May 25, 2021

Trusting God Beyond Your Certainty

Trusting God Beyond Your Certainty
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The Influencers Podcast

Andy Mason—author, speaker, an expert in coaching businesses, and cofounder of Heaven in Business—took a huge step of faith moving his family from New Zealand to California for an uncertain future. He exchanged the safety of his career, church family, and community, moving beyond his comfort zone, and gained a deeper connection with God. Today he specializes in helping business leaders influence the culture in which they live through seeking the well-being of their cities. It’s about everyday people partnering with an everyday God to see what’s possible in Him. If you desire to displace poverty and injustice in your city, you have the power to do so through your work. Are you willing to move out of your comfort zone to make a difference today?

For more information and resources from Andy, visit and