Oct. 31, 2023

"Getting God Dreams & Ghosting Religious Spirits w/ Jeremiah Johnson" S4 Ep22

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Keep It 100 with Sean & Christa Smith

Many cultures throughout history have attached profound spiritual and cultural significance to dreams. Dreams have inspired countless works of literature, art, and film. Dreams are a common part of the human experience, and they have been the subject of much study and speculation throughout history. They have often been viewed as messages from the Divine and sources of guidance.Dreams in Scriptures have often been a means of divine communication. God uses dreams to convey messages, guidance, and revelations to individuals. In the Old Testament, God spoke to figures like Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph through dreams, providing them with important instructions and insights. biblical narratives are inspired by dreams and visions.Even in the story of Joseph, once he had a God dream, his brothers thought to kill him and enslave the dream and the dreamer. Likewise today, perhaps the greatest threat to Divine dreams is a "Religious Spirit".In this episode of Keep it 100, we talk about the prophetic significance of dreams and have a conversation with The Altar Global movement's founder Jeremiah Johnson.

Website: www.seanandchristasmith.com

Facebook: @seanandchristasmithministries

Instagram: @revseansmith @mrschristasmith

Twitter: @revseansmith

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Welcome to Keep It 100 podcast with Sean and Christa Smith. Join us in the space where we

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take on real issues with real insight and real inspiration. This podcast is for those not looking

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for temporary relief to change circumstance, but revelation to forever change lives.

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Hey everyone, it is Sean and Christa coming at you for another episode of Keep It 100.

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It's your boy Sean joining you.

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Hey, we're so excited for this conversation. We have an incredible guest that Sean has just an

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incredible conversation with, but we've been having some really cool things happen lately.

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This past October 20th, we had our second to last Momentum Night Gathering for 2023,

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and we have some incredible testimonies. We really went after a night of healing. Sean was

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in time of prayer and really felt like we were to really put a stake in the ground and believe for

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a time of healing. And we saw Apple healed. Yes. And for those of you who don't know,

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or maybe just listening for the first time, Krista and I, we do these once a month gatherings in

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Oakland, California, and we call them Momentum Nights. It's kind of evolved from our Momentum

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Conference, which we'll talk to you about later. But it's so awesome to see hundreds upon hundreds

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of people consist of gathering with us. They're coming from Redding, they're coming from Sacramento,

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they're coming from Texas, they're coming from Jersey, they're coming from Arizona.

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We're getting people coming from all over. But the cool thing about this last one, Krista,

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is that we saw some significant healings. We really did. So it's cool. We got this testimony.

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I just got the testimony today that I called out a word for a heart arrhythmia, a heart murmur.

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And so a guy responded and he acknowledged that he can get two to eight slip beats a minute in

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his heart. That's a bit concerning. So it's so cool because we instructed people to lay hands

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on each other, which we really love that to empower believers. And so a lady laid hands on him,

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was next to him, and we were in a court prayer and prayed over everyone that had any kind of

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condition. And since that time, he said his email, he has had completely regular heartbeat, healed of heart

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arrhythmia and irregularities in the heartbeats. And anytime your heart isn't ticking right,

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that's a need of concern. That's a whole miracle. But we heard a lot of miracles as it relates to

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that. Didn't you hear some too? We really did. And what was so cool is I loved how you led us in a

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time, baby, of having everyone pray for everyone. Because I think we're really trying to shift that

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observatory mentality in the church where someone comes to watch someone else move the gifts. We're

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trying to get the church activated. This is available to everybody. So seeing everyone so

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excited that when you ask who's just been healed, majority of the hands went up that had been prayed

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for. And then you saw the excitement of everyone around them that had prayed for them. And you can

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see that light bulb go on like, Jesus is using me this way. And I think that is equally exciting

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of a testimony as the healing is. A couple of really cool testimonies that I received back

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that we're just kind of pulling on a couple. We actually received a lot of testimonies,

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but this was really cool. A woman came in need of healing a vertigo. And that's brutal if anyone's

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ever battled vertigo. And she came and I had a word of knowledge. You just call it words of

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knowledge for healing. Called out vertigo, prayed for her, laid hands on her. And the whole room

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came into agreement for her. It was really beautiful. She said she felt her ear pop open

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and drain and she didn't have any vertigo. And so that just felt like that's life-changing. I mean,

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that affects the quality of your life. I mean, that was so right. She needed healing vertigo,

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came in faith. And her daughter's actually willing to share the testimony. Her daughter was so

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excited because when your family gets healed, right, and people you've been continuing for,

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it's so powerful. And then another testimony I received was a girl that she's been coming

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really consistently, the momentum, which I love it. She lives in the Bay area and she's had issues

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with her hip. And she went, she got totally healed, zero pain. And she went back to her

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chiropractor on Tuesday. So momentum was on Friday night. The following Tuesday she goes and the

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chiropractor goes, your hip is totally in alignment. What happened? She's like, Jesus healed me. So

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that was really cool. She was so excited because she had significant pain and she was totally

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completely healed. And she was just so excited. So she even offered to share testimony at our

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next momentum. And I just thought, yeah, let's have her share. That's like so awesome. Oh yeah.

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And then there was that girl, even the night of that she got healed of seizures. That's right.

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And so that was amazing. I think one of the things was epileptic seizures, one of the words

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that came in a way of a word of knowledge. She immediately got healed and came up testified.

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She said there's a thing that she could feel in her head that lets her know there's that

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ongoing kind of cronies to seizures. And all of a sudden just popped and it went away and she just

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felt total peace. And so she got him testified. And so we're just so excited. And you know,

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wherever you're at, we, we sometimes just need to be reminded, we serve a healing Jesus. Amen.

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That the Bible says that the same blood that partens your iniquities heals all your diseases.

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And so if you believe that Jesus can forgive your sins, you have to believe also that he can heal

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sickness and disease. And I think it's about a Christ. We just need to believe for more of that.

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Yeah. Amen. You know, you're listening today and you're like, I need healing in my body. You just

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receive that Lord. We just release over the Keep 100 Tribe and those that are listening,

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it's not by accident. They're listening to this episode. We thank you, Jesus. You're a healer

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today, tomorrow. It's who you are. So we just release the healing anointing across the airwaves.

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That's what I love. Jesus, you just by simply declaring who you are over a person's body,

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healing comes. And so Jesus, we thank you that bodies are getting healed right now. Pain is

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leaving, diseases are fleeing and people are being made whole in the name of Jesus. Yes. Come on. Hey,

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in January, if you've not heard, we are having Momentum 2024. And this is actually our annual

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conference, January 18th to 20th. You know, we call it a conference, friends. It is not a conference.

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Keep 100 Tribe. You know our verbiage. We always say it's not a conference. It truly is an invitation

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to encounter God. We've invited some powerful friends and we're going to share with them. They

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are, but more than like big names and powerful ministries, we really have invited people that

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carry a portion and they're going to release, I believe, a word of God. They're going to release

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the word of the Lord and we're going to be never the same. And so I believe this gathering, just

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like last year, which absolutely blew our minds, as we gather, we're going to experience the

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unprecedented. As we were praying as a Momentum team, we were seeking the Lord. And one of our

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people that run with us, she's like, you know, we were talking about themes and she brought to the

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table because we kind of just this collaborative approach of like, what's God saying? She's like,

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where we've never been. And we were right when we heard it, we're all like, that's it. That's

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what God's saying. We're contending and we believe God's going to take us to a place in January where

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we've never been. The unprecedented, the uncharted territory. And so we're just inviting people to go

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to the untrained place with us and the Spirit, take risks, go to the new thing. And we just believe

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it's an invitation for a massive of God. The glory of the Lord will be in the room. And I believe that

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is what the base call to carry is to be a glory well of revival here in California for the nations

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to come. And I believe we're again, that stake in the ground of what God's going to do. So get your

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ticket, registrations available, SeanandChristaSmith.com. Yes, we have some powerful speakers.

