July 25, 2023

"Bounce Back & Confessions of a Worship Leader with Chris Aldajuste" S4 Ep15

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Keep It 100 with Sean & Christa Smith

Revival is characterized by increased passion and fiery commitment to vintage spiritual beliefs and biblical practices. Worship plays a pivotal role in fueling this passion, as the acts of devotion and adoration reinforce one's commitment to God. Worship songs, scriptures, and teachings can serve as powerful sources of inspiration during a revival. They remind individuals of their spiritual heritage, the transformative power of God, and Heaven's ability in you to bounce back. This is increasingly needed when you transition through the ups & downs and seasons of life. In this episode of Keep It 100 we share principles of freedom, authority, and hear from Worship leader Chris Aldajuste.

ANNOUNCEMENT: HEALING & DELIVERANCE MASTERCLASS w/ Chris Aldajuste, Joanne Moody, Jerame Nelson & Sean & Christa Smith

Website: www.seanandchristasmith.com

Facebook: @seanandchristasmithministries

Instagram: @revseansmith @mrschristasmith

Twitter: @revseansmith

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Welcome to Keep It 100 podcast with Sean and Christa Smith.

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Join us in this space where we take on real issues with real insight and real inspiration.

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This podcast is for those not looking for temporary relief to change circumstance but

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revelation to forever change lives.

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Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of Keep It 100 with Sean and Christa.

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Hey we're so excited that you guys have joined us.

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We are pumped to bring you this incredible podcast and it's really incredible because

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one we get a chance to share our hearts with you guys and we again we can't thank you guys

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You guys are continually downloading this.

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You continually helping us push literally this message out to more and more people.

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So hey I just want to give a plea too that if you go on any of the places that you listen

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to your podcast would you please give us a review and some sort of rating.

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I think sometimes they've got ratings on stars and stuff like that but if you do that that

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would help push the podcast a little bit further out.

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So just take some time if this is a blessing to you.

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If it's not don't leave no review.

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Okay but don't bless you don't say nothing.

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Keep your comments to yourself.

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That's it.

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That's it.

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Well hey in this episode we are going to have an incredible interview a little bit later

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but we want to start off and let you guys know this week in a couple days.

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Oh my gosh three days.

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Three days.

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We are going to have the healing and deliverance masterclass and this thing has been so long

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in preparation.

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It's been in our hearts to do this for a multiplicity of reasons but probably one of the biggest

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reasons and we've talked about this is we're seeing an uptick in deliverance.

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You know and we really recognize this is going to be a key gathering to train and equip the

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body of Christ to train and equip believers on not only how to walk in freedom for themselves

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but how to lead people through both healing and deliverance and we're really passionate

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about people being equipped and trained and confidently knowing who they are in Christ

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and really walking what it is in freedom and helping bring freedom to other people's

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This is so true because Jesus over and over again in the gospels he first declared that

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he gave his disciples his followers authority to heal the sick and to cast out devils and

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you think he's given us such an authority but yet so often it seems like it's not the

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norm in the modern North American church.

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You know maybe it is in the church of Africa maybe it is in the church of South America

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but if Jesus is and I looked at statistics one third of Jesus ministry boo was casting

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out devils like 60 some odd percent of it was healing so that leaves just like like

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single digits where maybe he fed the multitudes he stopped the storm you know and obviously

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raising the dead as part of healing so so much of his ministry was healing and deliverance

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and yet it seems like it's such a rarity in our churches today.

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You know I think there's been an increase in real uptick of deliverance because we are

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seeing a greater authority in the body of Christ at this hour.

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I think kind of all that shallow waters that people were content with in previous seasons

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of the church we really are in a new era we're in a new time where people have cut out the

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nonsense they've cut off cut out kind of the pump and circumstance kind of all the flash

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and all the shiny stuff and they really just are desperate there's a fresh desperation which

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has increased a greater authority.

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When people get desperate they're going after a genuine move of God a genuine counter people

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are throwing stuff and I think deliverance has have also increased because people are

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getting more honest and they're more desperate and they're willing to actually say this is

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what's actually going on this is what I need help with and I feel like you actually said

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this baby you felt like you got some revelation as to why we weren't seeing deliverance is

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in North America and that's because the demonic was kind of stealth and there was enough power

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behind the pulpit right and we have seen such an increase of the power I feel like in the

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even from people ministering that it really has caused the demonic to surface we've seen

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that in our local church we've seen that in our gatherings we've seen that as we've traveled

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and it's been really beautiful that there's just a sovereignty of the demonic cannot stay

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hidden because the power and the presence of God literally causes it to come out.

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I think it's to your point I think in modern North American church and not to be negative

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just observation here is that I think we've gotten good at referring out when people have

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struggles like we'll we'll firm out to Christian counselors we're firm which we believe in

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that is the place for that we'll refer them out hey you need to see a specialist in this

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area hey you need to go and I think we have gotten better at referring out but we've gotten

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worse at casting out I think there's certain things and instead of referring people out

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I think we need to just begin to believe God lay hands and pray and ask God to show up

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and show off in a way that he's given us authority and you guys I just want to throw this pitch

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out there if you're not able to come and be in person with us at the healing and deliverance

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masterclass we have a little phrase if you can't go live go live stream you go to www

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www.SeanandChristasmith.com right now you can sign up and get our entire healing and deliverance

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masterclass live stream to you wherever you're at whatever nation you're at you can get it

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live streaming so you could be a part of this equipping and we'll we'll take a little bit

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more about that even a little bit later but I just want to continue you and I are also

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instructors we've got we'll be teaching at this session is what I mean by that we have

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Joanne Moody who she's incredible she's gonna be talking about healing praying for the sick

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and just how to operate in that gift of healing and at the same time what do you do when because

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you were talking to her today what do you do when you pray someone and they don't get

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healed I love that that's what she's gonna be hitting on I'm super excited she's really

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gonna help people with a walk away a takeaway prayer model for physical healing but then

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there are those times where you go through the whole model you pray for the person they

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don't get healed and what do you do when you hit those walls she's gonna give really practical

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takeaways on what to do and I love that because I'm not give me all the like tools of my tool

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belt that I can get and Jeremy Nelson he's just he is really gifted in the area of deliverance

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as well so is Joanne we're just in there both can literally teach about the other subject

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but we're having them focus on these specific topics and we've asked Jeremy to focus on

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deliverance and what I love is he too is gonna share some really powerful testimonies and

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stories and then give again the people the practical how to's on how to lead people through

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deliverance yes and I got a chance to talk to him one of his sessions he's gonna deal

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with generational curses and generational bondages that pass down sometimes you know

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we were talking some people have certain weaknesses in the character or predispositions towards

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certain iniquities not knowing that in a sense it was a giant that was not defeated in the

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previous generation and all of a sudden that go live comes to the new generation and then

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the next one he's gonna talk about I think something very much more common than we want

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to really admit because I think we've become so rationalistic and we become in a sense

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so cerebral that we forget the spirit realm is very real and so he's gonna talk about

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divination in the sense of witchcraft and how that comes against people and then other

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particular spirits that people are fighting that come to intimidate folks today and how

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to get folks free and we both know just how important that is and I'm super excited that

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you and I are also instructors so hey want you share with some of our listeners what

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it is that God has put on your heart that you're gonna share yeah I'm really gonna be

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talking about how to tear down strongholds I'm really passionate about helping people

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get to a place of mental and emotional freedom and healing and I think it's because of my

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own personal journey I walked through some years where I really battled I'm so different

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things emotionally and mentally and I'll be sharing that at the master class and I felt

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like the Lord led me through a season where I experienced partial freedom but it was a

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whole process and a journey where till I walked into full freedom and I'm actually gonna share

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the tools and the revelation the resources that really helped me walk in that in my own

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life and now I'm able to pray that through a lot of people and it's actually quite simple

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but they're just practical how to's of how not to partner with things how what doors

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to open what doors to shut and really how to tear down a stronghold take thoughts captive

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and walk in the freedom that is our inheritance so I'm really excited about that so I feel

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like mine's really fundamental I'm really a foundational teaching really for every believer

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so I'm just excited because it brought so much freedom to my life and I think we're

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always excited to share something that has been impactful for you you know and I'm gonna

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have two sessions the first session I'm gonna talk about kind of the spiritual authority

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a set of foundation as to how and why we can believe that healing and deliverance should

