May 21, 2024

The Momentum of Transition || 🎙️Prophetic Word for May Part 2 || Episode 30

The Momentum of Transition || 🎙️Prophetic Word for May Part 2 || Episode 30
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Kingdom Living with Pastor Jason Hooper

In this episode Past Jason shares Part 2 of the Prophetic Word for the month of May outlining God’s intended purpose in times of transition and how perceived times of transition are not only a necessary part of life, but how they are actually designed to usher us into our new as we enter into a greater place of trust in the Lord and in turn experience even greater measures of His work of transformation in us. 

Link to “May is Your Month of Momentum ||🎙️Prophetic Word for May

Many in the Body of Christ have found themselves in a place they would describe as “transition;” an in between place where they are not where they were and they are not yet at the place they know God is leading them into. For some it may feel like you’ve walking through a wilderness of uncertainty as you are navigating next steps and for others this time of transition has become a season of great growth and preparation that has positioned you for unprecedented promotion and provision. 

While “when” we experience these times of transition in life is rarely up to us, “how” we experience these times and how long we spend in these in-between places can absolutely be up to us as often times how we view these times and our response to these seasons can either prolong or accelerate the time we spend in them. 

Join us this Sunday, May 26th for “Transition to Transformation” at King’s Way Church as Pastor Jason shares practical and prophetic keys for unlocking the door to your new and teaches how oftentimes it is in navigating the tension of transition that we experience deeper realms of life-changing transformation as we behold God in deeper ways and allow the Holy Spirit to do a deeper work in us! 

We believe this episode will be a blessing to you and we pray you are richly encouraged and equipped by this broadcast! 

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