Trust God’s Purpose For Your Life, Ellie Anderson’s Story

Life rarely goes as planned. How do we handle shattered dreams and unfulfilled expectations? How do we face each new season of life without fear? Ellie Anderson's life took a different direction than she had dreamed. Along her journey, she learned to trust God when things didn't go the way she thought they would, when the path ahead seemed uncertain; even when experiencing great loss. She discovered following His plan brought peace in her marriage, her children’s lives, and into her life, too! As she trusted God, she discovered her life was fuller, more exciting, and richer than she could have imagined. Join Ellie and host Jodie Chiricosta as they share how surrendering our expectations helps us find comfort and identity in God’s plan. You’ll be encouraged to follow His gentle leading and find purpose in every season of life!
Our Guest: Ellie Anderson
Ellie Anderson received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of
Iowa Nursing School. She worked as a postpartum/newborn nursery nurse in Iowa and then Virginia for about 8 years. Ellie laid down nursing to devote herself to supporting her husband, raising her children, and serving in the church.
She began homeschooling her children in 1992. This continued until her youngest graduated in 2019, 27 years later! In addition, Ellie served as a substitute teacher at a Christian school in Suffolk, VA, and worked in various roles for Classical Conversations, a Classical Christian homeschool organization.
Ellie’s passions include learning and growing in the Lord, as well as encouraging
and teaching young mothers. God provided opportunities for her to do this, serving alongside others in groups including Nurturing a Mother’s Heart, Inspired Moms, and MOPS.
In 2021, Ellie made another transition, melding her experience as mother/baby
nurse and ministry to young mothers, as she became a Patient Advocate for the
Crisis Pregnancy Center. And in this role, she meets with women of all ages facing, most often, an unplanned pregnancy and helps them to make a choice for life.
Ellie and Bruce, her husband of 38 years, reside in Virginia. They have four
children and six grandchildren.
Key Thoughts and Scriptures:
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:13-18 NIV Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed.
- God uses all of our personal circumstances to prepare us in different ways.
Deuteronomy 6:7 NKJV You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
- Homeschooling is not just a way to educate our children, but to disciple them and have an incredible relationship with them.
- All of the information of the world points to who God is and His order and His beauty.
- When Ellie’s life didn’t meet her expectations, she had to surrender her expectations, her plans, and her perfect picture.
1 Samuel 1 NIV Hannah’s story
- Samuel means “asked of God” or “heard of God”.
- “God was present in my grief and he taught me a lot through that grief. And I had to decide what I was going to focus on. Was I going to focus on my loss or was I going to trust God?”
God is at work in everything.
2 Corinthians 1:4 CSB He comforts us in all our afflictions, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
- We can trust God, even in loss.
- God uses every experience of our life, every season of our life to mold us, shape us, and teach us.
- In Psalms, David preaches to himself the truth of who God is and God's faithfulness.
- Being a mom is very dynamic. It's always changing. There are always new seasons, new hurdles to jump over and things to figure out.
Titus 2:3-5 ESV Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.
- Therefore, we need to live in such a way that others will look and see and want to know that Jesus that you rely on every day.
- We're passing the inheritance of our relationship with God onto our children.
CCAE for Ellie
- First C - I'm a creation of God.
- Second C - I’m a Christian.
- A - I’m an Anderson.
- E - I’m Ellie.
- Ellie encountered one of those times in your life where you see that God was taking care of you all along.
- You don't have to feel like you need to figure life out ahead of time.
- God is directing you and has it all planned out.
- His purpose in salvation is to free us of that independence. We need to be dependent on Him.
2 Corinthians 1:9 NKJV Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead
- Marriage is not about loss. It is about gain. We have to rely on God as he makes us one.
- In our growing in God, He is going to form in us and accomplish His desires. And we will be far more fulfilled than if we did things our own way and in our own strength.
- Happiness has to do with our circumstances. But joy has to do with eternal things.
- Our relationship with Christ gives us meaning and hope in everything else that we have in life.
Hannah and Ruth’s stories
1 Samuel 1 NKJV Hannah’s story
- Hannah cried out to the Lord for a child.
Ruth NIV Ruth’s story
- She had everything against her. But even in her heartbroken life, she chose to take a hard and difficult road.
- God had an amazing plan for her.
Psalm 143:8 NIV Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.
Psalm 20:7-8 KJV Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.
Psalm 20:7-8 NIV Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.
Proverbs 19:21 NLT You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.
- As we make our plans and dreams, if we hold them loosely and allow God to shift and change them, we'll see how loving and good God is and that He has our best in mind.
- His plans for us are better than our plans for us.
James 1:27 NLT Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
Psalm 125:1 NIV Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
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Want to help Widows and Orphans? Join our growing company of women meeting special needs of parentless children and nurturing their unique gifts so they can be ALL God has in mind for them! And help meet real needs of women who have given a lifetime of service to God! Support the Somebody Cares Widows and Orphan fund today!
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Welcome friends. You are listening to the Her God Story podcast where you will always hear
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a good story to encourage and inspire you in your walk with the Lord. I am so glad you tuned in.
