healings described in Acts are only

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the beginning of what Jesus did and continues to do through the Holy Spirit in his disciples.

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If you've confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you believe in your heart that God

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raised him from the dead, you are one of his disciples. And while God gives us different

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gifts to each member of his body, praying for and seeing healing, deliverance, and miracles is

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something we can all participate in. My guest, Joan Hunter, knows this very well. Joan Hunter is a

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compassionate minister, dynamic teacher, an accomplished author, and an anointed healing

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evangelist. She has devoted her life to carry the message of hope, deliverance, and healing to the

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nations. In fact, she just returned from ministering Agana. And as founder and president of Hearts for

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Him and Joan Hunter Ministries, her vision is to equip believers to take the healing power of God

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beyond the four walls of church to the four corners of the earth. Joan's genuine approach and candid

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delivery enables her to connect intimately with people from all walks of life. In a moment, you'll

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see why some people describe her as a caribonette with the anointing of Jesus. Joan ministers the

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gospel with manifestations of supernatural signs and wonders in healing school sessions,

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miracle services, conferences, and churches around the world. Being sensitive to the Holy

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Spirit, Joan speaks prophetically in these services, releasing personal and corporate prophetic

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ministry to those in attendance. And I am so honored to have her join me on this podcast

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to share her God story. Welcome Joan. Well, I'm so excited to get to see you again and be with you

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and talk to you. And we've kind of known each other off and on for about 20 years before you were

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married. So that was really awesome. And it's so awesome to see what God has done in your life. And

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I've loved Doug Stringer for many, many years. And it's just a privilege to be on the program with

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you. Well, Joan, you have a worldwide healing ministry, but most people don't know your personal

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journey of faith. Some may know that your parents were Charles and Francis Hunter, the happy hunter

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worldwide healing evangelist. And I imagine you probably traveled with them quite a bit. But

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what was life like for little Joan? But when did the gospel become real to you? Well, little Joan

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was raised by a drinking, smoking, cussing mother, aka Francis. That was an interesting experience.

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So it wasn't like born into a Christian home. And so at that point, when I was 12, my mom,

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making a long story short, met Jesus. And all of a sudden she quit smoking, drinking, cussing.

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I mean, like almost instantly. And I'm like, I like this mom that I have now. And the house didn't

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smell like smoke or any of that kind of stuff. So she changed so radically. I'm like, I want in on

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this. I want to have that radical change. So I gave my life to Jesus at 12. And never smoked, never

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drank, never cuss, nothing like that. And the closest I've come to cussing is it's a damn breaking

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service. And, you know, it's like D. A. M. You know, I almost got shut down because I said that word

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in the service, which is kind of either no, we know, I might know, damn, you know, like Uber damn.

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So that was kind of funny. But before I was born, my father abandoned me. My mother and father got

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married. She was like, Oh, just enamored by him. And then they got together the first night on their

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wedding. And by morning he had tried to kill her. And she ran for her life, having no idea, even with

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the contraception, that she was pregnant with me. So I'm an unwanted pregnancy. And so she's, like I

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said, she ran for her life. I met him when I was 16. Very glad that he didn't raise me. And that's

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just an understatement. My cousins are good friends. So I found out even more reasons why I'm really

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glad he didn't raise me. Like I said, I gave my life to Jesus, got married when I was 20, and went

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to a Roberts University and got married when I was 20. First of all, then my mom, when I was 16,

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came to Texas and to speak. And she had had a couple of phone conversations with my dad,

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who kept inviting her to come stay at his house. She didn't hear he would get a hotel.

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So she called him that dirty old man. So then they finally actually met and she's like, oh,

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this is that dirty old man. So she puts her hand out to shake his hand politely. And they were like

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stuck. And like five minutes later, all of a sudden she's like, whoa, shaking her hand and

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like whatever. And 88 days later they were married. So this is Charles that she married.

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Charles and Francis now. Yeah. A lot of people think that mom and dad technically raised me then

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nine months later he adopted me. And immediately when I got to Texas, I went and to the courthouse

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changed my name to Hunter. Like he didn't want anybody to know me but by Joan Hunter. So,

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which I'm still known, I still honor him in carrying that name. I moved into the house with a

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stranger and my mom traveled and was gone a month at a time. So it was a very strong of a transition.

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And there's a lot more to the story there. That's kind of funny. But God literally put them together.

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And then a couple years later, I went to our Robert's University and then I met my now ex-husband,

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met him, married. We had four kids, variety of things like that. And I was kind of like wondering,

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you know, I wonder what he's, I'm really sensing in my spirit that he's doing something he shouldn't

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be doing, you know, and then, but I don't want it to be gift of suspicion. I wanted to have,

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to have the facts. Okay. Is something going on here? And yes, he was, he was having affairs

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with other men and standing praying and believing realistically for years. All right, you know,

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I quit, you know, and I'm like, okay, whatever. I believed him. And so toward the end of the marriage,

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I said, God, I, if he's still doing this, I want you to rebuild to me that he is,

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which he did, you know, and it hurt just at least. So standing praying, believing finally got released,

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got the divorce, two days later diagnosed with breast cancer. I personally believe I deal with

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healing is what opens the door for sickness. Trauma, family related relates to the breast.

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Okay. Family is more like breast. So people that get breast cancer, everyone has had a family,

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whether they're kids, their spouse, their mom, dad, et cetera. And so that's what opened the door

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for that. So I, they gave me about two years to live. Now that was in the year 2000, 23 years ago.

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I said, God, I can live without a breast, but I can't live with a broken heart.

