Oct. 27, 2023

Don't become bitter! Stay in the present and engage with God! Hope for caregivers w/ Vicki Farina

Don't become bitter! Stay in the present and engage with God! Hope for caregivers w/ Vicki Farina
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Hope for Today with John Bates

Today's episode of Hope for Today offers profound insight into the embodiment of love, compassion, and selflessness. Caregivers are living examples of Jesus and my guest today is one of them! Vicki Farina has cared for four cancer patients in the last twenty years - her brother, mother, father, and husband. Vicki shares her powerful journey and some of the amazing things God has taught her along the way! -----------------------------------------John Bates Ministries Website: https://www.johnbatesministries.com Give to JBM: https://johnbatesministries.onlinegiving.org/donate/guest_donate?#!/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johncbates64 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnbatesministries/ Church: https://www.freedomonline.com Mentoring: https://www.johnbatesministries.com/mentoring My Books: Inner Hearing: https://a.co/d/19jsWOx Streams Are For Fun: https://a.co/d/9EdfLDM You Are What You Eat: https://a.co/d/5DLKy7B E-Courses: Recession Proof Finances: https://www.johnbatesministries.com/challenge-page/recessionprooffinances Fig Trees to Mountains: https://www.johnbatesministries.com/challenge-page/8b551e49-b6e9-4e21-b22c-b1c71eb7891f