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I'm your host, Jodie Chiricosta, ministry leader at Somebody Cares America and international author
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and traveler on this journey with Jesus. Would you take a moment and review this podcast on
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It will help others find our show so they can be encouraged in their faith too. And have you gotten
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your free six-week devotional on Women of the Bible yet? If not, just go to
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where you can get a free download. God will use it to minister to you in so many ways.
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So that's for your free devotional. When you were young, did you have dreams of what
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your life would be like? I sure did. But my life did not go exactly as I hoped. Even though I have
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experienced some disappointment and heartache along the way, even though my earthly expectations
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were not met in every area, God has taken me and made my life fuller, more exciting, and richer than
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I could ever have imagined. Proverbs 3, 5, and 6 in the New International Version tells us,
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trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways,
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submit to him and he will make your path straight. Then further down in verses 13 through 18,
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we are assured, blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding. For she is more
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profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She's more precious than rubies.
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Nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life are in her right hand, in her left hand are
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riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to
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those who take hold of her. Those who hold her fast will be blessed. When we trust in the Lord
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and submit our ways to him, that is an example of fearing the Lord, holding him in awe, which is the
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beginning of wisdom. And when we find wisdom and hold fast, God makes our paths straight. He gives
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us peace and we are blessed. My guest, Ellie Anderson, has learned this. She has had to trust
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God when life did not go as she expected, when she's experienced heartbreak, when the way ahead
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looked uncertain, and she's found Proverbs 3 to be true. Ellie now serves as a patient advocate for
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the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Hampton Roads, but has also served as a nurse, a pastor's wife,
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and a homeschooling mom. Ellie and her husband Bruce have four adult children and six grandchildren.
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As you listen to Ellie, you will learn how to trust God with your life and your family. Welcome, Ellie.
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Thank you, Jodie. It's great to be here. Ellie, you grew up in small town Iowa. Tell us a little
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about yourself and what life was like and how you met Jesus. I just want to go back to what you said
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earlier though, just about the wisdom of God, yielding a better return than gold. It is just
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so true and I hope as I share my life with all of you, you'll see that, you know, my life yielded a
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ton of stuff I never expected, but it was truly better than I expected. So, yeah, I grew up in a very
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small town in Iowa, 5,000 people. You know, my mom was a stay-at-home mom. My dad was the publisher of
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the newspaper in that small town. I was the youngest of four girls. It was a nominally Christian home.
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I would say we went to the Methodist church, but often we were dropped off for Sunday school, so
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we didn't read the Bible together in our home. The only time we prayed for our meals was on Sunday.
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My dad would say the same prayer every Sunday, but he did pray and I appreciate that because that
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did impact me. You know, my picture of life was very simple. You know, thankfully, you know, my oldest
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sister was 10 years older than me and she shared Jesus with me when I was 12, so that's when I came
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to know the Lord, felt the weight of my sin lift, and for many years, you know, she was my spiritual
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mother and guided me so much to be thankful for. But yeah, I didn't have a lot of large ambitions,
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even as I got into high school, but you know, I believe God uses all of our personal circumstances
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to prepare us. You know, as a young believer, you were young both physically and spiritually, right?
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How did you grow in your understanding of God and in your faith? Where did you turn
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to learn about God after you felt the weight of your sins rolled off of you?
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First of all, my sister Stephanie, who led me to the Lord, she was amazing. She would write me
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letters about Jesus. She bought me my very first Bible, but she was in Dallas, Texas, and I was
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in Iowa, and so, you know, we didn't have a lot of, you know, time together.
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So, you know, in high school, I got involved in a young Christian group, had some awesome Christian
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leaders that really showed what being a Christian truly meant. I was part of a small group in high
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school called Campus Life. I got involved in a small Bible study with a precious woman named
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Charmaine, who, you know, attempted to disciple me and a few of my friends. We called it our Lug
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Group, which stood for Living Under God. I'm so thankful as I look back at that. My sister Sarah,
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who was just two years older than me, we were kind of walking this early walk with Christ together,
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and so that was sweet to have Sarah there. So, you know, we attended church together,
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sought out a good Bible-believing church in college, and so that's kind of how we, you know,
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started to grow closer to the Lord. Yeah, so in college, you actually pursued nursing,
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and life was proceeding pretty much as you planned when you met your future husband. Sure about that,
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and how that was the beginning of really learning how to trust God. So, I really didn't know what a
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truly submitted Christian marriage looked like until I began to meet some married couples in
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my campus church. Yeah, I was in nursing school. My mom was a nurse. My grandmother was a nurse. I
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always wanted to be a nurse from the time I was a little girl, and they bought me the dress-up
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nursing outfit, you know, that I have my picture taken of, you know, when I was probably eight or
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ten years old. So, I pursued that, but as soon as I got to college, got in a Bible-believing church,
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I met my husband my sophomore year. We actually attended the same church one day. He had been
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invited by a friend, and we ended up all having lunch together. There were all kinds of funny,
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interesting connections that I won't go into in that whole thing, but it was pretty neat to look
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back on. But we started dating, and eventually, I particularly felt convicted that I just wasn't
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sure that Bruce was to be my husband, and I had been encouraged to be patient, to wait,
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to not spend a lot of time dating all kinds of people, you know, trying to figure that out.