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As long as you're a short one after God to heal my heart, trauma, stress,

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and forgiveness, betrayal, abandonment, and obviously the list goes on. And I would just, you know,

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pray in the shower. So I didn't want my girls to see me sobbing. And so I'd be in the shower

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and daily just getting better. I would go to counselors that I'm sure they can help me,

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Spirit, Phil Christian counselors. So I go in, they said, seven, eight years, you might feel a

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little better. You're never ever going to get over this. And I'm like, okay, so I would go to a

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different one. Maybe they might have a different outcome. Said the exact same thing. I went to a

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third one, seven, eight years, maybe a little better, but you're never ever, I'm so over it. I've got

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both CDs, everything, healing a broken heart. I got my broken heart healed. I medically diagnosed

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broken heart syndrome, medically. I went for my exam in February of this year. And they said,

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you have a beautiful, perfect heart. I said, I know, thank you, Jesus. So then in dealing with all

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that in my heart, then from there, I went and few months later, I called my mom and dad, I said,

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let's pray. That's all I did about the cancer. It was my heart I was going for. So I go back in a

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few months later to see what they recommended. So I go in there and they, they're looking on the left

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side, which is where it was. Then they went to the right side, then they came back to the left side,

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and the cancer was gone. They said, what did you do with the cancer? I said, I sent it home to hell.

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Thank you, Jesus. And told me super naturally healed. I got to keep my breast and I got a healed heart.

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So we're good. Amen. Amen. I did. I can talk fast. Yeah. So Joan, I mean, gosh, you went over a huge

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span of your life right then, but I know, well, let's go back a little bit. You had some labels

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when you were younger on you. God removed those labels for you as well. And I think a lot of

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people, they have these labels put on when they're young and they never get over it because they

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believe in those labels. Share what happened with you and how you got rid of those labels.

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I believe, I believe the labels. I believe the lie. It can be brought on by a parent.

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Like don't start anything because you never finish it. Okay. So that's a curse. It's a curse

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supposed to be over them. So they're 50 years old and they can't realize how come they can't finish

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anything. You know, and then I was told I was dumb, stupid, and retarded, never amount to anything,

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never be able to hold a job, never be able to read or write. And I haven't had any books come out

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this year, but last year I had my number 27 come out. Wow. And I, one publisher has asked me for

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five more books this year, but five more books in a period of a year, maybe, but not in a year,

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not in a few months, which I think is really awesome. And people are literally getting touched

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all over the world. They're getting touched all over the world. Yeah. Through my books.

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When I was growing up, I saw some healings when I was young and I know the power of

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seeing and experiencing healing when you're a child. And you had kind of front and center to

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seeing a lot of healings. How did that really impact your faith and your life and your future?

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Yeah. I personally thought it was just really amazing. Somebody said, well, when did you get

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the call? I'm like, I said the prayer and then according to Mark, it says I can do all that.

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I can lay hands on sick. I can leave people to Jesus. I can cast out demons. I can eat any

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deadly food that includes GMOs and, you know, and just to do, you know, that's just what's normal.

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A lot of people are taught or think that only the pastor or only the evangelist or only,

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you know, so and so can do it. Right. But the Bible says believers, if you're a believer, you're

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qualified and people go, it has to be you. I'm like, no, it's Jesus who healed through me and he

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can heal through you too. And this is something that is just very fun teaching this around the

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world. Like, like you said, I just got back from Africa literally a week ago and a week ago from

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the recording of this. And I'm like, I've already been to Colorado for sick services. I thank God

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for supernatural energy, especially at 70 years old. And, but it was like, how could God, you know,

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God's not going to use a poor African and to see these people that are in these massive crusades,

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you know, 60, 70,000 people there. I teach, I pray, I do an example, then they pray for each other

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and they're all getting healed. Yeah. And they're like blown away that God's using them

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uneducated, you know, never seen a toilet. Hallelujah. Yeah. You appreciate those the

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more you go overseas, you know, it's just absolutely amazing to show them that they can

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operate in the power that they already have. They don't know it's there. So in addition to being a

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worldwide evangelist and minister, you're also a mom. I am a mom. I have four amazing daughters

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all in their 40s. I'm still having trouble with that one. You know, when you and your first husband

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split up, I mean, they were having to deal with everything as well as you. I mean, what, what

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could you share? Maybe other parents who are trying to help their kids go through a painful

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situation. What are some things that, that you can equip them with that you used and saw work for

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your kids? I have two children out of the four that are going to church and involved in church.

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And I have two that one will talk about God, but not participate in church. Because I mean,

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they're all, they were all burned in church. Sure. You know, because of him. And then the other one,

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when I go to their house, I am mom or grandma. I'm not Joan Hunter, the, you know, the evangelist.

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And so I, you know, once in a while, I may tell them a miracle or, you know, like something

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happened years ago. I'm like, thank you, Jesus. That's awesome. I'm free to do that. But they

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don't need a preacher. They need a mom. Girls need their father's love and approval. I mean,

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it's, it's almost in a negative supernatural. How important that is. So if I don't, I'm,

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I'm assuming there's going to be some men listening here. Love your daughters. Love them

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unconditioning. Be affectionate with them. Hug them, et cetera. Let them know that you love them.

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And the girls really never felt that kind of love from their dad. And they were trying really hard

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to, I mean, really all of them trying to get their dad's approval, like big time, you know,

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and it was, it was really tough. And he just didn't have it to give basically. And so I know what I'm

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going to do to get my dad's approval. I'm going to become a lesbian. So one of them went to the

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lesbian lifestyle and, you know, she goes, I know you don't approve of what I'm doing, mom.

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And I'm like, I never, I close lips on that. And, you know, I know you don't approve of what I'm

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doing. Yeah. And that's telling me she knows it's wrong. You know, she's now set free, delivered,

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has a family of her own and very, very happy. But that was held for me during that time. And I

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learned, and I, you know, of course I have books on all this stuff, I put 27. It's like, how do you

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fix your children? And if you preach to them, they're going to rebel. Everything you tell them to do,

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they're going to turn from that. God just rebuilds me. He's like, Father, I'm going to just use a

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generic name Susan. I can't fix Susan. God, you know, I've done everything I know to do to fix her,

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but I can't. So I layer on your altar. I release her to you, show me what I need to do as a mom,

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send people to her, to minister to her and, and help get her free. So now she's free. So praise

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God. I'll tell you a perfect example of that. I was in Arizona, same girl. I was in Arizona,

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and she had a doctor's appointment. We were there early. We just happened to be early for the doctor

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appointment. Let's get a bite to eat. So we got to, what's this place to get a sandwich? So I'm sitting

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there, we're the two of us are in this, in this restaurant, and there's a younger man, probably

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35, 40, and he had three or four older men who got an air worth nothing at two tables down.

