April 28, 2020

Social Distancing and Your Forced Sabbath (Ep. 19)

Social Distancing and Your Forced Sabbath (Ep. 19)
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The Influencers Podcast

At a time when you may be feeling sad and confused during this forced Sabbath, Chris Coli, Senior Pastor of Crosswinds Church in Livermore, CA brings an encouraging message of God’s love and grace. His inspiration, depth of knowledge, and humor will guide you on how to “live in the awareness” through the love of God. Know you can be strong and courageous, for God’s love does not depend on what you do in this world. You are not your job, your work, or your accomplishments. You matter, you are loved, and you are accepted. Hear and learn how to accept God’s gift of the sabbath, seek Him, be joyful, spend time with family, and keep it holy. Pastor Chris challenges you to find the half-full and choose the positive, “thou shall” side instead of “thou shalt not” in this season. When you do, you will be able to embrace this forced Sabbath as the gift the Sabbath was always meant to be.