Dec. 4, 2023

Leaning on Jesus & Grace to Surrender

Leaning on Jesus & Grace to Surrender
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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright

“As we lean on Jesus, we become unrecognizable. The pain that was supposed to distort us then comes, and Jesus turns it around, and we end up looking like our Beloved.” - Stephanie Claiborne

God is inviting us to lean into Him in this season, because it is there that transformation, healing, wholeness, and restoration are found. In this episode, Liz connects with Stephanie Claiborne, CEO, President, and Co-Founder of Heart of Gold Ministries International. Stephanie shares her testimonies of how she has seen the Lord working within the IMC (International Mentoring Community) and the recent revelations that the Lord has unlocked for her that is meant for the Body.

In the pursuit of a deeper union with God, and a greater freedom to walk in the fullness of who He has created us to be, the IMC has had thousands of testimonies—and recently, some specific to people getting freedom from trauma. In this time of intentional growth and development, we are watching people blossom, shed old mindsets and old perspectives of themselves. That’s a reset of your heart that only God can do, and in IMC, there is a very pure, very holy way that the Holy Spirit is moving. We’re living consistently from the strength of our union with Him, by faith, not by sight. One of the keys unlocked for Stephanie that she shares throughout the episode is regarding the transformation that comes from wholly leaning on our Beloved Jesus, as seen in Song of Solomon 8:5. When we take the opportunity to lean into what the Lord is doing, we come out of these seasons with testimonies. Leaning on Him looks like letting go on the inside, trusting that the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for you is true and looking to Him to meet your every need. If you’re struggling with unbelief or overwhelm, receive this time of prayer and allow your heart to lean into Him and rest. During this time, you are also being invited to receive a prayer of grace for a deeper surrender, a greater boldness, and a faith to experience healing and wholeness. As you listen to these keys and hear Liz and Stephanie’s prayers, we believe that you will receive the grace to lean on your Beloved, to access the breakthroughs of healing and wholeness, and to walk in a greater union with the Body and with Christ to be a powerful force for the Kingdom of God!