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And he was doing a Bible study for them. So he is reading the scriptures so loud, you know, and it's

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all on healing. And I mean, it was, it was really good what he was saying. And she's like, do you

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hear, you know, I'm trying to get the word into her, but I can't give her the word for me, but God

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can give her the word. And so anyway, so she's like, do you know, you hear what he's saying?

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What's he saying? He's just telling the scriptures on healing. You know, I mean, it was, it was so

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loud, so loud. Okay, it's like two o'clock in the afternoon with nobody there. And, and I said, oh,

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that's, that's cool. You know, I mean, if it comes by hearing, hearing the word, whether you believe

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it or not, she's hearing all these, these scriptures. And so she goes, Hey, my mom's a healing

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evangelist. I'm like, wow, that was came out of nowhere. You know, but it was so funny because

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she's on the altar and people start quoting scripture to her and helping her. And, you know,

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it's pretty cool. Amen. Well, you've seen some amazing miracles in your finances as well, because,

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I mean, gosh, right after a divorce, divorce is one of the things that they say puts women in

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poverty. But God came along and did some amazing things, not only for you personally, but in

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starting ministries. I mean, you've seen some share some of those financial stories. Okay,

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well, at the time of the divorce, he was making about eight to $10,000 a month on a secular job,

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including we were pasting, co-pasturing in church. Okay, so he, we got divorced because of sin.

00:17:47,840 --> 00:17:54,880
Church closed down right before that. No alimony here in the state of Texas, no matter if you were

00:17:54,880 --> 00:18:01,040
married 25 years and the youngest was 17 and a half. So child support for six months. So that

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was basically nothing. And so at that point, I'm, you know, I'm like, you know, I'm gonna hit and

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pack here on a couple of things. I got so desperate one time, I picked up the phone to call my mom and

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dad because they would help me. And guys says, are you going to trust them? Or are you going to trust

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me? It's time you grew up. So I put the phone back down and said, I'm going to trust you. I went

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to my CPA and I said, my, you know, I made $1,600 a month before taxes, taxes, insurance, everything.

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And so, but my tithe was 160 off the gross. So tithe came first and that was 160.

00:18:42,400 --> 00:18:52,000
How soon it was 1,100. My take home was 1,200. That's 1,260 out of 1,200. Okay, which I'm really

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good at math. I've always been good at math, but I'm $60 in arrears. And I got three girls in college,

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two, I think it was two house pay or car payments, one house payment and utilities, food,

00:19:06,800 --> 00:19:12,640
I mean, everything. I mean, there was no way I could make it. He says, first of all, quit tithing,

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secondary, quit giving offerings, third, plan on filing bankruptcy. I knew exactly what to do.

00:19:18,160 --> 00:19:24,160
Change CPAs. Just that simple. I'm going to get one that's not going to curse my finances.

00:19:24,160 --> 00:19:30,080
Who's going to come into agreement? Now I'm all for listening to what they say and if there's truth

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in it, do something about it. But the first thing out was a tithe. And he says, it will rebuke the

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devourer. So at that point, I mean, it was so amazing. Checks were coming in the mail, food was

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being delivered. I came on my girl's trash, the house out, what happened here? And it's like

00:19:51,680 --> 00:19:57,840
50 bags of groceries that couldn't fit in their fridge or the pantry. Wow. I'm not really sure who

00:19:58,640 --> 00:20:05,360
actually did that. They left me some cash to go get milk and produce. I mean, it was amazing what

00:20:05,360 --> 00:20:11,040
God did. And, you know, and every time I turn around, there was finances growing, you know,

00:20:11,040 --> 00:20:17,040
going in. Now I'm not a millionaire yet, but you know what? I ain't broke. Praise God. I often

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share this story that I was poor and I was Poe. Poe is when you're so poor you can't even afford

00:20:23,440 --> 00:20:28,960
the other. Oh, and that's when you got to dig out a garbage can to get food. And that's what I did

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when I was like three years old. My brother and my mom, at this time, I picked up every empty can

00:20:35,680 --> 00:20:41,920
of aluminum can and sold it to put food on the table. You know, I sold a lot of things at home.

00:20:41,920 --> 00:20:47,760
I sold my jewelry. I did everything trying to keep my head above water and which is like really

00:20:47,760 --> 00:20:53,520
awesome and how God has totally taken care of all that. So you are at a place where you're no income

00:20:53,520 --> 00:20:58,640
at, you know, I mean, not enough to survive. All the girls got scholarships. It was supernatural

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what God did on that one. And so here I'm going and it's like we used to go and get a disgusting

00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:13,040
container of peaches and try to carve out a bowl of from that, from the garbage can. And it is an

00:21:13,040 --> 00:21:21,440
incredible feeling to actually go to the store and buy a peach that doesn't have a bruise on it.

00:21:22,240 --> 00:21:28,160
And if it's a dollar a peach, it's okay. I've got that dollar to do that. I was just giving

00:21:28,160 --> 00:21:34,320
a whole big bushel of peaches in Colorado. And they're delicious. How did you get from that place,

00:21:34,320 --> 00:21:40,560
Joan, to having the faith to start Joan Hunter Ministries and Hearts for Him? I mean, that had

00:21:40,560 --> 00:21:46,960
to have been miraculous to start these ministries when you're can't even put food on the table.

00:21:48,960 --> 00:21:55,920
The latter part of 2000, 2001 is when I started the ministry. God had called me. I started traveling

00:21:55,920 --> 00:22:01,040
with my mom and dad. I had a secular job in Dallas. I started meeting my parents on different

00:22:01,040 --> 00:22:06,320
locations on the road. I would take care of holding the offering until we got home, things like that.