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flow freely from us as believers and then my second one I'm gonna literally take you

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if you will into a deliverance session and share with you exactly how to deal with someone

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getting free and how to deal if there's demonic resistance so it's gonna be very practical

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and I think it will fit in and when I was thinking about the whole aspect of authority

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proper relationship with God means you exercise authority in one sense God has done everything

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he's going to do in terms of the devil the Bible says he's put Satan underneath our

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feet so if the enemies held in check and God is sovereign obviously there are areas that

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that God does hold the devil in check but it's up to his body his representatives on

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earth to rebuke him to drive him back to resist him fact the Bible tells us submit to God

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resist the devil he will flee doesn't just say submit to God he will flee there's an

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aspect of resistance and I was thinking about just a couple things that I would I feel will

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help people and and just some nuggets I just I even want to share with our listeners right

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now and here's the deal you have authority regardless of how you feel I think there were

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times coming up that I kind of felt if I went to a fiery service and man I entered in the

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worship and whoever preached released a faith I felt something I could walk from that meeting

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and their their instances of that where I took on a guy named Vincent who lived next door

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to me after a service but then maybe sometimes that feeling isn't there and come out of a

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fiery service and you need to understand that just like regardless of whether or not I feel

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married I am married and by the way I love being married to anyone listening should know

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I love this I love this woman in front of me but I'm married whether I feel like it or

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not so here's the thing you have authority based on a covenant whether you feel like

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it or not and here's the thing when two people that have authority or come against each other

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or maybe I should say like this when one with authority confronts another with authority

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the one with the greater backing has the upper hand and you have to understand you have all

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of heaven heaven backing you the enemy his powers derive it's limited in fact it's borrowed

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it's stolen like Adam and Eve were given authority and then obviously they give it to the enemy

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but Jesus came took it back and he says all authorities have been given to me now you

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go and so I think that's important the other thing is I feel like Jesus in you should never

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shrivel before the devil because Christ never shriveled before the enemy he met Satan mono

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a mano in Luke chapter four in the wilderness he did not back down and Jesus in you should

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never shrivel before the enemy I've got all these different thoughts but ultimately here's

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one when I tell people our authority is not just based on what Jesus did to the devil

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but what he did for us so if you come or you tune in and you watch I'm going to share with

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you what Jesus did for you so you know your authority is not just that he took captivity

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kept if he triumphed over the devil but he did something for you and if you know what

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he did for you you will never walk in a lack of authority and you will never let the enemy

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get a foothold on you in fact you will keep them underneath this your feet that's so good

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I'm excited to hear your sessions I literally I'm so excited to hear everyone's sessions

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because I ever I forever want to be a student so I'm just looking so forward to being trained

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to quit myself because I always think there's more we can learn there's more we can grow

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and so again get your seat whether it's virtual or in person we will see you July 2028 and

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29th here in the bay okay with that being said we're diving into a powerful conversation

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with literally one of Sean and I's favorite people Chris Alderjuice the first time I met

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him and hugged him I was like I love this guy is one of the best hearts you guys are

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going to be a part of a really intimate vulnerable conversation between him and Sean he's a passionate

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anointed worship leader he has such a beautiful heart for Jesus he's been through such a journey

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and come out so sweet before the Lord he's just an amazing man of God and he's married

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to our beloved LTV just she's family to us and she works with us on our team and so just

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get ready for this powerful conversation because it's just power packed with truce revelation

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and it's going to pull you deeper into your intimacy with Jesus.

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Hey keep it 100 tried I am so excited for you guys right now man we got my boy Chris

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in the room Chris Alderjuice and man he's a mighty man of God Chris what's up what's

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up man I am so excited to be here it's like surreal but you know your family so it's

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just a normal conversation that people get to see.

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I love that man hey we had a time the other day listeners we decided that we were going

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to have like a team fun day because we all run together with momentum and revival our

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momentum meetings if you guys are aware of that and then all the different master classes

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different conferences and Chris is very intricately involved in that so we went out to Napa man

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we got on bikes we rode like 20 miles dude.

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It was crazy like I was like trying to keep up with Sean and Chris they were leading the

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pack but we did it we weren't the ugly duckling all the way in the back we was with the fan

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we kept it going.

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We got a chance to see how the other side of the economic scale live man houses was crazy

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It was cool how we were all prophetically picking our homes our future homes mansions in Napa

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Valley ain't nothing like it.

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Nothing like it man with beautiful views it was beautiful day we ate at this incredible

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farm stand.

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Farm stand.

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It was incredible you told us about these pork chops with spicy jalapeno grits.

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Oh my goodness it was so good so good.

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You guys I love Chris for so many reasons and number one he is he's Gen Z to the bone

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in so many respects but he's almost like if you think of generations in terms of wisdom

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he's like a builder generation you know as a Tom Brokaw called that the greatest generation

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and so I just love the wisdom so we're going to jump right in this Chris one of the things

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we like to do here keeping 100 is we like to find out people's origin stories so tell

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us Chris at what point and how did the Holy Spirit make Jesus real to you.

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Man so you know growing up my family is from Haiti and so they immigrated here and I was

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fortunate enough to be born here in the States but being from Florida my family went to this

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very small hasten church in Broward County Florida shout out to the 954 people and for

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me it was strange right because I'm gonna I'm a first generation born American in my

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family but we're going to this hasten church and they would speak French and Creole and

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I always remember loving the music but and falling asleep when they were preaching the

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word mostly because I didn't speak French so I didn't understand all that they were

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saying but I could connect with the music with the rhythms and sing the songs because

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I could read a Creole which is kind of like a derivative of French to some degree but

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the French language was just too hard for me at the time and so you know that was my

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journey until I was about 13 14 and then I started working with my dad overnight because

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that was my excuse to not go to church on Sunday morning my dad being the good daddy

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that he was worked three or four jobs my whole life Wow and I was able to help him with the

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overnight one because his other job as a bartender wouldn't end early enough so I could get there

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at 11 and meet him and he'll meet me at like three o'clock in the morning and we were just

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throwing newspapers around the neighborhood that's what it was from 13 till about I graduated

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high school and bro you're getting up at three o'clock in the morning dude yeah you're you

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are hustling and grinding grinding man he's trying to help my dad and and so I stopped

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going to church because I couldn't go to church I was up so late and so I would just sleep

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in and it's crazy because after I graduated high school my mom being the good mom that

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she was was just sick of her son sleeping in on Sundays and that was one of the points

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of contention with my family and so she fought for my Sunday mornings back and made me attend

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this small little AG church in my neighborhood and it's American church and my life was forever

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changed what that's where I found my best friend I found community I got saved oddly

00:16:23,760 --> 00:16:28,080
enough which is probably another story for another day I actually was serving volunteering

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as a worship leader even before I had my own personal relationship with Jesus but the friendships

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I've made I'm still close to those people till this day and that was the moment that

00:16:37,160 --> 00:16:44,320
changed my life forever wow forever I will never forget it was Easter in 2009 I sang

00:16:44,320 --> 00:16:50,160
this song it basically the song is called a hiding place yes and I didn't realize what

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I was singing and then as I'm singing it I'm just sensing the presence of God and literally

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the Lord used ministry to minister to me and I'm forever grateful but I'd say that's you

00:17:01,920 --> 00:17:06,920
know that's the beginning for me and change my life man that's so problem and obviously

00:17:06,920 --> 00:17:10,720
to go from a service where you weren't really understanding the word you know obviously that

00:17:10,720 --> 00:17:15,600
was a big part of it but yet although you didn't understand you know there was a familiarity

00:17:15,600 --> 00:17:18,480
you know I'm sure the spirit of God was there so when you got to the point where you could

00:17:18,480 --> 00:17:22,680
start understanding yeah start connecting seeing other people sound like there were more people

00:17:22,680 --> 00:17:27,400
your age that you could connect with exact and then what was it kind of like a point

00:17:27,400 --> 00:17:30,960
in the word where man the word began to convict you was a point where you just felt the love

00:17:30,960 --> 00:17:34,840
of God was it a point just in worship where your heart began to connect was it kind of

00:17:34,840 --> 00:17:39,400
a an amalgamation of all of them yeah was it for you I'd say I mean the first moment

00:17:39,400 --> 00:17:45,800
that I could remember I got invited to attend the youth group and so I did and I remember