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Tomi Ariyomi, we have Sherman Dumas, we have Jody and Ben Hughes. We have leading worship,

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Chris Aljuiste, our Momentum team, music team. They're amazing. And then of course, Matt Gilman,

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Sean and I are also going to be sharing. So get in the room. It really is going to be an unprecedented

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time. We got people that we believe will bring fire. And as we come in and we bring hunger,

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that is a combustive mix. And we believe that is just going to be incendiary spiritual bombs blowing

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up everywhere of glory. And so get your tickets now, go online, as Kristen said, register, I think

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it's going to be awesome. You know, as we move into this episode, it's very interesting. We need to

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let you know that we have one last Momentum night. This is our free gathering. It's going to be

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November 10th. And it's going to be with the guests that we're going to have a conversation with in a

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moment, Jeremiah Johnson. I'll introduce him. But come to the Bay Area, come out and see our last

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one. There were so many healings. Jeremiah is really used in the prophetic course. Chris and I,

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we will be there to minister as well. Our Momentum music worship team, they're going to be there

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leading us in worship. But in these events that we have, these nights, we have extended worship.

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We have the Word. We just preach it unadulterated, no-holds-barred. And then we just go in in the

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altar. But you're going to get in with some rabid people. You're going to feel, as the young people

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say, you're going to feel the energy in the room. Obviously, that energy is the Holy Spirit's

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movement. And it is an atmosphere where all things are possible. But Jeremiah Johnson really flows in

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the prophetic and specifically dreams, which is the reason why we're going to have a conversation.

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So right now, wherever you're at, in fact, because it's our last one, just get a ticket. Come on out,

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join us. We're putting a call out all over California, all over NorCal, but even all over

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the nation. Get your plane ticket and join us. And then you can hang over that weekend to see

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the beautiful Bay Area in San Francisco. But again, it's November 10th, Friday night, 7 PM.

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It's going to be in Oakland, California. Information again is on our website,

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seanandchristasmith.com. It's at 4292 Keller Avenue in Oakland, but it is going to be amazing.

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It really is. I'm really excited about this conversation because we're talking about dreams

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today and it's such a powerful way that God speaks to people. And Sean, you've had a really

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powerful dream. Yes, I have. I've had multiple powerful dreams. I just want to set it up first

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by saying, I think the quintessential passage for me in the area of dreams, in addition to

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Job 2, is Job 33, about 14 through 16. It says, God may speak in one way or another, yet a man

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does not perceive. In dreams, vision of the night, when sound sleep falls upon men while they slumber

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on their beds, then God opens the ears of men and seals their instruction in their hearts. So Job,

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God is saying Job there, that nighttime is a prime, if you will, avenue in which God speaks

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to people. Probably because a lot, sometimes when we're awake, our minds get in the way,

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our active, analytical, rational minds get in the way. But in a dream at night, it's just kind of

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like you get that rationalistic, intellectual thing out and it's just your spirit there. And of

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course, your spirit never sleeps, your body slumbers, your brain goes into that place. But

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the Bible said, then he opens the ears of men and seals instructions in their heart. And so it's

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really interesting because when you're asleep, you don't think about hearing. So obviously God's talking

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about spiritual ears. So dreams land on spiritual ears and God seals instructions. So anyway,

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here's this dream. Some years ago, I had this dream and in this dream, I was in a car in the

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passenger seat and the driver's seat was James Ryle. At that time, I did not know him. He's a

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powerful prophetic minister, pastor at that time, Boulder, Colorado, Boulder Vineyard. He also

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spoke at a lot of the Promise Keepers of Big Men's Movement. He was a pastor to coach Bill

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McCartney who oversaw and founded Promise Keepers of the Move for Men. So I was in this dream. In

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the backdrop, I had read a book that he had written. It was originally entitled Hippo in the Garden,

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weird title, I know, but he's since it's been retitled A Dream Come True. And it was about

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dreams. And so I read this book because I had heard of him. I heard him speak and really liked him,

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like just how sound he was in Bible and theology. And I honestly, at that time, I didn't give a lot

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of credence to dreams. I mean, I knew that God could speak through a dream. I just thought it

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was few and far between. And most of your dreams, you know, it were nonsensical. They'd make, you

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know, they just weren't concrete enough. And so in this dream I have, and it was one of those dreams

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that I didn't even know that I was dreaming until I woke up, felt so real that James Ryle was in the

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passenger seat and he was driving. We're just talking and then he turns and the Spirit of Prophecy

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comes on him and he turns to me and he says, Spirit of the Lord says to you, Sean, you're going to see

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a national outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Number one. Number two, you're going to see a generation

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raised up as armed and dangerous against the enemy that will dismantle powers and principles.

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Number three, and he prophesied this thing. So I came up out of the dream, Christa and ma'am,

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when I came out of the dream, I grabbed my journal. I was writing this stuff down. Entry one, entry

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two, could not get entry three. So I asked people to pray. I called up intercessors. I gave time. I

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thought, okay, maybe I'm trying to think too hard. I said, relax, pray in the Spirit. Long story short,

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I kind of gave up. I didn't think I was going to get that third component. So I'm left with two out

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of the three components, but I knew the third component was important. So lo and behold, I find

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myself doing an outreach in Boulder, Colorado, which I made the connection for reading this book.

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Wait, that's where James Ryle's at. So because he written a book on dreams and he was in my dream,

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I thought, hey, if I could just get to him and talk to him, maybe it would somehow spur me to kind

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of reminder of what happened. So then I call the office and after much back and forth with the head

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secretary, because head secretary is their park pit bull. I get it. They don't want everybody to

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get to the man or woman of God. I get in his office. He had called me and said, come on in.

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And so I get in his office. I said, hey, James, thanks so much for making time. Your book really

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impacted my life. And he said, oh man, I appreciate that. Man, he was talking to me a little bit. And

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all of a sudden I said, hey, Pastor James, I had this dream and he stopped me. And he says,

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the Spirit of the Lord says, you're going to see a national outpouring of the Spirit. You're going to

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see a generation raise up this army of dangerous against the enemy that will dismantle powers and

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principalities over cities and regions. And number three, you're going to see a new Jesus

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people movement in all its glory. So I fall back in the chair. I'm in the sitting chair, but I fall

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back. I'm just shaking. And so get this right. If you're listening, he not only gave me the third

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component of my dream, he gave me all the dream. Then in the moment, he gave me a scripture passage

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that had all three of those components together in one of the prophets. And I was just blown away.

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And I just thought the power of dreams and just how it connected. And so I am super excited

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because there's so many people that they said we dream every night, but some people say, man,

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I really want to grow in this area of receiving God dreams. Others of you, I think maybe there's

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been a place of attack and enemies, right? Nightmares, weird dreams, dietary violation

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dreams are dreams that haunt you in the past. But I think this aspect dreams is so important.

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You know, it really is. We see in scripture again and again, it's such a powerful way in which God

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speaks to Paul. Obviously warning dreams, prophetic dreams, dreams of insight, revelation.

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We'll wake up with strategy from dreams. They wake up with an insight they didn't have when they went

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to sleep. Others are knowing that you come out of with a dream. So I just, I love the conversation

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that you and Jeremiah are about to have that our Keep 100 Tribe is going to be able to listen to.

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Because I think it challenges us to really pursue dreams in our life. It awakens that desire. And

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I feel like there's also an impartation connected to this conversation. So I'm really excited for

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the Keep 100 Tribe to listen in and really hear the power and the purpose of dreams. Keep 100 Tribe,

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get ready for a powerful conversation with Jeremiah Johnson. Him and his wife Morgan are just

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incredible couple. We love them. They have a ministry called Alter Global. There's a church

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they run. They have online presence. They have training and equipping online. They're just

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powerhouses, both of them in their own right. Jeremiah is a prolific author. He's written many,

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many books. He has a lot of online teaching and he's an itinerant minister as well as

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sows into the local church. Really love what he carries for the nations and God uses him

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significantly in the area of prophecy and dreams. So get ready because it is going to be an incredible

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conversation. Hey Keep 100 Tribe, you are in for a treat. Chris and I love this guy. He's just a

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great friend. Anytime we can get together with he and his wife Morgan, we just love our time together.