00:22:06,880 --> 00:22:09,600
And then there would be notes in there and I thought, okay, I just need to see if they need

00:22:09,600 --> 00:22:13,920
to answer this question. Oh, it'd be get your daughter off the road. She's an embarrassment to

00:22:13,920 --> 00:22:20,560
God. I'm like, really? So I'm like, okay, God, they say you can't use me. And I was sobbing my

00:22:20,560 --> 00:22:25,920
guts out. I mean, literally sobbing my guts out that night in the hotel room. He spoke to me. He says,

00:22:25,920 --> 00:22:32,320
just remember, they're not the ones that call you. What a totally major shift in my life.

00:22:32,960 --> 00:22:37,040
Some of you that are listening today needed to hear that you think that God can't use you

00:22:37,040 --> 00:22:43,040
because you're past. Trust me, God will use your past, but we don't have to linger there.

00:22:43,040 --> 00:22:46,480
And then it was kind of funny when my book, Healing the Heart came out. I talked about

00:22:46,480 --> 00:22:51,120
getting my heart healed. I got some CDs on broken heart syndrome, things like that.

00:22:51,120 --> 00:22:56,480
When my book came out, my mom and dad read it. They said, why didn't you tell us that you needed

00:22:56,480 --> 00:23:02,800
money? I said, because then you would have been my hero and not Jesus. And they go, okay, that's

00:23:02,800 --> 00:23:09,360
what they would teach. You know, so, but it's so awesome because I love teaching Philippians 419

00:23:09,360 --> 00:23:14,880
that my God's just apply all your needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus and to see

00:23:14,880 --> 00:23:22,000
how God is blessing the people around the world, third world countries, Haiti, Africa, all over.

00:23:22,000 --> 00:23:27,440
I mean, it's absolutely phenomenal, really phenomenal with how God is blessing with cars,

00:23:27,440 --> 00:23:34,240
with jobs, with just breakthrough financially. So you started Joan Hunter and Hearts for Him

00:23:34,240 --> 00:23:40,240
ministries. Was that before or after your parents had stopped ministering? No, they didn't stop

00:23:40,240 --> 00:23:48,720
ministering until mom took her last breath in 2009. So they kept going. But I did travel with them

00:23:48,720 --> 00:23:58,400
off and on for about 35 years. And by 2009, I was, I would read it by the latter part of the 80s.

00:23:58,400 --> 00:24:02,160
We did all the healing exposure, which I'm sure you're familiar with. We did all those around,

00:24:02,160 --> 00:24:09,440
all over the world. And then we came and then we did one big one in Houston as their last

00:24:09,440 --> 00:24:15,600
hoopla raw at the astronaut, which is so fun. And then my parents were there at that one,

00:24:15,600 --> 00:24:22,720
actually. That's cool. And so what happened is at that point, that's when, and that was in 04.

00:24:23,280 --> 00:24:29,680
That's when the ministry really, really took off and with Joan Hunter ministries and started

00:24:29,680 --> 00:24:35,440
doing a lot of individual travel and not just with mom and dad. So you've now remarried,

00:24:35,440 --> 00:24:40,400
you have a wonderful husband, Kelly. How did you fall in love again in the midst of ministry?

00:24:40,400 --> 00:24:44,560
And after all that hurt, I mean, I'm sure you were, even though God had healed you,

00:24:44,560 --> 00:24:54,240
I'm sure you were cautious. Very cautious. In the year 2001, the latter part of 2001,

00:24:55,200 --> 00:25:00,560
maybe 2002, in that general timeframe, a friend of mine that lives in Florida,

00:25:00,560 --> 00:25:04,160
he's like a little brother to me, even though he's like five years younger. But anyway,

00:25:04,160 --> 00:25:11,600
he came to Texas and I said, this is what's going on. They told me in the year 2000 to

00:25:11,600 --> 00:25:16,640
renounce the soul ties I had with him. I call him George for generic George. And so I renounced

00:25:16,640 --> 00:25:22,640
soul ties. I said, but I can tell when he's doing something that's not good. And I get this yucky

00:25:22,640 --> 00:25:28,240
feeling all over. And then I find out that he's doing the yucky, you know, and he goes, because

00:25:28,240 --> 00:25:32,960
you're still in covenant with him. I'm like, what do you mean covenant? I renounced the soul ties.

00:25:32,960 --> 00:25:37,440
Well, when we got married, we went into a covenant relationship, not a soul tie relationship.

00:25:38,000 --> 00:25:43,600
So, and so at that point I said, what do I say? So I said, renounce the covenant with George.

00:25:43,600 --> 00:25:46,240
We're no longer married. Anything bad that came in through that take it from me now.

00:25:46,240 --> 00:25:51,440
I'm Jesus name. Thank you, Jesus. And it was like, he's never come in. I've never felt him

00:25:51,440 --> 00:25:57,600
like touching me again. I mean, everything because that covenant was broken. And so then

00:25:57,600 --> 00:26:01,920
he says, well, how are you doing? I said, I'm doing really good. And he says, you're doing really

00:26:01,920 --> 00:26:07,200
good. It's have that wall you have up. And I crossed my arms. I'm animating it in verbally

00:26:07,200 --> 00:26:14,400
with you guys that are just listening. I'm like, I don't have a wall up. I'm like, maybe I do.

00:26:15,440 --> 00:26:21,600
But I had been hurt and death. Oh, just horrifically hurt. I didn't want to get hurt again.

00:26:22,320 --> 00:26:26,720
So I put a wall up to protect me. And of course I have that in a book, Love Again, Live Again,

00:26:26,720 --> 00:26:31,760
teaches you about how to get healed of that. I said, you know, I don't have a wall up. So I,

00:26:31,760 --> 00:26:37,520
at that point, we go back to our hotel rooms. And I said, God, I don't want to, I don't want to wall

00:26:37,520 --> 00:26:44,640
up. I can't be loved. But more importantly, I can't love. I can't love my children. I can't

00:26:44,640 --> 00:26:51,360
love the people I minister to. And, and I said, you know, I take the wall down. So he took the

00:26:51,360 --> 00:26:58,080
wall down. Guaranteed, you know, if you do this, you're going to get hurt again. Guaranteed. But

00:26:58,080 --> 00:27:04,080
if not, you'll never love again either. And, and so you've been healed once, so you know what to do

00:27:04,080 --> 00:27:08,480
on getting that healed. And there are certain people that hurt you and he's going to keep

00:27:08,480 --> 00:27:12,560
submit, keep him at arm's distance. You know, it's not like pushing them away. It's just,

00:27:13,280 --> 00:27:19,520
I still be very careful, you know, with relationships. How did Kelly make it, make it

00:27:19,520 --> 00:27:24,320
past the wall? Yeah, well, the wall was gone by then by the time I met Kelly. So he was gone.