00:17:45,800 --> 00:17:51,280
this worship leader singing the song from the inside out by no song yeah and it wrecked

00:17:51,280 --> 00:17:58,200
me and I you know I I tend to think that worship music is a sermon with music to it that's

00:17:58,200 --> 00:18:03,560
how I like to look at it and the words that really really just just touched my heart was

00:18:03,560 --> 00:18:08,880
a thousand times I failed still your mercy remained and still I stumbled again but I'm

00:18:08,880 --> 00:18:14,320
caught in your grace everlasting your light will shine when all else fades never ending

00:18:14,320 --> 00:18:19,760
your glory goes beyond all fame and for me being in high school those four years were

00:18:19,760 --> 00:18:23,600
the best four years of my adolescence like I know most people are like oh I hated high

00:18:23,600 --> 00:18:28,080
school I was one of the rare people that loved it I found myself you know I was just super

00:18:28,080 --> 00:18:32,480
confident I was into sports and into music I was just kind of all over the place and

00:18:32,480 --> 00:18:36,520
I had a good time but all my friends went away to college so I felt like a piece of me was

00:18:36,520 --> 00:18:40,120
gone I was the only one that stayed back and at the same time my mom's like no you're

00:18:40,120 --> 00:18:44,560
gonna go to church and the Lord filled that void with his love with his acceptance and

00:18:44,560 --> 00:18:49,240
then also brought in some really really good solid people who've been doing the church thing

00:18:49,240 --> 00:18:54,520
much longer than I at the time to kind of walk alongside of me and to encourage me and be

00:18:54,520 --> 00:18:59,400
an extension of his love and his grace and his kindness and just that community man and

00:18:59,400 --> 00:19:04,520
we all served together like it just was amazing and it's exactly what I needed in that time.

00:19:04,520 --> 00:19:09,360
Hey man so you came up obviously Gen Z man you came up in the entire T of your come up

00:19:09,360 --> 00:19:13,880
was the digital age oh you had access to social media all that stuff you guys are the first

00:19:13,880 --> 00:19:17,720
generation so in high school man with all the preparations because you're at a public

00:19:17,720 --> 00:19:18,720
high school you know right?

00:19:18,720 --> 00:19:19,720

00:19:19,720 --> 00:19:23,280
So you're at a public high school but you're standing for God the pulls and everything

00:19:23,280 --> 00:19:30,400
how did you navigate that whole peer pressure social media social conformity, sway spirit

00:19:30,400 --> 00:19:32,560
of the world versus walking right before God?

00:19:32,560 --> 00:19:35,560
I actually didn't do a good job at this at first.

00:19:35,560 --> 00:19:36,560
I love your honesty.

00:19:36,560 --> 00:19:41,120
Honestly I was struggling I thought I had to live a double life I thought okay because

00:19:41,120 --> 00:19:44,440
a lot of the people that I went to school with didn't go to church with me it was kind

00:19:44,440 --> 00:19:50,960
of easy yeah and so like I kind of had two different lives until a friend from this church

00:19:50,960 --> 00:19:54,680
youth group that I was a part of told me hey yo like you can't be living a double life

00:19:54,680 --> 00:19:59,160
like you can't be up here leading worship and then on the back end just doing whatever

00:19:59,160 --> 00:20:00,160
you want.

00:20:00,160 --> 00:20:04,040
Now I was always like you know I was always a life of the party but I just never by the

00:20:04,040 --> 00:20:08,680
grace of God I never like even dabbled with drugs or alcohol that just wasn't my thing

00:20:08,680 --> 00:20:14,600
I'm growing up in a pretty affluent area a lot of I experienced a lot of like drunk driving

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deaths with some of my friends in high school so that kind of just deterred me from even

00:20:19,480 --> 00:20:23,600
wanting to play with that but I was still at all the parties I was still there just never

00:20:23,600 --> 00:20:27,840
really participated but then I realized when I had this conversation with that person like

00:20:27,840 --> 00:20:34,040
oh man like the same Jesus who died gave everything for me I'm only giving him a piece of me.

00:20:34,040 --> 00:20:38,440
So I instantly made the decision like hey okay I'm not gonna do this anymore and I just

00:20:38,440 --> 00:20:40,240
was sold out ever since.

00:20:40,240 --> 00:20:44,520
That is amazing man you know let me ask you this Chris how did you recognize that worship

00:20:44,520 --> 00:20:49,320
gift those of you there listening Chris is an amazing worship leader and when I say worship

00:20:49,320 --> 00:20:52,920
leader some people they're good at the worship they're not good at the leading or some people

00:20:52,920 --> 00:20:57,760
are good at the leading not as strong in the worship Chris is equally strong his bicep

00:20:57,760 --> 00:21:03,520
and tricep in the air in a boat popping when it comes to worship and leading others into

00:21:03,520 --> 00:21:07,160
worship and leading teams how'd you recognize that worship gift on your life bro.

00:21:07,160 --> 00:21:13,800
Well first sensei we call Sean sensei man you're so kind thank you that is super super

00:21:13,800 --> 00:21:19,200
kind you know so at the same church my mom you know everyone you know if you have a

00:21:19,200 --> 00:21:23,680
good relationship with your mom you know that moms tend to see you as like a six year old

00:21:23,680 --> 00:21:27,280
or an eight year old they have this one memory of you no matter how old you get that's the

00:21:27,280 --> 00:21:32,360
only way they see you and when I was a kid she had put us in this little kids choir and

00:21:32,360 --> 00:21:35,760
so we used to sing with them do all these like Kirk Franklin hits that's kind of was

00:21:35,760 --> 00:21:39,840
the beginning yeah I didn't really quite understand it was just fun and I had to do it my mom

00:21:39,840 --> 00:21:45,720
made me do it but fast forward I started attending this church and I remember I had shoulder

00:21:45,720 --> 00:21:49,880
surgery so my arm was in a sling and I just was like just you know kind of set my mom's

00:21:49,880 --> 00:21:53,600
making me wake up early and go to this church I don't know anybody here I'd rather go work

00:21:53,600 --> 00:21:58,920
with my dad and whatever the case may be but she calls over the singer pastor now my mom

00:21:58,920 --> 00:22:04,560
is the quietest shy it's like she won't do that but she felt like yo I need the attention

00:22:04,560 --> 00:22:08,840
the senior pastor calls him over and says hey my son sings make him join the choir this

00:22:08,840 --> 00:22:14,680
is what she says and I'm like oh my gosh what are you doing and so the guys like yo we have

00:22:14,680 --> 00:22:19,680
rehearsal on Wednesday you should come me being me I tend to be a little bit of a yes

00:22:19,680 --> 00:22:25,680
man and I didn't want to embarrass my mom so I just was like okay I'll go and so I decided

00:22:25,680 --> 00:22:31,040
to ghost this is crazy right literally the next day that Monday I'm leaving to ghost hungry

00:22:31,040 --> 00:22:35,480
so I was gonna go get breakfast I get into a car accident right in front of the church

00:22:35,480 --> 00:22:40,680
oh wow like I hit this car this car hit me head on collision both cars total loss like

00:22:40,680 --> 00:22:45,800
so the church was right outside of my neighborhood and I hit like we hit each other right in

00:22:45,800 --> 00:22:50,040
front of the church I get out the car I go see if that other person's okay that person

00:22:50,040 --> 00:22:54,960
ends up being one of the youth group members that attends this church and she was kind

00:22:54,960 --> 00:22:58,600
of like the princess of the house you know those church people that's like everybody

00:22:58,600 --> 00:23:04,560
loves her everyone she's a part of everyone's family this was her and I'm like oh my gosh

00:23:04,560 --> 00:23:11,200
and no one knows me from a can of paint and so okay that whole thing happens and you know

00:23:11,200 --> 00:23:15,360
the cops do what they do and you know we figure all that stuff out and I still decided to

00:23:15,360 --> 00:23:21,040
go to this rehearsal and I go there and the choir director is asking hey does anyone

00:23:21,040 --> 00:23:25,920
need prayer requests and the choir member goes oh you know pray for this person this

00:23:25,920 --> 00:23:30,800
girl and you know somebody you know hit them in a car accident was kind of like talking

00:23:30,800 --> 00:23:36,560
bad a little bit not knowing that I was in the room and so I kind of like interrupted

00:23:36,560 --> 00:23:40,880
and was like oh that that was me I don't know why I did that and I know this is a long answer

