June 8, 2021

Backstage with Jonathan Cain, of the Hall of Fame band, Journey – Part 2 (35)

Backstage with Jonathan Cain, of the Hall of Fame band, Journey – Part 2 (35)
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The Influencers Podcast

Jonathan Cain member of the Hall of Fame rock n’ roll band Journey, rejoins the podcast to speak with Dave along with his wife, and guest co-host, Paula White-Cain, pastor and spiritual advisor to President Donald Trump. Jonathan talks about his influence as a rockstar and credits his father as his vision keeper, the person who kept him grounded and on track when discouragement set it with his career. He opens up about life on the road, the struggles, challenges, the sense of entitlement that can develop, and the price the group paid for success. Even though he was thriving as a musician and songwriter, he hungered for the connection with God that he felt he had lost. His story will encourage you to pause, reflect, and evaluate your own life, and the importance of being vigilant in protecting your relationship with God.