A Lifestyle of Encounters w/ Paul Manwaring

Author and speaker, Paul Manwaring joins Liz to discuss how the Bible is a library of encounters with the Living God. There is no Christianity without encounters! Salvation itself is an encounter with God. All the famous characters in the Bible were ordinary men and women who had an encounter with God that transformed them. He highlights how these encounters impact the way we read the Bible. Saul’s Damascus road encounter is so significant in how we read Paul’s epistles. He lived it before he wrote it. There are so many ways the Lord encounters us, and Paul shares some of the many ways God speaks to His people. We are created to encounter God and have our lives transformed by Him.
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Just One Encounter Will Redefine and Redirect Your Life
Do you find yourself longing for a word or touch from God? In the age of information and man-made wonders, we’ve replaced a vibrant relationship with God with a stale religion about God. Divine Encounters points the way back to experiencing God, showing how true encounter is at the heart of the Christian faith―and how you can live a lifestyle marked, and supernaturally shaped, by God’s presence.
Leave behind the stagnant religion of this age and run with reckless abandon back to the One who transforms you with His presence and then transforms the world through you. Pick up your copy today!