June 6, 2023

Pornography: A Moral Dilemma, Sin Problem or Psychological Addiction? (127)

Pornography: A Moral Dilemma, Sin Problem or Psychological Addiction? (127)
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The Influencers Podcast

Is happiness possible in a marriage when there has been pornography and broken trust? Dannah Gresh has personal insight on the topic of “Happily Even After.” Married 33 years, this bestselling author and podcast co-host spent 30 years studying sexual theology and sexual social science, but academia could not prepare her for discovering that her husband had relapsed into his decades-old pornography addiction. For Gresh and her husband, the process of forgiveness and recovery was fraught with failed attempts and discouraging days, but also discovery. They found that recovery requires redemption because pornography is a sin issue, and that God intended to use even this for His glory. Today Gresh and her husband inform others about the devastation of pornography and share the process by which God can heal and empower restoration in life and marriage. Whether you struggle or know someone struggling with pornography, you will be encouraged by Gresh’s direct, realistic, and redemptive testimony.

For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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Learn more about Dannah Gresh and get a copy of her book "Happily Even After" at https://dannahgresh.com/