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And so, we broke up for a time, and you know, we were encouraged in our church to just pray for our
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future spouse. And so, I did that, you know, but I could not get Bruce off my mind for the next year.
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He had so particular, even in just those early few months of dating,
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he actually had newly recommitted his life to the Lord when I met him,
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but he was passionate, and I was so impressed with his wisdom and his strong conviction.
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And, you know, I just began to, you know, desire a truly godly man to walk beside in marriage.
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And just again, this was not my experience as a child, this, my dad,
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was not a spiritual leader in our home. He was a wonderful dad, and I want to honor him today,
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because he, I believe he was influenced by the word of God, even though he didn't totally know it.
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There was a lot of Judeo-Christian tradition that came, you know, down through generations at that
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time that definitely were part of our family and our growing up. So I'm grateful for that. But
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anyway, I began to pray and of course, eventually, I went and just talked to my pastor's wife and
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told her, you know what, I'm just praying about my husband and I just can't get Bruce off my mind.
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So I'm just submitting that to you and just asking you to pray with me. And so, you know,
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and just asking you to pray with me. And she did, and it was interesting about the exact same time
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Bruce had gone to talk to her husband, our pastor, and shared basically the same thing with him. He
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had been praying for his future wife and was thinking of me. So eventually he proposed,
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and we actually got married while we were still in school, which is crazy. May 24th, 1986, so we're
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about to celebrate our 38th anniversary. Congratulations. That's amazing. Thank you.
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So you didn't know each other real well when you got married because you hadn't dated all that long
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and you were in college. So, you know, how did you get to know one another? But after college,
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you went into nursing and Bruce went into campus ministry. But then he started having a desire
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to go for future seminary. And you talked about it, decided you would trust the Lord,
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and you packed up and moved to Virginia, which was a little out of your comfort zone, I think, right?
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Absolutely out of my comfort zone. I always say Bruce is the risk taker and I am the
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stay in my safe box Iowa girl. So, you know, little did I know God was going to stretch me and
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shape me through much often through my husband and what he brought to me through him. So, yeah,
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I was a little shocked when he said he wanted to move to Virginia clear across the United States.
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But, you know, I just again, I trusted his wisdom. I trusted his gifts. Actually, to tell you the
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truth, though, our parents were a bit shocked. Both our parents' families were in Iowa, though
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they were a bit shocked. I think they felt like, okay, this is more legitimate, you know,
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because Bruce was in campus ministry. He did have some training, but it wasn't a degree.
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You know, they supported us. Yeah. So it was a stretch for you moving out of your comfort zone.
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But what did God have in store for you in Virginia? So much. Yeah, we landed here. Neither one of us
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had a job when we got here. We already had two small children when we arrived. We took this
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gigantic U-Haul, pulling our one little car behind it. The four of us, because we had a three-year-old
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daughter and a one-year-old son, almost three, almost one, drove, you know, from the middle of
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the country to the East Coast. It was like the biggest adventure I'd ever taken in.
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And, you know, Hampton Roads, we were moving actually to Chesapeake because he was going to
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go to Regent University in Virginia Beach. But our apartment that we had found was in Chesapeake.
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But, you know, it's a big area, a lot of highways, very different than a college town. We had been
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living in Iowa City where we both went to college. I got a job right after I got out of college.
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I got a job right away at Maryview Hospital at the time I was a postpartum nurse. I worked three to
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11 shift. Bruce worked at Regent in admissions. He worked during the day, so we were just tag
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teaming it with the kids. We didn't really have to have, only once did we have to actually get a
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babysitter for the kids when he had a night class. Yeah, the Lord was with us, but it was definitely
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new. How did you connect when you got there with others? Certainly at a university, you can find
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connections, but for you who weren't a student, where did you find that group and how did God
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connect you and how did you grow in that time when Bruce was immersed, of course, in seminary
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training, but what was God doing in you and how did he do it? Well, you know, it's funny. We were
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part of a non-denominational church in Iowa and before we moved out here, Bruce, you know, got a
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list probably from Regent of all the churches in the area and he was focusing in on this large
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church, Kempsville Presbyterian Church. I was like, seriously, Presbyterian? He goes, yeah,
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because I just really think this is a good church. We did visit a couple of churches. I think we only
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visited three, but as soon as we landed in KPC, actually there was a missionary family, a couple
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up there sharing that week and they truly impressed us and we just knew we were home
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and so we got very, we just, you know, joined Kempsville Presbyterian Church. It was a large
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church. There were a lot of young families, a lot of young homeschooling families, although, you
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know, I hadn't started that journey yet, but I just was meeting a lot of other women, older women
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who had walked a little bit further along the road than I had and they mentored me and it was just a
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wonderful place to connect and we did connect. I got involved in a group called MOPS, which stood
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for Mothers of Preschoolers, and that was a really incredible place for me to connect with other young
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mothers, meet other young mothers, and so it was just a gradual process. Of course, it's never easy
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to make friends, but I felt like it happened pretty naturally and quickly and so I really felt God's
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grace. Once you started feeling safe again, comfortable and at home, God asked you to take
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another big step of faith when you and Bruce decided to actually homeschool your kids. Now,
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you were around some moms who were homeschooling, but that was outside your comfort zone. Tell us
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about that and tell us how you all intentionally taught your children biblical principles throughout
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the day because you started homeschooling before there was a huge wave of homeschoolers. It was
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growing certainly, but it was in still early days. It was early days. It was 1992. Mary, our oldest,
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was five and she was definitely ready. She was colored out. She was done with coloring books and
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I mean she still loved to color. She was very artistic, but she was definitely wanting more.