00:23:40,880 --> 00:23:46,600
to a very short question um but that was the beginning of me serving in worship this was

00:23:46,600 --> 00:23:52,360
literally the beginning of me serving in worship and um from there I just had the confidence

00:23:52,360 --> 00:23:57,120
I don't even know like where it came from to just stick it out and I did and then from

00:23:57,120 --> 00:24:02,080
that the youth pastor needed a young person to lead youth worship for youth Sunday which

00:24:02,080 --> 00:24:05,640
was a big thing where they allowed the youth group to lead worship on Sunday morning take

00:24:05,640 --> 00:24:09,880
over the Sunday morning service and I was the youngest person in the choir he's like

00:24:09,880 --> 00:24:14,840
he took me out to coffee um at Starbucks and was like hey I need you to lead worship for

00:24:14,840 --> 00:24:18,560
my youth group on youth Sunday I didn't even really know what that meant but I just said

00:24:18,560 --> 00:24:25,280
okay I can help out I have time I'm free and um so I remember talking to some of the the

00:24:25,280 --> 00:24:29,200
other students who are involved like hey I'm thinking about doing this song it was Days

00:24:29,200 --> 00:24:34,560
of Elijah and back then that was considered an old song I was only around the adults the

00:24:34,560 --> 00:24:39,880
Sunday morning adults and that's when he gave me um a Hillsong United CD and was like listen

00:24:39,880 --> 00:24:43,960
to this pig songs from this we're young this is what we do and I was like okay this is

00:24:43,960 --> 00:24:48,360
my peer like we're probably like a year between age so but I was just always with the adults

00:24:48,360 --> 00:24:54,200
I didn't know um anything else and that Sunday morning lo and behold we did some younger songs

00:24:54,200 --> 00:24:59,720
and I led worship and that was literally beginning I remember I was so bold that I did this altar

00:24:59,720 --> 00:25:04,520
call what yes I called the whole congregation to the front and worship was supposed to be

00:25:04,520 --> 00:25:10,280
15 minutes this was at least 45 minutes no one gave me the real like instructions I just

00:25:10,280 --> 00:25:17,440
was free I was bold I went for it had charisma and it was during that service where I accepted

00:25:17,440 --> 00:25:22,160
the Lord Savior as as Lord Jesus as my savior wow that was my whole altar call I was like

00:25:22,160 --> 00:25:26,320
hey everyone needs to come up here and pray for someone else I actually have this video

00:25:26,320 --> 00:25:30,520
on YouTube which is hilarious and I just called everyone up and if you don't have a relationship

00:25:30,520 --> 00:25:36,000
with Jesus now's your chance and I didn't realize I was talking to myself man bro and I was

00:25:36,000 --> 00:25:40,040
weeping and I was crying and that was the beginning that was the beginning moment where

00:25:40,040 --> 00:25:44,160
I started realizing I think this is what I want to do for the rest of my life wow this

00:25:44,160 --> 00:25:50,240
is eerily similar there was during a UK revival back in the day there was this preacher and

00:25:50,240 --> 00:25:54,120
he was preaching and so obviously he had made a commitment he said yes to the call of God

00:25:54,120 --> 00:25:57,640
but he must not have been worried needed to be with the Lord he preached a message and

00:25:57,640 --> 00:26:03,480
while he was preaching the message he came under conviction and got saved under his

00:26:03,480 --> 00:26:09,000
whole own message and revival broke out and so I just think man what an incredible way

00:26:09,000 --> 00:26:14,160
that you both discovered your worship gift but at the same time God made himself like

00:26:14,160 --> 00:26:19,240
supremely real to you and that was just that's that's amazing now Chris because I know you

00:26:19,240 --> 00:26:23,040
and I know your story you know our stories is what happens when you do life together

00:26:23,040 --> 00:26:28,440
and I'm blessed to do it you had a wilderness chapter inside of you know how you have different

00:26:28,440 --> 00:26:33,640
chapters in your life and if God I think it was if you've listened to keep you 100 any

00:26:33,640 --> 00:26:37,720
amount of time you've heard me quote the AW does your quote that before God uses a man

00:26:37,720 --> 00:26:42,440
greatly he must first crush him deeply and although we don't like that it's so that

00:26:42,440 --> 00:26:47,000
God can get our character in a place where our character can platform our gifts because

00:26:47,000 --> 00:26:51,000
if your character isn't ready when you start putting on the weight of people recognizing

00:26:51,000 --> 00:26:56,640
you it it usually is a self sabotage wrong way forward kind of situation but you went

00:26:56,640 --> 00:27:01,160
through a witness experience and the thing that I love for our leaders our listeners

00:27:01,160 --> 00:27:05,080
to hear the several different components but I don't know if I ever know a dude that was

00:27:05,080 --> 00:27:10,540
in revival kind of maybe at a certain point because of their own space and place kind

00:27:10,540 --> 00:27:15,520
of burned out in it and then God seriously revived at a whole other level you know usually

00:27:15,520 --> 00:27:20,720
that doesn't happen but anyway tell us your wilderness experience man man so you know

00:27:20,720 --> 00:27:25,600
I was attending this great church in Fort Lauderdale amazing church this was where I

00:27:25,600 --> 00:27:33,200
learned so much about not my like not only myself but ministry worship revival like we

00:27:33,200 --> 00:27:37,360
had a revival that was supposed to be like three days ended up being like nine weeks

00:27:37,360 --> 00:27:43,160
or something crazy like that and I was young I had to be like 24 I was really really really

00:27:43,160 --> 00:27:50,480
young and just zealous and excited to serve and what I missed was I didn't know how to

00:27:50,480 --> 00:27:57,680
personally sustain the amount that I was giving and I look back now and of course like in

00:27:57,680 --> 00:28:01,840
the time like I wanted to blame everything else right I wanted to blame leadership I

00:28:01,840 --> 00:28:06,600
wanted to blame this I wanted to blame that I wanted to blame my friends I wanted to blame

00:28:06,600 --> 00:28:12,360
sort coming you name it I blamed it when I look back I realized the key was for me to

00:28:12,360 --> 00:28:18,440
be able to sustain pouring out I didn't have a consistent pouring in in my own personal

00:28:18,440 --> 00:28:24,400
life and God was there God was available his presence was always willing to meet but instead

00:28:24,400 --> 00:28:30,600
of going back to him I just went to lay down I went to the spirit love of lethargy see

00:28:30,600 --> 00:28:36,480
if I'm making that word up but just vegging and watching TV and just hanging out I didn't

00:28:36,480 --> 00:28:41,960
do enough reflecting I didn't do enough of man this is what God did instead I just was

00:28:41,960 --> 00:28:47,880
so focused on the physical toll I was so focused on the price that I never even set out to

00:28:47,880 --> 00:28:52,800
pay I didn't even know I needed to pay but I paid it and didn't get the replenishment

00:28:52,800 --> 00:28:57,960
from the source and and honestly like that's one of my it's a regret but at the same time

00:28:57,960 --> 00:29:03,840
I'm thankful for it because it's helped bridge that gap of where I'm at now yes I needed

00:29:03,840 --> 00:29:09,160
that season to now be able to sustain any kind of move of God whether that's corporately

00:29:09,160 --> 00:29:13,320
or personally it just doesn't matter at the end of the day I don't want to move if he's

00:29:13,320 --> 00:29:18,240
not in it it's not just in the public sense it's in my private life yes more than anything

00:29:18,240 --> 00:29:23,640
and so I just remember man serving and I remember me and my friends used to have conversations

00:29:23,640 --> 00:29:27,360
like cuz you know we would serve together and you know we've seen people laid out in

00:29:27,360 --> 00:29:33,360
healing testimonies and you know this lump disappeared or this this preacher evangelist

00:29:33,360 --> 00:29:37,800
lays hands on someone and they just fall out I remember being on the platform going yeah

00:29:37,800 --> 00:29:43,480
that stuff will never happen to me my mentality is why would anybody want to lay hands on

00:29:43,480 --> 00:29:48,200
the person that's singing the songs behind them that's how I saw it and I look back now

00:29:48,200 --> 00:29:53,960
and I feel like the Lord has shifted that in my life it's no longer I'm doing a service

00:29:53,960 --> 00:30:00,840
versus I'm a part of Lou and it's it's it's night and day and man those those years were

