Dec. 14, 2021

"Can I Get a Witness: Prophetic Evangelism Pt.1" S2 Ep25

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Keep It 100 with Sean & Christa Smith

As the world changes, post-COVID, the task of evangelism could very well become harder & harder with opportunities potentially increasingly restricted. Yet, if anything is true in this era, the need for evangelism is greater, as so many people have been confronted with their own mortality.  With a world that seems to be on the threshold of MASSIVE uncertainties, people are asking questions.

For far too long, evangelism and missions have been seen as the exclusive responsibility of trained pastors and ministry leaders. But, Scripture is clear that the Great Commission is not given to just those few, but rather to every single believer. An Apostle from Tarsus, tells us “That we can ALL Prophesy”!

Meanwhile, the term “Prophetic Evangelism” has slipped into Christian jargon in recent years, but what does it actually mean?  Is it walking up to a complete stranger and telling them that “Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life”?  Or is there something markedly beyond?

In this episode of Keep It 100, we will uncover truths about this emerging topic of PROPHETIC EVANGELISM and have a powerful table talk with prophetic evangelist Richie Seltzer.   


Facebook: @seanandchristasmithministries

Instagram: @revseansmith @mrschristasmith