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Bruce actually had started talking about homeschooling when she was a baby and I was
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pretty freaked out by it because I was like, I'm a nurse. I'm not a teacher,
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but thankfully he was patient with me and just kept sowing the seeds and giving me the vision.
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Eventually, thankfully by that time, there were several curriculums available that you could order
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and so being brand new at it, I really wanted something to follow. We actually purchased a
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curriculum called Covenant Home Curriculum. It was a great stepping stone for me and it didn't take
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long for me to just begin to love it. Truly, I can say after homeschooling for many, many years,
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at all levels, teaching my kids to read was probably the greatest delight of that homeschooling
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journey. You have this picture of what it's supposed to look like and it's, you know,
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you're in the nitty-gritty of homeschooling. It's like, you know, things don't land perfectly all
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the time, but it's a goal. You know, there's a goal out there and you just walk it little by little
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and you learn little by little. Bruce would always, you know, he would, in the very beginning,
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he was sharing Deuteronomy 6 with me and the verse about, you know, you shall teach your children
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diligently. You shall talk about the scriptures, you know, when you're with your children,
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when you sit in your house and when you walk along the way and when you lie down and when you rise
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up. And I just began to have such a thrill and a desire for that. And I began to understand
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why homeschooling could be just not just a way to educate our children, but just to disciple them
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and to have an incredible relationship with our children. So just, you know, subjects, you know,
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I had a decent schooling, I would say, but not stellar. You know, I feel like I came out of
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school with a lot of gaps, but subjects began to take on a whole new delight from home.
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As I was teaching them to my kids, I was relearning everything and it was so exciting for me.
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And I began to just see God's purpose in history and in math and in the order of language
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and all of these things. And we talked about the Lord in every subject. And so, you know, and how,
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you know, all of the information of the world, you know, that it points to who God is and his order
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and his beauty. So it was really such a special gift to me that when Bruce first announced it,
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I had a lot of skepticism about. So that was, yeah, that was, you know, I guess, aside from
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moving across the country, that was one of the early big challenges for me to come alongside
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with Bruce's vision. And you ended up actually homeschooling for 27 years and all. So that's
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amazing for someone who was very hesitant to step into it to really have a career as a teacher.
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Yes, yes, yes. Very unexpected. When Bruce graduated from seminary, you and he was ordained
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and he was ordained, you were really expecting to move back to Iowa. But God had other plans
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didn't he share about where he took you? He had hoped to go back to Iowa. Of course,
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we told our parents we're coming back. But you know, God just didn't open that door.
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And Bruce had been filling the pulpit a couple times down in a church in North Carolina,
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in the mountains, very rural mountain country people, very, I would say it was our first
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cross cultural experience, so to speak. Really God even preparing us for future missions and
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things like that. But yeah, doors weren't opening in Iowa. And they wanted, they wanted Bruce to
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come and be their pastor. And we had fallen in love with them, just the few times that we had
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visited. And it just felt right. We're like, we were pinching ourselves, you know, saying,
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are we actually doing this? Are we actually moving to the mountains of North Carolina?
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We just felt drawn. It was again, exciting and crazy and unknown to us. It turned out to be a
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very incredible, beautiful experience. So eventually, God did lead you back to Virginia
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to serve actually at the same church you had attended when Bruce was in school.
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And at the same time, you were, your family was growing, you know, you wanted to fulfill your
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dream family of four kids. But things didn't really go as planned. Share about that season and the
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disappointments, the heartache and how you got through it. Yeah, so actually this started when
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we were still in North Carolina. My mom had had two girls and then she had like a six year gap and
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then had a couple more. And I always loved, you know, that aspect of our family. And so that was
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kind of always my dream to kind of do it like mom did, but not have quite the big gap. But anyway,
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so we wanted to have more children. We still only had the two. And eventually I got pregnant.
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Actually, it was much later because we'd been on some mission trips and had to take medicine and
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different things that, you know, made us wait. But, you know, eventually I had our third child
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in while we were still in North Carolina. So Daniel, our third was seven years younger than his
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older brother, David. So they were seven and nine when Daniel was born. And so again, you know,
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I thought two years apart was perfect. Mary and David were exactly two years apart. That's what
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I wanted to do with my next two because I just wanted them to be friends. I wanted them to have
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each other. I didn't want them to be too far apart. You know, you come up with all these
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perfect scenarios sometimes. And so, you know, we wanted another child. I got pregnant while we were
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still in North Carolina. His baby was going to be due exactly two years after Daniel, but I lost that
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baby pretty early on. So I was like, okay, Lord, you know, I just trust you. So I was like, okay,
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Lord, you know, I just trust you. So eventually I got pregnant again. I guess there was going to be
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maybe three years between them and I lost that baby. Pregnant a third time. By this time we had
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been asked to come to Virginia and Bruce had accepted a position to pastor there. We drove
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here to look for a home. And while we were in the hotel, I miscarried a third time. And I was
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heartbroken and confused, very confused. Even being a nurse, I seriously just did not have a clue of
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what was going on. I was so, just very upset and bewildered. You know, why did I have three,
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you know, successful pregnancies? Why is this happening to me now? I never actually thought
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about the fact that I was quite a bit older, which I should have thought about. So we came to KPC.
