
June 26, 2024

Prophetic Word for July Part 2 || Episode 36

Link to Prophetic Word for July Part 1: https://bit.ly/propheticwordjuly1 Ju l y is your month to overcome in the areas that you have felt overwhelmed, to experience release in the place of your greatest resistance, for your…
June 25, 2024

Prophetic Word for July || Episode 35

This July the Josephs are coming out of the prison! The life of Joseph shows us that nothing & no one can rob you of your destiny. Many with a call to marketplace ministry are being promoted to a place of influence in this s…
June 18, 2024

Prophetic Word for June & July 2024 || Episode 34

In this Prophetic Word for the month of June and July, Pastor Jason shares about the prophetic bridge between the months of June and July as we go from a month to see and see clearly to a time of overcoming every opposition …
June 11, 2024

Prophetic Word for June: Part 3 || Episode 33

In Part 3 of our Prophetic Word for June, Pastor Jason shares about being woken up on June 11th at 3:28am by the audible voice of God saying, “What I have blessed, no man can curse” and the powerful keys of blessing God has …
June 4, 2024

Prophetic Word for June: Part 2 || Episode 32

There is a lifting of the fog this June that will allow you to begin to move forward more freely as you see farther and are able to advance even faster in God’s plan and purpose for this season of your life. I will instruct …
May 28, 2024

Prophetic Word for June || Episode 31

“Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.” Isaiah 42:9 June is a month to experience great advancement where you have encountered great adversity. Ju…
May 21, 2024

The Momentum of Transition || 🎙️Prophetic Word for May Part 2 || Episode 30

In this episode Past Jason shares Part 2 of the Prophetic Word for the month of May outlining God’s intended purpose in times of transition and how perceived times of transition are not only a necessary part of life, but how…
May 1, 2024

May is Your Month of Momentum (Prophetic Word) || Episode 29

In this episode, Pastor Jason shares about the present unfolding of a vision for the Body of Christ he released 10 years ago along with a prophetic word for May birthed out of an encounter he had with the Lord this morning o…
Feb. 6, 2024

The Anointing for 2024: The Oil of Joy || Episode 28

In this episode, Pastor Jason unpacks powerful prophetic Insights and encouragement for 2024 while sharing an angelic encounter he recently had with the Angel of Joy and how to receive the “The Anointing for 2024.” 2024 is t…
Oct. 10, 2023

Israel Prayer Shield || Episode 27

How should we as the Church pray regarding Israel, Iran and Hamas in the midst of these current world events and present conflict in the Middle East? In this episode of Kingdom Living, Pastor Jason shares 10 prophetic prayer…
Sept. 19, 2023

“You May All Prophesy” || Episode 26

In this Year of the Open Door, you are not only called to enter in, but you are called to bring others with you! Listen to this powerful episode as Pastor Jason shares an encouraging word on the gift of prophecy and the reem…
Sept. 11, 2023

“5784 Prophetic Preview” || Episode 25

How you see opposition at the door determines whether or not it becomes an opportunity! In this episode, Pastor Jason dives deeper into the prophetic meaning of the Hebrew Year 5784 as he shares on the four doors we have acc…
Sept. 7, 2023

“Do Not Be Silent” || Episode 24

This is not the time to stand and be silent! In this impactful episode, Pastor Jason shares on the prophetic meaning of the Hebrew Year 5784 and what it looks like to arise and shine in this season. To tune in to more of our…
July 13, 2023

“What Does God Look Like?” || Episode 23

In the same way that Jesus is the Face of the Father, the Father is inviting YOU to be the face of Jesus! In this episode, Pastor Jason shares how the life of Jesus and the power of the Gospel sets us free from lack and what…
July 12, 2023

“What Does God Sound Like?” || Episode 22

The increase of righteousness in your life begins with what God entrusts to you in seed form! In this episode, Pastor Jason shares how to discern the voice of the Lord as we continue on the journey of renewing our minds and …
July 11, 2023

“What Does God Think?” || Episode 21

How you think MATTERS! In this episode, Pastor Jason shares how we can steward the thoughts we think, the actions we take, and ultimately the life we live as we learn to think like God and seek first His Kingdom. To tune in …
July 7, 2023

“This is Your Time” with Pastor Adam Pruitt || Episode 20

In this episode, King’s Way College Online Director Adam Pruitt joins Pastor Jason to discuss the importance of coming together in one accord, one heart, and one purpose to become who God has created us to be as they dive in…
July 6, 2023

“You Were Born For This!” with Pastor Tim Beck || Episode 19

Pastor Tim Beck, the Director of King’s Way College, joins Pastor Jason in this special episode of Kingdom Living to discuss what it looks like to leave behind casual Christianity and dive into the deep end in God as they sh…
July 5, 2023

“Equipped for Kingdom Living” || Episode 18

In this episode, learn how you can become better equipped for Kingdom Living as Pastor Jason shares on the amazing ministry of King’s Way College and what you can expect to experience as a King’s Way College student! As we g…
July 4, 2023

“Growing in Joy” || Episode 17

JOY is the perspective of Heaven! In this episode, Pastor Jason dives into Ezekiel 24 and shares not only how we can choose joy in the midst of hardship, but also the characteristics of this fruit in our lives. To tune in to…
July 3, 2023

“The Joy of Your Salvation” || Episode 16

In this episode, Pastor Jason unpacks the meaning of the names of the thirteen Levite leaders from Nehemiah 8, revealing how to steward each step in the process of our journey from salvation to transformation as we focus fir…
July 1, 2023

“Humility & the Joy of the Lord” || Episode 15

If we can stay the course, God will bring divine order that will ultimately bring exponential increase! In this episode, learn what it looks like to walk in humility and understanding as Pastor Jason reads from Nehemiah 8 an…
June 30, 2023

"Joy is a Choice” || Episode 14

In this episode, Pastor Jason reveals what JOY really is and how we can steward this amazing fruit in our everyday lives in the midst of every circumstance. Joy is a present strength that catapults us into a better future be…
June 27, 2023

“Created for Glory” PREVIEW || Episode 13

Experience a Sunday at King’s Way in this very special episode of Kingdom Living! Pastor Jason shares a powerful word on how God not only created us in the image of glory but also for His glory as we exercise His dominion in…