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We have the mighty Jeremiah Johnson. Welcome to the Keep 100 Podcast, bro. Hey Sean, thanks so

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much for having me. Can't wait to talk today. Hey man, tell us man, just real quick, bro, you

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you were recently in an area in Ohio, man. What did God do? What happened? Yeah, we saw 21

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salvations on the Sunday. A lot of miracles came forth, just some strong prophetic flow and

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and you got to just continue to see God save souls, preach that simple, pure gospel. He's so

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grateful for the love of God, reconciling himself to us through his son Jesus and just excited about

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what God's doing, man, in the earth. Come on, man. And now we have a connection intersection back in

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the day in Florida. Now, if I get this right, you correct me, you were a college student in Southeastern

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at the time. Amen. Tell us about that because I love this and we got this kind of history. Yeah,

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man. Me and a group of young guys were in a Bible study group in college. We were in Bauer Hall and

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we were radicalized by this guy named Sean Smith and we were reading your book, I Am Your Sign.

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And I remember like watching something online and it was like Sean Smith's coming to Lakeland. We're

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like, no way he's coming to our town. So we got a little posse of us freshmen guys and went over

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to Ignited Church and heard you. And I'll never forget that night because God told me to give

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my brand new shoes and watch away to this guy that came to the meeting. And I was just so inspired

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by your radical pursuit of evangelism and signs and wonders. And I just knew the Lord wanted me

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to just take a leap of faith and love on this homeless dude that night. So man, I just thank

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you for your poor Sean and you've just been such a veteran in the kingdom of God. You're so humble,

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but thanks for being a lifeline to a young guy like me. Amen. Absolutely, Jeremiah. Dude, sure

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love you. Hey, bro. One of the things that we love to do, man, is we love to get the different

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ministry guests that come on, bro. We love to get them to give us a little chit chat as far as their

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origin story, man. Give us something that God just did in your life or some way he rocked you,

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you first encountered or however you want to share, but share something about yourself in the area

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of the origin story, bro. Yeah, I always tell people it sort of seems cliche when you look at

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Jeremiah chapter one Bible, but it's like, I feel like I've sort of lived that out. So I, you know,

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my mom had a dream when she was pregnant with me to name me Jeremiah. And she, you know, I grew up

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with these journal writings that she would show me where the Lord told her I'd be a prophet, that I

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traveled world and preach and write books and things. But the word was that Satan would try

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to kill me on multiple times in my life. And so fast forward, I'm born dead in the hospital. The

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cord is wrapped around my neck three times. And I was known as a miracle baby in the hospital. The

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doctors, he was a Jewish doctor from Israel, radically just stepped in, saved me. She was

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hemorrhaging, saved her. And I just, my parents like knew that there was something special on my

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life, but that Satan was kind of, you know, already at the onslaught, you know, that Jeremiah one,

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I knew you, I formed you in your mother's womb. But I started receiving prophetic dreams around

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seven years old, you know, from the earliest time I can remember. So when people ask me about my

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origin story, I kind of feel like it started in the womb, like I don't know that I really had a

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choice or something, God chose me, but he really began to encounter me at a really young age. And

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it was his voice and the experiences that I had that really kept me as a young man really close

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to the Lord. Man, that is crazy. I mean, your mom had this dream, those kinds of things. And man,

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you're fulfilling that. I mean, the very things your mom dreamt, you're walking in that. And you

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know, it's so important because I just think, you know, dreams are one of those things. I remember

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the certain point and I was saving a Spirit-filled ministry, went to a Pentecostal church, but there

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just wasn't a lot of credence given to dreams. I think we just kind of felt like that was shaky

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territory. And man, I got a hold of a book back in the day. It's since been renamed, it was called

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Hippo in the Garden by James Ryle. And I think it's called a dream come true or something like

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that since that time. But he just laid out, you know, just how God used dreams. And when I opened

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myself up, I just began to see so many ways in which God spoke to people in dreams. How did God

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start giving you dreams? Obviously you got that at seven, but how did it become more of a mainstay

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or staple in your walk? Yeah, you know, I tell people I was really blessed to grow up in a

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charismatic pastor's home. So my dad pastored a large church in Indianapolis, Indiana. And I

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remember vividly around nine years old, my dad would wake up early and, you know, shave in his

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undies and, you know, on Sunday mornings, get ready for the service. And I would walk in having a

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dream. I remember one particular, he would always ask me, Jeremiah, what did you dream at night?

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He'd set me up on the, on the counter while he shaved and say, what did you dream last night?

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And I said, God, I saw this woman named Deborah. She had blonde hair, she had a back injury and

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God wants to heal her. And he was like, okay, well, let's look for her at service that Sunday.

00:20:02,880 --> 00:20:08,960
And sure enough, a woman with that same name, same description, back injury walks into church.

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My dad gives me the microphone. He's like, hey, you know, start praying for her. And man, the power

00:20:14,320 --> 00:20:21,120
God hit her that day. And it just be, you know, it began like as a trickle early on. And my dad

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really made room for it. You know, I do a lot of teachings for parents with prophetic kids,

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because I think sometimes it's important for parents to normalize the supernatural,

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especially to your kids. Don't make them feel weird. Don't ignore them. You've got to talk to

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them. And, you know, Sean, you know, I have a daughter that's 11 years old. She's been dreaming

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prophetically now since she was around seven. And so I even have used like the ways that my dad

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and my mom helped to steward the gifts that God had given me at a young age. I do the same thing

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with my daughter. So it's like from generation to generation, but two things that helped me to

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steward them as they increase, because I'm thinking about this one. I started sleeping with a tape

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recorder next to my bed around nine years old. I really felt like the Lord was saying, I want you

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to steward these things. So I would sleep with a tape recorder. And in the middle of the night or

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in the morning, I'd wake up and I would speak out everything that I could. I heard everything that

00:21:23,600 --> 00:21:30,080
I saw just for a sake of accountability. And over time, I began to develop almost total recall.

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A lot of people that hear my dreams now, they're always like, wow, how did you remember that in

00:21:34,800 --> 00:21:39,280
detail? And I would say, well, that's like 10 years of sleeping with the tape recorder,

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writing all of this stuff down and just working through the dream. So that was big. And then

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secondly, the Lord was really big about what I watched. I made a vow to the Lord not to watch

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horror movies, rated R movies. He was big about the eye gates, the ear gates, like really making

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sure even as a teenager, young adult, that I really kept my filter clear and clean so that when the

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Lord would visit me at night, it was coming from a pure place. So I think just that tape recorder,

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I think that the stewarding of the eye gates, the imagination was huge. And then sort of like you,

00:22:15,840 --> 00:22:22,080
I got handed this book by James Gall on dreams. And I would be like, I don't even know what this

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stuff is. A lot of my dreams are literal, but James Gall, his book on dreams really gave me

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language to what I was seeing. Man, you know, and obviously there's so many great passages in

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scripture, but you could just see so many examples where God gave dreams to kings, he gave dreams to

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prophets, he gave dreams to different patriarchs and people. And I mean, they were warning dreams,

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they were dreams of what was to come. They were communication of God, revelation of the Messiah.

00:22:51,120 --> 00:22:56,960
I mean, it's, the Bible is replete with dreams and revelations in that area. And man, I think

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that's just so awesome because I think most kids do dream. And to your point, Jeremiah, I think many

00:23:02,640 --> 00:23:08,000
times we shut that down and it's sad. We just think, oh man, come on, get out of that fantasy

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world. You know, when they're very young, I think we're a little more patient with them. But as they

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get old, it's kind of like, hey, come to reality, come to reality, not knowing that no, they are in

00:23:17,120 --> 00:23:22,960
God's reality. And we're limiting ourselves to, you know, carnal or fleshly or earthly reality.

00:23:22,960 --> 00:23:28,480
And I love that you're discipling your daughters, your parents, did you? That's just so key, man.

