Dec. 30, 2022

Living Unoffendable with Patricia King (144)

Living Unoffendable with Patricia King (144)
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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright

What would it be like if the body of Christ lived without offense? Apostolic and prophetic minister Patricia King joins Liz for a conversation about living with a conviction of love. With deep compassion and a heart for spreading the authentic love of Jesus, Patricia shares keys for sustaining your walk with Him in the midst of difficult or challenging circumstances. It all comes down to knowing the love of God and embracing the power of the cross. This is what it means to live a Kingdom-lifestyle.


“If I want to be skilled in love, if I want to grow in love, if that is to be my greatest aim, I need to embrace an unoffendable life.” - Patricia King

What would it be like if the body of Christ lived without offense? If love was at the center of it all? Apostolic and prophetic minister Patricia King joins Liz for a conversation about living with a conviction of love. With deep compassion and a heart for spreading the authentic love of Jesus, Patricia shares keys for sustaining your walk with Him in the midst of difficult or challenging circumstances. It all comes down to knowing and remembering the love of God. No matter what you face in your life—trials, persecution, condemnation, discouragement—you must choose to embrace the power of the cross. His resurrection made it so that we could live a resurrected, new creation life, and every day we have the opportunity to pick up our cross and follow Him. 

In this season, the Lord is sweeping through the Church, healing hearts and purifying His people. It’s easy, with everything going on in the world right now, to take offense at people or situations, but Patricia explains the danger in allowing offense into your heart and shares how she was called by the Lord to live without offense. Yet how do we live an unoffendable life? It starts with love. Choosing love in any and all circumstances. Making it our greatest aim and goal in life. It takes time and it takes practice, but it is so worth it. Without love at the center, our hearts become muddled with things that are not of the Lord. 

This message is so incredibly important for the Church, especially in this hour. We must get hold of this truth and begin to step into it. So much of the affliction and warfare that plagues the Church is caused from a root of offense. When we move back into a place of love and divine perspective in whatever situations we face, breakthrough comes and everything changes. This is what it means to live from His Kingdom. Be encouraged today as you learn to live from partnership and union with Jesus and embody His truth in this world.

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In these polarizing times, one of the biggest challenges is to overcome offense. Patricia King writes from the heart as she shows us a better way to live, overflowing with God’s love instead of offense. No matter your background, culture, or calling, this book has something to offer you. Live Unoffendable is a must-read for this generation.