00:27:24,320 --> 00:27:30,720
That was gone. And I was going around the area of churches promoting the healing exposure going

00:27:30,720 --> 00:27:36,800
to be at the Houston Astrodome, getting people to come and attend the school that Joe Lozzi

00:27:36,800 --> 00:27:41,680
opened up for us to have at his church. So I did, you know, six months of training over there.

00:27:42,240 --> 00:27:48,640
And at the other location. So I would go and I would do that. And so I spoke at his, at his

00:27:48,640 --> 00:27:56,400
church and he goes, I've always felt led to do healing. And so he started going and he missed

00:27:56,400 --> 00:28:04,960
one out of three Monday nights, a month for six months. He only missed one out of 18 because

00:28:04,960 --> 00:28:09,360
he didn't hear about it. So he immediately looked at it and went to every single one. It was the

00:28:09,360 --> 00:28:14,320
same video, mom and dad on their videos. And then I did the interim between like intermission and

00:28:14,320 --> 00:28:20,800
stuff like that, training the people. And he, and so he said, he sent me an email. He says,

00:28:20,800 --> 00:28:25,520
I've met you. He says, but I've been trying to ask you a question. So I'm sending you an email.

00:28:25,520 --> 00:28:30,880
So he's sending this really long email. And, and he says, I'd love to, you know, take you out or

00:28:30,880 --> 00:28:36,640
something. And, you know, and, and so I respond with, well, I don't, I won't have anything available

00:28:36,640 --> 00:28:44,320
until after the October meeting. And he says, well, I'll wait, I'll wait for you, you know,

00:28:44,320 --> 00:28:50,240
kind of a thing. I'm like, okay. So anyway, so then I said, if you wouldn't mind going out,

00:28:50,240 --> 00:28:54,080
maybe on a Tuesday or Wednesday, because no weekends were available. I said, we can try to

00:28:54,080 --> 00:29:00,320
work that. So, so he said, that'd be great. And he says, I'm a bald, gray-headed, bespeckled man,

00:29:00,320 --> 00:29:07,200
AKA glasses. So, you know, so the next week, there he is. So I knew who he was. He seemed pretty safe.

00:29:07,200 --> 00:29:12,080
But we did both drive to our first and second and maybe, I think the third day,

00:29:12,080 --> 00:29:17,040
I actually had him pick me up at the house. So, and then we got married in December.

00:29:17,040 --> 00:29:20,240
You know, God's taught you so much. So your personal experience, you've shared a little bit

00:29:20,240 --> 00:29:25,840
about that. Tell us a little about your schools of ministry. I mean, there might be listeners

00:29:25,840 --> 00:29:32,000
that are saying, hey, I need some of what Joan is talking about. How do I learn? How do they get

00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:37,920
connected, Joan? I have That's how we get connected. Number one. Number two,

00:29:37,920 --> 00:29:43,200
I have a healing school, which is seven books, 12 hours of teaching on DVD. Now here's something

00:29:43,200 --> 00:29:48,960
hard to fathom. Learn from somebody who's been doing this for 52 years. But I've been in the

00:29:48,960 --> 00:29:56,640
healing ministry for 52 years. Okay. And I teach on healing of the body, mind, soul, spirit, and

00:29:56,640 --> 00:30:02,560
finances. And you can get set free. God has healed me physically, breast cancer, needs,

00:30:03,360 --> 00:30:09,600
goiters, adrenal glands when I prayed for myself. Okay. And God wants to heal. Now I had, like I

00:30:09,600 --> 00:30:15,680
said, I was so broke. It was, it was ridiculous how poor I was, you know, and God is truly blessed

00:30:15,680 --> 00:30:21,360
with a beautiful home. And I'm moving out of it in a couple of days. And it was kind of exciting

00:30:21,360 --> 00:30:26,640
because before I came on here, we found a house and we got a contract on it. So we're putting

00:30:26,640 --> 00:30:31,920
that on there today. So which is like really exciting to do that. And, and I have an interim

00:30:31,920 --> 00:30:40,320
place to live in the meantime. But the point is, it's like, you know, how God has truly blessed me

00:30:40,320 --> 00:30:48,400
is unbelievable. Now years ago, I have a, anyway, back to that, I do healing schools around the nation.

00:30:49,440 --> 00:30:55,840
We also have it available online that you can watch a majority of the services, etc. And,

00:30:55,840 --> 00:31:03,200
but I've been healed in the heart and my soul and spirit every area. So we have hands on teaching

00:31:03,200 --> 00:31:10,080
at all of our conferences at, with healing school and ordination. And it's just, it's really awesome

00:31:10,080 --> 00:31:16,880
and amazing. And to see people come in and they can get healing school certified or ordained.

00:31:17,600 --> 00:31:23,760
And it's just really awesome. So you can call our office and contact us there,

00:31:23,760 --> 00:31:28,480
So we'll have all that information on our show notes. During COVID, I mean, you had been traveling

00:31:28,480 --> 00:31:33,440
before of course, but during COVID, a lot of that international travel stopped, but you've recently

00:31:33,440 --> 00:31:42,080
restarted, you went to Ghana share what God did in Ghana. Well, I went to Uganda two years ago,

00:31:42,080 --> 00:31:47,440
Rwanda last year. And then the beginning of this year, I went to Togo and I recosted and I was in

00:31:47,440 --> 00:31:53,840
Ghana. And I am like the hottest thing going on in Africa right now. Now I'm going to, this is a very

00:31:53,840 --> 00:31:59,760
this is a very good point right here. I said, God, why did you choose a 70 year old woman

00:32:00,320 --> 00:32:06,000
and not a 50 year old man to do what I'm doing? Cause it's hard. I mean, it's really hard over

00:32:06,000 --> 00:32:14,240
there. Hot. I'm called to air conditioning and, you know, and things like that. That's concern.

