Nov. 13, 2023

Living in Optimum Health w/ Dr. Pete Sulack (Episode 188)

Living in Optimum Health w/ Dr. Pete Sulack (Episode 188)
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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright
“The Gospel is the power of a transformed life. In the midst of everything, God is there with us.” - Dr. Pete Sulack God has called us to be a people who live in optimum health and vitality! He has called us temples of His Holy Spirit, and as with everything given to us by Him, we are called to be good stewards of this temple. But in a stress-riddled world, how are we to do that? In this episode, Liz connects once more with author, chiropractor, and wellness expert Dr. Pete Sulack about the invitation to walk in holy health and wellness as we navigate our understanding and relationship with the true key to bodily health—resiliency—and what types of stress are helpful for the body’s ability to grow in being resilient. Dr. Pete unpacks how God, who is with us in every moment, situation, and circumstance, has appointed the body to adapt and adjust, and how necessary it is for it to come back to a place of rest in order to heal and learn.Stress is anything that takes your body away from rest and homeostasis. There is good stress and bad stress, but the truth is, real health is all about resilience. As long as our body can adapt and recover from stress, it is good for us—that’s the secret to health. So how do we build resilience to stress? We do three things: we seek to restore movement, to replenish vulnerabilities, and to retrain our lifestyles. One of the ways that we can partner with our bodies is through the work of fasting, and specifically, intermittent fasting, which provides a purposeful, healthy stressor to the body. The physical benefits of this are exceptional, ranging from resetting metabolic activity within the body to stripping the cells of free radicals, but there are spiritual benefits as well. On a deeper level, intermittent fasting provides a sense of intentional focus on what fuels the body, and how we are stewarding what God has given to us. “When I don’t pay attention to what’s in my body, whatever energy I experience is at the expense of corrosion within my own body,” says Dr. Pete. Our bodies are a gift. Everything we’ve been given, we have a calling to steward, and as such, it’s imperative that we steward the temple of God given to us in our bodies. The world needs us to have our health in order. Our health is instrumental to walking out the call of God on our lives. It increases our spiritual sensitivity and clears our minds, calling us into a deeper intimacy with God. As we close our time, experience a declarative prayer by Dr. Pete over bodies for healing, wholeness, and health to be restored to the perfection that Christ paid for on the Cross.