May 10, 2022

How the Church Can Prepare for Overturn of Roe v. Wade and Resulting Changes to Adoption and Abortion (83)

How the Church Can Prepare for Overturn of Roe v. Wade and Resulting Changes to Adoption and Abortion (83)
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The Influencers Podcast

What would the overturning of Roe v. Wade mean for the American church? Scott Young, co-host of The Influencers Podcast and lead pastor of Church of Hope in Sarasota, FL, shares his thoughts and reflections on the leaked draft opinion, the reality that abortion will continue even if the law is overturned, and what this historic change could mean to adoption and foster care. He issues a challenge to churches to be ready to better serve the children and families in their communities that will be impacted. What will you do and are you ready for what comes next?

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