00:32:14,240 --> 00:32:19,600
I said, how come you didn't choose a 50 year old man? You know, he told me, he said, no,

00:32:19,600 --> 00:32:25,840
the 50 year old man said, no. And like with Catherine Kuhlman, why are you not having a man do this?

00:32:26,720 --> 00:32:32,960
And, and guys showed her there was three men that said no, before he asked her when the God

00:32:32,960 --> 00:32:37,600
asked us male or female, when he asked us to do something, we need to, I said, God, I'll go anywhere

00:32:37,600 --> 00:32:42,560
you want me to go except Africa or Pakistan. I was, I was in Pakistan a couple of months ago,

00:32:42,560 --> 00:32:49,600
but there is no conditions on the yes. I'll go where you want me to go. I'll do what you want

00:32:49,600 --> 00:32:54,640
me to do. And it's been absolutely phenomenal. During the pandemic, I stayed home, wrote five

00:32:54,640 --> 00:32:59,840
books. That was awesome. Let me give you another really cool situation that happened in the year

00:32:59,840 --> 00:33:06,800
2000, face with divorce. And then at that point, I am like totally devastated, broken heart, etc.

00:33:06,800 --> 00:33:16,560
And my whole life was him, children and the church. And I, my identity was that and I was

00:33:16,560 --> 00:33:23,040
Charles and Francis Hunter's daughter. And we lost the church, lost the marriage and emptiness

00:33:23,040 --> 00:33:27,040
all at the same time. I was still Charles and Francis Hunter's daughter. I was a wreck.

00:33:27,840 --> 00:33:34,640
No idea who I was because my entire identity had just been wiped out. And so, you know,

00:33:34,640 --> 00:33:43,200
to eat alone, you know, I don't remember eating alone. And this is, I was 47, like ever,

00:33:44,640 --> 00:33:52,240
you know, elementary school, growing up, high school, college, married, I never, I never ate

00:33:52,240 --> 00:33:59,520
alone. It was a weird experience. So I went out to eat and entertain myself at a nice little restaurant

00:33:59,520 --> 00:34:04,960
had a Caesar salad with chicken on it. I still remembers that by the fireplace all by myself.

00:34:04,960 --> 00:34:12,880
And just ate and something I had to do, you know, to break that fear of can't do it. So did that.

00:34:13,520 --> 00:34:19,600
And I'm like, God, I have no idea who I am. Now there's who you are in Christ, then there's who

00:34:19,600 --> 00:34:24,880
are you. And a lot of times people lose their identity. Like, you know, an executive who worked

00:34:24,880 --> 00:34:29,680
for this company for 50 years, then they retire and then they're like, I don't know what to do. I

00:34:29,680 --> 00:34:34,560
don't know who I am. I worked since I was 15. You know what I'm saying? That's their whole identity.

00:34:34,560 --> 00:34:41,360
And a lot of times they'll just die, you know, shrivel up and die. And so anyway, I went after

00:34:41,360 --> 00:34:47,920
trying to figure out who in the world I was. And so I found who I was by also at that point,

00:34:47,920 --> 00:34:59,440
I had to fall in love with Joan. I didn't love Joan. So I fell in love with Joan. And now I can be

00:34:59,440 --> 00:35:06,240
alone with no problem whatsoever. I'm a people person, but it's okay if I'm alone. It's okay.

00:35:06,240 --> 00:35:13,920
I'm not like, Oh my God, help me. No, I'm not that way. And I, you know, I was, but I'm not. And so

00:35:13,920 --> 00:35:20,240
I'm like, okay, who am I? So long story short, you know, I'm a person of mercy. I'm a radical

00:35:20,240 --> 00:35:25,760
giver and I'm a servant. Those are my three primaries. I love to serve even though people go,

00:35:25,760 --> 00:35:31,600
will you just put that play down? Let me serve you. Okay. You know, it's hard because I'm such a

00:35:31,600 --> 00:35:40,240
servant. And, and so then, so I God revealed to me my identity. Okay. During the pandemic,

00:35:40,240 --> 00:35:47,520
I had to, I'm laying in bed and I'm like, I can turn to the right and get up because I had tickets

00:35:47,520 --> 00:35:54,320
to cancel, you know, and maybe go to the grocery store because we're going to be inside for a while.

00:35:55,040 --> 00:35:59,440
And we were deemed essential so we could come to the office every day, which was great. We could

00:35:59,440 --> 00:36:05,600
pray with people and so forth. We just couldn't have meetings. So I did a lot of zooms and a lot of

00:36:05,600 --> 00:36:12,800
writing and, you know, and praying for people online. They would do interactive, you know,

00:36:12,800 --> 00:36:17,600
Facebook or whatever. And I would be praying for them as they are online, which is pretty cool.

00:36:18,320 --> 00:36:24,320
And I mean, God used the time, but I'm laying in bed. This is before all that. So it's like,

00:36:25,200 --> 00:36:32,400
I can turn to the right and get up, turn to the left and go into depression. I had that choice.

00:36:32,400 --> 00:36:37,760
So I made the decision to turn and get up and go about what I needed to do. I'm like, God,

00:36:37,760 --> 00:36:42,480
I have nothing to do. I'm a go getter. I'm going to do something all the time. Okay.

00:36:43,200 --> 00:36:50,640
Mega multitasking type person. Sit at home. No. So I actually cooked for myself when I lost,

00:36:50,640 --> 00:36:55,360
you know, the family lost 20 pounds instead of eating out every night. So we just ate home and

00:36:55,360 --> 00:36:59,760
lost 20 pounds. I thought that was cool. I need to lose another 20, but I don't want to stay home

00:36:59,760 --> 00:37:08,160
but I don't want to stay home for that one, to say the least. So, so a few months into the pandemic,

00:37:08,160 --> 00:37:13,360
because they told me we have run our payroll through a company and they said, you're going to

00:37:13,360 --> 00:37:18,720
need to get rid of 40 to 60% of your employees, you know, with the pandemic. So who are you going

00:37:18,720 --> 00:37:25,520
to get rid of? We walked to the office and we're like, there's nobody. I don't want to let anybody go.

