March 10, 2020

Barry Meguiar, President of Meguiar’s Inc., on the Great Commission (Ep. 9)

Barry Meguiar, President of Meguiar’s Inc., on the Great Commission (Ep. 9)
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The Influencers Podcast

Barry Meguiar, President of Meguiara’s Inc., a company of car care products, and a television host is passionate about Jesus and soul-winning. He joins guest host John Johnson, Assistant Superintendent to the Assemblies of God SoCal Network, to talk about the great commission. Barry shares the story of his family’s business legacy and when he became president how God showed him to love and reach out to others right where he was in the business world. Using his avid interest in cars as a catalyst Barry speaks to people about Jesus everywhere he goes. Get ready to be challenged and inspired as Barry stresses the importance of loving people and allowing your actions to speak before your words, giving you credibility to share the gospel. If you have ever been hesitant or afraid to share your faith Barry gives you one step to move people closer to Jesus.