Season 1

June 23, 2022

Hope for Today with Sam Farina

This week on Hope for Today I speak with Sam Farina about letting go of shame through the HOPE of Jesus! His insight and stories are powerful, this conversation will mark you as it did me.
June 16, 2022

Hope for Today with Ellie Gates

This week I speak with Ellie Gates to discuss HOPE for businesses and leaders as they pursue Kingdom values and divine wisdom. Ellie is a leader of leaders with an anointing to empower those around her as they pursue God's p…
June 14, 2022

Talk with John - Generational Inheritance

Proverbs 13:22 says "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous." What are you passing on to your children and your grandchildren? What model are y…
June 9, 2022

Hope for Today with Michelle Passey

This week, Michelle Passey and I talk about HOPE for online ministry. Her insights and experience provide a powerful perspective on using technology to reach the world!
June 7, 2022

Talk with John - Busyness

What does the Bible say about being busy? There is a big difference between being busy and striving. We need to be disciplined. Center yourself in Christ and walk in discipline. We must also learn to rest!
June 2, 2022

Hope for Today with Joyce Bogle

Joyce Madeline Backus Bogle is all about HOPE for seniors and has lots of WISDOM for young people. We have a fun, life filled, conversation that will inspire you to walk in obedience to God!
May 31, 2022

Talk with John - MONEY

Put God first. Heaven is a construction zone and gold is the gravel of heaven! Be generous in times of need. God's interest is better than any bank on earth! Money is a blessing from God, so don't love money love God.
May 26, 2022

Hope for Today with Kristene ODell

Kristene is the Founder of 8 Owls Publishing and has an inspiring story of HOPE and obedience in her walk with the Lord. She has a contagious spirit and impacts everyone around. This conversation will encourage you!
May 24, 2022

Talks with John - Success in Failure

Is it possible to fail and still succeed? YES. When you fail, move forward! You can fail and still succeed, you have to keep trying. You are destined for greatness so don't give up! You are called to succeed.
May 19, 2022

Hope for Today with Mandy Owen

On this episode of Hope for Today I interview my friend, Mandy Owen. We talk about holding onto HOPE through the ups and downs of life. She has an incredible story and I know you'll be inspired!
May 17, 2022

Talks with John - Welcome to the NEW

We are not going back to the way it was, we are living in a new era! Be innovative! God is in the new so instead of regretting the past, look forward to where God is taking you!
May 12, 2022

Hope for Today with David Torres

David Torres is on staff at King of Kings Worship Center in Basking Ridge, NJ. He has an inspiring story that will encourage and strengthen you! We discuss HOPE for your call and trusting God with our future.
May 10, 2022

Talks with John - the Unknown

Let's talk about fear of the unknown. When you look to him, he will give you peace. Regardless of what happens, everything will be okay! Just becuase you have never done something before does NOT mean you're not supposed to …
May 5, 2022

Hope for Today with Mark Estes

Mark and Patricia Estes are catalysts for city unity among churches and are great examples for leading five fold ministries on the seven mountains of societal influence. They have been the Senior Pastors of a multicultural …
May 3, 2022

Talks with John - Foundations

What are you standing on? Where is your foundation? When we walk through brokenness, it allows us to help others through their brokenness. Let's work on our foundation!
April 28, 2022

Hope for Today with Matt Sorger

Matt Sorger is a prophetic minister who carries a unique anointing that fills entire rooms with the tangible glory of God, with many saved, healed, set free and filled with God’s presence. Matt is a strong preacher and teach…
April 26, 2022

Talks with John - Fear

Our light come from Christ! When you don't know what is coming next and you are filled with fear, look to God and know He will answer you! Psalms 34:4-5 says "I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all m…