July 17, 2023

A Fresh Anointing of Hope w/ Ruth Moore (Episode 171)

A Fresh Anointing of Hope w/ Ruth Moore (Episode 171)
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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright

“God is infusing hope into His Bride, especially around the area of impossibilities.” - Ruth Moore


Liz speaks with Ruth Moore, one of the leaders of Bethel Church in Redding, California, in an inspiring conversation about what it looks like to believe for breakthrough in your life. Ruth shares her incredible testimony of being radically healed after a five-and-a-half-year physical battle, which greatly took a toll on her quality of life as she faced daily challenges, limitations, and pain. Ruth vulnerably shares how it became increasingly difficult to content for healing as her prayers led to disappointment again and again. However, through the process of learning that her healing was a gift of love from Jesus, Ruth discovered that healing or breakthrough is never something we can earn or achieve in any way.


After being radically healed from her illness at 21 years old, Ruth became activated and anointed to pray for others. Her life was forever changed because of the miraculous love of Jesus, and she began to tell others about the complete transformation she had experienced, seeing transformation in their lives as well. When we experience Jesus’ love firsthand, it becomes easy to let His love in and influence how we respond to people instead of listening to fear. One encounter with His love can change someone’s life forever. 


The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. As you listen to Ruth tell her story and the profound revelation she’s since received from it, position yourself to receive breakthrough in your own life, even if you’ve experienced disappointment in the past or are currently facing disappointment. Jesus wants to meet your needs and bring freedom to your life even more than you do. He is infusing His Bride with hope today. Get ready to receive a fresh dose of hope as you listen to this impactful episode and encounter the Person of hope, Himself.


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