Nov. 4, 2022

How Are You Voting this Midterm Election? (109)

How Are You Voting this Midterm Election? (109)
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The Influencers Podcast

Are you feeling anxious about this midterm election? Both sides of the aisle, Republicans and Democrats, have been very vocal about all that's at stake on November 8th, 2022. This midterm feels unique coming on the heels of so many important and divisive issues: COVID-19, lockdowns, mandates, Roe v. Wade, Ukraine, and rising inflation to name a few. While some look to this midterm as the chance for political salvation, since control of congress and senate majority are up for grabs, what should be our view as believers?  Dave Donaldson and Pastor Wendell Vinson, co-founders of CityServe, share how voting is a stewardship opportunity that God has given to us. They dive into how the Bible commands us to pray for those in authority and how God can heal our land through our faithful partnership. It’s time for God’s people to arise, engage, and become voices of influence at the federal, state, and local levels of government. Listen and be encouraged to take your rightful place of civic involvement and perhaps even start your own journey toward public office. Are you called for such a time as this? How will you make a difference?

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