April 10, 2023

Fresh Faith w/ Kellie Copeland (Episode 158)

Fresh Faith w/ Kellie Copeland (Episode 158)
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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright

Kellie Copeland—author, speaker, and daughter of renowned televangelist Kenneth Copeland—joins Liz for a profound conversation about pursuing deeper intimacy with Jesus. The Lord is untangling His Bride from religion and wrong beliefs and inviting us instead into a real, authentic relationship with Him. We’re stepping into a new day as a Church, and we’re going to discover greater revelation of His Word than we’ve ever known before. Let a fresh faith and the purification of His love be activated in you today.


“I believe that Jesus is talking to us very clearly if we’ll let Him, and the Holy Spirit is confirming His presence, His Word.” - Kellie Copeland

Kellie Copeland—author, speaker, and daughter of renowned televangelist Kenneth Copeland—joins Liz for a profound conversation about pursuing deeper intimacy with Jesus. In this season, the Church is being invited into even greater levels of union with the Lord—to know and be known by Him in every way. The Lord is untangling His Bride from religion and wrong beliefs and inviting us instead into a real, authentic relationship with Him. 

Sharing some powerful revelations and truths from her new book, Kellie explains that it can be easy to love the Lord and believe in Him without being fully connected in our hearts. While our spirits may be free and wiped clean from sin, our souls may still be bound in past pain or beliefs. When we take these places of weakness to Him, He can then cleanse us and remove any lies that the enemy has planted within us. Union with Jesus means being aligned with Him—spirit, soul, and body. 

We’re stepping into a new day as a Church, and we’re going to discover greater revelation of His Word than we’ve ever known before. It’s not about achieving perfection in order to be in relationship with Jesus. It’s about allowing Him to perfect us through a relationship with Him. It’s through His presence that we attain perfection—this is what breaks off any kind of religious striving exhaustion. Let a fresh faith and the purification of His love be activated in you today.