June 23, 2020

Seven Ways to Living Generously (Ep. 30)

Seven Ways to Living Generously (Ep. 30)
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The Influencers Podcast

Have you ever been inspired by generosity? You will be as you listen to Brad Formsma, author and founder of the organization I Like Giving. As you hear personal stories from Brad and Dave, you will be encouraged and moved to evaluate how you share your thoughts, words, money, influence, time, attention, and even your stuff. You will discover that true generosity is a lifestyle as Brad breaks down the seven ways to live generously in a practical, loving way. He reminds us that scripture says God loves a cheerful giver and encourages us to open our eyes and heart to the opportunities that surround us. To hear more from Brad check out his podcast, The WOW Factor, for words of wisdom from leaders of businesses and communities. His book, “I Like Giving” can be your starting point to living a life of generosity, knowing God will bless you even more abundantly.