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They just welcomed us so lovingly. And it was wonderful to be back in a church that we had
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had history with, had been a part of and already had some good friends there. You know, I had to
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surrender my expectations, Jody, my plans, my perfect picture. You know, part of the processing
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of the grief, we did it in a lot of different ways, but we planted a perennial flower bush,
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sometimes a rose bush, sometimes it wasn't always rose bushes. But every time we lost a baby, we
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would plant a beautiful plant. And, you know, I truly believe that I would see my those children
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someday. And I don't know how that works in God's economy. I'm trusting him. But, you know,
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before we got married, Bruce and I had picked out seven names for our children, you know, which
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just sounds crazy to think about, you know, we did event, you know, actually have seven pregnancies
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in the end, eventually I did get pregnant again. And God gave us Samuel. And he is such a gift. And
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he's named Samuel because like Hannah, I cried out to God and prayed for him. And, and that's
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what Samuel means asked of God or heard of God. And so, but you know, God was present in my grief.
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And he taught me a lot through that grief. And I had to decide, you know, what I was going to focus
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on, was I going to focus on my loss? Or was I going to trust God and believe that through loss,
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you know, I could have gain, you know, by just believing him, it definitely took faith to hope
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for another child. And I just believe God, God gave me that faith. I know that's not everybody's
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story. I know there's many women out there, you know, that that's where their story ended. And so
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I definitely just acknowledge that that pain for sure. I just believe that God is at work in
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everything. That's where I had to land, you know, in that grief and in that loss. And, you know,
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I think the other beautiful part about it is that I was able to minister because I had that
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experience. I was able to minister to other young women going through that. I really hadn't
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I really hadn't met a lot of women or at least women hadn't shared with me that they've had in
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this parish. I hadn't until I was in it personally, I really didn't have a lot of
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knowledge or experience of it personally with other, even with friends or anything.
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But, you know, I love that verse in 2 Corinthians where it talks about how,
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you know, blessed be God who comforts us in our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those
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who are in affliction with the comfort that we ourselves receive from God. And that is so true.
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I'm just thankful. I have learned over the years, be thankful for whatever God brings me.
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He doesn't waste anything, you know, not even loss, you know. We can always trust him.
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Yeah, and you talked about how the Lord started opening doors for you to minister to other women
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who were experiencing the grief of miscarriage. And he was opening other doors for you, other
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opportunities for you to minister to moms, not just women who suffered miscarriage, but also moms.
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And you were able to draw on your experiences as a nurse, as a mom yourself, as, you know, in
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homeschooling. How did you see God working through you in that way as you were, you know, integrating
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into this, back into this church and kind of taking on a new role there? Yeah, so, you know, it's just,
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I think God uses every experience of our life, every season of our life to mold us, shape us,
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teach us. And, you know, being a nurse was a wonderful vocation and it taught me so much,
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and in many ways it prepared me for motherhood. But, you know, when I became a mother, I really
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began to see that as my forever job. And I really wanted to embrace it, embrace it as a mother.
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And I really wanted to embrace it to its fullest. And just, you know, as I experienced different
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things and learned, you know, fell on my face and had to pick myself back up, had to cry out to God,
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had to read his word. I love how David preaches to himself in the Psalms, you know, when he's
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grieving, but then he preaches to himself the truth of who God is and God's faithfulness.
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And really that's, I think, you know, there's so many experiences in a mom. Being a mom is very
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dynamic. It's always changing, you know, there are always new seasons, new, you know, hurdles to jump
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over and things to figure out. And so, you know, by God's grace, you know, I walked through that,
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not without, you know, tripping over the hurdle for sure and skinning my knees. I definitely,
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you know, had scars. But as I went through and just continued to grow, I got involved in some
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young mothers groups. The first one was called Nurturing a Mother's Heart, led by our pastor's
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wife Helen Atwood. But it was such a large group that she needed small group leaders.
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And so I was one of six or eight of those small group leaders. And so we had a small, smaller
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group of maybe six women that we sort of, you know, got to love and mentor and just be there to
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process life with. So that was an opportunity after Helen left our church, me and a couple other
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women, Donna Gorman and Kelly Florence, started a similar group, but we called it Inspired Moms.
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And so again, the whole purpose was to encourage young mothers, wives, women,
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as their walk in all of those roles, and just give, you know, help them to cling to Jesus and
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the hope of God's word and the truth of God's word. So yeah, you know, and part of that was just,
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you know, not just motherhood, but marriage, you know. I think the longer I was married,
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the greater I understood God's design for marriage and the needs of my husband, which I had often
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misunderstood. You know, I didn't grow up with any brothers. Seriously, when I got married, I thought
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Bruce would think just like I did. And when he didn't, I just did not understand. So,
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you know, God opened lots of doors to just share my failings and, you know, my new understanding
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that the Lord had given me and the, you know, the fruit of the Spirit that he was bringing into my
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life through the things that I didn't always understand or didn't feel comfortable for me.