00:30:00,840 --> 00:30:06,000
tough they were challenging but it gave me the grit the stamina the energy and I didn't

00:30:06,000 --> 00:30:12,480
know it then but I am so grateful for that time and so after those years I you know I

00:30:12,480 --> 00:30:18,240
left that church didn't really know what was next didn't know what God had for me and I

00:30:18,240 --> 00:30:23,640
don't even know if I really cared to be honest I knew I loved God I knew I believed in God

00:30:23,640 --> 00:30:28,760
but the ministry part I kind of was like I don't know about that I don't know about revivals

00:30:28,760 --> 00:30:32,960
everyone wants a revival right I'm like if that's what it felt like I don't want anything

00:30:32,960 --> 00:30:39,360
to do with that right but you know the Lord took me I like to call it a cave before I

00:30:39,360 --> 00:30:43,120
could be in the kingdom I had to learn how to be in the cave where there was nothing

00:30:43,120 --> 00:30:49,680
there where I was almost in hiding and that's what New Mexico was for me and man the Lord

00:30:49,680 --> 00:30:53,600
began a healing that I didn't even know I needed wow and honestly spending time with

00:30:53,600 --> 00:30:58,080
you and Christa is really what helped that healing even come to completion and I didn't

00:30:58,080 --> 00:31:05,520
even know I needed that wow and yeah the wilderness is is necessary man and so in that time in

00:31:05,520 --> 00:31:09,080
season and a couple thousand one thought you know I was thinking about how you were saying

00:31:09,080 --> 00:31:13,160
that you had all this output but you didn't recognize oh man you know if I have all this

00:31:13,160 --> 00:31:17,640
output there's got to be input you know I got to get watered if I'm going to be watered

00:31:17,640 --> 00:31:22,080
in other people I was thinking about this time when all of a sudden I dramatically increased

00:31:22,080 --> 00:31:26,600
my athletic output you know I think I'm taking mixed martial arts class I had another class

00:31:26,600 --> 00:31:31,120
and then I added another degree of cardio activity and I was doing all this stuff but

00:31:31,120 --> 00:31:36,760
I was drinking the same water levels as I was before all of a sudden man for a good while

00:31:36,760 --> 00:31:40,880
I had this tremendous pain in my back and it was like debilitating like it was hard

00:31:40,880 --> 00:31:45,000
to get in the car get out it got to the point where literally I was not quite bedridden

00:31:45,000 --> 00:31:48,320
but I couldn't be bedridden and so I remember going to the doctor and the doctor says are

00:31:48,320 --> 00:31:53,040
you a big time coffee drinker I go no they go you're severely dehydrated I go what and

00:31:53,040 --> 00:31:57,320
they go yeah and I'm thinking I drank the same water level water amount that I've always

00:31:57,320 --> 00:32:01,600
drunk but now what I didn't make the connection with that level of exertion going to another

00:32:01,600 --> 00:32:06,600
level my water and I think in life a lot of people they're so busy watering others they're

00:32:06,600 --> 00:32:11,240
not getting watered themselves and that really puts you in a vulnerable situation and unfortunately

00:32:11,240 --> 00:32:16,160
I think we've seen vessels make bad decisions because of that now in this season I'm going

00:32:16,160 --> 00:32:21,720
to get back to you Chris in this season when you had transitioned from the east coast to

00:32:21,720 --> 00:32:27,880
a little bit more towards the west southwestern portion of the United States I know that there

00:32:27,880 --> 00:32:32,200
was something that happened that was a part of your wilderness chapter left you kind of

00:32:32,200 --> 00:32:36,400
reeling for a moment and you it was one of those times I think looking at respect it

00:32:36,400 --> 00:32:42,200
was God testing your characters how you would deal with disappointment at that level tell

00:32:42,200 --> 00:32:47,640
us about that if you're cool with that yeah so after I was at this church and for a lot

00:32:47,640 --> 00:32:52,560
of after I resigned I moved to New Mexico which don't ask it's you know New Mexico and if

00:32:52,560 --> 00:32:59,320
you're from New Mexico we love you I spent some time there in a small a small city on

00:32:59,320 --> 00:33:05,360
the east side of New Mexico and within six weeks of me being at this church now I only

00:33:05,360 --> 00:33:09,280
accepted this job because there was already a worship pastor there so they wouldn't have

00:33:09,280 --> 00:33:15,240
been this like full on responsibility my job was a worship pastor but I was more brought

00:33:15,240 --> 00:33:19,760
there to help develop and train which is easy like I love that I love seeing you know younger

00:33:19,760 --> 00:33:23,640
people growing their gifts and volunteers growing their gifts and so I was really the job but

00:33:23,640 --> 00:33:30,480
then within six weeks there was an indiscretion from upper leadership which for me I didn't

00:33:30,480 --> 00:33:35,840
I wasn't there long enough to have like a deep emotional connection right but all of my co-workers

00:33:35,840 --> 00:33:41,040
were wow all of my ministry partners were all of the volunteers were all of the church

00:33:41,040 --> 00:33:45,320
were this this guy planned to this church and was the only senior pastor for 40 years

00:33:45,320 --> 00:33:51,440
oh my and what's so beautiful he had a great ministry it was amazing like from day one

00:33:51,440 --> 00:33:56,520
he was baptizing people in every service thousands tens of thousands of people were baptized

00:33:56,520 --> 00:34:02,040
in this church was crazy the city the town was only about I think four thousand people

00:34:02,040 --> 00:34:08,080
I church was about two thousand people it was incredible incredible and it's at the peak

00:34:08,080 --> 00:34:14,200
of its existence and then there was this this huge indiscretion that really hurt a lot of

00:34:14,200 --> 00:34:19,800
people wow and I remember being in that meeting and that was the first time where it became

00:34:19,800 --> 00:34:25,200
clear why the Lord had me there I'm thinking I accepted this job to run away from something

00:34:25,200 --> 00:34:32,320
but God led me there to run to something and it gave me a chance in my own hurt in my own

00:34:32,320 --> 00:34:39,120
burnout and my own exhaustion and my own confusion and my own despair weariness you know all the

00:34:39,120 --> 00:34:45,520
adjectives the Lord used me to help bring hope and healing to a whole people through

00:34:45,520 --> 00:34:52,800
worship it was incredible what happened and there's some great people in this town and

00:34:52,800 --> 00:34:59,720
amazing amazing people who took me in treated me like family but they were hurting they were

00:34:59,720 --> 00:35:06,000
hurting and the worship pastor at the time resigned so it was my job it was only Chris

00:35:06,000 --> 00:35:11,960
now my goodness to figure out okay how do we worship through this storm how do we worship

00:35:11,960 --> 00:35:16,920
through this storm and these people have never even like seen anything like that if you know

00:35:16,920 --> 00:35:23,280
anything about small town living they're very disconnected to city suburbia like where I'm

00:35:23,280 --> 00:35:29,360
from I heard of moral failures too many times right but these people never really seen or

00:35:29,360 --> 00:35:34,960
heard or ever thought it would be this close and I remember we had found everything out on a

00:35:34,960 --> 00:35:40,600
Friday and we actually had a service that night wow and I had to lead worship the same service

00:35:40,600 --> 00:35:44,360
that they were gonna let the congregation know all this stuff and that's when the Lord just

00:35:44,360 --> 00:35:48,160
showed me like they're gonna make it through this through worship they're keeping their eyes

00:35:48,160 --> 00:35:53,720
fixed on Jesus on the cross on the love of God and from that he will keep them he will protect

00:35:53,720 --> 00:35:59,960
them he will grow them show them love and I was there for 11 months and man like the ministry

00:35:59,960 --> 00:36:05,120
grew it flourished in fact that we the church merged with another church a very prominent

00:36:05,120 --> 00:36:11,640
church wow huge like 20,000 member church oh yeah it was crazy it was a lot of different

00:36:11,640 --> 00:36:17,240
things that happened but I remember around December the new senior pastor over this 20,000

00:36:17,240 --> 00:36:22,960
member church met with met with me and with our pastors and he looked at me and said Chris I did

00:36:22,960 --> 00:36:28,360
not expect growth in this season I came in here to sustain wow so the fact that there was growth

00:36:28,360 --> 00:36:34,600
in the worship ministry we went from like like I don't know like maybe 15 volunteers to I can't

00:36:34,600 --> 00:36:40,400
even tell you it was a substantial amount like it was crazy how many people the Lord brought wow

