Matt Beckenham is a speaker, podcast host, minister, and author of Eden’s Blueprint and joins Liz today. Recovered from ministry burnout and a collapsing marriage, Matt speaks about the deep healing journey the Lord took Him…
Liz Wright shares in today’s episode about experiencing afresh how loved we are by God and why this is so important.Every revelation He gives us is designed for us to know Him in that way. Many of us don’t feel how much God …
Songwriter Janine John shares about her new album Dazzling and how her creative process is a reflection of her relationship with Jesus. Each song is from an encounter, and Janine shares how God has been speaking to her about…
Author and speaker, Paul Manwaring joins Liz to discuss how the Bible is a library of encounters with the Living God. There is no Christianity without encounters! Salvation itself is an encounter with God. All the famous cha…
Denise Wakefield is a pastor and powerful prophetic intercessor and joins Liz today for a life changing conversation. We don’t have to do anything without Him, and we get to do everything with Him. Denise describes intercess…
Liz Wright shares from the heart of Jesus about the time we are in! We are to live completely consumed with love for the King. Jesus will protect His Bride, provide for her and grace her to live consistently by faith. We are…
Beloved missionary, speaker and author, Dr Heidi Baker, joins Liz in a special extended episode of Live Your Best Life. Heidi shares an update of what they are experiencing in Mozambique and how God is powerfully moving. She…
Author and CEO of Bethel School of Technology, Ryan Collins, joins Liz again for a powerful episode about how God is using and wants to use technology for His Kingdom. Ryan believes we are moving into a new epoch in technolo…
Liz Wright shares about the power of supernatural faith and humility to see promises realised and release the Kingdom on earth. Let everything within you align authentically into the reality of who you are now. Jesus is the …
Katie Souza joins Liz for a powerful episode on living as bi-locational people. We are supernatural, bi-locational beings because we are seated in heavenly places in Christ! Our destiny is to become superhuman in our physica…
Pastor and prophetic leader, Phil Wilthew, joins Liz to discuss healthy prophetic culture. He shares that the idea of culture is a deeply Biblical concept, and it is simply creating an environment where certain things can gr…
Ginger Ziegler is a well respected prophetic prayer leader and author, and she joins Liz today to talk about tarrying in prayer and the love of God. Ginger had a life changing encounter in Heaven when she realised God was a …
Liz shares a recent encounter about the release of scrolls, destinies and mandates in the spirit. All authority has been given to Jesus, and as ones now in union with Him, we are His mobile thrones on the earth. We are to ex…
Bestselling author and co-founder of SOZO ministries at Bethel Church, Dawna DeSilva joins Liz today for a life changing episode. Dawna shares that fear is one of the biggest baits the enemy uses to influence our lives, the …
Banning Liebscher is the founder and pastor of Jesus Culture in Sacramento and joins Liz for a crucial conversation. We are in a massive season of disruption but God is reminding us of who we are and giving insight into HIS …
Pastor in Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, Jamila Page, joins Liz for a powerful conversation about the anatomy of breakthrough. We are to align our words with His to see His purposes established in the earth. When Go…
President of Bethel Tech, Ryan Collins, joins Liz on today’s episode to share how God is moving in the tech space. God is redeeming this industry which impacts every other sphere, and He has plans to use it for good. To rede…
Liz shares what has been strongly on her heart recently from the Lord, which is a focus on living in peace and rest. The Prince of Peace wants us to live from the gift He has given us. Liz reflects on her physical visitation…
Aaron Zint of The Whole Man Project and author of Numb to Known: The Surprising Path Away From Porn joins Liz for a vitally important conversation on freedom from sexual addiction. Aaron vulnerably shares his powerful story …
Co-Founder and CEO of Live Free Foundation, Susan Partridge, joins Liz today to share a profound experience she had in Heaven. When our vision collides with Jesus’ vision, all of Heaven explodes! Sometimes we can chase the t…
: Shift from reaction to rest, no matter what drama might be going on in life, you can live centred on the inside in Divine rest. Liz Wright powerfully shares practical keys in this episode and activates the experience of re…
Returning guest, Shawn Bolz, joins Liz to bring important insights and divine perspective in our current time. He shares what Heaven is doing right now, because where your attention goes, your affection grows. When we see ch…
Author, teacher, and president of Engage Deliverance & Training, Jareb Nott, unpacks Biblical meditation in a powerful conversation with Liz Wright. He shares how we can align our minds to the reality of His Presence and the…
Simon Braker joins Liz in this week’s episode to discuss the vital importance of our yieldedness to Holy Spirit. It’s possible to have Spirit filled language without Spirit filled experience. Recently, the Lord spoke three p…