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And in your, in your and Bruce's marriage, and you're learning about the way men think and
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the relationship between husband and wife and parents and children. One of the ways God used
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that to teach you was through family retreats that you started having. And the goal of it was
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really intentionally to guide your, to guide your children in their faith. But God was using that
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in your life as well to reveal some deep-seated fears that you had to deal with. Explain a little
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bit about what those retreats were even like and, and what God was working at you. Just in line with
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that, what God was teaching me about marriage and, and, and mothering and all of those things. Just
00:34:13,440 --> 00:34:20,560
that Titus two verse has always been, especially as I got into ministry with young mothers, just
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that, you know, the older women are to be reverent and behavior, not slanders or slaves too much wine
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they are to teach what is good. And so training young women to love their husbands and children,
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to be self-controlled. If you're working at home, kind and submissive to their husbands. And then
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this is the kicker, which is the end of that verse. So that the word of God may not be reviled.
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And, you know, that's what it's all about. You know, why do we, why do we love our husbands?
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Why do we want to serve them? Why do we want to come alongside them and support them? Why do we
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want to teach our children and train them in the Lord, you know, so that the word of God may not
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be reviled. So that others will look and see and want to know that Jesus that you rely on every day.
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So that's just really, you know, dear, dear to my heart and my experience.
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Well, Elias, you look back over your journey. What is a key principle or key truth that you want to
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share with others that could help them as they're struggling through the challenges that face us
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every day? You know, Bruce is a, always has been a movershaker kind of guy. He early in, well,
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I think this was when we were in North Carolina, he went to a conference called the inheritance of
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the heart. And he was just so impressed with the teaching there. And, you know, what he was learning
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was just that, you know, we're passing the inheritance of our relationship with God onto
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our children, that we want to share that heart love, that heart, just desire with our children.
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And so when he came home from that conference, he decided that we were going to start having family
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retreats, yearly family retreats to intentionally, you know, guide our children. And so, you know,
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we, he would plan it all out. He would, he would make a notebook. He would, you know, make it just
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like a conference. You know, everybody had their own notebook. You know, we had an agenda with even
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the fun things. Okay. Now we get to go play putt-putt golf or whatever it was, you know, that he would,
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but we would definitely have times of just talking about the Lord, praying together,
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reading God's word. But, you know, he, he started out with teaching us about our identity.
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And so it was really beautiful. So he had sort of a lettering, knowing plater for each of us. So for
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me, it was CCAE. So the first C, standing for I'm a creation of God. So he, we focused on that,
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just the fact that we are creations of God. Then the second C was I'm a Christian. You know, that
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was a decision that, obviously not without the guidance of the Holy spirit, but that, you know,
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we, we gave our lives to Christ and became Christians. And then third one, the A was I'm
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an Anderson. That's part of my identity, even though I married into that name, you know, by,
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by God's divine purpose, I became Ellen Anderson instead of Ellen Strasburg. So that's, that became
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part of my identity. And then the last one was the E and that's I'm Ellie, you know, who did God
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really, you know, what did God instill in Ellie, particularly, you know, he did this with each of us,
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each of the kids had, we made t-shirts with CCAE CCAM. So it was really sweet time, but we also
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developed a family mission statement, personal mission statements, we created a family coat of
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arms together. And in our family coat of arms, I don't know if any of you familiar with coats of
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arms, but often there's a hand coming out of the top of the helmet. And our hand was holding four
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arrows, which stood for our four children. Actually, our, our first family retreat was before
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Sam was born. So I had three arrows, but we, you know, we had to add an arrow. So the challenging
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thing for me in the beginning, I think, I think overall, the challenging thing was, you know,
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just that we went on these retreats every year, and they were a little overwhelming to me. We
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always went in December, early December, which was an over, I was always like, why do we have to go
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right before Christmas when I'm just trying to do all these, get ready for Christmas, you know,
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I'm just thinking practically, not spiritually. And the Lord really just had to humble me and teach
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me and, you know, teach me to submit and ultimately to be so thankful for a husband and a father that
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would lead us in this. The other part of the struggle was some of the things that Bruce would
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have us do. And often he, in the very beginning, he was having us, even the children look out at
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our lives years down the road. And, you know, we had to even write out like what we wanted people
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to say about us after we had passed away. He wanted me to picture what was I going to be doing
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in 25 years. And seriously, Jodi, that was very intimidating to me because I was an all in it mom.
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This was my dream. This was my, you know, I was, I won't say it was my life because God was my life,
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but, you know, God had given me the gift of motherhood and I was pouring a lot into it.
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And it was of course a huge part of my everyday existence. And even more so as a homeschooling
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mother, because it wasn't like they went away for the day. You know, we were together all the time.