00:23:29,360 --> 00:23:34,000
Jeremiah, let me ask you another question. What are some of the standout dreams that God has given

00:23:34,000 --> 00:23:39,360
you? Man, you just go, because I know you've had some incredible dreams. And I'll just throw this

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out there. I think one of the things that also makes you somewhat unique, and there are many

00:23:43,520 --> 00:23:49,200
things, is that you said you get literal dreams, you'll get headlines, you'll see specific people

00:23:49,200 --> 00:23:54,080
and places. I think many people, their dreams, and I'm sure you have some of these as well,

00:23:54,080 --> 00:23:59,280
they're allegorical, they're metaphors. You have to learn kind of dream symbols and how God

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speaks to you, like cars and dreams represents ministry for me. When I'm in a car with someone,

00:24:05,440 --> 00:24:11,280
it's usually life and ministry combined. And so anyway, what are some of the more profound

00:24:11,280 --> 00:24:15,840
standout dreams, bro, that you've had? Yeah, you know, I think that the dreams,

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like I tell people, I've never like prayed like, Oh, God, give me a dream. You know,

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they just come, you know, I typically dream in cycles of three to five a night. And so literally,

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every time I go to sleep, I'm dreaming about someone or something, or I'm in Taiwan, and I'm

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on like a, you know, a missions prayer assignment kind of thing. So it's just kind of like a wild,

00:24:40,720 --> 00:24:47,760
kind of a wild world. I mean, I've had a lot of dreams of specifically seeing people by name

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that I did not know before the dream. And I would know certain details about their life.

00:24:54,800 --> 00:25:00,480
You know, I'm recalling one right now where I had a dream where I met a man named Tom,

00:25:00,480 --> 00:25:06,240
he was in the middle of bankruptcy, and the Lord wanted me to tell him that he was going to become

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a millionaire one day if he would faithfully pursue the Lord during his wilderness season.

00:25:12,240 --> 00:25:16,960
And I'll never forget like, and this was when I was like 19 years old, still in college,

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when I started getting radicalized by this guy named Sean Smith. But so I remember like going

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to this meeting, and the guy sits right down next to me, and he has a name tag on and it's Tom. And

00:25:27,920 --> 00:25:32,960
I'm like, Holy cow, this stuff is real. You know, because even like as a recipient of dreams,

00:25:32,960 --> 00:25:38,320
you're still like, wow, this is crazy. Like I just dream last night before. And you know,

00:25:38,320 --> 00:25:43,200
I'm like looking at him and I'm like, okay, well, this is either gonna be right on the money or

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this is gonna be off. But I just said, Hey, man, you know, anything happening in your life right

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now, you need prayer for anything is like, yeah, I'm in the middle of a bankruptcy. And this is this

00:25:54,880 --> 00:26:00,640
is my dude right here. And so I said, Well, then I just have a word from the Lord for you that you're

00:26:00,640 --> 00:26:06,080
going to become a millionaire one day and that if you'll obey the Lord and stay close to him in this

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wilderness season, this trial, he's going to bless you. And honestly, I think, you know, it's hard to

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go off of just people's looks. But I mean, I'm pretty sure this guy was like, this, this kid is

00:26:16,880 --> 00:26:23,120
crazy. But he ended up contacting me seven years later to the day. And you know, sometimes

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scripturally, people are in a wilderness or they're in a season of sevens. And seven years later,

00:26:29,040 --> 00:26:34,880
this guy contacted me and said that he had gone through this bankruptcy, this foreclosure, this

00:26:34,880 --> 00:26:40,880
awful thing with business partner. And seven years to the day, he had just grossed over $4 million

00:26:42,000 --> 00:26:48,160
my and I could just, you know, fill the airwaves with a lot of stories like that. But to me, it's

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just, you know, walking every day, knowing God has a heart of land for his people and wants to

00:26:54,400 --> 00:27:00,080
bring comfort and encouragement. I've also had a lot of dreams that I'm probably more well known

00:27:00,080 --> 00:27:06,400
for than like everyday dreams for people where I've had several dreams about America, the Middle

00:27:06,400 --> 00:27:12,640
East, different political leaders that people have heard different dreams. I mean, I dream kind of

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everything from, you know, who was going to win the World Series one year and that happened. And

00:27:18,480 --> 00:27:23,760
actually it was that particular year, it was a sign the Lord told me that the Los Angeles Dodgers

00:27:23,760 --> 00:27:30,080
would win the World Series in 2020 as a sign that he wasn't done with California and that he was

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going to send his spirit of revival there. So, you know, and it's not like they're in the World

00:27:35,040 --> 00:27:40,240
Series and he's telling me that I'm talking like before the season kind of thing. You know, just

00:27:40,240 --> 00:27:46,240
trying to think of maybe something else that might be meaningful, you know, probably this maybe just,

00:27:46,240 --> 00:27:52,960
you know, shifting gears a little bit. But when I was about 25 years old and I began to travel more

00:27:52,960 --> 00:27:58,560
preaching, I've been planning churches the last 15 years, but when I started traveling and preaching,

00:27:58,560 --> 00:28:04,960
I would have these really, really bizarre experiences, Sean, where I would get invited

00:28:04,960 --> 00:28:09,280
to a city and, you know, I would pray and ask the Lord, you know, what do you want me to share

00:28:09,280 --> 00:28:16,640
at said church? But that very first night I would sleep in that city. I would be encountered in my

00:28:16,640 --> 00:28:22,960
dream by a principality and power. And I was telling James Gall on his broadcast the other day,

00:28:22,960 --> 00:28:30,000
I could literally map for people all the different principalities and powers I have encountered just

00:28:30,000 --> 00:28:35,680
in the United States. You know, I remember being in Dayton, Ohio and being confronted by a

00:28:35,680 --> 00:28:44,800
Freemason principality that ruled over that region. And I'm in Canada in 2015. I had, I went three

00:28:44,800 --> 00:28:52,080
nights in a row without sleep, wrestling a principality named Ishmael over Canada, wanting

00:28:52,080 --> 00:28:58,480
to abort the purposes of God for the nation. So I dreamed a lot growing up personal things,

00:28:58,480 --> 00:29:06,320
but around 25, I'll be 36 this year. Over the last 10 years, there's been a realm of warfare.

00:29:06,320 --> 00:29:13,680
And I know that I'm there to expose the plans of the enemy to the church leaders on the ground.

00:29:13,680 --> 00:29:19,520
And the Lord will give me a message of how he, you know, he shows us the problem to bring the

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solution. So I'll say, Hey, the Lord, it's been revealed to me you're dealing with this demonic

00:29:25,120 --> 00:29:31,200
issue over this region. But then the Lord would give me strategy. So my message that night would

00:29:31,200 --> 00:29:36,240
be, Hey, I had a dream. And honestly, as people hear this stuff, a lot of people invite me into

00:29:36,240 --> 00:29:40,960
their church or into their country, because they're like, Hey, what's this dude going to tell us? Like,

00:29:40,960 --> 00:29:47,600
what did the Lord show him about what's going on? So it's been a wild ride, but I've never one time

00:29:47,600 --> 00:29:52,800
like asked the Lord, Oh God, show me the devil in this region. It's just like, I go to sleep and

00:29:52,800 --> 00:29:57,840
boom, it opens up. Hey, I just want to jump in, keep 100 tribe, everyone listening. We're going

00:29:57,840 --> 00:30:03,200
to have Jeremiah Johnson here on the west coast in the Bay Area, specific Oakland, California,

00:30:03,200 --> 00:30:09,200
4292 Keller Avenue in Oakland. We're going to have them November 10th. We are, Chris and I host

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monthly gatherings called momentum nights. We're going to have Jeremiah, we're super excited to

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have him in. He's had a multiple dreams, but he's had one specifically about our region, but it's

00:30:19,440 --> 00:30:24,240
just going to be a night of the prophetic. So again, you need to get out November 10th in Oakland,

