Feb. 9, 2024

What Does Jesus Say About Having a Childlike Faith?

What Does Jesus Say About Having a Childlike Faith?
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Hope for Today with John Bates

This week John has special guest Zach Davis! He is the new youth pastor at Freedom Church in Round Rock Texas. In today's episode, Zach shares his testimony and John reads from Mark chapter 10. In this passage Jesus teaches us that we all need to have faith like small children to enter into the kingdom of God. Share this with someone you think needs to hear it!


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My Books:

Inner Hearing: https://a.co/d/19jsWOx

Streams Are For Fun: https://a.co/d/9EdfLDM

You Are What You Eat: https://a.co/d/5DLKy7B


Recession Proof Finances: https://www.johnbatesministries.com/challenge-page/recessionprooffinances

Fig Trees to Mountains: https://www.johnbatesministries.com/challenge-page/8b551e49-b6e9-4e21-b22c-b1c71eb7891f