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So, you know, he challenged me to think about that, to think what would I be doing,
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you know, when my kids were grown. And I seriously, it was terrifying to me to think about that because
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I had laid down nursing. I was full on in homeschooling. The thought of having to go
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back into nursing was a little scary to me because things in the medical world change,
00:41:01,760 --> 00:41:09,440
you know, frequently. And, you know, it's exponential, you know, if you look at the
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medical world, you know, even someone that's not in that can see how much it's, you know,
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how quickly it advances. So, you know, just there was fear of maybe having to go back into that world
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after, you know, potentially being out for 20 some years. I just, I could not picture what
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fruitful anything I could be doing after my kids were grown and out of the house.
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So, yeah, that was a challenge for me. And it was something I definitely had to pray through.
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Our youngest finally, you know, went to college. He graduated in 2019. And actually, that was right
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on the cusp of COVID. So, actually ended up staying home and doing community college just here at home.
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But in his latter high school years, I started branching out a little bit. We were involved in
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a homeschooling, a classical homeschooling organization called Classical Conversations.
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So, I started being a tutor within that. And then at one point, I became a support representative
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for that where I oversaw different communities. So, I did a few things within that organization
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that paid very little, but paid a little. I also started
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aiding and substitute teaching a little bit here and there at a Christian school out here in Suffolk,
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called Suffolk Christian Academy, which was, you know, a great experience. And I loved the people
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that I worked with there. So, I was doing a few things, you know, while Samuel finished high school.
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But once he was truly done and actually getting ready to go off to Virginia Tech, I was no longer
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working for Classical Conversations. I was still substitute teaching. It was wonderful being in a
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Christian school, but it's just a different experience than homeschooling your kids.
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And you don't feel like as a substitute teacher that you can make much of an impact. So, I just
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wasn't feeling like that was my future. And so, I was praying about, you know, nursing and different
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things. It was interesting. I was just checking my email. I saw an email from the Crisis Pregnancy
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Center that said they were hiring. And, you know, we had always known about the Crisis Pregnancy
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Center. Our churches had already supported it. We had supported it by doing the, you know, the fill
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the baby bottle drives and the baby showers and different things like that. But I truly did not
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know what they did in the background other than supporting young people. And so, I was
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young, you know, mothers that maybe didn't have a lot of resources. So, but I saw this email that
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they were hiring and it just caught my attention. And so, I pulled up the email, started looking at
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it, and I was reading a job description for a patient advocate. I was just kind of taken aback
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by it because I actually was, you know, reading the job description and it was saying, you know,
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do you like to meet with women one-on-one, which is really what I was doing a lot in the mothers
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groups. I'm not really an upfront speaker. I did do that a couple times as a pastor's wife and I
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probably should have declined the invitation because it's definitely not my strength. But I
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do love one-on-one. You know, would you like to reinforce the humanity of the unborn
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child with patience? Would you like to show compassion and be able to share Jesus Christ
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with young women who are in a crisis pregnancy and counsel them toward a life-giving decision?
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And, you know, and then also thinking back to my, you know, my experience as a postpartum
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and newborn nursery nurse, it was just kind of all coming together as I was reading this job
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description. And I was just kind of very surprised, you know, because when I tried really hard, like
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when Bruce was asking me, what are you going to do 25 years later or 30 years later? I couldn't think
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of anything. And all of a sudden I'm reading this job description and I'm like, oh my goodness, Lord,
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could you have something like this for me? I was just so amazed and yet, you know, just
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hesitant. But I brought it to Bruce and I said, honey, will you please pray about this with me?
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Because I'm feeling really just drawn to this. And so we prayed and he said, yeah, yeah, I think
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you should, you know, apply. Let's see what happens. So I did apply and I actually got hired three
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years ago in, it'll be June 1st, will be my third year anniversary of my first day on the job.
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It was really one of those times in your life where you see that God was taking care of you all along
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and he had things figured out before you had to figure them out. Again, just solidifying
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my trust in our gracious father, such a gift to me. And I am still there after three years and
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still love it. Life as a wife and a mother is so dynamic. There's so much change and there is so
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much to learn. But, you know, it's such a wonderful journey. And I guess I just want to say, don't
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feel like you have to figure it out ahead of time. God is directing you. And the fear that I had
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about each season really was not worth it. You know, God had it planned all along. And I think
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a lot of women fear that if they, for instance, marry someone, and particularly maybe someone with
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a strong personality or a strong vision like my husband had, and if they let him lead, that they
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won't be fulfilled, that they'll lose their footing, lose their independence and feel worthless.
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You know, but God's purpose in salvation, first of all, is to free us of that independence.
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You know, that independence is really not of God. We need to be dependent on him. You know, we are
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dead in ourselves. So that's the first truth, you know. But marriage also, in marriage also,
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God is freeing us from independence. But I just want to say to you, young women, if you're in the
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early part of your marriage or you're not married yet, you know, marriage is not about loss. It is
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about gain. You know, we have to rely on God as he makes us one. And that's what he does in marriage.
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It's something spiritually happens on that altar. You know, this is as you make your vows to one
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another. It's incredible. It's spiritual. And, you know, we can't have too late leaders, or at least
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not too trying to lead in the exact same areas, I will say. And, you know, when we trust God's word
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and we trust the man that he's given us, we can know that God will in all of our serving, submitting,
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obeying, following, you know, following your husband halfway across the country,
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following your husband when he says you should homeschool, and all kinds of things, you know,
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and in all your growing in God, that he is going to form in us and accomplish in us his desires.