00:30:24,240 --> 00:30:29,280
California. And if you have any questions, you could just go to our website, Seanandchristasmith.com,

00:30:29,280 --> 00:30:33,440
and there'll be more on that. You know, it's funny when you're talking about this area of dreams,

00:30:33,440 --> 00:30:37,840
and I think it's so profound is that a lot of times, you know, when it comes to the prophetic,

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we have a lens on when we're, you know, in a conscious state where we are woke, woke, not as

00:30:44,400 --> 00:30:51,200
in the modern terminology, woke, but meaning not sleep, not in a nocturnal state. We can kind of

00:30:51,200 --> 00:30:57,200
hear things through filters somewhat. And so it can somewhat be biased. But the one thing that I

00:30:57,200 --> 00:31:02,000
know about dreams, and I've had dreams, not not anywhere near the number you have, but I have

00:31:02,000 --> 00:31:08,080
dreams. And when I'm when I'm asleep, there's no bias, there's no lens, there's no filter. It's

00:31:08,080 --> 00:31:14,320
just that direct download of heaven. And it's weird that we get to the point where we think dreams are

00:31:14,320 --> 00:31:19,680
flimsy, and that they can't really be reliable or trusted. But yet, it's one of those things that

00:31:19,680 --> 00:31:24,880
when God couldn't get different people's attention any other way, or maybe sometimes he could, but it

00:31:24,880 --> 00:31:30,560
was the most profound way. And I'll throw this in, Jeremiah, I really think that we're seeing it,

00:31:30,560 --> 00:31:36,480
but we've not anywhere near scratched the surface. We are different groups, and unreached people

00:31:36,480 --> 00:31:40,960
groups, or different people in Africa or the Middle East, and they'll have dreams, entire tribes will

00:31:40,960 --> 00:31:46,000
have dreams, Jesus will come to them in a dream, and they'll get saved. And then, you know, maybe

00:31:46,000 --> 00:31:50,080
missionaries or Christians will come in after the fact, find out, whoa, who told you guys about Jesus?

00:31:50,080 --> 00:31:56,480
We dreamt this, I think, as it relates right now to a lot of influential, whether it's politicians,

00:31:56,480 --> 00:32:03,360
celebrities, musical actors, CEOs, entrepreneurs, I think that they're going to come some Daniels

00:32:03,360 --> 00:32:08,880
that will interpret their dreams. And man, nothing gets your attention. Obviously Daniel with Nebuchadnezzar

00:32:08,880 --> 00:32:14,160
and actually multiple kings, nothing gets your attention like when someone comes in and

00:32:14,160 --> 00:32:21,200
interprets someone's dream. Have you ever been in a position where your dreams have led to a kind of

00:32:21,200 --> 00:32:26,480
a redemptive net that saw people come to know the Lord or come back to the Lord or anything along

00:32:26,480 --> 00:32:32,080
those lines, Jeremiah? Oh yeah, yeah, man. I'm all over it, man. I believe that what you're saying,

00:32:32,080 --> 00:32:37,680
man, we are living in days where there's going to be an ever-increasing outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

00:32:37,680 --> 00:32:43,600
It's the Joel 2 Acts 2, old men will dream dreams, young men will see visions on your sons and

00:32:43,600 --> 00:32:50,240
daughters. They will prophesy. There's going to be an unprecedented outpouring of dreams and visions

00:32:50,240 --> 00:32:57,040
that's going to fall on this generation that is going to awaken people to the gospel of Jesus

00:32:57,040 --> 00:33:02,240
Christ is going to expose the plans of the enemy. Just as you're talking, I mean, I'm remembering

00:33:02,240 --> 00:33:08,640
a time where I had had a dream. I was on my way up to Canada to minister in Edmonton and I had had a

00:33:08,640 --> 00:33:15,040
dream of a young lady and she was, the dream was simple. She was possessed by the devil. And in the

00:33:15,040 --> 00:33:20,560
dream, I was casting demons out of her. I fly up to Edmonton and we're in the first night of the

00:33:20,560 --> 00:33:26,000
revival meetings. And sure enough, I preach the word. We have an altar call. A girl comes up,

00:33:26,000 --> 00:33:31,680
she matches the description. I didn't even wait for her to ask for prayer. I just, and I said,

00:33:31,680 --> 00:33:38,000
in the name of Jesus, she hit the floor and started slithering around like a snake. I got down on the

00:33:38,000 --> 00:33:43,360
ground with her, asked the pastor's wife to help me pray. She gets radically free. And in that

00:33:43,360 --> 00:33:50,800
meeting, the Holy Spirit really started. It was an, it ended up being, for the next six months,

00:33:50,800 --> 00:33:57,360
I would go up one weekend a month. We kind of stewarded like a six month outpouring. One

00:33:57,360 --> 00:34:03,280
weekend a month, I told the Lord, as long as there were salvations and miracles happening, I come.

00:34:03,280 --> 00:34:08,560
But it was one of these things, Sean, where like a group would get saved and then go back to their

00:34:08,560 --> 00:34:15,120
apartment and order Papa John's pizza. The Papa John's pizza guy shows up and then gets blasted

00:34:15,120 --> 00:34:20,720
by the Holy Spirit. The group leads him to the Lord. And then the next night he comes with his

00:34:20,720 --> 00:34:25,680
friends. Okay. This kind of Jesus. So the second month, this, this is going somewhere, but the

00:34:25,680 --> 00:34:31,520
second month I get off the plane and the pastor picks me up and he's like, you'll never believe

00:34:31,520 --> 00:34:37,200
this. You remember that young lady that you cast the demons out of her father is a high ranking

00:34:37,200 --> 00:34:43,840
government official in Canada and he's invited us to his mansion and we're going there right now.

00:34:43,840 --> 00:34:51,600
So, this pastor is so nervous. He doesn't know what to think. So we go to this mansion,

00:34:51,600 --> 00:34:58,160
the whole family's there and the girl is telling the story of her deliverance and Sean, I'll never

00:34:58,160 --> 00:35:04,320
forget it, man. God is so kind just to key us in on, on signs and he's winking at us. They serve

00:35:04,320 --> 00:35:12,960
the meal for dinner and it's a lamb. I immediately knew as soon as the lamb was served at the Holy

00:35:12,960 --> 00:35:18,320
Spirit was going to break out right in that mansion in Canada. And sure enough, it was one of those,

00:35:18,320 --> 00:35:23,920
you and your whole household shall be saved, but it was all, you just link it back to it's like the

00:35:23,920 --> 00:35:30,160
woman at the well. Jesus has a word of knowledge that leads to the whole town being saved. He just

00:35:30,160 --> 00:35:36,560
gave me a simple dream of casting demons out of a particular girl. I go to Canada, she's at the

00:35:36,560 --> 00:35:42,240
meeting, the Holy and then the next month. So I believe it, man. I believe people are,

00:35:42,240 --> 00:35:48,720
what they're listening today and the Holy Spirit is just bubbling up. I just see like fountains in

00:35:48,720 --> 00:35:55,120
the spirit, like people just something's bubbling up and the Lord is using this conversation to fan

00:35:55,120 --> 00:36:00,480
the flame. I hear the Lord saying, I'm going to fan the flames of this generation and you're going

00:36:00,480 --> 00:36:08,320
to go from a flame to a wildfire. There's going to be a wildfire of end time dreams and visions.

00:36:08,320 --> 00:36:13,440
And the Lord says, you're not even going to have to wait very long for these to come to pass.

00:36:13,440 --> 00:36:20,000
It will be moments and days and short months where you'll see the manifestation of what you're seeing

00:36:20,000 --> 00:36:26,640
in the night season. You know, as you're sharing, Jeremiah, I feel such an anointing. I feel an

00:36:26,640 --> 00:36:31,520
impartation. I feel a desire and a hunger. I remember years ago, I'd read the final quest

00:36:31,520 --> 00:36:36,000
of Rick Joyner. I think a lot of it came in a dream to him and others, I'm sure just

00:36:36,000 --> 00:36:40,080
moments of getting along with the Lord. So I was out there and I was at this conference and

00:36:40,080 --> 00:36:43,920
I had developed a relationship with Mike Bickle. So Mike Bickle invited me to the back. So it was

00:36:43,920 --> 00:36:51,920
like Mike Bickle. It was like Jack Deere. It was Paul Kane. It was Bob Jones. It was, man, so many

00:36:51,920 --> 00:36:56,640
different people. Paul Keith Davis, I think it was, yeah, Bobby Connor. All these guys are back there.