00:36:40,400 --> 00:36:47,240
for such a time as this and he was just an awe man but you know we were just so fixed on Jesus so

00:36:47,240 --> 00:36:52,360
enamored with what God wanted to do and in that that brought so much healing to me bro I think I'm

00:36:52,360 --> 00:36:57,240
gonna underscore something you said Chris I think it's so profound I think disappointment which let's

00:36:57,240 --> 00:37:02,040
just get real we're all gonna have disappointment we're all gonna face problems we're all gonna be

00:37:02,040 --> 00:37:07,400
hit with setbacks things we didn't see coming and it seems like just observation looking at people

00:37:07,400 --> 00:37:12,480
watching people live their lives out in the kingdom Christians church going people it takes out a lot

00:37:12,480 --> 00:37:17,320
of people yeah but what I think it is is that disappointment that pain that situation and you

00:37:17,320 --> 00:37:22,600
said if you brows it's an elevator now elevator obviously the word is elevate yeah right the

00:37:22,600 --> 00:37:27,400
purpose of elevators you're trying to go to the next highest floor but I think the pain the problem

00:37:27,400 --> 00:37:31,680
it's an elevator but you choose whether that arrow is going up or going down that's right you go to

00:37:31,680 --> 00:37:36,000
the elevator I push up you're funny because a lot of elevators you get in always like to get on a

00:37:36,000 --> 00:37:40,440
top floor so you get in a lot of the voice activated they go going down they'll say when you

00:37:40,440 --> 00:37:46,960
get an elevator and I corrected I go I may be going down but I'm really going on because I think

00:37:46,960 --> 00:37:53,040
what you did you made the choice you could have went in a major I'm hurt I'm burned out hashtag

00:37:53,040 --> 00:37:58,120
church hurt movement deconstruct there's a whole path you could have went down but you said you

00:37:58,120 --> 00:38:02,680
pressed into Jesus and it's like you push the elevator so I just believe that there are people

00:38:02,680 --> 00:38:06,720
listening right now you're facing something right now I just want to challenge you don't push the

00:38:06,720 --> 00:38:11,960
downward arrow on the elevator push the upward arrow I would say this don't waste your trials

00:38:11,960 --> 00:38:17,440
don't waste your setbacks your disappointment it's an opportunity the Bible says you know when it

00:38:17,440 --> 00:38:22,160
speaks of Jesus that we may know him the power is resurrection everybody's down with that but then

00:38:22,160 --> 00:38:26,360
it says the fellowship of his sufferings few people are down with that and that's how you get

00:38:26,360 --> 00:38:31,320
to know him and so I love that in you so kind of to finish off that chapter obviously you're now

00:38:31,320 --> 00:38:36,800
married you're here in California so how did the next transition go where you got out here with us

00:38:36,800 --> 00:38:44,440
so when I was leaving New Mexico I was out of place where I was done with ministry and the New

00:38:44,440 --> 00:38:51,440
Mexico season to your point Sean really brought me back to my Genesis with the Lord I had nothing

00:38:51,440 --> 00:38:56,000
else I didn't have the community my strong community in Florida that I built for years and

00:38:56,000 --> 00:39:00,160
years I didn't have that I had a good community but I had just met them it was only 11 months

00:39:00,160 --> 00:39:05,600
right so I didn't have my family I was in the middle of nowhere wow there wasn't many people

00:39:05,600 --> 00:39:11,040
that looked like me honestly like right I was just I had nothing I was literally in the desert

00:39:11,040 --> 00:39:17,600
literally literally and the Lord brought me back to him that's all I had and it was a very up and

00:39:17,600 --> 00:39:22,960
down season with him but I he was there and I had a lot of time in isolation which if you know my

00:39:22,960 --> 00:39:27,200
personality that's just not what I do I don't ever like I want to do stuff with people all the

00:39:27,200 --> 00:39:32,480
time and but I had a lot of time in isolation and when I left that season we did so many great

00:39:32,480 --> 00:39:36,720
things they didn't have to rehire my position which I thought was that's always a goal when

00:39:36,720 --> 00:39:42,240
you're in ministry like replace yourself and it was just beautiful by the grace of God but I just

00:39:42,240 --> 00:39:48,240
was done with ministry I was done with politics in the church I was done with you know not having

00:39:48,240 --> 00:39:54,880
a space to be freely Chris yes I always felt like I had to pull back in certain situations or had to

00:39:54,880 --> 00:40:01,520
play the part or play the role to be respected or to be taken seriously I just felt like you know

00:40:01,520 --> 00:40:07,680
what in this next season I'm I'd rather go and help a church for like a week and leave be kind of

00:40:07,680 --> 00:40:13,040
consulting consult like I thought that just was the next season and so I'm a good friend of mine

00:40:13,600 --> 00:40:19,440
Andy was already here in California and earlier a few months earlier you know he and I were joking

00:40:19,440 --> 00:40:23,840
around he's like man like dude man you got a lot going on here you should leave and come to California

00:40:23,840 --> 00:40:28,400
and I'm like nah man but you know put feelers out there I'll never say no to an interview like I'll

00:40:28,400 --> 00:40:34,560
never say no to a potential open door I don't know what God wants to do but at that time like

00:40:34,560 --> 00:40:40,480
new life wasn't looking for anybody and so I was like okay cool um no biggie and so I finally was

00:40:40,480 --> 00:40:47,840
home and flew out here and interviewed and twice and I was just not interested I was like yo I don't

00:40:47,840 --> 00:40:53,440
want to be in a church anymore like I just you know I found myself in a weird way I loved God but

00:40:53,440 --> 00:40:59,360
hated the church hated the institution of the church I'm a huge people person right I love the church

00:40:59,360 --> 00:41:05,120
people yeah yeah yeah and I hated the church building yeah yeah no I tried you know so I just wasn't

00:41:05,120 --> 00:41:10,160
about that and um I remember I got the phone call and they're like hey it's been a week what are you

00:41:10,160 --> 00:41:17,040
gonna do and I kid you not I promise you I said no I said no but somehow some way God turned that

00:41:17,040 --> 00:41:23,600
into a yes um and I didn't even fight it because I just knew in my heart from praying and fasting

00:41:23,600 --> 00:41:28,560
and thinking and talking to close friends and singing wise counsel I just knew this is where I

00:41:28,560 --> 00:41:33,840
needed to be but the thing that made me the most nervous is I didn't know why because everything

00:41:33,840 --> 00:41:39,520
that was being offered here was not what I wanted but this is where I was supposed to be wow I take

00:41:39,520 --> 00:41:47,120
the move move out here and get established here and lo and behold what's so funny is um the second

00:41:47,120 --> 00:41:54,320
day that I moved here I met Lillian wow who's my wife come on bro and oddly enough is that same week

00:41:54,320 --> 00:42:00,160
she moved back from Buffalo so backstory uh special shout out to my wife she's amazing y'all yeah she

00:42:00,160 --> 00:42:04,960
is amazing she was working for Starbucks was at Buffalo supposed to be six weeks ended up being

00:42:04,960 --> 00:42:11,280
like seven or eight months and somehow some way the day that the week I moved here she moved back

00:42:11,280 --> 00:42:15,760
from Buffalo wow and wasn't planned she didn't know it was just kind of like hey the assignment's

00:42:15,760 --> 00:42:22,080
done come back and so we met my second day uh through a mutual friend and we hung out and you

00:42:22,080 --> 00:42:26,160
know we kind of got into a little bit of a argument me represent I was saying the east coast is better

00:42:26,160 --> 00:42:30,720
than the west coast um and she wasn't too fond of that and so but that was the beginning of our

00:42:30,720 --> 00:42:36,640
friendship wow and then that friday that so that's tuesday so then three days later that friday I

00:42:36,640 --> 00:42:42,960
have my first event at new life a worship leader um jasmine was sick and so I had to I was just there

00:42:42,960 --> 00:42:48,560
by myself with angelo um and I don't know I don't know anything I don't know anyone's name but I'm

00:42:48,560 --> 00:42:53,360
supposed to lead worship with these volunteers for this event and that's why I first met Christa wow

00:42:53,360 --> 00:42:57,920
and I will never forget that exchange like I think we we shook hands because they introduced and

00:42:57,920 --> 00:43:02,800
they're like yeah this our new worship pastor and I just felt like I knew her in the weirdest way I