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And we will be far more fulfilled than if we did things our own way and in our own strength.
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And really, you know, isn't that what we want? Isn't, you know, what we want is for God to make
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us into what he planned all along. I could have never written out my life the way that it has
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transpired. Ahead of time, I could have never imagined the gifts and the joy and the fulfillment
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that I have now. I've done so many things, you know, married to Bruce, that I never would have
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initiated on my own, you know, moving across the country with two small children in my early 20s,
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you know, homeschooling my kids, buying houses, you know, that was terrifying to me, buying houses
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that were way more expensive than I thought we should be purchasing. Traveling, you know,
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I've traveled with Bruce to countries and places that are not really considered vacation destinations.
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I'll just say that. Once we close, Ellie, would you share about a woman in the Bible who's inspired
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or encouraged or taught you something? Yes, you know, well, I always think of Hannah
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because she cried out to the Lord for a child. And of course I did as well. But, you know, really,
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I think my favorite woman of the Bible is Ruth. Ruth had everything against her. But even in her
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heartbroken life, she chose to take a hard and difficult and even harder and more difficult road
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to follow Naomi to a country and a nation and a people that she did not know. She must have
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seen something in Naomi that spoke about Naomi's God to make her want to do that.
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And it's incredible when we think of how she left everything, everything that she knew and
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what she was most definitely probably comfortable with in her life, including her own family,
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her own family to choose to follow God. And of course, we know that God had an amazing plan for
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how she became one of the great grandmothers of Jesus. So I really do just love that story of Ruth.
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You know, if I can, I just want to share a final song, which I just love this song. And I guess it
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kind of summarizes hopefully what I shared today in sharing my life. And it's out of Psalm 143,
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verse 8, let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love for I put my trust in you.
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Show me the way I should go for to you I entrust my life. You know, listening to your story also
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brings me back to a Psalm, someone we used to sing actually out of the New King James Version,
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it's Psalm 20, verses seven and eight, the King James Version says, some trust in chariots and
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some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. We are brought down and fallen,
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but we are risen and stand upright. New International Version reads, some trust in
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chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought
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to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. You know, it's okay to have dreams and plans
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as we move forward in life. I did, Ellie did, it gets us moving, but we have to remember Proverbs
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19, 21 says, you can make many plans, but the Lord's purposes will prevail. So as we make our plans,
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as we make our dreams, if we hold them loosely and allow God to shift and change them, we'll see how
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loving and good God is and that he has our best in mind. We can trust him with our expectations
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when our expectations are not met or when our plans seem to fall apart, because his plans for us are
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better than our plans for us. He knows us better than we know ourselves because he created us.
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Ellie, would you take a moment, pray for our listeners? Father, we're so grateful
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that we can put our trust in you, God,
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that your unfailing love is always there for us and that our identity is in you and that
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your purposes are beyond our understanding, God, but we can trust you to bring them forth
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as we seek your face and as we put our hope in you alone, God, and in your word. So help us, God,
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help us to be obedient to what you teach us and to take those steps of faith, God, however you might
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be leading us, whether it's through an older mother, an older woman, our husbands, just our
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our pastor, Lord, or different circumstances in life, however you're leading us, Lord,
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we just pray that you will, I pray that you will give these women courage, Father, courage and faith
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and hope in you. You are our ultimate hope and our fulfillment and we thank you for that, Lord,
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in Jesus' name. If you have not heard, the Somebody Cares Widow and Orphan Fund was developed to help
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widows as well as unaccompanied children who have special needs. James 1-27 tells us that pure and
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undefiled religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their
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distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. You can do that in part by joining the growing
00:55:51,840 --> 00:55:58,800
number of others who give to our Widow and Orphan Fund. Together we can be a tangible expression of
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God's love to those with special needs like helping a young widow with two children relocate
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to a safer place after war broke out in her country or building an indoor bathroom facility for
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orphaned girls in Kenya. If you haven't joined us yet, would you consider giving a special gift to
00:56:16,720 --> 00:56:22,720
help? Just go to the website and click on the Widow and Orphan tab at the top of
00:56:22,720 --> 00:56:29,120
the page. And thank you for tuning in. Check out the show notes at for scriptures
00:56:29,120 --> 00:56:34,960
and other information we talked about. And remember to get your free six-week or devotional on Women
00:56:34,960 --> 00:56:41,200
of the Bible or purchase a 12-week devotional for just $12 knowing that all the proceeds go to
00:56:41,200 --> 00:56:48,000
support our Widow and Orphan Fund. We would also love to pray with you on our 24-7 prayer and text
00:56:48,000 --> 00:56:55,600
line. So give us a call or text anytime at 855-459-CARE or email us at prayer at
00:56:55,600 --> 00:57:04,960
And now dear friends, I leave you with a blessing adapted from Psalm 125 verse 1. Because you trust
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in the Lord, you are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. Her God Story is a
00:57:12,480 --> 00:57:17,760
ministry of Somebody Cares America and international. To find out more about or support the ministry,
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go to