00:36:56,640 --> 00:37:02,400
So anyway, obviously it was at Rick Joyner's ministry. And so I had read that book and just

00:37:02,400 --> 00:37:06,880
was so impacted. And so I just said to him, I said, Hey Rick, you know, and I'd been around

00:37:06,880 --> 00:37:10,880
him a little bit. He knew that I was there hanging with Mike. He says, I just said, Hey, would you

00:37:10,880 --> 00:37:15,600
just pray that God would give me dreams? And so he laid hands on me. The power of God just rocked

00:37:15,600 --> 00:37:22,560
me. I think I fell back in the chair. 30 straight days, bro, I had these dreams that were just like

00:37:22,560 --> 00:37:30,960
living color. They were like vivid. They were something I could recall completely. And we dream

00:37:30,960 --> 00:37:35,840
every single night. I mean, scientists and even that community verifies that we don't always

00:37:35,840 --> 00:37:41,040
remember them. And there's even a scripture I think that can kind of help us as it relates to that.

00:37:41,040 --> 00:37:46,000
But I really believe there's such an impartation in the era of dreams. I just feel like people

00:37:46,000 --> 00:37:50,480
are listening. They're going to just receive more in the area of their dream life. You know, you and

00:37:50,480 --> 00:37:56,000
I both, and I so respect you for this, you are a word man, meaning that you're a man, that foundation

00:37:56,000 --> 00:38:01,040
of scripture, your value of the word, obviously the living word, Jesus, the written word, the logos,

00:38:01,040 --> 00:38:07,680
the graph, what biblically, Jeremiah, what does the Bible say about dreams? Something you can help

00:38:07,680 --> 00:38:12,480
our listeners with? Yeah. I mean, I think you've hit on it earlier. It's actually surprised me how

00:38:12,480 --> 00:38:18,240
many people don't believe in dreams. You know, like, well, where's that in the Bible? I'm like,

00:38:18,240 --> 00:38:25,360
it's everywhere in the Bible. Dreams have been used all throughout the scriptures. I mean,

00:38:25,360 --> 00:38:30,320
you mentioned, I mean, you know, think about Jacob, you know, he's at, you know, surely God is in this

00:38:30,320 --> 00:38:35,680
place and I did know it and he has a dream right there. He builds an altar to the Lord in the book

00:38:35,680 --> 00:38:41,840
of Genesis. You know, you have God encountering Abraham, you know, he uses Daniel, Joseph,

00:38:42,400 --> 00:38:47,680
you know, even one of my favorite, you know, prophets, John the Baptist, you know, it's a

00:38:47,680 --> 00:38:53,760
whole encounter with an angel, a dream. So, you know, I just, to me, for those today, to me,

00:38:53,760 --> 00:39:00,960
it's the inheritance of a new covenant believer in the last days. God says, I'll pour out my spirit.

00:39:00,960 --> 00:39:06,720
There'll be dreams and visions of prophetic spirit. So, to me, it's just that we can teach it. I do

00:39:06,720 --> 00:39:12,160
believe I read my Bible every day, love the Word of God, but some people just need to catch the

00:39:12,160 --> 00:39:17,520
impartation of dreams and visions. And that's what God is doing today. You know, when you get around

00:39:17,520 --> 00:39:23,760
dreamers, Sean, one of the things that I found interesting is people will come stay at my house

00:39:23,760 --> 00:39:29,680
that have never dreamed before and they'll spend one night in my house and they'll dream like never

00:39:29,680 --> 00:39:35,680
before. Something will open up to them. People partner with our ministry, they come to our church,

00:39:35,680 --> 00:39:42,560
never dreamed before. Boom, it just opens up because they're connected to a prophetic well,

00:39:42,560 --> 00:39:49,280
a dream well. And I do believe it's not weird or, you know, not abusing the gifts, but there

00:39:49,280 --> 00:39:55,600
is an impartation and there is a catching of dreams and visions, definitely in the Word of God. It's

00:39:55,600 --> 00:40:01,920
all throughout the Scriptures, but I do believe in the modern-day impartation of dreams and visions.

00:40:01,920 --> 00:40:06,240
I love what you said in Joel. Joel says, as you said, Joel 2, in the last days I'll pour out my

00:40:06,240 --> 00:40:10,720
spirit on all flesh, sons and daughters of prophecy. Old men dream dreams, young men seek visions.

00:40:10,720 --> 00:40:15,600
And, you know, I'm also reminded, Jeremiah, one of my favorites is in Joel 33, it says,

00:40:15,600 --> 00:40:19,920
while men, essentially I'm paraphrasing about one, but while men lay upon their beds,

00:40:19,920 --> 00:40:25,120
God seals instructions in the heart. And I love it begins by saying God may speak in one way or

00:40:25,120 --> 00:40:31,920
another, yet a man does not perceive it. While men lay upon their beds, God seals instructions. And I

00:40:31,920 --> 00:40:37,520
just begin to think that realm, that dream realm, when God begins to open up that realm, there are

00:40:37,520 --> 00:40:43,280
instructions that get sealed in the heart. And so sometimes I say, you may not even know you had

00:40:43,280 --> 00:40:49,200
the dream, but you're still fulfilling the instructions that we're sealing. Or it's like,

00:40:49,200 --> 00:40:54,960
God downloaded software. You know, a lot of times it'll come up and you can't access certain,

00:40:54,960 --> 00:41:00,000
you know, your iPhone or whatever it says, it's uploading, it's, you know, getting a new software

00:41:00,000 --> 00:41:05,600
system. I really feel like we get these downloads and we may not know it, or we do know we have a

00:41:05,600 --> 00:41:10,560
dream. We don't really know all parts of the dream. We may not have a full interpretation, but God is

00:41:10,560 --> 00:41:17,440
still able to use that. And so I think it's, you know, you get some people and we're well aware of

00:41:17,440 --> 00:41:22,240
them. You've been the recipient of it more than I have. I've been a recipient. I know my wife,

00:41:22,240 --> 00:41:26,560
Christa, is a little bit more as a woman preacher, but you get these jokers, bless their heart,

00:41:26,560 --> 00:41:31,120
they'll get on and they'll just, they're sensationists. So they don't believe God speaks today. So

00:41:31,120 --> 00:41:36,640
of course they're going to take distinction and difference with God speaking with dreams,

00:41:36,640 --> 00:41:42,560
but it's really crazy if you look at the totality of scriptures, there's no way you can deny, but

00:41:42,560 --> 00:41:47,840
really gets to this is like, hold on fellas, we're talking about God Almighty. He could communicate

00:41:47,840 --> 00:41:55,280
whichever way he wants. And so it's not prideful or not error to think that we should receive dreams

00:41:55,280 --> 00:41:59,840
when God, first of all, says it. Second of all, he's God and he can communicate in so many different

00:41:59,840 --> 00:42:05,600
ways. And how many times, even in the world, people apart don't know God, that have had dreams that

00:42:05,600 --> 00:42:10,320
have been significant. I remember reading about George Washington Carver, who actually happens to

00:42:10,320 --> 00:42:15,360
be a believer, but one of the most prolific inventors and scientists, African-American guy,

00:42:15,360 --> 00:42:19,360
like I think he discovered like a hundred different things to do with a peanut, but his

00:42:19,360 --> 00:42:25,920
breakthrough discoveries came in dreams. And I just think, man, you know, that's just so incredible.

