Oct. 10, 2023

Israel Prayer Shield || Episode 27

Israel Prayer Shield || Episode 27
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Kingdom Living with Pastor Jason Hooper

How should we as the Church pray regarding Israel, Iran and Hamas in the midst of these current world events and present conflict in the Middle East? In this episode of Kingdom Living, Pastor Jason shares 10 prophetic prayer points as we partner with the Holy Spirit in the unfolding of Biblical Prophecy and stand with the Lord in defense of that and those which He loves. 

Prophetic Prayer Points Re Israel (via Jahan Berns)

Pray for:

1— For the Lord to give Israel decisive victories over her enemies including but not limited to Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad etc. Pray for the IDF-for God to guide them and release miracles so that war ends speedily but with a decisive victory over Hamas and the rest of Israel’s enemies. (Zechariah 2:8-13, Isaiah 43:1-2)

2– The safe extraction of hostages and the protection of civilians. (Isaiah 49:24-25, 1 Samuel 30:8, Genesis 14:14-16) 

3– Peace for Israel and its neighbors- that Israel will dwell in safety and that her neighbors will pursue peace with her. (Leviticus 26:6, Joshua 23:3) 

4– Unity amongst all sections of Israeli society. For the Israeli Prime Minister and Israeli leaders to lead a united Israel and united government under divine direction and protection (Psalm 133) 

5– For God to fulfill His good plans and prophetic purposes over Israel. (Ezekiel 36-37)

6– For the U.S. and its allies to fully support Israel and not waver in the face of antisemitic pressure. (Isaiah 49:22, Psalm 122:6-9)

7– For the U.S. Congress to act with speed, unity, and precision as it makes appropriations to supply Israel with the resources Israel needs to defend itself against aggression and existential threats. (Genesis 12:2-3)

8– For God to thwart the evil intentions and schemes of Iran’s leaders against Israel (and the U.S.) Iran should not be allowed to reap monetary benefits for its bad behavior. (Psalm 35:1-10)

9– For Americans and the church to become more United as they increase in their love and support of Israel. (Psalm 122:6-9, Acts 10:1-4, Luke 7:4-5)

10– For revival and an awakening of faith to spread throughout the earth as people arise and seek the Lord-the true Prince of Peace with all their hearts. (Psalm 85:6-7)