00:43:02,800 --> 00:43:07,520
had never met Christa before right but I was like yo why do I feel like I know this person I couldn't

00:43:07,520 --> 00:43:14,240
put my finger on it and then we flowed that service and it was amazing it was easy it was great it was

00:43:14,240 --> 00:43:19,280
effortless I just kind of was like oh yeah I just know what she's about but in a way I kind of was

00:43:19,280 --> 00:43:23,840
like it was a little cynical I was like okay I get what these revivalists are about and then and then

00:43:23,840 --> 00:43:29,680
I think probably that Monday you and Christa spoke to the staff yes and remember so that was like and

00:43:29,680 --> 00:43:33,600
so I just did it because I was trying to give everyone a break I'm the new guy so I did a little

00:43:33,600 --> 00:43:38,720
uh piano uh worship I remember that that's where I met you and Christa and you guys are flowing

00:43:38,720 --> 00:43:44,720
prophetically and I just was doing what I do like and it just felt like we've been doing this for a

00:43:44,720 --> 00:43:49,920
million years yes and it was just seamless and then I remember I think it was probably a few weeks

00:43:49,920 --> 00:43:55,280
after that that's when you and you and Christa met with me to talk about helping with prophetic

00:43:55,280 --> 00:44:00,800
master class and the momentum conference yes it was just those those two things at the time right

00:44:00,800 --> 00:44:08,160
a little I had no clue that it was going to be this lifelong relationship that I needed so desperately

00:44:08,160 --> 00:44:16,080
wow I did not I my wife was here mentors were here and you and Christa my healing was here wow

00:44:16,080 --> 00:44:21,280
this community my like my cousin actually moved to California I have close friends in Morgan Hill

00:44:21,280 --> 00:44:26,800
the community I'm finding at this church and new life and being able to build and pour in here

00:44:26,800 --> 00:44:32,160
like the exceedingly abundantly above I could ever even ask and I didn't even ask for it I stopped

00:44:32,160 --> 00:44:38,240
asking I was over it I love how God works oh my goodness man and the relationship I dude I can

00:44:38,240 --> 00:44:45,760
go on and on like I am so blessed I am so so blessed by that yes bro and then how God always takes

00:44:45,760 --> 00:44:51,280
it amen I'm gonna throw in a two-part question uh you those who are listening all of our momentum

00:44:51,280 --> 00:44:56,000
events which we do monthly meetings in Oakland California we do a major conference once a year

00:44:56,000 --> 00:45:00,480
momentum conference and then we do kind of a momentum various masterclass it'd be prophetic

00:45:00,480 --> 00:45:05,840
masterclass healing and deliverance masterclass two full question Chris one what part do you feel

00:45:05,840 --> 00:45:11,040
worship will play in the next move and then two uh what do you expect from these momentums and I

00:45:11,040 --> 00:45:16,160
know it's a two-part question but what what part because you you're you're leading worship at all

00:45:16,160 --> 00:45:21,120
of our events you're putting together teams you're working with different people and honestly people

00:45:21,120 --> 00:45:25,920
seriously you're so gifted and the way you follow Holy Spirit is amazing so again back to the question

00:45:25,920 --> 00:45:29,680
what part do you feel worship will play in this next move and what do you expect if there's a

00:45:29,680 --> 00:45:36,000
momentum masterclass I think worship is going to play such a significant role in this next move

00:45:36,000 --> 00:45:41,600
because I believe worship is everything it's not just a song it's not just a musician it's not just

00:45:41,600 --> 00:45:47,120
a talented singer it's how we live our lives on the daily basis come on bro worship is what tells

00:45:47,120 --> 00:45:52,160
you to hey god loves you to that person in the supermarket or hey I want to I want to pay for

00:45:52,160 --> 00:45:57,600
that card behind me in the drive-thru or hey let me let me get you a coffee yes I think worship

00:45:57,600 --> 00:46:04,160
leads us in every area of our lives it encourages it blesses the Lord it gives him the glory that

00:46:04,160 --> 00:46:10,720
he deserves and worship postures us in a place of realizing all that I have is yours god everything

00:46:10,720 --> 00:46:16,240
that I have I'm a big proponent I tell people this all the time I don't lead worship because I

00:46:16,240 --> 00:46:21,440
like music I enjoy music but music's not really a passion for me my passion has always been people

00:46:22,080 --> 00:46:28,800
and worship is a tool or music is a tool that the Lord has used to lead me to people that's always

00:46:28,800 --> 00:46:36,000
been my thing since day one and I wish I could say like man like music's everything to me but

00:46:36,000 --> 00:46:40,720
music is just a tool to bring people closer to the Lord and I think in this next move and these

00:46:40,720 --> 00:46:46,640
momentum moves I've seen how worship has totally just shifted the atmosphere when when and at least

00:46:46,640 --> 00:46:52,080
in definitely the momentum nights like I've seen where we push and press and encourage and just

00:46:52,080 --> 00:46:58,880
like lead the people 100% they go for it yes sir and we've seen what happens like oh my gosh there's

00:46:58,880 --> 00:47:04,480
no greater sound than when I hear God's people singing without a worship leader on their own wow

00:47:04,480 --> 00:47:09,520
it just feels like heaven yes and I believe that's going to be so significant because I believe people

00:47:09,520 --> 00:47:13,840
are going to be leading worship in their homes people are going to be lighthouses in their own

00:47:13,840 --> 00:47:18,160
community and in that like just like the upper room like we're going to have thousands of upper

00:47:18,160 --> 00:47:22,720
room experiences in different neighborhoods where people are going to have so many neighbors and

00:47:22,720 --> 00:47:27,040
so and so's come over from out of nowhere they won't even know what to do with them and I think

00:47:27,040 --> 00:47:32,160
it's going to be contagious I think it's going to affect every church every congregation I think

00:47:32,160 --> 00:47:36,880
worship is the key when I I'm reminded of the story and it's funny I've been talking about the

00:47:36,880 --> 00:47:41,760
story a lot and maybe it was for this conversation Sean um but it's the story of the golden calf and

00:47:41,760 --> 00:47:46,560
if you remember in Exodus I think it's Exodus 32 uh Moses goes to be with the Lord and the people

00:47:46,560 --> 00:47:52,000
are left behind with Aaron right um Aaron who's a strategist but was also people pleasing yeah um

00:47:52,000 --> 00:47:56,480
great speaker um decided man that people are complaining like hey we want we want to build

00:47:56,480 --> 00:48:01,360
an altar or build a statue build an idol um to worship the Lord uh because we you know Moses

00:48:01,360 --> 00:48:05,120
gets to worship how come we can't you know the Israelites were no for complaining this was normal

00:48:05,120 --> 00:48:11,200
for them um Aaron being wise decided okay won't you guys melt the gold um and I think it's um your

00:48:11,200 --> 00:48:15,120
children's earrings melt the gold and then I'm we're going to make a statue lo and behold they

00:48:15,120 --> 00:48:21,280
turn into a golden calf what's so interesting about this story um is when I went to Israel our

00:48:21,280 --> 00:48:28,640
tour guide told it from a Jewish Israeli perspective which is different from an American Christian

00:48:28,640 --> 00:48:34,880
perspective he shared how back in those times it was customary for people to be polytheistic

00:48:34,880 --> 00:48:40,560
whereas in today's culture we're very monotheistic right like God is the only God right whereas back

00:48:40,560 --> 00:48:44,960
then it was like okay we do believe in the sun god we do believe in this god but we just believe

00:48:44,960 --> 00:48:51,200
that Jehovah is higher oh right this is how he he shared it and what's interesting is all the other

00:48:51,200 --> 00:48:56,560
gods for them to come and be in a place you had to build something for them to sit on and that

00:48:56,560 --> 00:49:03,600
something oftentimes was like a golden statue a cow or or or altar altar whatever and so basically

00:49:03,600 --> 00:49:09,200
the people were complaining with normal custom customs like if God is with is with Moses then

00:49:09,200 --> 00:49:13,600
for him to be with us we need to build something for him to come right we need to build something so

00:49:13,600 --> 00:49:18,000
we can worship him and what and it's so funny when you read throughout all of Exodus which is one

00:49:18,000 --> 00:49:22,320
of my favorite books is the number one message that I feel that God was trying to get to is to the