00:42:25,920 --> 00:42:30,800
And think about, hey, if the dreams didn't come, I mean, who was it that, I mean, there were a

00:42:30,800 --> 00:42:35,200
couple of different people. I know the Magi, they had dreams and it really impacted the fact that

00:42:35,200 --> 00:42:40,880
they didn't go back until Herod, they had found the Messiah. I think it was one of the king's wives

00:42:40,880 --> 00:42:45,360
says, I had a dream last night, I was troubled. Don't mess with this guy, Jesus. And you just

00:42:45,360 --> 00:42:50,800
see that over and over again. Jeremiah, what are some of the things that God is speaking to you

00:42:50,800 --> 00:42:58,080
in this season? Yeah, you know, I had had a dream at the end of 2022 concerning 2023. Lord was

00:42:58,080 --> 00:43:05,840
talking to me out of Matthew 23. The Lord showed me the city gates of many cities all over America

00:43:05,840 --> 00:43:11,840
in the world. And the Lord said to me in 2023, there's going to be a clash at the gates. And the

00:43:11,840 --> 00:43:17,440
clash at the gates of cities is going to be concerning the spirit of revival and the spirit

00:43:17,440 --> 00:43:23,120
of religion, the religious spirit. And I would say, you know, as I have been traveling around

00:43:23,120 --> 00:43:30,720
this year in 2023, I'm carrying such a seasonal burden from the Lord Jesus Christ regarding the

00:43:30,720 --> 00:43:38,160
need to confront and dismantle religious systems and traditions of men. And you know, it's a tough

00:43:38,160 --> 00:43:45,520
passage there, Matthew 23. For 2023, this is where Jesus pronounces eight woes over the Pharisees

00:43:45,520 --> 00:43:50,400
and religious leaders. And if you look in the Greek there, I think at the heart of what Jesus

00:43:50,400 --> 00:43:56,640
is saying is he's saying, I'm done with your hypocrisy. I'm done with your showboating. I'm

00:43:56,640 --> 00:44:03,120
done with your performance. You know, your lips are worshiping me, but your heart is far from me.

00:44:03,120 --> 00:44:10,880
And I just, God is drawing the church into such an authentic expression of Christianity. We're living

00:44:10,880 --> 00:44:17,120
in a generation that is tired of the games, tired of the hypocrisy, the double mindedness.

00:44:17,120 --> 00:44:22,960
And God is just stirring up a spirit of revival. You know, as you know, it's just, I love revival.

00:44:22,960 --> 00:44:30,160
I love the constant invitation from the Lord for more. And to me, it's not some like, I'm never

00:44:30,160 --> 00:44:36,480
going to make it. I'm just like one of God's kids. And he's saying, Hey, I've got more gifts and more

00:44:36,480 --> 00:44:41,840
presence available. And if you'll just pursue me and trust my heart, I want to give you everything

00:44:41,840 --> 00:44:48,480
that I've got. And I've just said yes to that pursuit. But I just, I know that there's religious

00:44:48,480 --> 00:44:55,680
strongholds. It's to me, if I could characterize the religious spirit, the religious spirit has

00:44:55,680 --> 00:45:04,080
a form of godliness, but denies the power of God. The religious spirit is the author of cessationism.

00:45:04,080 --> 00:45:09,520
And I do believe it's a doctrine of demons that says the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for

00:45:09,520 --> 00:45:15,280
today. So the religious spirit, I tell people, the devil is okay with you attending church,

00:45:15,280 --> 00:45:21,200
just as long as you don't take the gospel into work on Monday. To me, that's a form of godliness,

00:45:21,200 --> 00:45:26,640
but denying the power, you know, the religious spirit is fine with you tithing just as long as

00:45:26,640 --> 00:45:32,640
you don't get generous and start giving all your money away. So there's just that all in go, go in

00:45:32,640 --> 00:45:40,000
for revival, but know that this religious just status quo doing enough that you can to get by,

00:45:40,000 --> 00:45:46,320
God is trying to overrule that and trying to override that and challenge your generation that

00:45:46,320 --> 00:45:50,800
if ever there was a time to just go all in for Jesus, man, it's right now.

00:45:50,800 --> 00:45:54,720
Man, I love that. And that passage you referred to in 2 Timothy chapter three,

00:45:54,720 --> 00:45:59,840
you know, says, they have a form of godliness, but would deny the power thereof. Obviously,

00:45:59,840 --> 00:46:04,000
the word their power is a form of the word, dunamis dynamite, explosive miracle working power,

00:46:04,000 --> 00:46:10,080
we would know it signs and wonders, we would know it as a demonstration of heaven on earth,

00:46:10,080 --> 00:46:14,560
revival lifestyle, all of the above. The word there deny has several shades of meanings. But

00:46:14,560 --> 00:46:20,160
one thing that jumped out is I was studying that one time, it means to act entirely unlike. So

00:46:20,160 --> 00:46:25,200
it's saying there are people that they would look like Christianity, it would be nominal, right,

00:46:25,200 --> 00:46:29,600
when it's meant to be phenomenal, but the word there deny means to act entirely. In other words,

00:46:29,600 --> 00:46:35,040
they would have a form of godliness, but they would act entirely unlike the power spirit filled,

00:46:35,600 --> 00:46:41,840
authentic Christianity is heartfelt. And so I began to think if you're acting entirely unlike

00:46:41,840 --> 00:46:46,960
dunamis, for all intensive purposes, you know, what he's saying is that there's going to be a

00:46:46,960 --> 00:46:53,120
domesticated Christianity. And I agree with you, I think the worst spirit, I mean, I know, as a

00:46:53,120 --> 00:46:58,240
church, we can point at a lot of different spirits that have manifested his hour and any spirit other

00:46:58,240 --> 00:47:03,680
than the Holy Spirit is wrong, and it is a threat. But I think we've looked over and you're nailing

00:47:03,680 --> 00:47:09,840
it the greatest threat in this hour is the religious spirit. It is this weird, you know,

00:47:09,840 --> 00:47:15,920
as a kid, you know, my generation, all of us that got our vaccinations back in the day, for some

00:47:15,920 --> 00:47:20,720
reason, I don't know why you look like you got an old Civil War musty gasp wound on your arm,

00:47:20,720 --> 00:47:25,040
there's this like circle. And it's just like, I guess it's just where they administered the shots

00:47:25,040 --> 00:47:29,280
and just right after me. I mean, like, like within just a little bit of time, you know,

00:47:29,280 --> 00:47:34,720
my wife's age, her inoculation looks different. But when they inoculate you, they give you a near

00:47:34,720 --> 00:47:40,000
for all intensive purposes, they give you a near dead, inert version of the actual disease.

00:47:40,000 --> 00:47:44,480
So when the real disease comes around, you've developed an immunity. And I believe the spirit

00:47:44,480 --> 00:47:49,760
of religion gives you a near dead and inert version of what revival authentic Book of Acts

00:47:49,760 --> 00:47:54,320
Christianity ought to be. So when the real thing comes, you feel you already got it, you don't need

00:47:54,320 --> 00:47:59,680
to be and what worst spirit is there? That's the only spirit that's been able to unplug revivals.