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So I told the staff, I said, we need to pray for God to meet our needs, basically in a nutshell.

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And I said, if fear comes in, I will correct you because I can smell it, you know, if there's fear

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there. So anyway, so that was, that was pretty cool doing, doing all that and, and, you know,

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walking through the excuse me, you know, what am I, we're not doing that. I'll answer all your

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questions, but what are we going to do if we have to shut down? So I'm not going to answer those

00:37:50,720 --> 00:37:56,960
kind of questions. It's not an option. Okay. So we made it through the pandemic. Everybody got

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it was paid for, you know, nobody missed a paycheck, nothing. It was supernatural. God did

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that. So anyway, so I am, um, got me have some conversations either in the shower or in bed.

00:38:09,120 --> 00:38:13,440
So I'm laying there and I'm like, okay, so you don't need me to travel because I mean, all the

00:38:13,440 --> 00:38:18,000
needs of the ministry was met. Absolutely phenomenal. We had money saved up for Christmas,

00:38:18,000 --> 00:38:23,360
didn't need it, didn't use it. And we had money saved up that turned out to be for the pandemic,

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didn't even touch it, our savings account for that. So I was like, thank you, Jesus.

00:38:28,000 --> 00:38:34,480
So at that point, um, and I'm said, so you don't need me to travel and you know what he told me?

00:38:35,200 --> 00:38:41,600
No, I don't. Well, after my got my feelings healed because it hurt me a little bit, but he said, no,

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I don't. And anyway, so he said, no, I don't. He says, but then right after he says, but I want

00:38:50,480 --> 00:38:57,840
you to travel. Do I need to travel to support the needs of the ministry? Absolutely not.

00:38:59,520 --> 00:39:08,880
Okay. But I got, I travel, it does bring some finances in, but the trips and the book sales

00:39:08,880 --> 00:39:15,840
are not our source. God's our source. And I know that people that are listening today need to hear

00:39:15,840 --> 00:39:21,520
that. Okay. In order to meet my needs, I've got to get a third job. Well, then you're worthless,

00:39:21,520 --> 00:39:26,640
worth nothing physically. And then you have opened the door for getting sick and then you

00:39:26,640 --> 00:39:31,520
can't work any of them. Then what are you going to do? Okay. There's got to be wisdom. There's

00:39:31,520 --> 00:39:36,400
got to be like, well, I live on a fixed income. You've just cut off any kind of blessing that

00:39:36,400 --> 00:39:41,280
guy's trying to get you, get to you because you're on a fixed budget. Now fixed income.

00:39:42,480 --> 00:39:48,160
It's important that you have budgets and all that kind of stuff, but you know what? It's important

00:39:48,160 --> 00:39:52,880
that you trust him to make up the difference. And when I was $60 in a rear with just making

00:39:52,880 --> 00:40:00,160
a house payment and paying the tide, wow, God, that may every need. It was awesome. Yeah. He

00:40:00,160 --> 00:40:03,520
doesn't always do it the way we think he's going to do it, but he always does it. Right?

00:40:03,520 --> 00:40:09,280
Absolutely not. I think it was all me. He was like, I got to work. I got to do this. I'm like,

00:40:09,280 --> 00:40:15,520
just rest because he'll pull that rug out from under you thinking this is all you're doing.

00:40:16,080 --> 00:40:21,520
He doesn't say just sit and wait. Yeah, this one guy, he says, I'm going to sit here and he's rocking

00:40:21,520 --> 00:40:25,520
a chair. I'm going to sit here and God's going to provide my every need for the house payment

00:40:25,520 --> 00:40:35,040
everything. You know, and you know what happened? He broke the rocker. That was it. No money came

00:40:35,040 --> 00:40:42,320
in or nothing. Oh, it's funny. People are funny. So, Joan, what message would you have for listeners

00:40:42,320 --> 00:40:46,000
that are out there? They're hearing about the incredible things God's been doing

00:40:46,720 --> 00:40:52,000
in for and through you. And they think God wouldn't do that through me. Well, first of all,

00:40:52,000 --> 00:40:56,960
stop that thinking. It's called stinking thinking. My opinion is God can do it for me.

00:40:56,960 --> 00:41:03,200
God will do it for you. And scripture is that God wants to point to you or me as an example of

00:41:03,200 --> 00:41:07,760
his incredible wealth of his favor and kindness in all he's done for you through Christ Jesus.

00:41:07,760 --> 00:41:14,160
So, God has pointed to me as an example. If you just trust it, as I've trusted in him,

00:41:14,160 --> 00:41:19,840
God has met my every need, whether ministry or whatever. And it's been literally supernatural

00:41:19,840 --> 00:41:25,040
what God's done. Joan, it has been so great having you as a guest. And as we close, question,

00:41:25,040 --> 00:41:30,240
I ask all my guests, would you share about a woman of the Bible who's inspired or encouraged or

00:41:30,240 --> 00:41:36,160
taught you something? Absolutely. My hero is the woman with the issue of blood. Unfortunately,

00:41:36,160 --> 00:41:41,120
she never got a name. She just got a label. She didn't get an email. She didn't get a text message.

00:41:41,120 --> 00:41:47,600
She didn't have GPS. And if she left her house, she could be killed legally. But she left in

00:41:47,600 --> 00:41:53,440
being determined to find Jesus. And she found him and was healed. That's a nutshell. I've got a great

00:41:53,440 --> 00:41:58,800
deejing on that. But the thing is where she's concerned is she could have easily quit. She

00:41:58,800 --> 00:42:04,640
could have easily died in those 12 years that she had, you know, she needed blood transfusion. She

00:42:04,640 --> 00:42:08,560
needed all new female body parts. She needed everything. Couldn't go to church. Couldn't get

00:42:08,560 --> 00:42:14,640
married. Depression. Couldn't be have parties. Oh, guys, that would be horrible. And, and, and, and.