00:49:22,320 --> 00:49:27,520
Israelites of that time and I think that message is still here to the to this day is I am with you

00:49:27,520 --> 00:49:33,440
no matter what so that the the splitting of the that the the Red Sea wasn't enough the cloud by day

00:49:33,440 --> 00:49:39,200
fire by night wasn't enough the mass the plagues to get you out of that wasn't enough crazy all

00:49:39,200 --> 00:49:45,200
these signs that manna come from heaven wasn't enough yet you wanted another thing for to be

00:49:45,200 --> 00:49:52,560
proven that I am with you yet this whole time I've been trying to get you to see that I am with you

00:49:53,280 --> 00:49:58,880
right now yesterday and tomorrow I feel like in today's world that that seems to be the message

00:49:58,880 --> 00:50:05,920
that the Lord is trying to get to his people is not only am I here not only did I send Jesus not

00:50:05,920 --> 00:50:12,320
only is a Holy Spirit available every single day so good but you don't have to have it at a church

00:50:12,320 --> 00:50:17,120
and what I love about the momentum nights is we see people from all different churches yeah

00:50:17,120 --> 00:50:23,200
all different walks of life come together get poured into get filled to go yes to go it doesn't

00:50:23,200 --> 00:50:28,320
stay yes go into your cities go into your neighborhoods go into your churches and and

00:50:28,320 --> 00:50:33,440
pour out and come back and get refilled yes and so anyways I just say all that to say I think worship

00:50:33,440 --> 00:50:39,120
is is a big key component when we see it um how God intended it and that's it's everything in our

00:50:39,120 --> 00:50:43,440
lives and I look forward to these next momentum nights because I believe God just has so much more

00:50:43,440 --> 00:50:49,200
yes this last one we saw so much so many healing testimonies we saw so many people filled with the

00:50:49,200 --> 00:50:56,560
Holy Spirit yes we saw people just laid out laid out in the best way possible just just just basking

00:50:56,560 --> 00:51:02,800
in the glory and in the love of God there was a peace in that room facts oh my goodness like it

00:51:02,800 --> 00:51:09,280
was just oh it just I was in awe and it's so cool like from my standpoint as a person leading worship

00:51:09,280 --> 00:51:14,560
people are often like man like are you tired are you exhausted and I think my healing journey has

00:51:14,560 --> 00:51:19,920
led me to a place to not only learn how to go back to the source to get refilled but in these

00:51:19,920 --> 00:51:25,440
momentum nights I am getting filled literally as I'm pouring out crazy and I've never experienced

00:51:25,440 --> 00:51:31,360
that before that's crazy like I leave feeling like I got hit by a truck but super energized like

00:51:31,360 --> 00:51:37,200
wanting more like like we can keep going and keep going and so you do too hey listen and I'm just

00:51:37,200 --> 00:51:41,520
excited for more of these nights to come because I think God is just gonna show us more of heaven

00:51:41,520 --> 00:51:46,080
and I think you nailed something bro and I love how you brought in that passage in Exodus that

00:51:46,080 --> 00:51:51,200
that altar for them was kind of a statement of God we want you to be with us and yet to connect

00:51:51,200 --> 00:51:57,520
what you're saying Psalms 22 3 the Lord inhabits the praises of his people that are our praise I

00:51:57,520 --> 00:52:02,880
believe that prayer connects us to the heart of God but worship connects us to the presence of the

00:52:02,880 --> 00:52:08,000
Lord tabernacle dwelling in our midst and so that's so important Chris man what you shared is so

00:52:08,000 --> 00:52:14,960
profound I mean like yo dude you're deep you're as likable as they come I literally can't say I

00:52:14,960 --> 00:52:21,040
know a guy more likable I mean you're on the Mount Rushmore in my life of likable guys like anybody

00:52:21,040 --> 00:52:26,160
has a problem with you has a problem hey how can our listeners stay in contact with you man and

00:52:26,160 --> 00:52:31,600
just follow what you're doing and keep up with you yeah I'm mostly on Instagram you could find me

00:52:31,600 --> 00:52:37,600
it's Chris Alda justy or Alda juiced I'm sure you'll find the spelling somewhere but yeah I'm

00:52:37,600 --> 00:52:43,920
mostly on there Facebook same thing I love connecting with people so I love to meet new

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people hear your stories and just connect and just see what God does through new relationships and

00:52:49,120 --> 00:52:54,640
so Sean thank you so much for even like having me on here I am so appreciated of you you and

00:52:54,640 --> 00:52:59,600
Chris tell you guys have changed my life forever man and I'm just excited like if you could come out

00:52:59,600 --> 00:53:07,360
to Momentum Nights or PMC master classes healing and deliverance anything you need to be there

00:53:07,360 --> 00:53:11,840
like it'll change your life and I'm not just saying that because I'm a part I kid you not even if I

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wasn't leading worship I'll be sitting in the front row without question Chris is going to be

00:53:16,240 --> 00:53:21,840
leading worship along with the team at our next master class and you do not want to miss it we'll

00:53:21,840 --> 00:53:26,160
give you information obviously you can go to our website and find it Chris dude thanks so much for

00:53:26,160 --> 00:53:32,880
hopping on the keep it 100 podcast bro we love you we love your wife we call our LTV y'all it's

00:53:32,880 --> 00:53:40,240
Lily but LTV Lily of the Valley so all right we love you man I mean come on I love him I love

00:53:40,240 --> 00:53:46,480
what he shared that was such a good conversation oh it was amazing Chris his ability to be honest

00:53:46,480 --> 00:53:53,280
yes forthright yes funny 100 authentic himself but he loves the Lord with all his heart that was

00:53:53,280 --> 00:53:57,840
gold there were so many nuggets just the kind of thing that you learn from people's lives I always

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feel like our lives will be a classroom to a generation good or bad as to what to do or what

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not to do and he shared with us some things to do and I think that's so powerful you know and I love

00:54:08,080 --> 00:54:12,640
it when we allow our lives to be unpacked to be you're like you're saying a classroom for other

00:54:12,640 --> 00:54:16,880
people to learn from and I just love Chris I love his vulnerability I love his transparency

00:54:16,880 --> 00:54:20,240
and he always is going to point you back to Jesus and isn't that the way we should always

00:54:20,240 --> 00:54:24,800
respond through every lesson every path walked in our lives we're pointing back to Jesus and Chris

00:54:24,800 --> 00:54:31,120
does that so beautifully keep 100 tribe I hope you just so enjoyed this conversation is so rich

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and there's anything really just to walk away thinking is that worship just simply isn't a song

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at the beginning of a service or when your favorite tune comes on or what you have on your

00:54:40,560 --> 00:54:45,840
apple play playlist worship literally is our lifestyle it's the way we live our life and

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worshipers a true worshipers obviously worship and spirit and in truth and the whole understanding

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is that when you're a worshipper worship is warfare worship is the thing that can bring the

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presence of God so quickly that when you feel like you're in a situation where the enemy is

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trying to get at you and the enemy is trying to hit you get strongholds in your mind or maybe you

00:55:05,760 --> 00:55:09,920
need to worship God in the midst of your battling with an affliction or you feel an area in your

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life where you need freedom as you begin to worship it's so important and we're super pumped that

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we're going to have Chris several days from now also leading worship at our healing and

00:55:19,840 --> 00:55:25,040
deliverance masterclass and if you're not going to be there live you can go live stream thanks so

00:55:25,040 --> 00:55:30,240
much for tuning into the keep it 100 podcast make sure to rate review and refer us to your friends

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and be sure to click that subscribe button so that you're alerted as soon as new episodes drop

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help us get the word out share this link on your social media platforms and check us out at

00:55:38,560 --> 00:55:43,920
Seanandchristasmith.com you can also find us on facebook at Sean and christasmith ministries

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we would love to hear from you on how this podcast has impacted you so be sure to show us some love

00:55:48,800 --> 00:55:54,400
we sure love you guys and we just want you to know that uh relief may change your circumstance but a

00:55:54,400 --> 00:56:01,120
revelation will change you we hope you enjoyed today's episode of the keep it 100 podcast with

00:56:01,120 --> 00:56:06,720
Sean and Christa Smith keep up with us on facebook and instagram and seanandchristasmith.com

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where you can discover more resources if this podcast has impacted you please subscribe and

00:56:11,120 --> 00:56:37,120
review wherever you listen to your podcast keep it 100