Nov. 9, 2021

Breaking the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health (57)

Breaking the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health (57)
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The Influencers Podcast

Have you ever felt lost, hopeless, or confused? Or maybe you have experienced the heaviness of anxiety or depression? You are not alone. Jonathan Seidl, founder, and president of The Veritas Creative, former editor-in-chief of the non-profit I Am Second, and creator and overseer of Kirk Cameron’s media venture, The Courage understands as he too has experienced all of those feelings and emotions. Honest about his battles with crippling anxiety, life-altering OCD, and suicidal thoughts, Jonathan discusses how we can deal with anxieties, provides tools to fight back, and challenges the church to be a refuge and helpful resource. Whether you are struggling with mental health issues or trying to help someone who is, you will discover that there is hope.


Learn more about Jonathan Seidl and get his latest book, “Finding Rest” at


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