00:42:14,640 --> 00:42:20,560
And so it's just very, very exciting how she did it and touched him in this garment and was made

00:42:20,560 --> 00:42:25,040
every, every whithole slash completely well. That means that when she went home,

00:42:25,680 --> 00:42:32,080
there were shekels on the counter. There was donkeys right there. There was chickens in her yard,

00:42:32,640 --> 00:42:38,560
got it restored everything to her completely well, every whithole. I'm looking forward to meeting her,

00:42:38,560 --> 00:42:43,280
not today. I'm looking forward to meeting her besides Jesus. She's on the top of my list. Top 10.

00:42:43,280 --> 00:42:48,400
Yeah, she was tenacious. Yeah, and determined. You know, one of my books I wrote during the pandemic

00:42:48,400 --> 00:42:53,680
is just don't quit. You know, I could have easily quit, easily quit through the years.

00:42:54,560 --> 00:42:59,360
And I didn't, and I'm glad I didn't. Yeah, that's good. Just don't quit. During the last supper

00:42:59,360 --> 00:43:05,760
that Jesus had with his disciples, it's found in John 14 12 through 15. He says, I tell you the

00:43:05,760 --> 00:43:11,360
truth. Anyone who believes in me will do the same works I've done and even greater works,

00:43:11,360 --> 00:43:16,720
because I'm going to be with my father. You can ask for anything in my name and I will do it so that

00:43:16,720 --> 00:43:23,360
the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name and I'll do it. Dear

00:43:23,360 --> 00:43:29,920
friends, we can be bold and ask Jesus in Jesus' name for anything that will bring glory to the

00:43:29,920 --> 00:43:34,400
Father and he's going to do it. Joan, would you take a moment and pray for our listeners? Yes,

00:43:34,400 --> 00:43:38,880
I'm going to add one more testament. I could talk forever, but I know you picked up on that with no

00:43:38,880 --> 00:43:44,720
problem. I have a little house I bought for a rental house and I went by there yesterday after

00:43:44,720 --> 00:43:50,080
I got back and I'm like, Oh man, the grass needs to be mowed, but instead, I mean, because they

00:43:50,080 --> 00:43:55,600
haven't had any rain and there's no sprinkler system there. And I'm like, I don't have time to come

00:43:56,160 --> 00:44:03,200
and water because there's no rain in on the 10 day thing period, no rain. So I'm like, Oh Jesus help.

00:44:03,760 --> 00:44:07,760
And so I'm like, who can I get to, you know, do this spring? There's no, you know, the whole bit.

00:44:07,760 --> 00:44:14,640
Okay. So I go out to get in the car. I'm like, what is, what is that? I look at my arm and I'm like,

00:44:15,280 --> 00:44:23,280
there's, there's drops. And then on the way home, massive thunderstorm, no cloud in the sky,

00:44:23,280 --> 00:44:30,560
not on the thing, probably an inch of rain in less than 30 minutes. I mean, God open up the

00:44:30,560 --> 00:44:36,560
windows I've had it, boom, da, da, da, da, da. And I'm like, God help me. Well, I'm like, I'm thinking

00:44:36,560 --> 00:44:40,640
God help me, help me find somebody to help me water the yard. Well, he helped me even better than

00:44:40,640 --> 00:44:48,400
the room. Now I can get it mowed in this whole nice green again today. But see, you can ask him for

00:44:48,400 --> 00:44:54,560
anything. God, I need rain. You know, we were moving some stuff out of the house. And I'm like,

00:44:55,120 --> 00:45:01,520
I love the rain, but please have a stop between one and three. It did. See, we can ask him for

00:45:01,520 --> 00:45:07,440
anything and he'll do it. Amen. So Father, right now in images, we just thank you that your word

00:45:07,440 --> 00:45:12,880
has confirmed that we can lay hands on the sixth and recover. We have all authority that you have

00:45:12,880 --> 00:45:17,840
given us. And Father, right now, I thank you that you're going to heal those that are watching,

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touch their hearts, heal their hearts. And Father, we just thank you for healing family situations,

00:45:23,440 --> 00:45:28,400
a blessing them financially, getting the revelation of Philippians 419 that you're

00:45:28,400 --> 00:45:34,880
going to meet their needs not according to them, but according to you and who you are. So Father,

00:45:34,880 --> 00:45:40,560
right now I just thank you for supernatural provision in Jesus name. Father, we just thank

00:45:40,560 --> 00:45:45,120
you for turning things around in their life where relationships are concerned, no matter

00:45:45,120 --> 00:45:52,800
if it's husband, wife, children, parents, whatever, touch them. Father, give them greater determination

00:45:52,800 --> 00:45:59,680
to just not quit in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah.

00:46:00,640 --> 00:46:05,440
Well, thank you for tuning in. In our show notes at, you can find scriptures and

00:46:05,440 --> 00:46:10,640
all the links to Joan's website that we talked about. Don't forget to sign up for emails and get

00:46:10,640 --> 00:46:17,040
a free six-week devotional on Women of the Bible, or you can purchase a 12-week Her God Story devotional

00:46:17,040 --> 00:46:22,400
for just $12 knowing that all the proceeds will go to our Witte One Orphan Fund. And if you enjoyed

00:46:22,400 --> 00:46:27,520
this episode, consider starting a Her God Story podcast club. You can find more information at

00:46:27,520 --> 00:46:33,280 We'd love to pray with you on our 24-7 prayer and text line, so give us a call

00:46:33,280 --> 00:46:40,880
anytime at 855-459-CARE or email us at And now, dear friends, I bless

00:46:40,880 --> 00:46:49,120
you from Acts 4 verses 29 and 30. May God give you His servant great boldness in sharing His Word.

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May God stretch His hand with healing power for you and through you. May miraculous signs and

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wonders be done through the name of His holy servant Jesus. Her God Story is a ministry of

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Somebody Cares America and International. To find out more about or support the ministry,

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go to