00:47:59,680 --> 00:48:03,920
It's the only spirit that can sit up in church and shout Amen, with no intention of implementing

00:48:03,920 --> 00:48:09,120
what they just verbally came in agreement with. And yet it deceives people into thinking they got

00:48:09,120 --> 00:48:14,960
the real thing when in fact, no, you're dead man's bones on the inside. You travel around to see,

00:48:14,960 --> 00:48:19,120
to make a single convert only make them the twice as much a son of hell as you are. That's what Jesus

00:48:19,120 --> 00:48:23,200
said about them. And I love to tell the laws that are turned off on religion. I say, Hey, bro,

00:48:23,200 --> 00:48:28,160
listen to me, you back up far enough away from religion, you're going to end up in the lap of

00:48:28,160 --> 00:48:32,960
Jesus. Nobody had worse words to say about the religious. And here's the thing of religion,

00:48:32,960 --> 00:48:38,080
bro. And we know this, right? We, whether it's in my life or anybody's life, when we have the

00:48:38,080 --> 00:48:43,200
religious lens on the religious, never think they're religious. They think someone else is

00:48:43,200 --> 00:48:49,280
religious. Like Pharisees don't see Phariseeism as an issue or problem. And man, I mean, this is a

00:48:49,280 --> 00:48:56,160
bonus question. And then we'll ask you one final one, man, what, what do you think is the antidote,

00:48:56,160 --> 00:49:02,240
the solution? How do we break and identify this? Obviously the prophetic religious spirit,

00:49:02,240 --> 00:49:06,400
because dude, I really think you do have the John the Baptist thing on you to go after it. What,

00:49:06,400 --> 00:49:11,360
what do you prescribe? What do you feel like? What's, what's the way to deal and combat this

00:49:11,360 --> 00:49:18,320
spirit? Yeah. I mean, I just think that the enemy of the religious spirit is the Holy Spirit. So,

00:49:18,320 --> 00:49:24,160
you know, to me, the antidote is we live the spirit filled light, you know, that religious spirit,

00:49:24,160 --> 00:49:31,280
it's, it's predictable, it thrives on control, on formality, on schedule. So to me, you know,

00:49:31,280 --> 00:49:36,880
the antidote is, you know, let, let's have some services where there's not a time clock driving

00:49:36,880 --> 00:49:42,160
us out and the Holy Ghost, you know, let's, let's just make room for the Holy Spirit, not just at

00:49:42,160 --> 00:49:46,880
church, but in our daily lives, you know, let's wait on him. And, you know, I try to encourage

00:49:46,880 --> 00:49:53,520
moms, Hey, you're at the grocery store. It's okay to ask the Holy Spirit. I say prophecy begins by

00:49:53,520 --> 00:49:59,280
loving people enough to ask God questions about them. And so, Hey, you're, you're driving your

00:49:59,280 --> 00:50:04,320
little cart, getting groceries. You got a baby strap. Hey, Holy Spirit, what about this person?

00:50:04,320 --> 00:50:09,760
What about that person? And you're just allowing Holy Spirit to break in out of the routine,

00:50:09,760 --> 00:50:15,200
out of the formality. So, man, I just say, go, go with Holy Ghost, go with that flow, you know,

00:50:15,200 --> 00:50:21,440
ask him to help you be more spontaneous, more off the cuff, you know, that, that, that dry,

00:50:21,440 --> 00:50:27,840
that scares the religious spirit because it can't predict what's going to happen next. And, you

00:50:27,840 --> 00:50:34,320
know, I think they, they say it, faith is spelled risk. I mean, it, it, it's somewhat, it's joyful.

00:50:34,320 --> 00:50:39,840
You know, I think there's a lack of joy. That's to me, one of the main signs that the religious

00:50:39,840 --> 00:50:46,080
spirit is at work in our lives or in a church is there's very little joy, there's very little

00:50:46,080 --> 00:50:52,080
supernatural overflowing. We love you Lord. And we can't wait to see what happens next.

00:50:52,080 --> 00:50:56,800
That, that's where I want to be. Oh, I love that bro. And, and you know what I love too, man,

00:50:56,800 --> 00:51:01,520
is I think religious spirits have spoken out too much. And I think that we've allowed the

00:51:01,520 --> 00:51:05,680
religious voices, whether they're on YouTube or whether they're on the mic or whether on the air

00:51:05,680 --> 00:51:10,000
waves or whether they're in front of you in the pulpit, we've, or Instagram or TikTok, we've

00:51:10,000 --> 00:51:15,920
allowed religious spirits to speak so much. And it's time now for the revelatory voices, not the

00:51:15,920 --> 00:51:20,320
religious voice, the revelatory voices to come, because I'm, I'm with you. I think the real

00:51:20,880 --> 00:51:26,960
antithesis, the opposite end of that is with all intensive purposes, if you're going to deal with

00:51:26,960 --> 00:51:32,880
the religious spirit, you got to have a revelatory heart, man. I think that's so profound. Hey,

00:51:32,880 --> 00:51:39,280
Jeremiah, what are some of the resources and products? I know you got a school. How can we,

00:51:39,280 --> 00:51:42,880
what are your socials? How can we stay in contact with you? I know there's some people listening,

00:51:42,880 --> 00:51:47,760
and not only in this nation, but quite a few nations, and they would love to get a hold of

00:51:47,760 --> 00:51:54,480
this stuff you got. Give, give us a unmitigated, unabashed, just promo, right? Just tell us how we

00:51:54,480 --> 00:51:59,600
can stay in touch with you, bro. Yeah. Yeah. I lead a movement called the Altar Global. And as you

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mentioned, we have a real mandate to prepare the earth as the second coming of Christ. I feel that

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John the Baptist, just as he raised him up for the first coming, he's raising up a new generation

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of John the Baptist to prepare the earth for the second coming. So we have an altar school,

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a school of discipleship where we raise up messengers in every sphere of society, lawyers,

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doctors, business people. So you can check that out, thealtarglobal.com. I've also written 14

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books so far. My most recent one, The Warrior Bride, just came out conquering the five demonic

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strategies Satan is waging against the end time church. It's all from a dream that I had. A lot

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of the stuff that I write or preach is all from dreams. I had an amazing dream about an end time

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warrior bride, a woman in a white dress with commando boots on representing the church that

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God is preparing. So check out our movement, The Altar Global on social media, or you just want to

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check Jeremiah Johnson, it's jeremiahjohnson.tv or on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube. We do Monday

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night streams every Monday. It's just Jeremiah Johnson. Hey Jeremiah, seriously bro, there is

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no one I would rather get on to talk about this subject you got. You just spoke on, I'm so excited

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that we're going to have you, man. November 10th, you had a dream, you reached out to me and I told

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you, I said, hey man, we want to bring you out to debate. So you say, hey man, I had a dream about

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debate. And so we connected and worked out. I think that's God. So bro, man, I sure love you,

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dude. I love your heart. Yeah, man. I can't wait to be with you guys. It's going to be a great time

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and thank you for your friendship and thank you for being a voice to the nations and helping a

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young guy like me, man, even in college, man, say yes to revival. I'm all in. Hey, you're kind, bro.

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Give our love to Morgan. Sure. Love you, bro. Will do. Bye bye. Bye. Wow. I mean, okay. What

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I love is you really get provoked and challenged of wanting to be by God in the area of dreams,

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right? And understanding the power that while you sleep, God is speaking to your spirit and you're

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waking up revelation and inside it's provoking, it's challenging. And I just love the way the

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Lord's using Jeremiah in this hour. And I love that on November 10th, he's had a dream and a

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word for the Lord in the Bay. So I'm so excited that we get an impartation here in the Bay of

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what this man of God carries. A hundred percent. I feel like everyone, each of us, let's just expect

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for more dreams to come from God, for God to send instruction in our hearts, for God to get

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prophetic dreams that will just literally launch destiny's purpose, bring in harvest, release

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healing, give us strategy, give us favors, Lord raise up those Daniels that will interpret male

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and female and just have these positions of influence. And I really feel like those who can

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interpret dreams of the next generation will win generations. So I feel like that Daniel Norton is

00:54:48,720 --> 00:54:54,320
going to really, we're going to see it proliferate and I believe rise on many, many, many people,

00:54:54,320 --> 00:54:59,120
many, many, many lives. Thanks so much for tuning into the Keep It 100 podcast. Make sure to rate,

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00:55:11,840 --> 00:55:16,160
at Sean and ChristaSmith Ministries. We would love to hear from you on how this podcast has

00:55:16,160 --> 00:55:20,400
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remember relief may change your circumstance, but a revelation changes you. We hope you enjoyed

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today's episode of the Keep It 100 podcast with Sean and Christa Smith. Keep up with us on Facebook

00:55:36,240 --> 00:55:41,760
and Instagram and SeanandChristaSmith.com where you can discover more resources. If this podcast

00:55:41,760 --> 00:55:46,560
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